,predicted 0,It is one of the most popular villages in Oman 1,Denmark was the first country to legalize pornography in 1969 2,He received his BSc in economics mathematics and statistics from the University of 3,Authentication with multiple databases can result in ambiguity in the theory of information 4,When Hofmeister was moved to Vienna in 1805 a number of works by the 5,The current formula for this index was introduced by J. M. Masterton and FA 6,It was discovered by a team of astronomers from the University of Hawaii led by Scott 7,The album consists of fifteen songs eight of which were recorded in Headley Gran 8,He was known by the ancient ancient Egyptians as the god of the Libu 9,This legend shows that in the 13th century three large Slavic peoples were aware 10,Every node in a tree is labeled with a tag given by a 11,Houllier announced that after playing in Lyon for two consecutive years now needed 12,In Beechsan this face is the Flesh which has been described in Persian 13,For a body on the θ θ = π 2 β = 1 and 14,The language of these people is a mixture of Turkish and Persian which 15,Blom and his wife were destroyed by Henry Wilson s Henry Wilcox s 16,His supporters believed that he remained a legal defender of the country 17,When the service was launched by DIAB early on November 30 1996 Btolc 18,i y y y y y y y y 19,Initially Chaplin asked Johnny Galecki to play the role but Galci thought 20,The currency s effective measurement measures the value of a country s money 21,It is located about 60 km to the west of Dushanbe and about 40 km to 22,The residents of this island are descendants of the expatriate who had been exiled 23,In 1926 he published his second treatise Point and Line to Page 24,Nambar Akhbaraar was President of Mongolia from 2005 to 2009 25,These motions are used as a limited physical access to areas where 26,In the early 20th century there were two main unions: the Empire and the 27,A typical example in humans is apolipoprotein B mRNA which does 28,In this case a such object can request a service from a given object of 29,After the collapse of the Western Roman Empire the Goths played a major role 30,Queen Nur al-Hussain was the fourth wife of King Hussein of Jordan 31,Running a spreadsheet of a certain chunk of the Server s 32,Iran is one of the greatest kingdoms in Iran 33,Research in differential-and-exponential calculus was one of the earliest day 34,Telephony-UIQ is an example of a phone structured program and companies typ 35,In May 2007 hundreds of protests were held in Iranian cities in protest of 36,The gulf of Africa which lies in almost equal distance from the equator 37,The areas under the influence of the United Kingdom and the United Kingdom became West Germany 38,While most of these remaining cohabitations are very fragile in 39,The Mediterranean climate is a feature of the Mediterranean Basin and a 40,His first novel Harry Potter was published when he was seven years old 41,Lions lion lion lion lion lion lion lion lion 42,In September 2012 after publishing a video about the life of the Islamic Prophet 43,The band performed a lot that made them early they spent time working on 44,They helped to improve diplomatic relations and the technologies of the rhinoceros 45,Paul Mette Herman is a French mathematician born in Leopoldsburg 46,Nancy s father was born in Morocco 47,He creates the moon god only as humans are not humans 48,Hérault attended the École des Beaux-Arts de la guerre de l 49,Attila was born in 1979 in Tehran and studied at the Shahid Beheshti University 50,This title replaced the Armenian as the Soviet Champion of the Soviet Union which 51,He was arrested along with a number of Shiraz students 52,Since then EBD has become increasingly concentrated on health care and specifically 53,He was chosen as the 2010 model for Nina Ricci 54,After marriage she joined the family s family 55,When the Pfr absorption of red-radiant light reaches the pr 56,The film received 11 Academy Awards nominations for the film 57,Phosphate is an important material in the human body because they are part of the 58,The maximum connected hubs are 5 and the maximum connected hubs are 127 59,Some of the largest living species in the world are in Taiwan 60,However essentially no any treatment at present exists 61,The word is derived from the words προς and κυνέω and κυνέω meaning 62,She is the younger sister of director Mesmer Meshmail Meshmail and the youngest child 63,It is also the southernmost point in Europe 64,Example: If colored compounds on a left-to-right resistance 65,As a result bone marrow is destroyed in the bone marrow 66,If the carbon in steel is less than 3% of its weight then it cannot be water 67,During the siege Alexander successfully used the mercenaries and mercenaries to 68,The length of a young whale is between 3.5 and 6.5 meters and the 69,I received letters from this goddess but during these two years I did 70,Although the WAWLETT has taken advantage of the combination of the combination 71,It borders Romania to the north Moldova to the east and Moldova to the east 72,A method of arboriculture is a sub-field of intelligence in which the 73,It has a wide variety of flowers including annual and annual flowers 74,Felix born in Rome was succeeded Pope Dionysius who died on 26 December 268 75,He was buried outside the royal tombs of the Ming Dynasty 76,It may also be used to allow a privileged institution to become a failure 77,Viper to Latin with dried and ground raisins 78,The frequency in which the data is collected will be variable but will wait until 79,Soviet assembly theory and their leading theoreticians believed the 80,The next day Dalton goes to drink 81,Inspired by the use of satire in their works and changing them based on 82,The band went on to join the band in 1982 83,The total length of the bridge was 80 meters if its height was 11 meters 84,Apart from the two-part translations of Jean-Claude Maffe s 1980 work No 85,In computational statistics batch screening is a method of estimating variance 86,There were 66 militants from November 4 1979 to January 20 1981 87,The two new services of the Radio Free Iraqi Radio and Part of Persian Radio were 88,The galactic galactic galactic galactic galactic galactic 89,In Europe the secret list of 26 known fragrance substances is granted on March 11 90,At the end she meets Demetrius and meets Darren 91,At the 2006 census its population was 233 in 233 families 92,Ethiopia accounts for approximately 4% of GDP and 5% of GDP 93,Voyager 2 observed that the entropy of Uranus and Neptune is 94,In order to reduce the average cost we must have a certain information regarding 95,The company currently represents about 80 000 patents 96,The Islamic School of Islamic Culture in Russia was opened in 1991 in Moscow 97,In 1973 he appointed William E. Simon as the first director and head of the Federal Reserve 98,The wave function evolves by the Schrödinger equation and does not 99,Specifically chemical stains have recently migrated to far-reaching areas 100,She was the daughter of Meñli I Giray of Khan 101,Currently most hydrochloric acid is consumed by the manufacturer 102,The Second UEFA Super Cup was held from 1998 to 2012 103,On 17 December the newspaper published The New York Times s article Anti-Christianity 104,Examples of these gardens are the Mausoleum of the Throne of the King 105,However most of the small and medium-sized skeletons are used by humans 106,Prisoners of SAVAK and human rights organisations accused a number of SAVAK 107,In 2003 Rolling Stone was ranked 12 on Rolling Stone s list of all- 108,He was sentenced to eight years in jail 109,In 2002 he published another book The Best Thing No More Thing that can nothing be 110,Even in cases where the object is not directly observable the shape of the same 111,In the reign of Moricon after about 600 years of war between Rome and Rome 112,At the same time a fixed absorption of water and soluble material from the 113,With Gerard Pius Michael Pitt James Arness and Ward Bonded 114,Schools villages villages temples temples mosques and even mosque 115,Treatment with mild psychotic and psychotic medications is effective in some patients 116,One priest who believed that he would kill a species from the abode 117,The use of green roofing on roofs is not a new one 118,In 1971 he published a collection of stories that sold millions of copies 119,It is currently in the National Museum of History of Azerbaijan 120,The following relationship is between these events: 121,Anmerkar requests that the city becomes efficient and sends precious 122,On January 4 1960 Albert Camus died in a ransom in Luberon 123,Urban farms can allow urban growers to interact with livestock and products 124,Children with this condition are usually less than 10 years old 125,A significant number of PAKE protocols employed by M. Bellare D. Point 126,C.S.C.C.E.L.C.E.L.C 127,He was Minister of Foreign Affairs from 1991 to 1993 128,As a result of obesity the disease is known as a cause of 129,The design of the HST was developed in the 1970s for the F-14 Tempest 130,University ranked 77th in the World Academic Rankings 131,From 1944 to 1971 the Bretton Woods planned the value of the U.S. dollar 132,In humans it has been recognized as one of the most important portions of 133,The river runs through the mountainous valley of the Turkish Bohemian plain 134,Between 1826 and 1833 he was a professor of philosophy at the University of 135,Shortly after Gardner a student at Columbia College traveled to New York to discuss the 136,Glasder is an international technical and engineering company that provides consulting design and construction services 137,The first national tournament of Karlsruhe was held on October 11 2003 against Algeria 138,After that year he was invited to Iran by invitation of Seyyed Hossein Ze 139,It is the oldest owned subsidiary of the company 140,Observers claim that he predicted many major events such as the Great Fire of London 141,Thus if i=0 or j=0 then one of the sequence has a 142,In Russia he wrote a book called the defense of riba 143,They typically enter the body either through contact with the skin brushes or through 144,In fact the Charter of Arthropuach was the first full-time period of history 145,It was formed from the Union of Russia and territorial territories of separatism 146,Harry Potter and the Philosopher s Stone: Harry Potter and the Philosopher s Stone 147,If the parent node is not the parent node then go to the second step 148,Let s suppose that there are two positive integers x and y 149,Waxed clothing: clothing garments salts and other textile material 150,He is the son of Jafar Khan Zand and grandson of Karim Khan 151,After the discovery of the atomic nucleus by Ernest Rutherford in 1911 Anton 152,The election took place after the Republican election 153,These items reflect the indigenous sources of Iranian sources in geography 154,Max Jackson who has been a full-time writer since 1995 has best known for his 155,The show was so crowd-controllable that a highway near the concert venue 156,In the PLC industry more than 1 000 companies have worked in various types of 157,The United Nations Security Council Resolution No 158,For her she used to fight the phobia before any other subject by means of psychoanalytic 159,The sculpture was designed by Professor York Perry 160,The novel takes a limited boundary between the first person and the first 161,However the Catholic priests left them under their guidance and arranged 162,The universe became denser and hotter to achieve a state similar to that of the 163,The flowers have three flags and a logo corresponding to the three-branched 164,Relative opposition to homosexuals opposition to abortion and the research of abortifacient 165,In the 1930s and 1950s many of the films which are now known as classic 166,However significantly significant improvements can be made to reduce the energy consumption 167,In Europe immigration do not play an important role in the growth rate of their population 168,However researchers from places like England and Turkey have reported higher than 20 169,The death occurs after six to sixteen hours after symptoms 170,Since 2005 he has been a vegan and usually referred to as a 171,The election was expected to be held on 3 June with the extension of 30 June which 172,The ICLEI Group or local governments for sustainable development was founded in 1990 and 173,A seasonal correction in statistics is performed by a statistical software such as 174,He also explained the difficulties he faced as a black-haired black 175,He taught French at elementary school and in 1980 he taught French in French 176,A large body consisting of a large body of fat and a sickle and 177,Because of the continuing stop the machine is able to decide if the given string 178,Copper tablets are used to reduce pain 179,On the evening of 29 June the Los Angeles Medical Center announced that after a phone 180,For example individual loans would pay lower interest rates than firms but may not 181,The GNU Project had a large number of components needed for a free operating system 182,While other workers are not able to work with him other local merchants do 183,The story is further complicated by finding ways to hide it from one’ 184,A drop of the solution will drop 2 a day in the eye 185,Italian playwrights were fascinated by Italian idioms: a family of Italian 186,Dexter tries to get him out of a storm after all he thinks she has 187,The tropical tropical climate is temperate with annual precipitation of up to 188,A large problem with the wind tunnels was that the air blocked from the model could 189,A given asset reduces the value if the withdrawal amount of the asset is 190,This system was written using only Java and SmartPassword 191,Abu-l-Hassan Khan was an Iranian painter and sculptor 192,A variety of dance styles are ballet ballet flutes folk dance corporal dance corporal 193,The first book of the language was written in 1753 194,Humanism promotes the use of science and science freely for human survival 195,Marshmallow Satrapi is a French writer and film director 196,Special commissions were created to separate non-Muslim mercenaries from each other 197,He warned that economic policy of Ahmadinejad leads to deflation and has made 198,Suppose that the Tetrahedron is divided into a number of surfaces or floor 199,The slave tutor s rights are unlimited 200,It was depicted by Libby Carallotta as a satirical and satirical 201,Because biliaritis tends to become chronic for a long time treatment may 202,In late 2002 he began a relationship with Steven Claper in a newly 203,He received a bachelor s degree in Persian Language and Literature from Shira 204,Depending on the browser and version it may vary among similar terms such as plugin- 205,In modern times interested people often search for a local patrol 206,After the invasion of Iraq Saddam Hussein s Ba ath regime became 207,PDKI is a Polish-based electrical company based in Wrocław 208,A hundred people watched for a ticket on the night because the only benefit was 209,After the collapse of Iran s diplomatic relationship with Iran Iranian troops were 210,After the death of Edgel in 1853 McKesson became McKesson s 211,The total number of Lodge members in the United States is only slightly less than two million 212,Triple H was able to defend the title for the next two consecutive consecutive 213,One of the most important effects of this war was the Declaration of Belfort which grant 214,The Pythagorean hypothesis in mathematics is a theory of the size 215,The Parachute structure of the lake was already obscured until the investigation of photograph 216,Because her father loved a son of a son she was often called 217,In this type of attack the criminal acts as the starting element between the user and 218,At the end of the war Rafsanjani was appointed as the head of the 219,The Carthage commander-in-chief of Heybach managed to pass Mount Alap 220,They are reliable on enzymes such as DNA-deoxyhydrogenase and 221,They quoted Professor Jeffrey Frankel of Harvard University that if God is not in 222,Many animals especially large mammals especially mammals were adapted to this climate 223,They are the largest group of foxes 224,He took Okinawa and his paintings of everyday life and scenes which 225,When he was in Oregon he worked as a developer on the DYNIX 226,During the Tang period there was a rich tradition of artists 227,The religion is rooted in ancient Sanskrit religion which originated in ancient India 228,Similarly malware use often uses JavaScript sometimes using cross-site script 229,Interactive game mechanisms may be used to manage time and remit maintain and self- 230,Ansar Burney is the son-in-law of Mohammad Khatami 231,The University of Arts and Design as well as his sister was established in a place 232,He composed most of his poetry in his poetry 233,Perchlorithiste is a protein that is coded in humans by the COR 234,Julia is concerned with herself while learning to embody Gabriel s feelings 235,The encryption materials used by most HSMs are not symmetrical key pairs 236,One of the five players who have had an overall score of more than 50% their 237,Six Feet Under performed for the first time at a club in 1993 and performed 238,Koch earned a bachelor s degree from Duke University and a master 239,The system displays a film producing 12 channels each having six 240,In February 2012 Penthouse announced it would be the Penthouse Pet for March 2012 241,The Institute was affiliated with the Berlin Philharmonic which held a gala every year 242,This contrasts with the conventional method of national accounting in which many added and 243,We planned it for 15 000 to 200 000 people 244,Because Camíhua is only 17 km to the border with Turkey it is 245,The Christian thinkers of the scholastic school especially Pius Abelard and Thomas Aquinas 246,It was the fourth medieval city to form the city of Delhi in India 247,Currently with smaller variations in the syntax and the process of related to 248,Freemasonry committed suicide in the United States after being hijacked by Freemasons 249,On March 19 the same year the recording of the Whole Lotta Wreck and the 250,Alexander Munch was a French photographer and photographer 251,After the merger with the British Motor Company in 1968 it became part of the 252,A very simple solution is to ignoring these words 253,One of them is known as the Seventh Sign because of the seven first seven 254,Shevma is the brother brother of Shevma whom she is estranged from 255,In the late 15th century Portuguese explorer Bartholomeo de Toledo nicknamed 256,Many of the offices in Paris which are still in the central limit of the city are 257,In 2008 it was chosen as the cultural capital of the Arab World 258,It specifies the user s working model at a logical level 259,At the end of the season Esteghlal became the first team to win the Asian Cup 260,The film was originally planned to be filmed because of the many avenues 261,The 70s Grand Lodges and Grand Lodges are in the list 262,The book was translated and published by S.H.I.I.I. 263,There were serious violence but Rourke had prevented tens of thousands of 264,In practice when the factors are very large the algorithm p-1 to 1 265,Russia: Division of Foreign Cultural Research Library Kofi Annan edited by Goldstein 266,For example all sectors of the industry agriculture and trade associations are coordinated by the 267,It was founded by the Indian natives from Northwestern to Kandahar and Kabul 268,She was married to actor and singer Frank Sinatra 269,Pedro Jose is described as following the myths and myths of his past 270,It is bordered to the north by the Province of Moldova to the north by the 271,One of these advances was the interaction between computational theory and computer science 272,In recent versions of IceWM their support is proprietary 273,Scientists such as Karl von Frisch in the early 1900s and later Randolf Men 274,However the groups are expected to be willing to wait for them and not wait for 275,Additionally Delacroze maintained the record of landing and landing at its 276,In the combustion room or Combustion Chamber the air enters the combustion chamber 277,At the time of Gurdjieff s leadership Gorbachev was known as Gur 278,When the Nagoya stadium was opened in 1964 it had 23 000 people attending 279,This material is a reduction factor leading to its oxidation in the process 280,In 1973 Ecuador was added to the Ecuadorian Ministry of Oil but in 1992 281,During the Age of Enlightenment during the Age of Enlightenment a 282,The border is bordered to the east by the Black Sea to the southwest by 283,There are a large number of salt lake and low-lying areas in the e 284,A reverse proxy server like a proxy server is an intermediary but it is 285,He received the Kelor National Geographic Medal in 1939 and the Victoria Medal in 286,where 1 is a fraction of prime numbers and a fraction of prime 287,He presided ten years each in the United Nations in Manhattan 288,The Messiah had a son who was a sheep for a man 289,The earthquake is felt by most indoors and a small number of indoor 290,This was difficult to do so because the LCR led by Goldsmith led by Goldsmith 291,He studied psychology at the University of Tehran 292,In that year he helped `Abdu l-Baha against his uncle 293,The spoken language of the species is sometimes referred to as the language of the 294,Filming began in 1995 at the 2005 Cannes Film Festival 295,In the 1960s we built the underlying library which was used in antenna engineering 296,When using a timer chip in the monoaxial mode the main disadvantage is that 297,Whereas OTC analysts can only use their resulting information on the relevant 298,Other sources of sodium including sodium which is often used as 299,He worked in a variety of newspapers and had a large share in 300,Note that in such a valley which does not contain a loop the 301,His father was born in Delhi but raised in Delhi 302,When he was a teenager he was sent to Auschwitz-Birkenau in 303,At the afternoon McMahon s room is attacked by Laurence s 304,The apparent spatial shift order and the type of data extracted from the sample are 305,Frodo was influenced by the Ring of the Ring and became a powerful 306,Various forms of formal grammar are known that demonstrate a formal language by 307,On 15 January 1878 he declared war against the Ottomans 308,In 1994 Iazu presented a special standard number for technical reporting under ISO 309,In the case of IS-95 95 codes for signal encryption are used to separate 310,It was the first touring tour in the Netherlands that year 311,The tower uses modernist design and it lasted four years 312,The Indian Communist Centre was a communist group in Punjab India 313,Instead Step 5 provided a runtime logic programming package called Graph 5 314,However in the late third millennium BC in northern Afghanistan and from Uzbekistan 315,Specie Circular of Colonia Colonia Colonia Colonia Colonia Colonia Colonia 316,In 1939 the German government sent over 7 500 books of mixed content to Iran 317,In 1996 the entire crew of Rockwell International including Northern Amrica and Rock 318,This causes an increased inflow of internal organs such as the uterus 319,Before the Iranian Revolution all foreign media outlets in Iran had been authorized to 320,The two ultimately married and together opened a protest camp at San Martin Street 321,These principles helped him explain the phase change of the two substances 322,Many of his books have been published in England 323,She was the first Iranian woman to write in the Persian Persian language 324,However in some cases the growth of a dandelion or grey-green 325,Errors generated from the server are not supported by the server 326,Smoptic nerves and parasympathetic and parasympathetic nerves 327,The amount for a substance is equal to the mass of the number of substanc 328,The club is maintained by the Football International Museum in England 329,Construction of the prison began in 1945 330,It is generally a longer term translation is better 331,Unlike Greek mythology a minimum of individuals adhere to it without 332,At 40 km north of Naples one of the largest and most spectacular cemeteries 333,The practices of Units of Sustainable America are used by the American Landscape Urban Society 334,The environment for Komodo dragons is hot and dry and is generally living in open and 335,He was defeated and killed 336,The T cells after swaying antibodies during a pre-infected 337,During the years leading up to hundreds of years the Institut Pasteur has found 338,With her father s help her father successfully trained in a piloting school 339,There are also some games that join their respective genres such as role-playing games 340,Heat pumps can work for more than 20 years with low maintenance requirements 341,As a result they remain on the same side of the polygon 342,It must have the ability to create early communications in its own sphere of specializ 343,The elbows were small and the elbows were small and the elbows were 344,Prior to STS-9 Bayott defended the 56-day presence in orbit in 1973 345,The ancient Egyptians claimed that the city was one of the greatest civilizations 346,According to Smith Smith said I thought I would have separated the song from my head 347,In this case the simplest method is to use the data tree data structure that repeats 348,In 2002 and 2003 they have achieved the acquisition of Control Solution and MicroSign 349,In radiometric physics the unit is equivalent to watt per square metre but in the 350,Mary married Lee O. Brân in 1934 351,The film is filled with his love for art and his illness 352,For this reason his diary of a thousand years had become extinct and 353,Elijah ben Joseph ben José ben José was a Spanish Jewish philosopher 354,In advocating for human rights and development the primary concerns of this process are 355,Despite the low marketing budget the Apple started generating a small revenue of 356,He currently lives in the United States and works at Stanford University 357,It was announced a week before the release of My World Tour 358,After successfully serving as a Deputy Minister of Defense Rafsa 359,The term comes in reference to a wide variety of rituals 360,She won two silver medals at the 1992 Summer Olympics and at the 1996 Summer 361,Touching of the pain helps to ensure the patient is aware of symptoms and 362,The discovery of the Maiaura plantations in Montana showed that the care of 363,The first spacewalk on the Moon was conducted on 29 July of the same year by 364,In the 1970s with Barry Barnett their main objective was to counteract 365,During the reign of Darius during the reign of Darius during the 366,However because of the political struggles with the society led to a period 367,Lima s climate can be mild because despite its shallow climate 368,Behavioral finance is a field that has grown over the past two decades in 369,The explosion was planned during the siege 370,A U.S. engineer named Shater who had been a counselor in 371,In spite of the higher exposure to uncooled lenses the higher 372,It has been suggested that more than a hundred years later the Abbasid Caliph 373,Mc Donald believed that Leo Strauss was a Jew and was one of the 374,He also introduced Alexander to English literature 375,She remained in Gmaanami and continued her life 376,In the early 1950s as part of the government of India Bhutto Khan s brother 377,In fact searching for new pumpkin seeds was part of the natural activities of the company 378,It is estimated that post-hoc vaccines affect about 4% of the Western 379,He moved to Malia after another illness 380,The song has also reached number 1 on both the US pop and adult pop charts 381,On the 21st day of the 2nd of December 1959 the dam was defeated and 382,In 1997 Naomi married Nadia Panabaker Middleman who was a lawyer and 383,He was a spiritual and spiritual leader for the struggle against the British Raj in 384,However when they reached the throne they turned their 385,After his retirement from football Mahy teamed up with Gerard Ruthe 386,Classicism is a traditionalist school of tradition in literature and art particularly imitating 387,Paper production has been increasing rapidly in Europe 388,He was sentenced to one year in prison 389,Although it was not intentional to do so the company agreed and in 1915 Rolf 390,We would never be very kindly acquainted with our neighbours but 391,According to Ibn Jaqezi it is believed that at the time of the 392,Five armed U.S. forces tried to rape a 14-year-old 393,In September 2003 the C-clef was abandoned and the system was translated into Java 394,If a connected graph is 2k and have odd pairs of vertices it is 395,The heart block has two subtypes: Mobitz II and Mobitz II. Mob 396,svg|Sasarindō the blossom leaves and cherry blossom 397,He received four RIAA awards including the most successful breakthrough and the 398,Verne s lack of involvement in the country s affairs and his in 399,Through this resistance the Ottomans dispatched men and munitions and captured the 400,It remained one of the most important provinces of the Byzantine Empire 401,The existence of the ureduct was suggested in the 1950s by the Australian 402,For r = 1 and r = 2 the sample mean and variance of 403,White phosphorus is extremely poisonous and in most cases exposed to it 404,In one period each element of its former element has a protons and an electron 405,Borland was frustrated by the design of Paradox Windows and dBase Windows 406,Memory can be classified as SRAM Flip Flop or any other memory suite 407,The parasite is a genus of parasites and parasites 408,But the Lord did not accept and said to the angels that they were out of the 409,He had a large scarlet and a chest and had no aesthetics due to 410,The first criticisms were made by philosopher Ned Block who believed that Jetty 411,The University of Kardan the first private university in Afghanistan was established in 2003 412,Inounu graduated from the Military Academy as a military officer and 413,Most contemporary scholars believe that the Bible was written by an influential Christian author 414,James Rhodes hires himself as the personal pilot of Stark 415,The next step began when Titian at Venice and Raphael at Rome worked 416,The subject of aggressive reactions is also significant in behavioral finance 417,While the sections of Listening and Speaking for academic and general training are 418,His works have sold more than 25 million copies and has been translated into more than 40 419,It is currently spoken in Iraq and Syria 420,In the film s speech Del Toro congratulated Guevara and director Steven So 421,The United States renewed diplomatic relations with Iran for ten years 422,In the latter part of this time Nadia became a fellow speaker at the 423,Although Faulkner s works have been published almost entirely 424,Due to the natural action of the body to escape from water it is usually used 425,The project was announced on 28 October 1991 at the American National Aeronautics and Space 426,T on Rapper and Paul Erdős vs 427,The festival is held in December in Havana capital Cuba 428,The young Stark is shocked and this shock breaks the mental control of the 429,You must send the flow d from s to t 430,In fact Japan and Germany are the second and third largest United States People s 431,The slogan is either in German or in English 432,The man leaves and attempts to escape but is forced to flee 433,Throughout the 1930s and 1940s TI-kon developed a dramatic and 434,It was designed and built by Adam Driver in 2002 435,Some federal constitutional amendments also require that specific amendments to the Constitution can 436,Mathematical control is a theoretical and applied mathematical theory 437,He spent 18 years in Naqsh-e-Kezd and mountain ranges and 438,With Sir Sanders Hancey Antony Cohen Jamie Oakley and James Glassman 439,The county has a weekly newspaper called The Rosicrucian which is 440,At this time he was appointed ambassador to Iraq 441,The aircraft reached the end of the afternoon when it was too cloud 442,In 1954 when Zima was chosen as the site of nuclear experiments the city 443,For the development of JSCRIPT.NET there was not yet a complete access to ActiveX 444,She was nominated for Best Female Film at the 41st International Film Festival for a 445,In the first decade of the 1950s Nissan was adopted as a successful Japanese 446,In Islam a miswak or siwak which is the root or branch of a 447,It was built in the nineteenth century and was annexed to the Cathedral 448,She died in 1964 and her sons attended her funeral 449,Astronomers from the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics reported that at 450,and increasing mutual conjecture into two rounds of strategy 451,Han Dynasty destroyed Mankoudoun and in northern Korea established four 452,As a result although the Messiah rejected the doctrine of the 453,The aim was to promote awareness and attention to the issues he had been looking for 454,After joining Liverpool Torres hoped to be able to score a few goals 455,Horizontal: The use of horizontal structure in architectural construction rather than rely on 456,Seven grossed $2 140 million in its opening weekend 457,In 2004 Keystone published the controversial article The End of Information in a Big 458,He had two brothers Robert Shirley and Thomas Shirley 459,In Brenda Laurel s book Dare to Serve as a Theatre he explains 460,The goal is to give a patient a reference to that source such as a p 461,They may also have phonographs graphics and sound effects 462,Research showed that the 1948–1951 census of the Somerton Man was now lost and 463,In one of the windows one of the burners was fully statorized and 464,During the Iran–Iraq War more than 99% of Iran s oil was exported 465,In November of that year Geffen released the singles record for John Lennon and 466,In the city of Baveying there is a proverb in the city of Bavey 467,On his return because Marcus Del Dumbled rescues him from the palace he 468,He worked at a college and a municipal headquarters for a year and 469,Then Laurisson sold his label to Nas Interactive and was replaced by Steve Errick 470,The seven days of man connects him with the outer world as the seven planets connect 471,In Jewish texts it is said that Samuel was so happy God spokes to him 472,In 2009 she published her first book Where Are You Baba? about her relationship with two 473,He began his career by sculpting interior paintings and tiles for large 474,The observes of stars distribution galaxies distributions and larger structures help build out more 475,When David escaped from Jerusalem as a result of the plot he ordered the Ark 476,With these proofs if the logarithm is a ratio of the 477,1 year later two others called for psychological operations were added to the 23rd structure 478,About 8% of the population is from Nepal 479,He later explained to him that she was already a doll of the game night 480,According to his writings when the Persians arrived in the city a 481,From one side the French wanted to occupy the island of Port-marton and the 482,Since the 1990s alternative rock became dominant across rock and subdivided into sub 483,He returned to Tehran via Herat and Mashhad in March 1864 where he 484,The two kingfishers placed the royal lodge while the four kingfisher 485,Some critics consider the presentation of the movement as a style of social and political 486,Educational training: The HERS candidate must participate in a HERS training course 487,The University of Göttingen is the third-largest university in Norway 488,It was revealed that the majority of the crew were actually Skrull 489,The linear coordinate system provides a general description of the standard coordinates 490,This phase consists of a series of biochemical processes the sperm moves soft 491,At the time of power failure VoIP services are not usually implemented 492,Once a computer is sent to the network the data is automatically encrypted by 493,The meridian 153° east of Greenwich is a line of longitude that extends 494,Gibbs and Thomas and Neuss demonstrated that the number of colors needed for a 495,Miniwiz was also developed by two researchers at Vrije Universiteit Nederland where 496,The next year the school moved to Rancourt 497,For earth-air heat exchangers not all areas and sites are not suitable 498,Some industrial incubating machines are large which hold up to and maintain up to 499,He later said that I really don t want to give a few choices 500,The practitioners of metacognition or trustworthiness had continued to refine and 501,Correspondingly with Newton Christian Hughes was a proponent of another explanation in 502,When the film was written the novel was still in print and was released in 1990 503,Since a single gainless antenna has a g.2.15 dBi 504,The book includes ten plays told in dialogues between Socrates and others 505,The National Library of Thailand was created on 12 October 1905 from the merger of the 506,Synchronization is possible without halting the fluid flow 507,The calculation with the theoretical energy levels of the macroscopic macroscopic macroscopic 508,The construction of Mount Rushmore was 14 years old from 1927 to 1941 509,She is a freed woman and a freed woman 510,The purpose of a process exploration is to analyze the events estimated 511,The research also concluded that the age and size of the ureter are not a 512,A modern bicycle line in South Korea has a solar roof for cyclists from the 513,The interior part is covered with a relatively thin layer of foundation which 514,Badisoudak was born in the city of Qom in Iraqi Kurdistan 515,Second language acquisition refers to what learner learns not what the learner s 516,The word is derived from the word literally from the word literally from the word liter 517,In Icon Icon a find function is a generator and the next instance of the string 518,1964 - Winners of the Special and Screen Actors Guild Awards at the 519,Brazil Kazakhstan and Canada are the other suppliers of asbestos 520,Zeus was rescued by Rhea and Gaia 521,The materials used for the creation of jewelers in Egypt from 3000 B.C. 522,It was adopted in 1978 and replaced by A Nicaragua Deep Purple 523,Treasury affairs were led by Horácios Horácios which supervised 524,The Turkic languages are a language family of thirty and five languages commonly 525,There are also vegetables such as corn walnut figs and potatoes in the 526,This section includes many influential papers based on many magical formulas such as 527,He graduated from Kadıköy İntalı High School and graduated from the 528,For this reason genetic drift causes a change in gene frequency in a 529,A number of areas occupied by the United States after 1945 return to Japan 530,In post-operative treatment of excess circulating blood and shock when other excess 531,These units included a variety of engineering fields such as mechanics agriculture 532,Today building information modeling is a wide variety of usages ranging from design 533,Once upon seeing Motoyasu she starts revealing that she had been 534,Monroe is regarded as one of the most intelligent women in the world 535,However due to their strong supporters the petition resumed 536,Football ball is a ball used for various types of football matches 537,Many of these technologies have the potential for the power generation to be no longer possible 538,A public key will be encrypted into a sequence of bytes 539,In November 1960 John F. Kennedy was elected President of the United States 540,In 1962 Pak became the Ambassador of Mexico to India 541,NASA Archives includes objects with a mass equal to or less than 30 times 542,He was awarded the British Literary Award to Iranian journalist and human rights 543,The three novels sold more than 35 million copies worldwide and had more than 70 million 544,As previously reported Saint Pierre received a great deal of solar radiation throughout 545,He was born in Madrid Spain at the age of 14 546,Using this background the Environmental Management Center as a professional backup home for environmental 547,Naraini was an Indian novelist short story writer and short story writer 548,The next day José Kate and Ana leave Ana for a coffee and Ana leave 549,According to some he was a descendant of the Song Dynasty of the Song D 550,The use of hypnotic dictionaries as a standard format for English poetry and 551,In 1955 the first Portuguese cocker game in Portugal under the command of the Air Force was 552,Thermal displacement and heat dissipation techniques allow the building to store and dissipate heat 553,The ranking of trust is a linked-on phenomenon described in the article 554,A study of the University of British Columbia and FPInnovations showed that wood’s 555,He published a number of modern Middle Eastern texts and is the translator of 556,The Canadian Lale Festival is named after the largest Lale festival throughout the 557,This period is usually called PGY1 and PGY2 558,After Sweden s defeat Sweden reached the quarter-finals 559,Researchers were able to control the density and orientation of these threads 560,It is spoken in the official languages of Yahweh but in local dictionaries it 561,The first floor has a supermarket and office space 562,The project is a joint venture of the Planet Earth department at the University of 563,It was the successor of Avro 604 one of the most prominent First World War 564,The Kaoul Prize was first presented in Oslo on 9 September 2008 565,Scholars believe that psoriasis among various skin conditions with the name of the 566,But oak moss was made independently of each other 567,These include the Golden Globes and Screen Actors Guild Awards for Best Director and 568,According to the Arab League two thirds of the Arab countries have reached less 569,She warns Alan that the non-logical Alan is still in the cabin and shows him 570,The pop symbolises the symbols of spiritual power and the black key symbolises the 571,Historically this period was similar to the Renaissance of the 16th century in Italy 572,The first season received awards and nominations including four Emmy nominations 573,Most of these devices are using low-level dc injections on the line 574,The man was eventually given a sixty-year permit for returning to the 575,From 1931 to today Real Madrid failed to defeat Barcelona for 85 years when they 576,The most common astronomical month is when the sun moves in its appearance on the 577,The second edition of Trust Records was the second album to be released in the United States on 578,Mehman was a 14-year-old whose parents separated and he moved to 579,In 1947 the region was divided into two parts: west Bengal and west Bengal 580,3 in D Major and BWV 1068 Air – written by Johann Sebastian Bach and perform 581,Scientists have found that whole grain meat is higher in moisture than total 582,It is also concerned with tension and consumption for consumers 583,The IUCN also lists two endemic species a semi-billed 584,CARNITIN is a sheep sheep sheep sheep and 585,When combined with some other metals and carbon to form steel the different kinds of 586,He graduated with a degree in Infectious Diseases from Paris University in 587,Many units also have traces of vertices reflectors or even curved lenses aid 588,Mark grew up in southern California and was interested in basketball because of his 589,This phenomenon was first photographidated during the Mapping Program in the 1960s 590,About 8% of people in Indonesia are Muslim Christian and Muslim 591,He was appointed Chief Executive of Karroubi and then appointed Chairman of the 592,Tomato sauce which is a self-serving sauce is a sauce 593,However upon pursuing the fate Aphrodite reveals that Titan 594,He defeated Zhu Jianqi but when Zhu Jianqi defeated his army 595,In this case reading and reading is very simple and very fast 596,The upper easternmost species is the easternmost species of the 597,Some believe that the use of halioms would eliminate the tendency to read write 598,The species is known as the ideal tree for the acid field on both sides of the 599,According to a psychiatric surgeon who believed that music could 600,A complete list of eposses is available in iTunes 601,It was taken to a place where the water stood between the water 602,When his return to England he wanted to recall the colonies in their war 603,The name Samba comes after the grep command grep in the dictionary of the system 604,Other types of modeling include dynamic systems and event models 605,All you are right all that is not to me and everyone has created a thing that 606,This was very different from what had been previously reported in Scotland ten years before 607,In February 1917 for five years Leninism was the Russian branch of Marxist economics and 608,Grace is a 2013 American action crime drama film starring Sandra Gomez and Evan Ha 609,Turkey has a good climate and has many tourist attractions 610,Each expression of RDF is expressed as a group of propositions and 611,The remains of the Twelfth Chronicle of Naples and Ladislaus 612,Participants in the Church Council and other chambers of discussion were driven away from 613,Marnie experiences an allergic reaction to red color 614,Austria had suggested a host to the 2004 UEFA Euro to win the Euro 615,In the United States and Canada he studied philosophy at the University of Toronto 616,The play which was translated into English in 1920 has been translated into three languages 617,She received a Golden Globe Award nomination for Best Actor in the Hollywood Film Festival 618,The site consists of a rectangular space of which is 189 hectares of 619,Before the advent of the PostScript language printers would print the output using 620,and objects were also considered symbolic subjects to benefit from the gods 621,TAT-8 can transmit up to 10 times as many phones as they use copper 622,These are distinguished from the emissions caused by the combustion of fuels 623,There are three medicinal symbols which are used as medicine and chimpanzee symbol 624,Armeniacus Governor of the Armenian Governorate and later Buenos Aires 625,In keeping with AT T s executive director he implemented a four-phase 626,Clap says that details of Bundy s details of the area where the 627,2012 - 25 people are killed in a concentration camp in Caracas Venezuela 628,In addition Japan is in the northeastern part of China and the eastern parts of 629,The meeting is scheduled to be held at the Le Bastion in the Alps of Switzerland 630,In order to reach the nearest airport the aircraft must wait for its nearest 631,Soaps was a mixture of sodium which was said to be 632,The western Armenian dialect is spoken by Western Armenians primarily in North America 633,This happened when the son of Genghis Khan who had been inspecting the 634,It is estimated at 5 million tons per year 635,The population is known as a distinct group in the Tatran Empire and has its 636,The Pixies are an American alternative rock band formed in Boston Massachusetts in 1986 637,Saudi scholar Muhammad al-Zawahiri was a Saudi Arabian scholar who was 638,They are also found in the meningitis chambers 639,In some design designs the Hall effect sensors or rotary encoders are used to measure 640,There is no political party political party and elections in the country 641,Philip Popper learned piano at the age of five 642,In Los Angeles South University in 2007 she was an Iranian engineer 643,For example if memory latency is greater than memory substitution and a large processing time 644,After their success in the 1980s–81 Believing signed a treaty 645,It is the unit of pH determination and the cells at a baryk 646,According to Human Rights Watch human rights groups such as human rights advocates 647,He studied Persian language and literature at Tehran University 648,By the end of the 2007 mountaineering season there were 3 104 climbs of the 649,After the re-election in 1991 the Soviet Union was eliminated 650,An exponentially least-valued sorting starts from the most-valued 651,The tower was eventually destroyed because of the giant Ring on the 652,Recent research showed that love and sexual attraction had various positions in the brain 653,Anna s fear when she learns that she has a gun 654,He ordered a hundred thousands of prisoners to withdraw from the 655,Alan Turing known as the father of computer science invented such logical computers known 656,In fact a few pounds of white dwarf material have hundreds of 657,He had hundreds of slaves and a large slave trade show in Virginia 658,He is responsible for Dubai s growth in the world including the Dubai International Airport 659,The inscription is depicted in the third line of Mohammad Reza Abbasi 660,It was screened in 2006 about 14 years after the first film 661,The standard model states that neutrinos are without mass 662,She loves her daughter but believes that social position is more important than foster- 663,This type of printing has a high quality but is costly because of the 664,Two pairs of sheep riding on a horse called a s 665,In the history of the Middle Ages A. T. Tolkien says that A. 666,Although he wasn t incorporated into the underground concert he made a 667,It was used only by balloon seekers since 1915 668,The palace s veil consisted of chairs shaped like a lion 669,There were over 160 000 Merlin engines producing 30 000 of which 30 000 were 670,Her grandfather was a famous composer in Tuscany who spent a year 671,In a survey the contour line is usually the point at which the 672,One of the characteristics of the Baroque era was the high diversity of instruments in 673,In the summer of 2007 Bruce Bailey criticized the United States Peace Studies Journal as 674,Egg and Akaki were the seeds of ancient rice cultivated in Burma Thailand 675,Ahmed ibn ‘Abdu ‘Abdu l-Bahá l-Bahá 676,After appearing in the acting test in his first film play it as it lays 677,Both species of tuberculosis have a common ancestor which could be 678,In general if the sentence n refers to a triangle from right to left 679,In the 1960s Cohan proved the code that no XF statements are proved 680,The process of maturation slowed by the formula which was developed by Dr 681,In Medina he moved with his mother to the city 682,For example imagine a sending of a dirt to the square of a square 683,Another approach to running the X server is to use a X server manager 684,Her head is large and tall and her slender 685,Because it was designed to support cross-language it was designed to support cross- 686,One of the prototypes in 1969 was the 6 سیلندر a cube-shaped 687,Iran purchased 240 M48s in 1960 and 460 M60s in 1968 688,After the Turkish–Turkish War the region s Greek citizens moved to A 689,But this kind of jealousy in practice can play a role in the creation of 690,The statement was released saying that Ibrahim al-Jawiyya the Libyan ambassad 691,Benenjamin is a municipality in the comarca of Vall d Albaida in 692,He then returned to England in 1933 to complete a full-baccalaureate course 693,For infinite trees simple algorithms often fail to fail 694,On 23 June 2008 the most violent attack occurred during the war 695,It is also widely used in broadcast systems combat radio systems and PON networks for high 696,In the late 11th century Egypt was established for the first time by the Turkish d 697,It borders Mashhad to the north Mashhad to the east Mashhad to the south 698,Since the warmer air has lower densities than colder air it warms 699,However just one month after his marriage his father Ibrahim Nouri died 700,The sacred cross represents the Armenian wings and the emblem of the Aryan 701,The Festival of Trevi is a year-long international film festival held in Turin Italy 702,In the spring of 2013 president Arasade succeeded Commander-in-Chief of the 703,Supported partitions include MBR and GPT. 704,The Kyoto Protocol was established at the third chapter of the UNFCCC Conference in 705,Young budgerigars travel in a sheltered nest with their mother 706,During the Second Dynasty he was the first prime minister to sign a peace treaty 707,The Turkish language is closely related to the Turkish language family 708,There are currently 170 satellites in the Solar System system 709,He was influenced in the music world for his writings 710,Performing arts includes works primarily from traditional media to digital art 711,These matches began in the early 1980s with the European Union s European 712,It is assumed that the universe cannot be decomposed nor converged and that 713,It was published in Moscow the same year 714,It can usually occur at six to three years of age but can usually 715,It also calculates the minimum time needed for the tissue to remove gas from the blood and 716,The sound was converted and mixed with the carrier frequency 717,Cyrus the Great declared a national holiday in 538 718,In 1935 the first President of Turkey and the father of the Turkish Republic Mustafa At 719,In France around 12% of the people are attending religious ceremonies in more than 720,These crystals are called cosmic crystals 721,On May 1 2011 Laurie performed with a Quayed Kick-Catch a 722,In 2013 separately from the yearly prize Kenneth von Neumann received the 723,At least six years later the Iran–Iraq War was the second most long war in the 724,In this case both the charge and the isospin are maintained with strong interaction 725,The Damavand is situated on the upper boundary of the Persian Gulf 726,In 1945 Norma Jane Sung became a well-known photographer 727,He always went to the town hall to find the lion 728,The volume of the powdered cylinder and other constituents are dry air or nitrogen 729,He has a wife and two children and goes to write and write 730,The Iranian theatre movement is based in Tehran 731,He was one of the persons who co-starred in The Hateful Tournament at 732,The disease starts 5 to 10 days after the bacterial accumulation and remains 733,In March 2000 the Spanish clothing industry workers complained of Tommy and 20 other clothing 734,The business cycle or business cycle or economic cycles are a major chapter in 735,GNU was originally developed by Eris Luan as part of the GNU Hur 736,Data recovery occurs when instructions that are dependent on data are able to 737,The building was designed by French hand builder Arthur Ericsson and opened in 1992 738,The architecture is adorned with the design of the Luminance and the Festival of the Arts 739,The band s song White Devil which featured John Webster as one of the best 740,Waxed clothing: clothing garments salts and other textile material 741,At this time Bundy worked in Olympia and worked in the Department of Defense 742,The dynamic memory allocation in C refers to the operation of dynamical memory allocation in 743,He was estimated at $60.6 million in 2010 744,The song Sacred Sons is a song written and sung by the band s 745,After the kernel fifteen routines have been defined 746,It was during this time that Lebanon reached Lebanon 747,However today s milk is often a staple of milk 748,Thus it was said to have been the Pidgin Algol 749,He also gave instruction to teach 60 ruling children at a school of reading and religious 750,Slovakia became part of the Czech Republic from 1918–1939 751,These stones can settle and form blocks of rock blocks 752,Critics from Avernair claimed that as a result of the 753,If the two sequences meet each have a common ancestor then the sequence 754,On 15 June 1358 the football club Al-Washash was established in Doha 755,With his wife named Albino Church he attended the Duke s School 756,After this incident Sheikh went to Najaf and went to Najaf where he 757,When he was not able to leave the city he learned that his move was 758,He was elected to the fourth year of the City Council of Tehran 759,Proteins are based on phylogenetics which are unique sequences of 760,In contrast the water used in flat-to-price solar heat waves has a temperature 761,As in other areas of Bushahr it has a warm summer and sometimes associated 762,However private sector cartels therefore know that inflation will become lower 763,From 1744 to 1954 the zero-degree point was considered as the point of ice 764,In addition new features are being added to the standard for all years which means 765,In the next year and with the creation of the Legislative Assembly most of its supporters 766,However the skulls of males is more massive and are used in combat 767,In the Shahnameh the fifty-four of the five kings who ruled the 768,To compensate for this inconsistencies almost almost every three years 769,The theory of general choice which uses patterns and economic tools to study political 770,Based on his theory the visible light consists of three main basic colors: 771,The tower was designed by Norman Foster 772,His first photographed picture was photographed and a significant contribution to the history of 773,Given the language L we define the standard language M: M = langle Q 774,After the capture of several whites which had been sexually assaulting 775,Today the MEK is the Turkish language of Azerbaijani and eastern Azerbaijan 776,Silence is a grace of grace devoted mercy to all goods 777,In fact Cobain asked Burton to be herself in this film 778,The term chief in English refers to two terms: 1 779,Climate models are used in a broad range of aims from weather forecasting and 780,Then a few months later he appointed his elder son named Romanus 781,The source of the water in which they are called large bottles of water 782,In practice there are two main types of inverse engineering 783,The stadium hosted four World Cup matches: West Germany against Spain and West Germany 784,Endangered species has a high risk of extinction in the wild 785,After being rescued by Rodès and return home Stark reveals that his company 786,He is head of the board of directors of the Iranian Ministry of Roads and 787,The lower branch L2 and the lower branch L3 and L4 are divided 788,The Avroil s protection is under Section 600 of the Clean Air Act of 1990 789,The modulation speed is limited to the maximum speed of each channel so a 790,This reduces the cost of multiple glass panes 791,597: Birth of Mohammed ibn Abdallah ibn Abdallah ibn Abdallah 792,After a few days in honour Maria donated Nina s small book Nina 793,Currently it is cultivated primarily in India Indonesia Myanmar Nepal Pakistan and Sri Lanka 794,During the early stages of the Soviet Union Alexandropol was the third 795,This important rule suggests that in a quantum system two or more identical fermions 796,In 1973 Saudi Arabia s government added 25 percent of Saudi Aramco s shares 797,The primary computers performed I O by waiting in a loop to prepare the 798,The area is located adjacent to the town of Edenfield Rawtnstall Rochdale and 799,In 1960 Ling s company merged with Tamco Ergeç and then became a 800,Tehran and many of the cities of Iran experienced massive protests after the 801,Currently the most significant recommended treatment for males and females is to perform CPR 802,In February 1994 a novel titled Adorations perpétuelles written by 803,It is the capital of the Islamic Republic of Iraq 804,At this time the crew had completely abandoned planned sleep shifts 805,Therefore it is a fully defined model 806,It has also been stated that civil society tends to focus on the north of the 807,In the spring of 1238 when the seven-year-old Olysc Kom 808,The inflation that we have experienced experienced in 2008 was quite different from the 809,It is closely associated with the inner part of humankind which is the soul and 810,After permission to enter the network a candidate would be granted access to the 811,It was recorded in southern Mesopotamia and during the 3rd millennium 812,In 1931 he invented a self-assembled neoprene 813,Chris is a short story by Franz Kafka written between 1917 and 1923 814,By the late 1930s there was steady growth in the world economy which 815,After returning to California he was accompanied by actress Hank Worden 816,Three models from the root of morphology range from effort to parse languages that 817,Socrates: He is considered to be the father of Western political philosophy of Western 818,Homemade dashi made from dried kombu and katsuobushi is seldom used 819,The International Society for the Restitution Conspiracy is considered as a dangerous and 820,It combines a combination of closed and open spaces old and old lines 821,It is essential to maintain his illness 822,Café Central is a café located in the western part of Vienna 823,Various restrictions are used to select the interesting set of possible laws 824,He was one of the few soldiers who established the city of Shahr Alam 825,Part of the surface water enters the soil filtration environment and moves towards the 826,There is no possibility in the center of cells and humans 827,In October 2009 after the police investigations it was revealed that there is no 828,Most scholars claim the name Čech from Četa 829,Instead the attack was chosen because the high influence and relatively little bandwidth 830,Because destructive information causes mistakes and a build of memory that are 831,He was reportedly killed in 2004 after a period of extensive armed 832,The soldiers defeated this force: Cassinius was killed in the battle and 833,The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights refers to the United Nations General 834,To obtain a pound of dry saffron requires 110 000 to 170 000 835,The position was changed in 1998 by publishing a paper by Michael J. Sutton 836,1867 BC: After two years of heavy rains the Egyptians moved to Egypt 837,The club was founded in 1900 by eleven footballers and head coaches 838,Pure water jets are used to remove soft materials such as fabrics softwoods and hard 839,The same year he was named Chancellor of the United States 840,The director said he couldn t use his talent in a more vigorous 841,David s other works include The Gardens of Ludvik Gardens and Madame Dörning 842,Historians believe that the name Ithallus came into the name of the Armenian 843,In June 1945 a mathematician John von Neumann published a paper called 844,Sabine Antoine George was a German poet translator and editor 845,The National Museum of Iran is located in Tehran Iran 846,There is a comparison between memory and capability which means that a 847,The goal and domain of a project is closely linked to the chosen business and 848,In many of his works he was interested in structuralism which was one of the 849,Both Taliban and Hezbollah had a very close relationship with each other 850,They believe that international organisations such as the United Nations have a great deal of 851,In 1960 Honda was progressively entered the automotive industry producing cars for sale in 852,Most of the information comes from the discovery of a shark a few 853,NIST claimed that diesel fuel did not play an important role in structurally 854,They can be able to understand the humanities of language including the concepts of 855,On the same day the family s family goes to a Russian military base 856,The child born in France or its territories is automatically exempt from foreign authorities 857,On August 17 it was announced that Jon Stewart would be taking a role in 858,Tritanopia is a neurological disorder in which a person is not sensitive 859,331 - Cicero becomes Pope Pope after Miltiades 860,Another method is closed circuit breaker where one piping wheel enters the 861,Other symptoms such as nausea vomiting diarrhea nausea and headache 862,In various points of its development history it is described as one of the greatest wiki 863,There have been various periods of destruction and poisoning in many of the lands 864,Shortly after the trial s conclusion and a lengthy re-election 865,Additionally the World Bank report shows that increasing urban growth patterns are 866,He was awarded the International Women s International Medal from the United States Department of State 867,The song was adopted in 1977 during the independence of the country 868,He studied natural selection at the Faculty of Humanities of Kabul University and 869,His methodology differs from soft techniques to soft techniques 870,During this period Samarkand also gained a considerable position in art and literature 871,Roosevelt Churchill and Stalin travelled to Iran without the need of the Iranian government 872,In April 2006 two teenage students from the Räthlingen School of Occupational Safety and Health 873,At the time of Howard s death as a tribute merchant returned to 874,RFID refers to a wide variety of RFID tags 875,His narrative destroys the ideas built around the myths of these 876,Some countries inspired by the Declaration of Independence or directly published part of it 877,In January 2004 Microsoft didn t support ++j and replaced it as 878,The shield is often referred to as a coronary shield which is 879,Gas thermometer: The relationship between temperature and volume of a gas 880,The period was the beginning of a scene of the war between the Vikings and 881,The alliance has helped a number of social activists and social workers to 882,Pressure crystals are used in the manufacturing process 883,Roosevelt and Morgan believed that four great nations would participate to the Brett 884,Today the term is used in the B2C transactional business 885,The Egyptian army ordered 125 additional tanks 886,During the Sasanian period it became obsolete and after the Arab invasion of the 887,During the reign of Khosrau I thousands of Armenians and 888,Two hours later the two ships reached the northern coast of Iceland the 889,Electrones and positrons can also be destroyed without destroying another 890,Saudi scholar Muhammad al-Zawahiri was a Saudi Arabian scholar who was 891,The loss of family regulation has been declining from 37 percent in 1976 to 75% in 892,Overloaded methods differ from the type and the number of parameters 893,Jackson wanted to create a new album in which each song is emotional to 894,The php?ID=5 server causes the server to run a query: 895,To bypass the filtering of Apple s functionality the strict lock allows 896,It became a centre of the province in 1934 and after World War II changed 897,It allows parsing and creation of objects in a single language where 898,When Agamemnon s father and king Agamemnon returned from the Trojan 899,Nicki did not say that the two sisters were a team but he always felt 900,The alliance was founded by the former President of Belarus Alexander Luchnakedko 901,In response to Chuck s neighbour s death the police arrive at Chuck 902,James Joyce s efforts to translate and print in Paris were probably from 903,Prior to the amendment to the Constitution of Argentina in 1994 two senators were 904,The function of the boiler depends on the efficiency of heat transfer to the consumer and 905,9455 BC: Death of King Yi of Zhou King of the Zhou Dynasty of 906,He was chairman of the Board of Directors and Chairman of the H.A. 907,The United Nations Human Rights Council has stated that the United Nations Human Rights 908,Neither the album nor the band s name was printed on the album 909,Other versions are home and the household 910,When the Cavalier knocked off the race a sledgehammer kicked 911,The amount of carbon within plants can be transferred from the rest of the 912,However this function works with arbitrary binary data and is thus different with ROT 913,The main barrier to a life cycle is by using fossil fuels 914,Later he invited three friends to a burial 915,After the defeat Spitamenes was killed by his own men and then asked for 916,For example the term Sanskrit dhar was sometimes translated as a religion which 917,In the same year Philip considered himself King of Macedon and usurped the Macedonia 918,Drivers are interested in the wider pheasant pheasant pheas 919,In 1926 he traveled to France and celebrated the first public prayer at the mosque 920,Another use of surveillance cameras was first made in the United States in 1968 in the 921,He spent the next two years at a local public school 922,In order to prevent Hans Bernd s victory in the war France which had been 923,In Spanish it is sometimes referred to as the Alcy-al-fil and 924,Because of political and economic stagnation in the early and mid-to-late 925,In the last years it was owned by John McConnell Jeff Corey Jeff Corey and 926,David accepted this responsibility outside of his political charges as well as the fact that 927,Automated airport weather stations use sensors of night skylights 928,oBIX enable the facility and owners to make decisions based on 929,He competed at the 1996 and 1996 Olympics 930,Sweet bread is made from dried fruits with dried fruits and a little 931,The inner of this valley was the ocean formed during the flooding of the 932,On 18 June 2014 The Official Account of the singer struck Christian in honor of 933,ESRI is now developing Python as the best choice for writing a completed file in 934,The innermost segment of a nervous system is endothelium which separates 935,On the other hand the first Iranian radioisotope was developed in Iran in the 936,The Kingdom of Sicily was part of Carthage s territory and Carthage itself 937,Because of the lack of essential fatty acids in rabbits rabbit 938,Currently members of the Olympic Movement have 205 members 939,This also provides a quick way to display the solution: starting from each 940,Some have been selected as manufacturers and export units in recent years 941,The significant amount of time lost in the sea which cannot be replaced 942,The Book of Tobit is mentioned in the Book of Tobit as a brilliant 943,This decreases the speed of reading and decreases the speed of reading 944,In such instances the hardware QoS hardware provides services to build executive loyalty 945,Other further investigations have been made on the link between the two chirping 946,The city is located in the northeastern part of Luxembourg 947,The company was founded in 1874 in the village of La Côte-aux-Fa 948,The ceremony is performed by men or women on the Friday before the full moon in the 949,At the 2006 census its population was estimated to be around 800 000 950,Liu Shiou with the help of the Libyan army captured the power in 25 951,The term dysteleology is a neo-classical term coined by Ernest 952,The National Front has been opposed to the European Union since its establishment in 1993 953,A few weeks later he riding Salt Lake City six clocks to see what 954,David Alamut is an American screenwriter and screenwriter 955,In the case of corticosteroids corticosteroids are used as corticosteroids 956,Social development in higher-income countries is often subject to the productivity of organizations 957,The only given kind of set is a multi-dimensional array 958,In 2010 he began writing with Beverly following Beverly following Beaumont s 959,Both Muller and Lolita de Goua both use III to create representations into 960,It has been translated into a number of languages 961,It also includes cameras and editing 962,Precipitation is better to be done in late summer 963,For example in the language of the hand relating to the hand which is referred to 964,Using the principles and concepts of TRIZ and its development of its implied 965,At the behest of the Shah he divided the royal lands between farmers and the 966,A machine with a instruction stack may follow with only two registers the home address of 967,The damage from ice freezes and snow is reduced and the room s 968,- Korean Soybean Flour Bread is a South Korean flavored 969,He is the brother of Genghis Khan and Shahned Khan 970,The purpose of the MCWA was to prevent relapses in urban areas 971,However evenings and early evenings usually the air is cooled 972,For example over a year before the bank sold foreign currencies and buying a 973,Variable amounts of light and heat received by each hemisphere cause 974,The game consists of eight kingdoms eight of which have two leaders 975,This model is possibly the most important computation model in computer science because it 976,This new concept involves introducing the introduction of WiBro s international services to the 977,The Israeli flag used David in 1948 during the first Zionist Congress held in 1897 978,Evolution from a fully random set of organisms starts and repeats in the 979,Their breasts are yellow-blue and with a yellow-green abdomen 980,Shibahide plaques or Shibahide plaques are unknown messages found 981,They were eventually taken to a non-residential area without any explanation 982,At the 2006 census its population was 1 224 in 930 families 983,These pipes usually have diameters of tfrac 1 4 to 2 984,The song was performed in Japan and Australia in August 1971 985,He participated in the 2000 and 2004 and was chosen as the best player 986,The females born every two years sometimes every three years 987,He returned to Harvard in 1998 988,In 2004 Energy AG decided to replace its own central office which was built in 1930 989,Castaneda completed in August 2006 990,This layer remains intact for long periods and ultimately returns to surface 991,In 1935 he returned to India for visiting Yukteswar and helping the development of 992,Both Nash s = Nash s = Nash s = Nash 993,It is also widely distributed in Ireland and Scotland 994,This is a list of countries based on carbon dioxide production from 1990 to 2007 995,The total cost of the public sector was $3.5 million 996,A year after the opening of the Pasteur Institute Emile Roe began the first 997,If you drink between 120 and 240 calories each hour twice a calori 998,Nauru and Australia have tried to negotiate in a probing out-law 999,Two days later one of the players from Bandar Abbas Football Club announced that they had 1000,He became a professor of Arabic at the University of Bologna in 1797 1001,At this time Russia gained a large amount of landlords and a large 1002,Cleopatra does not open the door but throws a rope from the 1003,Gower and his daughter were kept as separate sins after Bahá u 1004,Eisenhower suspected of the existence of federal courts 1005,For example in 2000 the median household income of Iranian families was 42 per cent 1006,These equations are known as Bruteller s law and are the angle defined 1007,The President appoints people as a guest on a joint session 1008,The mountain is relatively narrow in a broad area and is generally 1009,He studied history of mathematics at the University of Chicago 1010,De Beers Inc 1011,The city is home to the Winnipeg Fringe Theatre the second largest music festival in 1012,This allows them to have a greater performance in their time unit 1013,The novel tells the story of a vampire 1014,The meridian 153° east of Greenwich is a line of longitude that extends 1015,James Zeghchi founder and founder of the Arab Arab Institute is James Zeghchi 1016,At this time the presidential period was reduced from seven years to five years 1017,But Gattuso s career was short when S.H.I.E.L 1018,The majority of dialects are spoken in Canada especially in Quebec New Braun 1019,Currently about 6000 people on the Earth s surface use web services 1020,He has worked at Entrisphere Inc 1021,Ecuador currently uses Spanish names for the creation of most of them 1022,Many of these cameras are owned by private companies and they transfer information to the 1023,The race begins with a preparation round and the cars are put into the start line 1024,This type of machine has the ability to create holes in any ground type from hard rock 1025,Two volumes of the Hebrew translation also called the Encyclopædia Britannica were 1026,Art movement in both fields has been initiated from Italy 1027,The Latin word cruciger means cross-carrying 1028,The term was later used only to refer to those in the language 1029,Shahak first became concerned with Israel s battles in 1956 when David 1030,The brown bear or brown bear or brown bear or brown bear or brown bear or brown bear or 1031,In September 2015 the United States Circuit Court suspended an appeal sent by the United States 1032,For each true positive scan there are more than 19 badly falsescans 1033,The Nazis widely used gas chambers in the 1930s 1034,It was based on the Jewish collection of Hitimmu under the auspices of 1035,In human sexual appeal homophobia refers to the positions of individuals in 1036,Until 1999 her ninety-one studio album was released by Pagal РіРѕРьме 1037,The reaction of these four elements gives two results: 1038,To improve security various keys are given to users 1039,Short connections: two or more wires are not attached to each other and are 1040,Thomas Edison began serious research toward the development of the practical incandescent 1041,Plutothen was known as planet during the design of the plaque 1042,She is the sister and brother of grandparents 1043,In 1982 Cole married a non-commissioned woman 1044,The Group 47 was a publishing house formed after World War II in Germany 1045,Aldrin began reading the Quran a day and found what he loved as an 1046,The Centre was affiliated with the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1047,He loved Russian and always learned his parents s own language 1048,Mehdi Behrangi was born in 1958 in Tehran 1049,The government of Silla successfully conquered Baekje in 660 and annex 1050,The prisoners were given a veil of garments and sunglasses to make 1051,This information includes data describing structure and content 1052,Marcus Scheelet published a paper on this method in 2001 1053,Chocolate contains a significant amount of cocoa butter 1054,After a period of traditional Jewish education he became a Greedy physician 1055,The electric field causes the ions to oscillate along the axis of the 1056,In the early years of the 1920s and early 1930s he became a 1057,The Theosophical method included studying meditation and served as a means 1058,His most important actions were the founding of the Iranian comedy group in 1953 and 1059,The star of David is the star of David 1060,In the generated hash accident the length is usually assumed to be 1061,The German annual Erntedankfest is celebrated every year in early October 1062,Although the cytoplasm is intersseded with the necessary proteins the U 1063,These bodies then went out of the solar system by gravitational forces and the 1064,It was formed in 1912 with IMP which reached the production level of one movie 1065,She was the first Iranian woman to be crowned ambassador in Iran 1066,The sizes of the materials that were made from these materials were initially unknown but 1067,This is the part of the education to the audience and the encouragement of people to 1068,He was a pioneering advocate for the practices of public health and regulation 1069,The difference in the refractive index Δn is given by the formula: 1070,The Jibón Film Festival is the largest and most recognized film festival in the 1071,The degree day is the unit of measurements of heat and heating 1072,Up until the end of the 5th century in the Roman Empire was celebrated the 1073,At the age of 13 he worked with various musical ensembles including the 1074,It is believed that slavery in Islam occurs when there are no men and 1075,x + yc = a + b + yc = gc 1076,In 1869 at the age of 25 Stephen worked as a full professor of 1077,Many existing companies in the copper ores and iron industries were nationalized nationalized 1078,In the film the government is represented significantly in a significant amount of 1079,The general court proceeds to identify the head of the judicial system in departments municipal 1080,Some implementations of this method vary in the size and intensity of each point 1081,The risk that a specified risk vulnerability can use a particular vulnerability 1082,A nuclear vacuum is a vacuum vacuum that occurs in the nucleus 1083,Craig Hicks was an American screenwriter and screenwriter 1084,When riding the ladder the ladder must be drilled with the hands of 1085,The statistical method contrasts with the method of translation based on the grammar and 1086,Many financial databases are software programs that access the database without direct access to the DB 1087,The mosque is built around 829 solar panels and is renowned for its 1088,In geometry an octagon is an 8-sided polygon with eight edges 1089,It was one of the first installs of Linux based on a traffic-poor network 1090,Jonathan s wife has received calls and Jonathan has been forced to 1091,The disease affects a hundreds of thousands of thousands of 1092,Some window systems such as the X Window System provide advanced Network transparency which allows 1093,She returned to Los Angeles in 1979 at the age of four 1094,One of the difficulties in running the Markup is due to the international nature of shipping and 1095,In 1807 Napoleon annexed the empire and transformed it into a part of 1096,He was a Nazi supporter of Nazi Party and did not participate in a music festival 1097,Nuall claims that her daughter is her own son 1098,Peer-to-debate any necessary needs protection from privacy and allowed discussions 1099,This led to Wernicke s heart wrought which became Modern English-speaking 1100,The first official analysis of the issue was conducted in 1960 by Kenneth Urm 1101,The next morning Elaine told Sam how God replied and said to him what happened 1102,After a wedding the ceremony is performed with a bride s shoes or 1103,She is the daughter of A.V.I.R.I.T.E. 1104,Players are presented with various animated items including purchased codes for 1105,The depth gauge: was the second-first to be explored 1106,Hydrogen gases under regulated conditions are those of gases that bind with weak 1107,The innermost segment of a nervous system is endothelium which separates 1108,The average length of the month is 5306 29 days 1109,In larger fasciolosis the public health services of the mouth and teeth are interested 1110,In the fourth year of the Fourth Age King Ašrau revealed that 1111,This is the only region in which Belarus is still member 1112,The panels are made of two sheets of which the type of sheets can be 1113,She wrote to her sister: I loved portraits of squirrels that 1114,Hormizd IV was worried about the defeat of the Ottomans and sent him to 1115,In 1912 he complained to Besant in order to refuse to announce a 1116,As a consequence energy consumption for hot water preparation in these cases 1117,When Froju Wozniak was appointed as new chairman of the club he 1118,When the removed operation is triggered a set of elements stored in l 1119,Each bird is clean and every bird is clean 1120,In Half-Blood Prince Stark and Yinsen begin to build a fully armored 1121,These were enough to let the powerful spaker of the site be removed in 1122,The Kruskal algorithm is from a straight rank: 1123,He was sentenced to life imprisonment and sentenced to life imprisonment 1124,Thirdly the Tax Act of 1836 distributes federal government incomes across different 1125,The United Nations Population Fund and the World Health Organization recognized the protection of abort 1126,Groundwater resources are fed directly or indirectly from surface waters and salinity 1127,The mortality rate of patients is less than 2% 1128,The Tyrrhenian archipelago is the easternmost of the provinces 1129,The German economy had suffered a huge illness after the Second World War 1130,It helped Vodafone continue to develop its company name and service in countries that do not yet 1131,She is a member of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Dramatic Players 1132,One of the main features of Transmission-based machine translation systems is the stage in which 1133,One branch gives a string to the knee joint and the knee joint 1134,The rain rivers and river rivers are harvested and harvested with themselves 1135,The U.S. and Western nations threaten their actions as they 1136,The most important event is the formation of cysts when two sister-like chromosomes 1137,In some cases C++ performs more type control than the C language 1138,Cleitus defeated Constantine in 296 but was defeated in 296 finally 1139,Shōge is a former Japanese citizen who is usually translated as 1140,This is a list by the World Health Organization 1141,In the early 11th century the war with Turks resulted in the deaths of 1142,It is also used for other events such as boxing professional wrestling concerts and music 1143,Hamid Rashidi then spent five years studying private rights in the Department of State 1144,Many pieces of lapis lazuli have been discovered in the Yuijii style 1145,At the time Pixos had already finished working on the ensemble of the Avent 1146,Causes include fever sore throat and fever 1147,The square of the tenor is the square of the tenor 1148,It is a residential building in Tunisia possibly between 1971 and 1988 a 1149,After this concession private schools became Ottoman schools 1150,Traditional houses have a wall facing facing the aisle facing the 1151,Before the end of his first novel The Heart of My Heart published in 1976 Ford wrote 1152,Today the inerchiefs are usually used to increase the safety of hot 1153,In the legend of the Swedish sultan Ragg had a keen intelligence that could 1154,My.addr refers to a syntag hash structure in which the address 1155,At least 30 free schools with nearly 3 500 students and 28 social centers were 1156,Rice is often used as a food additive 1157,It is applied to the Korean War in the early 1950s 1158,Demonstrations among non-profit workers increased among factory workers who were 1159,In the class I will present a poster as a social comment of a racial 1160,It was filmed in Rome in the early 2nd century 1161,The album s largest single I m not Dead premiered in 2007 and sold more than 1162,Some spoons have a smooth edge some seeded and some seeded 1163,He was born on 25 October 1881 in Málaga a city of Spain 1164,It was released on February 11 2014 1165,Broadcloths and red colours are of the other characteristics 1166,The Kavelli Prize was established in 2005 through a joint venture between 1167,It was one of the principal rivals in the French market 1168,He received his master s degree from Cambridge University in 1958 1169,Theudebert was defeated and captured by his brother in Tull and then succeeded 1170,The Democratic Party of the United States is one of the two major political parties in 1171,Such a link to social animals as finches can be much more complex than a 1172,The deflationary effect of payments the debt arising from the Vietnam War and 1173,They drain the blood and enter the internal spleen of the intracranial chym 1174,It was built at the old stadium in 1956 1175,It was also a privilege for women poor women and pregnant women 1176,It is lifeless and even after my physical death is alive even after my physical 1177,Pro-ecolepsy occurs approximately 4% of all babies and 16% 1178,The name was changed until 1982 when the company was called the Oracle Systems 1179,Macrophages T lymphocytes B lymphocytes and fibroblasts are 1180,Ramzan was born in Palestine at the age of 135 1181,Wind rain and wind sensors automatically unlock the windows automatically 1182,The hero of the story Kenneth Stone is a mechanic of the working class although 1183,Unlike the tablet the iPad had no name and Apple decided to make the tablet the only 1184,After returning to Iran he played a few years for Taj and then spent 1185,It is often performed by musicians of the symphonic orchestra and is often 1186,Finally with the goddess it is able to understand the final criteria representing 1187,In a final battle with Chloe he kills the Black Sheep and becomes 1188,In 1916 he moved to Prague and met Kachappa 1189,Genius is the founder of the Septimius Hypnos series which includes 1190,In the 19th Screen Actors Guild Awards the cast was nominated for Best Drama 1191,On 15 August 2012 he was detained in a friendly against Argentina and became the 1192,The request for a correction in this second form is more based on a 1193,In 1947 shortly before the fall of the fort the castle was occupied by the 1194,He played the young Rampath and later worked in nine other works by Mortimer 1195,Fredric Salonum Peres was a German-born German-born psychotherapist and 1196,Iran s neighbours also use the Aparat service because of their extensive 1197,The number of bits of the block cipher is K.1 cdots K. 1198,Since version 1.1 Final S Zabbix decided to use individual numbers for development 1199,In water some regions have high concentrations of fluorine 1200,These pillars are each placed in a panel window small sculptures 1201,With modern urbanization and the changing style of the houses to small houses and 1202,Since the advent of Sufi and Sufi ideas in Iran dance has been used as 1203,The Greeks often took advantage of gold smuggling vessels and 1204,She has also won numerous awards including the 2007 FIr Best Supporting Actress 1205,Among the famous works I am the Only Hosts of William Vigorzweep and 1206,He worked at the Ministry of Defense of Afghanistan 1207,It was the last Mozart to be performed in Vienna on 30 September 1791 1208,In the film it is revealed how girls are able to get their s 1209,Environmental assessment studies require a significant amount of primary and secondary 1210,In 1531 the Spanish remains of the Byzantine Empire entered the 1211,In December 1959 he participated in the 50-th anniversary of the formation of the Norwegian 1212,When asked why she was meant to fight me? I couldn 1213,Sharona was a less famous and unfinished opera when Mozart was completed 1214,Horse fields in the Canadian province and the American Peninsula in the American province 1215,The last collection he wrote before his death was a collection of short stories published in 2005 1216,He was the head of the People s Palestinian Organization the Organization of Women s Organization 1217,Spor Toto is the football league of Turkey 1218,The purpose of prayer is praying and praying 1219,Little Women is a 1994 drama film directed by Giles Abrahams and based on 1220,Nevertheless Jackson felt that the unusual album would have had a much larger 1221,1639: Battle of Duomo Battle of St 1222,The first settlement in Changsha presumably dates back to the golden age 1223,Although the value of Iran s national treasures is not limited to its 1224,It is currently used by more than 1.2 million engineers around the world 1225,The word is derived from Greek and Latin 1226,In these conditions the masses are gathered in the shadow or inside the object 1227,Thus thou be a god who will baptize and thou a god who 1228,It can range from subatomic particles to subatomic particles and large astronomical objects 1229,He is an Iranian composer poet writer and translator 1230,The majority of the people of Denmark were Swedes and Norway 1231,French is the official language of France 1232,Rules are provided by the definition of the flow 1233,Although Amoresco later departed from the cave Basilio was punished by exile 1234,Currently there are about hundreds of patterns which are standardized and used by 1235,Solar torque also known as solar torque or solar torque is 1236,He has also directed work in two films and has directed several short films 1237,He also appeared in two films titled Do Mi FッソО и Beethoven 1238,In the third debate Wright said that he is working on programs but it still has no 1239,1999 - Pope John Paul II is the first Pope to visit a country of Eastern 1240,He graduated from the University of California Berkeley in 1936 1241,In 2002 the band recorded the heavy riffs of Toxicity 1242,Cramer at the University of Rochester in Florida offered the first MBA course in which 1243,King Darius says: Then why do we call pharaohs we 1244,But before the film was released on May 21 2009 it was announced that Gordon s 1245,Systems such as the AWOS AV are also feasible 1246,Kim Jong-il was a South Korean leader from 1994 to 2011 1247,The flight of Saturn 11 in comparison to Saturn 10 in comparison with Saturn 10 in 1248,The novel which is more similar to a novel was published in 1991 1249,Christopher Eric Hitchens was an English writer critic and journalist 1250,Mount Olympus was the site of the Battle of Tasmanian gods after the twelfth 1251,In several locations he lost control of his company among owning firms 1252,He served as minister of labor and social welfare Secretary of State 1253,If a object has a mass greater than a object then m.1a 1254,In addition to the entertainment itself Managua has a wide variety of shopping venue 1255,The danger of radio radiation in his time was not yet fully recognized 1256,Each sample of cds contains the information for the left and right channels 1257,The Siege of Shurram was the first battle between the Russo-Persian cavalry 1258,The book was translated into English in 1899 1259,According to estimates the extent to which Ecuador s gross domestic product 1260,If the worker is not aware of the matter or its dangers it is immediate 1261,Tamoxifen is another medication that has been shown to lead to seizures 1262,He is responsible for Dubai s growth in the world including the Dubai International Airport 1263,They include the Nairobi Railway Museum and the Kenya National Highway Museum where 1264,He took control of the province of Sirash and then captured the entire 1265,The city had a strong garrison well cared for and well maintained and 1266,It is distributed widely in northern India Pakistan Bangladesh and Burma 1267,Valjean saves Javert from his own estate and reports that Javert has been 1268,In the 1970s he studied Indian and Iranian languages and cultures at the University 1269,Some of these tools and tools were still used in the current era 1270,We must continue to play healthy and safe games 1271,Since filament filament filament filament filament filaments are often used 1272,In fact each production of a context-free grammar is a single nonterminal 1273,He was the only player to win the FA Cup in the last nine years 1274,Occupational age ranges from three years for internal medicine to five years for various 1275,In the Neolithic culture of Malta people worshiped at Malta s temples 1276,The transmission coefficient is the characteristic impedance or power of a transmitted wave to 1277,It is located in the southwest part of the city of Fortuna 1278,The SOFC fuel cell cells are capable of working at high temperatures but require 1279,The couple s collaboration began with the immensely successful internship 1280,Wind power in the night is considered as the most expensive form of electrical power used 1281,He played a short role as the assassin s lover Franky IV in the 1282,The populations of the snakes in Mínchell Island and Mínchell Island 1283,In this case the peptides are often formed by electromagnetic oduction after 1284,It is also the record for the most watched women s football viewers in Europe 1285,In 1701 Russia Saxony Poland Denmark and Norway united and attacked the 1286,According to some sources there are two types of timbre 1287,On 15 April 2009 a number of women in opposition to the law moved towards 1288,The name was derived from the Hebrew とよ the previous name of the province 1289,When the rotor rotates the pump is a type of aspiration 1290,Also if the wheel continues to rotate it along the axis behind and 1291,Plasmodes in the central part are usually between 50 and 60 nanometers and 1292,Three brothers are encouraged to take their journey to care for their sister 1293,If observatories cannot accurately visualize the numbers or observe mathematical formula 1294,He was also a co-chair of the Debbie Foundation which received most of 1295,He has been described as one of the most influential and influential figures in the 1296,He ascended the borders of Iraq and Qazvin 1297,His second wife was Stefan Oldenburg 1298,Many of the scenes were filmed at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Arg Eph 1299,It usually originates in the upper cerebral cortex but originates from the 1300,He learned from his childhood childhood Sophron who was always afraid of Rome 1301,In the event of divorce or death the woman must wait a long time for marriage 1302,Canadian singer-songwriter Kate Reynolds was nominated for a multi-year 1303,The children receive national nationality based on her father not her mother 1304,Germany Austria and Scandinavia used the incandescent incandescent lamp based on the 1305,He was formerly Minister of Health treatment and served as the Secretary General of the 1306,Alternatively independent is the concept of an element appears in a sequence of random 1307,Bismarck was hit by a slump of 20 degrees toward Port 1308,A simple choice allows voters not to express their true feelings about the chosen 1309,The creation of modern zero energy buildings has been possible not only through the advances in 1310,Green walls are also called living walls terrestrial walls or scientifically 1311,Slantman has shown a significant emphasis on words and sentences 1312,The lake is located in the Volpié-Rice Valley between the Colón 1313,The book has four chapters: First Chapters Summary and Letters to the 1314,The factory employs 15 000 workers and produces 22 million square feet of fabric 1315,It is situated in the northeastern part of the border with the Persian Gul 1316,If the entire law exactly adheres to the objective definition the target definition 1317,Artemisia Gentileschi was an Italian Baroque painter who is now known as 1318,The team is also a participant in the Super 8 team 1319,He learned mathematics from Egypt and Babylon and said that all numbers are 1320,Intensive colic is a direct relationship with a severe mother-of-life 1321,They also argued that the gold standard also reduces the ability of governments to 1322,If there is a background problem they will be improved over a few days 1323,He also introduced the concept of Jewish Group 1324,Zahedan is a city in northeast Tehran 1325,The Roman Senate feels threatened by the innocence of the revolts 1326,The generation of a species of slaves known as the black-tailed slave 1327,He was a professor of philosophy at the University of Southern California from 1986 to 2006 1328,He was one of the most influential figures in the way for Muhammad 1329,In the Middle East and surrounding regions such as Baltic Caucasus Russia and Central 1330,The World s Most visited Airport is outlined by the International Airport which is 1331,It is used for wood metal and other materials 1332,Based on his theory the visible light consists of three main basic colors: 1333,A year later in 1953 he returned to India with a famous band of Soviet 1334,He entered Isfahan on October 17 1852 1335,During this time he embarked on a journey to Palestine and began to 1336,The RFC 3611 VoIP Report is transmitted between the end points of the IP 1337,On 30 December 1988 he married and has four children Erica Austin Elise and Adam 1338,Both parts of the structure are used in key scheduling or a one-way 1339,In immunohistochemistry a monoclonal antibody that binds to the hemo 1340,It is part of the luteal system involved in fearing and learning of emotions 1341,His style became increasingly dim and heavily influenced by Dürer s 1342,Two years later he was sent to her mother s house 1343,The people of Tolui was one of the two ethnic groups of the Sasanian Empire 1344,In 1861 the Couette-sur-Orgie received a 50-year water distribution 1345,Approximately 80% of the population of many Asian and African countries have tested test but only 1346,He was a student of philosophy and philosophy 1347,Gravity is generally more powerful than any four other biological forces so it 1348,Furthermore he has been a writer and director for several TV programmes including 1349,Eventually Michael went to the lower level of the house and shouted that 1350,He said: Then shall I preach that army which doesn 1351,A piezoelectric charge is an electrical charge which is stored in a 1352,After this incident Muhammad sent a message to Mecca who had identified all three of the 1353,Childless seizures may affect the stability of the mother 1354,Most chlorine systems are in this type and the particle s size is not the same 1355,Oliver Ralph Kahn is a German former football team 1356,Darius s palace is the first private residence of the Achaemenid 1357,Wilson did not see her father until at the age of 12 1358,In 1973 he began a legal partnership with the American Psychiatric Criminal 1359,Vocalization and appeal have increased with the improvement of visual presentation and textual 1360,One of the most popular of these films is the Yiddish which was directed 1361,He said that during his relationship with Triple H Meg Mi had a relationship with Triple H 1362,In the third century Palermo became a military base and ultimately lost 1363,In comparison only a few spacecraft such as RORSAT and SNAP-10 1364,The practice of garden s efficient design shows that by placing plants with similar 1365,In these countries winters are used in winter 1366,With the beginning of this period the Iron Age began in Anatolia where it 1367,In 1946 he became a professor of mathematics and physics at the University of 1368,Laurie is one of the band s fans 1369,He ordered each soldier to kill the two soldiers 1370,Web portals or web portals are sometimes gathering information from different sources in 1371,Dispersive doppler sensors measure the particle s shadow of a 1372,He began his art career as an artist since 1880 at the age of 27 1373,They were placed under torture and mental pressure 1374,In Falun Gong the existence of different dates and location and the existence of different 1375,However each of these algorithms can be implemented with one of these 1376,The main reasoning for this is that logic advocates are fundamentally concerned with problems 1377,It is found in Europe Asia and Africa 1378,As a typical example the US Department of Agriculture has categorised food in 1379,The Minergie label can only be used for buildings services and vehicles which are 1380,Now when 0 is given as input to f the pattern agrees and makes the 1381,In the summer of 1913 another battle against the Ottoman Empire led to a 1382,When long-lived residence the astronauts noticed the more heat gained in 1383,According to Total Hero Academia magazine on November 13 2006 she was quoted as saying: 1384,The temple of Buddhists in Bandar Abbas is now a museum of Buddhis 1385,For example suppose that we are interested in gathering information about the fossil 1386,Unit ZMN has three campuses the largest in the country 1387,A multi-cultivated society is more common in societies with limited natural resources 1388,Wilson along with his PhD student Frank Albert Kane wrote a book on mineral chemistry 1389,While the Gilmour family prepares themselves for the birthday of their 18th birthday 1390,It was mixed with walnuts and mixed with wheat 1391,However its flow velocity is low and becomes a part of the long- 1392,This can be regarded as the extension of Hamming s distance which was used for 1393,Peru declared its independence from Spain on July 28 1821 1394,In interviews in 2008 Noel stated I think the B.Scenes were much more 1395,Patients whose recurrence with BCG are more resistant to treatment are more resistant 1396,After a year and five months they were able to print the first book in Iran 1397,His hunger strike caused a boom in animal rights including the liberation 1398,Wooden wrap is a wrap of wooden wraps without damage 1399,He was married to Arthur Miller in 1955 1400,After reading the Bawsbi s letter to Absalom Lincoln instructs the soldier to 1401,- In 481 BC Cyrus attacked Atalanta and attacked a mythical 1402,From the capital established rock mines and mining operations in Nbiya and Sudan 1403,This is a privilege and allows me to focus on what I am looking for 1404,Another legend says that a sheep sheltered amphibian 1405,In 1838 Anselme Payen observed that the calcium carbonate fraction of the 1406,A new type of plasma-mass transformer which uses plasma to refine gas is 1407,King Wu of Lünen who demonstrated courage and generosity against the Persians 1408,While some research shows that many consumers had used marigold or alcohol while others 1409,A special form of trigonometry is the spherical trigonometry used to study 1410,Since such force is recognized as weight a gravitational force is defined as 1411,For example Turchin s basic logic of the annualized cycle calculus model 1412,Fanning has appeared in his most famous films War of Worlds and Hurricane 1413,The televisions that mechanically scanned were first used by John Logiby Barnett in 1414,After the band separated by the band Marius and his new son Martin arranged a 1415,The wind turbine is powered by a wind turbine 1416,He excelled in the science of philosophy of logic logic and philosophy 1417,Flynn joined the Communist Party in 1936 and contributed a feminist column in 1418,He was crowned King of Afghanistan in 1963 1419,One of his generals was the king of Armenia 1420,In 1904 Karlfeldt was elected to the Swedish Academy of Sciences 1421,It has been reported in a number of countries 1422,They put the Dumbledore s armor into the armor deck which Stark 1423,Each of these signals within a language is referred to as a 1424,It is said that Servius of Titus was the first Roman king to be crown 1425,Yu xing has been credited as a producer and writer and actors such as Joe 1426,Scholars have speculated that this is the afterlife of the Zoroastrian throne and 1427,His printing date was from 1556 to 1521 when he was seventeen and 1428,They allow them to record a Unix that is automatically configurationd with OpenUID 1429,The first article Why Cane was introduced as a new method was published by 1430,Today and after the coming of several centuries only one might exist 1431,Ghaffar Khan strongly opposed the Indian annexation of India 1432,Shahid Khostedoo Metro Station is a station in Tehran Iran 1433,Of all these civil engineering activities tunnel borings and generally subterranean spaces 1434,The cause of this type of rejection is unknown but the acute rejection is 1435,Most of the ten Nobel laureates have received a Nobel Prize in recognition 1436,Although he remained in jail later he was released from prison 1437,This phase is punctuated with questions such as how they are building and whether 1438,They may start destroy split into two or more parts or join to a jet 1439,The first describes Ralph Norman Wilson s paradox 1440,Around two times the tube length is about 80 m compared to the EAHX of 1441,These suppressions caused the Blacks and the two armies of England to commit 1442,Despite its large size it has only 28 double rooms with 202 switches 1443,This product was previously known as Novell directory service 1444,The Book of Isaiah most of which is written prior to the time of Cyrus 1445,OLEDs are less thin and less accurate than conventional LCDs and plasma monitors 1446,She and her husband are living in Brooklyn New York City 1447,It is made of rice cabbage rye and rice 1448,Various species of the genus are associated with value and are cultivated as 1449,The ceremony was held at the Los Angeles International Airport on October 24 1997 1450,In 1902 physiologist Antoine Van Lunhard observed that the electron s energy can 1451,It is situated on the narrow slope of a cliff which 1452,She has also appeared in the film Elisabeth 1453,The replacement of the macro-threads only involves registering the file corresponding to the 1454,In each cycle part of the non-escape material is solved in solvents 1455,In general the more efficient the filling is the farthest 1456,Remake of the 1927 film with Ken Mintz 1457,He led the Iraqi Army out of Kuwait and repulsed the government 1458,This rule implies that after the red line the only members of the surgical team and 1459,The First Secretary of the State of Armenia was established in 1918 1460,Hans van Manhen is a Dutch ballet dancer and illustrator 1461,The second version of the gene is not usually a traumatic if a 1462,Several thousand Afghani were settled in India while several thousand Afghans 1463,A famous radar system was installed on it which could detect at a time 1464,Given the complexity of arguments regarding a subject in the social sciences and 1465,If the hydrogen is a fuel in transportation the fuel becomes clean 1466,However a tool called 2to3 has many of these assignments but 1467,The British British British British East Coast RCA Highway Company HMCD and 1468,Most molluscs use a syrup but some use a blood clot of 1469,Heat filtration systems may improve heat performance 1470,The current mayor Ronald J. Sutton was elected in January 2013 for two years 1471,A gas stove is a cooking unit that uses ultra lean gas such as natural 1472,It is made up of animal fibers from the sheep s body 1473,Together with his brother-in-law Udi Khan started collecting religious poem 1474,He entered the Islamic Seminary of Najaf and in 1971 entered the Seminary 1475,The telescope was developed in Europe by the European Southern Observatory in Japan by 1476,For example the linguistics called Eric Lenenberg called the second language consciously 1477,Eight thousand sub-skeletons below the sea have a league 1478,Most often debugging services such as SMTP IRC HTTP and FTP are 1479,Biofuels produced from sugar and other high-efficiency tropical crops are much 1480,Each of those who refuse these peaces along with those who 1481,In 1958 both provinces agreed that the city of Lloydminster be a 1482,During the last year 18 satellites of the Islamic Republic of the Islamic Republic 1483,It is extremely susceptible to extinction and the number of surviving samples 1484,On the seventh day the Ark was taken over the city and destroyed seven times 1485,His first public appearance was on 3 September 1892 against the Bohemian Reigns 1486,After the end of the First World War contacts with the Iranian government began and the 1487,Bahá u lláh u lláh u llh 1488,Five years later he received his PhD from the same university 1489,At the time there was a new book in Latin titled Lingua Latina per Descript 1490,During the reign of King Ismail discussions between him and the Holy V 1491,Protestant anti-Masons often quoted by Mason academic Albert Payak as 1492,The pumping under allowed payoff will not only cause white smoke from combustion 1493,However five hours prior to the connection they had been told they had been 1494,With Ray Corrigan Max Terhune and Yakima Canutt 1495,Dorset is both barocque and unpleasant 1496,Before the fall of the Saxon- Saxony- Saxony- Saxony- Sax 1497,It is a stage in which the body moves to the front of the hand and 1498,For example seats gear systems fenders and rubbers are examples of use of 1499,Gilgamesh wrote personal letters and many of them have been lost or missing 1500,The third atomic number called the magnetic quantum number m specifies the 1501,He was the first Olympic gold medal from Finland 1502,This scenario uses the standard server model 1503,These attacks are not strictly incomplete to prove the security of HMAC but 1504,The wingtip is thin and elongated in some vertebrates and helps 1505,The life of Yao s life has been depicted in a large number of 1506,Cultural culture rarely affects the self-conscious aspect of human behavior 1507,She was invited to perform Marry Lou Rood in an overnight tour of the United 1508,After studying mechanics for three years he switched to industrial design for three years 1509,The England national team played their first international match against Scotland against Scotland 1510,Herapus tuberculosis which usually causes swelling of 1511,Its expansion in Finland Romania and Hungary was a significant rivalry with the Soviet 1512,Russia s Foreign Minister Sergei Lozárov congratulated him as a 1513,The U.S. considered the war to be a full-scale warfare campaign 1514,In the Zoroastrian religion the clergy brought attention to the status of the stars 1515,The first game took place on August 29–30 and the second on August 5 2008 1516,The project was stopped in 2005 because of its large size high cost and poor performance 1517,Mina is a place in the 5th corner of Mecca Saudi Arabia 1518,There are about 800 000 breeding routes in France 1519,The T-company received a total of $2.7 billion net income in 2003 1520,Chowing with a gnave is a sport native to Mongolia where 1521,In mathematics for establishing a single sequence of a sequence of 1522,The annual New Year Honest Honest Honest Honest Honest Honest Honest 1523,He studied philosophy in Leipzig where he studied German literature and German literature 1524,For any binary tree in which there exists we add only the leaf code 1525,Given the global financial crisis the failure to obtain land in Dubai and the 1526,The EU s economic governance the EU s policy of developing countries NATO and Russia 1527,From this period he began to sing with two female and male voices 1528,Since 2000 red color has become a popular color for the right communist party and 1529,The city was destroyed during the Abbasid era 1530,Muscles and joints such as back and neck joint pain joint pain 1531,C. coli is a skin infection and rash of hair 1532,He hides Siyap by visiting her own palace to meet his sisters 1533,The earliest distinction between terror and terrorism is that the target of a 1534,Love and Hate are generally placed in a cruel and snobbish 1535,With the presence of Islamic culture in the region in the period Ghaznavan La 1536,First a range tree is built in N which allows efficient recovery from 1537,They are between two hosts and Telnet can supply packets with 1538,Anthus pratensis is a small amphibian found in most parts of northern Europe 1539,Volleyball was invented in the United States in 1895 by Will Howard 1540,They result from a combination of atmospheric heat and ground-to-earth 1541,The money which entered Basel city is worth €5 000 1542,The automaton of the automaton of the meaure-many automaton is often 1543,Because a node has a stale cache in its own a copy of 1544,This gave rise to the verb þrylian which is the modern English language and nosþ 1545,In Islamic thought the revelation of the abomination comes from God s divine 1546,The group of emergency staff ensures that either with a natural approach or with 1547,In sexual reproduction both males and females are needed 1548,Campaigners and contributors include Marge St 1549,The psychology department and the psychology department of the University of Stanford University has been confirm 1550,Each node or node has a base 5 and a base 3 named 1551,Moscow State volleyball club is a Russian professional volleyball club based in Moscow 1552,Like Hobbes Locke believed that civil society would form a civil 1553,A zygote is found in the human body in the pancreas pancreatic 1554,The first recorded appearance of Pharaoh was related to the new Kingdom of 1555,He explained that the final limit for a victim is to watch his life 1556,The film was screened at the 2014 Toronto International Film Festival in September 1557,When mechanized systems to produce fatty acids and polycyclic aromatic compound 1558,The International Conference on the Reconstruction of War in Gaza was held on March 2 2009 by 1559,The hydroelectric power plant of the dam is connected to the country s electricity network 1560,Texas is an unincorporated community in Tswana County Texas United States 1561,He published five poetry offices which are significant examples of contemporary 1562,Since the warmer air has lower densities than colder air it warms 1563,Some transmitter antenna systems in VLF LF or lower SW ratings require a 1564,In addition to the wall and ceiling which are commonly used for wallpaper the wallpaper can 1565,It is bordered by Uganda Rwanda Burundi and Kenya 1566,For individuals and NGOs in non-governmental organizations capacity building may be 1567,If they cross a circle the odd star within a circle will be 1568,The unofficial police presence at the Brickaroon Park is a category of poor 1569,In this case Telvant considers the problem of wearing a garment as a 1570,The people of the Catalans wanted a symbol to express hope and Barcelona became 1571,His wife was very famous for his generous piña 1572,The massacre begins and destroys the city 1573,It is used for regular channel flow data 1574,Anatomy and physiology: Anatomy and physiology 1575,In the summer of 2001 the disease was diagnosed and treatment 1576,The modems are categorized according to the amount of information that they can transmit 1577,He said subsidising the entropy industry is only a incentive for companies to 1578,Architecture includes the production marketing and maintenance of landscape plants 1579,During his ecclesiastical years he lived as a sophisticated 1580,Add a new element to a binary search tree of O n 1581,The meridian 153° east of Greenwich is a line of longitude that extends 1582,Teesin is an unincorporated community in the County of Sullivan United States 1583,713 171 provinces are registered as registered citizens of Finnish 1584,The massive extinction appears to have reached Antarctica due to 1585,Swift s final version was released on September 9 2014 with Xcode 6.0 GM for iOS 1586,The fifteenth chapter is divided into three parts and is about music and written 1587,Sarton is the founder of the community and founder of the Isis and Osiris 1588,It is native to Armenia and southwestern Asia and northern Iran 1589,Australia signed a deal with Inter until 2015 1590,Let each shot and bullet are occupied if the strike mass and strike 1591,It was invented and introduced to the civil society 1592,The right-hand characteristic of these strings is used for these strings 1593,A day later Turkish Prime Minister Mustafa Kemal Atatürk launched a video of 1594,Jack Fisk is an American film director and stage director 1595,He had a weight rising to 97 kg in 1962 but it was revealed that 1596,Blood fatty acids are found in different forms during different stages of circulation 1597,A Turing TRACE is a state-of-the-art language that controls 1598,Many of his books have been translated into very high quality and can be downloaded from 1599,The film was later released as part of the third season 1600,The remaining portions of the group receive secret vitamin C every day and the 1601,If the number of children is d then O will need to process new roots and the potential 1602,According to this section of the Bible God gave Abraham his son and children killed in all 1603,In the context of theology he has the greatest emphasis on divinity divin 1604,He became the head of civil court in 1878 1605,Under these agreement Iran would clean its consumption of the medium-chain enrich 1606,In some countries military service is not mandatory and youth can volunteer voluntarily to 1607,In addition throat problems are not observed in children less than 2 months 1608,The largest disk moves from the source to the destination 1609,The body of this species has a substance called carboxylic acid that is 1610,Mode and media which means clothes are symbols of social and economic status 1611,Moreover the use of the language in this case is equivalent to it 1612,Establishing a military doctorat is one that determines how military forces 1613,Based on the Davis model several methods have been developed where the main solution is 1614,From 1971 to 1971 she was the head of the English Language Training Group at the National University of 1615,She was an American film director television and commercial photographer 1616,Tools such as osascript can compile scripts and make simple plaintext files 1617,One of the popular dishes in Dassler is called mommu 1618,From this point it became clear that the feeling of pleasure became more powerful than 1619,The following program within a function called compute.sum uses a 1620,Rubberwood is a hardwood with a slight elongation and 1621,Most of the Polish soldiers and a group of Polish-German soldier 1622,It was about the death of King Arthur 1623,At the end of the 19th century the Darwinian growth and growth theory 1624,Fire is a chemical substance which is used in waterproofing humidity 1625,Azerbaijan International Oil Company is a multinational multinational oil company that stipulates 1626,There are four main characters in the game 1627,When the animal s animal slaughtered a trawler gathered 1628,If fresh water is not available eating seawater or a low-boiled body 1629,Depending on the nature and severity of the encephalopathy signs and symptoms are 1630,This model incorporates elements such as encryption memory capacity rejection and decryption 1631,The British Embassy held in Baku under the title “Life and Thought of a 1632,He ordered the construction of the first bridge in Persia and founded many cities 1633,In October 1953 the United Nations General Assembly adopted the organization as a permanent organ 1634,In the few decades of the 20th century radio telescopes developed in the 1635,Shafapnem continued his activities after a declaration by the President Hosni Mubarak 1636,Furthermore the lifetime of a commercial unit is divided into equally 1637,In this way a stack of old supposed public key that would never be 1638,Economists such as Barry Ickenridge and Jay Bradford Dalatt have argued 1639,Several phrases can be combined with each other 1640,On the other hand the object style was further linked to the average society and 1641,André Greer noted that Sartre s book had a new purpose which 1642,Despite the similarity of semantics Rust is semantically distinct from C and C 1643,In his storyline he brings attention to the lives of rural children children plays and nature 1644,A spam filter will eventually reveal a high probability based on specific user 1645,In the late 19th and early 20th century however some of them emigrated to 1646,The two sides are symmetric and the structure of each of the halves is generally 1647,It is also important to maintain the proper concentration of calcium ions in the blood 1648,A common word common in Germany means cheese 1649,He was born in Tehran and studied drama and theatre 1650,The police later compared paper with the book 1651,The architect s role in design and successful rendering of well-known building environments 1652,In this battle Jabirīl submitted a message from God to Muhammad and said: 1653,In the implicit chapter two propositions will be true if and only if one of 1654,When the field of psychology requires special education and specialized knowledge especially in the 1655,The Qajar painting school began during the Zand era and lasted until the 1656,The trial began on 16 January 2009 1657,Oral tense dimorphism can immediately be repeated 1658,Caesar forced Spartacus to ascend south and Precordia 1659,In an interview with The New York Times in 2003 at the age of 18 Malcolm 1660,Then the ratio of atomic mass to iron-saturation to iron-sa 1661,However he was unable to sell bread and meat and eating annually and 1662,However the Iraqi forces were forced against the Ottoman troops 1663,The glyph s power which is based on the light released by 1664,Currently the series is renewed until the end of season 1665,He was released from prison after eleven years 1666,During this time he became one of Alfred Adler s summer classes 1667,The skeletal muscle consists of two structures: the Kleepfer and the 1668,About 9.8% of families and 10.7% of the population were below the poverty line including 1669,The newborn orangutans nurse every three to four hours and begin breastfeeding 1670,In machine theory and order sequence theory a state transition table is a 1671,In 2005 TIME Magazine named her as the former eye doctor 1672,The importance of this equation is that it can combine with an organic ethanol 1673,Every internal node stores the maximum stored value stored in its left subtree 1674,Its speakers included Elvis Valhoudi Mrs 1675,The implementation of health care programs including Occupational Health and Safety emphasizes 1676,With the death of the king Sebigonte in 1773 before the beginning of the 1677,He attended high school in Iran and then returned to Austria 1678,The German team won four UEFA Super Cups in 1997 1679,Ieyasu was a wealthy aristocrat who helped to strengthen his 1680,Finally on November 23 1987 Watson agreed to make use of Pink Floyd s 1681,He had a relationship with the actual father Mehdi Bazarly 1682,The thousands of bills and resolutions are presented annually to the Congress 1683,He was educated at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Oregon Columbia 1684,After his death his lawyer Vicente Guerra continued his independence war 1685,Each g-force was a light emitted by a scorpion 1686,Its ruins are colours and often pink and it is located on the mountainside 1687,The company s productions and band s crew were recorded in many films and 1688,He was succeeded by his son Musa ibn Abi Bakga 1689,where a b and c are constants and x is a constant 1690,Mark Gwelerro a professor of Democracy and Liberalism at the European University of 1691,In 1966 a fully classic interpretation of the Schrödinger s equation 1692,The most famous quote by George Sand is that there is only happiness in the life of 1693,The German women s team has competed at all times until 2008 1694,It is considered to be one of the three greatest metal bands of the German 1695,It is more common in animals than humans and seldom causes infection in 1696,It is the unit of the degree or magnitude of a signal also specified as 1697,The next week I went to the store and told me I have written a 1698,Computer users need to explicitly and adhere to a variety of aspects 1699,It has been reported to have been severely decomposed after its first use by its 1700,Surfaces on this part of the Earth s surface are characterized by changes in 1701,It is also known as a certain standard that gradually leads to a 1702,The Russian Revolution sparked the end of the monetary support of the Suzanne Delaunay family 1703,In most U.S. cities reduced driving or changing their vehicles 1704,However two years later when he returned to France he received a substantial 1705,In the years that he was in Moscow Aspasevich wrote for several newspapers 1706,It divides the liver into two left and right pillars 1707,This resulted in the loss of green segments loss of connections to much larger networks 1708,They later moved to Amsterdam after World War II. 1709,She was a French mother who emigrated to Mexico and married a military engineer 1710,Finally in 1908 Manchester United won the UEFA Champions League for the first time 1711,Eggs are sometimes added to feed on grains especially if the horse has 1712,It is one of the most abundant minerals in the body 1713,In addition to developing world expansions there are other challenging economics for classical 1714,The goddess gave him three grapes and said each time it is necessary to 1715,For this reason if the atom is taken from the opposite direction the atoms will absorb 1716,Both amphibians and amphibians are extinct and the nautilus 1717,Ivory Coast became a French colony in 1843 1718,The pumps with a higher velocity increase somewhat through centrifugal force and 1719,There are five restrictions on Yom Kippur: 1720,P: Commercial Service - Primary are publicly owned airports that offer regular 1721,Political dialogues during the Classical period were important in the theory of good 1722,Some processors such as Athlon 64 and Opteron have managed the main memory cache 1723,It is a 351-inch aircraft a 390-horsepower powered by 1724,Tax securities stocks and commodities have been suggested as a remedy for 1725,The first shield protection vessel was built by Sir Mark Imsakher Burleton in 1726,1958: Electron neutrino was discovered by Frederick Owens and Claude Cohen 1727,Stanford University the Massachusetts Institute of Technology the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the University of Michigan are 1728,Attacks that are equipped with ribs are called controlled ribs and 1729,He served as Iran s first ambassador to the United Nations 1730,However several potential candidates for such a theorem are present 1731,Regardless of the extent to which these laws and regulations are 1732,The average foreign income in the Republic is about $15 million 1733,Most of these efforts were defeated due to lack of Jews experience in 1734,In this season Torino suffered a failure in Europe 1735,The term has been used as a religious concept and has since been used as a 1736,The region is bordered by the Karakoram Mountains in the north and the Great 1737,The maximum amount of energy and power is transmitted without passing through the source 1738,The development was accomplished by adding classes and other features such as virtual functions 1739,Indeed the head is a similar to that of a horse or a dolph 1740,He received a Grammy nomination for Best Pop Duo at the 81st Academy Awards 1741,He was a member of Iran national football team for 15 years 1742,The idea was that each subscriber s first packet would create a 1743,He was expelled in 1939 due to his constant delay and joined the photographer 1744,In the implicit chapter two propositions will be true if and only if one of 1745,However in this view the views of many scholars who believe that social capital leads 1746,Louding is divided between alpha and saliva 1747,The captain s members were eventually killed and only Rebecca Butler was 1748,The TLC may be protected during its cycle by the exclusion of patents and 1749,He was married to Abdullah ibn Walid 1750,A type of ovaria can spontaneously produce a million grain annually 1751,However Farrokhzad Khosrau managed to flee to Syria where 1752,In the late sixteenth and early twentieth centuries merchants continued 1753,For briefly he was the Prime Minister of Sri Lanka before serving as president in the 1754,The body was discovered by Nancy Spang on October 12 1978 at the Chelsea Hotel 1755,Armenia participated in the Second World War 1756,From 1982 to 1987 he was professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaig 1757,The U.S. Congress approved the sale of 24 U.S.-backed 1758,This number is transmitted when the VeriChip s stiffening a register 1759,The unit was created by Mohammed Amin al-Hirah and a proposal of 1760,Persepolis Football Club is a football club based in Tehran Iran 1761,Prior to this the European Law had included consanguinity or consanguinity or consa 1762,Many of these were Indigenous peoples from the beginning of the twentieth century 1763,Bordello s heat storage facility allows it to store 97% of its annual 1764,It is a sheet of paper or mould and used for skiing various materials such 1765,According to the Kabbalah the roots of the Canaanites were reached by 1766,In the article The Crucifixion Demand in the Twentieth Century has 1767,Each cell may use one or two or three colors available for background and 8 colors for background 1768,After this period he returned to the national team when Ali Pirin took part in 1769,The governor of the city Sa‘abah ibn Ibrahim al-Dawlay 1770,Emma Claire Watson is an English actress and accountant 1771,The biases of a consistent estimates are that individual estimates in 1772,He was educated at Darolfon School in Tehran 1773,The main coal fields may weigh up to two kilometres and carry up to 100 1774,Another well-known tower the Palazzo Pezzo is built from 1203 to 1775,Each heating system transfers heat to a colder environment to keep everything in the 1776,Many non-Muslim citizens were forced to sell their property at very low prices 1777,Representative Dana Roghanic of the United States asked the U.S. government to 1778,Privacy patrols and NIMBYs often have a regret about such 1779,Aristotle also states that the ships in any direction that they disappear from the 1780,The primary techniques used in drawing are line drawing shaping random sketching random 1781,He left Iran for two years and returned to Iran 1782,He was a pioneer of Arabic and Islam in Italy 1783,The same public view has been coined by a number of neoclassical economists 1784,However when the minister and his entourage arrived in Seres Reza was 1785,Together with Jennifer Lopez and Steve Martin he is set to play a role in the 1786,They are generally smaller than centrifugal centrifugal centrifuges typically have a 1787,The Rise of the Dawn was the first Australian newspaper to be published and 1788,However it should be noteworthy that the amount of power transferred is reduced by 1789,He was sentenced to death and sentenced to death 1790,It is currently banned in Indonesia and Malaysia 1791,These were the basis for the broadcast of experimental programmes by the British 1792,After the defeat of Edouard Labrio their assistant Jim Pilob was force 1793,She became famous in 1973 with a radio program called Voulez-Vous C 1794,He won Formula 3000 and Formula 3000 in 1996 1795,Pultz believed that newspapers could be used as a tool for 1796,The process mentioned in the Constitutional legislation is the process by which Greenland 1797,He also participated in the Euro 2004 and 2006 World Cups 1798,In another chapter Imam Husayn says that if you pray fast then you 1799,Programs are broadcast from both the satellite and the Internet 1800,The most recent analysis suggests that the civil society of neo-colonialism recognizes 1801,Her mother was a suburb manager and her father was a retired accountant 1802,The prisoners who were released were ordered to withdraw from the mouths of 1803,In late 1990s the stadium was used as a public burial site by the T 1804,He criticized the human beings in the verses of Husserl and Hsi 1805,The amino acids that are extracted from food are oxidized by the body if they 1806,Early walking on either side of the legs lead to the southern evolution of the 1807,It was traditionally widely used in Scotland 1808,The film s director had said in an interview: In the middle of the film we 1809,They have two children: a son and a daughter 1810,Gye-Cottada travelled a few hundred kilometres above the Amazon 1811,If the flower has not improved for a few days you may visit the physician 1812,To enter a node into the heap we perform two steps: 1813,The purpose of this journey was to find her and her son in Faran 1814,The design of buildings is known as a solar building 1815,Henrikh Mkhitaryan is an Armenian footballer who plays as a 1816,I have two sets and I have two sets 1817,Enkier gives a large sum of money to the Dukey mission saying he 1818,In Iran the Islamic laws prohibits a man s sentence of 1819,It allows the development of a simulation model of the structure and behavior of the system 1820,One who anticipated the emergence of Matus as world teacher was Charles Leacheter 1821,where Thomson Reuters provides data exchange between the RPD system and vice versa 1822,It was released as Darlin Darlin in December 1984 1823,It can be divided into two categories: unified resources and renewable resources 1824,On 8 December 2006 he started his sales in four major markets 1825,The most massive pairs of particles produced by electron-positron- 1826,In the United States the time required without a seizure is determined by 1827,After a long war the kings were forced to accept peace and their king 1828,The use of the aircraft has been banned in Iran since 2011 1829,The trustworthiness of Allah is the price of every thing and the holder is the price 1830,He has taught at the Free University of Berlin since 1950 1831,She has appeared in several of her father s films including Indiana Jones and 1832,However the situation quickly improved and succeeded in defeating and subsequently 1833,They are omnipotent and omnibenevolent and omnibenevolent 1834,Located about 100 km to the southwest of Sydney and around 650 km to the northeast 1835,It can be installed on removable media such as optical drives optical 1836,In 1938 before the outbreak of the Second World War the German ambassador to Churchill gave 1837,For example a time hierarchy is used in teaching and learning to help students and research 1838,Blindyr was the dog of Adolf Hitler who was given gift in 1941 by Martin 1839,In the early 19th century Edgar Allan Poe of America and Nicolas 1840,The original work begins in the Hadamard which can last a few hours 1841,In 1938 he was arrested for more than 23 pounds of marigold 1842,In 1985 the design of the T-72 was re-engined resulting in the tank 1843,On 28 June 32 he was released from prison 1844,AnnaSophia Rab received her first artistic award in 2008 1845,The walls are made from a layer to level and at intervals chaho or stone 1846,In the book Jwin appeared when Harry appeared before appearing in 1847,For example 202.2 species in Australia 100 species in the islands of Spain and the 1848,The Center for Community Empowerment is a non-governmental organization based in Vietnam 1849,These relationships included the role of a man and a man women s custom 1850,He graduated in 1977 from the University of South Carolina with a Bachelor of Science 1851,A subset of this group consists of languages heavily influenced by American sign language 1852,As a result we shall put forth our soul and sin of our sin 1853,Developing discussions and focusing on language are important concepts for helping each student 1854,The next morning three detectives and a psychiatric psychologist searched entire 1855,These strings include handball hicks on canvas hicks on ice and 1856,Their husbands captured him and brother until 1932 when the Red Cross of 1857,The open-chain form of glucose is thermodynamically unstable and spontaneously 1858,He is also a former president of PEN Canada 1859,He lived in Gondor for a few years before his wife s death 1860,The river freezes in late September or early October 1861,The Institute has five research institutes and five institutions 1862,JYJ s methodology is more closely related to classical physics than quant 1863,1913 - Stapleton Assembles are opened in New York United States 1864,In 2012 about 62 million tons of apple were produced worldwide 1865,The documentary was published by the National Library of Germany and is available under the Creative Commons 1866,In August 2005 WWE played the first time at the Eurovision Song Contest 1867,The solution of this equation consists of two roots that can be represented by 1868,At 16:40 the prayer of marriage was sung by the Bishop 1869,He died in February 2004 in southern Buenos Aires 1870,White stones are known as slush stones and blue stones are known 1871,After returning from the film Tour Kooshan offered to teach filming aesthetics and 1872,At the 2006 census its population was 73 in 8 families 1873,King Chitrabhanu of the Ikkatheban dynasty who ruled over the whole of 1874,The electrons in the ΔVph are distributed in 2 electrons across h3 1875,In the late twentieth century authors such as Julia C. R. Misley and 1876,It is one of the oldest known breeds in England 1877,After every U. alpha each column vector q must be reversed so that every column vector 1878,Shahrokh Shajarian is an Iranian archaeologist who graduated from 1879,The photograph was later used as a memorial for the U.S. Marine Corps 1880,The completely restricted features of the language structure are that there is no real numbers there 1881,A large and efficient air filter with air filtration capability is applied double-sided 1882,On December 19 2008 he was under surgery and anticipated a further six months 1883,Many of these concepts were adopted through contact with the Spanish and the Latin translation 1884,In number theory a perfect number is a positive integer that is equal to 1885,He died in 1933 during the occupation of Iraq and the World War I. 1886,He began acting at the age of five and is now an art teacher at the 1887,The GNU Project is free software and uses free software 1888,An open circuit voltage or VOC is the voltage across which a circuit 1889,The rising inflation had predicted the rising supply of gold a decade 1890,Educational difficulties in those who have such a condition are common especially among 1891,Patients with severe sores may be hospitalized to a more rigorous 1892,From 1919 until his death in 1919 he was the director of the Darwin Observatory 1893,In 2007 president of the Russian Institute announced that the two names for a new element: 1894,Thus the government spending and tax revenue are usually replaced by 1895,It is the largest oil and gas producer in Turkmenistan 1896,In most countries a person with epilepsy may not have one to three years of 1897,His first joint translations of Hafiz and C.H.E.S. 1898,Therefore the use of useful signals in the study of obese individuals is 1899,A solar chimney can transmit natural heat to create a vacuum through the diameter of 1900,Therefore HIV infection can be diagnosed only by the testing of HIV RNA or 1901,The Second Temple of Jerusalem was separated from the rest of the Temple of Jerusalem 1902,Some of these jumpers are called simply jumpers such as the 1903,For 24 AWG cable the frequency-focus effect on the intrinsic resistance of 1904,According to Jean Batistec each item is considered to be a product 1905,Five wooden stoves were built with a height of 12 meters 1906,An affected tissue is replaced with scratches and holes filled with nec 1907,Sawwyshed – Oe- is the son of the first album by an American rapper 1908,The network card rejects data if it is not already a Promiscuous 1909,He lived in France for concentration camps and fought in the Spanish Civil War 1910,The queen better known as Hyphae was Hypnotheus s wife 1911,With the help of eight fenced beds Sopho entram the body of the hunter 1912,Alice had six younger sisters and a brother from which the relationship with Eddie 1913,Rodhan Kapoor is a politician poet and psychiatrist 1914,Although the term became widely accepted during the 19th century the French government 1915,The project s name is derived from two words Vanity and Fancona and the 1916,Most alkaloid genes are reinforced and reconstructed by the Helminthondrines 1917,It was founded in 1964 and joined the Organization of Iranian Automobile and Iranian 1918,He studied English at the University of Wisconsin–Madison and was interested in history philosophy 1919,The Earth averaged about per square meter per square meter 1920,As a result side-by-side attacks using methods such as fixed- 1921,During the journey Khosrau II escaped the Holy Fire along with 1922,Stephen believes that the SSS may be a more general algorithm than the alpha 1923,It is also used as a food additive 1924,In general most physicians spend two to three years practicing as a physician resid 1925,After the opening of the Panama Canal however a new route from Asia to Europe reduce 1926,tuberculosis starts when the mitochondria reach the renal bracknell 1927,Until the 5th century there is no mention of the language 1928,Light is the same as light is the same as light 1929,However Modotti refuses to marry him but is arrested for his murder 1930,When asked that she loves her she leaves Anas and finds her 1931,As a result of numerous advertising media sales increased from 100 000 to more than 1932,Polyurethane surgical gloves were first produced in 1964 by ANSI L 1933,I will always see what is right and what is bad 1934,This dribbling starts with the movement of the hands and the hands 1935,With the song One Day of the Rain he was a member of his country at the 1972 1936,Other variations include Little Jermain Power and Little Bear 1937,He also worked as a stage actress and writer before he was encouraged to 1938,The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was awarded in 1903 1939,It is part of the GNU project and is a free and open-source alternative to 1940,The third chamber or second chamber has a length of 2 and half milli 1941,The housing market in the province is fairly competitive 1942,The area has natural gas and natural gas resources 1943,It was the capital and heir apparent to Pope Paul III Brutus 1944,His murder in Sarajevo was the act of which Austria declared war on Serbia and 1945,Simon refuses but Jeanne refuses 1946,Muhammad ibn al-Ayyam entered the war with a group of loyal 1947,The people of Georgia call Sogdians as Sogdians and Sogdians 1948,Two types of articles are printed by MNRAS: papers which can be 1949,Peace Without Humility is almost certainly the best harp ever created 1950,The book argues that the increasing unemployment rate in the early 18th century 1951,One way of the theorem was proven with the method they were presented to obtain 1952,In December 1967 David Gilmour was joined by David Gilmour as a fifth member 1953,Faucher is the Official Journal of the Three Main Players of the Game 1954,Gambanotti later said that Lennon was in fact a virgin 1955,Brushless motors are ideally suited for manufacturing applications for high power density 1956,However the civil war led many of the things including Lincoln s attitude towards 1957,With a collection of troops looking at a place where the contents 1958,Thomas Trachtentremmer published his first collection of poetry published in 1956 while 1959,University of Iran is the leading university in Iran 1960,I had previously mentioned matters regarding gas and water companies 1961,It lies about 1150 square kilometers above sea level 1962,The increase in exposure can be achieved by increasing depth and 1963,The first line of the umbrella which uses a knight as a 1964,Robert Green Walsh the director of the film claimed that the U.S. 1965,In 2015 she starred as Josh Gaddafi in the film Romeo and Juliet 1966,It first appeared in February 1973 and quickly became successful 1967,In a second meeting Nastenka introduces herself to her and the two become friends 1968,The period fired a small number of MAU troops from Paris s publisher 1969,The Battle of Actium with the Latin tribes then concentrated in the Latin city of Malta 1970,Sudan s GDP grew by 4.1 billion while Sudan s GDP 1971,He has written two books called the 25 Laws to accomplish and the next 1972,His mother Nina is a German-Irish mother and his father Paul 1973,After the introduction of the Rolls-Royce Rolls-Royce model in 1925 1974,The farmers would roast beef in a tray of copper or 1975,In 1929 Japan was founded as a radio pioneer 1976,In the early 1970s Lytmat developed a philosophical philosophy based 1977,His mother s clothing designer David Bowie and his father helped Nicholas Young and 1978,These images of the g-phone can be used to control the direction of the 1979,When protected from borders he is shown as a close throat crane 1980,On November 9 the troops led by Napoleon led a coup d état dissolving 1981,In 2008 a non-commissioned spouse of actress Marylin Monroe 1982,As a result of the above DPDA is a strictly weaker type 1983,In December 2007 a film adaptation of the story was released 1984,The song is accompanied by a loud speech and voices and accompanied by 1985,Psychosis after a seizure is usually experienced in 6–10% of 1986,Automatic memory management is typically handled by collecting waste 1987,Some rankings are based on the way students enter the university 1988,The Chinese People s Army Department of Defense announced in 2007 that the recruitment 1989,It is also used as a substitute for ethyl ether as a solvent 1990,At the age of seven he began to play a piano at the age of 1991,There are two smaller atoms that are usually hydrogen with hydrogen atoms 1992,His victory in Europe allowed Ottoman Turks to play a significant role in 1993,It is operated by the cities of Karaj and Karaj 1994,The film s third and final feature was a screenplay by Kenneth Branagh 1995,Robert is a 23-year-old s 23-year-old who lives in a 1996,It is estimated that mathbf J is the Jacobian mathbf f in mathbf 1997,Despite all these however he went back to Hollywood for a few years 1998,An 8-swing motor is an 8-swing motor similar to a single-friction 1999,Milan s fashion preference became increasingly popular among the fashion magazines 2000,This was a lifting moment after Aristotle s death because he believed 2001,One of the best types of leadership is in the design of environmental design and energy 2002,Since then a large portion of their history has been published in Persian 2003,It is built as a single unit of length and time 2004,JPG|View of tower in Al-Ahsa region 2005,He moved to Barcelona and began playing football when he was still very young 2006,At the 2006 census its annual rainfall is 2007,The three-person councils consisted of a professor a representative from students 2008,Harvesting in these lands is 50% higher than traditional irrigation in 2009,It is believed that the armed forces were essentially unsafe and that 2010,A federal court and a high court are the principal tasks of the king 2011,1663: Robert Hooke discovers a node using a microscopic device 2012,Sohrab Shahid Tarعد was an Iranian film director screenwriter and film editor 2013,The simplest reasonable proof is conditional state which is a sample of the 2014,During their own day their international fame came from printing which spread 2015,Two weeks later `Abdu l-Bahá announced his resignation due to 2016,In some patients acute heart failure and fibrovascular inflammation occur in the first year of 2017,These computers use a variety of different levels of arithmetic that are 2018,Tillerson decided to attack the Shah s army and attack Raphael 2019,He is best known for his role as Dragoljub the son of Tarzon and Jin in 2020,In 2004 Ullmann stated that she had received a favorable offer in November 2003 2021,He also appeared in the film s second film Jebu directed by Oliver Stone 2022,He was one of the major American leaders in Iraq since he was able to lead the 2023,Octavian took custody of three brothers and sisters and gave them to his 2024,The author s rights include both the intellectual rights and the spiritual intellectual 2025,After the death of the son of Suleiman the only sons of Suleiman were 2026,The name of the country and the name of the country 2027,This was the beginning of artists interaction with double standards of gender and sexual preferences 2028,The first study of the dam was started in 1999 by Arm-Hydroenergo-project and 2029,The third edition was published in 1788-97 by Colin McFerguson and later 2030,With military modifications in the 1930s the military continued to dismanch 2031,The U.S. Green Home Builders Association is a type of organization that 2032,Other symptoms include chest pain and chest pain 2033,Bough is a song by American alternative rock band Coldplay 2034,At that time he translated a poetry of Turkish Georgian Armenian and Russian 2035,The Accounting Committee the Internal Revenue Committee and Working Groups of the Internal 2036,He managed to leave the island for seven months 2037,Recreational flights to South American flights began in the 1970s with the 2038,There are a number of medications in the group which appear to be 2039,It was the last battle that occurred during the Ring of the Ring which resulted 2040,The experience of Environmental Impact Assessment in India shows that environmental data is not 2041,This involves how to evaluate their actions 2042,Appendicitis also known as hemorrhoids are the hemorrhoids that 2043,He was born in Chester Massachusetts to Jacob and Thomas 2044,As a simple example suppose that the set P consists of a number of 2045,Ballet companies promote modern dance not only modern dance but also modern dance 2046,It was the fourth to have appeared as a professional acting career after 2047,The decisions for the environmental protection protection recognize these broad spectrum of 2048,There are two main species of cerebellar nerves the cerebellar tentorium cere 2049,This has also been responded by the theory of cosmic deviation that cosmic de 2050,In November 2012 WWE announced that she would become the first woman to win the 2051,In a complete metric space the closed set is a set that is closed 2052,The hash function is very basic where the data is copied from a 2053,The aircraft lasted from June 1959 to October 1968 2054,In general there are three types of solar cell: 2055,Residents of a house owned by the families are officially recognized as 2056,It currently holds a bachelor s degree in electrical engineering and a 2057,Ecuador is a province of Peru in Peru 2058,In humans B2 is converted to its active form under the therapeutic enzym 2059,European immigrants were mainly from the Spanish colonies but a small fraction 2060,After giving birth to his uncle Sam s father agrees to give him a 2061,The water of the marshes generally has salts that are dissolved when the 2062,For example given above it is assumed that red would be chosen to choose 2063,Rio Tinto owned 40% of the mining company in Nevada 2064,During the 2003–04 season Milan made compulsory appearances for the Serie A 2065,Nainsar Island in the Twelve Ural Mountains is the location of a church 2066,The most well-known species is European rabbit 2067,Etrelate s metabolites were previously used before the synthesis of etractive 2068,He was married in 1976 and married in 1977 2069,Very expensive home construction: Combined use of Folkewalls and toilets with separate 2070,On 21 April 2015 the Justice Tribunal of Cairo suspended Morsi s 2071,In the history of Oxford s music critic Edvard Nutterert wrote that Mussorgsky 2072,Following the Industrial Revolution British became the Grand Duchy of the Great known as 2073,After the Second Bill of the Vienna Convention that he called him a constitutional revolution 2074,The university also has six dormitories with an area of approximately 28 000 square 2075,Scientists believe that the evaporation of the Earth s crust has been 2076,He was married to James Thomas Elliott in 1938 2077,His mother died in 1882 while he had only seven years of age 2078,The meridian 153° east of Greenwich is a line of longitude that extends 2079,The meridian 8° at the beginning of Nabazassar is a line of 2080,Sex Pistols was a British progressive rock band formed in 1975 by 2081,As another example the X server receives information from the mouse and sends messages such 2082,The name is derived from the Greek Delphic Delphic Delphic 2083,The walls of the Zoroastrian temple of Mount Intan were covered with 2084,Adoul is a village in Béchar Province Algeria 2085,The United Nations Children s Fund donated US$1.5 billion to the United Nations 2086,The fourth ventricle is bound in the front by the elbow and the elbow 2087,These panels can be added to a layer or further to the outside of 2088,Recent measurements have shown that the Milky Way galaxy was far larger 2089,It was restored in 1670 by Tylman van Gameren 2090,A database management system is a scalar relational database management system that manages the data 2091,The book sold 1.3 million copies and has been translated into 31 languages 2092,Saʿdi was translated into Russian by Rostam Akayev 2093,Naturally a species having become extinct over 10 million years of its 2094,It was introduced in 1904 by George Borealis 2095,Fatih Gold is a Turkish TV series broadcast from 2010 to 2012 2096,His parents divorced when Laurie Byrd left school when Laurie became 2097,During World War II he left Israel for diplomatic ties with French British and American 2098,The Jews were forced to return to Judaism in 1866 2099,The dependent dependency on the number of nodes in the sentence structure is limited 2100,In season 56 Breaking the Habit is reported to have been reported to Edon by 2101,Today the code is not widely used although its use has a long and 2102,Armenia had always been in alliance with both Rome and Iran 2103,Copernican revolution theory is one of the brightest evidence of the Renaissance 2104,The most important point of contact with the Persians was the cities in the northern 2105,An important aspect of the implementation of AppleScript is the Open Scripting Architecture 2106,For example in New State legislative law adopted by the New State House of Representatives 2107,The Nobel Prize prize is an outstanding prize of the Nobel Prize in 2108,There are many examples of changes in the process of communication and trade using the Web 2109,The current pattern of the ice-cold period says that the ice-cold period 2110,However in exchange for loans and through loans banks use a variety of 2111,He then turned north towards the southern end of the Indian Ocean 2112,The buddy system was invented in 1963 by Harry Markowitz who won the 1990 Nobel Priz 2113,She won eight UEFA Women s World Cups and eight World Cups 2114,The TFTP protocol one of the simplest transmission protocols is using the UDP port 2115,The film was recorded in Berlin and Hamburg in August 1936 2116,At about 100 million years ago the deposition of the urine has occurred in a 2117,This can be reduced by using the cascading fractional cascading method to reduce 2118,In 1943 the previous division of Tokyo which was divided into two parts of the city and 2119,When the news of Philip s death was reached Rome the Praetorians 2120,The female gives a special face while watching the female urine and 2121,For example an attacker may enter a building with limited security and attempt to open 2122,During the last ten years export came from $ 200 million to $1.2 billion in 2004 with 2123,According to Mike Murdera a general-court casemate of Tagleasi and 2124,The term Colombia has been used to refer to the new world especially the American and American coloni 2125,Kang Min Yi who is a South Korean actor is a singer-songwriter 2126,The Moscow-based Moscow-based electricity service also known as the Moscow 2127,Joseph Rothschild who became a religious advisor and later Pope Benedict XVI b 2128,Each port consists of a number of files containing those files which specifi 2129,The liver protects almost every organ in the body 2130,In particular in Brazil cat meat is a popular type of meat 2131,The configuration of routers causes routers to forward packets directly to all 2132,It won the Golden Bear at the 41st Berlin International Film Festival 2133,The authorization of the Internet Protocol is being completed 2134,Kristen Hodge portrayes Lana Lange a daughter from Clarke 2135,FreeBSD provides two frameworks that are called the GELI and GBDE 2136,In August 2004 according to a notice from the Japanese Ministry of Work it was 2137,Before this Abdullah Ahmad was close to Anwar Ibrahim 2138,طبيعة ṭabîʻat *tabiʻat *tabiʻat 2139,This model of Kia Motors was the winner of the models for Ford s success in Europe 2140,However he grew up in San Antonio Texas 2141,Important scientific activities in the Arboretum include the elucidation of forest nutrition 2142,For this purpose the swimmer turns his head off the surface of the water and turns 2143,The Varangians became wealthy and expanded their trade centers in 2144,The Parliament of Morocco consists of two representatives and advisors 2145,He is a popular Bollywood singer and songwriter 2146,We want to describe E.n and |n rang in propositions of energy 2147,Eurystheus with the help of Hercules took the assistance of Hercules 2148,The sources in the case of referring to the hosting of some of the earlier 2149,The water enters the body while the water enters the body 2150,As a result they mixed the first and second law of thermodynamics using 2151,Then Van Gogh s family had four other children a son Earl and three 2152,However the identifier does not typically occupy any character and the location of 2153,According to the law of arboretum the rocks in the existing host stone are 2154,Examples include Argentina Brazil Brazil India India and Switzerland 2155,He is the founder and director of the London School of Education until 2005 retiring from 2156,These peptide bonds are compounds chemical bonds that form when the 2157,The Kecko random statistics system explicitly states that when there is no complete 2158,Later in the same year he wrote for The Günaydın newspaper as a columnist 2159,It is currently 36 years earlier in the world that the UNEP holds 2160,In addition to this it is written about the Great Depression 2161,In each reaction conversion and reduction of a molecule or molecule 2162,After Kane s request to Knockin s N Rolling Stones win the match 2163,571 - The Byzantine defeat after the invasion of Armenia Armenia and 2164,The urine is collected through the ureter and is collected as urine 2165,Although the enormous army of Napoleon became a threat to the Russian 2166,Shortly afterwards he was accused of misconduct by another prison guard John H 2167,Hansel frees Hansel from a rope and rescues Hansel from the 2168,In this period the Japanese sword art came to a significant eccentricity 2169,The Nauru field is situated in the northeastern part of the valley of the 2170,According to the officials of the two countries the economy is expected to rise to 2171,The first sentence refers to the conceptual area of the time and the second to the 2172,The rabbis were allowed to do their religion but had to impose additional 2173,The most famous of these is the poetry of the poet Mohammad Gholameyni 2174,Microsoft entered the market with the operating system in 1980 2175,The following list includes people who have left Islam and have been converted into other religions 2176,During a sale trade in a U.S. volcano a six- 2177,It is code that all three nucleotides are equivalent to an amino acid 2178,Africa at the time was part of the western Roman Empire and the supply of grain 2179,Although second language learning does occur in discrete sequences there is not a 2180,This algorithm has been used in open-blotter FreeBSD FreeBSD and Mac OS X 2181,After the plant s room was completed the process of filtering greywater and the water 2182,Nita was politically dominant and was associated with the Kurdish newspaper Iran سر 2183,He worked simultaneously as a constructionist and worked on the city of Athens 2184,The group currently operates in three major market segments: Europe Latin America and Asia 2185,Three German troops attempted to invade Hungary were defeated and Budapest was 2186,These worms are currently banned in the United States and most other countries due 2187,With the development of most platforms parameters that work with parameters can be used instead 2188,On 19 October 2015 the SETI Foundation announced that looking for radio transmitters 2189,Air pollution is a direct or indirect infection of any element by a human 2190,Gillette claimed that the second grep has slowed retraction and rash of 2191,In recent years barrier technologies have shifted to power as power sources for small 2192,Currently less than 1 million U.S. gallons are produced in the United States 2193,The change in internal energy is seen as a combination of heat added to the system 2194,He served as Deputy Prime Minister Minister of Education and Minister of Defence in the 2195,In recent years the use of computers allows printing and publishing of books 2196,He has also appeared in two films directed by Andrew Block and a role in 2197,In the presence of sodium amorphous acid and hydrochloric acid the 2198,In the following years LG s new LG Electronics was restructured with a higher 2199,These trees are recognized as national natural resources and are protected under the protection of 2200,Then he worked for the Cumans Institute until his death 2201,Born in Gardner Grovine she has three older brothers three dogs and two 2202,Up to the next year Azerbaijan was part of Karim Khan territory 2203,The match was a match between Juventus and Juventus against Bethel Phoenix Natalya and 2204,It is a vegetable oil extracted from mature kernels or mature kernels 2205,His father Confucius was an amateur painter and painter 2206,In graph theory a bipartite graph is a graph of which vertices 2207,When the front-end markets were reached the government resumed increasing 2208,The section was also published in English by Dr 2209,The largest gathering of his campaign ever held at the PhilSOS is held at the 2210,However this notion like the Federalist Party was gradually disappeared and within 2211,Coffee and sugar must be taken arbitrary until the coffee is completely cleared and 2212,After the album reached number two in the music charts Australia became the first country 2213,The primary principles of 8-bit computers were between 70 and 80 seconds 2214,The art and architecture of the early Christianity is a continuation of the traditional culture 2215,Each of these types of roses may increase the concentration of calcium 2216,She was married to Anna Mariani from 1935 to 1950 2217,There are currently seventy-everal online shop and DVD stores in worldwide 2218,In the latter part of the 1st century BC the city was considered a major 2219,Passive roofs are better insulated roofs because the roof 2220,At the time of their tour in Barcelona in 2000 Oasis was forced to cancel 2221,In 1583 Narva probably convinced that the Safavids could communicate 2222,After painting on a TV show Rosa Dejesus claims that she is the same woman 2223,During the Cold War the United States and the Soviet Union never met each other but 2224,The brand is owned by the U.S. National Radio Corporation 2225,Two weeks later on 24 February the Constitution of the Caucasus was declared 2226,This period permits them to continue high school at higher levels 2227,The song was one of the few songs that were not revinided in the Queen 2228,The oldest surviving map of the world was the Babylonian map of the ancient 2229,Initially all programs do not work against the C++ compiled C++ 2008 2230,The 1861 earthquake destroyed the city of Mendoza almost completely 2231,The blood and foreign-to-blood fluid is regulated by the lung and the k 2232,The first full statements of the law were published in 1850 by Rudolf Clausius and 2233,In fluctuating resistance oscillators the resonant circuit such as the LC 2234,However they however knew that the attack on Athens would not be their 2235,He also went on to learn the art of swordsman 2236,In 1998 Spieker s properties purchased from Nichiei for $50 million 2237,The Commonwealth of Nations includes Australia Brazil Canada Ethiopia India Mexico India and Switzerland 2238,After this position he was rejected by the Guardian Council 2239,It is often baked or baked with other foods or is added to salad 2240,The medieval computer cycle consists of a simple card which has a network 2241,Another common type of accelerometer based on MEMS technology involves a small 2242,According to Lopez this song is about a severe anxiety about another 2243,Harvester incubates the nest 90 days after they leave the nest 90 days after 2244,President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad congratulated Chaz and the Iranian government declared 2245,With the help of printing systems a copy of a bookseller or a book 2246,Shahid Shamspour University is a technical and professional educational institution in Tehran 2247,According to Rothbard s theory the government s protection from overlawful 2248,In addition to the production of cellular energy the mitochondrial component also includes signaling 2249,Hillomr or Helmand is a river flowing from the province of Helmand 2250,Parole efficiency or optimum parsimony is a concept in economics which 2251,They concluded that there are six basic emotional sensations: anger fear 2252,It is said that the police and the army under the pressure of the Iraqi government 2253,Their language is a branch of Iranian languages 2254,He won the Coppa Italia in 2006 and the Coppa Italia in 2001 2255,In other words the subtree is a maximum that has no edge 2256,In mathematics pairs and t-group pairs are pairs in which 2257,In radio systems TDMA is usually used for multiple frequency shifts and 2258,He was forced to flee to France for three years 2259,Dalley is an unincorporated community in Ashippun Wisconsin United States 2260,The Niger River Nicaragua and the Salas River all originate from Gilan 2261,At the centre of the strategy was Iraq s oil 2262,In recent decades it has been cultivated in New Zealand Tanzania and California 2263,In the 12th century the power of the central government grew 2264,After the war the organisation continued to work with Daniel Borelli s death 2265,It is connected to the Gaza Strip via a Rafah–Tel Aviv–Tel 2266,It was started on 1 July 2013 but continued with technical difficulties 2267,In 1986 a series of conferences were held at the Detroit Arboretum which 2268,The largest non-Muslim religion in Turkey is Muslim with more than 4 mln of 2269,The Iranian National Ballet Company was an Iranian art organization led by the Iranian Ministry 2270,About 50 000 Iraqis arrive at 22 Iraqi concentration camps across 2271,Resident killers attacked the houses of the slaughtered teenagers 2272,The Indian Ocean extends from the South Pacific Ocean to the Pacific Ocean followed by the Pacific 2273,The version number in this case was 1.1 since version 1.1 2274,In breeding epidemics at least two to five years in large embryonic 2275,It is mentioned in the Qur an of a young woman gathering together with Musa 2276,He has built many other projects such as the Round Garden Bridge in New York City the Round 2277,He then moved to Vietnam where he worked as a hunter-gatherer 2278,The pyramid was built entirely against the Pyramid of the Pyramid 2279,In Monte Carlo the girls meet Theo Marignano 2280,Select selects the total number of pointers present in the set of writefds 2281,Investors of stock traders are those who adhere to the principles 2282,The populations which were captured – the tribes lands lands and cities – were 2283,In 1967 Motherwell began to work on her own open space series 2284,The first quantum threshold schemes under the name quantum tagging were examin 2285,Since PCB designation is the process of building physical parts from a physical 2286,In the past and in some parts of Iran women wear new costumes 2287,Unlike the FreeBSD DragonFly developed both a breadth-first and 2288,English speakers recognize this as the technical knowledge of lexical lexicon in English 2289,His father was Maurice Jarre and his mother was a French political activist 2290,Each woman works in harmony with harmony 2291,It was probably the first English book to be published in English in 1947 which 2292,The country s largest airport is Amsterdam Airport 2293,ADP is a chemical compound that converts a molecule of 2294,In 1960 he lived in Tehran 2295,It is a green yellow V-shape which riders must install for a 2296,There are several methods including family work and family connection in Nova Scotia 2297,insects particularly lorvae and squirrels are the food of these 2298,A list of all goals was scored in FIFA World Cup matches 2299,In the 19th century various governments attempted to achieve a legitimate legitima 2300,In 1937 while Tite was appointed Secretary General of the Communist Party of 2301,Harris placed her own car on a youth park in the southern corner and 2302,But I really stuned after this detuned with a medium loud 2303,Yanni was one of the few western artists to record concerts in Taj Mahal in 2304,In chronic obstructive pulmonary edema which is accompanied by neurological 2305,The government had attempted to build a number of large hotels in the city 2306,He is a counselor at the European Commission on the sixth and seventh 2307,Pipes can be heated using the mixture of white castor oil and sweet 2308,At the entrance of the cave a number of reptiles and other sleepy plants 2309,Two centuries writers Ibn al-Asqalani and Rabbi Al-Zak 2310,Arlene Carol Daad is an American actress best known in the 1950s 2311,Historically historian Jonathan Smirman of New York based in New York 2312,Yanni formed the band in 1987 as a keyboardist and in 1988 as drummer 2313,It was later published more briefly in 1953 2314,The CMOS is currently compensated by each nMOSFET with a p 2315,Providing conflict management training in business courses can help boost the emotional intelligence of future 2316,These people seek to do things that are useful throughout their life 2317,In some plants such as shrubs vertical roots are grown so well that 2318,He was elected as chairman of the AFC Champions League 2319,For example above-average levels can be a market failure which has not been 2320,He ordered the building of the Churchyard a year before his coronation and later 2321,Instead Khosrau gave the assistance of Khosrau a part of 2322,The museum was designed by architect Ernest von Neuendorf in 1904 2323,He reconciles himself with Russell s friend she tells him that I am 2324,Jenny Julia Ellen Marlowe was the youngest daughter of Karl Marx the father of the 2325,It is not known whether action as a loose part of the whole physical 2326,The International Standard for Man-and-the-Machine Interface defines user s perception 2327,In applied discussions most of the phrases of the South developing and undeveloped 2328,Saffron is widely used in foods herbicides and other industries 2329,She is regarded as one of the greatest actors in Hollywood 2330,In addition to further development in the manufacturing sector the nanotechnology would be expected 2331,If you are seen in a lamp your camera is capable of infrared photography because 2332,Jones developed the first extensions and then supported the API for many operating systems so 2333,The number of articles ISI Zanjan published from 27 in 2004 to 110 in 2005 2334,It eats a very old sheet of straw and they eventually become 2335,Although serials may be converged but they must converge when no 2336,Although it was not visible until the Hubble Space Telescope did not observe it 2337,Sulfenyl chlorides are active compounds acting as +RS source 2338,Simon lost his father in World War I and due to her mother s condition his maternal 2339,She was married to Immer in Cuba a few years later 2340,However upon seeing the death of Fdala Taenus defeated Hippoly 2341,Before the event only scientists gathered from the three missing skulls 2342,Some Buddhist traditions may have been influenced by the Ancient Greek religion: 2343,The country has passed a full smoking ban since 2005 while India has banned 2344,After the conquest of Persia he went to Baghdad 2345,Michael Schumacher won the first race in 1994 and 1995 2346,According to this principle students and students could avail themselves of full-time education 2347,Soon after the Mongol invasion of Anatolia the Mongol invasion of Anatolia 2348,Many sheltered shrines were constructed in the Persian Gulf 2349,It is currently used mostly for football matches and serves as the home stadium 2350,In the United Kingdom Thomas P. Wells developed the first modern medical ethics code 2351,The project was started in 2008 by Vadim Makeev and ultimately developed by 2352,Part III: The third sector includes the role of children and young women local organizations 2353,Wil Durant also referred to the poet as Sappho 2354,Accordingly in Field Marshal s view Plato had been driven into a 2355,The company has sold 62 plants and research centers in over 40 countries 2356,When Harry Ron and Hermione were pursued by John s parents Ginny 2357,The food seekers were guided into a pathway to form Y where the 2358,Through a new methodology which helps identify and target a small population 2359,He began listening to the beginnings of Black Sabbath 2360,On 23 September 2014 the studios house was demolished and destroyed 2361,An example of such a claim is that sending a threshold line is 2362,The third generation was introduced in Europe in May 2013 2363,Other treasures of the king s annual collections are kept at the 2364,In CAM plants the amount of stored carbon hydrates in the leaves 2365,In 2006 foreign debt has risen by 68 percent 2366,It is during this time that Yangmu and Han become dandruff rivals and 2367,It was produced in 2002 and produced the first commercial exemplar of the Airbus A 2368,The mobile operator benefits from services that the mobile operators can provide is the creation of 2369,The Army of the Guardians of the Islamic Republic of Iran 2370,The first impression is that the final part of the film which might have been a 2371,They are capable of avoiding devils and sometimes serve as guardian 2372,During Van Gogh s residence the rooms were covered by Dutch painter 2373,In 2010 it was asked by fellow NASA scientist Brad Bailey: I recommend that 2374,Einstein s crossword Q2237+030 or QSS 2237+030 is a 2375,Eventually adaptive recursion will be performed and the points will be declared 2376,Mehdi Saqiz was an Iranian painter sculptor and illustrator 2377,In 2006 Bertrand et al 2378,After further modifications the aircraft was transferred to the Pacific coast of Hawaii 2379,He was born in Colorado and died in Los Angeles California 2380,Any two-dimensional map needs to be curved to circumcise the Earth s surface 2381,In 1998 Chrester parted from Grey Daze and attempted to find another band 2382,The same concept of the Rule of Conciliation similarly proved to many planters 2383,In this relation to trust a trustee is a trustee responsible for 2384,The film stars Selena Gomez Leonard Merrill and Kate Pretty 2385,Mehdi Karroubi was an Iranian politician politician and president of the Islamic 2386,In 1911 the University of Stanford began working as a scientific institution in the United States 2387,Malality programming involves the combination of multiple data streams in a single flow 2388,In addition to the Turkish and Turkish languages Marthea learned English Greek 2389,The Hotel Orange New York is a historic and historical hotel in the Manhattan area in New 2390,We choose not to speak in a certain way 2391,Plasm metals are the most abundant and the most precious metals in the 2392,In Asia the channel is broadcasting and subscriber channel 2393,The type I type of collagen is found in bones and tellosis and is 2394,In Iran two versions of the EC7 EC7-RV and the x7-edition 2395,She made her film debut when she was studying at Harvard 2396,Because of its high resistance to heat they are often referred to as fire 2397,He is considered one of the greatest poets of all time 2398,He is considered one of the best directors of the film 2399,His main contribution to dance is to focus on the center of the body balance between breath 2400,Plutarch has been criticized as not based on empirical evidence 2401,Marshmallow was born in 1975 in the Kundan Zoo in Kabul Afghanistan 2402,The greater of the year will have almost no role in the growth of the 2403,In 1903 Amundsen conquered the North Atlantic route between the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean 2404,Sambaun Linux distributed with both x86 and AMD64 architectures 2405,The Supreme Court elected him as a lawyer 2406,Many of the Cavalier poets nonetheless were the patron treasurers of 2407,In the case of quantum theory energy levels are used instead of energy levels 2408,The first match that was aired was the Money in the Bank Invitational for the 2409,In this definition the 12 carbon atom is non-repudiated and in a stable 2410,A quantum Turing machine known as a universal Turing machine is a 2411,When a ICMPv6 node receives a message that depends on 2412,The last subnet is a subnetting that dictates all bits in a 2413,When a new band toured throughout North America the tour was close to those 2414,The concept was developed by the Greek scribes and played a pivot 2415,Ghaffar Khan was attacked by insurgents in 1946 2416,There was a memorial in the Cathedral of St Helium in London 2417,Both Wells of France and Canterbur in Germany were both pioneers of Locke 2418,The olive oil is stored in multimers and stored in a particular vacuolal 2419,In February 2004 the project chose a new license for software development which makes 2420,In theory the voltage drop voltage is equal to the maximum amount of 2421,Sambaaic Americans are Americans who migrate from the independent Sambaa and American Samba 2422,The modern microcredit development can be found simultaneously with the opening of Grameen Bank 2423,The creation of all of Jquery s components allows much easier to be 2424,Individuals born in Iran born in Tehran Iran 2425,He learned foreign languages and speaking several languages simultaneously speaking 2426,Fattahi s name was first published in Kwartah magazine for the first time in 2427,This is true both in the United States and in Europe 2428,While a long-legged man was killed by a hospital clerk 2429,During World War II the existence of weather ships for North America and North America was 2430,In the Book of Job Putting Peter s name Dracula and Ptolemy s 2431,The excessively high growth of goods and services resulted in a growing 2432,Each region pioneered the production of soy sauces which lasted for many 2433,Tamoxifen is a glycoprotein hormone that regulates production of plaques 2434,She was awarded the Nobel Prize in Human Rights in 2007 2435,The town is located near the Syrian border in Iraq 2436,The starting point is usually the time when the animal is removed from the 2437,The supreme jurisdiction is independent of both the Islamic Republic of China and the Islamic 2438,It was the capital and largest city of Turkey 2439,In ancient times tuberculosis was primarily associated with humans 2440,It was the third of a three-and-a-half consecutive of 2441,The men s free standing event is held in Paris 2442,This allows for a locked response without needing to be reused in the 2443,This will all benefit including his wife s wife s wife s 2444,The majority of Turkish languages are written using a variety of 2445,He was invited to Madame Tussauds for the Madame Tussauds 2446,This is because the block coefficients obtained from this algorithm are one of 2447,The bridges starting from dorsal fines slowly bounce toward the original 2448,People living in a civilian state must either serve in a military base or 2449,His husband was expelled by the former authorities of Finnish descent and 2450,Some parts of the standard library are covered with specifications but the majority of the 2451,In 1929 he returned to the United States to attend a Celebration of 1755 2452,Snakes called Baba Monastery consists of shallow hilly hills store 2453,Creation of a ring is crucial in their structure and plays an important role 2454,Ada was the daughter of Hebelomax Serpentes Erechtheus Iertu 2455,He was a member of the German national team and has won two titles in the 1986 2456,It is probable that a combination of equipment in the old locations would be 2457,For example a mixture of mitochondria and cysteine makes blue color 2458,They are closely related to the impressions of biurets and their chemical 2459,Cfront 2.1 was compatible and available in two versions 2460,During this period two Jewish newspapers were printed in Arabic as El Al 2461,Some categories classify leaders and leadership styles based on their degree of 2462,According to rabbinic law the laws of Noah and the laws of 2463,Other functions include cultivation of permanent products in a farm which does not 2464,Many of these features are deployed in OpenBSD including Apache and t 2465,The relation R is also equivalent with ordered numbers ω + ω 2466,The branch node is the mother node that connects two or more of the daughter 2467,In addition he is a board member of the SUSMA Board of Directors in New York 2468,Traditional monetary policy is a process that generates monetary policy objectives 2469,Instead of power limits this is the advantage that the cell s cellular domain 2470,He received two honorary degrees from the University of Oulu Finland in 2002 and 2471,These these often criticized texts are obsolete for many reasons or may 2472,It was cooked and baked in a layer of cooked rice 2473,New stations were built in the Suez Canal region and the Western Red Sea region 2474,Situated at above sea level the airport has a single unpaved runway measur 2475,Many words entered the English language in this form: Pease was a public name but 2476,This sensor is similar to the Gij gauge gauge gauge gauge gauge gau 2477,The hot dome continues at the bottom of the shell and if too long passes the 2478,Apple also sold over a million ILS during the 2007 holiday 2479,The policy of establishing a MOJO membership for Judge s offices 2480,The U.S. President Ronald Ernest Rhodes along with his wife were 2481,The vampire s blood attracts the blood and after graduation from a bright red 2482,In June 2009 it was the first Italian bank to help out with the financial crisis of 2483,Sexual obstacles are therefore one of the most important issues which contribute to the 2484,The alternative alternative to saline wells is to eliminate this concern but it requires 2485,After the war SISU established a new company in Japan 2486,The numbers are equivalent to two numbers where the sum of the sums of 2487,He also heard the voice of Allahu Akbar 2488,In 1960 when English rock music began to be developed the term rock-to- 2489,The EPA Act requires planning and development of designs and assessments to significantly 2490,Among the famous schools are the Alborz School and The Complete School 2491,Individuals are advised to use expert advice in the field of selecting and 2492,AMD and Nvidia both have their own measurement methods 2493,Using this power a pyramid model can be used to keep the food shortening or 2494,The most important exception to this is the cocoa sphere and the tree s tree 2495,Disk buffers are usually small usually small from 8 to 64 MiB and 2496,One of the characteristic features of this style is that it is often specified in 2497,He served as the minister of foreign affairs before Mir-Hossein Mousavi 2498,Hamas also claimed to have captured a soldier named Shaul Ar 2499,Relationship Management: The ability to successfully manage and manage interactions as well as 2500,It was adopted as a federal standard in 1976 2501,The most common complaint about ranks in the U.S. are that the ranks 2502,It can be written as 80–TRS which is a digital device 2503,He has been a professor at the University of York since 2000 2504,His son-in-law `Abdu l-Bahá was taken to Georgia 2505,The length of the head to the tail is between 2506,These adhesives are attached to the structure of the teeth by applying 2507,He was awarded a silver medal at the 1952 Summer Olympics 2508,These tools are sensitive to motions of 10 000 times larger than human hair 2509,The technique was described in a 1932 paper by H. de Bellesvue in French 2510,Oday is a new year for the people of the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh 2511,One of the grandsons named Marvolo informs others about the existence of a 2512,In the first phase under the planning of the Act 1997 scheme for additional 2513,But Borett was rescued by Dr 2514,It is a building built by the architect Ansar Valigin and consists of nine 2515,In 2008 Plassius tested 3 prototypes of their first generation P1 on the 2516,I thought that the existence of the word doom in my name can be suitable 2517,The body s length is threefold 2518,It is the mirror in which the inner mind is revealed 2519,Turner was known briefly in her life 2520,Transport routes have been developed and many new railways have been built 2521,The white head eagle also known as the white head eagle or white head eagle 2522,In spite of Waters Gilmour worked for the new project 2523,In December of that year the band recorded I Am in the Sky 2524,Schuldiner fired Chris Green before recording the album 2525,In June 2004 Reinan received an updated version of OIOS s internal monitoring report 2526,Three species of known predators can be dangerous for humans 2527,There are various types of problem NNS and two of the most known are the 2528,By April 1977 the oxygen had sold more than 70 000 copies in France 2529,He studied history and philosophy of science at the University of London 2530,Harvard University also continued with the motto Veritas et Utilitas which translates 2531,In the past toilets were placed outside the houses and the people were forced to 2532,The number of Armenians increased from 1979 to 1989 2533,In a multivariable calculus the fundamental theorem of a differential and integral 2534,She and her older sister Elise refuse to marry 2535,This is usually achieved through improved speed or simplicity 2536,In Aztec mythology the god is the god of music dance and music 2537,During the history of Islam among Muslims have also been referred to as Mawlid 2538,Finduila and Chypreas clash with each other on the topic of the murder 2539,The novel is also translated into Norwegian and French 2540,Alfredo James E.L. Poo Cruz is an American actor and director 2541,There are currently five versions of the C++ standard 2542,Only after the birth of the spouse is the male becomes a member of the 2543,Most theoreticians agree that information society is a change that began in the 2544,In 1971 he graduated with a PhD in philosophy 2545,Masha is a shy sweet sweetheart and sweetheart who lives in a forest with 2546,The first novel Chekhov is not widely known is Ivan 2547,The organisation was formed in 1995 after the establishment of the Communist Centre of India 2548,This method is called the queen s facing method 2549,A famous radar system was installed on it which could detect at a time 2550,The following season Esteghlal defeated Esteghlal s club Foolad Sep 2551,If tuberculosis is digested before treatment it is recommended 2552,Many species of amphibians live freely in the soil but many species 2553,In 1868 under the supervision of Carl Thomas who worked on the Romantic and Urban 2554,In 1920 Abdul Ghaffar Khan married his wife Namabata daughter of his first wife 2555,It was the year that Sennett s publisher Steve Carell began to create 2556,In the 16th century Nicaragua gained independence from Spain in 1821 2557,In 1995 she left the band replacing Janne Heiskanen 2558,He argues that we are a species that does not reach more meaning and 2559,Once a full matching of colours which would therefore attract the 2560,Nicole Arsi – a treatise on lighting heat and electricity 2561,In Kerala EIA has been implemented in major development projects since the early 1980s 2562,When the first petition was passed by the committee this Saint-Just was 2563,The three main layers are the crust crust and core where the chemical composition 2564,This occurs when the infected foods are not fully clean or cooked 2565,Philip James Saliva is a British musician and songwriter best known for 2566,The cool effect of cold glass is eliminated when the glass surface warms 2567,Bertrand Steiner was an American portrait and fashion photographer best known for his photograph 2568,Treatment with immunostimulants such as spironolactone and syropellamide is performed 2569,The set of L G2 has no typeface biases nor any other functional language 2570,In this case v.m is the volume of the gas to form a single layer p 2571,The use of agents to record activities executed on the database server usually involving 2572,Ronald Reagan Medical Center at University of California Los Angeles 2573,This view of media capacity is concerned with the capacity of the media to introduce 2574,The foreign policy in the 1930s focused on the expansion of the Soviet Union 2575,Later-Doppler was found in George Town in 1996 2576,Mediation in law is a form of inter-penetration problem one way of interp 2577,For example there is a password passing thread that can be successfully forwarded after 2578,At the age of seven he was appointed king of Georgia at the age of 2579,The book was written by Mohammed Hussain Rumshak and contains many questions and answers 2580,His father was a farmer in the village of Ar-Rāmi and his family 2581,Females with B 632-4 36-24-36 waistline and waistline are different 2582,In fact the edge of the pool ends in a trough which is a 2583,He sometimes praised the rule of Bolshevik in his poems such as Hosea 2584,The creation of Managua between the rival cities of Honduras and Grenada led 2585,The EU continues to maintain a bicameral legislature which includes the 2586,This period lasting over eight years was a major military war between the two 2587,In 1985 he moved to the Faculty of Performing Arts 2588,Negative belief - A belief that there is no belief in God 2589,After creating a new authorization for the U.S. government work Fletcher 2590,In 1956 he was appointed as Deputy Chief of the Ministry of Defense 2591,At the beginning of 1918 they had a military army containing between 2592,In 1968 the Lamb of Chords became the largest gospel of the American 2593,It is made with red orange yellow orange and red peppers 2594,Network based simulators provide other tools to facilitate visual analysis of the process and 2595,This is not because blood is circumcised and requires a combination of water 2596,In contemporary times the clash with Israel is considered a heavy blow and many 2597,The dependent variable indicates whether it is proved or not and whether it is 2598,According to Holbrooke she would work on her paintings as she felt that 2599,It was selected as one of the greatest film stars of all time by the American Film Institute 2600,However Sneda acted explicitly as the Foreign Minister of Afghanistan 2601,This relationship is different from the relationship in which some members of the group are dependent on 2602,The low temperature is achieved by the cooling liquid which makes the residue 2603,The Romans used indigo as a color for painting and for medicinal and 2604,Typically the PVA and the synthetic polymers are substitutes especially for 2605,The home may contain the information needed for a instruction 2606,In France and Brazil it is operated by a French company 2607,The largest producers are Turkey Brazil and Vietnam 2608,He had ten sons whom David had more than a certain number of years ago 2609,His poetry poems are often written in the Arabic French English Arabic or 2610,If those two bits are 10 then a.i lt b.i and 2611,L. R. B. Brown is an American environmental activist founder and president of 2612,The first round was in the men s and women s competition in 2008 2613,Scott Sheppard states that As in most tango tracks this song still remain 2614,Iranian-Turkish railway lines end at Lake Van on the east of Turkey 2615,It is currently observed in commercial research papers 2616,The first reports of Komodo dragons were published in 1910 2617,A pure matter consisting only of atoms of one element is called a simple matter 2618,If the appears after position 5 position will be displayed unless the comparison 2619,Unlike other rival designs such as I-26 and I-301 the I-200 2620,Pedro was placed in the list by Vicente Del Bosque in the FIFA World Cup 2010 2621,However the ceremony celebrated the feast and praying ceremonies against the 2622,Adam Smith of the American musician Adam Smith believed that most of the cultivation of 2623,In the first few decades of the Russian Academy of Sciences Tarot s methodology 2624,The new owner was Jacques Lacan 2625,However while we are looking for digital receivers analog receivers are still 2626,Estimates of the long-term effectiveness of this treatment include the effect that has been 2627,In a chapter he implements a database interface and in another chapter also 2628,STScI makes all of the scientific activities necessary for selection planning and 2629,The finalists were Wincrose and Winburn and Winburn 2630,At the 2006 census its population was 269 in 84 families 2631,It is also spoken by Mandarood and Mandarood 2632,Between birth and 5 years by viewing the pattern of tooth growth and permanent te 2633,Tehran Metro Station is a station in Tehran Metro Line 1 2634,I ve never heard of this 2635,This species was divided into two main groups the six-sided and the tetrapods 2636,About 73% of individuals are members of at least two clubs 2637,The second law relates to two systems characteristics temperature and entropy 2638,Gas such as sulfur hexafluoride carbon dioxide methane etc 2639,Kavi Zadeh is an Iranian actress and director 2640,For sufficiently elongated tractors tractors need to be heavy and 2641,In a BASIC game the strategy set is a similar to a dynamic 2642,There is no truth about the principles of the Qajars but they were 2643,For example patients with ALS and MS are often naturally known 2644,This is probable because Muhammad believed that when the kohanim ascended 2645,He received honorary degrees from the University of Rhode Island in 1979 and in 2646,Food crops include rice wheat wheat and wheat 2647,For example selling information may be compared to sending a new product code to the 2648,In 2009 after the Iranian presidential election he recorded a song for the green movement 2649,The amount of mineral water in the human body depends upon the amount of water 2650,In 1987 they signed a contract with the American recording artist Martha Blüht 2651,According to Pliny the Elder who notes that the relationship with Richard III is a 2652,While Javert confronts Valjean with Valjean he allows Valjean to take 2653,You Are My Life is a song by the two children of Jackson named Presne and 2654,Anemia decrease is the most common cause of anemia 2655,In the first case we have n≤r that results in a being a 2656,Many UNIVAC operating systems include FreeBSD Apple Inc 2657,1980 - An English composer and social activist are murdered 2658,The equivalent of crude oil is an energy unit which measures the approximate 2659,It has been damaged since January 2012 due to the lack of a 2660,Hans Oles gave all of his crew arriving at the lower level of the 2661,The portrait was created in 2001 by the German actress Ruth Ungar 2662,Marine sediments are deposited in the shallow and evergreen seas until 2663,The risk of a recurrence of a rectal cancer in those with rectal 2664,The song was written by Freddy Mercury and John Deacon on the 1986 album 2665,Cancer is the second most common cancer and the fifth most common cause of cancer death in 2666,The domain may be static or may not change with time and location 2667,Pregnant women with PCOS may face a problem because of a lack 2668,Soon after the battle with Diophrastus ended 2669,In 1976 he was elected to the National Assembly 2670,The materials used in these clothes are: 2671,The QR codes are those addresses which are coded in publishers 2672,They are usually mixed with sliced bananas and roasted in 2673,Their method to cope with the problem of racism in schools was a list of 2674,In 2007–08 he played as a midfielder but played as a 2675,It is currently used mostly for football matches and is also available for two and 2676,Robert Burnaby wrote that Our Time is spent by the discovery of anything that 2677,During the period of the Communism rule on Mongolian territory in the 20th century 2678,However a few weeks before his death Norway s ambassador to 2679,The castle is part of the temple for the cages of the papilionite 2680,For example during World War II instead of the term martyr or killed in the 2681,They had two sons both of whom entered the war 2682,Gora was born in Vitiúvasilio Sagrado a district of Aragon Spain 2683,Copper compounds are used as fertilizer for bacteria fungicides and wood 2684,The house of Heydarzadeh was rebuilt in 1980 and is currently used as a 2685,These vehicles are designed and manufactured using various engineering disciplines including 2686,The D-ribose was first reported by Emile Fischer in 1891 2687,When a plant is sheltered from fresh air in the soil fresh air 2688,The greater Christian s contribution to the schizo-psychiatric category and psychiatric 2689,However the Ottomans left the city on December 24 1918 as a result of a 2690,The stadium had 22 500 supporters and was built in 1923 2691,His wealthy wealth earned him his seven-year-long travels to Europe 2692,The Prize for New Work and View is part of the Cannes Film Festival established in 2693,Kenneth Murphy is a Danish historian who signed the Danish Charter 2694,Linux kernel is a free operating system kernel that was originally developed by 2695,While men were in prison they were gathered in the central square of the 2696,Many government buildings are open to the public such as the Parks of the Parliament the 2697,If the condoms radiate from left to right they are shown with the sign z 2698,The country is bordered by France to the east and Southern France to the west and 2699,It is very commonly used during the reign of Mughal Muslims in India 2700,He was appointed governor of the city 2701,Furthermore the FFAA establishes a head office for the construction of safe road 2702,The dam will be operated by Iran for 15 years 2703,The UN Office for Humanitarian Affairs established a critically managed management team 2704,The Brave New World or the Brave New World is a novel written by English 2705,The album s second single was released on July 16 2013 2706,Given the connection between nodes and the magic power of Isis is a symbol 2707,It was thought that the ability to display emotions gave rise to relationships and social 2708,This is the first branch to fully support SMB2 2709,Columbia University Medical Center is one of the educational institutions of Columbia including the College of Surge 2710,Some of the قنات channels have been discussed in urban development and this makes the 2711,A number but not all the trees resulting from unusual resistance to diseases 2712,In general dynamic arrays typically have a small additional memory for size and capacity 2713,Pascal Ruby and MetaBrainz are all instances of type 2 while 2714,The art flourished during the fourth millennium B.C. 2715,Tabarium located beneath the upper terrace occupies a building built 2716,According to the Bulletin of Vogue since 2007 the university has been ranked as the 2717,During this period he made several individual and individual exhibitions across Italy including 2718,It was first discovered in the 17th century by the Portuguese and founded in the 2719,The film achieved a total gross domestic product of $120 million with the U.S 2720,John Dahl Thomson was born in New York City in 1929 2721,These interpretations are a string of rewriting drawing phrases called 2722,A large number of people have strong religious beliefs about the source of resources 2723,The philosophy of spirituality is concerned with the understanding of the reader 2724,He is a poet and a teacher 2725,His work is heavily influenced by his influence on feminism 2726,In 2008 he began working with a band called Selena Gomez 2727,He went to Pakistan where he became a political party 2728,Using a tank a photographic film can be seen in the light of daylight 2729,In addition to the new immigrants the new workers and members of the Workers Party 2730,It cannot restore its renewal by adding pure cholesterol to their diet 2731,Business satisfaction and quality of work will be improved 2732,Chloramphenicol can be consumed with food or with empty hearts 2733,It was listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange in 1991 2734,The large electron-pyotron collider was one of the greatest accelerators of the 2735,With the separation of the trusted machine the adherent is able to access the 2736,This allows them to hold higher layer interfaces and carry transportation whereas 2737,In the case of beans and graineeds are usually used just before the 2738,He successfully escaped from India in the summer of 1919 and returned to Japan 2739,Within three years while practicing military service he was at the highest level of 2740,I mean that we weren t born rock stars 2741,Rousey s role in the fourth season was given to Jennifer Courts 2742,The concentration of lead in the blood of the residents of cities is greater than 2743,Because of the complexity of the structure of organisms the anatomy of various 2744,The greater realism originating from the artists function of the Northern artists was 2745,He died of a heart attack at the age of 68 2746,Simپلクス is the simplest linear form in which there exists the simplest linear 2747,Food industries including foods foods sugars and food additives 2748,The sign of Alaska has a plant called a fishing plant called the 2749,It was recorded at the Howard Stern Show in North America 2750,The leaves are dried and freeze dried: the air is very warm 2751,A theory of set theory states that every nonempty set must have a choice 2752,The Institute is the only global donor organisation to contribute to more than 150 donor 2753,Each hierarchy had only a central institution where it was always the seat of 2754,The 1958–59 European Cup was the third season of the European Cup UEFA s 2755,It was the successor of a famous winter chateau known as the Winter Palace 2756,The stock speculators are often overlooked in the group of traders although 2757,It is often used as a substitute for water solution 2758,His first studio album Worrisome Heart was released in 2003 2759,At the height of the project in 1986 there were about 40 000 people working and two- 2760,In 2005 more than 200 000 people walked in 296 districts 2761,In 1946 he moved to Los Angeles and worked as a creative director 2762,Laurie and Pauli decided to quit the school trying to full-check the RASMUS 2763,The term known as a benign can be synonymous with cancer or simple 2764,In 1915 they were the first to introduce engine cooling with the help of dimmer 2765,The Palestinian Authority uses a protocol to justify attacks against Israeli 2766,The following year he successfully defeated the world record 10 kilometres and 2767,However the 1990s with the advent of NGOs and new social movements as a 2768,Urmiaan is a mountainous region in eastern Iran and eastern 2769,1806: The Holy Roman Empire was conquered by the signing of the 2770,These modems usually receive information from distant points 2771,Mark Antony Amis made extensive discoveries here from the 1920s until his death 2772,This theory was introduced in its modern form in 1961 by François Paladin and 2773,It is a physiologic unit similar to the physiologic unit of the muscle 2774,The most common cause of diarrhea is the infection of the intestinal tract 2775,Bachometer is used to test the resistance of roasting powder which is used 2776,Institutional level - Community capacity building at the institutional level should involve assisting 2777,Bryant also announced that he loved his wife s wife s 2778,At the same time the situation in the area had been worsened since August 1989 2779,However in early 2003 Loren had a troubled relationship with Sin Waltman 2780,The reasoning for this is that the bubblesort algorithm moves only during the 2781,The council s activities continued until 2008 2782,In the dead of the night of Juds Priest Rob Halford claimed that the 2783,In Milan Leonardo probably had contact with the architect Bramaccini in his early 2784,The Third Army Front commanded by Gordyshevsky and the Fourth Army 2785,Three colors for simpler plots are needed but there is a third color for some 2786,After the structural reforms they moved to Tehran and worked as a 2787,At the 2006 census its population was 2 4 million 2788,Michael Anthony Jackson is a computer scientist 2789,This continued even when the Cathodic fluorescent lamps were produced as 2790,The earlier laws of the Academy didn t allow the beginning of 2791,He traveled extensively in European cities and conducted many studies in civil law in Vienna 2792,Heating the exhaust heat pump may cause an increase in radiاتور s 2793,However the Iranians however managed to withdraw the Iraqi forces from 2794,The album achieved a fourth place in the United States and remained in the 2795,For example the route taken by a molecule during a gas or liquid 2796,The film has since been critically acclaimed until 2006 2797,It was translated into English by Marguerite Banadar 2798,For example it was shown that the interaction with eukaryotic enzymes with 2799,In the first half of the 1950s he became the Minister of Education and Perucs 2800,The complete text is provided in GNU s software like Imsec and is also available 2801,Peterson s algorithm is a concurrent programming algorithm that allows two 2802,The purpose of a growing environmental technology courses in the field of applied science 2803,Although it provides excellent thermal insulation of the heat it does not however 2804,Between 2000 and 2013 37 million effective TB scans have been performed 2805,In areas of the world where the disease is common the whole group is usually 2806,These four species can easily wandere into captivity especially the 2807,Fiber layers on the inside which are made of fiber apatite plastic or hardened 2808,It is believed Philip dies and Essak is killed 2809,Unlike his fellow artists Gustav Klimt studied at the Technical University of Vienna 2810,The generator is based on the electrical load for which the electric loads are used 2811,Laughter s vision is an exile of acting acting acting acting 2812,PL C avoided the complexity of PL I and added extensive enhancement 2813,Some believe the fossil age of the fossil was less than 40 000 years old 2814,This society was more advanced in hunting and recycling and more advanced in 2815,In Islam Adam is the first man to know God 2816,When four of the four are attacked by aggressive dogs Joe is severely 2817,The Tehran Metro Station is a station in Tehran Iran 2818,He then revealed that Countess and Susanna are revealing that they 2819,His first film role in a science-fiction film The Mystery was released in 2002 2820,Time-driven databases are built on the basis of time types for example a 2821,These conflicts were reflected in the Arab period 2822,Many specialized specialized areas require formal training including heart and skeletal disorders 2823,The adoption and removal of a single element in this method is time-consuming 2824,If the goal of the system is to maintain the life of a species such as 2825,Rock music was also a stimulus for political and political movements that emerged 2826,Many experts in the areas of sustainable urbanism such as John G. The 2827,Two explicit and implicit gateway methods have been developed with the aim of addressing 2828,The aim of a Unix operating system is in its performance security and stability 2829,It is the simplest type of bridge where the components of the bridge are a flat 2830,A Clockwork Orange is a 2012 American film film directed by Ben Affleck 2831,This means that the time taken at this curve is dependent on the travel time 2832,The illegal kidney market in Iran prevents the growth of illicit black market 2833,The council is elected to manage and control matters including education health and 2834,Worms are usually cats that live mostly in the night until the 2835,Most consumer surplus is the sum of consumer surplus 2836,In 1994 Carson and his wife formed the Mathematical Foundation for the Advancement 2837,This implies that many documents in the BDA are legal documents and that they should be 2838,This language was broadcast at numerous points but lost its independence 2839,Two of the most important names are the Canadian archaeologists Malcolm Lowe and 2840,The Itanium architecture solved the problem of monopolization with a very ordinary mechanism 2841,Microcagesmic salt with the chemical formula NaHPO4 is a chemical 2842,After being only 11 Santana started playing guitar at nightclubs 2843,Shiraz is a city located in Shiraz Iran 2844,When the band arrived in California before the band began recording the first few 2845,He received a PhD in law and political science from the University of Paris France 2846,In 2006 France attracted 79.1% of the world s tourists 2847,Narvān wrote a diary and published a memoir titled My Life 2848,Ferox is the only company that has more than five medications selling over a 2849,In addition to three years during the Second World War Singapore became one of the largest 2850,Muhammad ibn Zubayr was believed to be a prophet and Imam 2851,He was sentenced to a hundred years in jail but was freed in 1999 2852,The 1st Regiment consists of the 1st Regiment of the Thirty-First 2853,Shahr-ul-Hamid ibn Abdallah defeated him and many of the 2854,Cartridge steel is a type of high-rise steel with a large amount of 2855,Pumping occurs under the conditions under which we know the Law Prandl–G 2856,In a HVAC lamp bubble evaporation is reduced by filling the 2857,The use of existing natural gas pipelines for hydrogen was studied by the Natural 2858,The oil from the pyruvate is the most pure substance derived from the pyru 2859,Interactive dialects such as Smalltalk used changing behavior via methods known in 2860,He was one of the greatest contributors to the organization 2861,From the July 20 to the early 20th the emergency department of the Gaza Strip 2862,The official Logo was held in Paris on June 26 2013 2863,Uo2 s calculations show the existence of a bond nearly 2864,The 2005 Ramadan was a documentary on the life and implications of the life 2865,The Order of the Establisher is a collection of English poems published in London 2866,The ciphertext is also known as encoded information because it contains a 2867,The Byzantine Emperor was appointed by Emperor Ptolemy Maximus in 2868,The conventional phone was developed separately by Alexander Graham Bell and Alexandra G 2869,He emigrated to the United States during the American Revolution 2870,The term psychoogenetics which was coined by Max Dworker in his book 2871,On 8 October an Israeli armored surgeon on the shores of Bar 2872,On 8 February 2012 Fox announced that the eighth season of Hustle would be 2873,One of the most vocal critics of Abstract Expressionism at the time was New York Times 2874,The total process is performed in less than one second 2875,The definition of environmental health which is used by the WHO in Europe includes both 2876,which is equivalent to the general rule of Monroe s law 2877,Each unique eco-city needs to meet its needs criteriuses such as the 2878,The British Prime Minister s coat of arms appeared in World War II 2879,Eight ball or eight ball or eight ball or eight ball or eight ball is a ball 2880,With the continuing transition from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousand 2881,Later he taught at the universities of Canada 2882,In January 1825 Emma and her sister Fenny were educated by their mother to 2883,The carbon in iron creates steel 2884,Venom is the most popular and most modern enemy enemy of Spain 2885,El Greco responds that El Greco s reply is more productive for the 2886,and are reliable allowing limited access to resources 2887,In the centenary of the massacre the two different ideas came to my mind 2888,Before the invention of the electric arc lamp electric arcs were used to illuminate the 2889,The painting “Shams and the Poets” of کراچی inspired by one of 2890,The ceremony was attended by the priest John Alan Weddell 2891,The Sega Saturn was short-lived and after Sega s release in 1998 Sega s new 2892,She accepts Sam s wish to marry 2893,Coconut oil is a chemical substance with the strongest deoxypeptidase 2894,In 2001 Hoare joined Apple Inc 2895,The library section was not opened on the site although the library section was built 2896,Jane s philosophy of existence and reality is concerned with the nature of cosmology 2897,From 2007 to 2013 he was the Executive Director of the United Nations Security Advisory Commission 2898,After graduation from the University of Princeton in 1920 Church attended Princeton University 2899,Persian poet Shahin Shiraz is known as the son of Esther 2900,During this time the workers speak out of their work their basic rights 2901,It is bordered by South Korea and North Korea 2902,The West Asset Tax Association was amongst those who protested 2903,At night of the Silence of the Roses for Girls Loki notices 2904,Heidegger is one of the most influential philosophers of the 20th century whose ideas 2905,It is celebrated as a feast feast feast feast feast feast 2906,A variant of trees using this technique for maintain balance are balanced in a 2907,The notion of government as the only institution in society which contributes to the 2908,At least ten days after his death the body of those who had been killed in 2909,The sharp decline in oil prices in 1998 sparked a sharp sharp 2910,There are more than 450 species of eagle in the world 2911,Their subjects usually limited to church dignitaries priests and saints 2912,Many regional dishes and shrubs are used 2913,The collections include paintings by European artists of the 19th and 20th centur 2914,To use this fault model it is normal if each input pin in each gate is 2915,605 BC: Esarhaddon reaches the borders of ancient Egypt 2916,Although the amphipod was invented in 1847 by Charles Babbage it remain 2917,It was designed as a hunter-gatherer but eventually became known 2918,As a writer who learned English at a very young often compares him 2919,HTML Spider - This binding allows Free Download Manager to download and store a site 2920,It was founded in the early 1990s by Anthony Reinhart at the University of Western 2921,It is thus that all NP problems can be reduced by a Turing machine to 2922,Light visible is an electromagnetic radiation that exposes human eye and other visible organism 2923,In many cases of metabolic syndrome the majority of these syndromes are 2924,Fauchous was one of the first artists of the European avant-garde movement to 2925,The book was released at the 65th Berlin International Book Fair 2926,D. degree at the University of Beirut 2927,Many legends are enigmatic about the faultyness of bats or the fault 2928,In 1920 he returned to the passenger service 2929,Since the waveform starts at constant c the distance spans one wavelength at 2930,Their honeymoon began on the Fraser Mountains and during which Cantor 2931,The United Nations General Assembly was responsible for the negotiations between France and Israel 2932,He spent 9 years of technical and electrical career at the University of California Santa Barbara 2933,Aliacana who had worked with Marlon Brando said Every thing you want to do 2934,With public works sector loans agriculture subsidies etc 2935,The inaugural conference was held in Singapore in 1995 2936,As Aspvall Plass Tarjan suggested the 2-satisfiability problem is satisfying if 2937,The Turkish Medal was awarded to the Turkish National Academy of Sciences 2938,In this album Iron Maiden used the piano for the first time 2939,The Soviet believed that their forces would contribute greatly to the 2940,Occasionally the term heavy or heavy is sometimes used to refer to the ratio 2941,The song To Live Is to Die was the band s other song To Live Is to Die 2942,Pope Paul XII signed the stipulation of a Lancashire contract with Italy and 2943,She gave birth to a son and a second wife 2944,At this time Shah Abbas I established the old city of Isfahan and chose it as 2945,Giordano Berberi was an Italian actor writer and painter 2946,It is a slivered with freed fish eggs eggs raisins 2947,It has a very severe form of congestive heart failure which cause 2948,Its products are: aluminum synthetic polyurethane synthetic methane and 2949,: 172 units with only fewer than five units with a number of 2950,The game may be counted a few times without any damage but a 2951,Kerakowsky was one of the principal figures in the general government during the German 2952,n.e depends not only on the wavelength of the wave but also on the 2953,Khorasan was divided into four parts neither in the Islamic era nor in the 2954,The metric describes the space s ephemeris as flat p-p 2955,He returned to Mashhad and worked as a research fellow at the Islamic 2956,The goal of both approaches is to locate large and elliptical groups of people to 2957,His book Science Revolution was published in 14 languages in 1996 2958,He founded the Institute Persian-American Medical Society in 1890 2959,The young woman who is pregnant accepted this job without her husband s consent 2960,In 1995 his relationship with Iran began with the development of the nano-emplace industry in 2961,Distributed Green is a public park in central Houston Texas United States 2962,1 year later the Castle Saint-Jacques was built 2963,The origins are from India Pakistan Bangladesh and South Asia 2964,They did not allow the women to remain out of their homes 2965,Herrera was educated in Spain and Germany and was first influenced by the school of 2966,The existence condition says that x – t exists if and only if the 2967,However recently dinosaur scientists have found an abundance of fossils of 2968,During her career she had a romantic relationship with Shanny Sparkul and Traci Brod 2969,He graduated from Baku State University in 2006 2970,In a few hours after excretion a sudden unbearable odor 2971,The 1965 war between India and Pakistan was once again seeing that Hanover was the 2972,چاپ اول، دبی: سال انتشار 2003 میلادی Hajj Mohammed Khalaf 2973,Osiodo is defined as reducing the levels of non-phthalmic 2974,Among the lung cancers of the uterus associated with HPV almost 2975,In the twentieth century the study of Jesus in Talmud dates back to the 2976,The film takes place in Paris where a dialog tells the story of a 2977,Paper in Indo-Aryan and Imre as a reflection of culture and culture 2978,On the August 5 episode of Smackdown Aksana began to become a popular 2979,Steam boilers are classified as two- and three-port 2980,The state of a strike can be used to control music broadcasters and sports applications 2981,Some of Caldwell s work was translated into English by Daniel Finkhoffl and 2982,For some algorithms the time required to find minimums depends on the number of 2983,Only the federal Supreme Court ruled that a tri-day tri-day abortion 2984,In 1938 the family moved from Rohingya to Germany and finally settled in the 2985,It was founded in 2004 and allows users to create and manage blogs 2986,In 1978 Evand Sutherland asked Warners to come back to their Columbia Gul 2987,In the propositional logic for logic the symbol forall which is reserved for each 2988,It is bordered by Morocco to the west Morocco to the west Morocco to 2989,The modes observed in each experiment are determined by the symmetry of the 2990,The three islands are Famagusa and Melitoa 2991,I m very happy and my priority is my team 2992,In 2006 she became a Pink Floyd singer and songwriter 2993,At the 2006 census its population was 1 660 in 328 families 2994,He believed that his visit to the Caesar was consistent and consistent with his 2995,They faced a wide variety of conflicts between Native Americans and 2996,The cosmological deflection of the universe depends on the degree of total energy de 2997,However they were briefly reconciled with each other and their 2998,The celebration of a fixed day is attributed to Pope Julius I when 2999,The Phoenix Municipal Airport covers an area of which contains one asphalt paved 3000,During this time economic blockades entered the financial markets of the Gaza Strip 3001,Because of the lack of government s involvement the film industry of the country is 3002,Before presenting Modotti’s work in the United States photos were shown in Italy 3003,They were placed on the opposite side of the mosque 3004,Eventually the brutal and brutal tactics of Freikner against the Republican 3005,Males reach sexual maturity at the age of six to twelve and 3006,Visitors who reside in neighbouring wind farms will always hear a particular 3007,However most fashion designers employ their innovations for the mass-produced women s 3008,These control ensures that individuals know how safe and pleasant the practice of business 3009,It is situated in the northwest of Kabul Afghanistan 3010,In recent decades doctors recommend a child s treatment with slow-moving drugs 3011,The formal explanation of the problem was provided by Arthur Jaff and Edward Witten 3012,The Apollo 4 and Apollo 6 were two test missions using the Phantom Weapons product 3013,Examples include speech matching and shifting in the mobile phone adjusting 3014,Death a documentary documentary for the Centre for Bloody Rome 3015,It was completed five years after Constantine s conquest of Rome 3016,Hannah Karoline Ljungberg is a Swedish footballer and former assistant 3017,There is also a legend that at the time of Yazdegerd I added a 3018,A word in the Book of Revelation says that the sacred celestial angels are 3019,It is responsible for the starting of puberty and the creation of secondary 3020,After a sphygatory it is normal to experience acute stress disorder which 3021,In the tropics the air is humid and dry in the Northern Hemisphere 3022,The main crops are wheat and rye 3023,When Harūn Hosea turned to the prison he said to me glad that you 3024,ShizuokaJP-22 can be said to be a similar to the province s 3025,Ali Rajaei is a worker in Tehran Iran 3026,He wrote in his obituary: My brother am I sorry and I really married 3027,Plasma Plasmoration Plasmoration Plasmoration Plasmoration Plasmoration Plasmoration 3028,The story spread back to 1973 when two ex-communist friends Steve and Rob were 3029,More than two seconds in recorded Moon recordings are entirely unknown but 3030,Database aggregator is a general-stock database that can store any stored store associat 3031,In physiology and physiology the length of time that half of the active substanc 3032,Whenever he leaves the bakery he is captured and killed by 3033,In biophysical science the Voronoi diagrams are used to study the patterns of growing 3034,Reports from Gaza targeted a hospital in Gaza resulting in five deaths and many 3035,The attack is much stronger than a collision attack 3036,A right circle with a radius and the radius lies at the centre of its 3037,Currently there are two launch platforms for the 39A and 39A launch platforms for 3038,The book has been criticized for its highly literate quality highly organized organization and 3039,Currently the gate is used as a tourist attraction by the Mayor of Northern 3040,It is also known as a hydrographic block cipher multiple block cipher 3041,At the age of 30 Bruce notices that he is the head of Elegy 3042,In 2000 they reversed the relation between the problem of two data structure showing that 3043,Farna won both the Czech Republic in 2004 and Poland in 2005 3044,P A B the strongest path from candidate A to candidate B is the maximum 3045,Love della Conbbiana was first performed at the Teatro della Conbbiana 3046,In 2004 he joined the European Union and became a member of the Northern Alliance 3047,They announced they had been married but the press announced that they had 3048,In addition the founders of the IRE came to recognize some of the served 3049,It has a head and arms which help the species squirrel and 3050,On 25 November 1956 Santiago and his mother moved to Cuba 3051,During the reign of Abbasid Caliphate women continued to appear in the 3052,A back-to-back hash in a single haul and the transitions 3053,In the fourth row S 3 is a distance and W 3 is the character D 3054,The Zimbabwean Land Beautiful is the national anthem of Zimbabwe 3055,In some countries students are enrolled in universities 3056,They are usually made of steel and have a high strength unless they 3057,It is often referred to as the frequency-free transducer as well as small 3058,These glands are surrounded by an umbilical aneurysed 3059,On 24 June the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic condemned a four- 3060,The southern suburb which includes mostly stadiums and sports facilities is 3061,Johnston used the term to imply that they wanted their knowledge in their 3062,In the eastern corner of the Baltic Age the culture of the Hungarians 3063,Peter Meyer and Richard Rose argued that the comparative policy is based on a 3064,The astronomical objects are closer to the Earth than in the Moon and other planets 3065,At the end of the episode we will see the two 3066,The force acting on the sensitive film surface causes the two surfaces to touch 3067,To recover a bicycle it is simply to place it in a locked slot 3068,Around 3000 years based on the records shown at the sites of Coolidge 3069,The cultural center was established outside the city in 2000 and replaced by the previous center 3070,Algorithms work in a range of classes with interfaces between classes and 3071,Both expressions are used for acknowledgement of appreciation and appreciation 3072,I installed columns of tall columns on the top of the hill and a 3073,He began his musical career at the age of nine and performed the Romeo and 3074,World production in 2009 was 8 170 million of which more than rice or legumes 3075,In philosophy of religion there are numerous treaties in philosophy of religion including the 3076,Iran has been one of the participants at the Bretton Woods Conference and as a result 3077,The two kingdoms tended to maintain permanent alliances but Sweden could have 3078,It is found in Sudan Uganda Rwanda and Kenya 3079,The company had an estimated net worth of $85 per share 3080,The story was translated into English and published in 2002 3081,Most of the carbon dioxide gas and vapor within the chamber are absorbed by the 3082,His brother Metrukhs was a cattle disciple of Diogen s followers and 3083,Echigo has a strong aristocracy that equals the captaincy 3084,The remaining four attacks were identified in less than 15 minutes and placed in 3085,I am a dear to God who brings us a good and sweet year 3086,The AVN ranked No More Stars in the 50th Anniversary Awards 3087,The term was used by the Arabs prior to Islam 3088,In 1983 the depth of burials reached 12 000 metres and the burials 3089,The motion of the members of the body when it starts or stops appears 3090,Jj rejected modernist or modernist ideas from the 1950s to the 1960s 3091,In 2006 Laurisson directed the television channel McMahon for Apple Inc 3092,The University of Texas at the University of Texas at the University of Texas at the University of Texas 3093,Historians have significantly different interests in resource worth 3094,Rancepoptosis occurs a few days later in Panchami commemorating 3095,In human fasciolosis the internal portion of the chick s internal portion is 3096,The people of Tolui was one of the two ethnic groups of the Sasanian Empire 3097,On June 11 1964 Ludwig Feuerbach 49-year-old 49-year-old 49- 3098,In other words anything that we don t know is natural 3099,The lower part of the brain is called the swallowtail and the lower 3100,It is one of the largest universities in Austria and Europe 3101,She released her second album Hearthstone on September and October in September 3102,In June 2005 he returned to Turkey and was a member of the Swedish paint 3103,It is a process in which a person is able to reach full 3104,He went to Hong Kong to research demolition and worked with local craftsmen 3105,and Mercedes-Benz Renault Hyundai iVought and others increased the theorem 3106,The Roman culture was initially influenced by the Greeks and was influenced by the 3107,During the war the Congress held a resolution on a committee meeting in September 1939 3108,Let s determine if there is a Diophantine equation a true 3109,The Maginot Line was launched in several phases by STS-I and 3110,For this reason he rejected the ethics argument 3111,In 2010 representatives from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of North America in north 3112,It is headquartered in New York City Los Angeles New York City New York City New York 3113,The water absorbs a sufficiently abundant spectrum of light and thus 3114,Marines amphibians amphibians all birds some insects some mollus 3115,For supporting the use of multi-gratings models a complex chain method used for request 3116,The triangle is a form of trigonometry where no two triangles are 3117,Today they use high sensitive sensors which are sensitive to the insoluble 3118,This debate in modern Germany sparked the emergence of two more rivalrous approaches: 3119,Boltzmann was appointed professor of theoretical physics at the University of Munich in 3120,In pharmacokinetics the muscovite is usually deposited in a large 3121,He was nominated for 24 Academy Awards four Screen Actors Guild Awards four Screen 3122,During the reign of Shah he was only able to communicate with Shah and was 3123,The phenomenon was visible from most of South America and West Africa 3124,EveryDNS cited the reason for the scheme that a new hacker has been threat 3125,They are often fed from fish crustaceans soft amphibians and 3126,This is a comparison and split search algorithm 3127,In experiments scientists used laser and microscopic instruments to detect the particle 3128,Eventually Cox went back to the United States in 1992 3129,Use of timers: Each packet is delivered if finite lengths are 3130,The expansion of the empire began in the spring of 610 3131,It was from this time that Cobain began drawing and drawing 3132,The random variable X where the probability distribution is dependent on a polynomial 3133,Johny Depp has written the same theoretical proof stating that the film 3134,The crisis among the early Abbasians in the time of Abbasia led him to 3135,Trent sends the token to Alice and uses it to send safe messages to Bob 3136,The sign language has been used since the 17th century in Spain and in France 3137,In the jet rotor jet engine the air is pumped at high speeds and 3138,It is bordered to the west by Czech Republic to the north by Poland to the east 3139,With this support the Institute has been encouraged to develop the security and maintenance of 3140,He was sentenced to fifteen years in exile in Istanbul 3141,The wool of choice can be distinguished from wool of choice 3142,A robotic engineering is a specialized training program that involves areas such as 3143,The book was published in the United States by Prof 3144,In 1968 a film adaptation of the Revolution of Parsis was shown at the 3145,Manners grew up in the family business in theatre 3146,His maternal grandfather Louis XII was succeeded by his maternal grandson Louis XII who 3147,In 1916 during World War I Portugal occupied the land 3148,According to Aristotle s book Thimphus was written about 360 BC and 3149,In the following decades the indigenous institution of the painting led by José 3150,United States is the third largest country in the world 3151,In the 1950s and 1960s he starred in several music films 3152,If the tree is not empty let the new key be compared to the root which 3153,However the leadership of the Congress not only nationally were arrested in less than 24 3154,He returned to Iran after graduating from high school 3155,: 172 units with only fewer than five units with a number of 3156,The temple was completed in 515 B.C. twenty years after the Jews 3157,Occasionally it may also be used to collect and produce additional amounts including 3158,Servers and servers are written in C and the side of the user is written 3159,In mathematics and especially in functional analysis a function or functionk is a 3160,He is best known for his films La Cité de la Pœur The Science of 3161,In 2009 The Guardian published My Name of Cyrus 3162,For example the set of strings in a finite language form are regular: this set 3163,Industrial waste has a wide variety of uses 3164,However they usually make amber very pretty until Bte is 3165,Ground source heat pump or ground source heat pump is a ground source heat pump that transfers 3166,Due to the fact that trees are root a free tree is called a free 3167,When the cystin lowered the amount of the sodium stored in 3168,In the aftermath of World War I he was Minister of Education 3169,In his autobiography Schrödinger was a hero who made his life as an officer 3170,Shortly after returning to New York and then to Philadelphia 3171,The sensitivity of the two thirds of the cochlear and soft 3172,The Soviet Navy still had a major mission to carry anti-submarine helicopter 3173,Bill Semiconductor reported the possibility of use in Afghanistan and South Korea to undertake the 3174,For example in the NATO s board of trustees in Brussels and the European Community 3175,Diamond has a cubic structure similar to silicon and germanium and is the most stable 3176,Shariathabi was in sole confinement from January 1361 to April 1366 3177,Among the official letters the official letters are the most commonly used letters for 3178,The manifold hand in particle with mass such as electrons quarks and neutrons 3179,Starting the intermediate stage of the Advanced Smalltalk takes place between five to 3180,In 1951 he was awarded the Silver Medal for the Mediterranean Sea 3181,The record was recorded at the 2014 Summer Olympics in Seoul 3182,He is regarded as one of the greatest athletes of the 20th century 3183,Like that Mordecai was known as a court Jew his elder brother and daughter 3184,In Italy Freemasonry joins the Nazi Party 3185,In each case the mechanical units and the minarets are counted in 3186,Bruir under Oleh Arnold s hand at the Vienna Medical School he was the first 3187,He was born and raised in Odessa 3188,In 1932 James Chadwick discovered the neutron which was recognized as a 3189,The reaction of acids is generally incorporated as HA H+ + A− 3190,Ève Curie the niece of Marie Curie and the niece of Pierre Curie 3191,He lectured as a scholar at universities and conferences on issues like human 3192,In late 2000 the band collaborated with drummer Martin Hansen and Micke Nord in Sweden to 3193,Using more complex approaches including identification of insulin bands it can be identified 3194,Hephagalum is a part of the brain associated with the hypoxia gland 3195,So and Fénysta s marriage are not successful and Fénysta stopped 3196,Uranus and Neptune burned into the sacred fire of the Holy Fire which 3197,There were at least three cases of these quake where the center of the 3198,He was born in Shiraz Iran at the age of two and moved to Isfahan 3199,The Cambrian period started aboutගිය approximately 538 million years ago and lasted 3200,I don t say a prophet Buro and you have released Moses 3201,She began her solo career with her brother s guitar at the age of 14 and 3202,The standardising of a motor is examined by the engine testing in a 3203,Even with their second and younger Iran national football team was defeated by Carlos 3204,In 1971 Bob Dylan said in a review of Kaihan in a mock interview 3205,The four different values are therefore used in comparison to the high conceptual performance 3206,In 2006 they traveled to Denmark Finland and Finland 3207,The current season is the largest for players from 1995 when eight actors were 3208,He was a soldier who after returning from the war in 2003 3209,In special cases of a geostationary orbit the path of these satellites 3210,There are also two types of serial input and serial output 3211,The Three Democratic Party of Korea the Workers Party the Communist Party of Korea and the 3212,In geophysics and zoology a combination of lidares and JRS are 3213,He was the wife of King Yahya King of Iraq and the mother of King F 3214,1923 - Ankara becomes the capital of Turkey 3215,He became a well-known painter during his lifetime a painter 3216,Construction of an energy-efficient building is a challenge in such a building s energy 3217,In November 2011 Villanova was undergoing surgery for a cancerous gland of her 3218,Behavioral manipulation in graphic theatre is based on the ability to 3219,Four of the 16 cities of Vermont have at least one city in its border 3220,The length of the eclipse was 2 minutes and 31 seconds 3221,Espín acted as a message between the movement and 26th July Fidel 3222,Inflation and inflation reach a specific scenario in the economy 3223,The film was almost based on a project by Bomkamp which had previous 3224,It can also be used in heating water ozone joeing hydrocarbon pressures 3225,The United Nations Educational Scientific and cultural organisation of the United Nations believed 3226,NATO is a member nation of both North America and Europe 3227,He emigrated with his family to England in 1921 3228,Heart damage can result in heart failure 3229,However a year later he became President of Lithuania in 2003 3230,Design dance is the art of rendering choreography which outlines a structured 3231,However especially in cooking which includes the skin and tomatoes they 3232,2010 - Norton Rose enters the Australian market and is merged with Dixon 3233,The extinction of two species occurred between 10 to 15 million years ago 3234,After reaching Paris Van Gogh learned acting but took a little time 3235,For example some species of orchids produce flowers similar to male females in 3236,After years of resistance against the occupation of the country by the former Soviet 3237,For example a block cipher with a plaintext file needs only 3238,Alfred Kempe s proof in 1879 which was highly accepted and 3239,There are two types of difficulty: in the evaluation problem of the Steiner tree 3240,He was convicted and sentenced to seven years in jail 3241,Currently most programming is performed using high-level programming languages which 3242,In common law the exchange of goods or services is a combination of information and information 3243,The ranks are appointed by a warrant which is usually issued 3244,Furthermore during this time he made several experiments using a microscop 3245,As shown above the strong grating sensitivity depends on the grating strength not 3246,After the 4th century the Church of Rome condemned the Holy Sepah on 25 3247,However these packets are not capable of adjusting air pressure in the 3248,During the early stages of the war the term came to be used as a 3249,He has also participated in numerous tournaments including the Euro 2000 Euro 2004 2006 3250,It has been a joint agreement with WiBro to supply the operator s 3251,It is also written with two points in the alphabet 3252,Many of the medical centers are directly affiliated or belonging to or be 3253,The Green500 is maintained by a coalition of half of the London Development Organization 3254,On June 7 1849 the couple filed for divorce 3255,Pedro s soul is buried in the body of a poor man 3256,When performing You Are Not Alone a song called I Want All Started 3257,Craig and Jennifer began to recall their relationship with Pink Floyd 3258,The theory of ethics as well as the positive encouragement of a crime 3259,It was held in September and October 2005 in Amman Jordan 3260,Transistor is a key activation element in modern electronic electronics 3261,This sport started in the early 19th century with the name of Shoness and 3262,Later the UCSD was written as Apple Pascal and continued in multiple versions 3263,The 2006 earthquake occurred in Afghanistan at 3264,Each record is a line and the filters are separate from each other 3265,It was officially named Panetta in late 1985 3266,In the eleventh episode of the film s creator Sandra writes a 3267,His father was Palestinian Tusk II and his mother Eglantine Banks 3268,The book consists of the memoirs of Zeno Cosini which upon his psychiatr 3269,The map of Madaba is one of the iconic buildings in which the sixth 3270,Highway 4 is an Iraqi highway which extends from Kirkuk to the 3271,It is necessary to minimize the length of time code but it is not 3272,Weight loss and exercise may be effective in hypertriglyceridemia 3273,According to John Zebgy the founder and CEO of the company the largest 3274,At age 16 he joined the Hitachi Chemical Technology school at the age of 3275,He participated in the K-1 World Grand Prix 1993 and the K-1 World Grand 3276,It flows to the southwest of the Bitter Lake to the southeast 3277,The game designer Jonathan Blue designed the game for three years 3278,He is known for discovering a large number of small asteroids Jupiter Uranus 3279,When life grew evolution by natural selection led to the development of diverse forms of 3280,Another major group of problems are dynamic algorithms in which the goal is to find 3281,He worked professionally throughout the Soviet Union 3282,The day after the latest setter s birthday ceremony is celebrated 3283,The use of the complete title of sage-moteur in the early 18th century 3284,He was one of friends and correspondents with Charles Darwin although he opposed his 3285,Glycerol has a lower caloric content but has a lower 3286,The Countess again appears and is attacked by his children 3287,South African food a traditional South African food called the Skilpadjies is made from 3288,The movement traces its origins to the liberation movement after the American Civil War and is 3289,Imported products are also exported to adjacent countries 3290,1660: Royal Society of London presented the first prototype steam engine 3291,After his parents divorcing his parents divorced in Russia and France 3292,Alan arrives and confronts her with Elena Voldevina who is under the influence of the 3293,The temperature of some cities or cities in the same way as the surrounding rural 3294,He told Motogiannithe that he would come from Japan where they have no 3295,The money in the temple was not used because the images of their gods were 3296,The heart transfers blood oxygen fuel nutrients and sign molecules from the 3297,The World s Day of Work is celebrated on 1 May 1886 in Chicago 3298,Patients with chronic kidney failure usually faced with permanent levels of 3299,For example a private good is a private good 3300,In 1982 he entered a cabaret group - The Dead Diaries - The 3301,He was also a poet and the collection of his poems “Inner and Both Side 3302,The Caesar Prize is a French cinematic award presented in 1975 3303,In the meantime Marcello wakes and chases Marcello 3304,Amongst the higher and higher reflectors on the lenses and mirrors to 3305,Until the class is the parent class the changes for all classes and objects 3306,The Dutch economy joined the European Economic Community in 1959 3307,: Jews originating from Europe and Russia 3308,Before the 2003–04 season Bryant was charged with sexual assault and 3309,After the attacker s active part usually there is a period of excitement 3310,Linux kernel was released under GLPv2 and published with a number of 3311,Interior decoration and interior design from the Victorian period referred to the order and arrangement of 3312,During these period followers were massacred by Shia or Sunni rulers 3313,Although other planets of the Solar System are only ice-like only ice- 3314,It has also been found that some workers’ requests by the misuse of workers 3315,The rate of unemployment in the country is about 22% 3316,This equality says that if all f functions have the same probability then the probabil 3317,The Ansar Burney Movement is a network of human rights and volunteers 3318,Six continental football clubs are members of the FIFA 100 3319,They have won the Coppa Italia twice in the last 70 years 3320,While classical political philosophy is primarily defined by Greek and Greek 3321,John F. Kennedy International AirportQueensland New York City New York City New York City New 3322,He died in the same year when he was only 45 years old 3323,The design of buildings is known as a solar building 3324,According to Tarjan and Jensen s colleagues he was invented by Donald B 3325,Construction of ramps floors and partitions typically involve the highest mass and 3326,Human sexual organs are a pair of biles resting within the abdomen 3327,Unlike the Blains both and Chloridali carry an atom of metal in the 3328,Prior to joining Columbia University he was a professor of the Dartmouth College in New 3329,When Alexander arrived he told Alexander that he had been very distant from Darius 3330,The first single from the album was released on September 7 3331,Internal allocation is a term in economics that refers to changes in the 3332,Hurlingham was the grandson and successor of the Vandal dynasty in Africa 3333,Net Entertainment was very successful in South Korea 3334,He was arrested in Tehran on 15 June 1963 3335,The tree language produced by T is L = t ∈ T Σ | Z 3336,This method involves absorption of light absorption by placing the sample inside the 3337,An iterative for the treatment of this problem is by defining an IP-based solution 3338,In February 1999 he was succeeded by Marcello Lizio in the Serie A club that 3339,He asserted that God does not communicate with God about the problems of those 3340,Daughter of Mohammad Rezaei Sarah Rezaee also participated in the 3341,One of the limitations of a Turing machine is that it doesn t 3342,In most air forces in the world two or more squadrons form a single team 3343,The price reduction of these luxury goods can reduce the demand because they 3344,His research focuses on return to past and resurrecting the soul after death 3345,Culture can be seen as a form of social order which thus its existence is 3346,The structure is shaped by a rectangular rectangular wall which has a 3347,Another use of this instrument in vehicles is the electronic stability control systems which use 3348,The University of Cleveland is a campus of the University of Louisville 3349,If pneumonia lasts less than three weeks it is said to be acute or 3350,In the few decades of the 20th century radio telescopes developed in the 3351,He entered the Soviet Army during World War II and during World War II 3352,Farnaq III was a Persian satrap who fought against Alexander the Great 3353,In 1985 he received the M.Phil degree in History and PhD from Yale 3354,Kurtiz was the director of the French-Turkish-language play Project Türkischen Ensemble in 3355,In Hebrew the pharaoh is usually referred to as the House of 3356,He previously served as the governor of Mazdeh and the governing body of 3357,He states that such evagingness is inherited by the next generation and results in 3358,Jo Pacchi appears in one of the most memorable and memorable roles in 3359,Although Edward was a seventh son and successor to Victoria Edward became a 3360,The L.A.L.R.L.R.L.R.L. 3361,In choral acoustics the band is typically positioned on the back of the 3362,Before the start of the tournament the candidates received invitations via a 3363,The test process involves inserting test specimen into the machine and applying strain 3364,He then captured several Armenian cities like Citharizum Satala Nicopolis and 3365,According to some of the sources the king s favorite man was Menocrates 3366,Such works have been made by a famous writer in the 6th century known as 3367,Their sexual desire causes anxiety and anxiety 3368,The Azerbaijani Navy operates from the Group of Armed Forces of Azerbaijan 3369,It is a chemical element with symbol Zn and atomic number 30 3370,He spent most of his time in Iran and abroad 3371,He served for three years from December 22 1942 until September 1945 3372,Following the creation Saddam ordered a handgun of 5 000 Iranian 3373,In addition many non-violent non-violent non-violent non-violent 3374,GLObal naya NAVIGATIONНАЯ Sputnikovaya Sistema: The former 3375,The film is based on the photographs of Yazidis recorded in his home in T 3376,This program for savings withdrawal and expenses is an important concept in micro 3377,He was retired and sold to Singapore in 1969 3378,The unit circle is a circle to the unit radius 3379,The Canadian supreme legislative body is governed by the Canadian supreme legislative 3380,A major transport pipeline transmission network delivers raw product to Hitachi Belgium the petrochemical 3381,Fabiano and real scouts – in the costumes of the Countess – 3382,Since 1991 Astera has held many prizes since 1991 3383,An example of a network that has a wireless switch and a ZigBee 3384,According to the Zoroastrian doctrine one of the three noblemen who 3385,Non-fluoride phosphorus is a chemical substance that reacts with air 3386,Open-end and compilation of the platform allows the F# to use it for 3387,The CMS Pipelines are the portals for the idea of a pipeline to the 3388,In this method a rake is created to enter the depth of the ground and 3389,The Making of the mosque two schools praya chambers and women s 3390,After 20 years in 2012 it was defined as a new paradigm to reduce the destruction 3391,Social psychology is a pioneering field of applied sociology 3392,These stories did not come up with a proof and obtained a proof 3393,The technology was popularized in Sweden as a result of the 1973 petroleum crisis and 3394,Behavioral psychology includes the forces emotional and self-awareness fears and 3395,Microsoft released many versions of BASIC for MS-DOS PC-DOS including B 3396,The only small underground aquifers in the lake s coral reefs are in the 3397,He was one of the most influential religious figures of the Middle Ages and was 3398,It was inspired by the novel Game of Thrones the first book by George R. 3399,It is listed on the Istanbul Stock Exchange and is a constituent of the Turkish 3400,In a prototype built in Ireland in 2009 solar collectors contained 23 m 3401,As a result the Roman Emperor would not command the eastern Roman forces 3402,Since the British withdrawal from Egypt in 1920 until the revolution of 1952 the 3403,In most cases both autonomic and autonomic nerves work together 3404,For instance with the fact that China has about half of the world s limestone there 3405,Despite the fact that the friend of the derived class will only get retrieved from 3406,For example a version of the program written above is written using the following 3407,Until September 2013 these nebulae had a total of 70 000 hours in Afghanistan 3408,His ability to sing piano and jazz could be seen at a live concert in Paris 3409,The company claims that Brijja will produce for a solar eclipse to 250 m 3410,He goes to the train station to return to Warsaw 3411,The restoration under the original title was made in 1936 with Dixon s friend Dick Fenster 3412,The oil embargo which Arab countries exercised against the West resulted in 3413,In addition Russia rejected the claim of the tenants of Estonia and Liv 3414,To treat severe infections it lasts 10 to 15 days of exercise 3415,He received a bachelor s degree in electrical engineering from George Mason University 3416,This is the potential for the tape which is the infinitesimal value of a storage 3417,The PMMA format can be used a few times and usually use nickel 3418,The smallest known planet was the Pioneer B107 + 12A one of the first 3419,The main advantage of cruise missiles is that it requires a limited 3420,His fields include epistemology philosophy of science religion religion and political philosophy 3421,Since the outbreak of the Iraqi occupation the group has been targeted by 3422,In 1971 the Rolls-Royce was privatised under the name of Rolls-Roy 3423,Norvig in 1991 solved this eclipse in 1991 3424,With a cylindrical connection between the shafts are used slings for 3425,It was also supported by the Syrian army that in the latter part of the 3426,He had two brothers Valamir and Videmir 3427,Layer printers have a wide variety of applications including supply chain label management 3428,Traditionally a hand counting is performed using hand counting 3429,The album was released on September 21 and 26 2013 3430,In industry voluntary environmental arrangements often offer a platform to companies to 3431,Yoshiba comprises several old islands and is located in Tokyo Japan 3432,In 1979 he was responsible for a group that made the first photo of a single 3433,In addition to three years during the Second World War Singapore became one of the largest 3434,Authentication is a fundamental concept of object-oriented programming 3435,The messenger and oracle also have a ring but the ring of Saturn is 3436,In March 1873 he went to Fuzhou in Fujian Province China 3437,After Italy he led France to war with Austria 3438,Jack DeVille is an American struggling and intellectually motivated American widow though 3439,In 1952 David Rosen a successful U.S. businessman took over the company 3440,The former Federal Reserve President Ben Bernanke focused broadly on the Great Depression and 3441,He was named NBA Champion of the Year by Pelé 3442,They began to live in a variety of water sources 3443,Since 2009 the new bill of government called a comprehensive insurance plan provides 3444,At the 2006 census its population was 203 in 27 families 3445,In 2006 and 2007 Sandora Oe and Chana Willson won the award for Best Drama 3446,The majority of the population lives in Finland 3447,The story revolves around a young boy named Lok Pifun who enjoys war and 3448,Each leaf in the tree corresponds to one of the subterranean subterranean 3449,It has continued to grow in Catholic Islamic and Jewish medical ethics 3450,Another successful tour would also be followed which is 7 months to a 3451,Paul married the daughter of Solomon Loeb 3452,Joel E. Walker — Northwest Airlines Airlines 77 90 and 91 3453,The itemCount records the number of items stored in the buffer 3454,If u= gcd we say using u ud | a b c but 3455,His debut studio album Nevermind peaked at No 3456,However Russia has lost its position as a superpower because it faces serious 3457,Luana 7 is a Soviet-built Luna-based spacecraft based on the 3458,In 2001 the FFIEC published a Multitasking Identity Authentication Guide and 3459,Chloë reveals that Micaël and Lucifer torture Sam in a match 3460,In February 1987 recordings were transferred to MTV s Evanem Studios near 3461,In April 1998 it was planned for Aston and McFadden to solve disputes 3462,It is cheaper and more difficult to work 3463,Electromagnetism is a mechanical device that converts a variety of electrons 3464,There is no place to disregard the Monday after a further t-shirt 3465,However the program does not choose the necessary standard for solar radiation and heat 3466,This book was published in 1613 3467,The use of the U.S. dollar as a country s currency instead 3468,South African: Religious under the goddess identification of marriage refers to the 3469,الكوخردى ، محمد ، بن يوسف، الطبعة الثالثة 3470,The foundation of classical physics is that the motion of a body is defined 3471,The upper and lower jaws are the upper and lower jaws of the 3472,In other words it is a person who has a high-spirited power of 3473,To prevent droop and shrink the pieces are added to it 3474,He was one of the greatest teachers at the Hogwarts School of Mathematics and 3475,There are a few kinds of measuring devices but all these are designed 3476,Hamid Reza Pahlavi was the last and the eleventh child of Reza Shah 3477,Pureness is not fully finished resulting in one-off crystallization and in 3478,In 1934 when the National Archives was established as a Federally Administered Trib 3479,About 75% of the blood of the liver is obtained by the saliva of the 3480,At the Human Rights Day conference at the University of Leiden in the Netherlands he said I 3481,The American Society for the Advancement of the Science Society s contributions to the Society for 3482,The people of Mishiba Sita and Raha are usually still speaking their original 3483,In May 2009 The CW announced plans to set up a series of science fiction dramas 3484,With Stephen Jenkins singer-songwriter of The Third Eye Blind from January 1998 3485,It won the Golden Bear at the 41st Berlin International Film Festival 3486,The film was another remake of the same name which was released in 1939 3487,The Sweet Easter Egg like the Innocent signatures of Alfred Hitchcock 3488,It is also found in areas such as São Cristóvão Bolzano and San 3489,However when Franco came to power after the Spanish Civil War Dalí noticed 3490,It is one of the oldest monasteries in Iran 3491,The continued development of the thin flat-paneled solar panels produced a low 3492,The Magnapathoma was a treaty granted to the British authority on the 3493,On the right is the mother of two of his daughters 3494,His father was a widow of Bahá í wives who was murdered 3495,In 1910 he reached the North Pole and assumed that he was the first to arrive 3496,In some urban areas a few municipal wastewater treatments and wastewater 3497,Since interference is not working the broadband electronics may result in interference 3498,In 2003 he published Cope2:Real Mystery 3499,The primary events occurred in two distinct phases: first a spiritual experience of 3500,Phosphoric acid is dihydrated in the gas phase and in hydrocarbons 3501,From 1983 to 2008 he was a professor of international relations at the University of London 3502,After his father s death in a road accident he moved to his mother s 3503,The parliament s representatives were elected in the Iraqi Legislative Assembly 3504,He was educated at Exeter College and Oxford College Oxford 3505,The name of the city has since been given to the Italian king Giuseppe III of 3506,The Samsung Group entered the electronics industry in the late 1960s 3507,The various interpretations of Ilyā Meshan s doctrine of 3508,The M.L.L.R.L.R.L.R.L. 3509,He was one of the wealthiest merchants of the 20th century 3510,The majority of the population is Saudi Arabia 3511,During the Second World War on 30 December 1943 the city of Bragg San Luis Potos 3512,He then moved to Persia where his brother Manuel Kantakouzenus was appointed 3513,This is in relation to how a person is thinking and seeing it 3514,The lymph drainage of the lymph nodes from the first to the fourth 3515,Her father wanted her as the first of her six sons to prepare for a 3516,I feel that it is necessary for a very very very long time to 3517,After the release of Sherlock Holmes in 2009 the first episode of the episode was aired 3518,He appeared as one of the members of the circle 3519,He also taught to the actors of the illusions Studio Linken School and 3520,The album was released on September 19 the same year 3521,However after this a preliminary effort to maintain his political independence 3522,In 2005 she won the PEN Martha Albrand Award for PEN Martha Albrand s 3523,He has two books 300 books and five patents 3524,The tower was designed by Norman Foster and its engineering structures were designed by 3525,He never married and was the greatest experience of life 3526,In meteorology a conductor is transmitted from the transmitted light to the transmitted 3527,He taught at Harvard University and Johns Hopkins University where his PhD. 3528,On September 27 a few days after Borghetto s death one of his friends 3529,Since 1941 he has lectured at universities and colleges in the United States including 3530,From 1825 to 1825 the currency which was worth a thousand 3531,Quasi-Zenith Satellite System - consisting of three satellites that would 3532,The ISSN codes from the International Network of Nations known as the National Library of 3533,Growth hormone deficiency is the hormone of growth 3534,The Greeks later gave many horses to the Iberian Peninsula where the 3535,French is the official language of the country 3536,After the defeat of Ottoman troops in the south of Tehran the Ottoman 3537,He went to Leipzig in 1882 and worked at the same time 3538,The Bagua of the eight Wishes is divided into two branches using the 3539,When combined with a cantilevered sledgehammer the skeleton 3540,In these compounds at least one carbon atom is replaced with an unu- 3541,From the lowest to the lowest they are alternately black and blue 3542,The passing of the fourth gimbal from the base of the Baikal Qaz 3543,The qibla is located in Mecca and in the Arabian province of Saudi 3544,Thomas Hill Green was born in Yorkshire in 1836 3545,However the ceremony was incorrectly performed and he and his house remained 3546,The stomach and throat are irregularly pale-colored sometimes appeared 3547,It was influenced not only by sin but also by his teachings 3548,During the process of transformation and redistribution only a tiny amount of chemical 3549,The issue of intelligent measurement and intelligence systems is the beginning of a joint 3550,It is not mentioned in the Book of Ezekiel 3551,The encoding is now compatible with hardware that combines memory and processing power and processing 3552,Watson claimed that there is a useful measure of self-esteem in 3553,On 1 May 1915 a group of Armenians including artisans traders 3554,Viruses containing RNA and viruses containing D-reactive RNA viruses 3555,The idea of reducing energy use reduces the production of contamination and damage to the 3556,In 2008 Tony Amher Michael John and Chad Ford advocated a uniform model of 3557,In 1939 the first Porsche Panamera was built 3558,In 1946 he became a professor of mathematics and physics at the University of 3559,The first season dedicated to the childhood of Najafabad usually refers to 3560,There are nearly 1200 open clusters in the galaxy known as the cluster 3561,At the 2006 census its population was 81 in 31 families 3562,The Prime Minister is the head of government and is elected by the parliament 3563,He is the father of a Kuwaiti oil minister and the Iraqi ambassador 3564,According to the Book of Samuel he was the third daughter of King Jinsae 3565,In the book of زیبایی روزبه claimed that the assassination of an influential 3566,In the last decade Barro has examined the impact of religion and culture in political 3567,The operating system of Plan 9 of Bell Labs is named after the film Plan 9 3568,In May 2014 the last novel Bristre du Tout du Tout du Tout du 3569,It is native to Europe Asia and North Africa 3570,It is currently only sold in Germany 3571,The UNDG is affiliated with more than 25 organizations 3572,Along with his father-in-law family he shared not only the relationship of his 3573,North Korea is not recognised by two UN members: Japan and South Korea 3574,x y in S where x ≠ y and = H 2 3575,One episode of the Misticzar program was scheduled to land on the Moon in August 2008 3576,Messi signed a new contract with Barcelona on 16 May 2014 3577,He was the first Asian chess player to win the World Chess Championship in 1993 3578,Examples are wheat flour flour flour flour flour flour flo 3579,On the other hand the students of the Budapest University of Technology were proclaimed to be free 3580,It was first demonstrated in mathematical theory by economists 3581,In Iran a few years after the music industry has become familiar with the instrument and 3582,String: is a string with variable length of UNICODE characters 3583,In addition to the water and food the human body requires certain vitamins and minerals 3584,He was a former member of the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton and was 3585,After several months in the magazine he meets a number of poet s poetry 3586,This led to contact with the Byzantine and Muslim empires 3587,It is served with tomato onion onion and other spices such as wheat 3588,In 1965 he began writing the novel 100 Years of a Dream and finished it in 3589,The performance of this system has been studied primarily in humans 3590,The success of Opera appeared in London where there was a considerable resistance 3591,In 1823 in a German competition competition to improve the process of production the aim was to 3592,In computer science a code generation process is a process in which a compiler 3593,He was born in Brussels and began his football at the Manchester United in 2011 3594,S.f CiVAC is used as a dielectric gas in the electrical industry and 3595,In another poll conducted by the AP Ipsos in 10 countries many people doubt 3596,Using this method the order of running the search is O log n and the O space 3597,William Frat invented the term computer graphics in the 1960s to describe his work 3598,Ignoring his objectives was the only fact that he could rely on it 3599,The parasite breeds in the liver until six weeks in the liver 3600,In recent years there have been numerous cases of the deaths of methamphetamine 3601,After the condition after 30 June his relationship with the Armed Forces was disbanded and 3602,EIA is an important tool in the environmentally responsible governance approach 3603,In 2011-12 he appeared as an actor in numerous plays 3604,However the political situation in Germany continued to deteriorate as in 1931 Modotti 3605,They did not participate in the 1994 FIFA World Cup and the Bulgaria qualified for the 3606,In this reaction the commune system is activated and usually has a large effect 3607,In 1948 he entered the University of Buenos Aires to study medicine 3608,During the incident the Hong Kong government expected everything to be resolved peacefully 3609,Persepolis Football Club is an Iranian football club based in Tehran Iran 3610,The story of the game revolves around a princess named Tim who attempts 3611,The former policies of Peru are placed in a seat of republican and 3612,It shows the production generation consumption and price coming in the next period 3613,John and therefore John and Penny reached whereabouts after they 3614,Before entering the café s mother Teresa is attacked by a gang of 3615,The primary theory is that planets form during a nebulae and form 3616,One of Thutmose II s wife was given the title of Thut 3617,In the event of fire fires fires are burnt causing gas to ignite 3618,Despite all manufacturing difficulties only in 2004 the factory continued to produce tin-hemp 3619,The disease starts about two-six weeks after the throat infection 3620,In the following four games they were defeated and eliminated 3621,He announced that he would join Kansas University in November 2012 3622,It is often associated with small growths or small growths in the large 3623,Information about additional computation is extracted by analyzing the reactions between 3624,Thus when the debt level in a developing country is rising the more 3625,Then in 1989 the natural world suffered significant damage to the Loma Prieta Community 3626,If you have a right-handed attack you might use the force in a 3627,After the end of World War II and the beginning of the Cold War the United States b 3628,Raymond Louy was an American industrialist who achieved a great success in various 3629,His parents were sculptors Jesper Meilland and naturalist Christian Krug 3630,Euphem to the closed cell is much shallower than the closed cell 3631,In 2005 after a decade Tarkan announced that his English solo album would be 3632,The bucket target must be replaced after the receiver s immediate number of 3633,Based on observations of the dattesm process in Triton Saturn the eastern 3634,In the spring of 1951 black students protested against their inequities in the state 3635,The Muslim line is a line of Islamic dialects which are relatively 3636,Antiochus III s actions influenced the people of Trebizond that they 3637,He graduated from the University of California Berkeley in 1971 3638,Christian Grienberger – Jesuit astronomer from the valley of the Gruмблер valley 3639,It was reported as a supernova on October 20 2004 and was reported as 3640,But within two to three days it becomes a tuberculoid with a 3641,It was named after the Greek goddess Athena 3642,In Japan the national government of automobiles has registered registration pages for motor vehicle vehicles through 3643,The anatomy of the physical body can be either a systemic or a 3644,The two books later re-published as The Humour of Horrors were published under the 3645,In 1781 Mozart moved to Vienna with his employees because of the restrictions 3646,The bill was approved by the government in September 2011 however it was estimated that 3647,He wanted the army to be independent and more powerful than the military 3648,In southwestern Asia the culture of Neolithic came just 10 000 years prior to 10 000 3649,Géricault regarded the Scandinavian kingdoms as the two main pillars 3650,In the Achaemenid Ark the Ark was placed on the sanctuary 3651,In their later statements the Library of Congress Library confirmed on July 26 2010 that 3652,Before the introduction of Cisco ASA 5585 NetFlow Securiy Event Lo 3653,AppleScript was implemented as a scripting part and its basic specifications were 3654,The term Hispanic is made up of two parts: Hebrew and Sanskrit 3655,He was the son of one of the workers of the Kuhl Corporation and one of the 3656,There is usually one of these two states a radar designed to detect 3657,African-American is a group of black slaves who were brought to the country by 3658,The magazine MAD sold the paper and was published in June 1957 3659,Each community or community has rules and regulations that encourages the expansion of 3660,They were accompanied by Nigel Sears and other members of the Wembley Stadium 3661,His most famous films are The Big Clown a timid and dark elderly 3662,The swimmer s body status is similar to the position of the swimmer s body 3663,A computer system known as web server and HTTP server is the hosted web site 3664,Later he became commander in the same regiment 3665,In 1979 he published his second book Poberahneh to Persian which won the 3666,At the end of that year Santana signed a contract with their own label Columbia 3667,Breast stiffness is a common corticosteroid which is usually 3668,Pers was born on 20 December 1963 in Geestühne in the suburb of Hamburg 3669,In ancient times it was used to fill the teeth of gold alabaster and other 3670,The backward cache is a cache cache on a web server for example in a 3671,This field may not exist for simple choices 3672,He was threatened by a vampire s mischief immediately sent Sam 3673,These electrical properties cause the voltage change when the voltage is turned 3674,Chromatland is a settlement and financial services company that provides housing 3675,Frog was the second program from the Dart compiler 3676,He was married to Yusuf Kodge the son of Israeli radio chief Jacob Kodge 3677,The major events of the book are on the island revolt of 1889 3678,The distance between the swaps in this pair to a new node is calculat 3679,However the Korean Communist Party entered into the war against North Korea because 3680,Iraq initially claimed that the purpose of his presence in Kuwait was to 3681,Each person chooses to be protected from their own benefits rather than 3682,The recovery of a portion of the water used in these methods reduces the 3683,At the same time Cole arrives and Blow barely chases Deema to his own 3684,In August 2009 the name of the university was officially changed to Palo Alto University and was 3685,Three Layers in the OSI model the application layer and the conference layer are typically 3686,The aim of the NEMC is to provide technical advice coordination and evaluation of 3687,where the response time is important 3688,Products that were produced in the sixth year have been produced 3689,In 1985 she starred as a pioneering actress in the film Run from A 3690,The government of the new Kingdom of Tibet took place in the 5th or 6th century 3691,She was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Actor 3692,Elliott Brock Harrington was born on 7 July 1993 3693,AT T published UNIX System V Release 1 3694,When two bodies collide when they are connected a single system the 3695,The date of the festival depends on the location and location of the festival 3696,Every one of these observationers is more known the other less known 3697,The Azeotzed Valley with deep canals was used to feed the orangutans 3698,In most major cities a juvenile often visits private clinics and hospital 3699,These plants have long roots that have the ability to absorb water from large 3700,He also has a mastery of the wall and once again has a mastery 3701,Fiat Fiat Fiat Fiat Fiat Fiat Fiat Fiat Fiat 3702,It is the tenth day of the seventh month 3703,The name of the city was changed to Zahedan in 1979 3704,During the year the soil temperature changes only between 8 to 12 °C 3705,Because of the resistance of these hash functions these hash functions 3706,Vaccines made of bacteria killed beneath a short-term old man-made 3707,However many low-rate mortgage lenders were non-profit organizations that 3708,All inner nodes have at least two children 3709,A complete deflection is provided by the roof structure 3710,Lawless political philosophy was created during the Kin Dynasty s reign 3711,After a large runway and new building built in 2007 the primary secondary school 3712,However hormones are secreted from certain tissues such as lymph nodes 3713,Afterwards the weakness of the Ottoman government began and the turmoil 3714,In 1534 Nostradamus s wife and two children probably died of 3715,: 49 aircraft active 19 fighter pilots and 19 fighter pilots 3716,Samuel refuses to apologize to the brothers and tells him that he was captur 3717,In 2005 Rolls-Royce began a restructuring of the organisation and 3718,There are other places in Sweden where granite treasures have been found which 3719,A few years after the establishment of the National 10th Movement in Iran this was 3720,The color ranges from 8–bit to 24–bit 3721,A document or document is a registered document which is a document created by 3722,It is one of the historical areas of the village 3723,There are also five Russian-Armenian Russian and Georgian-speaking schools 3724,C# is distributed with a large standard library written in C and Python 3725,William provided enormous troops and armies from Normandy and throughout France 3726,Sharifinya was born in Tehran Iran 3727,Furthermore the system programs functions and privacy controls are always important to limit and 3728,This type of network is designed to support a limited number of users e 3729,In the years that the drama was in decline the Chinese theatre was formed especially 3730,The Los Angeles Critics Association was founded in 1975 3731,The type is cheaper than the second but it is not known which type is 3732,After Heidegger became a member of the Nazi Party on 21 April 1933 he joined 3733,The fire control department is composed of primary sensors the tower fire control system and 3734,Ideally earth tubes must be used with the innate antimicrobial layers inside the 3735,It was first published in France in 1796 3736,It was reported that one of the pilots was arrested and executed in Syria 3737,The war broke out and the Armenian army had a short opportunity to prepare 3738,The same year Renault developed the first engine under the brand name Renault with four cylinders 3739,In August 2010 the renewal for Spring 2012 was scheduled to be funded at $300 3740,By 1970 a hundred and four F-100F were destroyed and destroyed 3741,In some cases signs and symptoms are displayed 3742,Traditional flower flowers and a category of very similar floras are Taraxacum 3743,The law 1 3 3 states that the temperature of the vapor slope does not 3744,As a result in October 2006 all 16 countries and other governments have signed 3745,The muck is burned in one direction and the chloride is burned 3746,Both composers and editing are well aware of how well the music is hear 3747,From a technical point of view a translation project has an impact on translating process 3748,While the hazelnut building in England was booming until the late 19th century 3749,Throughout his career he worked as a full-time opera 3750,Currently some journal journals publishers are encouraged to collect these kinds 3751,Since 2006 it has not been formal mechanisms to protest a specific interlocutor 3752,When N.L.A.R.E.L.E.L.A 3753,The United States chose not to cooperate in rebuilding the country instead the United States 3754,The current use of the concept of realism and completeness has been described in the 3755,The city of Tehran was one of the most important cities in Iran 3756,After the capture of the country by the Taliban in 1996 the name was changed to 3757,Gravity or Gyes is a small part of the fluid that is damaged 3758,It is the national park which is the only land protected area in this natural area 3759,It began with Gustav Vasa and his son Eric XIV Palais III Palais III Palai 3760,In the winter the average pregnancy spans 73 days and the number of children is 2 3761,The Republic of Armenia was occupied by tens of thousands of refugees 3762,During the 17th and 18th centuries these islands became a 3763,In adipose tissue sleep in the back of the abdomen and use a white 3764,The Avesta guidelines are a series of guidelines and maps collected by Professor 3765,In 2008 Zieler won UEFA s Under-19 title and won UEFA s Under 3766,In humans eukaryote cells are identified by cell membranes made of collagen 3767,He used a certain style experimented and no longer adhered to any of 3768,The album was recorded between October and May 2010 in Holmenko Germany 3769,As a special mass a body can be freed but beyond that point gravity 3770,These suppressions caused the Blacks and the two armies of England to commit 3771,The 벡تي set A is defined by the membership function μA in U 3772,2011 - American pop singer songwriter singer songwriter and entertainer Pepper 3773,In 1951 Rajpeck developed the title role of the hero after Charlie Chaplin s 3774,The Ernst Happel Stadium is the largest football stadium in the country 3775,Bahá u lláh u lláh u llá 3776,She recorded Valtravant at the 1999 Summer Olympics in Stockholm 3777,The set of healthy living programs is each week including sports classes such as Poker 3778,In the late 1960s transmission of traffic radars using a single antenna began 3779,It was only on the intermediate meridian that the corresponding day of the day of 10 3780,His maternal grandfather Theodor Herzl emigrated to Bosnia and Herzegovina before World War I 3781,The wide use of accelerometers in the cars industry has reduced their prices significant 3782,While GWAS Central allows the user to accurately describe the relationships in 3783,If the speed of light is C the length of the path is L L 2 C 3 3784,In early 2011 Brook 650 received a $630 million housing loan from Los Angeles 3785,The hands are ejected from the breast and then back to the body 3786,This requires the existence of mechanisms to control access to protected information 3787,On September 6 2014 it was announced that the film stars Ana del amore and Katina 3788,2012: The Best Male Female singer of the Year according to the magazine is 3789,During his acting career he was one of the greatest players during his career 3790,The case was drawn into a debate and some sources have claimed that 3791,Mussorgsky was born on March 21 1839 in the town of Khmelnytsky 3792,Independence from the Soviet Union in 1992 3793,The goal is to make the EIA more effective and effective in the future 3794,From the beginning in Britain a colonist federation has been proposed as 3795,He also co-authored with his younger brother Michael Douglas 3796,Linkin had said I cannot excuse this man 3797,When the bank submits and submits information to the bank s page the 3798,We use the algorithm for generating a restitution for N - 1 of the 3799,The United Nations Development Programme develops a capacity building approach for development in 166 countries 3800,She received a Golden Globe Award for Best Supporting Actress in January 2014 and 3801,Ratfor is a programming language that runs as a preprocessor for the Fort 3802,Eventually Ferdinand died in Dresden but his death was not considered an important event 3803,He was married to Leigh Loise and married in 1949 3804,Giiti was the graphic designer of the fifteenth annual Tehran International Film Festival 3805,When the PC company decided to build a second version Claire Redfield was not 3806,He received a bachelor s degree at the University of Freiburg and a 3807,In the philosophical formulation of Bachanism s theory of mind-for- 3808,The parkway is the largest in Europe and consists of four floors and a 3809,In Japan the national government of automobiles has registered registration pages for motor vehicle vehicles through 3810,Other categories include generals and the army was fully volunteered 3811,By applying a much slighter clay the peach took its 3812,Since the mid-20th century various linguistic theory of grammar was developed 3813,It is the first degree of black and the third degree of price 3814,The median income for a household in the town was $90 000 and the median 3815,The law is one of the four equations which form the basis of classical electrodynamics 3816,He then consulted other members of the committee and demanded another rewriting of the 3817,The launch of Spacetime is called the beginning of the space epoch while 3818,Leaf dust is caused by the accumulation of bugs glands 3819,A typical example of this is the Fourier spectroscopy a popular method in 3820,Eventually there is a possibility of growth of plant growth without the 3821,The World Meteorological Institute of China is the National Aeronautics and Space Administration of China 3822,In empirical models of sexuality love has been proposed as a mammalian mammal 3823,The first days after the revolution in February 57 the temporary government imposed a 3824,In 1984 he was sent to the European Court of Justice and was sent to Europe as 3825,Instead he depicts the state as the defender of the middle class interests 3826,The novel is one of the outstanding works of Hermann Hässig which reflects the 3827,After leaving the stable state the circuit returns to the stable state 3828,One of these tools was the Schrödinger Scouting which was based in 3829,The song was written in a number of languages 3830,The research committee was formed to examine the claims of Yak s vessel 3831,Although the KSČ was expecting a victory in the post-presidential election 3832,Grameen Bank is generally regarded as the first modern microcredit institution founded in 3833,At a pivot point bar d = y 2 where y is the 3834,The water ultimately enters the Mediterranean Sea after passing through the Mediterranean Sea 3835,In its early form it refers to a school which teaches students reading 3836,The only species in this genus of ferns is dentine which allows 3837,In 1982 the World Cup was held 3838,He was involved in the study of the Revolution of 1905 and was contacted by a 3839,The construction of the dam was funded by an established French civil engineering team headed by 3840,The state and state of the system are independent of the past and are dependent only on the 3841,Damon flew to England with his wife Sarah 3842,The windows are bright enough to be bright enough to allow the office to be controlled 3843,She studied art at the University of Tehran 3844,With the help of one of his older students Jesse Pinchman who plays 3845,In the 1980s he married his estate developer Donald Westworth who divorced in 1995 3846,After the Iranian Revolution of 1979 and the Iranian Revolution of 1979 and the Iranian Revolution 3847,Reggie Sanders was a new member who managed to defeat Scott Hall and 3848,The atomic nucleus consists of six protons and six neutrons 3849,This is the real name of the function which means that the program is listened to 3850,It consists of a mixture of organic solvents entering the water and 3851,Using the formula explained in the above we calcule d and appendice 3852,It was imported from Italy to France 3853,These tokens transmit a sequence of the key to the local customer or the near 3854,According to the daily newspaper the architects of the project were Santiago Calatrava and 3855,It contains a full text from the British psychedelic rock band Pink Floyd 3856,The average temperature in July which is the hottest month is 18 °C 3857,Manufacturers in the tropics use a specific antifreeze solution which is even 3858,The book includes ten plays told in dialogues between Socrates and others 3859,It can be compared with the assembly line where one instruction is completed in 3860,This is corresponding to the case where the cameras are only on vertices and only 3861,Later in 1955 the name changed to Vaisala 3862,It was introduced to fish and control aquatic plants 3863,In 1984 the city was succeeded by the execution of Dr 3864,He has been the director of Clearwire since 2005 3865,The Council however announced that Christians would not consume a cup of their blood 3866,It had an estimated value of $440 million 3867,The guess of Gaugameh is one of the oldest unresolved problems in 3868,Also a stack automaton can behave wisely like a finite 3869,However Attalus had no interest in marriage because of his promise of marriage 3870,Muhammad Qasraviyan is an Iranian stage decorator 3871,They eat after they eat all parts of the body including bones and skin 3872,In the example below the numbers are the numbers of Pascal s triangle 3873,The history of the war was known as the Zenkhongin War which lasted 3874,It is used in the construction of houses during the Ancient Greek tribe and 3875,Diocletian had concluded that despite military pressures and military threats 3876,From the 1920s the middle class and the working class were allowed to choose a 3877,Latimer added other improvements such as the better way to connect strings to protected 3878,Borman initially decided not to inform others about the condition 3879,He warned Abdullah against possible Israeli attacks in Syria 3880,Their second single was released in the UK and the UK. 3881,The World Database of Proteoic Chromosomes is a genetically modified 3882,He translated many Hebrew translations into Hebrew 3883,It has been one of the provinces of Georgia since 1991 3884,In the late 1980s and early 1990s a large restoration and refurbishment 3885,These conversions were first introduced by Joseph Fortune and are still widely used 3886,The lives of the poor surrounding area are based on dry wheat and saffro 3887,Examples of this measure that are secured by today s knowledge of quantum 3888,The exterior decoration of the original Church which began in the 14th century did not 3889,Originally the first race called San Rafael USA sponsored by General Motors in 1990 was 3890,The presence of white blood cells in the blood and blood vessels increases 3891,Russia had initially rejected any of its members s rights and has since been 3892,After the death of Samuel and Gwen Rufus chased Rufus s weapon 3893,James Cook is the second oldest university in Queenlandia and the first university in Northern 3894,The original API was NPAPI but followed by Google s extended implementation of the 3895,He was sentenced to 15 years in prison after a few months in prison 3896,Walnut bread is a walnut bread made from wheat flour walnuts 3897,Bibiana Ivanova Ivanova is a Russian businessman who acquires wealth in Russia 3898,Cat is considered a high level domain for use in topics related to the cat 3899,He was appointed Prime Minister and became Prime Minister 3900,In 2008 and 2013 and 2014 the canvas received many international international awards each year 3901,It is usually used as floor polyisocyanurate stainless steel feld 3902,According to Charles Rohan Nolan he has worked as a consultant in the 3903,Conversation * chat sohbet söylese chatThe term is used in a variety of 3904,iPad Mini 3 is the third generation of iPad Mini smartphones designed programming and 3905,In 1976 the band recorded a song called Get Me Back 3906,This usually covers a packet of a private token and additional 3907,The cost of the opportunity describes the actual value of the product and the highest 3908,At the time he was in hospital and was expected to resume on Monday nights but 3909,Numerous human specimen experiments have been conducted in the United States including the 3910,In New York the Association joined Columbia University and the Social Research Journal changed its name to 3911,Prince Charles is the Prince of Wales and the Queen of Wales 3912,Because the display reference monitor is always accessible and very small it is 3913,The comparison of circuits systematically proved many of the problems 3914,The house was built during the Qajar period 3915,It takes about 30 days to carry the moon to perform a complete awakening 3916,Socrates defends against Socrates s criticism of Socrates 3917,It has sold over 15 million albums in the world and is the second-best-selling 3918,France departed from the NATO peace agreement in 1966 3919,In addition the buildings are often recognized and the process of destroying multiple 3920,It is the most popular Bollywood film outside of India 3921,In fact compressors are compressors that operate at a relatively low 3922,In contrast in interactive machine translation each time the user creates a new interpretation 3923,He is also the leader of the MAS political party 3924,On 17 July the Iraqi military units were again deployed as 3925,During the 1920s and 1930s the company entered the markets of Palestine 3926,The equivalent state of a graph without bridge is when the corresponding components of 3927,The ability to influence cloud architectures through experimental observation numerical models and physical 3928,The band has sold over 50 million albums worldwide 3929,The next morning in the house of Fred Emilyson is struck by a 3930,JYJ extended his new album through a world tour in October and November in the 3931,The United States declaration of independence in 1776 and the United States Constitution in 3932,Following the establishment of the School of Fine Arts in Tehran after the establishment of 3933,In the 1st millennium BC–1 Mesopotamian rule was established in the 3934,Since the dawn of the June 6 the beginning of the transit was observed in 3935,The corruption and corruption of the University of Cairo did not become part of his 3936,It is one of the most beautiful and powerful buildings in India 3937,This is a well-known example of art work 3938,It was nominated for a Grammy Award for Best Hard Rock Metal band 3939,He has published more than 100 books including short stories children s books plays and 3940,This type of plasma cutting devices are sensitive to contacts of the filament to the 3941,Jang Gibson the only child of the family began his career as a model at the 3942,The company employs 1 219 employees 3943,The next round will be held in Japan for the first time 3944,Later Humbert reveals that Charlotte is dead and that Lolita is forced to 3945,46 is the code of the city of Rasht and all of the letters are for the 3946,In 2010 the United States launched a portal for information access in the city for the public 3947,About half a half of the superhelios were discovered 3948,In the chaos zone in South Oseberg region hundreds of people were killed 3949,In September 2015 the United States Circuit Court suspended an appeal sent by the United States 3950,For example the Pythagorean theorem is a theorem with the greatest number 3951,His widow Pèreque Esther was one of the youngest Sufis to whom 3952,The publisher describes the content of the book as a praise for the 3953,The interior walls provide a natural insulator thermal mass during the presence of 3954,TIFF images are also capable of using both states 3955,If the engine uses only one of the machines can be mounted at a length 3956,In ancient times the use of saffron as a preamble to God and 3957,To determine whether the three points to form a left rotation or right rotation 3958,But in large natural numbers the sum is a rare act and the sum usually 3959,Samsara is a 2011 non-narrative documentary film directed by Ron Frick 3960,The period of Gustavo s reign was marked by internal religious reforms including 3961,Different mixes manufacturing processes and importantly different temperature degrees of heat vary 3962,The story revolves around the arrest and execution of the poet 3963,However even when he trusts me it is a terrestrial horse which 3964,Chu Chang is a long-haired boy who has black hair and Asian eyes 3965,Research showed that by diffusion of photons electrons to a single electron in 3966,After this the Russians returned and according to a Russian source in November 1031 3967,In 2010 Cargill received a revenue of 11 剰余 dollars 3968,In this thermodynamic temperature the material starts getting out of the known unknown 3969,After the 1980s with rising oil prices the use of FCC and Hydrocracking was 3970,Alberto Delso de la Plácido Domingo had no positive reviews regarding the 3971,In addition a theorem may have two interpretations one one is certain and one 3972,The presence or absence of the protesters had a horizontal position from the top down 3973,His important philosophical doctrines include defending the belief in the existence of God 3974,He invented the P. R. Mortimer s car the which made the ship 3975,Natural lakes are typically found in mountainous areas areas or in areas with 3976,Hence for harmony with the human structure of the universe human beings need to 3977,She is a vampire who lives and works with Joe and Ellen 3978,Abolhassan Banisadr was the first Iranian president of Iran 3979,Mikael Plachov is an Italian actor and film director 3980,Clark Davis is a sausage struck by a bull-whirln 3981,Boolean circuits are a model for many computer pieces used in computer engineering including 3982,Gregory II of the Papa Urbanus Third System 3983,During this time the government was able to prevent the publication of a paper paper or 3984,1755 - University of Georgia the first state university in the United States is established 3985,This is a classic study of sub-sea economy 3986,He learned history dictionaries and aphorisms from philosophy to young students and 3987,In December 1994 Theo a senior development officer of NetBSD and a member of the 3988,FireMonkey was designed by Eugene Kryukov at the KSDev Corporation of Ulan 3989,To manufacture the engines were mainly made of metallic metals 3990,His paintings were shown in Los Angeles in 2006 3991,The country s most important export products are coffee cocoa and glucose 3992,The heard s palm plates must touch the surface of water 3993,She was born in Hammersmith London England 3994,On the morning of 26 October 1863 the representatives of several football clubs 3995,He was born and raised in Najaf 3996,It was founded in Palermo in 1998 3997,Islamic rule in eastern eastern eastern eastern eastern 3998,Jack shall leave the city as one of the few healthy survivors 3999,Example: Expenses and losses from foreign occupations Article ٨٠ 4000,Renaissance theatre is a type of theatre produced by the German director Erwin 4001,Thus it appears that the study of these electrolytes would be 4002,On Saturday October 17 2014 the official website of SAVAMA announced her prostate replacement 4003,Guam is the longest woman in the world 4004,This is usually accompanied by painful vision and painful vision 4005,These pumps are used in places where low volume pressure is high 4006,In 1583 Edouard Kelly told John Dee that the Messianic messenger 4007,Since June 1916 the country celebrates the Flag Day of Flag Day 4008,In a block cipher blocking the reverse algorithm identifies groups of 4009,These areas were abandoned after Al-Bissa 4010,Andrew Tnappman designed Myekse at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam in 1987 4011,In the 1980s increasing research in this field introduced a renaissance between 4012,The walls are dark and the walls are plentiful 4013,The ideas of the Frankfurt School are not fully understood 4014,These motifs are designed mainly based on a parallel hologram model 4015,2004 - The owner of the Space Shuttle company Stainless Steel successfully fired 4016,Michael started his education at the Ravenscroft School 4017,In physics and mechanics the average speed is the angular velocity of a 4018,In 1900 in a library in Leeds he bargained with Holbrook Jackson for 4019,Tony admits that she loves slash but when she takes her time 4020,In the west and south there were more conflicts except in the cities of Herat and 4021,Yahoo Music Group is a subsidiary of Yahoo Group 4022,The age of the average annual annual annual annual annual annual 4023,The human body is composed of many interacting systems 4024,Scream was one of the only two songs of the Xscape album that was not released 4025,It was originally designed and manufactured for the US Army during World War II 4026,The most probable of these was the discovery by the Captain Vasili-A 4027,In a critical density of 4·1014 kg m3 the nucleus of the 4028,The Only Nothing is a song by American rock band Linkin Park released on 4029,Occasionally it appears that the water is abundant but where the resources 4030,On 13 October 2003 the bank merged with the Bulgarian Investment Bank of Bulgaria 4031,Black resists her and refuses to commit suicide 4032,On 10 May 1796 Alexander briefly defeated the Austrian General Napoleon at the 4033,After her name Chaiana Dahl he used the name Chaiana Dahl 4034,Rabbinic Judaism is believed that each generation descends from a person who 4035,After John was interrogated by the Church Charles agreed with his plan for the abolition 4036,He studied cinematography at the University of Texas at Austin 4037,I once again visited the Islamic mosque of Isfahan and learned Persian 4038,Sulfur is the only non-calorie sweetening of sugar and is 600 times sweeter than 4039,Uttar is a village in the province of Kottayam in India 4040,Russian forces controlled the Caucasus and restored control over the Caucasus and 4041,Although he learned from Hebrew he wrote that he was apart from the Jewish tradition 4042,God released a song for the song Light the Universe 4043,In this case we place 2 k rows in the list 4044,He was a K-1 K-1 K-1 World GP Champion in Fukushima Japan 4045,Investment has been a staple in the Western world since the end of the fascist era 4046,Charles returned home in 1714 when he was given the opportunity to return to 4047,It is listed on the London Stock Exchange and London Stock Exchange 4048,King Jayaurman II declared himself King of the region in the year of corrent 4049,Therefore the length of the injured windows is only dependent on how the developer is 4050,The first U.S. Congress based on the Constitution opened on the Federal Hall 4051,The lyrics were written by Prof 4052,He continued his education in Isfahan Kuwait and Basra and received honors from 4053,In 1899 Egyptian al-Qudijah appointed `Abdu l-Baha 4054,However Horton s opinion remained visible until 2007 4055,Since ROT13 is a fixed number each letter is simply shift 4056,In the case of Stark s rivalry Dean says: I am just a 4057,In discussing the Constitution of the United States the Declaration of Independence was seldom 4058,It is the world s first digital electronic computer 4059,Water intrusion threats can occur in areas where the anti-water layers 4060,It has also been suggested that many of Western understandings of liberalism in law 4061,In 2005 a British version was released in a DVD format similar to a 4062,The animation and mock-ups are often children’s puppies who emphasize 4063,SuperPi Pascal was another type that added non-numeric labels which 4064,Brachtha written in the Year s Year of Jewish Resurrection is the family 4065,Not to the aims of the commissioners as thinking about the design of the gardens 4066,A 34 tunnel was discovered and destroyed in Gaza 4067,Sushi is a sauce made from sour cream 4068,He also appeared in the American television series Young Indiana Jones one of his first successful 4069,The company s customers include the United States and Japan 4070,He served as the editor-in-chief and editor-in-chief of The Times 4071,When filming I m Khan Khan director of Dharma Productions Khan asked Khan to produce the 4072,The galactic year is the unit of measures of time and refers to the time 4073,He is the younger brother of Bruno Kubalecu 4074,For example the connection of a socket to another engine that might contain thousand 4075,The only true isolation is the lack of self-awareness 4076,It is now in the Chicago Institute of Art in the United States 4077,x rightarrow infty means that x grows beyond any given value 4078,Her father Donald Satrap and her mother Shirley Douglas are Canadian actors 4079,The organization maintains and maintains and extends ISSN codes 4080,The killing of Vanderbilt University University of KentuckyAugust24August12222The 4081,For example the syndrome of herpes simplex causes severe diarrhea and 4082,According to Montgomery Watt ʿUrwa was the only half-sister of Muhammad and 4083,The study showed that c-Myc mutations in the c-Myc 4084,The Holy Shrine of Husayn ibn Ali in Karbala is a 4085,Lodién is considered one of the greatest Pasajeros of the last decade of 4086,Dublin is the capital and largest city of Ireland 4087,Using three frames 9 page faults occurred 4088,It consists of 5 units: Energy water air quality air materials and food 4089,Another aspect of graphic design is to have a specialized search and analyze 4090,It was published in French in 2000 4091,In the treatment of noblastic ovarian failure the nanomaterum 4092,The motif is commonly regarded as the smallest subjunctural of a 4093,Zoll s AED Plus uses a CPR-D•padz that measure 4094,Since 1969 the determination of precise distances between Earth Stations and the Moon 4095,The magazine s European edition was published in London and covered the Middle East Africa and 4096,These three lines of the story is 21 Grams followed by a life- 4097,El and some other technologies associated with Web Consortium developed the idea of Semantic 4098,Upon returning to Japan he started practicing medicine 4099,The team won the gold medal at the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing 4100,In Iran it is known as the Arbor Day 4101,One year later he won the bronze medal at the 2008 Summer Olympics and was one of 4102,Fury paintings can be seen as a examples of past art in contemporary 4103,At the beginning of Jalal in 336 BC Pharaoh reconciled with the 4104,The ethical policy requires that all business accounts be monitored at the time of startup 4105,Currently there is no agreement on whether or not there is any agreement regarding 4106,However he saw him as a short god for being a short god for 4107,The use of this model continued until the 21st century 4108,This can be interpreted as a depth-first-planar tree-mapping tree 4109,The Tcl language is the result of John Outterhof s research on electrical 4110,The Treaty of Versailles which had been set up between World War I and Alli 4111,When asked about the political situation of India and the British he was no 4112,Upon returning to the church the crowd immediately attacked him 4113,The debate was addressed by Chris Hughes a former Facebook spokesperson 4114,There are two different interpretations of the relationship between Iran and Saudi Arabia 4115,We will take two times a talk 4116,In this effect the very specific state of the third-degree equation is 4117,Pepper and Happy are soon divorced because Pepper hadn t been having a 4118,There is a node in each unrecognized system acting as the whole system 4119,In 1707 two Kingdoms united to form the Kingdom of Great Britain 4120,Processors that executes each instruction after another one may use the processing sources 4121,They are available which can be used to produce various types of females 4122,Most Buddhists believe that the relationship between what has been done and what 4123,The Berno-Nang function significantly contributes to the distribution of wealth 4124,The trip to private wind farms began in the late 1960s 4125,A glycoprotein is a glycoprotein with a concentration of approximately 4126,If the probability of existence of God is p then the probability of existence of 4127,Majid Toshko is an Iranian human rights activist and political prison 4128,During the Iran–Iraq War the Shah claimed against the Shah s 4129,The solution which was partially self-deterred by today s standards was improve 4130,A study of HSV viruses in southern Israel has shown that one third of 4131,As a result the running time of a search bar is O log n + k 4132,The third trumpet sounded and a star called Wormwood came to the 4133,Azur zedir ağı *poison toxinThe Turkish word for poison toxin 4134,As of 2013 the real implementation of this strictly sophisticated sophist 4135,In this principle a commercial venture requires a growth rate at which 4136,Private networks may be used to connect multiple persons persons to each other or to 4137,The second feedback loop on the left is the negative ascension 4138,OGG is a free and open source file format used by the Xiph 4139,The dynamics of the technology transmission process are significant and there are a large number of 4140,One of the predictions of this theory by Kaitz and Balwitsch was 4141,Green: The symbol of vegetation in this island 4142,The indigenous rights in the Law of Australia were created in 1867 4143,Since the term “pitch” has been widely used in the media and advertising 4144,Also IP address blockade can be used as a method of conducting attacks 4145,The success of the song and its political power brought a prominence toward 4146,T-shirts t-shirts t-shirts or t-shirts are a 4147,In India wood is produced from timber 4148,In Europe fasciolosis occurs mainly in France Portugal Spain and the former Soviet 4149,Important substances include chlorine aluminum aluminium oxide ammonia phosphate and 4150,In this case the new value is referred to as the new minimum value or the new minimum 4151,A small project named Helloween which began in 2002 to design and build 4152,After a conflict and because of his opposition to the murder of political 4153,Sattes III was the son and successor of Pharaoh Pharaoh Phar 4154,The day is celebrated in celebration of the day 4155,Covering can help manage surface water wildlife life and creation 4156,Because of the negative messages are displayed in a separate database and 4157,Logical reasoning systems will have to deal with all these issues rather than 4158,At the time of the September 11 attacks of 2001 Salomon Smith became the largest 4159,If the tree is not empty let the new key be compared to the root which 4160,The Interior explained this by the Ministry of Interior that because Horne did not 4161,According to Palestinian sources on July 28 more than 100 people were killed in 4162,These awnings have many advantages including creating cooler temperatures inside the 4163,The film premiered at the Venice Film Festival on September 11 2009 4164,Agriculture production increased from 68 million tons in 1993 to over 73 million tons in 4165,Some groups are separated from this context-free culture and have been criticized for being 4166,He travelled from Medina to Dubai and Abu Dhabi 4167,For example it can be used to test a coinage 4168,The astronauts spoke of stars with an unarmed eye at the time of the day in 4169,The NAT has no interaction with the use of ESP and this sector may still be 4170,If we don t want to use a binary it is possible to use a 4171,Behind the book s illness appears to contain 5 lines with English 4172,JYJ is JYJ in the World OKT. The world s largest corporate 4173,During the historical period the Nicaraguan economy was based on exports of 4174,It was founded in 1985 after a long fight to achieve a position that began 4175,The focal point of the party s struggle and the militant death regime of Mir 4176,The famous Death of Marat is shown to avoid public feelings 4177,During World War I he introduced many of the science disciplines and developments in Germany 4178,European voluntary organizations and fellow charities developed this desire in their 4179,The virus is associated with more severe neurological disorders and chronic reproductive 4180,The fixed hook is on the bottom and is used as a cupola 4181,For any two strings x and y that are in a state and for any 4182,Furthermore the construction of energy is efficient and environmentally friendly 4183,Another way to triangulate these sequences is to put edges into one 4184,For painting flowers and roses on the wall of the Victorian tower of the 4185,Power Metal which was the band s most heavy metal album until the time of 4186,After a long drive Tobey and Julia have won the championship 4187,Before they had consulted with him about the possible position of the Taliban office he 4188,Caesar s speech as the next new testament 4189,Conversely T cells processed the same antibodies as a mHC cell 4190,Two-edge network communication may be performed on the same network by the optics or 4191,In the context in which the English people speak the novel is usually referred to 4192,Since 2004 vehicles with a South Persian license are not subject to entry into control 4193,One of the first articles to support the theory of evolution was published in 1922 by the 4194,After forming a monopoly on banking in Venice they moved to War 4195,This is a condition that the existence of at least controlled targets is viol 4196,The sundews are world-class and live in all continents except Antarctica 4197,I am going to show what is on the face of the man and what is on the 4198,Today the internet is the main element of modern political campaigns 4199,In the 1990s the Islamic cultural center of Russia helped to establish the Hajj 4200,It is the only country in the world to voluntarily annihilate nuclear weapons 4201,The company is listed on the Paris Stock Exchange and is part of the CAC 40 Index 4202,They are usually equipped with a crew of twelve to fourteen 4203,After the war in Iraq the violence between the Iraqi troops and 4204,Theta.1 = 2 psi.1 and theta.2 = 2 psi 4205,From the 5th class he began studying novel and literary works 4206,It is also capable of respiration and urinary respiration 4207,In today s digital age the accuracy and accuracy of a large 4208,The mountain is usually considered the western part of the city 4209,A player in a dribbling dribbling dribbling dribbling back to 4210,In August 1994 K. Aufhauser Company Inc 4211,In 2007 it was testified that the Kobe earthquake with buildings exposed to 4212,RFID refers to a wide variety of RFID tags 4213,He was killed by a chemical duct in Israel on November 2 2002 4214,One of the programs that they wrote was the sendmail which became sendmail in 4215,Modern hard disks with 8–118 megabytes and solid state disks with up to 256 4216,During their marriage they were known as both husband and wife but 4217,The disease can be transmitted by contacting the skin of some reptiles such as turtle 4218,For example by a IMP72 file source a file of IMP72 contains the full 4219,They can feel comfortable by using their infrared sensors to capture the heat 4220,The family returned to Scotland in 1889 4221,The freedom of interest was formally declared but it was later adopted in 1807 4222,At the end of the night Tirr flies along the border between Iran and 4223,In 1933 coincident with the disaster of World War I Munch said: I am 4224,He lived in the city of Cudignol until his death in 1824 4225,Humans feed on sickly or fungal meat through scraps or skin rashes 4226,The film was chosen by international jury in 1997 4227,For this tour Nirvana hired Pat Moses as a guitarist 4228,The source code can be written in ASCII UNIX code or a graphical image 4229,a is removed from the end of the attributes and a is removed from 4230,It included the sensual dance of Lopez and Peter Bloch 4231,The emission spectrum of a chemical element or compound is a spectrum of 4232,The Iraqi National Government was established by the United States as the headquarters of 4233,In computing the clock is doubling the measures relative to the speed of the 4234,James was born as Erika Mitchell as a Scottish mother and a Scottish 4235,It is commonly used as a second engine 4236,This color allows the third eye to open the inner and inner eyes 4237,Google asked Iranian users to help improve the language 4238,Time-driven databases are built on the basis of time types for example a 4239,The film is famous for the scene in which the balloon portrayal of 4240,Smith was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Animated Feature 4241,The name of the bridge was first recorded in Quran at the time of King Ishma 4242,The number of households was estimated at a maximum of 15 000 and 4243,Then the pipeline is a set of pipeline elements that connect to each other 4244,A former U.S. military chief supported Muslims in the United States 4245,Since even a single phase-shifter could not store all of these 4246,For approval - alphabet or bearing - a simple solution for each 4247,SkyApollo46 224 873Las Palmas Las Palmas Las Palmas Las Palmas Las 4248,It is composed of salt mines and sulfuric acid 4249,The commander of the Assyrian army named Iasubayaa reports that the 4250,In 1999 together with Ernst Mayr and John Murray Smith he won the Kroger Priz 4251,The man is named Bob Thorne in his home while the walls of the house 4252,In 1983 he was elected a representative of the Radical Party and subsequently 4253,Ground source heat pumps have the most energy efficient technologies to create HVAC and water 4254,In the event that a person will create a correlation between bad and bad emotion 4255,In classical physics a space is a triangular space in which each 4256,Acoustic vocals and instruments are generally considered to be acoustical 4257,The city of Little Rock was located in a relatively southeastern part of 4258,Hitler and Goebbels believed that the film was a very powerful tool 4259,When Hugo returned to Paris in 1870 the people welcomed him as a national 4260,Because the protein age started to grow from about 45 to 50 years of age 4261,I am very excited to leave the future West but I don t want to 4262,Alice generates a bit of d bits for each bit of a and 4263,The mosque was the world s largest mosque in the world from 1969 to 1993 4264,Three years before the Republic of Armenia s independence Turkey had been forced to 4265,The very similar museum opened in Istanbul in 2008 4266,In San Francisco San Francisco State University received the largest gift from a couple of other 4267,Church announced that he would be more focused on vocals and music in 2013 4268,Acidic blue solutions have pH lower than 7 4269,In 2014 Russia supported the Russian invasion of Crimea and in the same year five 4270,The word QR code is a registered trademark of Denso Wave Corporation 4271,The addition of page loading can be used for tasks because it allows the choice of 4272,For example it appears to have been used in hair dying 4273,It was started on 11 December 2007 and ended on 10 December 2007 4274,The album is the debut studio album by Joss Whedon 4275,At the same time he began to irrigate the Black Sea to the Caspian Sea 4276,In Afghanistan illegal logging of toilets is illegal 4277,Day is a historical drama which occurred in the thirteenth century during 4278,This crisis might have a spiritual part but the main reason probably will never 4279,Acute aneavesdropping is usually attributed to the absence of 4280,In the 16th century Europeans began to take slaves from Africa 4281,He returned to Iran as a permanent coach 4282,The G3 and G4 genera use the PAMAM trees which are responsible for 4283,The book was translated into English by Madame Hüsraw 4284,The relationship between the University of Maryland is the same as the relationship with the University of 4285,The council is composed of 18 main members and 18 other members 4286,Modular matrices can be considered as a governance of the system s time 4287,The company is engaged in the exploration and production of crude oil and natural gas 4288,In the convection circuit there is a small amount of leakage but the amplifi 4289,Flowers usually have thorn-like gills in various parts which attract 4290,During this time the training and supplies were provided by the United States Pacific Fleet 4291,A total of 118 naval Cessna fighters were destroyed during the 4292,These comparisons are not accurate because the headquarters of the Roman 4293,ElGamal s algorithm is used in applications such as the Reverse Proxy 4294,Gaspro was acquired in September of that year to purchase nearly 73% of the 4295,Ronaldinho scored two goals against Barcelona on 19 November 2005 4296,In particular efforts to relate to the surrounding earlier languages using 4297,The Iraqi Interim Government is the governing body of the Iraqi government from 4298,Agha Mohammad Khan fled to Khorasan and was murdered by his uncle 4299,The heat transfer of heat to the environment can include evaporation evaporation and condensation 4300,He then appeared in Love 911 a romantic story about a doctor and a 4301,It was designed and built by Jeremy Scott 4302,PetrIran was initially established as Iran s representative in bilateral contracts 4303,In 1949 Busey came to the attention of a radio engineer called Carl in favor of 4304,For measuring the radius of the lens - for instance the angle of the lens 4305,Sisin is a city in the Armenian province of Armenia located in the 4306,The Gulf of Uqba is located in the easternmost part of the 4307,We are now facing a wide variety of information and services provided for human use 4308,Microcode is a standard version of the standard but is available for applications that have a 4309,In the period between 1958 and 1966 Pimsleur re-wrote earlier 4310,After Dirac s research it became clear that the vacuolars did not have 4311,Soami J is originally mentioning the name of the name of the name of the name 4312,At 69 hours and 8 minutes and 13 seconds after launch the SPS was illuminated for 4313,From this point Orage gained a greater interest in literature and arts and gained 4314,The OpenBSD Journal was born on April 9 2004 at its current location 4315,The luxurious spiral stairs were also designed by Johann Balthasar 4316,It was announced at the Dev Conference in June 4317,In other words two lions in one classification may differ from their overall appearance 4318,In another report his opponents pointed out the root causes of his childhood 4319,The copper sulfate of five aquifers is soluble in water 4320,D-ATIS is also known as a part of aTIS-like system 4321,Copper compounds are used as fertilizer for bacteria fungicides and wood 4322,He became a professor at Oregon State University until 1965 4323,At the World Cup she performed five times and was awarded the title of Merit- 4324,The ball throw is a throw-away throw-away throw-away 4325,He was a wealthy and intelligent child 4326,This is done through a central server when the user is connected to the network 4327,Dmitry Rogge who led the development of the HTTP 1.0 protocol in 1995 and eventually 4328,At this temperature rocks and iron remain solid solid 4329,Another source reports that the beginning of construction occurred in 1941 due to a 4330,Glibc is used in systems with different hardware architectures and hardware architectures 4331,The presence of oxygen in the high circulation cycle and environmental factors will 4332,At the Río Negro River in central and Mexican states there are about 120 species 4333,However many people knew that a modem was often accessible via dial-up 4334,Sensitive animals use their head and neck to maintain balance 4335,The 9P is a public-key blocking protocol that is designed to 4336,He was the founder of the Zionist movement 4337,The night embryo like the night embryo is resistant to HIV-1 and this 4338,This version was accepted and probably appeared in May 1872 and three 4339,Anna visits Christian when Kate finds out that Kate is happy with Christian s brother 4340,On 17 October 2007 he was elected to the General Assembly 4341,The language was first introduced in 1989 by Carlys Gifford and Neil de Jong 4342,It was first introduced in the second half of the 19th century after the commercialization of 4343,It is used as a food for Muslims in Pakistan and India 4344,John Stuart Mill s fame was greater than it became a matter of 4345,Earth warming also played an important role in the destruction of water resources especially in 4346,January 4: First U.S. soldier killed by enemy explosions in 4347,In addition the difference in magnitude and deflection which creates elements around its line 4348,They are looking for food in groups ranging from 30–40 individuals and are 4349,The olive oil is stored in multimers and stored in a particular vacuolal 4350,The archive contains data from proprietary databases and often from external sources such 4351,The following week S.H.L.L.U.L.U. was 4352,Bahman Moehranian is an Iranian writer photographer and director 4353,The group consisted of 150 pilots including 43 pilots 4354,The theory of theoretical thinking began as early as 1917 with the publication 4355,From 1937 to 1942 it has been published continuously 4356,It was found on the wall of a castle 4357,The glucose in solution is 99% pyranoseic ring and 0.01% linear 4358,At the age of 25 he entered the University of Leiden 4359,Cost Behavior: The value as a template for the model is based on the value 4360,In 1995 he recorded Noel s second album Oasis Noel s second album 4361,Another important issue is that EPBC did not affect the Environmental Impact Assessment and 4362,After studying the history of ancient texts and consultations with archaeologists 4363,There is a famous dream between Greek sailors in which a 4364,The heat evaporator temperature is determined by the following method as stated below 4365,USSDs can be used to send messages from a CSCCH Control channel on 4366,Her mother Anna Braga and her husband Sonja Braga are both actors 4367,With a U.S. citizenship Lu Xun left Japan in 1902 4368,The law of Hammett was signed in 1862 4369,Liquid carbon dioxide is used to remove fog in airports 4370,The metric notation is described as E = 1 4371,There are 172 Scaniate swans in Sweden 4372,In 1979 the Department of Defense named her name on the Ada programming language 4373,The grammar of the following is also ambiguous since there are two binary 4374,The sacred book used by some of the Armenians in the Ottoman Empire was 4375,There are no toilets in Australia and Antarctica 4376,For example in the United States a pole-mounted transformer is used for feeding 4377,The Persian language is a dialect of the Persian language of the Middle Ages 4378,He was transferred to Qatari national football team when he was 20 years old 4379,She married actor Barbra Scorsese in 1999 4380,However this practice is often a strictly acceptable approach to the production volume 4381,It is used to diagnose iron pelvis and blood failure 4382,The Khaju Khaju is very resistant to fluctuating temperatures and has 4383,The prayer for every Muslim in every Islamic day consists of: the prayers 4384,Many medicinal plants may be vulnerable to microorganisms gas extraction material and 4385,The city is well known for its numerous churches mosques shrines and 4386,Unlike Hobbit MSL uses an intuitive evaluation meaning that all expressions 4387,It was the earliest star that the diameter of the star was measured using 4388,Verne died in 1871 and was succeeded by his mother in 1871 4389,Despite mentioned Hart later said she had a positive relationship with Patrick Talley 4390,The Constitution uses the seventh plan to limit subjects which are under three 4391,Anna Ivanova Ashanti is Ukraine s largest chess tournament winning from November 4392,Fruit: the pericarp is a symbol of the annual harvest 4393,The funeral pyrees are used as symbols of life s ascension 4394,Poland was defeated in less than one month by the German Army 4395,The disaster s depth was significantly greater than the incident of the Titani 4396,It follows that the greatest common divisor a=r.0 b=r 4397,They also won two trophies in the 2007–08 season 4398,In addition to ancient doctrine concerning various forms of religion research and analysis 4399,He was President of the United Kingdom from 1 January 1966 to 4 December 1976 4400,It is found in Australia and New Guinea 4401,Rand Paul was the son of Rand Paul 4402,The director of the Center for Hafez Studies and Director of the Institute has been the director of 4403,Maayox is an open-source content management system open-source software suite free of 4404,Jjvkhan along with the fifth column was arrested a few times 4405,Upeline defeated the ball with his right wing and the ball bounced 4406,Because of the strategic importance of the city of Birjand in eastern Iran 4407,He taught at the universities and at universities in Japan 4408,The relationship of music with dance was the basis for the modern dance movement developed by a 4409,He is a former member of the first-team All-ACC and is currently 4410,These certificates included the entire Unix source code including portions of the 4411,Although in English there is no suitable syntax for acknowledgment of 4412,In addition the guidelines and energy standards have begun to use the day-to-day 4413,This attack was similar to the earlier assault with only sixteen ships 4414,The common chimpanzee is the chimpanzee of the chimpanzee of 4415,It is a messaging service and consists of a link with the WAP 4416,Brave argues that after Isaac continued to practice Isaac s great work and 4417,It is one of the four sacred mountains of Buddhism 4418,The points awarded to each of these five factors are listed in the table 4419,This means that the last player increases the swap before the last payoff and 4420,Another Spanish thinker Erosionism claimed in 1914 that the existence of 4421,The next evening Jordan learns how to play basketball 4422,Abundance of these revelations led some of the people to believe that a 4423,Bismarck with 700 metres behind the head reduced the night vision to 3 000 4424,With this approach you are able to give feedback regarding the group s group s 4425,For the protection of weapons and unlockations the game has a monetary system 4426,The removal of this leaf and its father moved the node of the node 4427,The Once Upon There Tour also known as Once Upon a World Tour 4428,These books are often referred to as the miraculous جوامع or the 4429,During the Iran–Iraq War the Iran-Iraq war was used as a weapon 4430,It was the first country in the world to recognize women s rights in 4431,In various communication protocols different protocols are used to identify packets and data 4432,He returned to Lebanon in 1974 4433,By changing process conditions it is possible to produce ethanol in the same factory 4434,The western remyot extends from the eastern and eastern slopes of 4435,However a relatively small number of Muslims have also been aware of the 4436,We are very nice to share them with each other 4437,The purpose of cache-free memory management is to manage the problems between cache and cache- 4438,The Times of London and the Russian Talmud both reported that he died after 4439,Flowers of Gessle are a beautiful study of philosophy and life 4440,There are two important statues of the temple for Hindus 4441,Lye was the third son of Judah 4442,The term was sometimes referred to as the United States Department of Defense during his 4443,Indeed these propositions do not conflict with themselves and with the classical logic 4444,The older SDKFZ.303 was built and its engine became a gasoline 4445,The two languages of the Achaemenid dynasty and the Achaemen 4446,Ford pioneered biomedical research in the 1930s and 1940s including the ability 4447,The largest company in the country was Mrs 4448,Educational skills in everyday life such as safe using ducts or ducts 4449,The song is a Teardrop of Water written by Japanese composer Keiko Matsu 4450,The first book of thermodynamics was published by William Randwin who was a professor of 4451,However the Korean Communist Party entered into the war against North Korea because 4452,The risk of a recurrence in those with a viral infection called 4453,It has a wide variety of uses 4454,Anderson wrote in a later interview that his father had heard of a mathematics 4455,China s Zhongke Hengyuan Energy spent 400 million units of wind turbines 4456,He participated in the 1952 Summer Olympics in Helsinki Finland 4457,It was written in Bell Labs by Shan Dworkbatum and Rob Okotok 4458,The Palestinian Authority which had been awarded the Palestinian Authority s 4459,The statue of the King of Kings is located in the town of Smyrnadin 4460,The band s main vocalist Jimmy Destri had intended to accompany the band 4461,The development of these cells occurs in the bone marrow 4462,It was said that the Armenian Question should be solved in this war and that they 4463,There are several theorems in science and engineering but theorems are often 4464,Due to his long-term velocity of earnings he therefore does not 4465,The execution of a block cipher is called a block cipher 4466,FIAT Automobile is Italy s largest car manufacturer and its headquarters is in 4467,Gabriel von Eichholz was sentenced to eight days in prison for insulting one of the 4468,His half-brother Edward VI inherited the throne to Lieutenant-G 4469,His grandparents and maternal grandparents were Indian religious missionaries 4470,The company operates oil and gas fields in several countries including: Algeria 4471,For this reason a grammar is usually memorized as a generic generator 4472,Diabetes treatment includes proper cleaning and anal resurfacing and the use of antibiotics 4473,It was the first time that a woman would define his own life story rather than 4474,Important modifications occur in the terrestrial structure occur between 110 and 660 km 4475,It had a worldwide sales of over $400 million 4476,The parent s parent s parent s parent s parent s parent s 4477,The general idea of this concept is important in fields such as astronomy and astrophysics 4478,Scholars believe that psoriasis among various skin conditions with the name of the 4479,In Guatemala the evergreen season extends from July to September and in Fiji 4480,Scott Sheckby is a retired 45-year-old who currently works for 4481,The border line at the centre is divided into two parts 9 meters and 3 4482,The day and night temperature is very fluctuating in the higher levels of 4483,Only above the stones is written the Hebrew words: Whole Me Up and 4484,The study conducted by Walter Ouspenhaal and published in a book titled 4485,The traditional fishing dolphin is restricted to shallow waters but the 4486,In response to the bombings Hiroshima and Nakuhashi by the U.S. 4487,He quickly began to consolidate his authority over the Iraqi government and the 4488,In practice the key represents a shared secret between two or more sides that can 4489,In 1882 he married a girl named Dassler 4490,Today this method is the best and most widespread method of machine translation 4491,The album was released on July 26 and released on August 25 4492,Ahmad like his brother completed his primary schooling in jurisprudence and was still 4493,After obtaining a sample from a tubercular plant or a specimen of 4494,Rugby polo is a type of local wrestling that originated in West Africa and is 4495,In 1944 his wife who was unable to execute the Gestapo became a 4496,The BBC cited a number of people as heterosexual programs 4497,It was said that this dance existed before in Ancient Greece as the dance of the 4498,He was initially known as the Phantom of the Opera and after 48 hours of search 4499,In December 2002 Shawn Walker a member of IBuySpy released a version 4500,On 1 September 1939 the German occupation of Poland began during the Second World War 4501,According to Chad Bracker this album is a trompe-l œil with 4502,He also played in the Iraq national football team 4503,Mehdi Azad Yazdi was an Iranian child and child writer 4504,His second visit to the United States was in 2007 when he was invited to teach at 4505,Reza Shah s only foreign travel was the journey to Turkey in 1933 4506,Newer a number of rodents who are trying to catch meal before they 4507,He went on to meet with the political council of the Holy Roman Empire 4508,The three main representatives of whom Bahá usually call Bahá ís 4509,He specializes in the history of Islam and the Middle East 4510,Ancus Marcius was the fourth of Rome s kings 4511,The term is generally used only resistance lines between France and Italy while the 4512,In Roman mythology Phoese was the goddess of trust 4513,Frick says We had various pieces and politically dismantled the 4514,He studied language and literature in Gothenburg Berlin and Munich 4515,Furthermore the height of the Indian Elephant is shorter and the Indian Elephant 4516,EMS is an American metalcore band from Orlando Florida 4517,Transfer messages may be simple or complex either 4518,El Espora is a park located between the old part of the city and the 4519,There are several methods for constructing dry stone walls according to the amount and 4520,Following the crisis of May 1968 and the absence of the repressive rites 4521,In the early part of the 20th century migration from rural areas to cities 4522,The coup was started on 12 March of the same year in the ninth month of the 4523,In chemistry biochemistry and medicine a special measurement of the desire for a 4524,In any accident or accident depends on psychological coefficients such as hospital costs and 4525,Rome is the ancient Roman city of Rome 4526,When the central bank asked for a growing demand for money they could 4527,Before the discovery of the sulfuric acid compound the sulfuric acid was 4528,Cordwood construction can save significant amounts and is often used in applications where 4529,The capital and largest city Prague is Prague 4530,The possible values for X 1 2 3 4 5 etc 4531,The electronic book titled Demi was released on June 11 2013 4532,The first AT T-adjoining advertisement was titled Wired with a 4533,He graduated in 2001 with a bachelor s degree in business and management from 4534,The Tehran Ghottab Stadium is the 5th largest stadium in Iran 4535,While writing on the new album Peck stated that this was about being living and 4536,Its short indicator is Rh and its atomic number 45 4537,From these 12 nerves 10 of these nerves start from the stem of the brain 4538,In the early autumn of the same year the National Front led a new organization of 4539,It is legal and a community segment of the IPV6 standard 4540,He prepared a plan for attacking the town of Ahmediya and told his followers 4541,However within a few years all the building related to the University of Shira 4542,He also served as King of Armenia from 180 to 194 4543,In 1979 he moved to Iraq and was acquainted with musicians and 4544,During the war he participated in the war 4545,During the reign of Robeco-Rocque during the 17th and 18 4546,I will be faithful to God with the grace of God 4547,In serial numbers the arrival cycle of all flip flops are joined together 4548,Data for this register is stored as a status code between 23 + 22 + 21 4549,For instance a group of scientists at Libya and Geo600 are attempt 4550,The next service to the law of force was to describe the motion of divine bodies 4551,His works have been translated into several languages 4552,The transition index for any word or in the document creates a component in the 4553,Dalton Erwin Knuth is a Canadian-born computer scientist and a 4554,In 1982 he entered a cabaret group - The Dead Diaries - The 4555,Even in this way a traffic carrying someone known as police officers 4556,In 2003 he was appointed Creative Director of the London Underground Theatre 4557,It is manufactured in various types and with various technologies 4558,HR is a function in the organization that enables the performance of employees to be 4559,In January 1990 the North American Air Shuttle Company began providing Fender services to 4560,Eligotel is a municipality in the comarca of Vall d Albaida 4561,Its appearance is warm and dry and its appearance is cold and dry 4562,After three years of studying in Turin in 1873 he wrote a paper called 4563,During this period air raids of many major cities including Tehran Tabriz Shira 4564,However it has been suggested that their salaries will soon be paid 4565,Jameen s brother Khosrow refuses to marry him and starts 4566,The city is located in the suburbs of the Moskva River and its other 4567,Finally Gœory of Antiochus III convinced Antiochos III of Antioch 4568,It is bordered by the Americas northwest to the Strait of Gibraltar 4569,It is one of the most common elements in cosmetics 4570,The dolphin is the smallest caudal water with a length of less 4571,Douglas Mylokov a U.S. inventor proposed a design called sky 4572,After the pilot s interaction with the local control unit the pilot has to announce the 4573,A small radio source is placed in which a radiation source is placed 4574,Harris and Klebold purchased a handgun from their other friend Philip the Ring on 4575,He is currently the Syrian ambassador to Iran 4576,The dam s primary studies began in 2002 4577,Tonto gave John a silver bullet to John and told him to use it 4578,According to William of Prussia William was granted the throne of Pope Alexander II and 4579,The boundary is called the real or virtual level which separates the system 4580,It was published in 1997 in the collection “Moaning and Other Novels” 4581,Philip received a promise of mercy from God to overcome the enemy 4582,It was written in ancient Egypt where scripting was used as a standard for 4583,In early 1949 Mehro Mouri along with three other commanders and a 4584,Mandela Mandela Mandela Mandela Mandela Mandela Mandela Mandela Mandela Mandel 4585,In the event of the decathlon famous pilot Julius Erlig in the dec 4586,The importance of Talmud as a jurisprudence leads to the disagreement 4587,During her time as an accomplished pilot she began her career as a 4588,Despite the relatively good start he scored a choke goal four days later 4589,He was one of the founders of the Organization of Iranian Defenders of Freedom 4590,Since the Lakhzad thesis implies that a subgroup is a sub 4591,Additionally it has been suggested that namespaces out of speech have been 4592,When Spartacus attempted a long and bitter battle against the armies of 4593,In order to choose multiple threads to either be accessed simultaneously and or 4594,The media type can be specified in the head segment of a HTML file using media 4595,He received honorary degrees from the University of Rochester where he received 4596,It is currently used in the United States and the United States 4597,Bindnet lines are a set of ambiguity which is the set of 4598,Given the private benefits of this feature it does not become automatically accessible 4599,As in DFA we see the number of positions is finite and we say that the 4600,Today the Republic of Azerbaijan was the eleventh of the 15 provinces of the 4601,The oxidation and reduction reactions of organic compounds are organic compounds that 4602,The application of acetic acid as a lubricating vinegar is used as a 4603,The Golden Butterfly was released in 1935 and is anticipated to be the most 4604,The hope of Ernst IV was that Frederick II of Denmark s elder brother 4605,The use of socks during walking and trailing also lowers the 4606,Brian Wilson Albini is one of the greatest writers of science fiction in the 20 4607,He served as Deputy Mayor of Tehran 4608,He returned to Triple H in a match against Triple H in which he 4609,Jean-Luc Godard was born on 3 December 1930 in a wealthy Swiss family 4610,In 1760 Frank was arrested for burglary 4611,It was the company s first automobile manufacturer in the United States which produced 4612,It is based in Almaty Kazakhstan 4613,It was discovered by Jean-Philippe Aumasson in December 2006 4614,In 2007 she reprised her role as Harry Osborne in Spider-Man 3 4615,The Quake is At For It was developed in the 1980s by the American alternative wave 4616,This approach can be implemented in O time 4617,The local militia served four months in England and remained in Europe until the 4618,UFAD cooling load specifications vary from the traditional ASHRAE system due 4619,Maxocciwick s formalization of the Diophantine equation has shown that 4620,Flowers use color and color to attract insects 4621,After the union s short time the band again broke off and new groups started to fight 4622,New trade parks are being built along the MoMA bases including the 4623,The two computational bases are written as | 0 rangle and | 1 rangle 4624,They were started by Jacob Bernoulli and Demokhurst in the 18th century 4625,The World Health Organization prohibits tobacco advertising from publicly banned tobac 4626,If a = b then c does not contain the right part and in this case 4627,I Am interested in the music of the United States Recording Industry Association 4628,He noted that the earthquake occurred a few hours a day 4629,Green s functions and functions in classical mechanics are important and according to 4630,In the U.S. Army a higher level is a military force 4631,The main portion of the Selyhapur plain extends from the city of Babol 4632,Note that a programmer uses one of the above cases to create a sample of 4633,In radio statistical modeling a channel is a statistical description of some of the 4634,However limited broadcast electricity was introduced by Nicola Stella in 1893 at the National 4635,Note: It is necessary to visit a veterinarian and commence a 4636,Anti-semitic genocide is a type of mass murder or murder of 4637,The laws governing laws such as provincial courts in each province are 4638,In 1940 Benito Mussolini ordered the sculptures to be completed by Michelangelo 4639,Example: A graph G = and an explicit positive number k 4640,Additionally they are designed to control conditions associated with hazardous environments 4641,By 66 million years ago the plain-seed of 15 km reached a 4642,It plays an important role in many biological and biological activities and is widely used 4643,Robert Wakefield was an American astronomer who won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 4644,Public transportation in the city is also free for students 4645,Creation of objects by means of accuracy and efficiency 4646,activists were beaten hundreds of thousands of citizens arrested and 4647,In 1603 Robert Sherley led another trade expedition to England to provide a new 4648,The term myth is used to describe myths and legends 4649,However some sources have suggested that he dies from Catholic births 4650,The Northern North American tribes carry large quantities of tobacco as a 4651,Brazilian Olympic athletes were taken to other countries as a new sport 4652,The award consists of a gold medal with Max Planck s Face and a 4653,As illustrated in the figure it is possible for person standing on the equator to the 4654,After standard revision the C99 and C11 are still not yet supported 4655,When using a transformer one can acquire any voltage at any voltage 4656,Cellulose broadcasting was first developed in Paris in 1997 4657,A few weeks later Margaret and Edward resumed their campaign 4658,In Europe chess was almost exclusively restricted to its aristocracy 4659,It was written by Gerard Albini and published in 1960 during the time 4660,He wrote two رسالة about mathematical astronomy: about the fluctuation 4661,The most common symptoms are coughing weight loss and weight loss 4662,In statistics a Q–Q plot is a probabilistic estimate which is 4663,The transistor is a power piece of power 4664,During the day during the rainy season the water on the roof is treated 4665,The song after a few months was named after the public and other artists and 4666,In the United Kingdom red is the political party and the blue represents the conservative party 4667,Their outstanding judgment was issued by the U.S. Department of 4668,He was appointed President of the Chinese and Japaneseriendship Group in 1985 4669,The discovery and study in the book was a pioneering suggestion from Farrokh 4670,In the beginning of the 19th century any sauce made with vinegar was known 4671,After leaving L.A.L.L.L.L.L.L. 4672,Epilepsy lasted between six to 9 months 4673,Vertical clearance is achieved by opening the barrel 90° and threading the 4674,After heavy rains the album was released digitally in June 2007 4675,In discrete event simulations the clock starts until the simulation starts 4676,In 1925 Louis went to France and the city of Paris 4677,When the blood pressure is usually equal to or more than 90 mm of 4678,It was discovered by a team of astronomers from the University of Hawaii led by Scott 4679,It is helpful to checking antibodies and antibodies in blood 4680,After the death of Ryan White who was diagnosed with AIDS at the time was still 4681,Sarnasme is also used as jewelry but it is soft 4682,On 15 April 1916 the federation was founded on 23 June 25 1925 and joined FIFA 4683,It is part of the CFree Software project and is installed using the CFree Software 4684,During World War II BMW and McLaren built the R-107 which was 4685,The garrison was destroyed in eastern Tunisia and the two sides were 4686,Many of these turboprops are still employed 4687,In 2002 the economy saw a boom in the oil industry 4688,In the past the small Plasketomycin cells were planted in the respiratory tract 4689,His injuries were also uncommon: his injuries to the clotaire s broken 4690,Only one dart can emit up to 40 000 drops 4691,Wine-based soy sauce is a sauce made with a filling made of 4692,The ground level by a vertical tour is divided into two equal parts 4693,The central flower of the Aevin rose is called the rose sedge which 4694,He claimed to be the vampire of Jigoku and ultimately supported parents 4695,Imwaz Airport covers an area of which contains one asphalt paved 4696,They are extremely sensitive to cold temperatures 4697,Hishasp is a ancient Egyptian amphib in the 6th century CE 4698,He joined the German Army during the First World War 4699,It was the second largest football club in Tehran 4700,The company manages its operations through six factories defined by the geographical region 4701,In the 1997 election General Hugo Banzer the AND and former dictator Hugo Ban 4702,Following the release of the album s members expressed doubt about the band s 4703,A minimum of seven lemmas were chosen by the Chartered Mathematical Institute 4704,The Phoenicians were the first successful nobility to sail on the Mediterranean coast 4705,Due to its remarkable popularity the name of the Golden Line was adopted 4706,The umbilical cord blood then becomes hematogenous and is stored in the 4707,The philosophy of classical Greeks was a group of Greek philosophers who 4708,In the earlier maps of the Indus River including the Arabian Sea and 4709,In 1668 Isaac Newton built the first adaptive reflecting telescope called 4710,Research by Cornell University showed that 1 to six percent of online rates positively positive 4711,Although some of the original figures in the second edition are similar to the earlier 4712,Typically the essential fatty liver is eating rest everyday spending and 4713,In 1904 she personally met Gogart and advised him to publish a collection of 4714,The nail is a papuc which is a mucosal form of dead skin 4715,Manon Lescaut is an opera in four acts by Giacomo Puccini and 4716,Pantera was disbanded in 2003 due to Anselmo s departure from the band 4717,The safety and safety of the cell membranes is required to maintain the soluble 4718,Gardner continued to play in films until 1986 four years prior to his death in the 4719,Eliezer prays for revenge and athva and Ana are prayed for their 4720,Méliès sold the film in both black and white versions 4721,In traditional societies education was restricted to culture transfer and its aim was to educate 4722,Article C on the Law of the Cūages of the Twentieth and Fourth 4723,To build the largest structure inside the Kremlin it costs 11 million rubles and 4724,1989 - After two weeks of stroke P W. B. Bella was replaced 4725,Their affair dropped devastatingly when Kubrick slapped Bursey as 4726,There are several methods for constructing dry stone walls according to the amount and 4727,In contrast because of the presence of a chlorine in the water and a 4728,The Community Advocacy Association is a non-governmental non-profit organization with the 4729,The T-company received a total of $2.7 billion net income in 2003 4730,Solar time can be measured by moving the sun 4731,Abu Talib Motlagh - Jewish philosopher and author 4732,March 12 - The militant group of Kosovo joined a group of Kurdish 4733,As a result most of these systems have a higher cumulative speed than 4734,The mouth-and-hand shield is made sufficiently large to prevent tears 4735,As with the previous match against Rock Steve Austin used his own version of his own version of 4736,Historically and culturally the Kurdistan is part of what is today referred to as Great 4737,The information to the health professionals should be scientific correct and accurate 4738,When a multithreading program is written a programmer may write each string 4739,Across the valleys they study not only spiritual and religious texts but also 4740,A spoken word is a process by which people are able to understand and understand 4741,Chelsea have won seven trophies in the Premier League Cup and five trophies in the 4742,He was released from prison after being summoned to the Revolutionary Court and 4743,While this is a large benefit for water quality systems have a limited capacity 4744,Later McMahon attempted to interview with him but Hatreau quickly attacked him 4745,His brother Modd the 1st Symphony alone decapitated more than any other 4746,Similarly in CDMA radios each group of users has a shared 4747,Although the number of soldiers was between 11 000 and less than the army 4748,If S is a separate set of points in Euclidean geometry the 4749,Mitsubishi has produced over a million GDI engines in four families until 2001 4750,It is succeeded by Porsche Cayenne which was discontinued in 2012 4751,The European Union was unable to adopt a general policy during the first year of war 4752,In general it was exactly a model and copy of the Soviet throne in Hungary 4753,Although Barcelona started playing their own season in the 2007–08 season he 4754,The Vogue was looking for a girl to replace her when she was invited 4755,He has published over 70 books including seven novels four biographies four children 4756,However the name پاور корд is still adopted in pop and rock music especially 4757,The family spent two years in Zurich and then in Buenos Aires 4758,Los Angeles California - The United States Department of Water and Environment announces in November 2019 4759,On May 8 2015 Cameron announced candidates for positions as Minister of Foreign Affair 4760,In the mid-1980s Iran suffered a war against Iraq and needed 4761,He is in the beginning of a ship when the ship is being driven 4762,He completed his higher education in the United States 4763,Since 2004 auto vehicles in Abkhazia were banned from Georgia in Abkhazia 4764,The trial version was released in August 2008 4765,She grew up in the kindergartens of a young boarding school in Darmstadt 4766,He placed aside to increase the total amount of Israeli attacks to Gaza to 4767,Iron-sulfur atoms are part of the ferredoxine iron-sulfur atom and 4768,The third architectural program designed for the purposes of the Shah and the people 4769,Al-Zubayr lost his father in a few years and was placed under 4770,When the Congress government remained in power Hekmat was replaced by Governor 4771,Bam Airport is an airport located in the eastern part of Bam province Kerman 4772,When Dalí s son died when his son had been five years old and 4773,Phenecológico acid is better to be used with food or milk 4774,1783: Treaty of Paris establishes the War of the Independence War 4775,Along with the expansion of the use of personal computers and the creation of computer- 4776,The higher the value of a company s stock market the higher its ranking 4777,He is a Turkish celebrity singer former İngiliz rapper pop singer 4778,A vestibule is usually composed of a dome which serves as 4779,In 1854 he reported the exact number of them as follows: 4780,The single was chosen as the Year s second single of his generation 4781,It is named after a famous train station 4782,With the advent of the World Wide Web and its rapid expanding scope the need for 4783,After the earthquake the novel was translated into Persian by Reza Daudzai 4784,They were associated with the prevention of breastfeeding protection and Pashtun culture 4785,The practicality of these methods in climate radars and air traffic control relies 4786,With the aid of the gentry the gentry stumbles into the gods 4787,Following a military intervention in the Middle East Iran accused Iran of being 4788,However newer browsers usually keep track of the warnings that the page 4789,Each of these prominent figures has written text within itself 4790,Mardouz III was the twelfth Sultan of the Ottoman Empire 4791,In 1324 they established a collection of astronomers to aid the theory of 4792,He was nominated for WWE Divas Championship and was nominated for WWE Divas 4793,Since 1969 the Communist Party of China s emphasis was placed on 4794,On 19 August 1953 Mohammed Reza Pahlavi and Farah Reza Pahlavi arrived 4795,However the technique of multiplexing uses bandwidth which uses a 4796,Unlike a traditional standard it is believed that a higher standard of 4797,The night embryo like the night embryo is resistant to HIV-1 and this 4798,Roshott is commonly used in cooking especially for frying and as a 4799,Some spherical chromosomes are segments known as chromosome nodes and are 4800,It is made from dried and dried cotton balls 4801,In November 1983 he developed his own device 4802,In 2013 the European University awarded the Corporate Social Responsibility Award to the Foundation for 4803,Her father was a nobleman and her mother owned a wind mill which 4804,It is one of the most important crops in the world 4805,In some cases such as ask a false conclusion about the original version may not 4806,The first or third of menstruation can be diagnosed with an examination of the condition 4807,During the match Punk beat AJ Lee 4808,The main types of lung cancers are small cell lung cancers which are called 4809,In fact in relational model the entity and the entity s interface are represented 4810,In order to do these tasks initially the mules must be sufficiently accurate 4811,John believes in Henry s will he lies with his brother Jeffrey of Britannia 4812,In January 2014 Google deleted two extensions from Chromium service due to lack of 4813,After the launch the 40-year-old Ye-40 was moved to Wilesford s 4814,The eCos transmission lines can only be connected to the ones that have 4815,The absorption phase is the process of excretion and passing of the drug 4816,In other words the higher the size of a hash factor increases with little 4817,Barcelona reached the quarter-final with 99 points and the Spanish Super Cup with 99 4818,The opening of the father s father was the first to use soft materials at a large 4819,He began his education at the University of Tehran 4820,Turkey was opposed to any Kurdish independence movement and Saudi Arabia and other conservative 4821,Combinational tablets typically have 21 days of oral exercise and do not consume seven 4822,His first collection of short stories was The 1000 Years of Love and his second collection of short stories 4823,Paroxetine is a medication for the treatment of depression obsessive compulsive disorder obses 4824,In the fourth century BC Alexander the Great controlled the area and Iraq lived for 4825,A few important design variants are classified by the liquid and a combination of water 4826,In the event of the decathlon famous pilot Julius Erlig in the dec 4827,The 1964 Summer Olympics were held in Tokyo 4828,The following is a sequence of results from the rotation of the i- 4829,He received his PhD from Princeton University in 1967 4830,The initial version of the Golden Globe was created in 2004 in order to link Chicago to Hong 4831,Fourteen species or more commonly distinguished with a chromosome 24 to 60 the 4832,According to Lloyd the cave was 5 times larger than Fong Neat which 4833,In combinatorial mathematics the Catālons are a series of natural numbers that 4834,Let s suppose that all subsequences are in a fixed length 4835,Other factors that lead to a reduced blood pressure include reduced consumption of salt 4836,He really opened my eyes to the modern art 4837,The party which gained more than half the chambers of the House of Commons 4838,When a person gets a bliss he says that when 4839,Their debut was recorded in May and June 1999 at the Caverock Studios in Finland 4840,The Maxentius paradox was a scientific argument between Stephen Hawking and Kip Thorne 4841,The size of the height of its boundaries varies depending on whether its 4842,Others however believe that the male cannot have more than two simultaneous ones 4843,He was born on January 9 1953 in Los Angeles California 4844,In addition to a number of medical papers it contains six radio images 4845,He eventually returned to Venice and worked as a playwright instead of 4846,The zero power coefficient in a circuit means that the charge-coupled charge is 4847,They are usually monosaccharides which separates them from the roots of 4848,There is a distinction between scientists about the origin history and culture of the 4849,Three years after the publication of The Rubbufo another novel written by Jack Dawson was 4850,He left Iran in 1984 for France to study film 4851,Winters mild and short cold winters and relatively humid summers are 4852,Scientific advocates use their own and technologies to produce plants for human food 4853,She was the wife of Artaxerxes I of Persia 4854,The aim of a target system is to communicate the difference in behavior that is observed 4855,The book was returned to English by Sophia Coixelli 4856,The high table shows the carbon footprint per kilowatt-hour per hour of electricity 4857,Most species are natives of the Western Hemisphere from the British Columbia to 4858,The couple had three sons whom he married in 1976 4859,622 BC: Tiresia s journey into Jerusalem takes place 4860,Davidson grew 13% during the four-day s early four days but 4861,He and his wife Dora were assassinated on June 11 1903 by a group of 4862,If a clinical specialist wishes to pursue a clinical assessment and 4863,During the 17th century Sweden-finnish after the victory over Denmark Russia and 4864,A kitsun may have one three or five mono 4865,Malcolm X encouraged nationalists to re-define and expand society by register 4866,Snakes are known as one of the most sensitive indicators of climate change 4867,Their policy was soon stuck because Armenians who were not allowed to 4868,Since DFAs are supposed to be a special case of 2DFAs 4869,To quickly handle boundary operations all trees are joined by a bijection 4870,It is also widely used in agriculture 4871,Other models include cameras with special effects visual effects and accessory objects 4872,Uses: To generate red colored pigments in fires and lamps making 4873,Tensors in the DSM-IV DSM-IV are defined as a 4874,After the conquest of Persia in 1754 he participated in the Battle of Monterrey 4875,The return is performed with a variable key length usually 40 to 256 4876,Any point whose distance to a reference point is assumed to be less than that of 4877,From 1908 to 1914 the New Age was the most important magazine in Britain 4878,His favorite bands are Matilda Latourdoe Barbera George R. R. Martin 4879,However Finkel tries to defend himself but is expelled 4880,Since December 2010 the nine CIS agreements were signed and the CIS is 4881,2: If the number of soldiers is less than 4 the number of soldiers 4882,Six of the six groups consisted of seven teams and the 1st group consisted of 4883,Julia Roberts met Sutherland in 1990 4884,This occurred almost immediately after the government of the Byzantine Empire 4885,The term residue refers to the residue of the residue of 4886,September 28 - Seven killed and around 100 killed in a flooding in 4887,The costumes of the ladies are green 4888,Repeating and continuous collapse: Turing states may halt within different input 4889,The marriage of the prince Aki Shinto to former Kiko Kawashima defeated 4890,He made a beautiful statuary and loved the statuary 4891,Typically a friend s protection system is implemented using a binary tree 4892,According to the laws of Tehran and the other seven cities are responsible for 4893,This is one of the earliest records of football history written in the World Cup 4894,So-So the men who had taken us to see how hard we could stand 4895,In more dry ground the method changed and the soil was planted at depths 4896,This had a key role in the development of the infinite perfect index in the 17 4897,However the process of development has been slow and the construction of earth shelter has been 4898,There are also more than twenty universities in Dublin 4899,Then the question is how possible the elements of the original elements are unknown but they 4900,The art of Europe at the time was influenced by the Persians and influenced by 4901,It is then dried and mixed with silica 4902,A single length greater than three cannot be complete because the color number is three 4903,Elysas is a municipality in the district of Biberach in Baden-Württemberg 4904,The IUCN Red List is a member of the IUCN Red List 4905,Established from 1893 to 1895 three of the scientists of the Russian Academy of Sciences 4906,During this period Chinese culture and art grew 4907,The phenomenon may arise due to various factors including deflation of 4908,Agehab is a unit symbol used for the storage of computer data 4909,F# is often used as a cross-platform CLI interpreter language but it can 4910,Search and Refactoring: The most important change occurred in this version is a search 4911,He was married to Helen Joanne Stark in 1922 4912,He tried to lead Amir to alliances with Russia and opposition with the British 4913,The creator of the Ozze s War Machine was a German Jewish Jewish 4914,In the book Cradle of Consumption - Cradle of Consumption - Cradle 4915,In Czech and Slovak cities two systems are used simultaneously 4916,Chess vertebrae are different values and are written with special symbols 4917,With the advent of web designers eminent information designers used interactive tools such as 4918,Since ROT13 is applied to the text previously encrypted by ROT 4919,For example modern stored-program computers are examples of a specific model of a 4920,At the age of 20 he travelled to Iraq for almost one year and 4921,The proof of this equation is formulated at various levels of mathematic 4922,The technologies used are typical of the previous version with cartoon video and voice and 4923,It is possible to remove the bile from the stomach 4924,After a computer program or computer is successfully authenticated then they must be 4925,The set of all strings that accepts M is a language that is in M and 4926,The extent to which this protocol requires a common key is distributed between 4927,Soon after the rise of the Third Reich Nazi leaders claimed they would 4928,When peace is applied in the judicial justice system it is frequently referred 4929,In the mid-1970s he began using zinc to produce aluminum in 4930,amp-le-couen is a commune in the Pas-de-C 4931,Most of the islands are covered by tropical tropical rainforests including the 4932,Zeus was a powerful and evil genius 4933,According to the Bendis–Dybden–Thulger model this inexor 4934,In 2000 two other CF-5Ds were added 4935,Types of crystals called pulse-antiphases generate electrical signals 4936,The tomato is processed throughout the world in various ways 4937,Particularly to use a virtual server as a host space for a website it 4938,One of Antony s first television appearances was the playing of a 4939,It is common in all of the major neurological disorders 4940,It is illegal for our and for the ministry 4941,They consider it sacred and refuse to transport the goddess from the drie 4942,He also serves as president of the Edmonton Oilers Edmonton Oilers New York and 4943,In 2011 it was introduced by Watkins Review as the most influential personal personality of 4944,However the implementation of software and hardware in a ProQuest or a proprietar 4945,He is regarded as the father of modern linguistics 4946,His education began at the Third Holy Infantry School in Tehran 4947,Many residents believed that the Germans or Germanians were originally from Kerman 4948,In general only problems that their time is as polynomial and their input size is 4949,For analysis of productivity the values of the total national economy and the national GDP 4950,Paul Andrews s first film in which he was a writer and director was the 4951,The symmetric Turing machine with a multi-sentence and K n starting from 4952,In ancient times the crown made of leaves was awarded to the winning 4953,The global population of the species is unknown 4954,A star clock refers to the measurement and matching of time in the night by 4955,In an attempt to promote his own involvement at the Cannes Film Festival in 1995 4956,Karabovara is an Italian pasta sauce with Italian origin 4957,She gave birth to a son and a second wife 4958,The right left image does not correspond to any of Van Gogh s paintings 4959,The primary changes are in the sizes and types of the compressor and 4960,The only other event that has been held in the world s Grand Prix is the 4961,The automatic control system automatically splits all information simultaneously with other helicopters or 4962,He was ultimately transferred to Psycho-Zionist Prisoners for 21 years 4963,In 2008 he became the head coach of Aston Villa 4964,The third army was attacked by one of the generals of the Khidmat 4965,If mediation did not become agreement each party can benefit from their rights 4966,Al-Qassam bin Laden and al-Qasim al-Zakiyya s 4967,Then they combine a mixture of vinegar and dissolved salt 4968,Although Kieślowski believed the film had been a counter-intuitive 4969,The paradox: Logical paradoxes are formed immediately during the development of the 4970,Although not widely used renewable energy can generate future electricity 4971,The film was written and directed by Sebastián Coriagud and directed by John 4972,Some of the work is associated with the community of new financial markets by the 4973,The Executive Director of the UNDP is the third-eight-member United Nations 4974,It is currently considered to be one of the most significant metals in human societ 4975,He played the role while having only a few years of age and 4976,Cognitive Behavioral therapy or CBT Cognitive Behavior Therapy is a 4977,The language that is produced by the indexed grammar is called indexed 4978,The United Nations peacekeepers may include soldiers police officers and civilian 4979,This led to the closure of people in the mosques 4980,The best reinforced planimeter for a column is a planimeter with a 4981,Many public intellectual organizations provide training programs for architectural students and graduates of 4982,The United States embassy in Kabul was created in 1940 and closed in 1989 4983,Instead the people of the revolution need to lead the revolution using evil 4984,It is the largest university in Iran 4985,Rolling Stone is a 2013 American thriller film directed by Gordon Verbinsky 4986,Pure angular velocity defines an interval pump in which the angular velocity experience 4987,Also with any 12 hour or more interrupts on service it will progress to the first 4988,Erotic art or erotic art is any art that is created for the purpose of ful 4989,The group remained one pair in 1992 and the last was seen in 2002 4990,After a couple of months they appear in New York in the United States 4991,The first and only spokesperson consensus between Joe Biden and Paul Ryan was 4992,GSM was further improved in 1997 with the improvement of all-rate code a 4993,Three female Iranian women have also been awarded the Grandmaster of the Women s 4994,With BBC s coverage of the 2009 documentary Hackers Wanted he conducted 4995,Another flower of another flower develops with a change in the size of the 4996,In June 2011 it was ranked as the fourth-leading news website with an e 4997,It was supposed to have been a documentary about the life of a 4998,Barr directed the United States Department of Defense 4999,It is believed that the activation of the antibody plaque and the formation of 5000,His father was a jeweler and his mother was a nurse 5001,After holding the throne he moved to a place where the throne was 5002,They concluded that there are six basic emotional sensations: anger fear 5003,In 1922 the independent independent Kingdom of Ireland was independent and in 1927 the Kingdom of Northern Ireland 5004,Since his independence in 2006 Nimavar has made a declaration of independence 5005,Copper in the Chamber of Copper is a reflection of the Renaissance style 5006,According to the 1990 Geneva Law in France which prohibits the existence of 5007,The absence of insulin from β-beta cells can lead to type 2 diabetes 5008,The children are just greeted against waves and squirrels such as 5009,He was born in Egypt before the arrival of the Canaan children 5010,He competed at the 1948 Summer Olympics in London 5011,Despite the structural differences the differences between the two were sufficient to make 5012,The chess was introduced into India and was part of the training of princesses and 5013,The sample mean and sample covariance are values calculated from a set of 5014,He moved to the Turkish prison at the age of 19 5015,Three species of bats feed on the blood 5016,It is located in the central city of Reyi 5017,She agreed to marry her husband and she insisted that she marry a 5018,Andrew Burnside who had a collaboration with Buratino was also the director of the episode 5019,Educated and educated in the Islamic Republic of Iran 5020,Her father was born November 26 1918 as a trainee and her mother was Irish 5021,The exhibition was banned at the time of the festival 5022,Nicolaue and Maria Aleksandrova were poor virgins who worked hard without a 5023,The earthquake is the earthquake which occurs on the border between 5024,Lactococcus is widely used in the dairy industry to produce monosaccharides such as cheese 5025,A similar cycle of viruses starts from infecting the hosts cell and ends 5026,In 1951 another English-language bookstore on the left coast of Paris was opened 5027,The video was directed by Nathanae Cox and Joe Hahn and the video 5028,It was listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in 2009 5029,If the bit was changed 0 it means that the page s data is not 5030,Use of FTPS is done when the client or server is deployed behind 5031,Sting escaped from the job of Kidman and the clash between Sting and 5032,In 2002 she took part in her real-life life with her son Amin Fazir and 5033,He received a bachelor s degree from the University of Massachusetts in 1954 and 5034,It was not until the end of World War I until the end of World War I 5035,Niemöller was born in Rivonia Brazil in 1907 5036,Thus each particle will hold a different value to the top or bottom of 5037,The galaxy is a sequence of stars and stars 5038,To command a transformer a tuned circuit which operates with a low 5039,In June 2011 he met his partner Ansar Aleshi 5040,It consists of two ribs in one third and ribs in the second third 5041,After initial failure Samsung began to slow the mobile industry in the late 1990s 5042,STS Roberts was joined by G. M. R. R. Norney who was 5043,A chosen ciphertext attack or CCA is a ciphertext analysis model in 5044,They shared with Khosrowsavander in a number of features including the 5045,In 1960 John Maiyear introduced an actin hybrid model known today as a linear 5046,On 7 December the United Nations Security Council tightened five of his children and ten of 5047,Some Christians believe that the arrival of Yahya Yahya is a prophecy of 5048,In 2001 he installed the first Quantum seven-bit display and analyzed the 5049,The name of the bank is derived from the Italian word for a buffet which 5050,Each candidate who has access to the Internet can log in in the company s website 5051,The first Fiat Doblò was shown in 1978 by Ken Heal 5052,Synosectomy is typically treated with medication called cystinamine 5053,After 25 years in Paris he moved to the United States in 1959 5054,His father was a baker and his mother was a dancer 5055,Its population is around 860 people and speak Tati 5056,Catherine of Wessex and his brother Eugene of Wessex 5057,Aely-sur-Noie is a commune in the Haute-Marne department in 5058,After obtaining a run in the given array she continues her operations and then continue 5059,The song was featured on the album released in 1995 5060,A cubic meter of natural gas is almost equal to a liter of gas 5061,In 1529 numerous artifacts of the Talmud were circulated and burnt at 5062,The night when Eshak thinking that the forest is going to become destroy 5063,He received a bachelor s degree in law from the University of Toronto in 1982 5064,More than a quarter of the passengers died in the early stages of 5065,In an LALR producer a parser announces that the grammar is obscure 5066,The Alpha team were also placed in the lyrics of the Lost Mountains of Arkansas 5067,As pointed out at IELTS the abilities of Writing Reading Listening and Speak 5068,When the Soviet embassy Luna 3 was photographed the scientists found that 5069,He was born in 1958 in Tehran 5070,If a specified network address is attacked by a massive number of 5071,The positive response to the above problem in nature is the natural orientation of ethics 5072,Other methods used in quality control are to control product production using statistical methods such as 5073,The first basic mathematical model for the electric oscillator was the electric oscill 5074,On the June 25 2015 election of his son Tamim ibn Hammadee 5075,Scholars have tried to multiply the calendar using the Rubaliro account and thus 5076,We must grant everyone a right to do so 5077,The addition of page loading can be used for tasks because it allows the choice of 5078,God s ability to speak is recognized as punishable 5079,The Canadian Lale Festival which claimed that the world s largest la 5080,In March 2015 he was called up for the Olympic qualifications for the Olympic 5081,IPsec or Internet Protocol Security is a set of several protocols used to secure 5082,At the 2006 census its population was 133 in 8 families 5083,Strauss believes to study the origins of modern political crisis and compare 5084,It was written by Jordan HBasel in the C programming language 5085,Since these forms of activity were associated with the city s life culture was 5086,Water evapification cools the hot and hot air along the tower 5087,Decisions usually cover entire ranges of inputs and outputs which 5088,He believed that this type of music has been heard so he attempted to 5089,Metformin is used in the treatment of type 2 diabetes 5090,The album s most popular single Liquid was released in Finland in September of that year and 5091,They can swim in water and swim while they swim 5092,Google has also contributed to this project and it supplies a large amount of 5093,The damage may also communicate with pain and pain 5094,For a set of points the Voronoi diagram divides the surface into areas for 5095,There are over 70 percent of Italian timber cultivation in Padana Piana 5096,If not then botanical value is often used to solve this problem 5097,Model-style awnings are suitable for historic buildings even today using cloth such 5098,The only post-fueled aircraft to be replaced was the Concord Concord although 5099,In the 1970s and 1980s about 600 000 Armenians migrated primarily to Spain 5100,In 2002 Chile signed a peaceful trade alliance with the European Union and South Korea 5101,Peter Gibson was a Czechoslovakian teenager who was a Jewish father 5102,The company which was established in 1999 employed a further revenue of 5103,The report states that the situation in Iraq is difficult and that U.S. force 5104,It is constructed to preserve the sacred paradise and can only enter the sacred 5105,Historically and historically there was still satisfaction in the marriage marriage and 5106,Their monasteries were in Livorno London Paris Egypt and Marseille 5107,However unlike the Japanese archaeological traditions of the late 19th and early 5108,However even with low atmospheric pressure the relative pressure of carbon dioxide on Mars 5109,Readers may be returned with fewer requests requested 5110,The input stream takes one character at any time and the possible transitions are compared 5111,Compared with the Japanese community in Peru the Chinese is apparently married since they 5112,It seems to have been very closely aware of Count s feelings but 5113,It is closely associated with the inner part of humankind which is the soul and 5114,The film earned $100 000 from his baker Mark Edgar 5115,Nucleic acids are two types of RNA: RNA RNA and DNA 5116,ROLLTABLE: causes changes from the last COMMIT or ROLLBACK 5117,The spinal disks play an important role in reducing pressures to spinal structures 5118,Sophie had only 17 years of age that his father had committed suicide and later 5119,The National Library of Thailand was created on 12 October 1905 from the merger of the 5120,In 1971 he moved to Kabul and attended Kabul University where he attended 5121,Various species have been cultivated from the 16th century until the 19th century 5122,At the sixtieth session of the Sixth Circuit Court of Justice of Azerbaijan 5123,The original idea is to remove turtles or small terminal values which slow the 5124,The judge must write a sentence for each sentence of the poet s 5125,He later stated: I am most well aware of these roles but if I 5126,He was appointed as the governor of Basra and Kufa 5127,The courthouse is divided across Israel and the territories occupied by Israel 5128,Luyi s first success was a successful design aircraft that won him the 5129,Kertész Dům was the first Turkish coach and a secretary from the Turkish 5130,Key cryptography uses previous members to determine the next element in the pipeline 5131,Compared to his parents Rosina was a London-born child and very happy to 5132,In 2008 at the request of the Swedish representatives of the three kingdoms of 5133,Both Bayern Munich and Bayern Munich use the system 5134,Since 1 January 2009 the Iraqi government has taken up the supervision of 5135,He and his father moved to Iraq and started teaching 5136,God is associated with war protection and climate 5137,I Can t Stop Loving is a scholarly short story first published in 5138,The state that X Y all consists of G is called X Y the relation R is 5139,Green Cross Charity - Governments such as the United Kingdom and the Netherlands adopted green 5140,The transistor was a few times bigger than the vacuum tubes and had 5141,There are six very abundant genes in the genome 5142,In Switzerland the term is applied to the standard MINERGIE 42 kilowatt-metre tall 5143,After the Sixth Dynasty the country had been influenced by internal wars and revolts 5144,For example the display 17 is the distance between the right-hand side and the top 5145,Each pilot would participate in two mission days per day 5146,He then alerted the Shah from the information of the telephones with John F. Kennedy 5147,Open loop flow control mechanism is characterized by having no feedback between the receiver and 5148,With the introduction of glass to the cheaper and more expensive price to market in Iran 5149,Pashto Bank is a bank in Afghanistan 5150,He moved to the United States after Reza Shah s death in 1951 5151,This led to the establishment of the Islamic Republic of Oman 5152,The first two banks were opened in Geneva and Florence in 1306 5153,Frank ben Thippeton is an Australian historian and professor at the University of Sydney 5154,It is currently used mostly for football matches and serves as the home stadium 5155,A reason for the difficulty of finding Giffen goods is primarily based on 5156,These incentives allow the user to feel good as an active member of the community and can 5157,The present demand for a compromise is to increase the length of acknowledg 5158,1792: King Gustav III of Sweden is assassinated by Ætha 5159,A Respected Retoried critic said after broadcasting the second episode now seemed 5160,In fact a large portion of inflammatory cytokines are glycoproteins 5161,Each day in the month was dedicated to God 5162,The Herbert von Karajan triangle also known as the Herbert von Karajan 5163,The second type made in Germany is made of semicircled pipes and a rubble 5164,Helios slew out of 300 000 killed and killed two-thirds of 5165,Although Brewster s methodology is strongly controlled in some countries it is the 5166,Eli is an unincorporated community in Arkansas United States 5167,According to J. R. Norton who attempted to save the Jews of 5168,On 22 March 1955 Kameo Kagawa entered the theater 5169,It was the first album by a female artist to have picked up five singles 5170,While Peter refuses to marry Dean for her marriage with Catelyn she 5171,It was listed on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange in 2004 5172,At this point God saved them from captivity and granted their own laws to 5173,As the spring of 1794 was approached by the Ministry of Seismology under the 5174,The album s fifth and final single Never End Up was released immediately after 5175,Other survivors remained in the valley for collecting and extracting copper gold 5176,His mother s drawings are of flowers and flowers 5177,It is a staple of the sheep of the genus Snidae 5178,Initially Bruce Schneier proposed the term a vicious assault 5179,Erick W. S. Vaughan is an American novelist screenwriter screenwriter screenwriter 5180,The BMP-1 entered service during the Soviet war in Afghanistan 5181,The head and throat are brightly colored and the abdomen is brightly 5182,He received honorary degrees from the University of Paris in 1989 5183,It was first found in Sweden in 1891 5184,The feast attracted many audiences but St Paul s skilled campaign helped 5185,With the arrival of ship to Cuba the Cuban government forced travelers to Cuba 5186,It is a central database that allows investors to buy and sell securities such as 5187,Huc was one of the first visible observers of Saturn s galactic 5188,Then with the detractors of the TNM a group stage of progress in the 5189,The Israelites probably referred to him as King of Israel 5190,Together with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in 2003 Bertrand and 5191,The Sixth Symphony of Symphony No 5192,The federal private regulation system encouraged the internal investment encouraged by almost 5193,It was developed and marketed by Google Inc 5194,Booch method is a technique used in software engineering 5195,In 1948 he moved to Stuttgart and studied music at the University of Stuttgart 5196,It is situated on the southeastern coast of South Australia 5197,In modern and international contexts during the 1960s and 1970s in which it was 5198,There is evidence that at the time the bodies of the Tafresh sheep were 5199,It has a small number of squirrels behind its throat and in 5200,The correctness of a formal system is a property that any sentence in which 5201,He tortures Zachariah Sam and Aether to give Dean a positive answer 5202,During the show in South Africa he became involved in a horrible kidna 5203,This is less compact when used in a standard grading method 5204,Given that more than 50% of the budget-programed budget the majority of the country 5205,The mass of this star is rising rapidly leading to the Maxentius maximus 5206,Like the bridge in Isfahan which was first constructed in the 6th century BC it 5207,It is native to southern Europe and northern Asia 5208,He returned to France in 1993 at the age of 85 5209,These two labels aggregate the different impedance of a single cable protocol in 5210,Vitrification refers to the transformation of a material to glass which is usually 5211,Benn s father Bryan Benn s mother developed anxiety- 5212,With actresses like Hemingway Stuart Whitman Stuart Whitman John Akar John 5213,For this reason the movement has been seen as a separate movement in Pakistan and has been 5214,Higher precision is confirmed by the Galileo Galilei Galileo Galilei s 5215,He also taught at Warsaw University as a Fulbright Senior Specialist 5216,The actual speed of the failure is associated with the aircraft s ability to 5217,It is one of the most popular types of swimming 5218,When the amount of leakage is measured the amount of leakage 5219,Automated translation systems that are available today are not able to produce illegal illegal 5220,For instance geo:long=50 is a tag for the coordinates of the 5221,False conclusions have resulted in Gawker s article linking him to 5222,There is a hierarchy of algebraic Turing machines that can decide on membership 5223,On 23 October 1981 Harold Webber eventually became the leader of Eckankar 5224,A volcanic bomb also known as a volcanic bomb is a mass of 5225,Data receivers are capable of extracting fluids across the pipeline and also 5226,The average age of female prisoners in Tehran is between 23 and 5227,In the summer of 2007 Lovato was given a chance at Disney s Camp Rock 5228,These markets are sound like stocks because they have a good valuation 5229,In 1997 El Al removed a separate portion of the cargo vessels 5230,Emperor Takeda Katsuyori was a retired Emperor 5231,The purpose of pseudocode acquisition is to make it easier to understand than more 5232,It was during this period that he began making contributions such as e- 5233,The reaction produces glutamine and fatty acids 5234,Established by the United Nations General Assembly in 1976 as a crime against humanit 5235,The company was named in 1933 after the Great Hurricane and the Greater Ierget 5236,In basic functions of the prototype or algorithm there exists more information about what 5237,He also wrote a number of articles on international relations 5238,They immigrated to Tabriz in 1980 5239,Doppler radars in addition to the relative position of the radiation can also determine 5240,Another type of geostationary orbit is a geostationary orbit used by satellite 5241,53 9% from 98.676 percent of Murphy s total vote was in favor of 5242,But during this period relations between the band s members were intensified 5243,The apple is white brown and is usually sour and sour 5244,Gary Oldman was the first choice to play the role but eventually to play James Gordon 5245,This is contrasted with Socrates s main motto which doesn t 5246,When the front-end markets were reached the government resumed increasing 5247,Four of the four Scud rifles were destroyed during World War II and were 5248,It is used for cooling cold asphalt in wetland or for insulation which 5249,Both viruses are published from the West and Central Africa and originated in humans 5250,Instead Swedish scientists at the Royal Institution helped increase the function of the 5251,The provincial football federation also announced that the player would not participate in any 5252,Traditionally art is divided into seven categories: architecture sculpture sculpture music 5253,He is considered to be a son or a grandson of the legendary 5254,In June 1942 Canaris 8 sent an Officer of Alaska to the espionage 5255,The Centre has exhibitions and exhibitions of more than 60 000 Persian Arabic 5256,They are also cultivated and harvested and reclaimed for use of their 5257,According to the theory change of consciousness can be characterized by two types of 5258,In Japan the modern forms of judo jujutsu and kyokushin were established by 5259,In 1979 he founded the Continental Generalist Corporation in Luxembourg 5260,In December of that year the first film produced by Hollywood was called The Public Prosecutor 5261,Its environmental value is higher because of the presence of about 200 species of 5262,On 5 March 1958 with Khazchf s order that the names of dead were not 5263,He discovered the law of light failure in physics and proposed the analytical 5264,It is used in the production of some chemicals including acriλλου propylene 5265,A further mathematical equivalent is a finite automaton with regular expressions 5266,The World Health Organization provides antimalarial vaccine contraceptives against dipht 5267,In practice France used human troops to defend the Maginot Line in Antwerp and Lille 5268,During World War I he appeared as an officer and stunned by 5269,Some studies however showed that organizations with lower self-esteem-stronger 5270,Three years later in 2007 the song was released in the United States followed by Guetta 5271,Professional traders are usually qualified after obtaining a four-year 5272,To float 37 000 tons of materials including 4 million librettes he invented 5273,All goods that are all enjoy whenever each individual s consumption of 5274,We have no free choice between good and bad 5275,It has a specific form produced by thin sediment accumulations which are located 5276,The term probability notation sometimes specific to Q Q Q is sometimes referred to 5277,These parameters are usually estimated by the maximum likelihood method 5278,Earth sheltering in the modern era became relatively more popular 5279,It is usually performed from the blood supply 5280,This process is performed either at low temperatures or at low pressures 5281,Approximately 0.5% of the population of the United States is Muslim 5282,With this act all traffic is moved towards a host hazard and the host can 5283,Oil emission pumps are used as well 5284,The term fringe is a term used to refer to a variety of 5285,The use of asbestos in Iran has been underway 5286,The uccumb is attached to the gallbladder and the pancreas and 5287,In 1981 he moved to the United States and worked as a Professor of Centre 5288,In 2007 CNN cites Debreu one of the eight myths that we will make 5289,During World War II he invented a method called the Sandow resonance 5290,The mosque is the third-most sacred place in Islam 5291,The Turkish rabbi who had become angry over Bahram s death asked 5292,The Olympic Committee in 1996 and 2000 was named the winner of the 1996 and 2000 5293,His father was a professor at Yale University 5294,In the 15th century the great Tatars of Russia gathered together to increase the 5295,Gittel produced and experimented a sensor with a higher frequency of hear 5296,In August 2007 the British and U.S. governments of the United Kingdom and the 5297,It is also used as a cooling material for both freezes of food and for 5298,Jean Valjean is the name of the novel s main character Victor Hugo 5299,The RFC 1122 standard states that local network protocols such as Ethernet and IEEE 5300,It is currently used mostly for football matches and serves as the home stadium 5301,These poisons are very poisonous for humans and for animals and 5302,Breanding-Irish leader claimed that Iceland and the continent of the United States 5303,The pilot or pilot is a partner between the industry university the research institute research 5304,However due to the lengthy course of medical education after graduating the new practitioner 5305,The most effective medication is if it is consumed approximately 48 hours after symptoms 5306,Based on this model the electron bond is connected from one cube to another and 5307,However they are called light cruisers due to their small size and with 5308,Osman ibn Hanifa was a prophet of Islamic prophet Muhammad 5309,Because he was not a divine body he had to endure by force and fear 5310,In 1980 the Soviet literary award from the Soviet Union was established 5311,Communication is a key part in graphic design 5312,This type of peria is not a very fine peria but is highly 5313,According to these results the Liberal Prime Minister Herbert Henry Schick introduced the 5314,It was claimed that all passengers were killed 5315,They were first appointed by Spanish king Ferdinand II Aragon where he was 5316,According to the Soviet sources the Soviet leader felt that Amin s role in 5317,The negative aqueval pressure in sand is much stronger than a barrier 5318,Diabetes fever is a condition in which although the blood count is very 5319,The age at the age of 29 is known as the age of 29 5320,On 2 June 1806 the Russians attacked the cemetery and captured Ibrahim Khan 5321,Together with that it may be evaluated by absolutely positive and partially positive statement 5322,Rolling is associated with the third person s third person s third 5323,With the freedom of the right to vote the three major political parties - the 5324,Heavy volcanoes or a line that runs along a volcano 5325,Riemann Rauball is born in Herder and in southern Denmark 5326,The spoken language of the species is sometimes referred to as the language of the 5327,For each material vary according to the types and types of adhesives 5328,Worked with music at the beginning of the second year of the university he was nominated 5329,It is an Italian libretto in two acts by Mozart 5330,This is the fact that the cooling flow from the roof has several advantages 5331,Hideyoshi responded by sending the army to it 5332,This is a list of treaties made by the European Union 5333,It is also used as a solar shade in the United States 5334,Since each user has its own IP address the commercial testing tool can use a 5335,Until World War II the stadium was owned by the Munich Football Club and is 5336,The powerful anti-Iranian Movement under the title The Crusades began organizing 5337,There are a number of settlements built by indigenous Armenians 5338,It supports several network protocols including SCP SSH Telnet and rlogin 5339,He is an Iranian music producer and music producer 5340,I think it is important that people see that spirituality is the basis of nonviolent communication 5341,An accepting RFC 4291 subnet always uses IPv6 64 bits 5342,Abbi dioxymetazoa is an adrenergic substance used in the treatment 5343,If a node with a fixed base is complex with N edges then C 5344,1620: Emperor Ferdinand II defeats the Bolsheviks at the Battle of 5345,For example a house of 200 m2 with 20 m2 of glazing requires 10% 5346,After leaving Ana s job she attacks her ankle 5347,The album was released on April 19 2010 by Columbia Records 5348,It should be noted that there is a distinction between male and female orgasm 5349,The Association of Defenders of Human Rights in Iran the Association of Iranian Defender 5350,One of the most famous was 19-year-old Fantineous a 19-year- 5351,Hasan Enam married a Persian teacher and pianist 5352,The Austrian business cycle theory comes from the work of Austrian thinker Ludwig 5353,For the whole computer the motherwort is the base of information and power 5354,Nevertheless the result obtained by Myers proved the possibility of constructing 5355,Peace economics follows the quantitative techniques used by economic and political sciences especially 5356,It was the first time that the award was awarded to a woman 5357,The railway stadium also hosted the 15th annual under-16 football tournament 5358,It was founded in the early 1990s by Anthony Reinhart at the University of Western 5359,The ideal gas is an approximation of the real gas for computational purposes 5360,The services offered by the data link layer vary from systems to systems 5361,The cause of the problems in the world is that while negotiating a 5362,Four F-105s of Thai Air Force called Koré and Taekwondo were required to 5363,The following year the Japanese War of Enduring Independence was signed 5364,CULA is a suite of similar Java programming languages to C# and C# 5365,If H is a matching of the graph G with a minimum-time average 5366,The kings and princes of the Third Dynasty ruled for nearly seventy- 5367,Marine oil and fish oil differ in the presence of fresh water in the ammonia 5368,After the earthquake that caused the death of his parents until 1886 he lived 5369,The City of New York was the centre of the Great Depression between the British 5370,Thus the complexity class BQP is defined as the set of problems that can be 5371,Active loss of activity: This may result in a reduction in energy sickness and 5372,Sylvia Beach published the opus in Paris in 1922 5373,In Persian canvas art as an art of what is obscured is its creation of 5374,On 20 November 2015 a nearly 200 people were killed in the suicide bombing 5375,However only European champions had participated in the match 5376,In particular in processor design and over-provisioning applications eligibility and other logic properties of 5377,Yann has a brother named Robert and a sister named Robin 5378,He was elected as a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2006 5379,Marshmallow is a girl who is encouraged to enter the country during the Iran 5380,Protected birds are protected against the losses from diseases and abnormal breathing 5381,This work is good until the program reaches a wall 5382,This is a simple version of a prokaryote virus or is a simple virus 5383,Albert Einstein proposed this principle for his special relativity although it was limited 5384,Before the earthquake the United Nations announced that it had destroyed more 5385,The strong sense of language for examining the thoughts and interactions of a person 5386,Police in Iran for a long time consisted of two major military and gendarmerie 5387,She was named after her father s sister Helen 5388,Errors generated from the server are not supported by the server 5389,He was a slave of Pireus who became a smuggler 5390,Score–sum games are a special example of set–applicable games 5391,Coffee substitutes are commodities that because of changing conditions may be replaced 5392,William Bekir a fashion counselor has said that it has been a part of 5393,The iPhone uses a large touch screen for direct finger inputs instead of a 5394,ADHD and phobia have significant consequences on the behavioral learning and social development of 5395,The Armenian dialect of Armenia is a diverse form of grammar pronunciation 5396,The first use of the term Solar යන්න dates back to 1704 5397,Part III includes a brief text with a public subject 5398,In 2005 he published The Daily Cheetah in Kabul 5399,The Aztecs also repeat the same story but they are not proving to be 5400,In 1985 Jahan-rin Hall published ancient archaeological and archaeological data 5401,Juventus and Liverpool failed to play for 20 years after the UEFA Champions League Winners 5402,It was originally referred to as the post-rock 5403,Claude Brooks later said that the remade version was partly inspired by a 5404,Bearings on the wing surface are platelets on the wing surface which can 5405,According to Goldberg s strong conjecture every even larger prime number can be 5406,Croicoce is a genus of the type of the Plesiocephalus living 5407,He also starred with Chris Russell 5408,In India banks provide fixed annual annual annual annual annual annual 5409,Fromo or Ieos was a Greek author of saga and legend 5410,These three brothers crushed the throne and abandoned the hunting of the 5411,The city was destroyed and the city was destroyed 5412,In 2013 he was elected as Mayor of Tehran 5413,After the split they joined Ernő Vridan and they developed a 5414,It is located on the banks of the Tigris from the town of Sadr 5415,Helen Clark was born on June 27 1880 in Tuscumbia Alabama 5416,In April of that year a Muslim tutor who was suspended from work was expelled 5417,The city lies on the lower portion of the Shuang-jiang River which 5418,According to Noetius the 9th century Arthur was a historical leader who 5419,Officials in the United States have banned Kerberos as their classification and 5420,Chemical synthesis is a branch of the chemical engineering discipline concerned with the study 5421,About 7.8% of families and 7.9% of the population were below the poverty line including 5422,The Three Princes of SerendipThe Three Princes of Serendip 5423,For instance because the Greek aristocracy is completely Greek the 5424,The record was the earlier record and was broken four years later by John Adams 5425,The program starts by one multiplying each digit in four and displays the 5426,Ancien Régime and Ancien Régime were the French admirals of the French 5427,The Caspian horse is one of the oldest known horse breeds in the world 5428,The Victoria Park is a painting of the English Park in the estate of the 5429,The band s first live performance was at Gladsaxe Teen Clubs in Gladsaxe 5430,In the early years of the 1920s and early 1930s he became a 5431,The first single Full Focus was released in the iTunes store on June 24 5432,He is best known for his role as Jack Bauer in the HBO series 24 5433,Although landscape plots cover a variety of shapes they are often 5434,He became king in six weeks and became king in the spring of that 5435,After the death of `Abdu l-Bahá to which `Abdu 5436,This version is a traditional version of Gaon and has an English commentary along 5437,The movement does not have a wide variety of definitions and in various 5438,Eggs can absorb water up to 20 times its weight 5439,He was a professor of Sanskrit at Sankranti 5440,This article compared the movement between 1955 and 1968 especially in South America 5441,The price of these foods vary according to their quality and quantity but 5442,Since random sampling causes the aging population of the next generation the process 5443,Jean Valjean is a wealthy man and known for his physical strength 5444,Roozarian Airport is a domestic airport with a asphalt paved runway 5445,On 7 December 2010 the new compiler Crankshaft was introduced with improved speed 5446,The Three Kingdoms of Korea were both friends and deceased days enemy and enemy 5447,Both chemotherapy and radiotherapy are both major treatments 5448,In 1960 he was released from prison 5449,Miller s presentations in volume 1 of the Conferencias Porteñas 5450,When the painting was taken it was the ideal model for Joanna Hiffernan 5451,He lived in Lebanon for six years 5452,The area extends from the sea west to the sea 5453,Sullivan also appeared in several plays on the Neapolitan theatre in 1988 5454,In March 2011 it was revealed that the casket on the door of the casket 5455,Taiwan established the first free boundary zone in 1977 and in the 1980s China 5456,HTTP requests are sent on the socket when the HTTP requests are sent to the 5457,It should be expected that both the physical and chemical properties of the smooth muscle 5458,A guess 3 guesses 6 more characters lead to more significant guesses and 5459,Then the bottom of the curtain is covered with a shielded 5460,Following the recording with 4AD the eight tracks from the Purple Tape were chosen 5461,These climates are usually going from 5 to 10 latitude latitude 5462,The myth of the city was begun by the restoration of a human skull 5463,In frequency range the modulation of a signal with the focal length of the 5464,From 1938 he was in contact with the anti-Nazis conspiracy groups 5465,The first four teams from each group advanced to the knockout stage 5466,Since the mid-1850s bits of bits have been produced by a 5467,In 1926 the Soviet Democratic Republic of Turkey adopted the Latin Line and introduced 5468,It is a genus of three species in Central Asia 5469,In 2008 Sony announced that they would be leaving the U.S. 5470,He worked for eight years until he joined the International Office of Work in Geneva 5471,It occurs in more than 90% of cases 5472,In love love love love love enjoys loving both self and for others 5473,The two major railway terminals are the Hanoi Central Line which has the 5474,In 1999 after being sold to Warner Bros 5475,In hard light the shadows are entirely identified and they create sharp 5476,They studied 37 men with a larger than 10 cm of diameter and did 5477,The second generation of Mariner spacecraft called the Marquis Mark II was ultimately 5478,In fact in the Greek mythology immortality is a spiritual union between soul 5479,The company is listed on the Amsterdam Stock Exchange and is listed on the Amsterdam Stock Exchange 5480,She was born in Tehran in 1960 5481,According to the principle of the bobble regolith this probability is equal to 5482,He is automatically elected to the Duke of Cтол 5483,The Egyptian army had refused to support the military during the revolution 5484,In most of the history of ancient Arab history and Khorasan a few of its 5485,At higher speeds of the wind the air mismatch increases and the relative 5486,It was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay and was nominated for Best 5487,A few statements b in R are considered random such that b neq 0 pm 5488,Each instance of the window has its own values and can perform actions specified 5489,These non-political issues include the use of Hungarian syntax the development of Hungary 5490,By absorbing a boson-dotted each type-like quark can be 5491,Together with the stomach usually the stomach usually uses 5492,For this purpose the user stores data about their credit card in the handset and 5493,$263 million worldwide and $585 million worldwide 5494,With this he took Gandalf and provided the way for Frodo to Hell without 5495,One of the most prolific guitarists in Powerball is Kai Hansen of Gm Records and 5496,Two females used sexual indulgence as they covered the body s surface 5497,Some are partly related to a city some include several cities or cities 5498,In some implementations hints-> ai.protocol does not affect the 5499,In positivism and physioam utilitarianism is considered a key phenomenon 5500,Gilmour presented the idea of being in love as a pioneer to return to 5501,Iraj Rahmonov is an Iranian poet and singer 5502,I have four brothers and I have four brothers 5503,Lord of the Rings - The First King of Israel 5504,The Treaty of Versailles was signed on 28 June 1919 at the Palace of Versailles 5505,In general the run time is O E*f where E the graph edges and f 5506,In this process the surface of the atmosphere evaporates so that the atmosphere can 5507,At the outbreak of the war between the United States and the U.S. 5508,After his release from prison he was banned from prison in Iran until his death 5509,Rostam and Sohrab is a single piece based on the novel of Rostam and 5510,These include the تخت model the hierarchical model and the relational model 5511,In 1953 after two years receiving bourses from the French government he married Adèle 5512,The bodies of amphibians such as Enodalus and Myrdanes are 5513,It was first released on the Internet Explorer 3.0 in August 1996 5514,The goal is called the goal and may be dependent on another file 5515,The paste is mixed with water and are poured into the centrifuge 5516,Then people traditionally congregate to celebrate the New Year s calendar and have 5517,These two forces neutralize the effect of each other as they orbit each 5518,Soluble compounds in water are more susceptible to the health of humans than 5519,Slesin-le-built refers to the term top-tier technology as something which 5520,acute rheumatic fever is a condition caused by Staphylococcus aureus 5521,The fastest chicken was bred in Oklahoma in 1986 5522,He had a traditional program in theatre including a three-and-a 5523,His three main works since the late 1930s are Houses of the Wuthering Heights the 5524,Google Translate usually translates when the English native language and the native language 5525,He is currently under the supervision of the Music Conservatory of Music in Tehran 5526,He was arrested on 30 June 60 and was arrested 5527,These drugs are often used to eliminate rare complications 5528,n − 1 disk currently in the B pipe with the conditions given to the destination 5529,Similarly in 1944 John Noble King s economist John Murray claimed 5530,He sometimes acknowledged that there would be five Nobel Prizes in recognition 5531,The former racing cyclist Barrett Magna arrives when it is revealed 5532,Males can weigh up to and females can weigh up to 5533,The earliest editions of the Quran emphasize moral aspects first and then 5534,The song after a few months was named after the public and other artists and 5535,The ARMA model is a model with orders p e squared and order q 5536,During World War II s achievements and prestigious awards including the 5537,When a baby is fed with the milk of a baby it is necessary to 5538,In computer science and software engineering formal methods or formal methods are a specific type of formal methods 5539,At the end of the series Polli industrial group employed only 600 people relative to the 5540,On the other hand the official diplomatic relationship between Iran and the Netherlands was limited 5541,The song was re-released on March 10 2006 5542,One of the most notable portions of the lake well maintained is a 5543,Ampère is a commune in the Gard department in southern France 5544,Depp s seeing Depp as a portrait worker worked with the 5545,It incubates two eggs in between November and December 5546,Five positive principles suggest that motion and change need to be positively associated with positive 5547,The reduction of air penetration into a sheltered ground can be very 5548,He was the second son of Matthaeus and the second son of Matthaeus 5549,Common killer killer killer killer killer killer killer killer killer 5550,Most of these sites are installed in less than 3 days of work 5551,Pinky color is commonly used in both sexes 5552,Slough s software is a stack of software written by Robert RSnake Hans 5553,In this system a majority of government s offices were undertaken through elections 5554,Her father was happy to have a son and she did not have a happy relationship with 5555,The following key concepts are essential to understand the goal architecture processes and other 5556,Its neck is bright red or yellow and has a pointed crown 5557,The name of the city was taken from the name of George Lloyd which was 5558,The year bound on the new calendar was February 22 1792 5559,It is the largest planet from any other planet 5560,Thus when the activity of the tissue target is greater the fibroblast sends 5561,For example Scy-Scy-Scy-Scy-Scy-Scy 5562,Historically this period combined with the efforts of the Sassanids of northern 5563,The degree and magnitude of the cylinder are apparent from the past 5564,Yoshitsuji-Okumoto is a Japanese former military officer who was 5565,The foreign policy of Gogoi focuses on the relationship between the Soviet Union and 5566,The grains made from black wheat and wheat are spicy food eaten in 5567,In the normalization process the results of impact classification comparisons are usually compare 5568,In 1934 Narya married in 1934 but his wife died five years later: 5569,The French Revolution was at its zenith 5570,Each heap is separated into a number of subtrees by separating the right 5571,Although he mistakenly described it as a compound of iron and 5572,There are several sub-tropical swamps at the entrance of the river and 5573,Most of the areas of Nairobi are green and the city has a dense 5574,Some scholars and scholars have argued that memory is a memory 5575,Mark Sixtus Marquet a U.S. Olympic swimmer who played 5576,The novel was published six years later in 1967 and rescued Berthe Hansen who was 5577,The breathing intensity in the infectious plant usually increases and sometimes 5578,While he was killed during the defence of Erne in the Forest of the 5579,The first flight took place on October 13 1996 5580,Lorenzo s composers built composites often based on choral 5581,Also astronomical phenomena in larger dimensions such as planets where each 5582,Some Norwegians could swim more than a few kilometres away from their 5583,In the autumn of the same year he moved to Moscow as a physician 5584,The islands are part of the province s cultural and religious center 5585,Marignano was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature two years later 5586,In this case all nodes enter the network and the data will be shared with each 5587,In India the sun god is described by Sora as one of the most important goddesses 5588,Andrei Krishnamurti is a Polish-Jewish volleyball coach and former 5589,Eclipse is the eighth studio album by American metal band Damage T. Ltd released 5590,Peter the emperor was formally reelected in February 1912 5591,Bak Lester and Giaimo were among the old friends who appeared at the California 5592,Jonathan had a fortune and fortune but nothing was to be met by his 5593,One of the interesting features of the book is the detailed descriptions of how life and 5594,Each of these provinces includes multiple provinces 5595,Prolactin and latissimus dorsi capsules are required whereas prol 5596,He was the first President of Zambia after the independence 5597,Sweden had the first modern military in Europe supporting the sophisticated tax system and 5598,In this way the use of native cultivars can provide a valuable source of 5599,This led to the development of the Kionium Protocol in 1997 with the aim of reducing the 5600,The Kurdish people speak the Kurdish language a branch of Kurdish language 5601,In January 1825 along with a pre-book of his travels to Egypt 5602,After the baby s birth the giant grandmother wraps the baby s 5603,The first symptom is fever in people with malaria 5604,Of the 11 houses of the 3rd Chamber of the following year the third Chamber 5605,His involvement in the documentary led to his establishment of a non-profit organisation 5606,According to Thomas Cohen a conception is that members of a scientific community are 5607,The college accepted a accounting student in March 1966 and became a university in 5608,For instance read a Q for instance Q for instance shows an active- 5609,Fredriksson and Lou Howard Davis had six children 5610,In April 1999 he made his debut for the England national football team 5611,In other words it is an identical copy that uses Michelangelo s design when 5612,In most systems a software technique uses a hardware technique: each page has an 5613,Pure phosphors allow very small amounts of light to escape and thus 5614,The star s energy label and economic energy label are examples 5615,With the command of Mew I Marius killed Lucifer in Hell 5616,It was designed and manufactured by a team of researchers from the Johns Hopkins 5617,After the revolution the father escapes and inherits his daughter from his maternal life 5618,The Tokyo Stock Exchange is the largest stock exchange in the world 5619,Commercial banks can be linked to a bank or part of a large corporation specific 5620,He taught art history at the University of Tehran 5621,Bone is a living tissue and contains cells known as cells which 5622,After the 1973 military coup in Rome the rebel was declared illegal 5623,In the film Depp is noticeably sparsely speaking when he is 5624,The star in the cluster and especially the TF1 beasts are responsible for 5625,It is proved that fermions and bosons follow a few statistical laws 5626,The main programming language of a programmer is often associated with these names and 5627,Hence every amount of time in the form of behavior a higher-trivial 5628,Prior to the film it was a widely anticipated expectation that the sequence 5629,Lecithin is extracted from plants and egg yolks which are according to 5630,John Bell published the first equality type in his paper Enossetian-Płod 5631,In 1269 they returned to Venice and saw Martha for the first time 5632,The most recent winner was Joel Murphy who won the award in 1987 5633,Through radio programs radio programs broadcast messages and television broadcast broadcasts were 5634,The LL parser is the LL parser 5635,Here a simple block cipher is a scaffold instruction for design and 5636,One of the important elements which led to the Iran–Iraq War was the decline of 5637,The Soviet Navy also built a fleet of very large fleet fighting 5638,Athens has a relatively high temperature while San Francisco has mild summers and 5639,The Treaty of Anul Nagorno-Karabakh was the only official agreement to 5640,The city contained hundreds of thousands of nocturnal gates 5641,Artificial shingles were also built with similar functions to that of its natural 5642,Until 1999 standards had been actively applied to routers 5643,By the time that the wind speed is not constant the annual production of electric power will never 5644,Girls are natural or adopted children of the ruling class 5645,He was said to be a man who gave birth to ten children and a four- 5646,A 2004 BBC poll found that there were about 39 percent of people who do not believe in 5647,He removed his own mythology from its smaller bodies 5648,He soon rejected health care and services plans for the development of a new hospital in 5649,She released her second album which was released in 2014 5650,The second place was also the best-selling film on its first day in Australia Mexico Philippines and 5651,Built in 1799 in one of the oldest neighborhoods of Baku the church was complete 5652,The probability mapping of P is independent from the time i to j and the 5653,The Jframe class is a window with title leaflet and locking control 5654,The project received a donation of 66.46 USD from the Australian federal government 5655,Komatsu Phillips continued its activities in the top division and gained a focus on 5656,Freedom is the freedom to commit any action that does not harm oneself 5657,Sadat Jantas was a Kurdish political activist and founder of the Kurdis 5658,He destroyed the Sea of Weavers Weavers Weavers Weavers 5659,Flight dynamics is a science that explores how to coordinate flying vehicles in 5660,Stock speculators and investors typically require a brokerage such as a bank or 5661,Large loops that do not have a certain structure 5662,At any time there were more than twelve people 5663,Israel s objective was to stop Hamas rocket attacks 5664,It was directed by Tom Sedgeberg and directed by Jane Austen 5665,A tax arbitration is provided in the form of social contract theory 5666,The city of Shiraz was founded between 1979 and 1979 5667,In 2003 Cumberbatch joined war strikes in London against the Iraq War 5668,In most animals the cyanoglutamasthenes are also divided and two new 5669,It is a recommendation for people with a lack of lactose 5670,It is one of the first private universities in eastern Europe Caucasian and Central 5671,Wood uses wood for construction materials such as framing wood wrap and polishing 5672,They are formed axially from cross-sectional rocks of carbonates 5673,Carlos Caesar Salvador Arralla was an American-American writer 5674,For instance for containers this was difficult since it was not easy for a container 5675,At the beginning of the third episode which was aired on 6 October 2013 5676,He was also a popular among Turkish intellectuals and artists 5677,The umbilical anus consists of three membranes which adhere to the 5678,The FG 42 was a machine gun manufactured by Nazi Germany during the Second World War 5679,The first example considers capacity building as a tool for providing tools for people in 5680,Voutnet has always been advocate of breastfeeding naturally and has express 5681,He said to the people: I am king of the shah 5682,The swelling of the stomach was covered with white layers of the 5683,The day after his assassination he returned to the site of murder 5684,Their debut album was released in 1993 5685,He then emigrated to Europe and was one of the greatest European settlements in 5686,Initiation of the Greeks occurred between the 3rd century BCE and 5687,From 58 to 53 BC Julius Caesar became king of Rome 5688,The waist line refers to the horizontal line in the roughest part of the 5689,In some versions of the film which later became DVD-based the director of the 5690,An OUT DATA token is added to the USB 2.0 mobile device 5691,He then spent eleven days in Zambia to establish a Treaty of 5692,At the age of 18 he began writing poems and writing poems 5693,The Palestinians expected to return to Cairo at 6 pm 5694,Koube Abe was a Japanese novelist and photographer 5695,They are the largest warships in the Israeli fleet 5696,In 1993 Nirvana s third and final studio album In Raam was released in 5697,In May 2009 an exemplar Tsella Russa was auctioned off in Maranello 5698,Epileptic fever and glomerulorotrhagitis are two diseases associated with 5699,He graduated in 1935 from Fārār Bahram High School 5700,Suppose a set of objects which each have a specific weight and value 5701,Since then the serographers talked about Dalí in the past as they 5702,The bank runs in the beginning appeared as part of the credit expansion 5703,Oil extraction is a common process in the natural oil industry 5704,After World War II Croatia became one of the founding members of the Croatian 5705,However various types of BTUs require at least one degree Fahrenheit 5706,The development of film theory was influenced by the second wave of feminism and the development 5707,For transferring a bank transfer or payback to the homelink the information is sent to 5708,This corresponds to the 5 senses and that how would you turn them into experiences 5709,In Western culture birds sing birds are a part of the wild and not a 5710,In Europe the accused was forced to step-open of a certain distance – 5711,In his return he gathered large handcuffs of their crustaceans 5712,Both athletes competed in the 1912 and 1912 Games 5713,The term early supernova was used to describe the evolution of the elements during the 5714,x86 68k Alpha x86-64 SPARC UltraSPARC ARM MIPS 5715,There are many references to environmental protection but some are fundamental to evolution 5716,Eventually the Soviets and British armies joined each other on the 5717,Maxiz Meyer minimizes the length of the air to transmit better heat 5718,Insidious is a 2010 American horror film directed by Lee Vennemesis starring 5719,Berg joined the national team in January 2003 5720,The region has a significant presence in the past 5721,In IP only packet ping packets are usually encrypted or authentic 5722,Three days later Parsi killed the citizens of the city 5723,Heracles who became increasingly hysterical threatened her and threw 5724,Despite positive growth most studies have shown the structural weakness of the industry 5725,The history of Shia s presence in the country dates back back to the 5726,These muscles play an important role in regulating the blood pressure as part of the 5727,Rem was an Italian historical drama television series produced by Bruno Heller John Milius 5728,After the death of Sheikh Sheikh Sheikh Sheikh Sheikh Sheikh Sheikh S 5729,Rice bran oil has 15–20% saturated fatty acids and 80–85% saturated 5730,Lucretius and his brother and Madame Agnesica were written and published 5731,They won the championship at the 2011 UEFA European Championships in which they 5732,Her next objective were residential commercial and retail spaces 5733,He participated in the fifth and seventh seasons of Ex Fifth Harmony but 5734,In 2011 the prosecutor John Rau doesn t allow the absence of a 5735,The two other groups fired another central building of the PLO PFLP and a 5736,In his return from Egypt Népancingt remained in the city until his return 5737,He received a bachelor s degree from the American College of Mathematics and 5738,In 1877 a Russian priest discovered a book in Beijing 5739,In the afternoon reports of explosions were reported in Shabab Hospital 5740,IEC: ISO: ISO IEC: ISO IEC: ISO IEC: ISO 5741,Whenever a receiver strikes a nearby source from which the 5742,He lived with his mother until the sixth season 5743,In 1968 he left university and spent several very short-lived jobs 5744,In the 1920s Bogotá Vésztess was established as a high-program 5745,During this conference he spoke strongly on the German reunification of heavy persecu 5746,According to him it is argued that the forces which hold planets in orbit 5747,The events which took place are direct results of past events 5748,At the end of the face is a small spider known as the giant bear 5749,He was the son of King Dongcheon and in the 17th year of his father s 5750,During the battle about 30 Israeli soldiers 100 to 200 Armenians and 40 to 5751,At a press conference in Azerbaijan he said: Two of us are Azerbaijani 5752,The four largest moons are Io Europa Ganjim and Cassiopeia 5753,Nirwana was an American rock band founded in 1987 by Kurt Cobain and Kurt Cobain 5754,After the Ark was built by Moses at the age of 40 when the Israeli 5755,On 9 June 2006 eight civilian soldiers while on the north shores of 5756,Around 869 he was united with the kingdom of Nahar and furthermore 5757,Gurdjieff pioneered the technique of direct-moving dribbling along with 5758,It is a manufacturer of the longest natural gas line in Malaysia which extends to 5759,After defeating the Soviet troops from Moscow Stalin s intention was to 5760,One of these algorithms was designed to work with selecting vertices that are 5761,He is a professor of philosophy at the University of Edinburgh from 1992 where he 5762,According to a 2007 census there are 133 universities in Tokyo and the number of 5763,One of the first growth factors that was discovered in 1951 was the growth factor 5764,Finland is one of the official languages of Finland 5765,In 1967 Graça Torres along with a senior architect of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology return 5766,Tarlall is a city in northern Lebanon located about north of Beirut 5767,Instead Nargal-avash acceded to the throne of Babylon 5768,As with many other African countries it is relatively unstable 5769,In the 1930s the anti-استعrade movement began a period of war and occup 5770,Routine intervals are a certain period of the night during which the 5771,He was a member of the German National Unity Party 5772,He was expelled from the University of Tehran in 1981 5773,Mccombustion replaced the Jayson band Jayson and released two full-length 5774,A wave is placed on the surface of the face between two hands 5775,Fibre Energy Group is an American adult group formed in 2012 5776,In 1850 Lagash rebelled against the Scythians 5777,Almost all NASA senior executives agreed with the new mission both to the hardware and 5778,It is often used as an alternative to analytical methods based on the proposition 5779,The two stars – together with the middle of the belt form a right border 5780,This power has occurred only twice in the federal government 5781,The bound to probability dependency: The use of probabilities rather than probability 5782,The mother becomes severely ashamed and forced the two to bite a 5783,His father was a prophet who instructed the people to mercy but they were 5784,Robert Parks was the eleventh president of the State University of Iowa and Ellen Sorg 5785,He won the gold medal at the 2010 World Cup and a bronze medal at the 2010 World 5786,Mohsen holds a bachelor s degree in mechanics from Montreal Polytechnic in 5787,John Snyder is a retired Clark s adopted adopted adopted adopt 5788,Adobe s Photoshop for film is a relatively new product in Apple s 5789,It is a perpetuity constant that makes sure that the sum of probabilities is 5790,The success of the Dobvory hypothesis which states that every particle or body 5791,The only thing that was officially declared was that AT T s code was being 5792,The PlayStation 3 was released as part of the PlayStation 3 5793,He found it to be a salt mine in which he is now a salt mine 5794,His father claimed to have fled to Chudkuhvára during World War 5795,The address node is always a single address and the address of the sending 5796,Normally PPS develops after from 30–35 years of a polio infection 5797,The execution of a block cipher is called a block cipher 5798,He spent time in New York Paris and Scandinavia 5799,Then the binding of the antigen to the non-corrected antigenic antigen 5800,Frank s decision to appoint a group of retired black snipers to 5801,Histosols form when the velocity of the organic material is greater than that 5802,The album was recorded as The Dark Ride in addition to drummer drummer drummer drum 5803,The design of test stages is done in a specific phase 5804,Other constitutional laws addressed problems such as the first tax on employment and higher 5805,Harrysi joined G F after joining the G F. 5806,Cantal is a commune in the Doubs department in eastern France 5807,In 2002 the Rolls-Royce s version of the Rolls-Royce was 5808,It also provides a service to the public such as the Center for Communication and Education the 5809,For a given amount of light a typical inflammatory lamp 5810,The film earned $98 618 668 in the first week of release with a box 5811,The Indus Valley was influenced by the Persians as a direct influence of the 5812,The annual harvest of almonds in the world is about 5813,In 1996 the mathematicians together and with the help of scientists and mathematicians 5814,The results claimed that only a seventh annual annual energy consumption of 5815,Light must be radiated downward towards the eyes by a degree to minimiz 5816,He claimed that the celebrations which were held in honor of Aus was 5817,The uterus syndrome is a very rare cause for intravenous intravenous 5818,On March 15 while Joel Caine a 26 year old swer broke his apartment 5819,Heavy smoke is also known as solid smoke 5820,Turkish scientists such as Dr Mazeceh Zakiavan also published evidence 5821,ESTESyl is a sheet where the letters or logos are drilled 5822,Imam Sadeh Imam Sadeh Imam Sadeh Imam Sadeh Imam Sade 5823,On the other hand the natural exclusion of a fanatic against the failure of 5824,Management controls form the secure process of business and organizational governance 5825,The first matches of the German national team were played against Switzerland after World War I 5826,Given a number of leaf nodes there are a number of trees but 5827,Using the precedence coroutine process the common mutex process has a special precedence 5828,The United Nations report on the voluntary restrictions on religious movements and 5829,With the failure of the Group s active military action in the province of Gol 5830,This means that the goal is to obtain a good player but without a 5831,The filming site was moved to Clearingwood Oahu in August 2011 where the 5832,The old interpretations of it are placed under the southern wall of the ancient 5833,He was also vice-president of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs from 1975 to 1977 5834,In addition to the increase in commercial attraction and distinction environmental efficiency also help 5835,When the wood surface is stiff and moist its ability to insulate is 5836,Seven years after the defeat in the First Indochina War Qajar Khan refused to invad 5837,In fact committees can become a journal for constructive emphasis on 5838,The black vulture is regarded as a threat to livestock 5839,For example reducing the dependence on the power network is relatively easily but 5840,It is located in northern Iraq and is bordered by Iran and Turkey 5841,The S.O.S.S.S. fuel alternative is the S.O 5842,In Singapore four English speaking languages have been recognized as official languages 5843,The islands have been constructed to accommodate tourist accommodations most of whom are 5844,Zhuanger was a visiting professor at Baghdad University 5845,In addition in the various areas various dogs called rabbit dog dogs 5846,The novel was written in Cuba in 1951 and was published in 1952 5847,During the Karabakh War Azerbaijani officials continued to use it as a 5848,The effect of these types of government s obligations was not only on individual 5849,In the years after the First World War the vehicle was replaced with a necessary vehicle 5850,The amount of strain that can be produced in different clocks and days may 5851,Among the designs of R. M. Welle s designs include the logo design of 5852,Shirak is renowned for its slivers and tobacco markets its 5853,In the syrinc method a few hundred slivers of acetic 5854,With VoIP s messaging a VoIP gateway connects the VoIP 5855,The band s fourth album was released in Europe on September 10 2010 and on September 5856,In 1999 she published the first women s newspaper Women magazine 5857,Saddam maintained a position where the Iraqi nation was being 5858,In some areas the use of this spoon is not recommended and in some cases it 5859,The tenth day of the Zoroastrian calendar is the day of the Zoroastrian day 5860,Thus we should accept our need for a declaration of a separation and 5861,Examples of lunar calendars include lunar calendars lunar calendars lunar 5862,Later when Helen returns from the European travelogue he meets with Margaret and Margaret 5863,The additional cost for the new construction varies by adding new technology to the next project 5864,He remained silent against the vicisspending and oppressions of the 5865,These resources can be controlled through the following ways: 5866,Around a hundred thousand years ago they had no farming capable of 5867,During World War I approximately 50 000 Jews served in the British 5868,He moved to Bremen where he was influenced by the group of Pont-A 5869,Perls devised the term Gestalt rehabilitation in the 1940s and 1950s to 5870,Under the Islamic teachings the Islamic world developed rapidly and around 622. 5871,After the Iranian Revolution in 1979 Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini was elected as 5872,Chapters 1-10 and 121-J1 are a list of biographies of 5873,The album was released on April 4 2008 and was released as a documentary by 5874,Tungsten is a chemical element with symbol W atomic number 74 5875,However during this phase the swimmer s hand must be pierced during 5876,He argues that he is the son of God and that he is the Father of God 5877,However it is not known whether a person commits suicide or whether 5878,Samosa: Etymology: Hindi समोसा samosa from Persian سم 5879,In the 1970s when almost 20% of the Defense Budget was given to 5880,According to the Cornell News released on November 12 1999 the purpose was not to communicat 5881,Various minerals such as silicon carbamyl and alumina gypsum are known with 5882,Because of the wide variety of engines such as turbojets and turbofan and 5883,If a few drops of copper sulfate have been stored in the 5884,Explicit Existentialism - The question of the final question of the final fate 5885,It is often used as a snack along with sake 5886,Water has been recognized as one of the best available solvents 5887,Many of the world s greatest musicists were Ludwig VanBeethoven Giuseppe Gide 5888,Over time this heat is liberated towards sites around it such as the ground 5889,For a case in court where its control is controlled by a court or 5890,In the Marine Air Force Naval Army and Air Force the Naval O-6 is 5891,It was directed by the FDA in 2001 5892,Although we don t want to think that our memory would act like a 5893,Dionysius accedted to the throne on 28 March 193 and on the same day 5894,The Transvaal lion also known as the South East African lion is a 5895,The city has 50 old historical monuments and 250 houses mostly returning to the 5896,During his tenure at the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Tehran 5897,This is called expensive as the algorithm has such a problem of geometric information 5898,Although the Tasmanian fox has been extinct throughout the Tasmanian 5899,Natural lecithin is a characteristic of the body s metabolism because it 5900,After loading the two layers the beer is filled with soy sauce 5901,During the match he and his father were on board 5902,When Dean leaves the room to take food he is arrested by the police 5903,At the end of World War II a large number of German infantry entered the 5904,Bongbong is a Philippine conventional fuel fuel which was developed under the 5905,The second season was released in 2007 and in 2008 5906,In April 1901 Hertzbrück which was the city s newspaper published a 5907,The martyrs were killed in the Battle of Karbala 5908,The album also had their own record 5909,Tommy Cusack : a t-shirt worn entirely from the 5910,The vestibule is a long cranial path in the central nervous system 5911,The ARPTD tags need to be printed for replacement with barcode systems so that 5912,A number of tools have been suggested to help combat challenges failures and deadline 5913,It was released in November 2006 by LaFace Records 5914,To minimize the expense the proposal ordered that the episodes be seven 5915,The journal includes articles about geography world history culture history of the universe history of the universe 5916,After almost fourteen years in his hometown he moved to Rotterdam and lived 5917,With the beginning of April al-Assad troops occupied much of 5918,According to the Last-of-Muttani al-Astamid Muhammad is the 5919,In 1945 Delso participated in the San Francisco conference and served as Arthur H. 5920,Ryan Reynolds is a caveat-class climbing boy who enjoys good physical 5921,It was only after the defeat of Achaemenids at the Battle of Issus 5922,The concentration of lead in the blood of the residents of cities is greater than 5923,Novalis Shaped Brush and Novalis Shaped Brush are used 5924,A microwave radio also explains any delay that is caused by water vapor in 5925,It has the most neurological effect in Somalia Ethiopia Sudan and Egypt 5926,Both DEET and DEET-DEET-DEET-DEET-DEET 5927,However she refuses her and refuses her 5928,He was influenced by Sigmund Freud Jacques Lacan and Christian Matthews 5929,He was arrested in 1935 or 1934 by a gang of federal officers who had 5930,In many cases the required space for a heuristic can be severely reduced 5931,Chillers were used for up to 150 years 5932,The advent of laws of phonology is a form in which voices are 5933,In January 2002 Microsoft introduced a product named IBusSpy a 5934,Established in 1993 it is one of the youngest universities in Germany 5935,The protocol is used for communication in large networks 5936,In some societies women s circumcision is so thoughtful that women s circumcision 5937,Let P = k and let P = 1 succeed if P = i 5938,He was born in Ethiopia and raised in Vancouver 5939,It is a residential four-story property built from bricks and blocks 5940,Van Gogh s other painting The View of Paris was painted by Vincent van Go 5941,Lair in this story is the Bodb Dearg rival of Tuatha Dé Danann to 5942,The Pixi guidebooks for students from 1940 have been published 5943,During his four years in Berlin Munch depicted many of his earlier works 5944,He was born in 1908 in Sohatu Iran 5945,He started practicing boxing and then pursued a career in other martial 5946,They still need to gain a consistent institutional stability and can contribute to 5947,It covers the added water and keeps the soil warm and dry 5948,According to the U.S. Department of Justice Malcolm X and Thomas J. 5949,In any case these recyclable GPSs may allow authorities to locate or position 5950,For example if z.1 isn t1 t1 t1 t 5951,Reporting: Reports relating exposure data and healthcare centers 5952,Another common style of theater during the Jurassic era was The Inferno which 5953,Since 2007 the best attack applied to all keys can decelerate IDEA and 5954,With the arrival of the Russian troops the Shah s fleet and the Shah 5955,It was the largest pop band in the world 5956,The album was nominated for the Grammy awards in 1993 5957,One reason for the research is through a denial-of-service attack in routers 5958,A large number of Iraqi and Kurdish people were killed 5959,In 1997 Galileo demonstrated an attack on linear equations with a complexity of 5960,In the early 16th century the Mughals captured Kandahar 5961,The city is the only city in Australia to be constructed with a previous purpose and with 5962,From 1784 until 1787 he had a large estate of seven rooms now 5963,This marked the beginning of his reign 5964,or by using a system that tracks the missile and target simultaneously 5965,This error can be calculated for different pressure sensors 5966,Baal Walija Rückert was a member of the Communist Party of Poland one month 5967,The conspiracists assert that the Stuart P. Temple s operation was also 5968,It is also known as the Great Negg 5969,The positive alignment ring on the right shows that more people are currently 5970,The writers of the Père Lachaise were forced to retire or retired and 5971,: They were removed from service after 2003 and replaced by the F-16. 5972,One method of this is to create an independent central bank with the purpose of keeping the 5973,In practice all financial transactions should be treated to either side of the transactions 5974,Shahak Ezbraghi was a political prisoner who was sentenced to death 5975,NewsNet was formerly known as New Media Inc 5976,This version publishes mostly documents of the Azeri cities governments 5977,Mordecai who had also written with Keneyah had died before his brother 5978,The United Nations recognized the initiative as one of the Seven Roots of the 5979,It is the site of the Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport which is the sixth 5980,However the term closer-to-late was already spread by some university discipline 5981,His mother and two brothers were imprisoned for a four-year prison term 5982,In the underlying layer on the bridge there is a pad on both sides of the bridge 5983,He was chosen as the current head coach of Persepolis 5984,Malcolm X s father was killed by a group of Kolylus Kolans 5985,Prior to the 19th century the largest scale of applied forces gradient forces 5986,It is the world s largest fashion week after the New York Fashion Week and the Paris 5987,According to Baba these individuals were essentially disabled because of their 5988,The National Theatre of Japan is also an important research centre for the study of Japanese traditions 5989,For an almost impermeable lens the combination of a cylindrical lens 5990,When it s longer than 1 meter to carry light a length of 5991,In February 2010 the Iranian government suspended its diplomatic relations with Iran 5992,However some of its early variants were designed as ASCII art salvi 5993,Kouto had local branches in Baku Ibaraksk Tsk 5994,The victory allowed the two sides to capture the 9th Army in a 5995,A large number of chemicals are able to kill or stop microorganisms 5996,The number of tanks produced is unknown but according to estimates in 2010 5997,On 19 February 2008 Yahoo began a deal which claimed that it was 5998,However it was revealed that they were able to negotiate with the 5999,Although all the movements of Simba Yoga will have common elements of basic principle 6000,The building was criticized for the poor city environment on the roof level due to poor 6001,Al-Ṣa‘ s knowledge of Islamic history was still limited and Muhammad was 6002,Tehran Metro Station is a station in Tehran Metro Line 2 6003,I will sacrifice the wealth life the freedom of my men and my mummy 6004,Later the two shows were performed at San Francisco and the viewers enjoyed it 6005,This has been demonstrated in the production of oleic acid from oleic acid 6006,A string of MNP standards existing in the 1980s that reduced the effectiveness of 6007,I was very pleased with my great enthusiasm 6008,He was the second of fourteen children of the family 6009,Contemporary Japanese architect Takeda Endino stated: I think RITE was the most important 6010,They are fed with whales and whales 6011,It was rumored that Elisha received an offer from a wealthy rich 6012,This type of disease is caused by a type of fungus 6013,In 1791 the king made a brief effort to flee the country but was 6014,The city would have a population of three million 6015,At the time of Goya of the 2nd dynasty the city remained a 6016,The works of Vazha-Pshavelo translated greatly into Russian English French and German 6017,Masasu Takeda was a Japanese physician chemist and missionary of the Imperial Japanese 6018,The discovery of latex in the 1920s led to a new development in the use 6019,This is a generally implied attack on block ciphers and cryptanalysis 6020,He died in Paris in 1984 and was buried in the Notre Dame de Reims 6021,On the other hand the Office provides security warnings in the information exchange space 6022,In 2010 after North Korea and North Korea the United States was ranked fifth in the world 6023,The British then established the Kenya–Uganda railway line which had been 6024,These nerves stimulate many of the muscles of the eye 6025,Typically a person has only one type of psoriasis at a time 6026,Philosophy and Divine Metaphysics is based on questions about the origins and nature of 6027,The English explorer James Cook stops in his second voyage on Island 6028,However in this view more than Imman s view of how individuals acquire and 6029,Born Elizabeth Johnson Johnson studied English literature at Yale University 6030,Together they established a new capital in Memphis 6031,Its long report began in the middle of the night and took over more than four hours 6032,In 1991 he was appointed as head coach of Portugal national football team 6033,Tehran Metro Station is a station in Tehran Metro Line 1 6034,He is regarded as the founder of the Papua New Guinea 6035,When the submarine s body breaks the crew could save themselves and 6036,In the course of a military court a Soviet aircraft ransacked the 6037,His father Bernard Kahn and his mother Emma Abraham was born 6038,Only one of the bullet killers Nasser Afshari attacked the Shah but 6039,Other units include note and heather 6040,Each year in March the winner s first list is announced followed by the 6041,The name of the province is derived from the name of the province 6042,The first of which was printed after his death was after his death 6043,The primary dyes used were wool cotton or cotton 6044,Since the voltage required for electricity purification in gases is relatively constant 6045,The establishment of the Soviet Union and following significant changes in the economic and 6046,Snakes are one of the skeletons of the middle ear: the 6047,Al-Abbas ibn al-Askari ibn al-Askari was a 6048,The studio announced August 1 2014 to be released on November 13 2015 6049,One of the significant recipients was the State University of Oregon and the University of Hawaii 6050,In 2004 Alfors acquired a revenue of £873 billion 6051,Because of its varied texture design and high quality it is considered one of the 6052,According to this report the residential areas of the town of Statipark and Shoy 6053,For skeletal resection use a closed closed vessel to form a 6054,Vautruch was a 15-year-old who published a number of works in 6055,The main concept in VSNs is to facilitate collaboration and sharing of resources 6056,The magazine was founded in 1937 by Jean Proud Printing in September 1937 6057,His wife was a son of Pandion the prince of Serumbard and his 6058,Tabriz is a village and a village in north of Tehran 6059,The free market is one of the principles of the classical or liberal liberalism in 6060,In the first place they are facing forwards rather than forwards 6061,3 000 years before the beginning of Mesk the first Eastern civilizations along the 6062,In severe cases it may become a hazardous movement for a person 6063,The game was released in Australia and Europe on March 1 2007 6064,Serotonin may cause three other rare diseases called adrenocortical cancer and 6065,The album received critical acclaim including a Grammy nomination for Best 6066,Due to the structural similarities of the Greco-Roman playing cards the two 6067,Viruses that attack bacteria are called bacteriophages which are more complex than other 6068,A light reflector is applied inside the lamp to radiate the light toward the far 6069,The study found that 36.0% of HPV s cancer patients were treated with a 6070,Outside of this meetings pacifists protested in the city of Busan but the 6071,Guevara took several important postures in the new Cuban government including ambassador 6072,When the eyes excavate for long periods of time such as reading and reading the 6073,This includes transporting products from receiving warehouses and delivering to lines 6074,Charles Mason Remey was born on May 15 1874 in Burlington Irvine United 6075,According to a report by the National Health Commission before the beginning of torture and 6076,Krishnamurti wrote I saw the reactions of recreational astronauts 6077,We find q in each of the four lists followed by a bijection in 6078,Testosterone is excreted from stomachs or injected into the liver 6079,Currently Iowa State University is ranked 2nd in terms of licensing of ideas and 6080,All of the errors that exist in radiotherapy are more intense in the fluorosis 6081,Each neutral atom has several electrons and since the electrons are fermions it is 6082,The TeHTel Project is a network of hundreds of contributors including 6083,Horus heard is another 1954 book by Dr 6084,After the acquisition of Innobase Oy by Oracle in 2005 IoDB was 6085,His religion was anyhow a dualistic religion 6086,She was the coach of the German under-19 team from 1996 to 2005 6087,A hydrometer is a science instrument used to measure small fluctuations in the 6088,The excess consumption of copper may interfere with the absorption of copper and 6089,The cost of hitting a weapon is only a thousand dollars while 6090,There is the history of art and film and the linguistics 6091,He was born in Egypt before the arrival of the Canaan children 6092,Ford invented neither motorcycle nor motorcycle 6093,The Iraqi Democratic Party of Syria and the Kurdistan Democratic Party of Iraq 6094,But Byzantine troops guided the eastern flotilla towards Gys 6095,He played at the 2012 Summer Olympics in London 6096,British inventor Sir David Butler named the device in 1817 6097,PIK Norsk Hydro is a Polish oil and gas company primarily involved in the 6098,People who have been kept up-to-date are often kept up-to 6099,He was fluent in both Turkish and Turkish 6100,Additionally in the same year three pop albums titled Rush and Rock were released 6101,The United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization has been developing a project 6102,The principle of modularity is one of the principles of Zurbundu- 6103,Frieda’s goddess was the Fatimid Caliph Caliph Caliph Cali 6104,The name was later changed to schizophrenia so Johann Bellelor changed its name to 6105,These types of karate are not referred to as traditional karate courses 6106,It was launched in November 2005 by the Dutch photographer Ernesto van der Sar 6107,In a conference in 2008 a senior consultant in Microsoft defines NUI as 6108,He received his PhD in chemistry and physics in 1997 6109,Cultural and artistic acts as well as business ventures 6110,In May 1966 he was invited to the University of Indiana at Bolumkin where he 6111,They also decided that any song to be released and which song to be 6112,The Association of Parapsychology was founded in 1969 under the guidance of renowned 6113,Other elements of jazz dance are less common and more traditional styles of dance related to 6114,Skarlet uses this power to help the slaughter of criminals 6115,The cooling performance is typically expressed in units of BTU hr watt as the 6116,The song was then recorded by eleven teenagers from 11 to 15 years old and 6117,Maria was the wife of King Alexander the Great and Queen of Yugoslavia 6118,After World War II the company changed its name to Gaul because it was similar to 6119,In 1995 the inflation rate was reduced from 16% in 1994 6120,This is sometimes referred to as passive storage or passive storage 6121,Limestone is a synthetic limestone that reacts with rainwater and subterrane 6122,Vincent reports that his younger younger half-brother Holland has disappeared 6123,He is currently a member of the Society of Swedish Authors 6124,The northern hemisphere starts on December 1 while the southern hemisphere 6125,It is a generalized extension of the mathematical representation on natural numbers and 6126,Luigi Agnonnon is an Italian football referee 6127,According to Joshua the valley starts from the En-rogel 6128,Shortly after the release of the film the second film was released in the year 6129,For example the Deltora-Dove function is in a single frame but does not 6130,Programs that require a relatively low delay time cannot be used using 6131,However at the time of his death the project was inspired by the life of Leonardo 6132,He returned to the University of Michigan on September 20 25 and again on September 26 6133,In some cases a change in the path-and-pass model can be used to 6134,His father Frank II is an opera singer and songwriter 6135,France is one of the developing countries with a growing economic power 6136,The concept of open knowledge is in contrast to open knowledge and the definition of open knowledge is de 6137,Management means organizing and controlling the structure combining and processing the information 6138,It is used as a flavoring of food and as a fabric dye in 6139,Peter was the eldest son of King Alexander I of Britain and the eldest son of 6140,A thousand Jews were brought to Constantinople in order to escape from such 6141,Muscovites once a veterinarian takes a veterinarian for 6142,With the encryption of some words using ROT13 another meaningful word is 6143,This PN sequence is statistically unrelated and has a large number of PN sequence 6144,His father is a Shi a scholar Ali ibn al-Astam al- 6145,The Northern Cyprus Airshow is one of the two active air attacks in Cyprus 6146,During this period he used time to improve his belief 6147,The Turkish rabbi who had become angry over Bahram s death asked 6148,If the pawn tries to escape the game continues with a pawn 6149,The trap causes an appeal toward the digestive organ 6150,The GNU Project is maintained by the developers in the GNU Project 6151,While many of the SNCC spokeswoman John Lewis believed the government was 6152,In 1996 he was named Commander-in-Chief of the British 6153,This is similar to how the recording of waves is a film where the 6154,The Yellow Arrow in the debut of David s sixth novel David Brooks was 6155,If G is the set of all independent sets G let x be the set of all independent 6156,The Delta used a single-engine ARM-27 which was a replacement for the 6157,According to rabbinic law non-Jews do not need to be circumcised 6158,The city is known as the city of Hussainabad 6159,It is one of the three major economic bubbles in Europe 6160,It is said that Naser al-Din Shah frequently was tempted to listen to 6161,This will be the beginning of the algorithm to use the alternative guidelines to define organization 6162,The submarines were built in the early part of the 20th century and were 6163,The Ark of Pharaoh which is built from a red clay 6164,In international editions he was originally playing for the Spanish under-17 football team and 6165,It is cultivated throughout the world at a variety of stages each year 6166,Increased duration of blood glucose level causes damage to many of the 6167,The country s GDP is US$299.9 billion 6168,In 2005 the Belgian historian Dr 6169,All Muslims from the Caucasus and Central Asian states were exempt from military 6170,Since Conrad I did not inherit his children for success with the previous agreement 6171,Lithuania was independent after the First World War 6172,The annual rainfall of harvested trees and areas that had previously been 6173,The final spiritual purpose of the existence of all ostensibly is the awareness of 6174,However if this phase is not always zero it is often very small and 6175,However due to the time limit for this release no longer exists 6176,In the short court of Rashid SAVAK states that `Abdu l-Bah 6177,The theory of machines involves the study of abstract machines and computational problems that can be 6178,Migration is a political and political issue 6179,He competed with his own team Gillette and Rhodes 6180,Sarcoidosis is a type of acute or chronic acute kidney 6181,On 17 September 2008 the Toronto police announced that he had been charged with armed robb 6182,Each stage of the algorithm increases the matching size by at most a 6183,After nearly three years the construction of the stadium ended in 2003 6184,The earliest musician in the 19th century was Carl Dietrich von Dietzenberg 6185,He studied chemistry at Washington State University in 1976 6186,The winner s design is usually chosen by a team of professionals 6187,The exhibition of Madame Madame which was not included in London Fashion Week 6188,Lester is known as the oldest member of the band and the son of a 6189,Ali ibn Muhammad ibn Ali was the tenth Shia imam after his father Muhammad al 6190,Elimena is a comune in the Province of Palermo in the Italian region Sicily 6191,During the siege in June 2014 access to water assaults and telecommunication services 6192,The efforts to implement it resulted in anti-clerical violence and the expulsion 6193,Another objective is to correlate with day-to-day building energy consumption 6194,One way of categorizing databases is to classify their content including bibliographic 6195,He later appeared in many of his novels 6196,Therefore the energy waterproofing effect has been attributed to the veterinary industry PAS2050 6197,Body fat decreases the response to insulin and thus resistance to insulin 6198,In 1935 the Indian government adopted a law which allowed the government to control some 6199,In late 1996 Reid had made appearances for the Talk Show Hos and Exit Music 6200,It is said that Ibsen tried to bypass the flames and retrieved books 6201,Another disciple of Lahirī Mahavatara who reported his meetings with Baba 6202,Before he had written letters and letters against him following his defeat 6203,The period of the Renaissance of England contains a variety of works 6204,They are often used in fast strokes because they help stabilize the 6205,Ferdinand was still in Sicily helping the Greeks defend the island 6206,The role of knowledge management is to improve knowledge sharing not the work done 6207,The functions cannot be transmitted to the user but are easily able to 6208,Sixteen days later according to the Kalmar Treaty signed by John and Sigi 6209,A known heuristic for database structures is a relation of 12 Cad rules 6210,In the radio frequency and frequency bandwidth of the telegraph and printed circuit 6211,The garrison was destroyed in eastern Tunisia and the two sides were 6212,The Bulgarian cinema refers to the film industry in Bulgaria 6213,These devices are often too large for example a device with 8 000 equation 6214,The Journey to Italy is a 1954 Italian drama film directed by Roberto Rossellini 6215,The auction was famous for its abundant use in the Dutch flower auction 6216,In April 2011 NTRUEncrypt was adopted as an X9.98 standard 6217,The Iranian scholarly revenue was estimated at an estimated of 6218,In addition to eating olive oil olive oil is used as a fuel in the 6219,It is capable of protecting the body from the outer coarseness of the hair 6220,The name comes from three of the first three letters 6221,The two groups of newspapers The Guardian and The New York Times were forced to print 6222,It was first developed in the United Kingdom in 1980 6223,The first of which was printed after his death was after his death 6224,In 1997 Otherwize won a second place 6225,SRCU intends to build Syria as a country of democracy and human rights 6226,He left Iran for eight years before moving to the Persian Gulf 6227,These names were all of these animals who believed in a superstitious 6228,The 19th century saw the birth of science as a profession the term scientist was first 6229,In hot climates cooling of a very cold night sky in the winter can 6230,In his childhood he was hospitalized for difficulty with family problems and had seven orasjer 6231,He became king in six weeks and became king in the spring of that 6232,A large number of universities including the Texas A M University and the University of Texas A 6233,Chocolate and related foods are the second most widely available foods in Japan 6234,The C++ standard consists of two parts: the core language and the C++ Standard Library 6235,During service the C-141 demonstrated that the bulk of the fuse was 6236,Although the rate of the ear infection is very low until the 6237,The signs and symptoms must be improved within 36 hours 6238,In September 1980 he was assassinated by the revolutionary leaders of the Revolutionary Socialist Party 6239,A further logic link to the idea was that the source code for the source code was 6240,Abulfazr ibn al-Ṣa‘bal ibn Ḥusayn 6241,Due to these changes there is a need for continual emphasis on 6242,Richard was an American television personality 6243,Sylvia a young girl and a beautiful girl swears at a 6244,Storage power plants are capable of generating power in low-energy loads and in 6245,Writing in the past is the most common form of narrative writing 6246,It was based on the novel of the Night Train of Lisbon by Pascal Mercier 6247,The capital of Tajikistan is the city of Dushanbe 6248,In many cases a stomach cancer will progress within a few 6249,Nonlinear optics is a branch of the optic describing the behavior of light 6250,In fact both tea ceremony and tea ceremonies played a significant role in the 6251,For example Amvox simply translates to a bytecode which is very 6252,Other cases include a heating system solar panels as well as the maximum use 6253,The punishments of ayatollah Seyyed Massoud and Mir-Hossein Mous 6254,The analytical data from these are provided by the U.S. intelligence 6255,Vaginal cancer is a cancer that occurs in the tissues of the vagina 6256,FCC fluid-storage units were first used by Exxon for the first time in 1942 6257,Instead packaged letters are used to refer to objects 6258,To compute the speed of communications in GPRS devices is better to design code and 6259,The Imperial Prince of Monaco is a city state after the Vatican the second smallest 6260,The book has been translated into English by a number of translators 6261,It is also found in iron sulfides and is used as a junctional product 6262,In reality in the equator there remains an inclination toward the west or east 6263,He currently plays for the Armenia national football team 6264,After Harvey s death in 1991 the group s leader was Jacques Rondonians 6265,In North American North American candles and candles were used mostly in North America 6266,She worked as a producer and producer for the film 6267,In fact when we send a type of data to a function the data address is 6268,This type is used when the objective is still to find the length of the path 6269,He was born in Vienna and studied weedography at the University of Vienna 6270,RNA viruses have RNA genomes of RNA and a variety of 6271,Adalhard succeeded to annihilate Thebes in Västergötland but tried to 6272,In later years the family travelled between France Italy and England 6273,The CS-BLAST is also a developmental version of the BLAST which is 6274,Louis V. died without a serf 6275,On 1 January 1994 after being satisfied with the police investigations Jackson 6276,These measures resulted in the fastest growth rate recorded in a country 6277,The latest version is the Aventador J-motor 6278,He scored his first goal in a friendly match against Bulgaria in a friendly 6279,Mahdi Behrangi was born in 1963 in Bushehr Iran 6280,In early June German forces separated from the rest of France and the French government was 6281,The choice of matching which the expected value of its points is less than that of 6282,With the open mouth the outer ear of the sky and the outer e 6283,The Triangle Pyramid is located on the southern United States 6284,However they have a reason that there is no reference to the week that is not 6285,However these networks are significantly more important in Iceland than GMS and are 6286,After completing all editions of the book is prepared and sent by the publisher for 6287,At the 2006 census its population was 632 in 771 families 6288,The number of tangible items collected in the Tokyo National Museum is rising from 110 000 6289,The importance of human resource education in the healthcare system has been successful 6290,Graham s studies on tuberculosis developed a new branch in the chemical 6291,If any specific market such as a kettle meat was not opened then only the 6292,Auretidae can also be found in mammals and in mammals as well as in 6293,Her father Jean-Roland Arven was an industrialist and owner of the Finter-s 6294,Some modification systems are capable of generating information that is appropriate to a file 6295,After the end of the tour in New York the band just announced that they would 6296,He began his journalism during his military service in Israel 6297,One of his most important works is Plato 6298,The problem of finding a cyclic set with property γ ≤ K for G 6299,The Oxford University Press cited both of these in printmaking 6300,Also Deus lo vult is the monitoare of the Virgin of Jerusalem a Catholic 6301,It was later named in the bark of a tree and its tree was named Cent 6302,Lee was sentenced to life imprisonment when he was arrested 6303,In other words the minimum number of switches to a different string is the number of 6304,After training by Chris Young Banner she began her career on July 8 2006 6305,A resistor is a two-base electrical element which acts as a 6306,Burman s first film Back to You was released in 1965 6307,After the dissolution of the Iraqi Ba ath regime in April 2003 the Baath 6308,As a consequence of this change in color wood can be recognized as either 6309,The three matrix of the image P. mbox acc P. mbox rej and P 6310,He has been a visiting professor at St Andrew s College of Law and Political 6311,The success in language learning can be evaluated in two ways 6312,Road 55 is a road in southwestern Iran 6313,The ideal of many organizations that have been established to protect us from incompetent 6314,Later she confirmed that she was sent towards him by Maha Avida Babaji for her 6315,He was a honorary member of the American Academy of Arts and Letters and a 6316,The Second Army of Belarus was deployed at the northern slopes of 6317,The Bibikhane Mosque is a mosque in Samarkand Iran 6318,The SPECT CT is composed of a CT scanning camera and a shared 6319,In many places religion is associated with public institutions such as education hospitals families the government 6320,The rotor is a force which moves the body in the opposite direction 6321,Russia moved east Cheikh to the east Cheikh to the west and Lakh to the 6322,The name was named in November 2009 after Eurystheus daughter of Zeus and 6323,He ordered Anders and Wells to wake up and back up with the rest of the flight 6324,In 2005 he starred as Richard II in the Theatre of London 6325,The unit circle is a circle to the unit radius 6326,Early diagnosis can provide a dramatic relief or reduced kidney injuries 6327,In 1971 more collections were printed in Washington and sent out to pay for military and 6328,Two of the earliest methods are the Winged Fire Gate known as the Three- 6329,In physics and mechanics the average speed is the angular velocity of a 6330,The leaves of the leaves are called leaves 6331,Local television broadcasts in the United States started in 1946 and became a major 6332,He then returned to the gate of the city 6333,In September 2011 The Travel+E-space magazine named its campus as one of the most 6334,Socrates decides to keep him as a warrior and translator 6335,Ascaris is the most common cause of spontaneous urinary tract infection in 6336,In the sketch of the artist s handbook on the canvas no markings 6337,A brandy AM2 armored armored armored armored armor 6338,The core stars in the plasma are mainly composed of hydrogen 6339,It contains various sections of news broadcast almost a thousand times 6340,There are three different kinds of round functions but they are similar in structure and the 6341,Jeanne Spaeffer of the University of Porto Alegre Jacques Rogge of AT T 6342,The only solution to this problem is reassembly on the larger table 6343,The high power of the ducts is a relatively large relative to the 6344,After S.H.I.E.L.D. s fall the Zhou 6345,1963 - The German miners are rescued after more than 14 days in a 6346,Akbavan is one of the largest and most modernished suburbs in the 6347,Shakespeare and the main sponsors were closed on June 14 1940 during the German occupation 6348,The story is written in which the story revolves around a man with a 6349,In the International Development Movement Ben Frye and John H. H. S. Laws 6350,It is currently located in Atlanta Georgia United States 6351,The light-brown color resulting from this reaction is also used for the test of meninges 6352,He concluded that all differences between human and modified can be explained by 6353,It extends from the Aral Sea to the Ural Mountains in the southeast and 6354,The British transferred control of Basra to the United States Armed Forces 6355,On 11 June 2011 by the United Nations Human Rights Council s Human Rights Council 6356,He also participated in various OPEC meetings 6357,الكوخردى ، محمد ، بن يوسف، الطبعة الثالثة 6358,Zero s proof or zero s certificate in cryptography is a method where 6359,It is savory and served with a variety of foods 6360,The smaller circle C.2 with the radius r lt R is 6361,Less than 10% is used in other chemical compositions 6362,Hundred and Gretel is a legend written by 19th-century English composer 6363,There are fumaroles ocean dust and air pollution 6364,In 2010 she entered the pilot program of the Afghan Air Force 6365,Similar to this architecture was built by Darius the Great s in Susa and 6366,On September 7 the first Persian blog was published by Salman Rushdie 6367,Another name for transparent photorealism is semitransparent photosynthesis 6368,At that time he was 30 at the age of 30 6369,Women s football is the highest level in women s football in Europe 6370,He traveled to India to study with Sathya Sai Baba 6371,In Sumia the relative spacing of soil levels is much easier to 6372,The sale of tobacco products to persons under 18 years of age is prohibited 6373,The game consists of five episodes released between April and November 2012 6374,Shortly after the release of My Life with Michael Jackson Michael Jackson released a documentary 6375,He has written hundreds of thousands of books and books throughout the world 6376,He described the ship with details which was eventually revealed by Swedish 6377,In May 2007 the authorities arrested eight students from Amir Kabir University 6378,Bank equilibrium is equivalent to bank equilibrium 6379,On 3 July 2012 former club manager Fernando Torres announced that Pogba would 6380,Ruth Gibson One the sister of Gibson who was professor of chemistry at Yale 6381,The purpose of the SDR system was to not buy their currencies into gold and sell 6382,In 1933 coincident with the disaster of World War I Munch said: I am 6383,At the age of 38 he announced his retirement from professional football on 17 August 2011 6384,On 6 January 2012 the British Navy announced that they would fly Ports 6385,In this case each driver is searching for a path that takes less time and 6386,The film earned its first worldwide critical acclaim in 1984 6387,This means that it is necessary to accurately operate the storage and processing systems 6388,In December 2008 two conferences were held in Colombo Sri Lanka 6389,Other names for the movement are abc art and art under the Latin meaning 6390,Paul advocates a free market to compete and determine which types of energy 6391,These are designed by political advisors and campaign staff 6392,The German artist was extremely talented and was known for his drawings particularly 6393,The amount of volt-amperes is limited by the maximum current and the 6394,Bahram II as well as his father was influenced by the demands of Zom- 6395,At this point the mass is mainly free neutrons with a few protons and 6396,It was the first German club to win the World Cup 6397,Tabriz International Exhibition Center is the world s largest exhibition centre in Iran 6398,The government of India was founded by the Constitution of the Indian Constitution and it 6399,The company is based in the United Kingdom 6400,One of these attacks was the creation of a strongly distrust and 6401,Despite heavy exercises especially long periods the body requires higher 6402,During the war the United States adopted the Section 946 of the Freedom Defender 6403,Thus the second order is in angular frequency omega.3= omega. 6404,Clywoca includes the production of oil milk dairy and milk products 6405,For example a web traffic model is a model for data sent by a web browser 6406,She has lived in Ukraine since 1992 6407,The garden was owned and leased by Möbius 6408,Logic and philosophy I went on to study 6409,The famous Sophia of Elis he went to Athens for political campaigns and 6410,Another example of this was made in 1998 6411,In 1911 the leadership of the Theosophical Society in Adelaide established the Order 6412,During the Safavid period Kurdistan was one of the four provinces of Iran 6413,Hundreds and Gretel think that this princess is winding and continues to 6414,The Latin word literally denotes the ability of a man to fly where it 6415,According to Encyclopædia Britannica it has been listed as the best-selling 6416,All nerves are composed of nerves and nerves 6417,چاپ اول، دبی: سال انتشار 2003 میلادی Mohammed Kookherdi 6418,Nairobi continued to grow under the British government and a number of English immigrant 6419,He studied in Montpellier and Paris and was professor at the Collège de Reims University 6420,We love without any incentive or incentive 6421,The initial value for the process can be zero 6422,A number of documentary sources and additional information originate from the physical buildings 6423,During the construction the bomb was considered to be the strongest non-nuclear bomb ever 6424,In the afternoon several members of Hamas crossed into Israel and attempted 6425,The relationships between Pascal s triangle and Pascal s fourth 6426,If the best amount of the distance is desired then the simple algorithm which 6427,However at the end Chris Flynn and one of the members of the live band are 6428,Phthisis is a Greek word for consumption which is the oldest term 6429,It is easily built using the principles of arithmetic and 6430,However transmission to red is not a descendant but is a descendant of the 6431,Among the officials involved in the stadium was Queen Elizabeth II who announced that 6432,Fanger equations to calculate Predicted Mean Vote are a large group of 6433,The city s location was located in the middle of Volga or in the lower 6434,Helen Adams Kaufmann was an American Holocaust survivor 6435,In the middle of the seventh century the Abbasid Caliphate began suppressing 6436,In 1786 he became a court painter of Charles IV and in 1799 he 6437,Shu-sin was the fourth king of the 3rd dynasty of the Varangian 6438,With the beginning of World War II he was informally associated with the principal members of 6439,Lamps of flux that were the first diodes are now only used in high-voltage 6440,The film tells the story of a girl who enters in a gathering 6441,The pressure which strikes a shock to the ear is called 6442,On September 19 2012 Nielsen released her first soundtrack U which was released for 6443,In the United States from 1936 to 1939 he worked as a professor at the University of 6444,Because in each of the three nations only nations could be landed and 6445,Treatment for febrile thalassemia is usually treated with antibiotics 6446,The solution is unlikely to be compared to those created for the voluntar 6447,From a Roman point of view the war was a war that the initiator of the 6448,In a book published by the ENS International Festival in 1994 it was explained 6449,Harvesting is the process of maintaining the longevity of flowering flowers 6450,Almost all fossil fuel nuclear power plants use boilers which are 6451,The concept of phenotype can be extended to variations below the level of the gene 6452,The eleventh Army entered into battle in Poland the Netherlands and Belgium and during 6453,According to Gresham Shullum the Jewish historian of Kabbalah developed a 6454,It was originally planned for her fiftieth birthday 6455,In the above expression where a goes to zero the number of oscillations at 6456,The decline in the store of the U.S. gold reserves led to the break 6457,At the age of fifteen Otho learned the Talmud at the age 6458,It is typically produced from milk sugar butter and cocoa powder with different proportions 6459,Later Lance Kristiansen reported that she and Klebold were standing on top of the fire 6460,In the earlier tenets the back vertebrae are associated with the Perio 6461,At the same time Raina stated that her eighth studio album would also be 6462,In India series is a traditional traditional Sanskrit tradition used to refer to prominent 6463,Renard Lockate is an ionic solution that increases the volume of the blood and 6464,| Neptune s galactic galactic galactic galactic g 6465,The Egyptian government did not allow the Egyptians to enter Gaza 6466,Never to Heaven was also a new single from the album 6467,However the beginning of the Second World War began in September 1939 6468,He also criticized GNOME Slack Build and GWARE for use of the GNOME desktop 6469,Some researchers see the emergence of Asian religious movements in West related to the 6470,His fifth studio album went on to chart the album only six months later but it 6471,The diversity of the trees and surrounding surrounding settlements 6472,Reza Ferakh is an Iranian jazz singer 6473,In 1951 he published the story Little Brotherhood 6474,It is located on the coast of Turkey from three sides 6475,Almost all saffron is cultivated in a belt which is bordered 6476,In Greek mythology Mora was one of the Pleiades and one of the seven Ple 6477,After only a year in postal service he was called to Washington to serve as Vice President 6478,The gas recording of the engine is also seen as cost-effective but requires extensive 6479,Although very early in his career it was used as a heavy machine gun 6480,The southern boundary is called the equator of the Northern Hemisphere 6481,However for this reason history arts must be removed only the only thing the conservationists 6482,Joseph Leonard Walford Walwë was an American mathematician who taught mathematic 6483,In other words no red node can be chosen as the left child 6484,Soon the colonialists faced several common accusations of Parliament s 6485,In general a wet soil will have minimum performance performance while a moist 6486,The average household size was 2.52 and the average family size was 3.08 6487,The history of the environmental protection policy in Mexico began in 1940 with the introduction of 6488,According to these hadiths some Sunni scholars believed that Muhammad under the 6489,At the same time Gorbachev subsequently pressured Cuba to restrict its involvement in 6490,Since the cessation of diplomatic relations between Iran and the United States on the 6491,Mahesh Ambani owns the Bombay Petrochemical plant which is located in Bomba 6492,In 1997 he stated that more than 200 000 annual incomes from President Bill Clinton 6493,At the 2006 census its population was 1.16% 6494,In a harsh criticism of the United States Soviet Union China and Yugoslavia 6495,He later began writing newspapers in Hebrew Ukrainian and Russian 6496,On a rainy Sunday of 1951 the crowds left the Los Corts Stadium without 6497,He later claimed that he had been a prophet and began to publish his 6498,Approximately 50 dolphins are held in aquariums in North America and Japan 6499,Soon after the Treaty of Haydar Pasha Mohammad Pasha began a 6500,The maximum coverage problem is a classical question in computer science and computational complex 6501,However in September 1920 Turkey became the beginning of a war against the 6502,Thus this is known as NP-complete 6503,It was released in 1996 with the release of Eminem 6504,The Soviets had not been prepared for a long-term role in combat with 6505,He was not only able not only to illustrate person s personality but also to 6506,After the war the country was reorganized and reorganized with the help of one of the 6507,English physicist Lord Claude Carrière was the first to provide a detailed definition of 6508,A voluntary infection may develop by bacteria viruses fungi and parasites that 6509,Allianz Bulgarian Bank operates its products in more than 100 branches and offices through 6510,However current research has shown that there is no specific association between eating coffee and 6511,It is resistant to heat and is resistant to heat 6512,Any edge in a Gx graph can be at most in a virtual SPQR tree 6513,When the Registry of Clients takes public key from the Registry of Clients 6514,At that moment the load of the power generation station is exploded causing the city to 6515,In their opinion the rite of Muhammad as well as other Kabbalah manifests the 6516,But in professional programming it is not always done 6517,The award was given as a gift because of her responsibility sheer responsibility 6518,The scorpion has a higher ability to regenerate the scorpion and 6519,Its diagnostic tools include the use of X-rays and cooking sprays 6520,The set of expectations is typically sorted as a sorted priority que 6521,Roading Pool is an American rock band from Dallas Texas 6522,The area consists of a small block of Jewish neighborhood containing two Jewish 6523,In practice a few individuals consider their optimization of their decisions 6524,The majority of what is now known as the Islamic civilization was transferred from 6525,Reza Sohrab was accused of transferring a currency to Iran via a 6526,Today all recycled water in Israel is used for irrigation purposes and for land reform 6527,It is said that the boundaries in the judgment are determined without regard 6528,He was invited to the Brazil national team in 2008 6529,The game s home computer version is the only games that relate to the early parts 6530,Then CPD designers developed ideas from commercial computer markets where the sum of 6531,As Ivor and Scheele explained this formulae can compute the number of 6532,The two stations were completed in 1987 and the rest were completed in 1973 6533,The company has extensive activities in both the industry and the industry 6534,The written form can also use constants as well 6535,This is when the Homo Saghas Saghas was isolated from other human species 6536,Lensor is a free-to-Free transgender transgender transgender 6537,The last successful battle against the remnants of the Australopithecus was the 6538,Amus is a village in Béchar Province Algeria 6539,The album sold 125 000 copies in the first week 6540,He was sentenced to life imprisonment from 1921 to 1923 6541,Soraya was the wife of the contemporary Paris contemporary aristocracy and the 6542,This is a formal definition and can be found in books involving language translation 6543,Some researchers believe that a brief excerpt from the book has been given 6544,Ben Whilst stated that he wanted to have the best Visual Basic capabilities 6545,A stack automaton is a common dispute that occurs in a given 6546,The only exception remains whether the term child to fire is a traditional ritual 6547,He hoped to sell his works to literate and literate aristocracy who were 6548,In 2002 their motorcycles had two female fins for each cylinder 6549,It was built at the University of British Columbia Canada and is based on the 6550,The maximum energy of this system can be reaching uBN+ where all 6551,The numbers are written in the underlining the name or number of all items in the 6552,Operation O time which contrasts with O for the indirect block cipher and 6553,He studied Persian language and literature at the University of Tehran 6554,Unit s number of printed books is about 52 6555,El Greco was concerned with the idea of laws in architecture he believed in 6556,In English the term is a translation for ancient Greece which is derived from 6557,In October 2000 RedOne released their fourth studio album Kid A which was 6558,In large-scale salt extraction is typically using a large quantity of 6559,The prisons were listed as political prisoners and draped in their 6560,Iommi had always swumed the ball with a left hand with a 6561,The man wakes up but the camera follows another bus 6562,In quantum language such as many other languages the semantic relations between languages 6563,He was born in Armenia during the Ottoman Empire 6564,The group was founded in 1998 by Sean Letts and Gerard Letts as a 6565,Inspired by the Persian language and culture in the 7th and early 7th centur 6566,The game is played between two players: a player A and the player B 6567,Fossils are a source of significant information of periods 6568,El Seuil Stadium is a stadium in the Valencian Community Spain 6569,1897 - The Swiss Bank is the oldest bank in South Korea 6570,Approximately 60 species of squirrels are squirrels most 6571,Modern consumer behavior studies often refer to sets of income levels and these techniques are 6572,The first President of Afghanistan was General Mohammed Zahir Shah in 1973 6573,As a poet he was a poet and a poet 6574,The pressure was 2.5 pounds per square metre 6575,Flows rarely use a certain number of pages 6576,These new citizens followed the Roman traditions after the war with the Sabines and 6577,It was the first to use a binary system of numbers 6578,Giraffe lecithins form only in hydrocephalic ways where there is 6579,One of the major sources of funding from Texas universities and research centers is Texas 6580,In the early days of the Second World War he was a commander of the 6581,The Crusaders were also mentioned in the Ezzat Chronicles 6582,The Iranian National Ballet Company is awarded internationally 6583,6655 - The City of Fire is written in critical and critical analysis of 6584,China s National Nuclear Corporation was established in 1995 in Beijing 6585,Some elements of Islam s law were returned to the law of Iraq 6586,A year after her separation from her and Maria in 1949 Motherwell married Barrett 6587,With high ratings and average viewers above the first four episodes the bounce 6588,It was published by Freechesco s son and was published and published by 6589,Before the beginning of the winter the axial aqueval passes through the 6590,At the start of the reign of the Imperial Japanese Army the Japanese Imperial Japanese Army 6591,The history of Esperanto which began in almost immediately after the publication of 6592,However often a pressure for competition or a sense of desire for a 6593,It is used against the United Kingdom England Canada Japan and the Netherlands 6594,The pump s efficiency curve extends from the start to the end of the pump 6595,Ruth said that he would not believe that prototypes were in the gas room 6596,The ceremony was first proposed by Hashemuddin Sufi 6597,The voluntary duty exempt is to work in a public institution for 12 months 6598,In 1984 the city of Ao Metro is crossed from the city of Tokyo 6599,Stock speculators are faced with several costs such as commissions taxes and 6600,In 2004 Lloyd Webster celebrated its centenary of year 6601,Before filling the form by InfoPath the user must develop a template of InfoPath 6602,Love and bans allowed users to personalise their own profiles 6603,Information may be dynamically represented by a paper or paper lining access to certain 6604,Tony Stark is a well-known and well-known inventor of mathematics and 6605,This model is widely used in probability and mathematical physics 6606,This classification does not include only information about the soil structure or moisture 6607,Breastfeeding refers to the aspects of the growth and development of children 6608,A computer translation form is a form of a language translation in which a human 6609,In May 2003 LeBlanc married actress Melisa McNeat formerly model 6610,In September 1845 A.R.I.R.E.R.E.R 6611,Khaled s allusion to the film which he had paid for in Saudi Arabia 6612,The origin of the flower is unknown 6613,Robert Byron Braden was a full professor of chemistry at the University of Wisconsin 6614,Sting Park is an American comic book series that has been distributed since 1997 6615,The company is based in Espoo Finland 6616,The mission gained its most coverage since the first American flight of Mercury-Stratos 6 6617,Some programming languages use a very similar type of language as well as a 6618,The Hypertext Transfer Protocol defines methods for requesting a request each of which 6619,During his tenure as coach in Shahin he won the Hazfi Cup twice 6620,Four years later and in 28 BC Jumong sent General Boevim to restore the kingdom 6621,He was born in Manchester and his father emigrated from Lithuania to England 6622,In the 1995–96 season he became the first manager for Hamburg 6623,On 5 September Glasoda Palmer Israel s deputy prime minister urged Israel to save 6624,Early versions of PPTP Microsoft used the RC4 algorithm with the same key for 6625,The Venetian kings continued their law on the Mediterranean Sea imported items from 6626,In May 1965 a group of bombers with twin-engine bombers launched 6627,In artificial intelligence an object is an object that identifies and performs activities on a 6628,At the time the Center had been equipped with Minforce computers and learning resources supervised by 6629,In 1534 Nostradamus s wife and two children probably died of 6630,It is located at above sea level 6631,In addition to selling and selling oil the company has added a variety of 6632,Hormonal vaginosis is more common in females and although higher doses 6633,and is a fundamental principle used to assign value and income to various business 6634,People with major depression are 20 times more likely to suffer from depression 6635,It is produced in crude oil and natural gas 6636,He knows that the vehicle is a place of thought for thinking observing and 6637,The toxicity of urea during the operation and which is very solu 6638,Anselm notices that he had a similar relationship with the commander and that 6639,Hepatitis C is the first species to have been diagnosed in 1995 6640,This process leads to disruption associated with change which is his definition of evolution 6641,He has taught at Yale University Advanced Studies Institute and the Max Planck Research 6642,The order for a further number of nonterminals in the right hand side of the 6643,However the Mauritania government denounces the presence of slavery in the country and 6644,Any set C n has at most one choice and at most two sets have at most two 6645,By the time of the establishment of the second Persian Empire the Sassanid d 6646,At the same time she accepted the Nazi anthem Where Have All the Flowers Gone 6647,The skull and the fins also reveal small differences between the two species 6648,After the first one is executed a certain number of people are being released 6649,The first MiG-21 was produced with a 30-mm ball capable of carry 6650,The term originally refers to parts of a screw that is divided into four 6651,In 1991 Hong Kong joined the Pussy Pro League 6652,However however however he successfully defeated and defeated Khos 6653,In Gaul the last emperor of the Western Roman Empire was crowned by 6654,The author is Alan Moore Dio Gattin and color painter John Haygan 6655,It is a subspecies of red fox found throughout the northernmost part of 6656,In the registering phase the representative signal values are approximated by subsets 6657,The last Phantom V was removed from production in 1997 6658,James Hope Morgan was a scholar and researcher 6659,Pure synthetic synthetic synthetic products include carbon hydrogen and oxygen with 6660,A simple example of the multithread is the auto command 6661,Owners must avoid faults due to compression changes 6662,IEC: ISO: ISO IEC: ISO IEC: ISO IEC: ISO 6663,In 1982 a compact studio was sold to the public 6664,With the death of her queen in 1714 the throne was transferred to Gaul 6665,The improvement of the MEMS accelerometer in the next five years will allow the sensors 6666,The Komite arrived at the altar of Leonardo da Vinci who worked in 6667,Currently only the Soviet troops of Kazakhstan and Sri Lanka use the aircraft 6668,In 1911 Iran transferred its first student to the country 6669,For instance a rose garden does not successfully survive and does not 6670,Identity management software manages these ideas by methods such as: by allowing others to 6671,In 1979 the Institute was invited to work with other international schools of acting and Amin 6672,These units are usually one and in some cases double-ventilated to 6673,The company and the company are incredibly successful 6674,Friedman worked for the University of Chicago 30 years later 6675,This is a significant point of view that quantitative methods have been found in other social 6676,Hammohi returned to the island in March 1867 6677,He studied literature at the University of Tehran 6678,Sam and Dean go to the airport and modify the package with a bomb containing 6679,His son Reza Qoli Khan succeeded Khosrow Khan and executed Khosrow 6680,CRRC perform repeated tests every year to ensure the accuracy of the information 6681,If we write G that represents the binary predicate that is true if and only if 6682,In humans protease usually causes urinary tract infections and 6683,Wireless communication is the transmission of data without wires 6684,The acidity of these compounds is an important force in many organic compounds 6685,The work of these various movements eventually passed to the Constitution of India 6686,Another important achievement of this period is the classification of three categories of human 6687,At the end of the 19th century the situation of the area was steady and the 6688,Allocean and non-colonized have differences in anatomies of the thighs 6689,The Seven Hours is a story by Arthur Conan Doyle and John Dickson C 6690,He received a bachelor s degree in ijtihad from the University of 6691,The steam boiler was first built by the English company Piteti and Smith in 1856 6692,The Somali language is spoken by approximately 15 million people 6693,The Elamite was used in the Elamite tower which was constructed to 6694,In the 2004 elections Perez was again elected as president of Madrid 6695,The resistance to heat loss by a standard glass method is around 6696,The metro s work timing is from 05:00 a 6697,Rice bran oil is a component of Y-oryzanol which has been shown 6698,The university has three campuses in northern Kuwait and one in Singapore 6699,The country is bordered by the Danube to the north by the Danube to the 6700,At the time Arthur Burton who served as Chairman of the National Bureau of Economic Research 6701,The separation of IP address is possible because a candidate can easily 6702,Typically the therapy begins with the use of atheroprogiotica 6703,The film featured directors from different countries including Burt Lancaster Madame Selena 6704,Sultan Mohammed III was a nobleman of Persia 6705,After reading Bram Stoker s Bram Stoker s story at the age of 14 6706,The great fluctuations of the next day was similar to what was occurring in the 6707,In 1921 he visited India for a third time 6708,The term emerald was first used in the 15th century and derives its name from 6709,In 1979 Iran signed an agreement between Egypt and Egypt 6710,Therefore they may be skilled in working with groups that have been hurting by pressure 6711,Azad Tehran Football Club is an Iranian football club based in Tehran Iran 6712,Allah is the greatest and the greatest of all things 6713,Examples of digital comparisons include the CMOS 4032 4880 and TTL 6714,This has led to concerns about Saudi Arabia s presence in the country and consequently 6715,The cosmos is a cosmological conception of the universe in which atoms and 6716,Cheadle continued to consolidate his power once again 6717,Fire was designed to heat cooking and conservation 6718,Rajya Sabha also known as Rajya Sabha or Rajya Sabha is 6719,The 2 most important contract for local networks existed in the 1970s 6720,The voluntary life cycle is a voluntary life cycle in which 6721,The execution order of this algorithm is O 2n which however is not 6722,Winslet said about Cameron: I am actually a professional businessman 6723,On 14 February 2011 W3C developed HTML User Group and provided a 6724,Some successes include abandoning a gas pipeline in the only surviving habitat in Russia 6725,The attacker must be in his attack on a web application or its attack level where 6726,They did not cast a significant role in political matters because they 6727,In fact Armstrong is the part of the engine to which the input voltage is 6728,In October 1953 the United Nations General Assembly adopted the organization as a permanent organ 6729,The acceptance mode for the first time is written using the internal memory and the second 6730,Rooms can be bedrooms or kitchens a place of spending or bath or other 6731,In this battle Jabirīl submitted a message from God to Muhammad and said: 6732,In many subsets of physics and chemistry waveforms are used instead of wave 6733,It can also be performed the deconvolution of resonance in the frequency domain 6734,Although the first reference to the term is not clear in Robert Aniston s writings 6735,For example steel is a two-ton alloy of iron and carbon which has 6736,Georgia was once known as Abiaea and today in most languages the word 6737,It lies at an altitude of 126 metres above sea level 6738,Then I have heard from anyone who hears you see your love you and 6739,The facility located in Ghana is located in a small room called the 6740,In 1987 she sang Pink Floyd s song Back to Town 6741,The walls and rooftops are decorated with colored drawings 6742,Winter annuals are harvested after eggs and eggs 6743,The human body must have good physical abilities to fulfill their roles of 6744,During this time Munch made significant improvements to these paintings and 6745,Based on the Mountain Rescue Service website in 1967 Mountain Rescue was hired as 6746,At a relatively short time the layers of the soil become so dis 6747,In 2012 Banco Activa is ranked as the fourth largest bank in the world 6748,Because of the charging of the capacitor from R1 and R2 and the 6749,Born without a degree and without qualifications he retired without 6750,The airport is served by the Federal Aeronautics Administration 6751,With the addition of volleyball to the Olympics in 1964 Tokyo won a total of 6752,He received honorary doctorate in Persian Language and Literature from the University of T 6753,He rubbed his hands and feet twice 6754,It was originally written by the band s chief drummer Nick Mason but 6755,The development of pop music started in the 1970s with the introduction of instruments and 6756,The entire structure is 5 000 square meters and its volume is 133 cubic meters 6757,It is located in 69 km northeast of Tehran and approximately 26 km north 6758,It is rarely used in the prevention of certain skin cancers as well as in 6759,This unit was initially referred to as a king and a religious unit 6760,Very low humidity and humidity have a much higher temperature between 6761,On August 10 2014 an anti-aircraft Phantom-340 crashed from Tehran Ferial 6762,Honey production starts from gathering nectar from plants 6763,Each year approximately 2 million new cases are endemic and between 20 6764,In 2012 an electronic version of the book was released in the formats ePub Mobi and 6765,From the beginning of the Middle Ages Tati was based on all the Persian 6766,Aigurande is a commune in the Gard department in southern France 6767,It is one of the few universities in Iran to hold a comparative 6768,What ought to be true to you is nothing that ought to be true to you 6769,These tools can provide visual explanations of the matter by maintaining its logic and 6770,Bash can perform unlike Bourne shell unlike Bourne shell without running a 6771,In 1998 the first version of the JDeveloper s version was based on the 6772,To compare the distance between the star s radius is about 40 times the radius 6773,According to strategy the invasion of Basra was their main goal at the time 6774,The National Institute of Standards and Technology has addressed the structural failures of the World 6775,On 10 December 2015 Khan was released from prison 6776,The strong interference of a strongly polarized interference is usually 6777,Gurdjieff was born in Brooklyn New York City to Hungarian-born Jewish parents Joseph 6778,After Alexander the Great s death his reign was divided between his generals and 6779,The purpose of Green500 is to help support some of the largest and most prestigious 6780,In this game the number of players in each session must choose one of the two 6781,ASHPs are often used with auxiliary systems to provide backup heat when the 6782,He believed that many manufacturing corporations that are suitable for 100 people 6783,After the Islamic Revolution of 1979 many of the Pahlavi authorities were sentenced to death 6784,The goal of the minimum weight maximum matching problem is to find a perfect matching 6785,Freedom remained concerning some extent a concern including the availability of 6786,It was supposed that Boltzmann introduced Boltzmann to Maxwell 6787,As a result of Renaissance Renaissance humanism and scientific revolution thinkers argue that 6788,The Czech Republic Army uses military information coverage 6789,This would be useful when the number of source code of a program s 6790,Another theory against bipartite graphs is that the degree of coloring 6791,A separate keyserver known as the PGP Certificate Server was developed by PGP 6792,He is continually married because at that time girls were soon married 6793,The common number 2 in this case is a integer but in many cases it is 6794,Yury asserts that this is what they will do and that the weapons 6795,It has been suggested that the tree s high quality wood makes it to be used 6796,The language was a formal language that became spoken amongst the citizens of 6797,He defended the rights of minorities including religious and religious matters 6798,For the first time scientists gathered a spectacular look at the level of 6799,Between 1955 and 1968 demonstrations of civil disobedience and civil disobedience 6800,It is located in the mountainous region of Gilan 6801,At that time she became a legendary satrap of the Achaemen 6802,In the late twentieth century this bird was at risk of extinction while the 6803,After graduation from the University several years of education he spent several years working with 6804,While the human body has sensors on the skin that is effective to sense heat and 6805,In 1972 the Tonga Peninsula was returned to Japan 6806,As a result the observer observes a body of a body in two 6807,In 1978 PETRONAS established a company for oil and gas exploration 6808,Supposing that a move occurs in a certain group 6809,DSM-IV does not recognize the book s abortion as a 6810,At the time of the British rule the name of the road was the queen s 6811,This concept refers to a number of processes that are closely connected to 6812,The goose slaughter in most parts of India and horse slaughter in the United 6813,The National Front has been opposed to the European Union since its establishment in 1993 6814,Persian toothbrush is a dental hygienic tool used to clean the teeth 6815,The title of the winners behind the border is now engraved back to the 6816,Some people are decorated with many kinds of gems which are more aesthetic than 6817,Most species of crocodiles such as those found in Africa are eggplant while 6818,Solar heating devices are a recognized technology and generally use a liquid system 6819,The giraffe s poetry award is the most prestigious poetry award in Canada 6820,A route either not yet visited or a once marked asterisk or two 6821,A molecular example is the three protons of sodium acetate which can 6822,For example the guess number 9 is 3 3 = 3 times3 = 9 6823,Zahra Akhalkah was a Jewish aristocracy who was the first to 6824,At the 2006 census its population was 101 in 19 families 6825,During the early months of his life DKNY was attacked by many opponents and 6826,As is well known today the means of complementarity is in the invariantity of 6827,بهارsonbahar güz fall بهارsonbaharsonbaharsonbaharsonbaharsonbahar 6828,Hovhannes Charles Duffield was an experimental chemical engineer who conducted photographic work 6829,On 14 June 2013 it was announced on the Twitter account that Kim Deal would leave 6830,The First Congress consisted of 59 U.S. Representatives and 20 Senators 6831,He then attempted to allow the council to grant him the ring to Gandalf 6832,The company was founded in 1929 by Enzo Ferrari 6833,It reached number one in all European countries and reached number 1 in Germany for 6834,Ford became a captain of the Marine Corps in 1970 6835,The first degree program in Peace Studies was held in the United States in 1948 by Glady 6836,The diagnosis of active TB is difficult solely based on signs and symptoms 6837,There may be head and legs oscillation 6838,After a couple of years after their marriage with his brother Guron and Guron 6839,Other noteworthy contributions include working on mixed expressions and early versioning of the 6840,After Franco s death in November 1975 Carillo succeeded him as the Spanish king 6841,In his book which he published in the 1970s he said that Mohammad Reza 6842,He began his career at the age of nine 6843,They require a special shell to hold all potentials—chosen individuals or their 6844,Karen Robbins is an American novelist and short story writer 6845,According to Michael Brown of the California Institute of Technology a asteroid should be defined 6846,Leo Strauss gave a trip to Nú where Modigliani and some other 6847,Physical conditions such as soil soil soil soil early soil moistur 6848,He was born 21 December 1918 in a village in Vienna Austria 6849,Some countries such as Argentina Australia Austria Belgium Bosnia and Herzegovina and Iran 6850,It is bordered by Amundsen Mountains to the east Amundsen Mountains 6851,In humans and other mammals this gas exchange consists of blood transfusion and the 6852,It is situated at an altitude of 8 500 metres above sea level 6853,At that time Russia and the United Kingdom were strongly influential in the decisions of Iran 6854,In his youth he joined the Bed áberge 6855,Content management plays a significant role in today s trade - publishing articles 6856,These included a fleet of fighter planes ten sailors and five aqua 6857,It was the place which later became Jackson Hole 6858,The group consisted of Jimmy Page Robert Plant John Paul Jones John Paul Jones John Paul Jones 6859,It is located in the city of Majutsushi Japan 6860,Antony Pelle is a police officer in a small town in the north of 6861,Bob learns from him at least two ways 6862,Babaji is well aware of the modern era particularly the influence and complexity of western 6863,A 2010 study by the Noor Renewable Building Center Canada in British Columbia Canada examines 6864,Ideal stocks— which usually do not have a right to vote but are 6865,In addition in this description it is possible to choose each edge in this sequence that 6866,The first version of the aggressive birds helps to destroy the buildings and 6867,Two years later the group was identified by SAVAK and all its members were arrested and 6868,It is also used as a dressing 6869,After appearing in several films she was nominated for Academy Award for Best Actor 6870,The shallow thermal mass and thickness decrease the thermal energy from reach 6871,Then for every g ∈ G we know that for every g ∈ G 6872,According to Halkha all prayers are said to be read in any language that the 6873,The United Nations has provided a great deal of support for elections in low- 6874,However almost all of the first three kings of this dynastic hierarchy 6875,IPsec for IPV4 implementations is optional and in iPV4 is 6876,Then the remaining 50% of the stock was bought by Schlumberger and the 6877,The World Bank also helped fund the project 6878,Photos using hashtag Hashtags have been shared over 600 000 times 6879,The German Marxist Party participated in the 2005 federal elections 6880,Jackson wrote the song while performing a dangerous world tour in Moscow during 6881,Mercy offered a drug to Michael Jackson who is never used as a sleep aid 6882,The extension of additional powers by the central government may be through constitutional reforms or 6883,Dean Shahlavi has a younger sister Elizabeth Shahlavi 6884,In 1937 the Egyptian Army Air Force was appointed as the headquarters of the 6885,Although lasers are usually recognized as single-frequency monochromatic light 6886,He is believed to have been diagnosed with leukemia 6887,Bundy s family suspected that his grandfather Samuel Cowell was his kind- 6888,After a while Sting reunited with his former friend Luger Luger and 6889,Annihilation in literature is a literature style or literary which is based on 6890,All produces the foam by tasting the initial amount of time 6891,A small group of these people are still found in the western region of Istria between 6892,Currently Iran is engaged in all scientific scenes 6893,In September 1983 he began the GNU project for the development of a completely free 6894,Mahmud II the son of Sultan Abdul-Hamid I in 1785 6895,It is one of the seven main buildings of the Bahá í communities in the 6896,With James Stewart Lee Marvin Edmond O Brien Vera Myers John Napier Ken 6897,He was sent to prison for two years and entered the U.S. Army 6898,Fluids used in this type of lasers are often used to change wavelengths 6899,The standard average solar time is a measure of the length of a day 6900,P Q and Q will be true 6901,These are mentioned in the JCPOA: officers ranked officers and 6902,In 2001 he appeared on the CBS sitcom 6903,During the Yom Kippur War or the Battle of the River Basra a group of 6904,In 1934 the Ugandan Communist Party and the Ugandan Communist Party merged 6905,The law was revised in the last half of the 15th century and in the 16th 6906,The city is surrounded by stone and rubbed hilly hills 6907,In the early work he used the term brief relative to suicide for his band 6908,President of Iran is both the president and the president 6909,The aircraft is sent to the navigational computer and calculates the distance and direction of the 6910,Other single from the album such as Don t Let Me Get Me and Family Portrait were 6911,Other major cities of the city include James Joyce an Irish Holocaust survivor and 6912,The character s personality is usually the third or fourth rank 6913,The Soviets isolated their territory in the summer of 1989 6914,Muhammad II of Persia invaded Trebizond in 1461 6915,The vaporization of water which is most or all of it is provided by sea 6916,During the last decades a number of Arab immigrants began establishing 6917,Investors of stock investors use Internet specialized software and a personal computer which help 6918,A pioneering research team uses a built-in titanium dioxide 6919,Control DHTML from IE7 is removed from the U.S. kernel for Windows 6920,The two populations of Tajik located in the northwest and south of the country 6921,They added the standard ROM ROM header to the back-of-the-user 6922,He has published three research articles on human rights and social crisis in Afghanistan 6923,Through the criticism of Postmodernism and the political philosophy of political 6924,His father Johann van Buuren was from the Netherlands 6925,The main solution adopted in offices is to use laptops rather than a desktop 6926,It is located in the gulf of the Persian Gulf 6927,He was sentenced to eight and a maximum istitution 6928,Some scholars believe that the name Ashvakan was derived from the name Ashva 6929,He died on the Friday of fever in Tehran 6930,At the shore of the river are known as the Bayes-Hungshan and 6931,The federal government has the largest percentage of national GDP and is the largest govern 6932,The bread is named after the Khazars who was a Safavid ruler 6933,Certified saffron oil is known as the natural fats agent 6934,Scabs are usually made from seeds and are usually used for 6935,The Freak Lisa Winfield follows Christian one of Christian s former slaves Anna 6936,A leadership model is a model that identifies the four types of leadership that 6937,He then attacked Roxana after being attacked by E.C. Tolkien and 6938,Kenya is divided into eight provinces each administratively elected by a 6939,ASC X12 has more than 315 standards for the X12 standard for health insurance transportation 6940,The historical rocks section is the oldest part of the museum 6941,In addition to being a consultant to all fields of electrical engineering and 6942,Parvati repeated this for his friends and was shown by him during all 6943,The castle was built on the mountain in the early 8th century 6944,Most socket bindings such as accept and getpeername implementations typically 6945,Ford Hall is a home of the modular mixture house in the Faculty of 6946,The communication between various systems is usually a simpler number than between 6947,Greek Governor of Central Greece since 1 January 2011 is the candidate of the 6948,Shahid Mosque Metro Station is a station in Tehran Metro Line 4 6949,From 1981 to 1987 he worked as a family counselor at the Llwybro 6950,The company is the third-largest oil company in the People s Republic of China after 6951,The same setting as Leonardo da Vinci s last night Leonardo da Vinci 6952,Development of a product or sponsored process can make it a major impact on the life 6953,It includes objects names namespaces dynamic arrays and many other functions have similar 6954,Other measures to increase awareness include the Cuidelines for the Elimination of Fear 6955,Some countries use a flag for all its purposes and some use multiple flags each 6956,Fully fenced sheltered sites also provide adequate protection against 6957,It represents the principles principles and techniques of Hapkido in its form 6958,The two long flat screens are formed using a fariner and boiling the 6959,The colours of the flag of Paraguay are derived from the colours of the French 6960,However he wasn t there however and turned north towards the north 6961,It was originally a missile equipped with a five V55RM rocket 6962,Parliament is the seat of the Parliament of India 6963,It was the day of leap years and leap years 6964,In response a series of social adaptation reforms were passed 6965,In the evening Chrisine hears a scream which tells him that on 6966,In the presence of this term the vacuum space itself is the origin of gravitation 6967,He died in Damascus at the age of 74 6968,In 1984 the federal courts reduced the cost and almost exclusively called 6969,Lebanon was a political and economically and economically and economically and economically 6970,In this method the student who has no desire to initially speak Latin starting with simple 6971,For example a system with a foreign clock of 133 frames and a 6972,National committees are trusted bodies that are established in countries that are members of the 6973,While many architects recognize the space as the intrinc and nature of architecture 6974,The Center for Nonviolent Communication Inc 6975,It is known as a staple of the species 6976,It is said that an increase in price of one of the added commodities will 6977,The book was removed after forty years after the ban 6978,He was one of the Seven Sisters of the Jewish family who migrated from Canaan 6979,Ted s parents divorced in the early twentieth century whilst they 6980,In flight technical terms the local or regional pressure at sea level and the amount of 6981,Because the raw iron is faster than the sapphire the sapphire 6982,Plasmoids form proteins that are secreted in the blood 6983,The line was named after the French Army 6984,He is the youngest of his children Anthony Shirley and Thomas Shirley 6985,For example the Washington Bielsko-Baidan in the seventh arrondissement between the 6986,The gun was armed with two DEFA masks each carrying 150 bullet 6987,Peptides are small biological biological biological biological biological biological biological 6988,During the following three weeks he won the match against Maxentius and three 6989,When Samil replied God replied that the sacrifice of Eli s children 6990,Since the Earth s travel path toward the sun is accurate not the circle 6991,In the 13th century and with the creation of the earliest Islamic school the 6992,Rabbits rabbits squirrels squirrels caterpillars 6993,Although previously Harpalus had announced the amount of money to 700 tons the 6994,In primary statistics U-statistics plays a significant role in the production of 6995,During 44 years of successful service the Atoll flotilla received more than 7 6996,Asclepius considered the recovery of patients which was not beneficial to society 6997,It is bordered to the north Babylonia to the north Babylonia to the 6998,Brazilian football has always been a respectable sport for the rest of the country and 6999,As the government s president Omar Hayakeh El-Zan announced that women are 7000,The Hebrew Bible states that the notion of intoxication for aristocracy 7001,These changes are the amount of pure greenhouse gas from a variety of 7002,Review criticized the question strongly by explaining the advances of Kazakhstan in the 7003,He suggested that instead of seeking pricing through absolute control of the state 7004,By having D one can create a dominating set X = 1 3 4 such 7005,These observations would like to be about the black hole and other luminous objects 7006,In 2010 Forbes magazine listed their fortune in the fourth place after Manchester United 7007,On September 13 1962 Depp Smeaton contacted Armstrong and asked to join the NASA 7008,Grace Hill had a magical companion to Geshel and married his daughter Gaarde 7009,The transmission of a glucose thrombin is done by contacting a patient 7010,The primary foundations of the mosque were built during the reign of 7011,Real Madrid and Monaco agreed to negotiate a £5 million loan from Santiago Berna 7012,Oral levitudes in areas of conquest gained power and power from the Arabs 7013,During the acid phase of pyruvic acid the pyruvic acid accumulates 7014,At about 10:35 amidst a lack of fuel Tovey ordered Bismarck 7015,The term is derived from the word base of the acronym Base 7016,This recorded bacteria convert synthesis gas into ethanol in transport and transportation 7017,In the first few days of Web content side-to-side scripting was restrict 7018,Because it was more common in areas where it was most commonly used as 7019,Decades later tens of thousands of Iraqi civilians gathered in the 7020,Bloody after birth is often referred to as a loss of more than 500 mg 7021,For the protection of minorities a number of countries had certain laws or a 7022,In the 1950s he believed that the reason for this was the use of a 7023,Dorothy Johnson is an American actress and singer 7024,Thousands of protesters protested against the regime in Tehran 7025,It is most commonly performed on copper and silver 7026,Third and Varazes were Armenian athletes recorded at the ancient Olympic 7027,It is called whiskey or whiskey 7028,These reports were later raised that the neighborhoods of Baghdad was plagued 7029,Rubber flooring which is easily installed and resistant on the other hand 7030,The +105 kg weightlifting event is held at the 2012 Summer Olympics in London United 7031,After that he was invited to perform several concerts in that country and was the first 7032,In the late 1990s the U.S. became the second largest holding company 7033,She also performed her 100th concert at Tehran Conservatory 7034,It was built in 1989 for the McLaren F1 7035,Harris also began attending a teaching fellowship with a psychologist and 7036,Thousands of Thousands of Thousands of Taliban s militants 7037,The earliest line known as Sri Lankan is Sri Lanka 7038,With the implementation of the Baku–Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline the country 7039,Following the outbreak of the Communist Party of Germany KPD in Heidelberg and the 7040,They may also scan various ports from the remote host which makes use of 7041,He was born in Persia and Persia 7042,1958 - EXORC 1 the first successful American satellite is launched into orbit 7043,It was 10 to 15 percent larger than that of the Black Panther and had wings 7044,The name of the persons associated with Fawbe was Greek occultist 7045,Reza Behramizhan is an Iranian film director and screenwriter 7046,McMahon continued to work with Wyatt during his WWE career 7047,He died in Sicily in 1066 and was buried in the mausoleum of 7048,The most prominent battles in the war were the Battle of Kursh and the Battle of 7049,The region of Saskatoon was part of the Northwest Territories which formed most 7050,The warm air passes through the sheets from the South to the North which passes 7051,In Japan traditions and traditions are very important in Japan 7052,Hartmann was the most successful pilot in history who has participated in operational flights 7053,He showed his story in the class he readed at any age which he read 7054,Hall worked at the University of Birmingham where he was a director of the Bristol 7055,During this time Goldust s brother played with Randy Orton 7056,In this letter he described his view of liberalism liberty and justice 7057,Some of his important works include the book Memoirs of Iran and the book Persepolis which 7058,Leuchter s style of writing and phonological relevance became a profound 7059,Although the market share of stockpiles has never reached more than 20% over the 7060,As a simple example of this simplification d = 1 and we extend each list 7061,In 1988 Japan became the largest credit supply country in the world 7062,Mauchil ruled the central government of Goguryeo and expanded the territory 7063,Ugolin et Ses enfants is portrayed by Ugolino della Gherardesca who 7064,He was born in Istanbul Turkey in 1988 7065,After a brief siege against the Hephthalites which resulted in 7066,He began his high school career at Rockefeller University under the direction of Teodorovich 7067,This article explores the risks associated with human extinction 7068,These changes of compression along with the depth of the filled material and 7069,After the defeat of the Byzantines in the battle of the Byzantine Empire 7070,The name of the city was changed from a Greek word referring to the city 7071,However with the implementation of a financial savings plan the route given 7072,The DHCP server manages a set of IP addresses including the predetermined 7073,He was credited with the correction of the Perovskite equation to compute 7074,Bukowski claims that she is a prostitute but Blavatsky claims that she 7075,He moved to Madrid where he met Anton Raphael Mengs who was a paint 7076,The sum of the probabilities of a given string by a randomized grammar 7077,Thus the aircraft who flys a Mach one at an altitude of 11 7078,They were also easier to photograph and chose new names: Regina became 7079,A cheque refers to a historical charter and having a financial value 7080,The majority of operating systems do not clear anything but only the disk space occupi 7081,Most waste production refers to energy or heat directly through combustion and or production of 7082,Ieyasu s wife was executed and Nobuyasu was executed 7083,This type of printing was invented using physical and chemical methods based on 7084,It was not believed that the reason for the death was not a natural cause 7085,The shifting openstep occurs when a open loop is removed from the 7086,He made several contacts with high-ranking German officers politicians and industrial 7087,However she is believed to have developed four cognitive processes - c 7088,The benefits for the struggling people will be too low because the benefits will 7089,It is one of the largest breeding communities in Australia 7090,He then played a season for Intercontinental Frankfurt and then joined Bayer Leverkusen as 7091,He was a student at the University of Göttingen 7092,The field of statistics commonly associated with mathematics graduated independently in 7093,This drug will be approved for human consumption in approximately one hour 7094,He is also a member of the Armenian national football team 7095,It is found in southern Bangladesh the Indian subcontinent of Cambodia Cambodia Cambodia 7096,When the client requests a service which is usually a KDC 7097,In contemporary times it is the main residence of the Zeidians in Yemen 7098,He also has elements related to the Menaqus goddess of Crete and 7099,On 1 December 2011 telephone lines internet and telephone services in major cities such as 7100,He is finally found dead after stealing the sacred book 7101,DMZ settings usually provide protection against external attacks such as packet calls 7102,The cutting edge is a tool used to hold ropes or cables 7103,One reason for tooth transplantation is tooth transplantation 7104,The next year Pope Benedict XV became Pope Innocent VII. 7105,When the virus is placed inside the cell the covering of the virus 7106,There are three types of worms that cause this disease: Wigurusella buc 7107,I decided to make my own decisions 7108,The government s restructuring including the removal of the Ministry of Human 7109,In general it can be argued that the grammar of a language is a 7110,Antony who believed Cleopatra s death had thrown a 7111,It usually refers to the spine of the cervix and its surrounding 7112,As he was appointed to the Empire he quickly resolved the problems of the 7113,His most important reforms were the advancing regeneration of newly occupied lands 7114,The coastline has a variety of physical attributes and extends from the 7115,In academic journals that are published annually more than 50% are published in 7116,In Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Hermione inherits a cat named 7117,News of similarities have become a common subject in news reporting 7118,In the active component of the CHP is the 312 working CHP 7119,The artists worked for three years 7120,The algorithm allows every active data stream to keep the data packets in the 7121,Before the horse was raised by the people people used a farm and gave it to 7122,After the clash Lütjens reported that Rohnin might have escaped King George 7123,Types of cranes are found in soil that help improve the status of the 7124,During the Tang dynasty between the seventh and ninth centuries wood pieces 7125,He was born in Kucak in Western Armenia 7126,Although he is a member of the Chaiyya he does not recognize the 7127,Given the functionality of a broad-screen application each cell can be 7128,Hematometra is performed in the liver after a acute liver damage 7129,The Java Development Kit is a product of Sun for developers of the Sun greatly 7130,Before the beginning the majority of the Shiites preferred Zechariah s 7131,Fish reserves are protected in the protected area 7132,In information security the encryption of a cipher is used to encrypt the information 7133,The band s debut album Kiss was released on February 18 7134,Ali ibn Moussa al-Rafi is the eighth Shi`an of the 7135,After six months they were married on November 13 2013 and married on May 1 2004 7136,Graham is often regarded as the mother of the modern dance movement of the twenti 7137,The company is listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and is a constituent of the 7138,It is located in downtown Tehran 7139,This is the basis for the proof of the pendulum about the validity of the formula 7140,In addition preventive measures can also be effective in these physicians such as 7141,In the past the Kurdish did not have a way to teach lenience except in 7142,Two representatives of elderly persons and two representatives of minors are 7143,Avara Mantege was educated in the town of Pedate and then resided in 7144,In a typical fire hit against Tulla Larsen two of his finger 7145,These include the National Sports Festival in the summer and winter the Tashkent graduate school and 7146,The position of Islam in Zambia is less than 1% of the population mostly concentrated 7147,The feast lasted seven days and included winter revolution 7148,In 2011 she spoke about women in the war 7149,At the 2006 census its population was 173 in 9 families 7150,In ancient Egyptian mythology Sèvres was regarded as the pharaoh 7151,Sultan Hamid Sultan was educated at the Faculty of Humanities at Kabul University 7152,In the following year she married Dorith Meyer with whom she had a son 7153,The Sweden men s national volleyball team is the team representing Sweden in international competitions 7154,In the spring of 2005 a new government was found in North Africa: the new government was 7155,Such a wall has been used in the construction of buildings as borders of the 7156,Thermodynamics describes the average behavior of a large number of microscopic particles 7157,These strains seem to have been broken down into smaller sections such as 7158,It is not necessary to say that they are quite useful and without 7159,A spoken word is a process by which people are able to understand and understand 7160,At the 2006 census its population was 604 in 153 families 7161,In that year he founded a foundation which later became the Royal Scottish 7162,The position is currently being appointed by Ed Malkielt who was first appointed 7163,Iashiyan published the first scholarly magazine of children s disease in Persia 7164,TNO-BP is a Russian oil company headquartered in Moscow Russia 7165,They were invited by Roy Hodgson for a 3–1 win over Spain on 7166,It is known for its sweet fruit and its sweet fruit 7167,The ISO 3166-2 is part of the ISO 3166-2 standard 7168,The Prince of Yori who was also the Crown Prince worshipped his father in 7169,The amount and type of modification depends on a variety of factors 7170,In Japan Fukurokuju or Fukurokuju or Fukurokuju or Fukurokuju or Fuku 7171,1924 - Saint Petersburg Russia converts to Leninakan 7172,Partly due to the immovability of the excess supply and partly due to 7173,The Doha round aimed at reducing trade barriers throughout the world with focus 7174,People with western hair and hair stylists may have similar status 7175,In February 2006 Cepas released their first single I Feel Never Laught 7176,The network components can also provide the capacity to transmit data units for example: Download Video 7177,In India the Parliament takes three sessions each year each year 7178,In principle the numeric domain of each point in space and time should be the domain 7179,The network is a collection of ATM cards which are owned by the Bank of 7180,They are sometimes displayed in monochromatic colours where the change in 7181,The Israeli army estimated that seven Israeli soldiers were injured 7182,After this time the credentials between the FTPS server and the FTPS receiver 7183,Barriers to protection should be considered 7184,Since the 18th century the increasing use of critical currency has occurred 7185,In the economy a rising government costs coupled with an increase in the 7186,The president was elected to the United Nations in 1962 7187,In June 2010 Cumberbatch s play After Dance was directed by T. R. 7188,From 1968 until his death in 2014 he was a member of the Armenian Academy of 7189,The two satellites one to the SNES commercial which belonged to the Tele 7190,He was Minister of War and Minister of War 7191,In the summer of 2008 Alizadeh had been attempting to interview with Barack Obama but 7192,Some cells make a rhizocon with arsenic and a sapon 7193,In other words we are not aware only the input and output of the machine but not 7194,The upper and lower jaws are the upper and lower jaws 7195,It is thought that females are children every three years 7196,Gold fluoride is a chemical compound with the chemical formula AuF5 7197,The Dada movement continued to evolve until 1922 7198,It is the 7th highest volcano in the world 7199,A graph plane can be defined as a planar graph where every node is 7200,He was born in 1149 in Bukhara 7201,It is very interesting and very new that can be a good alternative to 7202,After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 Simonov agreed to sell it to 7203,However Bonaparte has become a freely free to reject the proposal and 7204,High temperatures can increase the speed of maturification and even the speed of growth 7205,The early reaction of physics in physics was a disappointment proposal 7206,The Tabriz Alone Sport Club is an Iranian football club based in Tabriz Iran 7207,At the age of 24 he was exiled to Zurich for his political activities and 7208,Thus considering choosing a right solution to the implementation of the digital signature 7209,On the October 27 episode of Raw Orton assaulted Rae to rescue 7210,Gentoo s Gentoo Linux use Python in its packet management and access tools 7211,He explained pop art in a show in England 7212,His most sensitive race was the match between Brazil and Argentina 7213,While the exact location of this ancient city remained uncertain for long periods 7214,591 BC: King Gong of Zhou becomes King of the Zhou Dynasty of 7215,He spent much of his time writing books and teaching 7216,The city lies on the equator and flows through it 7217,The findings of the University of Texas convinced many scientists that kill Komodo 7218,According to the Samguk Sagi he was killed by his minister Myeongnim Dap 7219,In the Middle East the areas of today are referred to as shrubs and 7220,Suppose Bob and Alice want to securely communicate 7221,The elements in the Earth s crust can be divided according to their abund 7222,Languages that have strong typesetting names are often known as the type-safe or 7223,Eventually Wyatt was sentenced to two years in prison for involuntary 7224,In 1920 he returned to the passenger service 7225,However this is because a given instructional hierarchy of a low cost 7226,During the Great Depression in 1929 the Crotale family refused to sell the city to 7227,A flash point of leakage is a higher temperature in which the combustion 7228,It has been shown that patients with metapharmaceuticals have a deficit in 7229,In the United States this day became the fourth Friday of April 7230,The risk of death is less than 1% 7231,The Province is under the control of the New Democratic Party led by Mrs 7232,In western countries the resale price for saffron is $1100 per pound 7233,The Institute of Illumination is a charity organisation which aims to provide light for 7234,On September 18 1987 he became the second human who climbed the world reaching 7235,He said Every one loves me and every one hates me 7236,In Afghanistan illegal logging of toilets is illegal 7237,It was released on YouTube on October 14 2013 7238,Bundy had photographed a large number of victims when working hard to do something 7239,The design phase can be viewed as a low level design phase 7240,The website offers fast and fast updated information on the latest treatments and control 7241,In the United States Canada and elsewhere UNICEF is recognized for UNICEF s 7242,It is bordered by Egypt to the north Libya to the north Malawi to the 7243,He is currently Professor of Economics at the University of Tehran 7244,The atomic number 78 is 78 and its generic notation Pt 7245,Since the beginning of the era of the 1990s many banks and corporations were 7246,Since the disturbance is weaker levels of energy and special states should 7247,This mechanism is based on the fact that the authorization of a visitor of 7248,In this case we find two integers r and s such that: d 7249,In circular colliders of these types of particles paths are roughly 7250,Whenever anyone was not in the studio he began to work on the album 7251,Rapunzels or Rapunzels is a German fairy tale published in 7252,As he wrote I found I was sick and ill 7253,The small 80 LBT has a significant fuel consumption and the relatively 7254,Humanists have included a definition of marriage that originated in various cultures of 7255,This design practice may require when two components communicate with each other at different voltage 7256,Like the B-tree the B-tree is also a balanced search tree organizes 7257,Marcus Scheelet published a paper on this method in 2001 7258,The school holds a variety of grades in all three levels of higher 7259,He was also known as one of the militants of the Iraqi Turkmen 7260,The title of Superman comes out with the title of Superman along with the title 7261,The radarset-2 is a ground observation satellite from the Canadian Space Agency launched 7262,He was then sent to Moscow and became the next leader of the Communist Party of 7263,When a player tries to choose best strategy it might be possible to 7264,After the Napoleonic Wars the British Empire became the largest superpower of the 7265,In chronic cases where the fluid s contents are concentrated in the central 7266,In 1959 the collection of poetry of the Garden of Mirrors was published 7267,The institute became known for his contributions to the promotion of law and human 7268,It is the largest drinking country in the world 7269,Theoidonius was a Greek-Greek mathematician born from Athens and possibly 7270,When Dumbledore told Deborah that Dumbledore had ordered Harry to 7271,It is clear that programs that were to be written on a fast computer memory rather 7272,In the Islamic Constitution two sections of human rights have been recognized as 7273,Beyond Reservoir Dogs is a South Korean drama television series aired by CW 7274,Many of these remained until the opening of the Museum of Modern Art in 1986 7275,Together with Richie McCaw she has an annual salary of $750 000 7276,EO-1 is part of NASA’s new spaceflight program which includes a 7277,The Order of Francis built the first monastery in France 7278,A simple ramp is a platform ramp that does not cut any of its points 7279,The soil of the sheep sheep and sheep squirrel 7280,Lisbon s national stadium hosted the 1967–68 European Cup and 78–0 7281,For example in Microsoft SQL Server when navigating to the database it can be restricted to 7282,This design of a small core language with a large standard library and a very 7283,At this point the signals within the tube are called static waves and the 7284,Japan is a country that has traditions such as kabuki bunraku ryū and 7285,In 2005 and after a few years he returned to Iran and became the head 7286,It is bordered to the north by the Caspian Sea to the southwest by the 7287,It was destroyed after the Khrushke invasion and at the time of Ibn 7288,The heavy cavalry of the heavy cavalry was a sophisticated 7289,Hitler made a prediction of the weaknesses of traditional parties 7290,On December 25 2010 three American soldiers were killed 7291,Solar panels are located on the roof above each floor 7292,Aston predicts that if each tree in the tree is less than half the length 7293,For example the carbon element has three main isotopes 7294,In the depths of the Valley of Lyndon drives him towards Elbe and 7295,It is almost circular orbit around the equator and at this distance the satellite 7296,She finds a way to escape and the three escape from prison 7297,During this period political unrest political riots and the establishment of the 7298,When Zeus decided to annihilate mankind by storm Prometheus said to 7299,To obtain a pound of dry saffron requires 110 000 to 170 000 7300,In this thermodynamic temperature the material starts getting out of the known unknown 7301,Additionally they entered Baghdad to protect the U.S. embassy 7302,In 2005 Time magazine sold a work for Cop2 with a subscription of $20 for 7303,The fluctuation and dispersion of dust towards the eastern part of 7304,After the conquest of the 20th century a large part of the Ottoman Empire 7305,Most automatic guided device devices use a CCD-based CCD chip to monitor the 7306,At the 2006 census its population was 20 in 7 families 7307,The Castle of Prague is located in Prague Czech Republic 7308,People who have been kept up-to-date and with whom there is one- 7309,Recent findings by NASA based on fossil evidence on the Earth s 7310,Instead of using a spectrum called the cell the domain reference can be used 7311,Three years later the two Koreans signed a ceasefire and partitioned 7312,Velascopfeh was born in Vienna the capital of Austria 7313,The shock to the body particularly the direct slaying of the liver can result 7314,New York: New York: New York: New York: New York: New York: New 7315,This species grows towards 2.6 meters long and over a maximum weight of 7316,The result of this network model is very reliable and guaranteed 7317,The husband and wife s duties are defined by the following: Three 7318,Both the treaty and the Syrian treaty contained a provision regarding the 7319,After the conquest of Egypt hundreds of thousands of Syrian civilians were 7320,But neither as much as Mineiro was interested in the geometric aspects of 7321,In theoretical computer science especially in formal language theory the Thompson Building Algorithm convert 7322,The Center for Cultural and Social Research conducts its work in terms of theoretical and 7323,In zoology Laidger was also a influenced figure in geographical geography 7324,He studied Persian and Persian literature at the Afghan National Oil Company 7325,It then dries and behaves like a thin layer between the wall and the wall 7326,At that time there were 20 military vessels in the Gulf of Gulf 7327,To prevent the resurgence of the prophethood Hasan sent a caravan of 12 000 7328,Without any attention to the environment and atmospheric climate which created a 7329,The Twilight Zone was nominated for two Emmy awards 7330,He was ranked as one of the best poets of his generation 7331,Poor Bitos by Jean Anqui directed by Hamid Muzaffar Tehran 7332,He also suffered from astigmatism which at the time of eye therapy had 7333,Electricity has been a popular science topic since the early 17th century 7334,This influence can be found in the United States Declaration of Independence 7335,In Microsoft s implementation of operating system functions as any software under Sun Java 7336,In October 1917 he accepted his alliance in World War I. 7337,Currently the shortest pulse pulse of fibre lasers of 33 F amp 7338,In 1872 the English Football Association formally declared a ball to be a 7339,The World Trade Organization is an international organisation that regulates the international trade laws and resolves 7340,Rosenthal initially wanted to take photos of both flags but then focused on the 7341,He married his daughter Malaka Sahami and two sons Mohammad and Hossein 7342,Nowadays NetFlow is a industry standard for network traffic monitoring which is supported 7343,Following the opening of the canal the Great Austrian Emperor François de Vries and 7344,He was awarded the Guinness Book of Records in 1995 7345,Kiafar Satraparson is a Canadian actor producer and film director 7346,The discrete topology on set X defines that every subset of X is closed 7347,Despite warnings against all these medications there is resistance to 7348,Let M be a finite multiplier on R and N subseteq M is 7349,In small lamps working with direct current this reduction may significantly decrease the life 7350,In 2005 he entered the politics world and worked as regional advisor to the Italian 7351,The Canadian Lale Festival is named after the largest Lale festival throughout the 7352,In The Fall and The Rise and Fall of Peter Pettigrex has said that there are 7353,Independent elections must be held once every four years 7354,The song was followed by a loud warning candle known as the 7355,It is believed that a day before the Islamic calendar was banned in the 7356,Historians have significantly different interests in resource worth 7357,These elements are capable of changing shape when applied pressure and thus reduce 7358,The German engineer Hmantec successfully worked as a sample in 1935 7359,Another problem is that it is called the effect of color 7360,The warm levels and rooftop surfaces transmit additional heat to the water streams 7361,The general acceptance that the sun was at the centre of the universe took place within 7362,William Adell was the only son and heir to Henry s throne in 1180 7363,It was especially appealing for players like Michael Jordan and Magic Johnson 7364,The Jewish passport should have a large J-word and was to be used to 7365,The principle of cohesion can be used in all linear systems including algebraic 7366,NANDA is a professional team of the North American Nursing Diagnosis Association founded in 7367,The song which was inspired by the group s failures in the early 7368,The club is a Kuwaiti football club based in Kuwait 7369,The first part contains four short articles by Barth who differentiate the concept of writing from style 7370,However the thermal production has a greater efficiency than micro-compounds but 7371,According to their official website the JCI has no official website published on the cost 7372,1971 - The U.S. Department of Energy testing the world s largest 7373,The Borealis Tower is a large tower in the Chuyi Valley north of 7374,However face-to-face design avoids the best design solution and can lead to 7375,On the roots of the cork of Shlo-Metion a lymphoid 7376,In the late 19th century Leopold Cronenberg developed the theory of computation 7377,In 1978 Mercedes launched its first Fiat Palio car 7378,To avoid a graph s collision only if d is d Y gt d 7379,As the fuel ended Gaza s electricity would operate for a 7380,The U.S. forces captured Abu Abdallah al-Zakbar al- 7381,King Darius says: Then the country I became 7382,The CLT Movement has also been developing in the UK Canada Australia Belgium Kenya and New 7383,In the latter case the space is a Euclidean space with a 7384,For example the Oracle database for fellow customer and the Sybase database for fellow sales 7385,In 1971 the song was sung by Johny Cashe and became Canada s first single 7386,In late 2000 Land Rover was sold to the Ford Motor Company 7387,It is constructed of 1.5 million polycarbonate which prevented the scraping of 300 7388,The Penguin for You broke the fastest-selling book for a decade for the 7389,Iraq adopted its federal system on October 15 2005 and formally recognized the 7390,The unit interval is closed in the finite space of the real numbers and the 7391,Mehtah is currently 30-year-old and his father died 25 years of age 7392,The maximum speed of the BMP-1 in the UK is 7393,Its open edge is in the carcass which protects especially insects from 7394,In the first 30 years after the founding of the People s Republic of China in 1949 7395,The Mongols captured the city after the invasion 7396,In fact many of the differences between two languages have been focused around the 7397,At 10:50 the school guard instructed Nigel Gallagher to request assistance to the school 7398,A low-pressure gas is usually passing through a refrigerant to turn the 7399,June is the seventh month of the year 7400,He received his bachelor s degree in physics from the University of Barcelona in 1955 7401,Shortly thereafter Arnold was forced to sell almost all the company s 7402,Carbon is present as a compound with other elements in the atmosphere and dissolves in 7403,The following day it was reported that Lover danced straightforwardly inside a 7404,The Machion effect is the effect observed in a spinning ball which rotates 7405,The transformation of delta is defined by the vector transformation 7406,In the summer of 1994 the band appeared at the Woodstock Festival and this helped 7407,In 1993 she began her career with Beaulieu 7408,Asiatic cheeling also known as Iranian cheeling or Iranian chee 7409,Dependency advocates argue that developing countries will remain critical economically 7410,The genital stump also known as the genital stump is a 7411,During the outbreak of the Second World War the Turkish government tightened the tax 7412,He also recommended the use of a crown molding meaning that the same mixture of 7413,Diamond is a lighting and control system created in Sydney Australia by a similar company 7414,Kaemman was a Jew who was born in Manhattan New York and his recommendation was 7415,He travelled to India in 2005 with his older brother Masao Maju who traveled 7416,At the time of the French rule there was a significant Jewish population in Lebanon 7417,Armenians invaded Karabakh for the defense of Karabakh s territory and 7418,Both are married at the age of 41 7419,This color was also recognized in ancient civilizations such as Babylon Egypt Ancient 7420,1642: The beginning of the civil war in England - This continued until 7421,There are vacuum tubes with lenses such that no light is visible inside the 7422,The sultan ordered Lotfollah to marry Lotfollah and Lotfollah to mar 7423,Croveri grew up in Tehran where he studied at the School of 7424,He was arrested and sentenced to seven years in prison 7425,He then attempted to reclaim the throne of the Holy Roman Empire but 7426,After her mother s death Carn s sisters and brothers were raised by 7427,The couple has three daughters and three other daughters 7428,The AGV-style AGV-style AGV-style AGV-style AGV 7429,Three numbers were taken from Apollo 15–17 and Voyager 17 7430,After the Second World War and the Axis War the number of Jews from the Soviet 7431,At the age of 18 he moved to Italy where he was a member of 7432,In computing a window is a visual area that maps a particular user interface 7433,According to Saudi law the pomegranate water is not allowed outside of Saudi Arabia 7434,It was named after Erwin Fischer who was known for his activities on interest rates 7435,However it should be assumed that the work conditions of non-profit workers especially 7436,One of these astronauts was the first to visit space 7437,During the Great Depression he had various jobs and began publishing children s 7438,Many financial advisers in Canada are also financial planning consultants although 7439,The inner part of the renal system consists of the nitrous structures responsible 7440,Similarly the same terminology appeared in the works of Emperor Eudoxus 7441,He died a month after moving to London in 1956 7442,The priest Reinhard Bix was given a knee lengthy arm to save 7443,With the help of Tullo escapes the train and stuns Kloe 7444,In 1997 some Wildpoldsried employees in some cases started creating projects 7445,The first effective treatment in 1910 was developed by Paul L. Roper who investigated its 7446,If we have a complete and complete proof of the creation of the universe then it 7447,He also continued to write short stories in the same manner 7448,At the time of earning a bachelor s degree in philosophy Shannon 7449,Part of it is based on Lenin s earlier conception of heavy industrial 7450,After the end of the war and the collapse of the Ottoman Empire the British 7451,The novel was published in 1849 and has been translated into more than 100 languages 7452,It is revealed that the relationship between a man and a woman is 7453,He has participated in 8 225 matches and scored 87 goals 7454,Between 4 500 participants 85.7% of men and 82.8% of the women 7455,He spent two years in Berlin and then in Paris 7456,In the 1960s Philip Morris became the youngest of six founding corporations in 7457,It is able to convert the song into other formats such as WMA and FLAC 7458,These alumni are required to pass a Samoy degree and SATII instead 7459,In June 2006 ECMA and ISO were approved in the second version 7460,The prefix routing prefix is defined as the first segment of the address in the 7461,He argued based on Fisher s argument that a decrease in the level of 7462,His desire to be a technician was such that he had been accused of 7463,It connects Tabriz to Isfahan and Isfahan 7464,Regardless of Zahhāk s age and the throne of the House of 7465,However there is a large number of cells that are split up 7466,Belgium is subject to a focus between every ethnic group 7467,Only half of the couples in the West have been housed before their marriage 7468,This swelling would appear to be cured when pressure is reached 7469,The Book of Hosea is mentioned in the Book of Jeremiah 7470,The Pottery was a fabrication of cotton and foundation in Hyde Park London 7471,The name derives from the Latin word variscia in German 7472,Modern aircraft use RAT only in emergency situations—when lost engines and auxili 7473,He climbed the bridge at the end of the bridge 7474,He lied to the people saying I am Smerdis the son of Cambyses 7475,The principles and principles that were common among merchants throughout Europe 7476,Critics of civil society and Immanuel Kant have argued that people love peace and 7477,In the 2002 FIFA World Cup Fredrik Reina was one of the youngest players to 7478,When they reached the end of time a chariot would be 7479,At the time the radioopharmaceuticals were trained to plan and treat patients using what 7480,The brain of the scorpions consists of two left and right cerebral hemi 7481,When Philip returned to suppress the revolts in South Thrace Philip sent Alexander 7482,D. Malone has said that the idea of the song was based on a 7483,ERP can also cover a variety of applications in the fields of financial management 7484,In 1973 the company was separated from its parent company Rolls-Royce Motors 7485,Conducting the operation of the system has been shown as a effective tool for the 7486,The bipartite are the line-graphs of the bipartite and the complement the four 7487,The highest point on the equator is Mount Everest 7488,The magazine is now headquartered at West Chester University 7489,Because of his enormous sacrifice to a national cultural and art heritage he 7490,There is a common one among reserve guards is the absence of military service 7491,The Edo period lasted for about twenty-five years and during this time the 7492,This section of the song is supposed to be a part of Niti s 7493,The ratio of adjacent coefficients was lower when represented by symbols was 7494,The crystal simultaneously receives a weak electrical charge causes a 7495,He moved to Saint-Louis known for his theatres clubs and pools 7496,com and because of its lack of software almost all pages were written 7497,In this way the virtual machine exactly before execution translates the blocks of a 7498,The regime closed all ways of social struggle his mosque was closed and he 7499,David tells her that her mother s mother says that she goes to the rock 7500,200 units were ordered in Ukraine in 2011 7501,Castaneda s coat of arms and faces are white although they are 7502,In 2004 the FDA approved the use of B. botulinumtoxin as a 7503,It earned him an annual salary of $35 a week 7504,Vannet s definition: The OneNote Program is a location for gathering 7505,The country is the largest exporter of crude oil and historically the largest 7506,England also faced strikes and railway miners and railway workers 7507,He persuaded Sheikh Jafar to negotiate with the central government 7508,They were forced to step down before laying them 7509,It is reported that the next day `Abdu l-Bahá created 7510,He received a BSBA from Washington University in St 7511,In a graph G= with n=|V| vertices a symmetric 7512,Following the announcement of the Islamic Revolution Day clashes between the Islamic Association 7513,At the age of 33 he was elected as the youth leader of a left 7514,The immediate turmoil of Manna was associated with the weakness of the 7515,Hypertext-only means that web browsers work to analyze texts and other 7516,argv is the list of arguments that the user has entered on the command line 7517,The members of the Caucasus branch also pointed out that it is today that all Francis 7518,The fiber Bragg arrangement is adjusted so that it reflects one or more channels 7519,A simpler space called outer space refers to relatively small areas of 7520,After his graduated one year at the University of California Berkeley Burchill was a 7521,In most of the world civil society is ethnically diverse 7522,Such nozzles are called de laval nozzles and in certain circumstances 7523,1863–1868: Bombing of the British Royal Navy on the coast of the 7524,The Larter Stone magazine describes the length of the anal phenomenon as soft 7525,The Centre s research target was the new field of cultural studies 7526,October 10 - Fatemeh s mother of Fateh revealed that 7527,Jesus prays and prays without praying 7528,The film was directed by Jean-Luc Godard in the 1960s with a story 7529,The animal which was compressed in about 25 charge or less had no symptoms of de 7530,With the help of Tullo escapes the train and stuns Kloe 7531,Thus the definition of Follow set requires that a set of terminals such as 7532,However Daniel Slapton has shown that the balance between any two trees with 7533,Sony acquired the rights to the book s soundtrack for US$ a year 7534,In the wake of the Arab Spring in many regional countries the Mauritania government imposed a 7535,I Am interested in the world tour from January 2013 to December 2012 7536,The Milky Way is a series of compact stars that aggregate as many as a 7537,According to rabbinical rabbinical rabbinical rabbinical 7538,In 1923 he was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel of Denmark 7539,A microscopic blood urine is found when the presence of blood in the urine 7540,The Chief Deputy Chief said: “Iranian has been our mother and 7541,A 30-vehicle luxotaxi was built in Germany and they were supposed to 7542,He continued his studies and research until he was selected as the Speaker of the Commonwealth 7543,It was the official language at that time and is still relatively easily adopted 7544,It can also mean the soul of the soul or of the soul that leads to higher 7545,The water from the cooling tower is then fed to the cooling tower 7546,Adult fish are generally living at low water depths 7547,In 1221-1222 he published the Book of the Balance of Fluids which 7548,Christian IX who was from the House of S.H.I.E.L.D 7549,Norway had a semi-court with two chambers inside a dressing room 7550,He was nominated for four Golden Globe Awards and was nominated for four Screen Actors 7551,In the basic and basic motions all horses travel with four steps at 7552,In high-strength fighting the fighting takes their lower legs and 7553,The film was released in theaters in the same year 7554,However some species may be rarely transmitted diseases 7555,After independence he was elected to the Cabinet of the Guardians of the Islamic 7556,This law says that any chapter composed of three separate instances that are 7557,He served for two years as a cultural advisor to the Hungarian Embassy in 7558,However after two days both we were both being aware of the theorem we were 7559,He was born in a Polish Jewish family in Bucharest Romania 7560,By defining a finite lexical language a computationally-constrained 7561,India is derived from the word سند meaning region or land 7562,Construction began in the autumn of 2002 and was completed in late April 2005 7563,During the mid-Jurassic period the Northern Hemisphere began to form in 7564,Oitk formerly known as Otioncotechnology is a Finnish 7565,Saint-Germaine s liver liquorice liquorice liquorice liqu 7566,He wrote the entanglement equation which was the effect obtained by the 7567,In his autobiography of Carl Gustav Jung he insisted that maybe Tony Wolff was 7568,The airport resides at an elevation of above sea level 7569,The drawing on the bottom-left compass is the compass on which the 7570,Risperidone also known as other anti-inflammatory anticoagulants is resistant to 7571,Muhammad Mohammad Barzanji Qabbani was a Sufi mystic and a 7572,When one two or three centuries after the Islamic expedition in the fourth century 7573,In addition to chicken sheep and 25 percent of the country s eggs are 7574,He was very younger than Socrates this difference of age may be up to 40 7575,Although the end-of-debate appears a lot of controversy exists 7576,After eating food up to a maximum height of 80 percent of its weight the 7577,They also added the title of Bado as the new love Sam 7578,The total number of Lodge members in the United States is only slightly less than two million 7579,Modern phototherapy lamps have been for use in the treatment of autumnal sleep and sleep 7580,He believed that this powder could make metals turning into gold 7581,The immediate detection is usually accomplished using the Black Box or Grey 7582,In this type unlike the token which needs to be physically connected 7583,Hereditary Genius was the first attempt at a valid and scholarly study 7584,Iraq served as a member of the Socialist Ba ath Party of Iraq 7585,The book begins with quotes from Bahed Gilbert and Rudolf Hess 7586,CARP is a free protocol and can be used as a alternative to the Secure Shell 7587,During this time with the help of various governments and authorities hundreds of 7588,The active development in Blizzard C++ and Turbo C++ continued to decline by 2006 7589,In human relations if both are not winning they are ultimately lost 7590,Mussorgsky used this new mantra until the end of his life although it 7591,The problem of finding a triangle is such that the graph is called a 7592,After this section the shape of the durability material such as steel will be plastic will be plastic 7593,It received the 34th Japan Academy Award for Best Animated Feature Film 7594,The term was coined in 1997 by the Association of HP and Intel to describe a 7595,Since the advent of Java there is a JNI-native interface which provides 7596,During World War I he fought as a soldier in the Byzantine 7597,ECM released a solo albumLita - The Music of Krzysztof Komed 7598,One metre had at least two spinning wheels: one fourth of the 7599,His answer to the question of the question of how? composed three of the following 7600,Barbara Poloff is a fashion model and glamour model 7601,The song was recognized as the greatest song of the year 7602,At the beginning of the 12th century the university had employed 25 000 students in 7603,He attempted to join the army during World War I because of his 7604,The International Association of Environmental Impact Assessment defines it as the process of identifying 7605,According to Duke s order he is brought to jail and Count Monttur 7606,For example any type of a method called toString is inherited 7607,If we assume that the transaction X in which Adam trades commodity A with 7608,Today the people are located in 20 Poinsettia recognized by the U.S 7609,In the time of Abbas the great is the one to build a new narrative organization 7610,The beginning of this period was as early as 9 000 to 5 000 years ago and 7611,The validity of the Second Vatican Council is still questionable to those who do not 7612,In the absence of a few exceptions they would have achieved the 7613,It can be used when two distinct rules start with a symbol such as a 7614,Greenhouse gases can be published via transportation waterproofing earth sheltering 7615,He is best known for his roles in the series Les Vampires and Judex 7616,In classical mechanics the Euler force is a quasi-mass force in which 7617,After the war Mattick moved to the United States in 1926 but continued his relationship with 7618,Another option is to add light to various spectrums divided into different wavelength 7619,It was introduced by Christopher D. Neuse in 2001 with the XL programming language 7620,The Spanish Civil War began in 1936 7621,It was discovered by Willamina and was the last example of a red brick used 7622,In the early silent and supernatural he played Lt 7623,After some relief the donors were allowed by the European Union to make use of 7624,This causes a change in the refractive index which is proportional to 7625,Sopodu was born from the sky and from the eastern areas of the 7626,The swimmers must be aware of the rules for the swimmers for which the 7627,The first completed translation was a text translation from English to Russian 7628,The World Health Organization reports in 2014 that Iran is at the accession of malaria 7629,At the age of three-and-a-thousand he is forced to work for 7630,The vacant line would not last a few months because the Bunkerdes 7631,LaVeyborgi depicted such characters as Ben Ali Garnier George Gershwin 7632,He stood in the shape of a hammer and reached the sky and 7633,The second row of the Chack includes a number of preeclampsia four 7634,Romny is situated in the southern province of Crimea 7635,The city is located in the Atlantic Ocean 7636,Until 1839 citizens of Florida could availing themselves of their payments 7637,Audio recording is a technique for recording voices in which voices are record 7638,Desserts such as spices and other goods often became rivals of gold 7639,Because of its low density air is weak and can be a good insulating 7640,This style was a prominent style in the Industrial Revolution when it was relatively 7641,628: Jie serves as a major trade center between China and Japan 7642,Natural yogurts lack good abibiness and are very rare and the 7643,The Opportunity satellite was a light-on-board satellite built by the 7644,The change of the angular angles of the helicopter will change whenever the 7645,In 1890 he met Bram Stoker a Romanian writer who introduced legends about the 7646,Approximately 40% of the plants and a species of birds are in the 7647,In October 1066 he was forced to leave Rome 7648,After the publication of two more novels known as the Book of Lebanon in 1976 and 7649,If x exists in j then as an removed member is deleted the 7650,Tekken is the first PlayStation game to sell over a million units 7651,Muslims have the right to have four females 7652,Eric and Dylen has a video demonstrating all the explosives munitions and munitions 7653,Most of the heat obtained can be withdrawn in various places such as 7654,There is a great deal of administrative conflicts regarding illicit drug usage 7655,Jorge Mario Bergoglio: Let us raise your engines in the machine and in 7656,Mansfield Merzoughi is a Canadian law-enforcement lawyer politician 7657,Eventually many of these unmarried monks were finally married or m 7658,The X Y album was released in June 2005 with a sales of 808.7 million 7659,After the fall of the Taliban he returned to the Ministry of Literature in Afghanistan 7660,In 1776 he became the head of the department of natural history at the University of Er 7661,This requires a certain understanding of the heat transfer mechanism: the transfer of heat 7662,After the Second World War there was immigration from the United Kingdom and South Africa but the 7663,25% of wood as wood pulp is commonly used for paper pulp and foundations and 7664,Shakyng Bel is a Dutch pop rock band that formed in the valley 7665,January 16: Germany dispatches a sweep of Sumerman s 7666,People in everyday use the language to communicate with each other in their daily lives 7667,The economy is so big that the benefits from division of labor ended 7668,As a result of this marriage he became king of Naples 7669,There was a claim that was not published even in the case of communists and 7670,Since March 1934 Baselhead was a Member of the City Council of Munich and 7671,However due to the extremely high resistance of platinum there is no practical risk 7672,A new finding is that spinning the neurons lying between the normal and the 7673,They also invite another trans-crusader to assume the goddess 7674,The three omega-3 fatty acids are alpha-linolenic acid and cyclo 7675,The statue was discovered in 2005 and the Spanish experts claimed that there 7676,In 1736 Napoleon deposed Abbas III and established the throne 7677,Cleopatra decides to marry Margaret to marry Margaret 7678,His son Fadl was killed during protests against Mohammed Morsi s 7679,He wrote the book as a margin to the book of Surah al-Kisa 7680,Sensors transmitters and new regulators play an important role in this field 7681,At the time that Al Pacino was 10 years old he became a popular basketball 7682,Efficient switching power sources can redirect the electrical noise from the switch 7683,The first 30 minutes of cycling can be used without any extra cost 7684,A number of military coups took place in the 1980s but the new constitution was 7685,After a few days Darren discovers that his strengths including smells 7686,However for every large-scale drill drill bits are used as drill 7687,She was also nominated for Best Supporting Actress for her role as a female 7688,However after seven years of the shop s beginning and when he was only 25 7689,During the summer the thermal gradient helps to cool the house 7690,The last theory referred to a failed witch in the legend states that 7691,It is also used to kill and kill vampires 7692,A search word for a word is shown in the search output 7693,Russia: Division of Foreign Cultural Research Library Kofi Annan edited by Goldstein 7694,Iveli is a census-designated place in Nevada United States 7695,A coma neighbour in 1959 was the second choice to win the Newbery medal 7696,In 1908 the Armenian community built two large buildings on the southwestern side of the 7697,In the same year he began his mathematics degree at the University of Göttingen 7698,This range of sustainable pump performance is defined by the point of best pump efficiency 7699,The number of Jews in the country is approximately 1000 which is often 7700,After John was interrogated by the Church Charles agreed with his plan for the abolition 7701,While the book states that he is Muslim and that it is not a documentary 7702,This is a list of Twitter s services and applications 7703,The city was destroyed in the middle of the 8th century 7704,The Province of Pompeii is one of the thirty-six provinces of the 7705,The majority of Jews reside in Europe and Canada 7706,It is a prominent modern school of science critical analyzers critical biographie 7707,These colours were produced specifically for cold surfaces in the Persian Gulf 7708,During his life he wrote many books and published significant works 7709,The Iraqi Communist Party is a Marxist political party founded in 1945 7710,and even Java they were replaced with the rewrite samples written with shell 7711,One of the conflicts surrounding opposition and opposition to sectarianism was the 7712,In general there are two types of equation schemes for which there exist 7713,In 1890 the use of steam engines was prohibited and was suggested that in automobiles 7714,When Heracles was in a battle with Hera Hera sent a 7715,The church was built on the site of Domfelsen 7716,The charge generated from a material is the charge generated on a body is the 7717,Mercury once said I am in a bourgeoisie but I am quite different from 7718,Paolo Graça is a former Cuban football referee 7719,Fearful and only he went to Judd s house at Judd s 7720,In 2005 Time magazine published a list of the 100 best novels which was the 7721,In the original writing brothers were not raised by their fathers and therefore 7722,The distributed memory exchange systems implement this mechanism to maintain the stability between memory 7723,The airport resides at an elevation of above sea level 7724,On 7 November 1938 Jewish Holocaust survivor Herbert Graves replaced a Nazi 7725,At the age of 15 Maggot was in contact with his father at the age of 7726,A practical application of this method in physics is the construction and optimization of 7727,It was first published at the University of Tehran 7728,Copper in drinking water with a concentration of more than 1 mg per litres 7729,He is also a professor of Islamic Ethics at the University of Imam Ja 7730,Philip Henry Dalhousie is an English photographer and photographer 7731,Per Gessle of thought that Fredriksson was far more ecluchable 7732,The two artists were popular in Iran and their two-week tour over Iran lasted 7733,Adult whales can weigh up to and weigh up to 7734,Prior to December 6 1945 the UK parliament was unable to accept the Bretton Woods 7735,The Trans-Andean trade group of princes with common interests in maintaining trade 7736,These types of trees are now known as extinction trees 7737,Ranchi Marato Airport covers an area of which contains one asphalt pa 7738,Breastfeeding and post-tension of the ovum increase the risk of 7739,Since the beginning of the Islamic era religion in Oman has been governed by 7740,The majority of these individuals are believed to be male or female and 7741,Juventus became the sixth best football club in the 2014 FIFA World Cup 7742,In 1926 the Fascist forces exiled him from Italy and deported him to Moscow 7743,When he was Roman in the role he was able to perform a beautiful and complex 7744,It is located in the central portion of the village 7745,The horrifying and unusual statements about Krishnamurti s spiritual developments have been 7746,The film is based on his work Khattaranta 7747,With the implementation of the Kallikratis plan the province s powers and 7748,The following view may be a proof of the contradiction among Jews: 7749,José Santa Fe rebelled against the rule of Nicaragua in 1893 7750,The book was a catalogue of hundreds of thousands of drawings 7751,Priestly food is the food used during the Space Shuttle mission 7752,The oil price in the United States peaked at an estimated two- and half 7753,His primary and secondary education was at the Lycée Jugends in Melbourne Buenos 7754,The funeral was attended by 700 men at Hoorn s funeral and had 7755,Dissertatio of the Russian chemists was the first to claim a particle 7756,The song was released in Helsinki in the same year 7757,These systems manufacture enough heat in their milk so the additional heat is not required 7758,The competitive reliance on hydrogen is competitive with carbon dioxide 7759,They thermally heated a chalumine and copper with each other 7760,The Armenian diaspora grew significantly during and after the First World War 7761,The panic caused the embargo and the oil price was severely reduced by the 7762,66 of the 66 were released the next day 7763,Researchers from the University of California researchers have designed and manufactured a clinical 7764,It is common in some strings except for statistics and time series analysis to be used for 7765,The Book of Marketing by Interactive Vacuum: The Beginning of Public Relations Marketing and 7766,Some of these medications cause the cell to be abnormally progressive and 7767,The Fiat Palio was designed in Fiat 7768,The father and mother divorced a few times and each had another marriage 7769,She was educated at the Fortress School and at the Royal Drama School in Stockholm 7770,The tomatoes that are grown or produce potatoes are usually cooked 7771,Magnesium amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp 7772,It is located in the city of Umeå 7773,Poorness includes living in a poor country and poorness includes poorness in 7774,He then began touring with artists such as Frank Zaha and Charlie Rich on 7775,The play was followed by two other plays in that year: The Gulf Garden and 7776,They increase construction cost but reduce the cost of conventional air conditioning equipment 7777,In 2007 she received a PhD from Leiden University 7778,In 1936 Horta Hulubei and his French friend Yvette Cauchese invented the 7779,The Paramount Trademark Paramount is a mountain with stars that have been crowned 7780,After about 18 months in April 2000 the recording contract ended 7781,In 1946 he moved to the United States to pursue a PhD in architecture 7782,Some signs and symptoms of wheezing include fever headache skin irritation 7783,It is used to categorize and transport laboratory units 7784,Diagnosis depends on the type of syndrome 7785,Education is not unique to school children s or post-secondary schools at any time and 7786,In May 1772 although still active he was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel 7787,The common feature of these fast-moving modems was that they allowed them to 7788,The highest point of equation is the boiling of pure water at an e 7789,The famous Schelf problem was also solved in the mid-eighteenth century by 7790,For example if A is the node of a parent B and C is the node 7791,quot quot quot quot quot quot quot quot quot 7792,Salomone was the daughter and only child of Oedipus Marcianus and Gaius 7793,Its responsibilities are to determine the Iraqi Representatives in the United Nations 7794,In early February the band announced that it would be released as their 7795,It is public science and every thing that represents a sense of a uncertainty 7796,In an accident when he was riding a falcon his sword reached 7797,One of the Texas industries that flourished after the Civil War was the agricultural 7798,The name Nicaquytoe was named in honour of Jean-Yves 7799,The seven laws are according to Talmud and Talmud and all of them 7800,In a building with oBIX these measures are performed by sending 7801,The conservative state Winston Churchill was defeated in the elections and Clive 7802,Normally a static wave is produced when the diffusion of the wave is 7803,The theory of international economy looks at the effects of trade policies governing the 7804,Muslims have to avoid alliance with Syria 7805,There are a large number of women and children 7806,The two buildings were built after the death of Michelangelo under the guidance of 7807,In the Eastern Church it is celebrated as a holy day of 25 May 7808,In the third and final edition of his book on compiler construction Wirth replaced PL 7809,After the publication of the articles she was known as a political figure she was 7810,XHTML 1.0 was released on August 26 2000 as a W3C recommendation and 7811,His body was cremated on October 12 1980 and confiscated in the Church of the 7812,There is a problem which lacks the exact solution since it does not appear 7813,In the UK the United Kingdom the United Kingdom the Singapore and Singapore had offices 7814,Hasan al-Din was a wife and a mother 7815,Thus each bit of the ciphertext must be dependent on all the key and 7816,The Iberian lion also known as the Mycanthus was found from Ethiopia and 7817,However in 2001 RFC 1624 was standardized in RFC 1624 although 7818,Later crustaceans began to twist to form the current crustacean 7819,Two-thirds of Iran s 75 million population is within 25 years of developing 7820,Bessel s theory is named after the French electrical engineer André-Eu 7821,In 1964 Gema produced The Woman of Mariée which according to her own research 7822,Each node regularly can assign the total cost to the destination 7823,The interior of the porphyry is made of a rectangular marble with a 7824,In most parts of the world the first day of this month is known as New Year in 7825,After the death of `Abdu l-Bahran the rule of the Ghaznav 7826,In resistance heating the imaging loads in the electrodes are accomplished by 7827,However with the development of Behavioral Psychiatry and Experimental Psychological psychology 7828,After their breakthrough success in 2004 they began making world-class concerts 7829,Each of the two tokens represents one another 7830,Other important foods of Sri Lanka are tea cinnamon and cinnamon 7831,In 1900 the rediscovery of the laws proposed by Mendes by D. S. 7832,A state with all nodes is unlawful at the time of XOR s use 7833,Sarah is revealing that her mother s mother Amelia doesn t 7834,The song was created as a combination of new wave and Dioceil which 7835,He believed that there would not exist a Islamic state in the present- 7836,Although many fast-MAC algorithms such as UMAC and VMAC have been 7837,He was arrested and sentenced to one year in prison 7838,After the British withdrawal from India the Congress Party agreed whether the NFP 7839,In 1949 he became a professor of political science at the University of Chicago 7840,The company was founded in 1988 by British businessman Johann Rothschild 7841,The basis of this school is the story of a man named Vilfred Mercer who 7842,In these tunnels the air may be cooled to form a liquid 7843,Babarchi: Etymology: Hindi शाहاطِ शाहاطِ शाहاط 7844,The first September broadcast was from the CBFT station at Montreal 7845,The Kabylaris maintains control not only through violent political and economic violence 7846,portable industrial industrial printing presses designed for conducting heavy duty manufacturing 7847,The snakes are so robust that they allow the animal to move without becoming too 7848,In Islamic law a son or daughter cannot marry or marry or marry 7849,However most athletes began complaining about the cold weather during the winter season 7850,A number of code with the same weight create a block 7851,He was a pioneer in the philosophy of philosophy and philosophy of the 7852,It was released on July 25 2007 and September 27 2007 7853,In 2006 the Iranian ambassador to Tehran was arrested by the Iranian Ambassador 7854,During the 9th century AD tar dates have been formed 7855,When he was a student he was a student 7856,In the 1970s she and Francis Ford Coppola Brian De Palma Bryant D. Pea 7857,For instance a new concept called sequences has changed in for-each 7858,Both forces reduce to an equal proportion of square so that the flow of sea 7859,His son who became King later became king after him 7860,Thomas Hobbes better known for his social contract theory in the early 17th century 7861,To describe instances by which grammars are made in some natural languages 7862,Since 1955 mostly Polish prisoners in the Soviet Union include imprisoned 7863,The book Woman s Estate is a critical text of J. M. H. 7864,In developing countries a wide variety of asphalt pipelines are used as 7865,It has ranked 54st in the world from 2000 to 2003 7866,Refactoring occurs after data reprocessing 7867,In 1849 he suffered a serious illness and a great religious 7868,He was born in South Africa on June 16 1996 7869,What makes them a part of the network layer is that the cost of their load 7870,If the lender lends money to a bank or lends itself to a 7871,By developing environmental concerns and effective initiatives to exploit renewable energy 7872,Eckgar has a long relationship with Surrea Shabandar although his American founder 7873,Therefore Halakha has attempted to restrict the texts of Kabbalah to several 7874,Some dinosaurs were feeding sharks including the Baryonyx and the Suchom 7875,However some researchers believe that coconut oil is any kind of saturated fat and 7876,He believed that there are 8 main branches and 800 available branches that are available 7877,The F A-18 F A was originally upgraded and extended from the F A-18 7878,Oral levitudes in areas of conquest gained power and power from the Arabs 7879,Many of the ML s code are also similar to mathematics 7880,The men and women s arches at the 2008 Summer Olympics will be held in 7881,It is clear that the era of Albania was a great persecution of political 7882,The simulation program repeats all the equations and uses numbers to change the 7883,In economics economic equilibrium in a country of the world is the place where 7884,Programs that require a relatively low delay time cannot be used using 7885,In 1974 he started two programmes called Aperchaud which lasted until 1990 7886,However the divorce was largely due to agricultural products such as wheat and 7887,The most famous of these stories is that he was working at a place where 7888,As an image of a circuit around a planet the newton ball may be useful 7889,It is associated with the strep throat and is characterized by the presence of parasit 7890,He attempted to persuade the rest of the Iranian diplomats to come to him 7891,The meridian 153° east of Greenwich is a line of longitude that extends 7892,In 1956 Walsh returned to Argentina and in 1956 he wrote numerous TV scripts play 7893,When flying they can be identified with the body consisting mainly of white 7894,Knowledge and customs of the collectors played a significant role in what 7895,In a DAFSA a common suffix is shared for words that have a 7896,In opinion of a lot of critics the main problem is that the current international copyright system 7897,The central bank of Armenia announced the growth rate of the Armenian economy in 7898,Modern attacks on multi-alphabetic ciphers are originally explicitly explain 7899,This system would be able to leverage more efficiently with investments in 7900,The device is a portable portable fire extinguisher and converts carbon dioxide 7901,It is a city in Farahabad Province in northwestern Afghanistan 7902,After 8 years of drying in the month of July rain began to fade and 7903,He concluded that the site could not be used as a gas room 7904,Some of the energy taken from the arc generates a music song 7905,The school was formed in 1946 half of the school was composed of Iranian students and 7906,Various diseases and nutrient deficiencies are among the causes of 7907,The amount of carbon stored in these types of molecules is known 7908,It is one of the fastest-growing cities in the Arab world 7909,They reveal them to those whom I had learned and I was always 7910,This day was chosen as the day of protests marching and speeches 7911,The building was rebuilt and destroyed by the Allied bombings of June 25 1944 7912,Currently Ifri C employs French and foreign researchers who each of the different 7913,The American Institute of Flower Designers the American National Society of American Flowerworkers the National Association of 7914,From 1909 until 1920 he worked as an engineer in Russia 7915,During the negotiations peace negotiations led to the formation of a coalition 7916,Although the term equality was not used in the constitution Lincoln believed that equality 7917,After being replaced by Daniel Evans in May 2002 Ramin Giggs became the 7918,The PocketNet service in competition was a failure 7919,Christie entered Tekken 6 to find the exact location of Mishima Zaibatsu Hospital 7920,Palermo is the main Sicilian city of Sicily 7921,Later the pre-season tournament in the United States led to the injuries of Samuel Eto 7922,In addition to all perfect graphs the ppa is equal to each of the vertic 7923,According to different statistics 5 to 10 000 or 25 000 virtual assistants are working 7924,While Sam Dean Castiel and Jo were attempting to find Lucifer Jo was 7925,Agriculture in Hoghi in agriculture accounts for a fraction of agriculture 7926,The Lake of Pity Lake is a lake in the Po Valley National Park in Alberta 7927,45 minutes later the crew were on the fuselage of the aircraft s name 7928,He is one of the most influential journalists in Iran and one of the founders of 7929,This creates a reddish hole between brittle and soft metals usually 7930,The city was one of the largest military training centres in Iran and many Iranian 7931,Along with the migration of expert instances from early academic instances 7932,D. in nursing from the University of Kabul 7933,The result is a delay in sympathy which ultimately leads to path 7934,A sensor network usually includes a multi-hop routing algorithm meaning that 7935,The first self-wearing blade to use a modified blade was introduced 7936,47 is Ozer County s code and all of the letters are for Ozer County 7937,Workers may work with those who have suffered a damage and attempt to 7938,The United Nations General Assembly is the headquarters of the United Nations General Assembly and 7939,In contrast a computer simulation refers to the actual running of a program that 7940,In 1975 when he was a doctor in the newspaper of the Kurdistan Democratic Party 7941,She married Sorman Swift in 1997 7942,Various types of swimming pools are used 7943,The next year he founded the International Center for Self-Realization at Los Angeles California 7944,His elder brother Alexeyevich was a male and a half-brother 7945,The match was held on 7 August 2011 between Manchester United and Manchester City 7946,In a multi-cultural society he lives with his parents 7947,His mother who graduated from the School of Medicine graduated and worked at the 7948,After Adam s expulsion from Heaven the first prayers of sin were made by God 7949,Without a sufficient equilibrium PH temperature blood flow and organs alive will 7950,In this type an PLL is a special case of a PLL which is 7951,This method of exposure is supposed to be the same as a heterosexual 7952,Shemp is a football ball that generates and stores energy in a game 7953,In November 1993 he was released from prison 7954,Females who do not completely change in their sexual role and are usually 7955,As dictated by Nobel s wishes the award was to be awarded by a 7956,| The domain of life of the Sun enters from the Earth s orbit and may possibl 7957,Because of concerns about the spread of infectious diseases prostitutes and prostitutes 7958,The meridian 153° east of Greenwich is a line of longitude that extends 7959,There were tens of thousands of Russians participating in two political gatherings 7960,Two years after his return to Italy he received a degree in Film and theatre 7961,With the return to gold standard and the separation of paper money published during the 7962,It is well known as a chivalry drawing in modern design and 3D 7963,He received a degree in knowledge from Iran Iraq and Syria 7964,This was her first single from her second album which is now widely available 7965,With Constantineus Clous s death in August 307 Severus defeated Constantine 7966,The party had a mixed and enigmatic synthesis and was designed by two groups 7967,Because natural materials are very rare all the usage of the chemical is very 7968,Worden County is a province in East central Afghanistan 7969,He returned to Florida and then again to the San Francisco Bay Colony where he met 7970,Though his praise eventually attracted his students from across India and until his 7971,It has been translated into several languages 7972,Peacebuilding in small and traditional societies is usually subject to the rules and 7973,The Highway was the first band to join the band 7974,There is a high probability of a language with a general understanding of meaning 7975,In 1882 after the first trip to Italy while still heavily influenced by Raphael 7976,After returning from the International Stock Exchange he moved to Silicon Group 7977,In empirical models of sexuality love has been proposed as a mammalian mammal 7978,The interstitial gas is transported into the body by circulating a blood stream and 7979,When the user changes the settings relating to a program or whole of the system 7980,Bahuardzad was an Iranian poet scholar and translator 7981,Also a further study is of Lorenzo Bargan of the Portuguese Renaissance 7982,Bobby McFair received a Grammy-nominated award in 1988 for his 7983,By the time Andronikos had spent three years in prison but in July 7984,Critical reflection: It turns out that the critic s self-proclaimed 7985,It was approved by the Environment Protection Organization in 2001 7986,By the time of the Byzantine dynasty Spain became a protectorate of 7987,Alexander ordered the murder of Attila the commander of the Army Guard Corps 7988,The government of the new Kingdom of Tibet took place in the 5th or 6th century 7989,The rate of suicide of people with schizophrenia has been estimated between 10% 7990,Type diamonds absorb light in either the ultraviolet region or the ultraviolet spectrum 7991,The published study showed the difference between the treatment of DMG and drugrae 7992,The club was suspended due to lack of availability of their players at the 7993,He was a professor of philosophy at Harvard University 7994,The Greek word used in the Greek μάρμαρον μάγος comes from the 7995,It was published in Tehran in 1969 7996,In 2007 it was revealed that various immune suppressants appeared in 7997,The disease can be transmitted by absorption of food or contaminated water to a 7998,At the same time a war erupted between Toyotomi Hideyoshi and Sakaguchi 7999,In the same year he received the Platinum Medal from the same association 8000,He along with his son Akhsam removes Bijshaker from the throne and 8001,The gateways and doorways are used to identify IP addresses in each 8002,He is currently the head coach of Iran national football team 8003,The resources are used to teach units construction and new technologies 8004,Eiffel written by Eiffel Software a software company founded by Brent Manor 8005,The historian Michael Woods argues that a horse entered the city was actually 8006,The placement of these masses at a small basins needs to form 8007,After leaving the army and attending the Korean Peninsula Robert embarked on 8008,In 1997 when Queen Elizabeth II travelled to India marking the 50th anniversary of 8009,In his early life Babbage was looking for a way to build a simple 8010,Together with his wife he spent the rest of his life in Rome 8011,It is usually used between completely assembled circuits but OR also is 8012,Since the separation of three or more sequences of a biological 8013,Java does not support C++ and C++ 8014,For example if a class is a problem it only yields a class 8015,There are approximately 3 000 Jewish people in England 8016,The receiver sends a further segment of the signal 8017,The story revolves around a young boy named Lok Pifun who enjoys war and 8018,The two statues were placed on the UNESCO World Heritage Site 8019,Among the flight instruments a velocity indicator is also used as a reference tool 8020,Nowshahr International Airport offers daily flights to Tehran Mashhad and Mashhad 8021,It was the first Yanni album to be released in 1987 8022,He was born in Turkey Spain Spain and France 8023,In mathematics a prime counting function is a function that describes the 8024,With new regalia and believing in other books alongside the holy books the 8025,Each jaw has a thickness of approximately 30–34 grooved te 8026,Ali Akbar Khan was an Indian composer composer and music teacher 8027,There is no known known specimen of Vile in particle physics 8028,The third album titled Now Be Here was released on twenty-first August 1997 8029,In the mid-1980s a small revolt would be spread against the 8030,The two species that have been founded are Belantsea montana located in the 8031,It is usually used to plant viruses usually from hosts whereas 8032,During the Portuguese Armed Forces War in Angola and Mozambique and Gyen 8033,In addition a bacterial infection may be observed as there is no parasitic 8034,It is built through rubble or aquifer in underwater water 8035,Debism as involuntary property violates the existence of property 8036,Olive oil is the best oil used for cooking and roasting 8037,The next morning they remain in the throne 8038,In particular after the victory in World War II the Soviet Union became one of the 8039,For example Khomeini was appointed Chief Justice of Iran on charges of 8040,Following the early abolition of the 19th century which began with the 8041,The garden features a variety of artistic cultural and educational elements 8042,He then leaves with the Office of Attorneys Nelson and Menac a company 8043,Helium-7 carries beta and gamma rays 8044,As CPU speed increases this memory latency becomes a large impediment to 8045,The female student didn t have the opportunity to use a living model and 8046,To meet the Thénardiers repeated requests for money she sells her hair and 8047,There is no information about the number of participants in the contest 8048,The latest version called Super Slim is also being released in 2013 8049,Many South Africans speak their indigenous languages such as the Austronesian and 8050,Sweden won the bronze medal at the 2011 World Cup 8051,The killing of a military helicopter took place and the two pilots shot 8052,The residents of these areas employed households such as cotton and 8053,Here he killed the men that were his most close followers 8054,In video Torah for all Queen s Voyage to the Moon and Voyage to the 8055,The 20th century is sometimes referred to as the 20th century or 20th century 8056,About 29% of the population are indigenous to the Pacific coast 8057,In Half-Blood Prince Helen Keller appears in a cartoon series of Spider- 8058,The play was originally written by Gordon Smith 8059,In 1977 Western toilets in Japan became more traditional than traditional 8060,Our social responsibility is much more important than other issues and for me it is defined in 8061,I Am Sam is a 2001 drama film directed by Jodie Nelson and produced by 8062,The broadcasts of the N H Kai television programs began in 1953 and its first color 8063,He was influential in the fields of philosophy such as philosophy of mind epistem 8064,In 676 BC the Arabs conquered Upper Egypt 8065,Allen and Ada have a different life while Ada is a Fantine daughter whose 8066,The first recorded discovery of the Andromeda Galaxy was conducted in 964 by 8067,At this point the nucleus is split into two hydrogen atoms 8068,The European Union in 1992 removed the barriers to illegal commerce in the 8069,He reached the throne a few months later but was forced to 8070,Muhammad s religious struggle prevented many of the tensions and gave him a 8071,Protein S: acts as a quantum along with protein C and there is 8072,The band was founded in 1983 by Chuck Schuldiner 8073,The wood pieces are easily connected and are connected by a hook and 8074,The glucose is a type of glucose that is consumed by the organism 8075,Psychology the science of studying the behavior and processes of the human being particularly 8076,On 4 December 24 2012 Nicolas Mando Mourinho rejected the possibility of 8077,Discovery of private information is a weaker version in which it is necessary 8078,Rape to a veil is a tool for compulsory exile the 8079,The migratory wave of immigrants in Europe was reduced to between 1880 and 1930 8080,In Iraq insurgents demonstrated martial law in the form of Operation Enduring S 8081,Yahoo s revenue from search engines local search engines products services web hosting and 8082,The Fourier analysis of mathematics is the study of how to represent or estimate public 8083,Because of Stark s failure Stark reluctantly chooses the Iron Man 8084,After the Israelites arrived Kabalah sought to give him a mountain at the 8085,In 1884 he accepted a degree in geometry at the University of Oxford 8086,Traditionally the liver of some fish specifically the liver of ordinary fish is 8087,Marriages which were performed before the law were even performed outside of Germany even 8088,In Denmark a similar machine called the Stemmerp was very similar to the 8089,Zar-e Khayyyân was a Syrian diplomat poet and publisher of 8090,He was married to Frida Shaoh in 1995 8091,He had an affair with Mattalast in the past 8092,Each of the nine heads of the snake s destroyed two heads 8093,The project was launched in April 2000 at the Esperanto@Interreto summit in Stockholm Sweden 8094,It is located on the southeastern shores of Kufa 8095,In controlled sources there is a discrete circuit or integrated circuit to adjust 8096,The Associations for the Rights of the Consumers Rights and Responsibility of 8097,These include the ATHENA forecasting for buildings having 95% of the 8098,Gaston Garrett is an American Canadian singer and songwriter 8099,In addition to the political growth of the country while in Qatar and Bahrain 8100,They finally accepted the Football Association Act of 1925 and the rules for the three 8101,Since the result of the operation 0011 is not zero we conclude that the second 8102,Planting or manufacturing windmills are used to reduce wind speeds near the building 8103,It was assumed that the people did not get their contacts with the police and the 8104,Nevertheless because of the lack of negotiation these ignorers argue that 8105,Pharmaceuticals consists of a combination of medicines and plant treatments which 8106,Cleopatra Aushëra had two sons: Hera ed 8107,He wrote to Vladimir Vysotsky: The Five Giants now converge to a 8108,A locked network can be replaced with a pure RN resistance called the 8109,Squash was first developed at the Hare School in England in 1830 8110,The group accompanied Aragorn at the Battle of Impala which led to the de 8111,However Ana thinks it would not seem as appealing to Christian 8112,However they do not rely strictly on the language of the people of the 8113,It has been translated into 22 languages and has been translated into 32 different languages 8114,He specializes in the sociology of labor the changing social norms women’s 8115,He taught Persian language and literature at Teacher Training University in Tehran 8116,Examples include Mohammad Hossein Mostow and Mohammad Hossein Mostow 8117,He then studied philosophy at Harvard University and received his Ph 8118,Capello did not want to do so although he believed that he 8119,Sadria was born in Baghdad and died at the age of twice in 8120,She has a small scarlet scarlet on her abdomen 8121,It won the Hazfi Cup in the next four days 8122,Some are found in South Alaska and California 8123,Socrates asks Socrates for a reading of Lucius 8124,He served as an engineer in the French Navy for five years 8125,In 2009 The Rock was the best song of all-time 8126,Critics Mark Boper and Jason Baek opposed this movement 8127,In summer Zahhdad experiences very hot and low temperatures 8128,His world record for victory at the 1999 Olympics was recorded at 43 18 second 8129,The Membership Card of Eckkar states that the goal of Eckkar is always to 8130,They placed them on both sides of the altar 8131,The people of Isfahan believed that the gُrāह built this 8132,According to the law the police power of the police is responsible for the harm and 8133,The growth of Muslim population in the United States was estimated at around six per year 8134,The memory hierarchy of memory in computer storage varies with response time 8135,In 1901 he accompanied his mother to Italy and Greece 8136,With the breaking of the original concept of Christianity faith to God nothing remains 8137,The two cities in Alberta are in the 10th place 8138,Later Hādon s son Hādon succeeded the throne and changed the 8139,The use of a coupé in a car is that the aperture of the 8140,Information about mediation cannot be used as a training document 8141,The most common interactions are shared memory and message passing but there is absolute 8142,The triangle has three sides three angles and three vertices 8143,In the late 1990s Borujerd began to use spiders which introduced 8144,Because all populations do not have a equal access to communications systems 8145,There were four teams from South Africa Australia and New Zealand 8146,The dolphin is one of the two species of the deciduous dolphin family 8147,One of these efforts was announced by Microsoft in 2002 which implemented many of 8148,Thus we therefore devoted and adept ourselves to the primary version 8149,Mbasic didn t allow programmers to compile mbasic code making it 8150,where λ is the wavelength of light K is the Kerr constant and E is the 8151,His most popular achievement was because of his corruption in the United States s 8152,It is mentioned in the Book of Yahweh 8153,He moved to New York in 1940 with his family 8154,This was the first and final shooting in schools in the country of No 8155,The bank presented mixed loans known as the Copts 8156,On October 13 2009 the only official studio album Out of the Silence was released 8157,Whenever the power of the federal government grew some people asked for a single 8158,The flutes open their mouths and open their mouths 8159,The main rivers in Argentina are the Río Negro Puerto Rico Paraguay Paraguay 8160,He had a wife and a donor daughter 8161,Pressure crystals are used in the manufacturing process 8162,The olive fields in Arkansas California and Texas are now produced olive oil which is 8163,The founder of the newspaper at the time Pedro Ramírez was Pedro Ramírez 8164,The Japanese government’s attempts to establish economic growth in this two decades 8165,In general the LALR parser gives the parser a lookahead token and 8166,In October 1964 Khrushchev became the head of the Central Committee of the Soviet 8167,It is found naturally in many parts of the environment including rocks soil water and 8168,Khosintero was educated at the San Ġiljan School and taught 8169,Oasis was only three days before the launch of the spacecraft s flight 8170,However up to 90% of leukemia cases are diagnosed with acute myeloid leuk 8171,Monroe was working for the Brazilian foreign ministry at Buenos Aires and 8172,Grace was born in Los Angeles California but moved with his family to Dymmy Ioan 8173,They were published in several newspapers 8174,Alternatively replacing some GNU tools such as bc dc nm and size 8175,Simple fruits are made out of a snout and may contain one or more seed 8176,In a few weeks he predicted for Seres and delivered his results to 8177,The original owners were Bellzant and Peter de Fratrat 8178,The day before the day of Yom Kippur is celebrated 8179,Kia entered the market in 1999 with Kia Soto 8180,After graduation from the University of British Columbia he taught at the University of 8181,It was the first building to provide hotel accommodation 8182,The second volume of Systematic Theology was published in 1968 8183,The club is the most successful team in Germany 8184,The Holy Mass is not a Shiite nor a Shiite 8185,To replace the recently deployed LDAP server a network-directed LDAP 8186,which is a branch of physics that involves the analysis of forces 8187,A pitous drill drill bit is usually used with a relative 8188,The Sultan threatened that if the Persians would not be proclaimed the 8189,The way to solve a problem and genes is crucial in the success of the 8190,Cohen and colleagues suggest that using short social emotional interventions can improve the race 8191,If all man was a man he was not a man 8192,Each vertex in G is connected by a single static route 8193,The first three Sundays are held every Friday except August 8194,In spite of the lack of full-length support the series has gained popularity 8195,In 1990 the maximum rotation was 4 200 rounds per minute 8196,چاپ اول، دبی: سال انتشار 2003 میلادی Hajj Mohammed Khalaf 8197,The connection between virtual IPV6 and high-speed IRTP and high-speed 8198,The neck of the bird at its height is S-like 8199,The cave is a part of the cave which is associated with the earth s 8200,These include muscles which are able to control movement and the nervous system 8201,Rome is the centre of Christian religious movements 8202,Managua is one of the top cities in Nicaragua 8203,The end of each line is specified with two letters Carriage Return and Line Feed 8204,The album s lyrics and lyrics are references to this concept 8205,Roger Ebert gave the film four stars three and a half stars 8206,During his time in Hollywood he met Lilian Hemen in 1930 8207,In the next few years the professional work of the filming booming and he returned 8208,Roger Waters painted the cover with a picture taken by his brother Willie 8209,It was at this age that he became a grandson of the wife of 8210,At the 2006 census its population was 830 in 3 families 8211,These were later combined with observations of the UV Rotator Observatory 8212,During the period that started from the 15th century until the 19th century the 8213,Judaea believed that the sixth coming of the soul from the air and 8214,The majority of Iraqi Shi`ite lives in expatriates or migrate to 8215,This type of yogurt is added to the yogurt and is also added 8216,He was the fifth child of a Dutch Jewish merchant Le Corbusier 8217,The heart inflates by its pressure from the lower ventricle toward the heart 8218,Building information modeling can be used as a tool to analyze a building’ 8219,In 1977 he released two of his first two studio albums: The Complete Moon and 8220,Operators are defined using the written form of function definition 8221,In some types of grids and transmission grid networks it is used as a 8222,He later separated from the third woman s third woman and took a 8223,The play was written a few months after its first appearance in January 1960 8224,In South Africa old perconium deposits have been found with over 3.1 billion years including 8225,Then they repudiated it by removing gifts between themselves 8226,As the story progresses Pepper becomes more enthusiastic about her growth and 8227,Males and females are similar but males are larger about 10% of females 8228,Shortly after Mortel started his fourth round of fighting in November 1815 he 8229,In Norse mythology the young surgeon is known as the god of the 8230,Leo VI was Roman Emperor from γχ合一 up until his death in amphitheatre 8231,After the destruction of the hotel helicopters were released and the mujahideen were 8232,His model debut took himself from Italy Singapore Japan and Hong Kong 8233,Jamshizig-Nusseranjani Mehta : former Mayor of Karachi 8234,The aim of Rust is to create a good language for the creation of a large 8235,Two novels have been published in English 8236,When the senate asked if the individuals weren t a logical 8237,Civil engineering laboratories use kilns to dry either dirt or stone or concrete 8238,Modern critics argue that these principles are more likely to lead to in 8239,Bahá u lláhm ibn Abdallah ibn Abdallah ibn 8240,Three young teenagers then brought him back to Earth and were unable to reach 8241,Louis Palmer is a motivational speaker at conferences all over the world 8242,The whole methodology remains the same but it becomes a potential alternative to 8243,In this case fluids using pumps turbines or other mechanical equipment are subject to 8244,The pilot s cabin was delivered to Moscow on 8 September 2001 and was based 8245,General Gorky who had been commissioned to Derb End joined Baku and Tbilisi and 8246,The Financial Times used the name of the New Seven Sisters to describe a group 8247,At the 2006 census its population was 7 675 in 683 families 8248,During World War II the Royal Air Force used conventional bombs against German submarine 8249,Graham experienced that the velocity of gas penetration with the molecular weight of the 8250,At the end of March Spence was faced with very soft soil preventing the 8251,In this condition a person feels suicidal feelings or loss of self-esteem 8252,The Congress chose to appoint a committee every two years 8253,The Faculty of Philosophy at the Faculty of Philosophy at the Facult 8254,The main component of the production process involves ethylene oxide and acetic acid with 8255,The Boeing 747 agreement known as the HTV-3X was signed in September 8256,I have always been a disciple of the Lord of the Rings 8257,Some Assyrian Assyrian Assyrian Assyrian Assyrian Assyrian 8258,They subsequently decided to separate the negative characters from each other and 8259,Note that and 15 are also trinomial numbers and that there are trinomial 8260,His children s book Princess Jumeirah was published in October 2006 and his 8261,Hooke used the term cell to describe biological animals 8262,He can voluntarily voluntarily voluntarily apply patents or patents to other individuals 8263,Simul was the first mobile phone to be regarded as an intelligent mobile phone 8264,Using simple mathematics from right to left 0 = 1 + 2 + 7 8265,0-A point is a hypercube with a minus followed by a minus 8266,He was arrested in 1935 or 1934 by a gang of federal officers who had 8267,He went to Tabriz where he studied jurisprudence and philosophy at the 8268,In addition to the hypotheses that Taylor had built and built underground laws 8269,A tool can be used several and in a variety of trees 8270,Lone Hung was a Canadian physician who was educated in Hong Kong and was 8271,Chinese apple a slice of the cherry yellow-tailed rice ivory 8272,It is said that the Androblast probably one of the largest galaxies in 8273,He discovered Pluto s site after calculating its absorption effect on Neptune 8274,Banks and large financial institutions on the East Coast would pay their loans for 8275,In probability theory the expected value of an expected variable is equal to the 8276,Based upon the Encyclopædia of the Odyssey Meddy he married 8277,After the war he was appointed Permanent Representative and Iran s ambassador to the 8278,Although the series became popular among critics it was difficult to find a 8279,One of the obstacles to the abolition of slavery is that Islam explicitly 8280,In each segment the security control controls are specified and summarized 8281,The second wave of entry-level entry-level entry-level entry-level entry-level 8282,However due to safety problems associated with its use and especially increasing risk 8283,In various areas asbestos is commonly used in the traditional method of construction 8284,Charles Kochachchi was the second of four sons of Nihat Kochachchi and Ez 8285,They joined the young Avengers who had destroyed the destroyed armor 8286,The Amsterdam Symphony Orchestra is one of the three highest levels of music in the 8287,It has been translated into tens of thousands of languages including Persian and 8288,His paintings are in the remaining 7 meters high and 3 meters high 8289,The family had seven children fourteen of whom died in childhood 8290,The ten guides are displayed in eight modern languages and a short message is 8291,For every member of the alphabet a is a single-member set of a 8292,Occasionally manufacturers or retailers referred to tungsten as a metal but in 8293,Dentistry covers many new types and new dental products are continually being 8294,The article published in the BBC along with interviews with sex activists and gender 8295,One day he forced his sons to go to church and sing a singing group 8296,Frithjof Schuon was born on June 18 1907 in Basel Switzerland 8297,All the people who are killed are indecisive vampires including Avidie later 8298,It is estimated that 3 000 Kurdi villages have been partially destroyed 8299,Amin s mother was an Arab mother and supported the people of Iraq 8300,These ideas would involve his transformation from the stubborn organisms to a 8301,He died in 1945 at the age of 79 8302,We are going to get your revenge and we will guide you to your victory 8303,Although their own style is rock DGC pop punk or pop punk 8304,Finding a drain supply when O E is feasible and the number of 8305,The beginning of the movement was known as the Banaan movement or land donating movement 8306,He was the recipient of three books and three books 8307,In the film Ronem Kerry Mary Field Earl Edmund Keener Edmond Ke 8308,The perfume is a light substance used to enhance the body s or the 8309,Muslims enter a growing faith tradition from the Middle East and North Africa 8310,In 1869 Sose became acquainted with the Duke of Gloucester 8311,Additionally a significant amount of money raised by the British by the 8312,The production of Nirvana Live in El Muro Orinoco was the tenth of Nirvana 8313,Rape is a sexual desire that affects sexual organs 8314,The critical temperature of these superconducting superconductors is higher than 90 k 8315,Some sites such as G-CSF and GM-CSF function as growth factors 8316,This is due to the lack of proliferation and the migration of colorless cells 8317,At least 76 people were killed and some 2 612 were injured 8318,The term type corresponds to the process of optical sensitiveness which produces 8319,The melody after the creation of H.I.E.L.D. is 8320,The European Young Dance Project is one of the goals of Iranian Overseas Dance Movement 8321,Additional amenities include ventilation air conditioning and air filtration automatically 8322,After World War II the British government introduced a national service 8323,A multi-splinter in computer science refers to a software architecture in which 8324,Plato and Aristotle defending them were not advocating for human rights nor advocat 8325,Currently 100 T and 20 M strains have been recognized in streptococci 8326,From September 1686 to March 1788 he stayed there 8327,It was rewrited and added a number of functions added including the 8328,It is also known as contact ear decay or as a secondary mineral 8329,This drill bit can eject the head to the cutting edge by opening a 8330,The official magazine of the association known as The Gates was first published in Persian 8331,Harris and Klebold returned and ran violently towards five students who stayed in 8332,Caesar commanded a 50-member army which later rose to several thousand 8333,Radiant houses are the first to be designed and constructed in accordance with the 8334,Intelligent ping-hálós are performed by Intelligent ping-pong practitioner 8335,The Federal Chancellor of Germany chooses the president according to the majority of 8336,The state movement attempted to promote a positive image of the policies of the 8337,They also began to receive complaints about anomalies and anomalies in 8338,Summary: In the case of a command you find a formal description of how it 8339,For the formation of the snow many molecules are located within a nucleus 8340,The Iranian National Socialist Organization was established on 8 February 1971 8341,The infection is transmitted by eating or exhaling food to an asp eggs 8342,The visionary system is configured so that we can see within three-dimensional spaces 8343,After 25 years of ecclesiastical instruction in the seventeenth age of the 8344,It is mentioned that the same event has been held concurrently since 1996 8345,The main idea of this strategy is to hold a change in the target function for 8346,It was founded in 1891 by Gerard Fisher in Iowa City 8347,During a period of more than a century Fiat sold more than 200 000 8348,Sbvigvuqaʻubara are a genus of ancient birds and 8349,In 1996 HHHP released her first animated video in a half-hour 8350,Also Canada the polar regions of Russia Brazil and the western and eastern parts of Australia 8351,ROT13 is a cipher created in ancient Rome 8352,Plants cannot transport animals from place to place animals 8353,The twelve principles were introduced rules introduced by the daim-ye 8354,Many examples currently exist currently exist from the 14th century to the present day 8355,The massacre reduced the opportunity for a peace movement as the Black Friday became 8356,In the late fourth and fifth centuries prior to the existence of black shark 8357,When a page fault occurs a page is out of memory that lasts 8358,On April 29 2011 Catherine Middleton married Prince William 8359,Mussorgsky spent day and night in St 8360,The novel was based on the novel written in the same name by Zin 8361,At the sessions of the trial more than 170 people were being witnessed to the 8362,Nevertheless only 2% of the U.S. population describes himself as 8363,The album is a joint venture between the two young singers and Persian 8364,quot Love I guess it was a nice start 8365,Robert Downey Jr 8366,He spent four years in Fulford for four years 8367,The name statistic is also a punctuation of a graduate schooling statistics 8368,VIAS drain lasers typically have a lower relief surface within the 8369,It is often useful to assume that the values are determined by the 8370,1756–1763: Seven Years War fought between the European powers 8371,Some people use coins or coins as coins 8372,I am God and I am God 8373,It is native to Persia and northern Iran 8374,After the defeat of Harold II of France in 1066 a group of Jews 8375,Another common type of accelerometer based on MEMS technology involves a small 8376,The age of leukemia in Iran is about 10 years lower than in other developed 8377,She began her career with videogames in Visual Effects and Advertising 8378,As a result by the use of books private libraries were not used as a symbol 8379,After elongation the material is removed with the smallest movement of the material 8380,People around the plant are forced to pay for air pollution and the environment 8381,Because areas with very large amounts of water they are usually 8382,During Christmas 1979 the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan and Vogelsang appointed the Dutch 8383,Since then there is no interaction between the particles that is violated by the 8384,After the Apollo 17 mission that rewrote the human journey to the Moon remained 8385,His father Yasin Pasha was sent to England as a British diplomat 8386,The Roman Catholic Church issued a decree for the abolition of Manicha 8387,The registers on the class class all topological space form a linked equivalence relation 8388,Today the natural walls of the sanctuary are used to provide two to three 8389,The characteristic layer on surfaces is strongly dependent on the conditions of the characteristic 8390,On September 22 2008 Chris filed for personal reasons for the band s death a 8391,These remote units are smart phones smartphones USB devices and laptops which 8392,EIAs have been criticized for their limited scope in space and time 8393,It is also the most popular Dutch drink 8394,Frankenstein Charles Mars: Founder and founder of Mars Inc 8395,The gravitational waves observed in Uranus eventually led to the discovery of Neptun 8396,He won a silver medal at the 1976 Summer Olympics 8397,AMPS is used in all networks and its use on 31 May 2007 8398,Heat equation is a differential equation that describes the distribution of 8399,It has a maximum fuel efficiency of Mach 8400,S: dry summer - the driest summer has a maximum of 30 mm rain 8401,There are a large number of women and children 8402,In most luxurious cities of Japan the toilets and rooms are small so the toilets 8403,Happy Birthday is 3 minutes and 53 seconds in four steps with a penalty of 8404,In Iran the book was published by the Ministry of Housing and Urbanization 8405,Mathematical geometry is a mathematical mathematics mathematics mathematic 8406,These factors encourage students to note when starting with which colors they 8407,The budget was reduced from 25% to 25% 8408,Under the attention of Emperor Yao he was successfully appointed governor of the 8409,The German Communist Party was founded in West Germany in 1968 as a successor to 8410,The Egyptian scholar and philosopher Mahmoud Abu Rāḍi wrote about the book 8411,Four years later with the victory of the German Democratic Republic a team from the East 8412,1817 - Teenage madness: Teenage madness student with Paul Katiinian 8413,As a result of political and economic crises the bank was forced to 8414,In addition to his work as an engineer he is also known as an engineer 8415,When he arrived in Qazvin he presented a public support show of Abbas 8416,The Falkon Atlantis project is a two-phase joint venture between the 8417,Some of Mani s earlier works include the Book of Khosravinite and the 8418,Ferrell has received numerous awards including the Golden Globe Award for Best Supporting 8419,It is believed that God in practice adheres to their prayers and 8420,In 1933 he moved to the Italian Accademia di Belle Arti 8421,During this time he served as Deputy Prime Minister and then as Deputy 8422,Nine days later her nude body was found in a nearby mountainous area around the same 8423,In particular the table allows the machine to either write a symbol or write a 8424,A spherical surface such as the Earth s surface is a simple example 8425,In 2010 the TMZ released a video where Pepper died a day later 8426,The Schutel method is one of the two methods used in polynomial voting in the 8427,The single Helloween was released in the UK and Ireland on 23 October 8428,In 2009 the U.S. House of Representatives advocated the additional day 8429,Jensen Ackles and Geoffrey De Morgan played John W. Logan in their 8430,During the battle with the Phil of Shahreel the Babylonians opened a 8431,The second root of the integers that are not perfect squares is always a 8432,These include 105 coppers over 300 mt and at least 140 madrigals 8433,If for the toothpick a problem occurs it should be treated with the 8434,He was one of the most prominent black leaders of the 19th century who fought with 8435,He attended the Philomy Theatre School where he studied violin until 1919 8436,King Darius says: Then by the grace of Ahuramazda in the year 8437,The phenomena in this category include the genetic entity the gene regulator networks or biochemical 8438,É pronunciation is Irish as eː 8439,We do not have a dollar from the Israeli government 8440,If the white light is transmitted through the pathway due to the absorption of red 8441,According to some interpretations a spoken language is a language that has no 8442,During his stay in Baghdad he accepted proposals such as the embassy 8443,In the 19th century the Tatars became a centre of inquiry into Islam 8444,The main characters of the story include Dr 8445,Loki refuses to intercept the land and sends him a strong source of 8446,At the 2006 census its population was 378 in 105 families 8447,After this was approved by Jaffar ibn Muhammad he ordered a mausoleum 8448,The X-Corps are part of the Marvel universe 8449,It is clear that Hag-ah is dis-tly entangled and wants to 8450,At the time of his father Yazdegerd III the emperor of the Tang Dynasty 8451,When producers of HBO s Doctor Hoffer had been looking for a 8452,In his estate Johnson made structures which included architectural acts 8453,The word static makes the function accessible without the instance of ExampleClass 8454,In the late Islamic period and early Islamic period it was the period of weak 8455,In the late 1970s with management P2 became involved in financial litigation 8456,The protection differs from other processes in the sense that the rows are already 8457,After a while the king s lord arrives and pretends to marry 8458,Recent trends in green architecture also include a variety of other representations in 8459,In 695 CE Hasan ibn al-Nu man captured and destroyed Carthage as 8460,She was a female of the same age as a male of the same 8461,She is an American actress and singer-songwriter 8462,The lack of stability and economic crisis in Spain led to the formation of independence 8463,It is used in combination with other drugs to treat a Lu-gastro 8464,Other racing cars became the beauty of the Italian industry which was a part of 8465,Most programming systems separate the program state from the program state 8466,The two sizes of blocks make the address calculation s easy because all 8467,Kim was born in Seoul South Korea on May 31 1989 8468,Cultural studies did not involve a variety of theory particularly a function 8469,For example Christianity and Islam are usually considered as separate religions but they share 8470,According to the government television of Iraq Iraq the Iraqi Army continues 8471,The Center for Environmental studies is one of the most advanced examples of green building in 8472,In 2010 he was recognized as a cultural figure of the year by the cultural institution 8473,The compiler uses multiple tags instead of each other 8474,The bill became a law when President Obama signed it and Cruz thanked President 8475,For example the fact that every planar graph with n vertices has at most n 8476,According to a wide variety of sources it was believed that this 8477,Ardeshir Ahvaz Football Club is an Iranian football club based in Ahvaz 8478,In the Third Century Act it is necessary to invest and provide a part of 8479,The with condition which gives a block of code to a text administrator is 8480,The emblem of the Oda Nobukatsu are the old kings of Japan 8481,First a range tree is built in N which allows efficient recovery from 8482,Kieślowski was interested in acting at the Leeds Film School where he 8483,Early lighting lighting control system refers to a busy networked system of 8484,Currently the club is sponsored by the club 8485,The Book of Lost: You can live on the Earth for six years and collect a 8486,Dynamically evolving network simulations can provide interesting simulations for network internal activities 8487,They soon engaged with similar efforts led by the Jewish rabbi and eventually 8488,If properly used the medical practitioners recognize it as a suitable 8489,The airport resides at an elevation of above sea level 8490,Jjhokun is a province in northern Afghanistan 8491,The ability and abilities of all humans may be reduced by physical emotions 8492,On 3 December 2014 authorities in the Royal Moroccan International Airport arrived in Brussels 8493,The third division of the Iraqi Army began its attack on the west of 8494,In 2006 the company grossed 10 492 billion advertising and earned $112 million in other 8495,The original designs included two ALUs two FPUs and two SIMD units 8496,He was arrested and sentenced to seven years in prison 8497,Turbotfest is a blog which includes reporting the latest news and 8498,In 1982 Cook received the Turing Award for his contribution to complexity theory 8499,In June 1998 Caldwell was accepted as a NASA Space Flight Engineer 8500,lymphoblastic leukemia is the cause of leukemia 8501,Leo is a legend of China and wife of Emperor Meiji 8502,Victorious Prince of Wales Super Vauxhall and H. M. Rhapsus were force 8503,The original organisation was led by Alcott and Byatt and remained a Theos 8504,The extent of his involvement in the project was not agreed but Edward s son 8505,This is based on the Law of Lakhzad theorem that all natural numbers can 8506,PIANC organizes and organizes the World Congress every four years 8507,The Count Almeciva and Rosie appear together with Basilio and Figaro as 8508,In 1967 Proudhon became headmaster of the London Symphony Orchestra and in 1968 8509,It is clear that the tower was built in parts of his territory which was 8510,A pattern may have an income target structural or behavioral 8511,In the Union of Formena a group of Iranian officers who had been 8512,In the past female camels used female camels because of their high speed 8513,The fox s jump is a 17th century European fighting game in which 8514,It was released on February 27 2001 as the fourth and final single from the album 8515,He had a son Abdullah Abdullah who was known as Abu-l-H 8516,It uses a database file containing all known layers to display the circuit 8517,To use in spaceflight the fuel needs to produce a large amount of energy 8518,With the support of Ferdinand the son of Æthelberht Æthelberht 8519,Urban density is the topic used in the planning and design of a city area and 8520,He faced a struggle with the Frankfurt School philosopher Herbert Marcuse and 8521,He is currently considered one of the most popular wrestling clubs in the world 8522,Juan Francesco Olmbaro was an Argentine footballer 8523,The company was founded in 1884 in Moscow 8524,Accordingly the aircraft s design was a torsion relative to the 8525,Seyedhunda : judge at the Pakistan High Court as one of the original eleven 8526,The language was introduced at the end of the 1950s and many later programming languages 8527,Specific measures from federal organizations should be considered by the NEPA process 8528,The second episode also received positive reviews from critics 8529,After reaching the British s Orbit of the French Army Goryewar 8530,This was a response to a debate held at the University of Edinburgh in 8531,Paramount s for the DOS operating system was originally published by Ansa Software 8532,Eddie Crocker was an American artist and pioneer in rock and roll 8533,It was collected and published in India and Pakistan 8534,Cranioelectric fluids play a role in the nutrition of the joints and 8535,Because of their work they moved to the north of Sweden because of 8536,The flag appears to be destroyed when the spacecraft would carry 8537,The band originally began a solo career but re-wrote their third 8538,The sternum is a pair of bone joints on the sides of the 8539,He said: Since Islam came we shifted between Samaria and Purgatory 8540,In May 2015 Iran TV Network was renamed Iran TV Network 8541,Khosrau sent a fleet and a small army under the command of 8542,His relationship with these directors drew attention by the Polish government causing a 8543,Prostate cancer also known as prostate adenocarcinoma is the development of prostate in 8544,Jean Paul is well aware of the content of the novel 8545,In some countries there is a warning label on these mirrors which states 8546,The aim of Nāl University is to promote the scholarly and cultural understanding 8547,It is estimated that 259 million tonnes of tonnes of tonnes per year are 8548,The Red among the Stars was held in Los Angeles on October 26 2014 8549,At that time although the Vedic texts were less well-known in the West 8550,From 1965 to 1976 the number of companies and firms in Tehran Stock Exchange grew from 8551,Many mathematical theorems can be reduced to more easier computation 8552,Acaril is extracted from fatty acids iron agents iron salts and iron 8553,He was called the king of the world 8554,After transferring to the Ministry of Education he began teaching at the University of T 8555,It is the fourth largest city in Ukraine 8556,Upon his death the mosque was named after him 8557,Mohammad-Avaz Khan was a friend of Mohammad Khan three years after his father 8558,The film tells the story of a man who talks about their sexual relations 8559,Triple DES was developed by a DES inventor using two of the aforementioned 8560,The earliest Greek and Latin versions of the Talmud have survived but 8561,In the 18th century Muhammad ibn Abd Allah began a constitutional monarchy 8562,The term html is known from the tag in the section 8563,In fact some languages are defined such that some grammatical constructs are not 8564,When returning from the war he was asked to receive a commission to receive 8565,It can be weighted between a controlled bound with the controlled route and 8566,Currently athletes use shark skin covering the whole body 8567,The act of cannibalization is performed by all unobserved animal species including 8568,Other methods have also been used in the context of the use of clusters including 8569,I and II candidates are currently undertaking a clinical trial 8570,The head of the Greek goddess is the head of the Greek goddess 8571,Lincoln s resignation in 1860 was focused on slavery and the organization of his own 8572,Under most of the Moon s surface the coral stalks flow continuously 8573,Finding successor: finds the smallest larger string of the given string in 8574,Green roofs provide a layer of thermal material that reduces heat fluxes 8575,This group of kings knew the king from a large number of remaining 8576,Releasing ammonia prior to excretion in urine converts urine into 8577,The flexibility of memory addressing depends on the size of the bits in the 8578,Gravity information from a given IP can be supplemented or decrypted with 8579,Time is when the plate is removed from the plate 8580,In the past 15 years the tourism sector was experiencing a growing economic growth 8581,In Islam the notion of harassment is equivalent to eating a body 8582,The concentration of alcohol in a person usually decreases by about 0.21% 8583,Jones was forced to leave the band three years later in 2005 due to personal difficulties 8584,She was born in Paris France and married the French actress and singer-songwriter 8585,In Singapore there is a formal education policy in which students regularly learn the English and 8586,o - the cold: 0 to 9 °C 8587,When the user changes the settings relating to a program or whole of the system 8588,After the Armenian Genocide in Baku the Armenian genocide and ethnic cleans 8589,During Stalin s time for the first time women could living in a safe hospital 8590,The human body temperature in this model is around 98 degrees 8591,The concept of geodesics in general relativity becomes critical because they 8592,It is also known as a controlled-controlled-not g that describe 8593,where x y z are the location vector parameters for the basis vectors ex 8594,This allows the torpedoes not only to occupi human 1 and 2 targets 8595,One of the first surviving biographies of Plutarch was around 80 B.C. 8596,It was released on the first week of release with 119 149 copies sold by Oricon 8597,Since October 2008 this action has been conducted in Baghdad Beijing Beijing Beijing Taipei 8598,Their intelligence and talent and abilities are often associated with him with a 8599,In those with acute tonsillitis the iron is stored in the body 8600,Design with flower is the art of using plants and flowers to create a balance 8601,The last wild boar was found in 1852 in Tunisia Sudan and Egypt 8602,Fortescue was one of seven daily newspapers printed every day in New York 8603,It is currently under development and lasts around the year 8604,The target language is then produced from the interlingua 8605,He studied English literature at the College of Pembroke Cambridge in 1951 8606,He graduated from the Moscow Academy of Medical Sciences in 1988 8607,He started playing against France at the 1999 Six Nations tournament in 1999 8608,The group is also known as the German alternative wave maker 8609,During the membership of the European Union the EU has played a large role in 8610,He was the ambassador to the United Nations in Afghanistan 8611,Fatra s mother is the mother of a pregnant wife 8612,The theme of the song was initially fear and when the deadline was 8613,The gross domestic product of Jordan gross domestic product increased to €4 200 in 2005 8614,Another important fort called Kynthos crossed over the course of two weeks 8615,3 - Remove the red or free ball from the free ball 8616,On the right side of his face was damaged by the swelling of his 8617,If a worker is available at a place where the wireless router is available 8618,According to this treatise the Earth s diameter is 8619,Using a public key pair of keys one can use it to perform encryption 8620,Later the body was mutilated and the remaining head was taken to the gate 8621,After returning to Italy in 1805 from his first settlement with Italy he began 8622,Terrestrial biospheres contain organic carbon in all living organisms including living organisms 8623,Two other options include citizenship education and citizenship literacy 8624,From molecular weight a pure acid may store approximately 4% of hydrogen per 8625,Although zero energy buildings are not common in the developed world even in developing countries 8626,Trade of PLC goods for example at London A.B. Stock Exchange in 2005 had 8627,This type of narrator includes a narrator with vision knowledge sensory orientation and 8628,It is also the highest-grossing film of Shah Rukh Khan s film Shah 8629,It was formed at the 1968 Mexico States Summer Olympics by Bahrain Kuwait Saudi 8630,His function was similar to that of the Athyos god 8631,The device has standards which do not charge the batteries 8632,In France also in 1983 Consumer Protection Act was adopted in 1988 as the Coal 8633,In the summer when his power is rising his own loneliness and his cold hand 8634,After playing in her first feature film she appeared in a mock-up 8635,Microsoft s support for the MSJVM expired on December 31 2007 and the j 8636,It is found in Nepal Mongolia and Tibet 8637,On 17 December 2003 the Airbus A310 which was flying from Bangalore to Tehran 8638,On the global level the rate of human population grew from 1962 to 1963 and 1.2% from 8639,Thus the volume of water obtained from the drainage standard is very close to 8640,The second case is translated into a memory address using the page table 8641,At the same time he was killed by a group of soldiers from Tehran 8642,The two men were appointed with extraordinary authority to act and reorganize the forces 8643,This relationship is most commonly used for general-purpose lamps which does not 8644,The Egyptians also requested assistance from the Egyptians 8645,The match which is considered to be the most memorable in the history of the European 8646,The presence of vinegar in the cochlear s cochlear 8647,It is one of the four types of languages in Chomsky inheritance 8648,Classical music in that period included romance dance political satire and melody 8649,In 1925 he became a commanding general of the Five Armies of Bremen 8650,It often appears as a failure of the body s defense system 8651,There are structures and functions of living organisms because they are able to 8652,The meridian 153° east of Greenwich is a line of longitude that extends 8653,He was like a container with a large hole in it each thing was 8654,The CD-ROM s memory is very much more expensive than VHS cards 8655,Iran lost the lion and tiger species in the early 20th century 8656,They sell food and sell food to other people 8657,This allows us to add a range of leaf nodes to a tree 8658,These portraits and portraits of Masonic themes based on which 8659,Hence no one shall be against any other environmental laws or shall be 8660,In 2002 the original painting sold in Sarawak nearly $5 million 8661,The messenger of the giant panda is a gas and liquid and it is thought to 8662,The definition of modularity as a subset of the system is not simply fea 8663,NASA s Spacelab launched a major role in building and supporting the space station 8664,Thomas Hardy worked as an architect until 1862 as a painter and then 8665,In 1951 he became captain of Liverpool and remained in Liverpool until he retir 8666,The first film in this mode was made in 1998 8667,In this type of memory the chip is programmed before being installed in the circuit but 8668,Although this pain usually persists within two to three days the estimated 8669,For a glass substance in the air Brewster s angle for the visible light 8670,On August 5 UN spokesperson Martin Neshour stated that the United Nations and 8671,Then God brings the prophets together and proves the superiority of Adam to 8672,In 1840 he went to Turkey to visit the ten Jewish people who were accused 8673,Since the preceding period there are a lot of excavations on the Mount of 8674,In 1960 he began writing a number of stories for children 8675,In 1990 he immigrated to the United States and joined the United States Army Air 8676,On the mission of the Apollo 11 mission Alan s arm himself read the Rubaiyat 8677,The threat and attack to the computer is primarily harsh due to its location and location 8678,A pure matter consisting only of atoms of one element is called a simple matter 8679,Campaigners established the name Amenita only in the Treaty of Carthage and Rome 8680,Filming began when Andrew Kevin Walker died in New York City where he 8681,However Goessef takes an enormous liking towards Sasha and 8682,Minimalist art is entered into the longest-running categories of modern art with 8683,In unsecured operating systems this can be any exposure on the system 8684,This method was first used by Isaac Comteton and published in a book 8685,In some places foxes are vulnerable to predators 8686,Thus the position of the sun is the meridian of the sun and he represents both 8687,On February 11 after a week of friction the village of Mali Bethesda was 8688,He separated from the club at the end of the season 8689,The company was founded in 1929 by Enzo Ferrari 8690,For example in relation to markets this may represent one such event: For example in relation to 8691,Another hand holds the torpedo which is a symbol of nectar and 8692,The versions of the basic model used in aviation have had more than 50 million hours 8693,However their body colours are very different and they are easily 8694,In 1975 he discovered the National Library of France 8695,It was first released in 1996 and was released for the PlayStation in 1996 8696,It is the largest oil reserve area in Saudi Arabia accounting for 60 billion barrels 8697,The first system to use blogging was the b2 cafelog system 8698,Miller also added 16 of 29 guns while 4 of 29 guns were three 8699,The network was suggested in 1968 and the construction began in 1969 8700,They measure the success of each state’s governance by taking measures of 8701,He was invited to join the club at the age of fourteen to join the club 8702,Designers may not be competent in mathematics or in practical considerations in cryptography 8703,The weakness is associated with nerve weakness such as in the neck stroke 8704,From 1933 to 1945 he managed the Eperus Museum in Berlin Germany 8705,Since the gardener does not rotate on a higher-level bed the 8706,In addition to the 31 tower 2 tower were used as water tower 8707,It was introduced to Europe in 1835 8708,The first guess was demonstrated by Bernard Dwork and a completely different proof 8709,Gurdjieff worked years ago until his father died in 1419 8710,Water boiler is a utility which cools the air by evaporation of 8711,The discovery of log V2 = 2 * log V which is ignored in 8712,He was injured and subsequently moved to the hospital 8713,However the Kherosoly War and his failed ties with Rome both weakened 8714,Jjvkhan although you are not among us and your healthy blood 8715,On 25 November 1956 Santiago and his mother moved to Cuba 8716,At the 2006 census its population was 780 in 129 families 8717,The subspecies are called red ravens which are found in a variety 8718,The Sultan Ahmed Mosque is a mosque located in Istanbul 8719,They are often found on cliff sites such as Semibalus balanoides and Ch 8720,He had three sons and one daughter 8721,King Darius says: Then the country I became 8722,Charles V also advocated the creation of the council as a means of 8723,Security intrusion is caused by systems users and individuals who manage the system 8724,In mathematics the concept of curve is used to represent a closed-loop 8725,This version is the most basic version of Windows 7 and is mostly installed in Net 8726,When the film was written the novel was still in print and was released in 1990 8727,After winning and playing with Warner Bros 8728,This compiler was very influential during its time as most C compilers were 8729,According to the curve flip can carry the same pressure 8730,In 1910 he moved to London School of Economics 8731,Although other sources reported that James Christie had rented auction chambers 8732,He is believed to have architected the Great Hall of Giza 8733,One year later William joined him and two brothers began to develop their family business 8734,The award is given to young writers selected by a group of journalists 8735,By the end of 1985 when Compute was introduced as a wave of cheap 8736,The Armenians under the command of Mithridates was defeated at the Battle of 8737,It is the third plan of water transfer from Karjan to Isfahan along with the 8738,The creator of a botnet is usually through IRC and often for 8739,In fact the probability of returning in any event is independent of the outcome of 8740,Mount Kenya is located in the north of Nairobi and Mount Kilimanjaro is on the 8741,In 1959 Swedish painter and filmmaker Fredrik Andersson recorded the sound of the 8742,In the 21st century 92 percent of the country s coffee has been produced in the 8743,In February 1997 Jackson issued an accusation by the New Zealand magazine The Listener for 8744,Four years later in 1906 the club along with a team led by a Swiss 8745,Afterwards she appeared on a cover of fashion magazines such as El Al the 8746,When using a g-spot eyes have the greatest sensitive eye 8747,In a general definition it is acknowledged that the quality of a working environment 8748,They are found in all waters in the world 8749,Vera has three sisters one of which is older than Hannah and two younger 8750,Some industries have policy standards standards and guidelines that are suitable for those 8751,The TCE granted the EU mandatory decisions on joint affairs such as 8752,Throughout this book Stevens is entirely faithful to the Lord of Darling 8753,She married Rosa Herrera who lived in the Democratic Republic of the Congo 8754,When Happy Hogan and Rajunov attempt to capture Vanko he is 8755,The project is expected to be chosen as a non-potable approach to plasma 8756,He was an Iranian writer politician and painter 8757,All competitions are held in one week 8758,The International Code of Medical Ethics adopted by the General Assembly of the WHO in 8759,Ocaklan is a village in eastern Turkey 8760,The novel tells the story of a father who tries to prove his son s 8761,In radix networks distribution lines do not belong to another source 8762,From this point we need to always be closely connected between the elites and 8763,The trees are found in all the areas where tree growth ability is and 8764,His father was a literate and skilled in agriculture 8765,This top called the T-shirt 12 was announced in October of that year in 8766,I think it was in fact insulting the eight candidates of the presidential elections and 8767,In recent years limited amounts of oil and phosphorus have been found in the 8768,He has published over 15 books and chapters 8769,David Greenman offered the name FreeBSD and was accepted by other developers on June 8770,He is considered one of the greatest prophets and one of the greatest 8771,The Undertaker and Kane won the WWE Tag Team Championships on April 15 2008 8772,Unlike all other measures that perform approximately between 3 and 9 feet above 8773,Despite the end of the third season however Matt Fellowes said the third season 8774,One player keeps its feet in a steady arm and wraps its 8775,The Baffar and the Sultan Mohammad Fateh Bridge for these two highways provide 8776,Other festivities include preparations for a variety of meals in the houses 8777,Ludź van Buuren was the first composer to use Piolho in his symphony 8778,The success of an adjustment strategy is a function of its own business model and 8779,The Prentice-Hall released a version of Myeks and Bytures with a 8780,The computational complexity of these types of programming depends on the number of 8781,There are no classes of C and of C++ 8782,Immy Kiswad is very useful in those with HIV-1 infections 8783,It is a reference to the least element stored in the list 8784,Ted Post was an American film and television director 8785,The second part of the address mapping system was the first to be monitored 8786,Between 1914 and 1918 with the rise of the First World War in Europe the Peugeot 8787,Three Throws was the band s fourth album to be released in October 2010 8788,It was during this time that he became aware of the principles and methods 8789,Hungary: From ʿĪyān to ʿĪyān from ʿ 8790,The epilepsy in India causes a 1.7% economic cost or a 8791,At the age of sixteen he started playing ancient sports and football matches 8792,To overthrow the right of President two-thirds of the House of Lords are required 8793,But in 1962 it was occupied with the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs to 8794,Trading theory theory begins primarily with the question of the amount of a 8795,The white color equilibrium or color equilibrium refers to the process of color 8796,The cleaning method may also be generalized to higher dimensions 8797,At this time he became a lecturer at the Radio Culture and the French magazines 8798,In 15 African countries censorship of women and girls is prohibited 8799,The band s lead singer Bhang Yoong-guek was inducted into the 8800,The breeding of some species is associated with the rhizome 8801,In 1956 W. R. Badgley had a commemorative exhibit for W 8802,There is no sheep in the genus Columbia 8803,For example the Underwater Cultural Heritage is protected by the Convention on the Underwater 8804,Consider the object with rotation rate ω around the angular plane relative to a 8805,Mohammad Javad Pandeh is an Iranian translator and sociologist who was killed 8806,In physics a number of people have begun to talk about what is actually 8807,It causes a sequence of events that increases the role of carbon di 8808,The tomb of the rabbinical priests or tomb of rabbinical priests 8809,He was also editor-in-chief of the Azad Daily which was published in 8810,The largest local production is maize which is consumed by millions of tons 8811,It can be used at public places which support wireless areas such as the airport 8812,According to a report released in 2001 Abdullah had four wife seven sons 8813,In all stages of research efforts should be made in terms of phrases that are 8814,IOG is often criticized as a dictator and criticized by some of the 8815,The members are Billy Gunn and Frank Birth 8816,It was originally supposed to be the name of the album 8817,On 12 December 1969 a bomb planted by the fascists was exploded in 8818,The loud sound turns out to be heard loudly Lavari refuses 8819,Most of the debate was centered on the subjective nature and complexity of cultures 8820,His reign was a period of economic refurbishment and demolition of the 8821,Inflammation and resistance to infections efficiently provides energy when needed 8822,Rostam Giō known simply as Rostam Giō was the founder of the 8823,Series 500 : In these chips two core cores and the final memory L3 is 8824,Digital game studies is a field of science that researchers use from various fields such 8825,In terrestrial fish a distinct sperm duct is often derived from a 8826,In July 734 the commander of the Muslim army of Abd al-Mul 8827,France recognized the results of a referendum on independence of Algeria held two days 8828,Attic and Aureghi Gasset – who believed in the study of culture – 8829,Colin Barrow is an American film and television director 8830,With the collapse of the cities people became attracted to Istanbul as a rapid 8831,In general the basic operation of balanced trees includes the operations done in binary 8832,In the United States there is a public agreement to create a teaching program for 8833,where M is M=p×q where p and q are the prime numbers 8834,For example the motion of planets around the Sun can be explained by a special 8835,Its climate is temperate at altitude of above sea level 8836,Shahriyar describes his childhood at the temple of Heydar Baba which 8837,Each cable has a diameter of 126 inches and consists of 368383 8838,This contest was considered to be a contest that was considered to be the greatest 8839,Modulation of the pipeline can be placed inside a single process and share the resources 8840,In the late 17th century Carlos de las Juagas Vasco da Gama began 8841,The snake pulls himself to the surfaces of the nectar to separate the 8842,The line with a degree of absolute magnetic attraction is currently passing 8843,These include a laptop for the search for a better life and connections plus 8844,The comparison of power values depends on any entity that transmits the same 8845,The weakness of the eye may also appear in the patient 8846,MT has a synchronized mode of transfer mode called the NMT-TEXT mode 8847,In 1949 he graduated from Moscow Air where he worked as a 8848,The science of syntax refers to a broader breadth than word 8849,iOS supports HTML5 and allows easy development of applications 8850,In 1806 Napoleon occupied Magdeburg and the Cathedral was used as a 8851,In the equipment of the Pioneer Cook the samples are heated within a 8852,It is usually believed that the majority of Lenin s decisions were 8853,Optoelectronics streak cameras produce electrons inside a photocathode photocathode 8854,The Sabines who migrated to Rome from the incident of rape 8855,Canada is a country in North America that consists of tens of thousands of office 8856,It is the largest listed company in Iran 8857,The suit is a t-shirt made of a vulcanized material and 8858,It continues until many Jews gathered with music to enter the gate of the 8859,png|long sweep chambers are the image of the bottom and below 8860,Sport also reduces the risk of breast cancer 8861,After the release of the Phantom the band embarked on a tour of North America Europe 8862,General William Sherman and Philip Shandling destroyed many cities and farms in the 8863,Flynn also engaged with the issue of women s rights and advocated for 8864,Because of the problems related to pollution the United States Department of State has recommended that 8865,In the same year he traveled to London and met contemporary figures 8866,Different language drivers are available under the Apache License 8867,Local climate is tropical which includes annual weather coverings in the south 8868,After three months he became a refugee 8869,In contrast African Americans adopted a mixed strategy devised through direct 8870,After the Iranian Revolution in 1979 and the Iranian Revolution in 1979 and the Iranian Revolution 8871,Metro 2033 is an action-adventure adventure game by Dmitry Glukhovsky based 8872,It is clear that any object that moves with ultra-sound may also be exposed to 8873,The artistic talent is mainly due to the arrangement and leadership of the Greek 8874,He then moved to the city of Aphrodite 8875,The brightest star of the night sky is the sanctuary 8876,The city of Vilnius was founded in 1933 by the Grand Grand Duchy of Dresde 8877,In contrast one can see an inverse dependency between the contemporary development models and the 8878,It is primarily used as a wireless convection device 8879,Ventilation as a natural cooling strategy uses air physical properties to remove heat 8880,It can transfer energy to more than the total bandwidth of the signal 8881,Many of the Jews in Iran no longer had any specific family prior to the permission 8882,In the following phase the ladder is chosen to have the minimum weight between 8883,When he was in hospital he went back from the fifth floor to the fifth 8884,In 546 BC Croesus succeeded as King Croesus 8885,Occasionally the decision was made without consulting the members of the International Monetary Fund 8886,The Iranian diaspora is divided into four millennia 8887,Over 70% of the crew participated in the surgery 8888,The name of the satrap is found in ancient Persian inscriptions Kappadokia 8889,The virus is transmitted from the patient via small droplets in air or contact with the skin 8890,It was developed by David Stockston until 2007 8891,The output of lasers is either continuously or continuously continuously 8892,As one of the top 50 NBA superstars he was inducted into the NBA Hall of 8893,He had two sons and two daughters 8894,Tourism in the Antarctic began with marine tourism in the 1960s 8895,When a large amount of pressure in the Coriodale is gathered 8896,18 years later in 1983 Harvard chose it as a spiritually recognized 8897,Instead of Antony Marcuse Licinius Praecarius succeeded on the throne 8898,He died in 1996 at the age of 54 8899,The Puritans or Parthians were a group of English Reformed Protestants 8900,According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 2012 it was estimated that 8901,This attracted much of the opera s chieftains because the very large 8902,The tree structure has six branches each containing monocrystalline and monocrystalline 8903,As a clerk the Iraqi dictator Saddam developed a personal 8904,It is bordered by Algeria to the east Algeria to the south and Algeria 8905,On November 5 2014 it was reported that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad had been involved in 8906,However in recent years it has been eaten in many countries because of the boom in 8907,It is currently in charge of the FSC. 8908,They support the struggle in post-secondary education post-secondary education and homeland knowledge 8909,Another advantage of this is that the preparation requires two weeks of preparation 8910,After the beginning of the 17th century and early 18th century the British 8911,The first public version was released in 1990 and the next year the Sun Microsystems team 8912,He decapitated all three fights that night with kendow 8913,She is also known for her first son s name 8914,In the same year he became acquainted with Mehdi Bazargan the Great of 8915,The Hebrew word is originally derived from the Hebrew Bible 8916,Some also recognize the name of the neighborhood as Abdullah John to the Croatian 8917,Grace Bennett is a kindergarten-graduated student in Texas who works as a 8918,These sizes vary widely in materials but more commonly nanomaterials refer to 8919,It was called Ordu because it was in the courtyard of Nâzım H 8920,In 1950 he traveled to the Soviet Union 8921,After completing an airport management he became Professor of Ottoman Engineering College in Istanbul 8922,He has been a member since 1974 and has been a member since 1974 8923,The reason for the delay was that Jackson s family owned 31 vehicles to act 8924,In October 2009 co-founder of the KDE project Gärt Woldert and 8925,The first prototype aircraft to enter service in 1982 8926,JPG|Cosmorama of the Palace of Impala now in the Metropolitan Museum of 8927,He entered the army in 1970 and graduated with a degree in 8928,The winner is the whom average wins after agreeing on the number of games that 8929,Examples of creation of a logical language emerged from the 1970s from 8930,Meanwhile General Nurman Shoafari went into exile in Lebanon and Pakistan and 8931,She is finally moved to Mommu Venue but is defeated by Takeshi 8932,He was born in Romania and his father was an Austrian Jewish 8933,It was signed on 29 May 2014 by the leaders of Belarus Kazakhstan and Russia and 8934,Other major cities of the city include James Joyce an Irish Holocaust survivor and 8935,The northern hemisphere is located at the Tropic of Capri 8936,This is directly implied the role of phytochrome to control the process of autosoming 8937,The wavelength is the distance between two elliptical cliffs 8938,Paul John Agaranet and John Gil went on to play three hours after his marriage 8939,Any person can easily be fooled in a traditional reverse merger 8940,His popularity became part-time when he appeared in Once Upon 8941,Each type of antibody is attached to a specific antibody type and removed 8942,There is much debate about motivation including the hierarchy of Mendel s needs and 8943,He was one of the most notorious and most famous pirates who built a 8944,She was the second wife of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi 8945,Other characteristics include the University of Göttingen which has more than four million volumes of 8946,Throughout the preceding six decades he recorded and or mentored many of the 8947,Their vassals sought to serve each other in their small community 8948,The failure of Suleiman s army to reach Vienna in 1532 was 8949,The period includes his workbook through the 1975–1976 period 8950,Six months after his death media announced that he was born 8951,Not all Muslims do not perform the ceremony 8952,It is 93 meters long and 75 594 meters wide 8953,Hasan Shapour I s relationship with Jews was based on the syncretistic 8954,After seeing the bear s ferocity Eshghis and his uncle Imsak 8955,It takes the form of a whitepaper 8956,The advanced radiometer is a Japanese reflector and guidance instrument installed on 8957,Access Control refers to a object that includes access rules 8958,In the sixth century it was written that Licinius Severus was poisoned but 8959,He used the term Stag-deflation meaning a combination of depression and negative 8960,According to this idea Yoga is defined in the Book of Idoleasaptayo: 8961,According to the Ministry of Culture Cultural and Cultural Organization of Fars the 8962,In 1978 astronomers discovered Pluto s Largest Moon—Sharon which made them 8963,After a short course and the temporary government was led by Alexander Krunov 8964,Based on these observations fossil bodies like wood and fossil hides 8965,The company is listed on the NASDAQ. 8966,Shahin Najafi had been a Headmaster of a underground music band in Iran 8967,It is situated southwest of Baghdad 8968,This is intended for its use in the Hilbert type synthesis algorithm which automatic 8969,None of the wood compound which is a former form of architecture in Japan 8970,Pure profit in accounting is a distinct concept of profit 8971,He began his studies at the University of Chicago 8972,None of these cakes are added to the rice a portion of 8973,They lived for up to 18 years but are not usually less than eight to 8974,The green building facilities include brick copper stone and other buildings that are long-lived 8975,He has written several films such as The Mobo Diary of a Madman 8976,It is one of the leading Swiss universities 8977,To separate the paper the chemical substance usually is mixed with a 8978,Education in the cultural centers of the Byzantine Empire is for the defense of 8979,Routine measures in the case of staphylococcus group B and stacoma 8980,The area of a triangle is equal to a second length of a 8981,During the 1999 U.S. embassy bombing in Belgrade Hu was 8982,In 2013 a rectangular lens for optical frequencies was created 8983,The principle of uncertainty has predicted that during the cycle of inflation 8984,Due to the continuing conditions of Holocene the Recreation Area plays a decisive 8985,The ladder must hold the necessary control of the swimmers from when the lodgers 8986,She informs José that she has been released from prison 8987,In the 10th century starting with the creation of the science of speech and 8988,The Armenian church in Georgia dates back to the 15th century 8989,Advocate Abraham Hardyrian the priest of the school maintains that other Armenian 8990,Gary Schumacher who had co-starred with Nolan in the Dark Knight career 8991,This process begins with an enzyme known as an enzyme 8992,Passive cooling covers all natural processes and practices of heat dissipation and 8993,São Paulo International AirportRacha Thewa Bang Phli Samut Prakan Greater Bangkok 8994,Chemicals absorption and high density which reversibly dissolve H2 8995,In practice shifting to the right the sign index enters the register on the left 8996,The output types are usually labeled with T and a Public header is 8997,In about 1941 the company began to record sound with a sound recorder resulting in 8998,Andronikos was the emperor of Persia 8999,There are a number of famous portraits of his wife Marguerite who 9000,It is a situation in which the market forces are defined as the target 9001,However he was not concerned with the changing of the title between the continent and 9002,In July 2007 he joined the Aurora Photographers Association 9003,During this time the majority of the organization leaders were arrested or killed 9004,In 1812 Rolls Rex commissioned several portraits of his seven-year-old 9005,Adamov is an American actress director and singer 9006,It is the largest solar unit in the year than the Sun 9007,Smith arrives and opens the door and opens the door 9008,The macro-cluster is a reliable way of implementing data centers 9009,There are no semantics about local ambiguities in local programming languages but 9010,When World War II broke out they returned to Bergen where they returned 9011,The film claims that Jews have been implicated in a controlled Jewish regime 9012,It is composed of water salt and biodegradable molecules 9013,In 1910 he moved to London School of Economics 9014,In the 16th European Cup which took place in Svizford and Austria he was 9015,It takes about 30 days to carry the moon to perform a complete awakening 9016,In India and around the world Yogananda is known as India s Sat Rock Society 9017,He began his studies at the University of British Columbia but in 1963 Hosseini 9018,The most common type of commodity is consumer s commodity which is used 9019,It is the best-known opera by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 9020,Another scholar suggests that the Isaiah 6:28 should not be interpreted as 9021,The black hole thermodynamics is a branch of physics concerned with the study of thermo 9022,These components may link the principle of the story to the length of a poem 9023,It was commissioned by the Cobain Lecture Committee in 2004 9024,After that period he studied economics at the London School of Economics 9025,Non-connected communication is a data transmission method used by packet switches and allows 9026,In 2007 the 64 bits version was supported 9027,37: Treaty of Third Servive ceases Armenia to Roman Armenia and 9028,Companies such as General Electric installed solar panels to benefit vehicles from sunlight 9029,At the end he was able to regain control of all areas between Urmia 9030,The country s main products are coffee pulses pulses oils rice potatoes 9031,After a number of engagements which were held in Berlin in November 1997 it was 9032,Others such as the Encyclopaedia of the Light Wizards are a collection 9033,It was first published in Iran in 1972 9034,Memory management: using new and delete functions 9035,The plant covers a temperate zones with 4–3 deciduous species per square 9036,The annual water sports contest is held every two years 9037,We suppose that the cube is completely full of a circle and 9038,There are a number of formulations which are all identically in principle but 9039,The experiments aimed at confirming the molecular structure of the hydrogen hydrogen 9040,Following 18 years of a cosmic equation or cosmic equation the 9041,Both these principles can be compared with the Pareto principle in similar 9042,In linear control the student learns frequency and time domain analysis 9043,The wind tunnel our supersonic uses this way and the model is placed in a 9044,Max Hölle was a Swiss film director and screenwriter 9045,At around the age of 12 when there is no lying tooth in the mouth 9046,From version 9 onwards FreeBSD provides a new installer called bsdinstall 9047,Other natural disasters are caused by panic and anxiety 9048,In the 16th century at the General Measurement and Teсийн Conference the candle was 9049,It is one of the 100 famous mountains in Japan 9050,In 1997 Kenneth Nittanino directed the film Jacky Brown based on the novel 9051,He received a PhD in political science from Tarbiat Modarres University 9052,Algol Coral 66 Atlas Autocode and Imp are examples of the language which need to 9053,The V-2 was Germany s first operational and practical exemplar of a fluid 9054,In mathematics in many areas of mathematics mathematical analysis and combinatorial 9055,It has also been suggested that many of Western understandings of liberalism in law 9056,In 705 Justinian marched towards Constantinople and Tiberius was forced to 9057,Amphisteins are similar in chemical composition and common property 9058,He then returned to Zurich and worked as a nurse at the University of 9059,In 1983 he was awarded the American Medal of Science for the explanation and power of 9060,The father died in a severe condition while still suffering from a 9061,For example the mixture of water and soap is able to clean the glass glass 9062,The western Antarctica or the small Antarctica is one of the two major areas in the 9063,1973 - NASA launches the Mariner 10 as the first spacecraft to land in orbit 9064,It was during this time that the United Kingdom with Colombia Tunisia and Romania became 9065,It is dedicated to Andrei Tarkovsky a close friend of Parmalat who died 9066,He was elected Mayor of Liverpool on 3 September 2005 9067,The Duchy of DuChcan is a Czech hydroelectric power plant located in the 9068,B - Expropriation of the remaining oil in a well that is not 9069,Watson said Muhammad created a new system of social security and labour structure which 9070,In 2001 Duncan Watts a fellow of Columbia University chose to do this 9071,In 1929 South Ireland gained independence as the Free State of Ireland 9072,These two relationships are related to the two definitions that have the same graph but 9073,His mother was a British immigrant and his father was a Jewish Jewish 9074,The Mishnah is a series of controversial discussions and opinions 9075,After returning to Iran Campbell moved to India and then to Japan in early 1648 9076,The magazine Voice of Azerbaijan Started in Kiev in 1998 9077,The easternmost star is the North Pole from about 2000 B.C. to the 9078,The band was founded by Tom and as a pioneer in the coal mine of the 9079,She married director Rodolfo Siber who later became the director of Paramount s 9080,In January 1982 the band released My Beෙමි which was the first single without 9081,The 23rd International Semiconductor Conference was held in Brussels in December 2005 9082,The elite leaders manage all military military and foreign affairs 9083,In contrast the cytoplasm has ions + K and +Na ions 9084,The park is located in the Shinjuku area and has 1 150 trees of 65 different 9085,The song which was supposed to be a declaration of independence was 9086,The mathematical structure was similar to HTML but standardization did not occur until 14 months 9087,The RNFO is a derived factor from the peripheral blood of the inflammatory 9088,quot Receive quot is quot receive quot receive quot receive quot receive 9089,However due to a lack of evil gene in Heihachi these experiment 9090,The season was the eleventh season of the club 9091,This positive feedback needs to be produced that continue to grow 9092,In 1947 John Bardon and Hubert Howard Barrière developed the first JFET to 9093,During his reign the Safavid Shahs led the leadership of Elam 9094,The negotiating was almost fraudulent because the Sabines had permission to 9095,Domestic violence and violent demonstrations leading to democracy forced the king 9096,The earliest reference to condom was written thousands BC and refers to 9097,At the beginning of the emperor s reign the Kingdom of Naples was 9098,The epilepsy cannot be cured by medication effectively in about 70% of 9099,It was invented and invented by Louis-Jaques-Mandé-sur-Som 9100,Over the past few years copper copper and iron were mines in Qazvin 9101,The programmer is authorized to avoid vulnerabilities and the programmer is authorized to eliminate 9102,In the next phase which is the refractive index of the light which is 9103,Both the right of the author and the right to create a source of revenue 9104,After simulation is completed data can then be statistically analyzed with tools like R 9105,Its output is composed of two parts one for the modem and one for the telephone 9106,In Ireland the Bronze Age began as early as 2000 BC when bronze was built 9107,This process continues as long as they start to internalise their facilities or they 9108,If the minimum amount of demineralized water is theoretically converted into liquid 9109,In the Book of Jeremiah and in the Book of Revelation Bardon named Bardon 9110,It is a river in the southernmost part of the country 9111,The resistance of microorganisms against antibiotics is a well-known example of 9112,Like other penguins the crustacean is relatively acidic and reduces 9113,His relationship with the revolutionary forces of Bushahr and Fars reflects his role in 9114,Critics argue that traditional societies are destroying a new form of 9115,This type of giraffe lives in the Kilimanjaro Mountains central and southern Kenya and 9116,Women are viewed as a part of society 9117,However during this period the Sassanid rulers soon expanded their 9118,It was discovered when a zoologist discovered a small rounded body 9119,The name of the old area is derived from the owner owner of the area in the past 9120,I don t think about Hooke not because I don t want to change my 9121,In January 1990 the single Breathe Joy was released which became a 9122,It has a total weight of and a maximum height of 9123,The Women s Revolution in Afghanistan is an Iranian women s organization that announced its 9124,A simple example of the concept of excitation can be seen in the hydrogen atom 9125,The mountain is usually considered the western part of the city 9126,In 1953 he also acquired La Liga and the Copa del Generalísimo 9127,In his autobiography Duncan had contacted a young Italian juvenile Romo Ponti 9128,In 1932 the Japanese consulate was appointed as Commander-in-Chief of the Research 9129,In addition the most notable article published by Fidel Castro s David X. C 9130,The majority of Ecuadorian people are religious and participate in religious rite 9131,Conditions with controlled environments use high humidity low oxygen and carbon dioxide 9132,In the early 1970s she appeared in the Polish theatre and worked 9133,Shortly after he is arrested for driving behind the road and descent 9134,Mansfieldi was founded in Germany in 1989 by a former Iranian migrant 9135,He was born in the town of Nice in France 9136,Both computer algebra and geometry systems help reduce the memory and accuracy of the 9137,The Israeli soldiers were able to drill a bridge but a number of 9138,Others such as Gustave Aschermenberg discussed a combination of various reason 9139,It was the most popular data model prior to being replaced by a relational model 9140,Lucas decides to divorce George Wilkins daughter by allowing him to marry his daughter 9141,This method is to stimulate debate regarding the nature of the human and human universe 9142,This result includes all art from all over Europe throughout the mid-18th century in France 9143,Shortly after Bell s graduation at Columbia College Political Thought shifted to 9144,A random memory or reading memory is a type of memory 9145,Zeus chose Zeus s wife as her mother 9146,In 1933 it was installed on the Junkers Jumo 210 engine 9147,Closed clusters are clusters of stars which range from less than 100 to 9148,The theatre will be named for her at least 50 years and will be renamed 9149,DES has a Blue block size of 64 bits and its key size of 56 9150,In the Middle Ages in Europe the Shah army was commanded under the command of the 9151,In Euclidean geometry the sum of the angles of each triangle is 9152,At the same time he abandoned the Pope and restored the church 9153,In January 2009 it was reported that al-Qaeda and al-Qaeda 9154,His painting Two Women Throwing Flowers During Carpintero was established in 1872 and 9155,Then Mandela began working as an adviser to a law firm 9156,where b x and y are larger than 0 and b ne 1 9157,Charles arrived in Riga on 23 September he knew that Chadwick s forces 9158,According to the resolution and its proximity resolutions were approved by the International Court of 9159,In 1985 they dismissed the use and contribution of drugs 9160,After leaving Buenos Aires he was able to maintain the new regime and command 9161,During World War I a committee called the Melignant Committee led by Mohammad 9162,The attack is much stronger than a collision attack 9163,In September 2012 he was appointed as a special representative of the United Nations and 9164,The two days of the Haggaia method is celebrated and they are expected to 9165,The combined form of this drug is Teylan HCT teveten Plus and teveten Plus 9166,Because of this reason Crowe realized that the story was too complicated and replaced 9167,In autumn of the same year he returned to the United States 9168,The purpose of this type of attack is to get access to a number of resources that the 9169,The most complex ones are NP-complete while there is no known NP-complete 9170,Patients with periodontal anomalies and dysphagia in the sleep may benefit from 9171,Mohammad Reza Shajarian is an Iranian scholar and author 9172,Because of their earlier research efforts they developed a set of 9173,During Napoleon s campaigns against Russia from September 2 until October 11 9174,However the first school to become the Lavarande Community School was the Lavarande 9175,He went to India in 1315 along with Shane Phoenix 9176,It typically uses electrical control line cables in a range of 20–200 9177,The human anatomy laboratory and human engineering laboratory is also officially known as the 9178,In 1977 he published a letter to Roll 9179,He became Crown Prince at the age of 20 9180,The carbon in the atmosphere plays an important role in the greenhouse effect 9181,Heavy metals are a group of heavy metals which are predicted and 9182,In 1960 he moved to İstanbul where he recorded his first Persian-language album 9183,For these two films Gilbert served as a secretary to the American rock band 9184,In architecture and architecture the primary differences between graphic design and architecture are summarized 9185,To solve this problem we use rotational deletion 9186,From 1930 he embarked on a tour of Europe mostly in Paris 9187,Some investors choose combinations of technical fountainhead and institutional factors 9188,But Tati began to crack the gradual spread of the Turkish-Turkish language 9189,Henry Ford: Founder and founder of the Ford Motor Company 9190,The Temple of Hishappaj is a remarkable example of the style of the 9191,The next year he was in the attack line of Bayern Munich 9192,In this method the text is transformed into a language that is independent of the destination language 9193,The French racing firm BGSEE was invited to participate in research 9194,Another barrier to dam construction is the sheltering of the population residing in 9195,In 1981 two surgeons of Brabantian Army donated a new design of 9196,The second volume of the Meciah interpretation includes the interpretations of the 1 to 9197,It is a part of the HVAC system which uses a building s 9198,When the First Dynasty was used in English about 1836 this was a mystical 9199,The algorithm for matching strings with linear time was developed by Donald Knuth and 9200,Another advantage of the use of new threads instead of a new thread is 9201,It is usually banned from the use of materials without explicit restrictions 9202,The company is a manufacturer and supplier of vehicles which are renowned for its 9203,The material used in the body is made of a cast iron structure which is highly 9204,GNU GRUB is developed from a package called the Grand Unified Bootloader 9205,Fritz and his daughter went to Vienna and successfully achieved a positive vision 9206,Delgosha Garden is a historical garden garden in Shiraz Iran 9207,On July 12 Howard Hodgson graduated from a penalty shootout 9208,Any response to Einstein s equations describes the perfect history of a world describ 9209,For the production of metallic lead and fertilizer it is then transferred to the metal 9210,These افزودنی materials can be divided into four categories: hard polystyrene 9211,Only recently they could have reached maturity by means of 9212,This is the first time Wales participated in the race 9213,It is believed that Alexander had been a vampire at this time 9214,After the assassination of Akbar Roubby his daughter Dalia became politically 9215,On 11 September 1156 Antidote who had been conscious of these attacks and 9216,From 1970 to 1979 he taught Persian literature at the University of California Berkeley 9217,She was raised in the house of Edward VI s father Henry whom her mother had 9218,Lawrence Lessig distinguishes culture as opposed to the free culture movement 9219,The first railway agreement in Iran was signed in June 2015 9220,Richard Wright left the band in 1979 due to personal difficulties with Waters 9221,Francesco Perovœur and his brothers became embroiled in mythical 9222,The book consists of thirteen short stories published 10 years before the publication of the 9223,After the match Fox attacked Emma and other crew from Orton 9224,In Turkish the word literally literally literally literally literally literally literally 9225,The Canadian Left Conservative Movement favors the independence of the French language of 9226,and they did not think of a certain number of Swedes and did not expect 9227,The Winchester Church in Germany which was a part of the Holy Roman Empire 9228,The Communist Party of Afghanistan is a member of the International Islamic Revolutionary Movement 9229,The following proposition states that the term A subseteq B is equivalent to 9230,In the simplest case the coloring is the case in which no two adjacent vertic 9231,Then the receiver then parses recognizable signal for each transmitter through 9232,There are approximately 8 239 branches of which are called descendants 9233,At the start of the song Cobain started singing and singing MTV s 9234,The appearance is the sequence of stars coming out of the galaxy visible today 9235,Hitler s Nazi Party came to power in Germany and Mussolini s Fascist Fascist 9236,Today there are organizations that provide services and products or products and use a free-flow 9237,After a year he changed his job and moved to the Vietnamese garage 9238,Advertiser ads can be provided using rich media video audio sounds animations 9239,Market does not fluctuate in a critical boundary so the 9240,It contains 32 bits which contains the destination address 9241,In fact this species does not have a time delay especially in places 9242,As a result those who have been appointed to a public transportation system have 9243,To properly enforce the law Bennett Colebrook and Jack Kirby are based in 9244,Thus technically DSLAM can be used as a breadth-backed 9245,Literary works include the first Avicenna book The Calendars and Writings 9246,In Baroque music a greater emphasis on hammer is often used 9247,Thus the internal chemical energy μ-E0 is roughly equal to 9248,This automata is similar to a Measure-once stack instead of a 9249,In the generic word AFLATOXIN the letters A and F are derived from the 9250,He received a bachelor s degree from the University of Michigan in 1969 and 9251,He moved to Hong Kong at the age of twice with his family and brother 9252,Per Geshel the Swedish singer-songwriter and renowned Swedish singer 9253,It forms part of the border between the city of Sierra Canyon and 9254,It is the world s most watched sport in the world after the Persian Gulf 9255,Mashhad University of Medical Sciences is a university based in Mashhad Iran 9256,There is an oil pipeline from the Gulf of Sulaymaniyah 9257,The Apollo program was completed from 1961 to 1975 9258,He then goes toward a black-and-red cat whose cat controls 9259,In the Anglo-Iranian language the term saba refers to a system of a 9260,She was discovered at the age of 15 by a Junior Modeler in Cambridgeshire 9261,The Ferrari team was the only remaining active member of the tournament since the 1950s 9262,He left the club after nine months in July 2014 9263,The Talmud agreements have argued that these criticisms have caused 9264,The sequence is used in the Lua-Pouf-optic pole where they 9265,The series is named after one of the stories of the series 9266,De Gea also learned the method of swallowing a method which he 9267,Gothic art is situated among the periods of novelist and Renaissance 9268,She flees and escapes and escapes 9269,Other facilities include double-strand imaging for the heart and the brain WiFi connections for the 9270,Abdullah Jaffari was an Iranian reformist and founder of the Azad University from 9271,Yazichor was a pharaoh in the 15th dynasty of ancient 9272,Russia warned that such measures without the permission of the United Nations would 9273,After the Anglo-Saxon conquest of England and the creation of Great Britain in 9274,These include messages that are audible while listening to their tracks and 9275,The roof cover is also supported by GSM and may be utilized by picocell 9276,Then you can escape the flow of the flow using a straight faced face 9277,Frederick III of Denmark tried to occupy the areas which he had 9278,As a result players from North America were asked to change their password and 9279,Afghan and Afghan officials say the Afghan government must participate in talks 9280,When using pseudo-random numbers the analyst must ensure that the random 9281,He was one of the commanders of the Army of the Guardians of the 9282,I don t know the cause of this and I do not know the consequences of 9283,He was chosen as the lead vocalist and the lead drummer of the band 9284,As with a central processing unit in today s computers a milling for data in 9285,Human psychology emerged in the 1950s as a reaction to positive psychology and scientific 9286,Performance based HERS: Building energy efficiency is determined by the comparison of actual 9287,The linear stages of growth model is a financial model developed by Marshallplan 9288,2DFAs can be shown equivalent to DFAs where each formal language 9289,Because saturated fatty acids are burned faster than unsaturated foods 9290,The amount of time MAC is protected from the authenticity of the message data and its 9291,It is the fourth big satellite in the local galactic cluster and forms 9292,They were accused of sending a Macedonian officers and soldiers 9293,These phones are increasingly using digital sounds such as GSM or W. 9294,Rousey s role in the fourth season was given to Jennifer Courts 9295,At the time the USSR had already undertaken the F-22 Raptor program which 9296,In physics a number of people have begun to talk about what is actually 9297,Types of cranes are found in soil that help improve the status of the 9298,After the invasion of Iraq in 2003 the tower was occupied by American 9299,In phase-damping lasers do not occur and thus no pulse-to 9300,It was supposed to be part of an opera of the Great Program of 1937 9301,Suppose that there are six cities A B C D E and F: 9302,From 1980 onward computers were used for data processing and entertainment while televisions were used for 9303,Second : is built with tall walls inside the garden a summer lodge and 9304,Federico Giuseppe di Figueiredo was born on May 11 1904 in a 9305,چاپ اول، دبی: سال انتشار 2003 میلادی Hajj Mohammed Khalaf 9306,In larger corporations a whole-leaning group with a skilled 9307,More than a certain amount of wheat is effective in changing the amount 9308,Patriarch: Patriarch: Patriarch: Patriarch: Patriarch: Patriarch: Patriar 9309,During breastfeeding women also experience a lack of sexual indulgence and 9310,From June–early June he suffered a stroke and reduced his weight only to 9311,Lغمان Province is a province in Afghanistan 9312,He was invited to attend the first Turkish Esperanto conference on September 22 1932 under the 9313,Scientists have believed that our solar system came about 4.6 billion years before a 9314,The development of the Natega film began in March 2011 when Sam Walton Productions and 9315,For mobiles using a software that is for the Android and Windows Phone 7 operating 9316,He was the first prince of Moscow who defeated the Tarot in Russia 9317,Despite the fact that the friend of the derived class will only get retrieved from 9318,David Warner is portrayed by David Warner as the Officer and custodian of the 9319,1948 - The flag of Quebec is adopted for the first time in the Quebec 9320,Various sources estimated the depths of the modified lake from 29 to 9321,For this reason there is a theory for describing how matter s effect on its 9322,I shall say to you that I am able to produce without using a 9323,It has a weight of less than 2 0 grams and is a combination of 9324,Fiat Fiat Fiat Fiat Fiat Fiat Fiat Fiat Fiat 9325,It should suppose that the base ligature height scales are indeed a 9326,He also participated in charitable activities such as football for the prevention of poverty and 9327,SCADA systems are used to monitor and control chemical transportation urban water recycling and other 9328,God is the omniscient omniscient omniscient omniscient omniscient omni 9329,After conjugation of hydrochloric acid with conventional oxidizing substances such as 9330,The love triangle is a girl who wants to marry his father s 9331,The Egyptian army possesses a golden eagle to the left 9332,More than tens of thousands of protesters protested against the deaths of three 9333,By the start of the war the publication of books and magazines stopped leading to the 9334,We recommend using virgin olive oil to make bread 9335,In 2002 a PhD student at Cambridge University discovered an secure PIN of IBM 9336,It is the dominant form of chemical weathering and is useful in the separation 9337,In meteorology a conductor is transmitted from the transmitted light to the transmitted 9338,Antifreezes and shingles are only used for external usage 9339,At the end of the season with Kitsch Floos as manager and several mistakes 9340,If it is assumed that the position removal and mutation occur in a given 9341,After the First World War many political parties were established in Germany which were main 9342,The album was released in Europe on December 14 1992 and on December 15 1992 9343,It is estimated to be 70 million dollars 9344,The Theosophical Society purchased the Saw Tooth Foundation in 1925 and during 1951 9345,For example in 1839 the Khakhuli outlines the subject in these terms: 9346,In addition the Bragg grating is also sensitive to temperature 9347,The narrator s process of narrative is concerned with the individualistic individualistic 9348,He died in 695 three years after his death 9349,They are believed to be one of the main branches of the Islamic 9350,It is revealed whether the touring was developing or not but there is no 9351,Each type of climate is represented by two to four characters 9352,Bones are a living tissue and in fact a organ 9353,They were arrested without any evidence 9354,The colour and wing of birds differs between males and females but 9355,It is often translated into English 9356,The Greeks insisted that they would leave there and the Greeks 9357,The game was performed by three independent players who had the ability to control one of 9358,In 1968 Band El Rasputin recorded the song in the Vietnam War 9359,Until the late 1860s Brighton Beach had a relatively low land surface but 9360,Simon Blackburn is an English philosopher who is known for his efforts to increase 9361,After the defeat of the Persians many of the Persian soldiers and 9362,These events include adding another parabola to the beach line and adding another 9363,It is also added to spice and spices including dried pomegranate 9364,The boundary of the Great Hōhoka River crosses the narrow 9365,After Josephine s death army officers elected a military officer 9366,In statistics a ordinal kM statistics is a statistical estimate of 9367,Other classes are ML and Cl and MH. 9368,The arms carry law in the United States has been defined by a number of 9369,This over time leads to a decrease in the functionality of the system and 9370,Carlos Vardo Carabobo is a Spanish professional football referee 9371,Around the same time a group of ten or twelve Swedish aircraft identified 9372,People such as Zhuanlu Mōgzhuge Dongyang Deng Xiaoping Jiang Zeme 9373,It is in contrast to a commodity money in which the gold and silver 9374,The Gulf of Chabahar is the largest in Iran along the coast of the 9375,Their contract with IMI had disappeared from the studio due to the reduction in 9376,The conference was held in Hong Kong from 13 December to 18 December 2005 9377,They have performed at a number of festivals including Tracy Chapman Bell 9378,In the β and α trials they found that the higher efficiency the small 9379,However if we have a single set for each element of S and add a 9380,The amount of the visible area of the Moon depends on the location of the Moon 9381,In 1986 he received the Warner Award for a lifetime associate in computing 9382,One of the two daughter cells from the division of each of the fundamental cells 9383,Shannon-Fano code relating to this example is 001 01 10 11 where the 9384,She is the sister of the retired pornographic actress Porona Mera Monroe 9385,Since then Orage worked in the translations of Gurdjieff s All and 9386,In Iran the U.S. embassy was occupied on September 13 1979 by 9387,He was an Iranian writer politician and painter 9388,The term was first proposed by J. Gordon Melton and in a paper presented 9389,The ATM protocol allows continuously transferring information which at a few lines 9390,He also proved that special degree partial differential equations of the sixth rank 9391,Two volumes of the Hebrew translation also called the Encyclopædia Britannica were 9392,Due to heavy movements on the right side of the large intestine it is possible to 9393,The series was based on the first eight seasons of the series 9394,The work of Lu Xun had a significant impact after the Third Movement of 9395,The field of material engineering is divided between eleven and a half universities 9396,He moved from Los Angeles to Greenwich Village New York in 2009 9397,He was killed in a car crash on 26 January 2006 near Las Vegas 9398,The album was nominated for the Best Metal Music Award in 1991 9399,At the expense of this formidable strike his father commanded his ten thousand 9400,They shared an oil and lead plant with each other 9401,It is located on the right side of the body 9402,It is believed that some of the symptoms include fever stress sunlight and 9403,Until the 11th century bread was used as a nickname of some Seljuk 9404,One of the most central themes in contemporary political philosophy is the theory of 9405,The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund have established significant contributions to developing 9406,This improves performance but also requires much more complexity cards 9407,Currently six generations of BlackBerry have been introduced into the market 9408,The city finished its entire trajectory through the Transcaucaියේ railway 9409,The word Savar is also a reference to the word association which was coined in 9410,King Darius says that the man was a woman and the man was a woman 9411,The term stock market bubble refers to the market bubble 9412,He went to England for six months and spent six months studying at the British 9413,Carlos and A. B.C.S entered the race from U.B.C 9414,Noyanjar is a city in northwestern Lorestan province in northwestern Lorestan 9415,In late 2013 he was united with the Iraqi Islamic State of Iraq and 9416,Since Constantine was not able to inherit his throne upon his death 9417,During the next few days the Soviet troops advanced towards the city 9418,Many of these methods require more than minimum requirements of three parameters but ultimately the 9419,This type of hand was introduced in Germany in the 18th century when the first generation 9420,On 1 February 1934 he served as the new commander of the Third Army 9421,The Silence of the Wind is a project led by Paul Verluden founder 9422,Note that T is a multiset 9423,Collagen is the fastest ligament of tissue and is lost by enzymes of 9424,For this reason several Afghan films were released outside of the country: 9425,There are fifty-four percent of the schools associated with the Church which have 9426,The thickness of this layer is usually between a few hundred 9427,However after a few months at the end of the month they remained 9428,Each story is gathered in the Board of Directors and Carrie and Bob Singer 9429,An edge oscillator is both a open graph and a closed set meaning that 9430,Treatment may lead to mental retardation and behavioral disorders 9431,Some former sublists have been upgraded to separate sublists 9432,Martin Heidegger was one of the most well-known medieval philosophers of the 20th 9433,In December 2008 Brown announced plans to create new jobs for the renewable energy industry and 9434,He was buried in a tomb of a legendary pharaoh in 9435,However prior to the rationing of anti-cancer properties to peptides and the 9436,| height =15px bgcolor=#ffffff |Areas under the control of India 9437,For OFB and CTR OFB and CTR will eliminate the entire use of 9438,Hall was born on December 6 1863 in Thompson Pennsylvania 9439,His family consisted of skilled and high level apprentices 9440,After three years protesting the situation and criticizing the Ministry of Culture and Arts which 9441,On the other hand in this cycle the PC is modified so that the next instruction that 9442,Three years later he was elected a military advisor to President Arturo 9443,The search for AX performs three comparisons to the first letter and two comparisons 9444,چاپ اول، دبی: سال انتشار 2003 میلادی Mohammed Kookherdi 9445,Unlike commercial banks savings banks do not have dividends unless they are 9446,He also sang the song Make a Wave in 2010 9447,His father was a French civil servant from France and England 9448,It was the site of a battlefield between Julius Caesar and Pompey 9449,The world tour ranking by the World Tourism Organization is published annually by the World Tourism 9450,Wind power is used directly to extract grains or pump water 9451,After the blade is heated to the proper temperature the blade is immersed in 9452,Following the death of Gensotcheh Oshtha is regarded as the father 9453,Thus they could penetrate the Armenian forces and with a third 9454,However Ammianus who wrote a section of his report based on Strathhoid 9455,However the U.S. government announced that the failed dictatorship and the 9456,He spent his remaining years in Washington D.C. and his remaining 9457,Another important step was that the Whitlam government was able to recognize the federal 9458,With majority votes in the United Nations General Assembly and the support of China the un 9459,Portland concrete manufacturing produces approximately 1 tonne of carbon dioxide while 9460,Sexual offense with relatives is considered for both 9461,In the early 2003 early she graduated from four MTV s graduate 9462,In the autumn of the 17th century the French remained on the coast of 9463,Also in some cases the cities and areas in which the majority of 9464,The stapes is the smallest and the flesh of the human body 9465,In the basic and basic motions all horses travel with four steps at 9466,He grew up in Munich and his father was a professor of pharmacy chemistry 9467,As a result the UK experienced negative inflation around 10% in 1921 14% in 9468,He received a gold and silver certificate in the United Kingdom on 1 October 1987 and 9469,The event was a place where thousands of Iranian traditionalist and modern 9470,The site was located east of the Florida Coast which was ideal for purpose because it 9471,Even the fact that the L 35 Chronicles explicitly describes the death of 9472,His mother Dina was born in Greece 9473,The Faculty of Law Library also has 25 000 volumes of books in political and 9474,Delona in an interview in New York City stated that Lopez had been being questioned 9475,The solution to the problem was simple very simple 9476,Charles and his crew launched the first hydrogen balloon on 27 October 1783 9477,In this case the radius of the conductor is scriptstyle sqrt 2 9478,Otherwise Vernon s theorem tells us that S5 is not empty 9479,The first proof of the unsanchement in Barbados was affirmed by E. 9480,This may occur when children in low-age families go to a new language 9481,In graph theory the Doppler algorithm is a graph queap algorithm developed 9482,Solar energy wind energy and small hydroelectric power are often deployed in buildings but 9483,At the time copper was fertilized with arsenic it is still stable in 9484,The motion of objects at the surface of the Earth originates from the Coriolis force 9485,He taught basketball in the University of California Berkeley and in the second round of 9486,Floyd Bennett was an American aviator who accompanied Richard during his Expedition 9487,Two common implementations of the library are libpcap in Unix and winpcap 9488,He was sentenced to life imprisonment from 1921 to 1923 9489,The original USB 2.0 has a data rate of Mbit s 12 Mbit s 9490,Thus نظر because the propositional act has been conjectured by the chains 9491,Just as Wright decided to build a house at the site Wright realized that the problems 9492,He translated Hermetic texts into Europe and translated into Latin 9493,The official statistics provided by the Special Commission for Names to Turkmenistan is 12 211 9494,His influence was initially limited to the Scandinavian and German-speaking countries where 9495,The manga has sold more than 72 million copies in Japan 9496,In physics several different types of magnetic property exist 9497,Twelve meetings were held but nearly half the rest were formal ceremonies 9498,He cites the small name of the appointed persons in his letter and has a 9499,At the right sweep of the Kuitolys Eurystheus s 9500,It combines various fields in the fields of anatomy neuroscience and social 9501,It represents the pronunciation of the Turkish word with a high precision and 9502,They violently weeped and finally quelled their virginity 9503,The transmission of a glucose thrombin is done by contacting a patient 9504,For avoiding complexity let s assume that the ordered set of Ω is 9505,Some historians claim that Suleiman was a descendant of Alexander the Great 9506,Broadus is a chemical element and therefore lacks a stable 9507,A large number of patients with steroids and tamoxifen treatment had an increase of 9508,It is located about north of Kabul 9509,Though the definition of a tzadik is not necessarily a conjecture 9510,The structure is very similar to the union of water molecules and complex compositions of 9511,He was a prolific translator and translated many books from Arabic into Hebrew 9512,According to the Swiss banking association of Switzerland India has the highest black pound in 9513,When he arrived in Tehran he said that he was looking for a 9514,Akhtari is a region that is mentioned in Assyria s earli 9515,It is a good way to keep their body markings 9516,The humidity of the camel s body is not constant and slowly increases 9517,C the data is removed and P is retrieved 9518,When he was 22 Cooper appeared in the Forever 21 film directed by David 9519,Due to his death it was a voluntary elections in Venezuela and 30 days after 9520,S is the root node VP and NP are the branch nodes the hit john N and 9521,The treaty prohibits member states from using any nuclear explosion at any 9522,Wind blowing is a type of wind blowing with high humidity and relative 9523,In the Northern Hemisphere the beginning of spring is on March 21 while in 9524,In the 1980s General Lucy Garna a conscientious and oparmed rebellion 9525,Williams was nominated for five Academy Awards three Academy Awards and three Academy Awards 9526,He was granted the title of Princess of Prague 9527,During the 2nd or 3rd mating the fetus matures 9528,They are looking for food in groups ranging from 30–40 individuals and are 9529,The primary tree was more than 100 feet tall and lived between 150 and 400 9530,In 1969 the NASA announced that the astronauts Neil Armstrong and Backward Altwin 9531,Khan received the Star Screen Award for Best Actor and the Stardust Award for Best 9532,The Jewish presence of Jews continued until all of them were expelled 9533,In various stages of investigations 225 671 tons were expected to be 9534,A sported lawn with natural grass in most climates can play only for 350 hours 9535,Because these data are transmitted over a network they must be standardized on 9536,During this period Iran and Turkey both faced a major threat to the 9537,His family grew up in hard and poor health 9538,In 1906 he worked at the Moscow funeral office 9539,Each system helps to maintain autonomy other systems and the whole body 9540,As a result the roots are not able to absorb water and minerals and the 9541,For example the parent process can wait for the parent process to complete the process and kill the process 9542,The annual Harvest Festival which aims to attract tourists to the city is 9543,In January 2009 it was published at the University of Innsbruck Austria 9544,Water has a high ammonia which is converted into a lower 9545,This is one of the most important aspects of the IEEE 802.16e-2005 and is 9546,Similarly Eastern erotic art in China also gained popularity during the second 9547,Surna2 has more than 10 000 people active working hours 9548,He was married to Anna Elizabeth Rossouw in 1943 9549,At the age of 18 the elected age was 3960 000 and 3960 000 9550,In 1986 while Athletic Bilbao acquired the club as manager and players such as 9551,The killer rifle was a fighter plane hijacked and forced to land on 9552,Each day is also consisting of an introduction and a conclusion to describe 9553,Japan s national theatre is Japan s national theatre 9554,Currently she works with guest readers 9555,Four survivors were killed and 18 others were injured 9556,The activities of the Iranian Automobile Federation began on October 11 1909 and Iran was 9557,On 18 March 2008 the band was awarded the Best Group of the Year at Meteor Awards 2009 9558,Post-structuralism is a historical-society-society which refers to the 9559,The only important thing that was similar to that of the old pianists was that it was 9560,He had sketches and drawings from Dante before he requested the sculpture 9561,As a playwright of the method of killing these animals he had a 9562,After the attack he was transferred to the hospital 9563,Vahan along with Vasak and Artaxias was imprisoned by the Armenian 9564,Chile also signed joint trade agreements with countries like Venezuela Colombia and Ecuador 9565,Today in Iran is referred to as Sima 9566,Raj tells the boys that after the love of his own father Mahram refuses 9567,In addition when defined by SMB and HML the coefficients b s 9568,The snake grown and raised so that the Dodona s head reached 9569,He spent three years at MIT and then at Harvard University 9570,In the early 1980s BMW became one of the founders of the anti-lock 9571,The most important crops are olives citrus and vegetables 9572,Sezen Aksu originally called Fatma Sezen Yıldırr is a 9573,Σ is a finite set of rules called operators 9574,In many older properties it is important to note that the concrete slabs or rails 9575,The voyage is the opportunity for Stevens to make intellectual commitment to Lord Dalington 9576,His early career included a small role in the comedy-drama Queen s 9577,The first version of the software was released in 1981 and many major corporations such as 9578,The country is bordered by France to the east and Southern France to the west and 9579,The programmer s transfer abilities are very important particularly those familiar with the C 9580,They are also responsible for reducing heat losses in cold climates 9581,In developing countries there is a bachelor s each with three master s 9582,According to WikiLeaks Umar ibn Sa ad and his friends seek to transfer 9583,They have a maximum length of 1.7 metres and a maximum of 9584,Later that year Michaels participated in another match between Michaels and The Undertaker 9585,The Ottoman Empire transferred mostly Hungary Trienolia and Estonia to Poland 9586,All three copies of the book were destroyed immediately after his death 9587,In Japan at the age of 25 he received the black belt from Codon which 9588,Worms carry microbes may withdraw from their feces a person who 9589,But Hermes and Pliny the Elder rank the Babylonian saffron as the 9590,In 1616 Shah Abbas and the East India Company marched against the Persian Gulf 9591,In this measurement method the observation data is reached at the first time t 9592,Quin attended a stint as a professional wrestler in June 2002 under 9593,Sensitive animals use their head and neck to maintain balance 9594,In the 8th century from 1971 to 1979 the Fedaian regime was subjugated by 9595,They appear in late spring and early summer 9596,Agriculture House is the first building in the university campus of Iowa University which was 9597,In 1998 the first clinical assessment system for clinical assessment was installed by the 9598,The airport resides at an elevation of above sea level 9599,In the symmetric key algorithm the same keys are used both for ciphering and 9600,The film was shown at the 2010 Toronto and Venice Film Festival and was nominated for 9601,The inner ear canal turns to the brain s spinal cord and the central 9602,Once the exam time was shortened to 4.5 to 5 hours the test is also offered 9603,The period is divided into three phases in music 9604,In religious beliefs self-realization is treated by a person who adher 9605,The fruit contains low yogurt and very narrow red water which can 9606,The Semantic Web provides additional work that includes publishing languages that are specific 9607,Because of his roles and roles over the past century of the People s Republic 9608,The album peaked at number 21 in the UK Singles Chart 9609,There are several exhibitions on the history of petroleum extraction and natural gas 9610,Nouri s major contributions were in philosophy of philosophy and esotericis 9611,Titeti is probably too undistinguishable from the Turkish language of Azerbaijan 9612,Despite restrictions his printed prints were widely published insofar as many copi 9613,In the missiles the gases being driven out from the exhaust tubes 9614,In some of these sacred sites people sacrifice wild animals 9615,The relative abundance of the animal at various ages allows the scientists 9616,Their vast civilization was also known as Teotihuacan and Teotihuacano 9617,When their son Takeda Katsuyori proved to be the leader of the dynasty 9618,It is usually made of cotton and uses an abrasive inside 9619,It was launched in 1873 by Shobō Okamoto in the U.S. 9620,Kardarigan was first featured in the role of commander of the Iranian Army 9621,Neutrophils are the neutrophils of more than 60% white blood cells and are 9622,From this point on the way of trusting several phases some nuclear activities in 9623,The thickness of the socks is defined by the number of socks in 9624,Khosrow s loyalty to Khosrau I and Khosrau II 9625,Joseph Jude Shabazz is an American actor and director 9626,The first donation of live donors was completed in November 1989 at the University of 9627,Majid صالح is an Iranian football coach and former player 9628,The following season Persepolis was eliminated from the league s first round 9629,Hindu and Afghan dialects use oak oak and spices of oak and 9630,Gazprom is a brand of energy drink distributed in over 40 countries including Canada and 9631,They have a white circle around their eyes 9632,Another mistress in Brussels is situated in the former Mechta House in 9633,After a deliberate examination the reader realizes that the words were imported from the 9634,For example if in a population a beneficial mutation such mutation is removed 9635,Al-Rashid ibn Harran ibn Thaleh according to the Hebrew Bible 9636,After reaching ground level this phenomenon only involves entering the soil 9637,Peter Benjamin Goldman is a history professor of history at the field of Middle East Studies and 9638,These small sensors have the ability to perform a task because they receive 9639,The lunar eclipse and its happiness have been the period of very little time that 9640,When a relatively large nucleus occurs it splits into two or more 9641,In addition to these five books the Hebrew Bible refers to the Hebrew Bible as 9642,There is concern when more than a few years later these resources will remain 9643,He has a PhD in history and studies in Middle East studies 9644,In 1978 the International Association for Near-Death Studies Association founded the International Association for 9645,Ambrose defeated Del Rio with a moment of 15:12 9646,It is widely cultivated in Europe and Asia 9647,For instance the original verb look means to wander but when the up-up 9648,Muslim and Jewish doctrines are both very detailed and different points 9649,Gretel is cutting a sledgehammer and Hansel is developing a 9650,After the death of Burton he burned many of Burton s writings 9651,The second film describes a large family: we pee brothers and sisters 9652,They announced they had been married but the press announced that they had 9653,These branches may represent the values and occupations which are directly 9654,Wozniak said I am not big fan of very big glasses 9655,The narrator sometimes chooses first-person for visualgląd and third-person 9656,It covers the northern and northern parts of China and northern Mongolia 9657,Books have also been written in the same way 9658,The first volume follows the events that Churchill wrote in the 1930s and published in 9659,In 2012 he was released from prison by the Israeli government 9660,The second Nuri Malaki Government is a former Iraqi government that has been 9661,At the 2006 census its population was 71 in 21 families 9662,However in both religion poisoning is needed only for animals and birds 9663,The sword symbolises both arms and arms 9664,In 1071 a group of Muslims led by ʿUmar ibn Abi Talib 9665,He began working with children and worked as a child s nurse at the 9666,Cylinders are composed at least two phases one with a phase 9667,All modifications were posted on the code were posted to discussion lists 9668,The first hour-long show Bmy Sam was aired from HBO in 2007 and later 9669,The Church of Babes was raised in this manner and brought himself to the 9670,Air purity: primary and common green plants can be cultivated within houses 9671,JR East is also referred to as the JR East 9672,Abdullah ibn Zubayr rebelled against the caliph in Mecca and 9673,The country s top-level domain is a top-level Internet domain that is used 9674,After the mRNA broke down about 250 amino acids are added to the 3 ends 9675,Pizarroji who used the scheme to do a building in the same vicinity 9676,Various bands use frequencies in which televisions work 9677,In April 2007 after being defeated by Olympion Lyonnais he lost the sixth 9678,Forgetting Sarah Marshall Segel played the role of Jaynes is a musicologist who 9679,As a result Sverdlov who had been armed with new magnetic compounds 9680,According to Article 10 Act of 1979 women were subjected to courts and courts for 9681,The chromosomes of the donor are two identical copies of each chromosome 9682,The major portions of the operating system will be perpetually compatible until the 9683,Mirdamadi was a Muslim student leader of the Imam s embassy who 9684,Ryan Reynolds is a caveat-class climbing boy who enjoys good physical 9685,In a typical case if anyone sitte a few seconds then 9686,January 26 - Former President Blake Trinidade Jr 9687,From 1940 to 1941 he was responsible for the nya radio project in Portland Oregon 9688,There are various theoretical and historical approaches to organizing knowledge that are 9689,He is regarded as the middle man 9690,After a liking with José de Almagro he studied English and t 9691,His father died in World War I as a physician 9692,To understand this concept Øhy-sho was merely aware that the mind could 9693,After a massive war in July the same year the Soviet Union resumed 9694,He is considered one of the greatest warriors of all time 9695,Various crops and farming were produced along with natural crops in 9696,With the American invasion of Iraq tension grew 9697,The right to man has existed in a great length of history of human life as 9698,The leader of the revolt was Emperor Eudo the Duke of Edinburgh whom 9699,After the diagnosis White was severely wounded and was unable to return to school 9700,Because of its abundant terrain and surrounded by high mountain ranges the 9701,The following year `Abdu l-Bahá tried to invade Iraq 9702,Cameron attempts to promote cooperation in the European Union because they are 9703,Initially the first group puts small holes in a hole and presses it 9704,It was produced and sold in 2006 9705,Common classes allow the type of compiling type check without requiring a large number 9706,According to Bretton Woods s agreement in 1944 two institutions of the World Bank and 9707,At the age of 16 he became a psychotherapist until Coelho 9708,In modern sources the variation between Tulip and Laila is sometimes regarded 9709,A jet engine is a type of jet engine 9710,One of the characteristics of the Baroque era was the high diversity of instruments in 9711,The last version of this software is X3 or X3 9712,When a few months old she became a teenager 9713,These fatty acids are vital for the growth of the brain and central nervous 9714,Both Saudi Arabia and Iran became increasingly dependent on U.S. 9715,In 1910 the rabbis of Shiraz were accused of killing a Muslim girl 9716,However sometime ahead of him he announced that the new album would be 9717,The Mariner 10 was an American space probe launched in 1973 9718,Agneta s presence was confirmed by Galatea himself 9719,In Queens a coup d état was signed in 1922 9720,The beginning of the series was in 1962 which lasted until 2012 9721,The choice of static data lines shows the maximum speed of a device and 9722,Muhammad Yeprem Beg was a king of Kakhetian 9723,Another Iraq investigator was Michael Scott Spike Spike a U.S. 9724,This requires a constructor to access a class member without creating a 9725,However the importance of renewable energy has been developed when the French government 9726,The reason was that Agha Mohammad Khan s daughter Agha Mohammad Khan married 9727,During his time as crown prince he was appointed as crown prince 9728,On the other hand low-frequency oscillations usually facilitate their efficiency 9729,In 1845 Wells built a new telescope in which it was able 9730,Nullave is renowned for its colours and its wear and stands 9731,The previous election was held in 2005 9732,It has been suggested that the Jews were a minority in Isfahan since the 9733,A potential client is registered as a website member and offers online offers and 9734,By the discovery of the shoe squirrels spirits and errondriven 9735,Professional engines that are used are exclusively of small internal combustion type between 80 9736,The difference between the months that occur in the ascending node and those that occur 9737,Sam帝 s mother was named after him 9738,Gas can be solved in fluids especially when it is under pressure 9739,This is similar to the behavior of the Wien phenomenon which holds the energy 9740,Conversely considering a negative stereotype about the group of related individuals 9741,The next day he wrote to Gurdjieff and filed a letter to Gurdjieff 9742,The Department of Advanced Crimes and the Federal District Attorneys were asked to 9743,The Ministry of Air Force was based in Tel Aviv s Ministry of 9744,According to the narrator `Abdu l-Bahá told Ali that if 9745,The eagle used in this design was originally used by the German President Frederick Ibrew 9746,Other mountains except Antarctica produce small amounts of saffron 9747,He was kidnapped in prison in 1948 and gave birth to a son Mohammad 9748,Hindus claim that they developed this method and use it as a medication 9749,They are usually two elliptical pairs and are therefore tested 9750,AT T first introduced the technology in the United States with the brand PocketNet 9751,The production of public goods results in positive externalities that do not become withdrawn 9752,Bruce Justice serves as a Central Intelligence Agency headquartered in Washington D. 9753,A hardware implementation may have a complexity of the number of bits or energy 9754,In 1973 after a deal in the band s career Queen released their first album 9755,The best quality signal is to be selected when unsuitable 9756,Chilled water can be found in some areas 9757,Venus Duomo was a male self-portrait of the Nexus 9758,In Persian astronomy the week begins with the Saturday and ends with the rest day 9759,The second album was released in March 2004 when it was released as a single 9760,The king s mother was the mother of the king 9761,The estimated birth rates are expected to remain unstable by the end of 9762,Wallace and W. W. have noted that W. W. W. W. 9763,In January 2007 the Iranian national football team was announced 9764,A killer whale with a medium caudal throat can eat roughly 9765,In 238 Goguryeon was able to reconcile the Goguryeon family 9766,He was born in Cusco Italy to a wealthy family 9767,In the film the tower was built by Tony Stark and fed by an independent 9768,I am here for the revenge of the murderer 9769,In 1994 the company produced TAC Vista and advanced to the open system 9770,The preparation of a regular slaughterhouse consists of seed oil and apple 9771,His greatest achievement was the killing of the monster a man who according to 9772,These farms helped restore the traditional view of the people of Brazil to non 9773,The first MBC1 broadcast was MBC1 on September 18 1991 which broadcast 9774,I Can t Stop Loving Me is a song by British artist Sam Smith 9775,It was the type being developed of the Type-33 9776,Until 2011 more than 36 genes have been identified that participated in type 2 diabetes 9777,Before a gene algorithm is implemented for a given problem a method 9778,In general civil society is viewed as a political association controlling social conflict through 9779,The reduction of materials from food production packing and drainage reduces the environmental 9780,The woman is allowed to marry his wife and marry in a letter to 9781,Since he was the president of the first period in the UNCCD he was not able 9782,In the late 19th century almost all of the Jewish communities in Shiraz 9783,A young fox who builds a tower with its dimensions and lives with his 9784,A new equilibrium after which the star is compressed to a radius of 9785,He was regarded as one of the greatest heroes of all time 9786,The Renaissance began in Germany from the cities of Torgau Aschaffenburg and Lands 9787,After resigning he was elected as Prime Minister 9788,It is a lighter paper and is suitable for use in areas where 9789,Akiva was the daughter of a scout from the Amazon family who had been wearing 9790,In the De Gene ad litteram he writes that in some cases new animals may 9791,Thus the written form of words is not necessarily the implicit form of their 9792,The design in the language is carefully supported by the Eiffel programming method 9793,and is a strike called a strike when crossing the wall and 9794,These are formed by royal individuals but their smaller and limited forms 9795,In 1963 he received his PhD from the California Institute of Technology and began working on 9796,The last book which was published in the summer of 2011 is Bakhtin s 9797,However there is a high rate of negative scans that may not need significant 9798,Control engineering: Keeping satellites or satellites on a controlled circuit and 9799,Protecting the environment against harmful environmental activities can be guaranteed based on 9800,While these blocks do not absorb sun and moisture at the surface of the 9801,This was the blessing of the Lord of the Father of the Lord of the Lord of the 9802,Since the advent of idolatry and encouraged their encouragement to this 9803,The facility was based in Mehtapp Castle Kabul Afghanistan 9804,In the New Linean version the Iron Man stands against his father Howard Stark 9805,Curl Gurdjieff was designed as a flat in Miami Florida during the 1920 9806,According to the United Nations High Commission for Refugees the population of Azeris who 9807,Mohammad Hassan Khan Qajar later claimed that the Shah had been forced to 9808,The concept is similar to that of Lada but there exists important differences 9809,User submits a user name and password to the server 9810,It was published in March 2015 9811,The term Epistemology was first used by the Scottish philosopher James Frederick Ferrier 9812,In the presence of oxygen air inside the ground and at very far away from the 9813,On 28 June Sophie Coriolis disappeared at the Brooks Somerset Campus in 9814,This is while the number of individuals needs to be much greater than the number 9815,This type of anisotropy of data is inspired by the correlation between 9816,It is used with cooling only in the infrared region 9817,The National Theatre of Japan is also an important research centre for the study of Japanese traditions 9818,The Fellowship of the Ring lies in northern Afghanistan 9819,Richard Mackay Roberts is one of the most influential American philosophers 9820,It is located about north of San Francisco 9821,In 2005 Waite announced that he was recording a new recording of the song 9822,It was first published in 1977 and included 204 medications 9823,While Bismarck was waiting for Kiel the Captain Anders Forssitzer 9824,Martius was the first month of the year 9825,They had previously killed the family on the morning of 9 October 2012 in the 9826,It was also nominated for an Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay Screenplay 9827,However the German growth slowed in the coming years and this was due to the 9828,These buildings provided fresh water from one side of the rocky river to the ground 9829,He spent 18 years in Naqsh-e-Kezd and mountain ranges and 9830,The wine industry is the second most important region in the region 9831,The invasion of England in the 11th century was followed by the army commanded 9832,His first book Perfume was published in 1957 9833,Water is classified in various food guides 9834,During the siege Ieyasu struck a sword and Ieyasu 9835,He then went to IBM and worked on the ext2 and ext3 systems 9836,Apart from the types of closed loopholes between the two streams depends on 9837,The official language the Scottish and English as a second language is widely used in 9838,The Battle of Thutlun was a war between Thutlun and Thutlan 9839,From this point the kings could form a national army and manage professional and professional 9840,The independence of Grenada from the United Kingdom in 1974 9841,A resource exposure as a declarative accounting approach defines managers as 9842,In a variety of sources including Arabic and Persian translations of the 9843,The film was also screened in two weeks with directors at the Cannes Film Festival 9844,Miller decides to stay there with his team to defend the bridge against the Germans 9845,The commander and or chief of the related board is prosecuted to return the 9846,The first release in the Czech Republic was in 1989 9847,Ieyasu appealed to Nobunaga for help and resulted in Nobunaga 9848,SIMs have data specified by the network for authentication and among others are SIMC 9849,Model 3 is threatened by adding a red node and changing the color 9850,The major sources for Apatite are Brazil Burma and Mexico and other sources include Canada 9851,In May 1937 he was a professor of foreign diplomacy at the University of Punjab 9852,Many other standards were introduced for their specific purposes which uses a 9853,In the guise of free ware each restaurant has a menu list of 9854,According to Bernard Lewis the advent of Islam was quite revolutionary 9855,Boston Chester Coleb: Sweet chocolate like a chocolate like a chocolate like a 9856,He was born in Germany to German parents and German parents 9857,In 1993 a variety of alloys of gold and iron were discovered including 9858,In 2003 more than 36 000 kilometers of new sweeping ships were built and by 9859,Due to the inconsistent nature of light white light a white light cannot be used to 9860,She received her name during her family s conversion to Catholic Christianity when 9861,The percentage of mixed interaction and the popularity of the band and the percentage 9862,On January 18 2008 Iron Man became the first film in 2008 with more than $100 million 9863,He worked as a translator of foreign communications in the Accounting Department of 9864,It consists of a column column which propagates in spring when ripe and 9865,The highest ranked commanders of the German army believed that if Hitler 9866,One of the newspaper s publications was announced in 2006 commemorating its 9867,3 is compiled which allows users to interact with the ns-3 modules 9868,The total cost of the project was $3.5 million 9869,Albrecht Stienzler the 1st officer in Bismarck s Bismarck 9870,The second season received positive reviews from critics and was also critically acclaimed 9871,At this time Lale s popularity rose from the city of Leiden to Amsterdam and 9872,The soldier s coats are very effective in front-side attacks and the 9873,The hadrons are orbiting particles and are relatively massive: for example 9874,He became a constitutional monarchy serving with the National Assembly 9875,Furthermore Shimmer and Shine influenced the cinema as a scene and became 9876,Without Borders reports that Vahid Asghari was under torture and torture was 9877,Ananda was the first to win a Pulitzer Prize in India in the IPL 9878,Hasan al-Askari however instructed him to ask Cosette 9879,Every month the names of days and months are named 9880,In general relativity it is defined as the universe in which we are being 9881,These incentives are to raise society s maturity or to strengthen 9882,Some critics D-Lite and Blow-air criticized the British version of the film 9883,Craig Falenty is an associate director of software engineering at Apple Inc 9884,In quantum physics a region with a constant potential is usually assumed 9885,For any set X of infinitesimals a binomial is a binomia 9886,Common chimpanzee and chimpanzee can walk asleep on the two 9887,During the Second World War the Japanese used a series of platforms such as PUR 9888,However the number of palaces in the ruins is lower than the number of 9889,In 2005 the value of Armenia s trade with Iran was $ 105 million and in 2006 9890,Written and recorded by Mike Ziegler 9891,However the use of fish as an ayurvedic remedy or simply a 9892,In a low-carbon economy forestal operations will be concentrated in low-income 9893,In these countries a person with tuberculosis usually over 3–4 months of 9894,چاپ اول، دبی: سال انتشار 2003 میلادی Hajj Mohammed Khalaf 9895,According to the Indian Cooperation Treaty during the reign of Ashoka the international 9896,Soviet doctrine concerning air defenses from 1965 was that any anti-aircraft 9897,The mosque has a highly aesthetic appeal and visual relationship with the mosque 9898,The first urban farm was opened in Kentish London in 1972 9899,A few days after the assassination which led to the establishment of CNES Bel 9900,Part of the border crosses the border between the provinces of Piaget 9901,This holding annual meetings are held every year and can be held every year 9902,Both fired toward the eastern corner of the school 9903,The principles of ethics based on principles of ethics and 9904,The Foreign Ministry of the United States asked for a release of Rezaian 9905,The p-1 algorithm is a natural integer theory in number theory invented 9906,In the summer of 1929 Arthur and Issolder started construction of the villa 9907,Many of the words were originally translated into English via the Turkish language 9908,This was followed by a council appointed Omar ibn Sa ul- 9909,In 2012 during an interview about the shooting of the School of Defense and Mental Health 9910,She remembers that her father had once and once annoyed her mother 9911,The first modern school in Iran was the Alborz High School which was started as 9912,However his death had been documented as a result of a bullet throw 9913,He was responsible for the analysis of systems in the general policies known as the 9914,Since the Roman army was a ruler of the Roman Empire at the 9915,This technique uses light induced infrared light interference to create a corresponding 9916,A partial mathbf A partial mathbf A partial mathbf 9917,The name derives from the city of Gyes in France 9918,In 1983 he was elected a representative of the Radical Party and subsequently 9919,Women must find other jobs and be literate and not work in rites 9920,However despite the significant role of these compounds in increasing p 9921,In the 1960s Ramma began working as a researcher for the Digital Equipment Corporation 9922,The two continued their daily habits until May 1925 when Professor Ōyuan 9923,This meant that the laws of the Canadian Law the concrete rights and the 9924,In physics the power is the amount of transition transformation or extraction of energy 9925,The stone treasure culture went from Spain to Ireland spread across Europe and the 9926,Zevkor not only borrowed money from Goldust but also insisted that he remain 9927,Possibly plant phytochromes of a pyragophytic phytochrome is derived 9928,Forty years of age moved from England to Australia 9929,Then the number of athletes became increasingly advanced and this triggered 9930,The highest recorded increase in the species is 4.0.9 to 1.8% per year 9931,Agricultural sectors include rice soya wheat wheat and wheat 9932,The following is a description of Plato s teaching program for the Persian 9933,Also the exchange of letters and treaties between Aisha Sultan and Elizabeth I was 9934,In these areas recreational rides are common with ships to visit dolphins 9935,The strength and precision of the cipher depends on the strong composition of its inner state 9936,For example in the United States illegal blockades are illegal which means that 9937,At the top of the roof a set of pitches are pressurized to 9938,The central nervous system consists of the two parts of the brain and spinal cord 9939,The system is a region of space used to investigate 9940,Punkett uses encrypts that are very simple and intended for Java development 9941,It contains a documentary about the band s impact video clips from early 9942,When the Arabic language was known as the blood of the Arabs the Persian 9943,Disney Marvel Studios and Paramount Pictures announced May 3 2013 as Iron Man 3 9944,The two countries entered the war during the war 9945,Eggs also have a cultural similarity to those depicted in remote 9946,Data cannot be transported with a higher speed than the speed of light between 9947,However it is believed that what is now called the laws of dependence 9948,At the 2006–07 season he was the referee of the club 9949,However because of the turmoil these laws were never executed 9950,He said We say never married at any time or at least 60 years of age 9951,He graduated from Leiden University in 1967 9952,It was discovered by William Herschel in 1784 9953,Established organizations such as the World Animal Aid Society have also conducted censorship 9954,In developing countries one of the main sources of air pollution is the propane 9955,The story is in the list of 1001 books that should be read before death 9956,Pockelen is a municipality in the district of Bavaria in Germany 9957,Very reliable secondary resources are usually based on more than one primary 9958,Regardless of the philosophical considerations of how the statistical approach is mathematical 9959,Occupational exposure to epilepsy is affected three to five times more than 9960,In 2006 Hamas asked a group of Palestinian women to go to a 9961,For example we can write a program that copies all the entries of a 9962,In 1936 the Nazi Germany and Italy entered the Spanish Civil War but the Russians were 9963,This eagle can hunt a rabbit a larger mammoth bird and birds 9964,dependent variable independent variable etc 9965,The first version was designed in the year 1366 initially using 88VS 9966,The three omega-3 fatty acids are alpha-linolenic acid and cyclo 9967,Severus is a footballer athletically athletic near the stadium and patronates 9968,Bundy usually returned to this scene of secondary masses to work with 9969,McDonald s Burger King and Saavewijn are restaurants that are grown in the growing 9970,The Iranian daily newspaper reported that Sfarghi was kidnapped by Mossad 9971,The graph G = a graph with vertex s and vertex t and 9972,It is bordered by Thailand to the north and northeast Laos to the north Laos to 9973,This device responds to ACK NAK or STALL. 9974,1634: Emperor Fasilidus father of Apho Mendis and many of the 9975,In the following dates - the date of depositary dates - the person 9976,He received a bachelor s degree in electrical engineering from the University of Washington 9977,The temporary government of Iraq was recognized by the United Nations the United Kingdom 9978,Instead the next morning Lolita goes swimming and tells her that he had been 9979,The brush handle is made of wood cotton plastic and other materials 9980,After writing the Vampire Diaries he started writing the Vampire Diaries 9981,After the defeat of the Assyrian revolt in 1837 the officials of the 9982,The center is also referred to as the middle center 9983,The devil s snake is well aware of the pattern of the pelvic 9984,His use of a variety of instruments and instruments is very personal 9985,The album consists of a collection of electronic elements along with the electro-puppet 9986,At this time Jerusalem became the centre of trade in the region and Babylon became the 9987,Each edge of the middle edge has its neighbor points and two main points 9988,This can be lowered by using several servers of Kerberos and re 9989,During the cold season the local air temperature in the surrounding chamber affects the 9990,During the fighting Alexander struck a dreadful unity and without 9991,The club has won two Asian Cup Winners Cup Winners Cup Winners Cup 9992,It was first developed and developed in the Solomon Project in the early 1960s 9993,In 1616 the city grew and many churches were restored 9994,The immunity that develops after a therapeutic infection is generally inactive 9995,Since the end of World War II there was little debate regarding the rights of 9996,The black exegesis is one of the two sacred books of the Yezidis 9997,Because of the two factors above age and a lack of fiber in food 9998,They are used for hunting and hunting animals 9999,Dahl born in Mansfeld is generally considered to be the first Norwegian computer scientist 10000,In the UK the song reached the 13th place and had a four-week 10001,After the exile the men were tried to murder men and women 10002,He was born and raised in New York City 10003,At the same time the restoration of Italy began 10004,The statistical translation used in Google s tool for converting between Arabic English and 10005,In maximum 1+d n candidate having no leaf must spend at least 10006,For Oracle and PostgreSQL the recovery problem of a circular reference can be 10007,In 1915 and during World War I he went to Egypt for a three-year 10008,Some protocol protocols can also generate traffic and act as a reference device 10009,The bridge was built in 1965 during the Vietnam War 10010,In general a particular camera can find a path like a conventional camera that has 10011,From 1982 to 1984 he was forced to use a wheelchair instead of a 10012,It is affected by many social and cultural factors 10013,It consists of 39 books which have been published in a series of more than 10014,It is intuitive that a problem with the visible environment is more desirable for 10015,The performance also led to many of the problems 10016,In Britain the term comes from the executive branch and the federal government which refer 10017,The dry stone technology has been recognized as best practice in the earth shelter construction 10018,In mid-1990s the system successfully developed two-ways grid networks which 10019,The term provides the basic knowledge that is used in the following processing stages 10020,The automatic converter reads the voltage frequency and phase parameters when the 10021,The incident was followed by a Harley-Davidson s attack on the photographer 10022,Construction is a structure that is constructed for use as a refuge or for work 10023,This section includes six texts two student dialogues and four texts that involve 10024,There are also two coats of gold and red markings on the bottom of the 10025,The Bay of Abu A`arri contains natural gas sources discovered in the 1970s 10026,Each player has three chances to pass through the obstacle and if there is a 10027,494): Darius invades Greece as the Battle of Ladu and the defeat 10028,It is important to note that these packets are often motivated to purchase the 10029,Patients with Down syndrome are only less than 2 percent of people with Down syndrome 10030,This collection presents the best recommendations based on practical experiences in information security risk 10031,He established a new form of warfare based on the use of a large 10032,Through the Mouth is the third album by American recording artist Robert John Mutt Lange 10033,The Milky Way is also known as the Milky Way 10034,Æthel was the son of Edward the Prince of Wales of Wessex the daughter of 10035,It can be applied to the nipple with a raised socks to 10036,These concepts are expressed as a collection of the simplest elements 10037,It is located about 100 km north of ریاض 94 km north of Kuwait and 54 10038,However Friedman believed that a country could use military training as 10039,Tawar is situated southwest of the capital of Oman 10040,Before the 49th anniversary of the award the award was recognized as the Best 10041,Jacques Brooks becomes the owner of the Plass family house in 1955 and after 10042,The project has a 6 month release cycle 10043,Individuals are allowed access to resources at a given time and time 10044,On 28 September 2008 after the fourth attempt to reach the circuit it became the 10045,The January Flower of Autumn is derived from the Chinese view of Psyodor 10046,Network simplex is a special linear programming mode that runs in polynomial time 10047,The main building consists of two wings and a large main dome 10048,In this case the Alice Opera browser switched to the openid-provider 10049,Alexander s mother was the daughter of Philip of Macedon 10050,Default header: displays or displays a specific data type or color 10051,One of these materials is the sodium carbonate which gives low thermal 10052,During the 19th and early 20th centuries the science had the most prominent 10053,When Sam Dean and Dean go to find him she starts speaking about the 10054,The German consul at Trebizond reported that hundreds of young women and girls were 10055,He was accused of the fact that he had been accused of the fact that he had 10056,In 2000 he moved to Munich to study documentary science and communications at the University 10057,In the related standards the process of plating is referred to as a special process 10058,A video is composed of a media type and one or more phrases which 10059,In March 1914 he was working at the Figaro newspaper where his secretary-general 10060,Fish grows in the depths of lakes and rivers which have a 10061,During his early career he became involved in the representation of political 10062,Using this theorem and allowing the expected cause of the event to be calculat 10063,Milan Football Club is a football club based in Milan 10064,In this case if the state table is matched with changes then no need of a 10065,Content creation continues to grow and content consumption from mobile devices and other devices grow 10066,Characters can fly and either pass obstacles or obstacles 10067,By the tenth of May 2002 the company had a sharp increase of 30 percent 10068,Both of them were confirmed by Castaneda as legitimate writers while he 10069,Dry bands are usually used using foundation-like framed concrete to 10070,Most religious holidays in Judaism are celebrated in accordance with traditional hymn 10071,In 1890 she moved to Geneva II Moscow a private school of 10-to- 10072,The elongation of the ovary during the elongation stage and the 10073,The river reaches the Caspian Sea which is slightly lower than the free 10074,There are applications in the field of publication publishing and most other levels 10075,He spent three years at Oberlin High School and a year at the Oberlin College 10076,In 1997 the Iranian national football team won the 1998 FIFA World Cup 10077,Aspects from around the 1950s probably attributed to the historical development of 10078,Currently Barack Obama represents the Democratic Party of the United States but Democrats are 10079,On 23 March 2006 Jordan reported that he has suffered a type of heart disease and 10080,This is almost the same process that was applied to the reclaimed water 10081,By the time of Nagorno-Karabakh the dome was covered with a 10082,In Roman mythology the goddess of the city of Rome was a goddess 10083,It has its own constitution federal constitution and a special government 10084,Instead of the problem of work and society they declare that every woman having 10085,A documentary based on the book was produced and broadcast by the National Geographic 10086,The war began in October with the sum of the soldiers on which the 10087,Reports from Chechen also reported that there was 90% of the people participating in the 10088,It is located about 200 meters above sea level 10089,He was certainly surprised by the great kings of the Achaemenid 10090,Direct heat ribbons are light-colored when exposed to heat direct sunlight or 10091,The Australia currently produces a significant amount of olive oil 10092,It is located above sea level 10093,In 2008 she participated in the Iranian Women’s Association Conference in which she participat 10094,1795–1796: George Vancouver explores the world during his travels 10095,He was diagnosed with lung cancer in 1997 after being diagnosed at a hospital in 10096,In hydrology the term pre-prediction is sometimes used to estimate values in particular 10097,Larger than 1 the sequence of exponential growth takes an infiniteward 10098,The Kurdish future movement in Syria is a Syrian political movement founded in 10099,A political party is typically led by the party s chief political advisor 10100,After the U.S. company in World War II the United States was destroyed and 10101,The pain develops six to twelve hours after incubation and lasts a further 10102,The Nazi flag was used as a symbolic symbol of the gods and another definition of 10103,Finally in 1899 Franz Joseph accepted that Franzігін would be allowed to marry 10104,Warburg was born in Germany and studied at Harvard University 10105,A few American Americans come from Jordan Iraq Libya Morocco and other Arab 10106,In addition to sending data to the Earth Mars can send data to orbital orbiters 10107,Many Hindus are hunted and refuse to eat meat 10108,D. in psychology from Columbia University in 1946 10109,The use of infinite partitions - simple partitions generate integers 10110,In the first century Armenian printing press published 33 Armenian books and books containing 10111,In 2010 Cargill received a revenue of 11 剰余 dollars 10112,The First Congress consisted of 59 U.S. Representatives and 20 Senators 10113,In one state the federal government is very strong and often has several specific powers 10114,Tonto who leaves the open guardian behind the beast and chases 10115,The current type effect known as external effects is present in each competing market but no 10116,The population density is a way to measure a population in an area or unit volume 10117,Even if a program is interrupted it may take a length of time for 10118,This follows the maximum N-2 points of the Steiner tree where N is the 10119,It is the capital and largest city of Khuzestan in southern Khuzestan Province 10120,Netscape s blink element and Microsoft s blink element were not used due to 10121,In this method the text is transformed into a language that is independent of the destination language 10122,This was the band s first single from Nevermind released after three years because the 10123,During the reign of Mughal India the city was attracted by Mughal Mughal 10124,The Challenger Space Flight failed for eight months but the Challenger Space Flight failed for 10125,Some modern painters used various materials such as sand cement oak or wood to create 10126,The City Police Department is part of the London Police Department 10127,The council however announced that they would introduce laws of blood 10128,Some species of eagles are known as predators because of their large 10129,When a proton and a positron are destroyed the energy is liber 10130,Gas and oil are transferred from the provinces of Buenos Aires to Bueno 10131,A position at Alhaji al-Amel was reached he eventually received his 10132,A procedural grammar is supported but all methods that are defined out of a 10133,It is one of the few Indian festivals held annually: January 14 10134,This problem may be solved by using pools that have a better ventilation system 10135,The wave moves in opposite directions and creates a steady wall of 10136,They included Clara Kod the Founder of the Society of Theosophical of America 10137,When a horse sits in various directions and moves means to move 10138,The acronym SHA is derived from the secure hash algorithm which means 10139,Some of the popular themes in acoustic music are space and cosmos beauty harmony 10140,These types are then applied to convert types into types either of 10141,He remained the Jewish community of Palestine until his death 10142,Compared to the rest of the country s railway strength because they are 10143,It was worth $3.9 billion which was equivalent to a third of the 10144,Dance with music varies depending on the dance style or not 10145,However when Alex heard a singing song Under the Brush in a 10146,The Radar Control and Radar Control System has a range of 20 km h and the 10147,This was the first album by the band to collaborate with producers Kevin Sutherland 10148,Then one of Rufus becomes Pete and eats Pete and proves all the 10149,It is also used in all TLS and TLS versions 10150,These concerns can be related to any unsurviving building factors such as 10151,The use of calligraphy in pencils was widely expanded and many pieces 10152,In addition to the 1.5 million listed companies TNO TNO Urbanism Omnis and the 10153,The word Allode is derived from the Arabic word meaning 10154,The X-41 project began in 2004 and was transferred to the United States Department of 10155,For the earliest recorded wavelengths of ten meters of wavelengths the 10156,Some supporters of women s rights such as Sorpreeninawala and Bhagam 10157,During World War II the United States paid about 45 million dollars for Iran s 10158,The English town of Westminster H named after King Charles Kevinshū is the only 10159,He is a former member of the Freedom and Justice Party a party 10160,He then moved to the United States where his father was a visiting professor at 10161,Edward lived there until 1853 when he was given the inheritance of 10162,The 10۰۵ devices commonly built in Egypt are manufactured by the U.S. 10163,Occasionally a variegation of leaf – leaf glands germinate 10164,It was founded in 1935 by the Carnegie Foundation for International Peace 10165,It is often chosen for its simplicity of diction 10166,His ideas were much more important than his proofs because some of these were not 10167,The series had 17 volumes published by Shueisha from September 2001 to December 2006 10168,In Persian a person with a sense of love is said to be treated as 10169,Bandar Abbas County is a county in Iran 10170,He went on to win the WWE Championship at Madison Square Garden on 4 February 10171,The velocity of theta.0 is the flux across the surrounding area 10172,The film debuted in 1948 with the book Women s Sex in Women and in 1953 with 10173,If a person suffered from a fever sore throat diarrhea and 10174,Wood s gas generator is a large and heavy machine that converts wood to 10175,Cold steel foams have been a staple in recent years and are able to 10176,In contrast to George Gershwin s death Henry began to oppose him because 10177,The king of England is known as the King of England 10178,He served as an officer in the British Embassy in Washington D.C. 10179,Search and execute a query cycle 10180,When the high temperature is used most of the escape stains and the oxidation 10181,Aix-sur-voyant is a commune in the Haute-Marne department in 10182,Since particles have consistent locations the measurement has been solved 10183,His residence in Siberia was also holy and brilliant 10184,He worked as a professor in the philosophy department at Keio University 10185,Annihilation is defined as a general removal or complete elimination of a 10186,Many CLTs start independently but some start by linking to a non-profit 10187,Ansar Burney is known for his activities during the last twenti years in Pakistan 10188,The AIM-4 is capable of carrying nuclear weapons to a 10189,Free grade skates free skateen skates and display skates tend to use this type 10190,At the end of the season the official website of the club published news of the club 10191,In the United States the first woodcut machine was patented in 1866 10192,The system works by information banking related to the treatment centers and the treatment team or 10193,He lived in the city of Qom in 1980 10194,Similarly a time sentence can be identical to another sentence where 10195,Nuall accepts his promise to her grandmother to study in her home in which 10196,The Baku offshore oil pipeline and the Baku Trans-Gassas natural gas pipeline 10197,The group received many awards in recognition of their achievements 10198,The main goals of HTC is to improve the language both readable and easily 10199,Currently we live in Holocene which starts about eleven thousand years ago and 10200,The two main clubs of the city are Tehran 10201,The sport is popular in Austria Belgium Czech Republic Germany Germany Germany and Switzerland 10202,In this agreement the border between the two countries was determined based on 10203,He died in Tehran at the age of 65 10204,He then followed up with political reforms in Roman society 10205,Eventually with the title of king of Elam in 1550 he reigned 10206,While we can see the growing market which lasted from 2000 to July 2002 10207,These include pancreatic and stomach disorders sore throats and 10208,While it is different from the Achaemenid languages it is associated with 10209,In 1922 after the re-establishment of the Football League after a three-year phase 10210,In two-sided bulk distribution cylinders with high pressure cylinders and high pressure 10211,It is found from the Caucasus and eastern Caucasian mountains to 10212,He is also a professor emeritus at the University of Oxford 10213,He also appeared in the lead role of Steve Carell Ryan Gosling and Mariya 10214,Iranian president Hassan Rouhani believed that the literacy rate in the country 10215,The production of biomass as fuel is destroyed by the production of carbon mon 10216,The simplest way to gain access to both disturbances and broadcasts is to use 10217,1363 - Several boxes in the collection of the time of that time translation by 10218,The temple was built on a older structure and was dedicated to the ho 10219,The ghetto was built after the German invasion of the Soviet Union on 28 June 10220,It was a part of cultural reforms in the cultural framework of the Ottoman 10221,It is mentioned in the Hebrew Bible as a Canaan city built by S 10222,In this system several sensors and sensors are attached to a central control 10223,The Radboud Nijmegen University in Netherland has demonstrated how in which other materials 10224,The video has scenes and concept similar to the British film Sunshine 2007 10225,The couple divorced in 1939 and divorced in 1951 10226,Al-Araba Club is an Arab professional football club based in Dubai United Arab Emirates 10227,He worked at his father s farm 10228,Programms such as Step 5 allow programmers to run programs in C and a BASIC 10229,At the time of Charles II they were the king William III and the Duke of 10230,The German Gaga Rock Group published an experimentation in 2006 10231,Each node of the tree can be changed by a time complexity o 10232,Guo Xiaotian s son Guo Jing was raised in Mongolia under the guidance 10233,From the Fortune 500 to the least profitable Fortune 500 there are six in Texas 10234,In a section General Martin ordered the Maginot Line to defend the German troops 10235,Professor Brian Montgomery Thorne wrote and experts on the conflict between creationism and 10236,It is native to southern Africa and the Indian subcontinent 10237,Although state-of-the-art U.S. law stated that except in 10238,Asperkatos was a native of the Strait of Isis and was 10239,With the uprising of Livonia for six years Sweden has taken part in Livonia 10240,Hugo Chávez died at the age of 58 10241,Currently it is available on the Java virtual machine 10242,In the same year he returned to Coquimbo Unido 10243,Muhammad ibn Jarir al-Jawad states that the incident of being poison 10244,At the end of the Temporal War the specialty of 46 people was killed rough 10245,In their arguments computer analyzing is very complex using the 1936 configurations 10246,These models set the theoretical details of the work of these protocols 10247,His father was a Polish prisoner who had been exiled to Norway in 10248,In the case of harvested crops it is possible to add leaves to 10249,The Journal of Public Policy and Public Policy of Tehran 10250,Joshua s son Josh was born on September 12 1973 and was buried five days later 10251,The theory states that people are referred to as otaku because they 10252,Through natural selection and modifications various solutions are suggested ranging from the 10253,Some countries have taken steps to restrict the domestic ownership of grain farms 10254,First and most importantly spring is the beginning of spring 10255,A tuned Hall effect sensor detected in response to changes in the magnetic field of 10256,This has been confirmed by the general consensus of cosmological and astrophysicists who 10257,December 9 is the eleventh day of the year 10258,The Pashtuns were occupied by the government of Afghanistan in the contemporary centuries 10259,Malkiel refuses to marry and tries to escape 10260,The 1960s saw a disastrous growth of the rates of deflation 10261,In the last decade many famous mathematicians and interested in mathematics b 10262,His view of the smell of the sunglasses in the closet is like a 10263,During the civil war he was assisted by Saudi Arabia Pakistan and the United States 10264,Jacques born Jacques born 1888 and André born 1884 10265,In Armenia he was the mother of all the human beings 10266,The main story is in Tabriz during the Iran–Iraq War 10267,The laws approvived and approved regulations are different and technical and practical 10268,Because of the lack of fossil data from Percival it is not possible to 10269,He was the first appointed ambassador to a foreign country 10270,Non-reunite forms are sensitive to some antibiotics such as S. fal 10271,The book was originally published as Whole Lotta Scribner s book and was 10272,In 1817 each location was 25 dollar and in 1825 every location was 100 10273,In 2010 she appeared as Peter Gilgamesh the right-hand Chester Benn 10274,It is important to note that the cost of the term is a certain kind of 10275,He was the only player to have won the European Footballer of the Year 10276,Perfumes that are known as fragrance products are different in the variety of aroma 10277,Perif is found from the British and southern Scandinavian islands to Italy and 10278,There were a number of thousands of thousands of Armenians named 10279,One of the slogans may be English other than Latin or vice versa or that both are 10280,The origins of the art began in the fourth millennium BC but its 10281,Hitler was informed at the eve of the attack in Orebro-Zolfekz 10282,In 1959 ENOVID was placed under the authority of the U.S. Food 10283,Capello was elected as Capello s captain in the semi-final 10284,Only half of the couples in the West have been housed before their marriage 10285,It appears that when certain trace elements exist there are probably victim 10286,He is widely regarded as a guerilla corsacist advocate for 10287,He is a member of the Georgian Academy of Cultural and Cultural Language in Russia 10288,Following the invitation of the company to travel to Iran the Iranian Ministry of 10289,At the same time a number of conflicts and internal struggles within the Ottoman 10290,The castle was built in 1540 as one of the three castles built 10291,Panelization is a method used to determine the PCB s PCB s 10292,The sperm ultimately enters the egg when it doesn t combine 10293,In one of the other meetings in August the Southern Christian Leadership Conference also joined 10294,In 1979 the family was forced to emigrate to Washington D.C. and in 1980 10295,According to the Muslim Brotherhood Muhammad is considered one of the most important figures in 10296,After the murder of his wife Karen Singer he befriended a demon 10297,The reflection wavelength called the Bragg wavelength is associated with the following 10298,Olive oil plantations such as the earliest Egyptians were sealed by clay 10299,The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio exclusively UTLA4 is a 10300,Currently Japanese companies produce the former least advanced toilets in the world 10301,The state diagram is composed of a finite number of states the states represent 10302,Three months prior to testing they placed the amount of cooling and temperature at 10303,He was sentenced to 10 years in prison for engaging in murder 10304,It is found that Judaism and the Tati language represent two different dialects: religion 10305,The album was developed by Roger Waters and was based on Waters s concept 10306,Many corporations in fact many of their own database systems provide products and services migrate 10307,The album received certified gold in the United States and the United Kingdom 10308,Muhammad ibn Abu Bakr was the son of Abu Bakr bin Muhammad 10309,The Calypso Research Institute is a research institution known for its Calypso language 10310,Fish liver oil is a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids including 10311,In Muslim tradition the mosque houses Ibrahim and his son Ibrahim 10312,He was educated at the College of Clarence College at Clarence College at age 13 10313,K and 255 Kv supergrid networks are three-phase transformers with common taps 10314,When the party was power-involved there were 2 million members which at the time 10315,The Federal District is one of the nine federal districts of Russia 10316,The Countess suppressed the rebellion and as a reward he was 10317,Initially it became clear that he was killed after the fall but it was 10318,This model has flourished throughout the years as a symbol of institutional power and 10319,Males and females are similar but males and females are slightly larger 10320,Following the development of the Shahab-I and Shahab-I missiles 10321,During 2012 while the animators and animators were still developing and completing the 10322,In ancient Turkish the meaning of a cobra comes from the name of a 10323,Based on research by the Department of Water and Water Reclaimed Wastewater Reclaim 10324,After Jackson s release Jackson stated I wanted to sing a song that I like 10325,Marcel Toussaint was a French medical and medical doctor 10326,He was one of the founders of the royal family 10327,Wget filled a gap in the Internet Download Software software during the mid-1990s 10328,His children were Michaela Peter Morgana and Antonia 10329,She was the eleventh woman to win the Nobel Prize in Literature 10330,A small calorie or gram calorie is defined as the amount of energy needed to 10331,The Battle of Ereğistín is the first Battle of the Canaanites 10332,There is a large difference between the Organic Tree scheme and the Solar Tree 10333,When the cheese is added to a burger the burger s nutritional value can 10334,Krishna Matsumoto has played in Israel Siswa in Soviet Russia and Sanchi in China 10335,They are able to absorb four times a year 10336,He refuses to pay his father s money 10337,This method is commonly used by the U.S. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation to withdraw 10338,The words borrowed from the indigenous languages are written in the Katama Line 10339,Whenever a new army besieged Azerbaijan and part of the western parts 10340,The above appears to show that each piece of ferromagnetic material should have a 10341,In 1987 the London Rubber Company began acquiring fellow manufacturers of Cantus and 10342,He received a job as a salesman in the estate and at least 10343,The level of water levels may be elevated and the areas surrounding the water 10344,The expected running time is O + cm = operatorname O 10345,He married in 329 BC and had a son named Alexander 10346,The life of a small monk known as a racy Catholic was 10347,There are some challenges to the use of compacted wood 10348,It is interesting to note that for any set X a power set X is a 10349,The story is narrated in written messages at the beginning of each stage and 10350,Blood circulation: Occasional bleeding during menstruation or due to stomach 10351,For example the Marxist theory of the value of owner s immovable housing 10352,Cell adhesives are called adhesives 10353,Local populations accounted for approximately 25 000 in North America 8 500 in e 10354,She worked in the first seven seasons of Supernatural 10355,After the resignation of Imam Hossein Mousavi which claimed that he had 10356,It has a pale yellow or sometimes a compound of the sacred sandalwood 10357,It has a low altitude and a higher altitude 10358,By reaching 50 million users on July 24 2012 Group messaging and high quality 10359,Maldonado attempted to emphasize the ambiguity between the soul-the 10360,It is valid and as the proof of the proof is true the proof is true 10361,The independence of Greece in 1830 gave the hope of re-establishment of the Ottoman 10362,At the height of the fighting the soldiers allowed their crew to 10363,They are mixed source code which for humans are compact integers constants 10364,A fashion journalist writes on fashion clothing or its trends and trends for magazines and 10365,Despite extensive efforts to cultivate in countries such as the UK Australia Germany and Switzerland 10366,Currently the first volume of the book titled Death Trade was published 10367,The vertices of graph network are static fields and the edges are logic interfaces 10368,After the evacuation people were arrested by the National Guard Baskerby Albert and 10369,The Russian Ministry of Defence reported that the Turkish Ministry of Defence 10370,He believed that the theory of group theory and the theory of group 10371,Model simulation typically used for potential investment model 10372,It is the capital and largest city of the country 10373,Hugo was born in Rome and in 1953 he worked as a documentary and director 10374,The organization s main objective is to promote industrial development in developing countries or 10375,It is situated in the northwest of the province and is located in the 10376,The most common materials used in wood construction are wood structures 10377,In 1999 he moved to Vancouver with his wife Kathleen 10378,For avoid two separate voltage sources it is better to use a secondary 10379,These changes led to the proliferation of social contracts by the philosopher Charles W 10380,They use a two-way heat system transfer from the treated soil to the 10381,In 652 S.H.I.E.S.H.I.E. 10382,At the time of the Arab-Israeli embargo in 1973 and 1974 Mark Rich used 10383,He was the greatest composer of the era 10384,South African cystic species are roughly three-quarters of mammals including 10385,Prior to its introduction Stallman developed a number of software components for the GNU 10386,Lists are written by the rabbis and their elements are separated by the 10387,In 1989 the standard was adopted as ANSI C. In 1990 the International Organization for Standard 10388,Its diameter is small and its spacer diameter is low 10389,The reason for this was that the public was not in a position to purify the 10390,A level-to-air missile S300 was built in 1979 to defend the 10391,He is regarded as one of the greatest daughters of Zeus 10392,With the arrival of the new referee a new record was made and Johnny Cash 10393,In 2004 Russia announced its merger with Refinsys 10394,The old method of self-reliance was anxious about the safe sources of heat 10395,In the beginning of the twentieth century Johan Huizinga and Rager Caillois 10396,His famous brother Theo van Gogh was born on 1 May 1857 10397,Bordokov s works have been translated into English and have been translated into English 10398,The Luna 21 and Apollo 17 flew on the eastern border with Lake Urmia 10399,She became a vegetarian at the age of fourteen and became a vegan 10400,The design of each component is a principle of a design 10401,Today the cities and farming communities can work together for the production of fertilizer 10402,Through establishing a particular role for government in a modern society liberals 10403,The use of asbestos in Iran has been underway 10404,The public office also includes the mayor offices for council meetings twice 10405,The two main types are digital and digital 10406,According to the standard model there are three generations: quarks and two generations 10407,A number of studies have shown that people with psoriasis increase the risk of 10408,With the end of World War II in 1944 and the annexation of the Ottoman 10409,The Tbilisi Fashion Week is a hub for the creation of the Georgian fashion industry 10410,The Solar System is a system of light and spiritual power 10411,The American Capitol Institute was established in Los Angeles California in 1964 10412,In this novel a white claw emerges after the blindness of those around them 10413,The song was written as a single but was not released as a single on 10414,John is the first U.S. who was sentenced to death on 8 February 1924 10415,He is said to have been a courageous and wise man 10416,Since the independence of the CIS in 2009 the government was exclusively governed 10417,Mossad later captured Ali Hassan and fought on 22 January 1979 in Beirut 10418,Peter still did not have a safe port in the north except in the White Sea where 10419,Prisoners arrested and tortured were arrested 10420,At the 2006 census its population was 717 in 39 families 10421,It was developed from ISWIM-inspired patterned in Ecma and Haskell and 10422,The discovery began with the Ayuamarca book which was released in 1999 10423,These attacks were successful and Leontios s continued war on Azerbaijan 10424,They reach each other s body 10425,In preparation of saffron saffron salt and almonds are used 10426,The following is a transcript of the English fairy Tale 10427,More than 15 000 species have been identified 10428,William Crownland purchased a storage storage facility in the United States in 1865 10429,This type of tool is commonly used for offshore oil reservoirs fracturing and erosion 10430,where N is the length of the transmitted light pulse and λ is the 10431,The Aventador LP 720-4 is a bicycle based on the Aventador LP 700 10432,It is widely used for the wood s crusts and is traded under the 10433,Harry and Taron are reconciled with their two and Hermione is reconciled 10434,This will all benefit including his wife s wife s wife s 10435,After the German invasion of Poland in 1939 it became part of the Gestapo Prison 10436,It is found in the Caucasus Caucasus Caucasus Caucasus Caucas 10437,In the late 15th century the Viking explorer Visco da vura discovered a 10438,The long-term movement led to the merger of NGOs with the EU Statistics Centre 10439,The name of the GNU Classpath was given by Bradwell M. Cann to 10440,The alphabet is the alphabet of the alphabet 10441,However after the 1960s the Flame of Fire was changed and the flames were 10442,Mirin Behnadhi is an Iranian author and translator 10443,Zewa is a girl whom Willy S. Nielsen and Anne Fincken 10444,In Canada JSL Group and the Air Izhod Co 10445,The wet season or wet season is a time of the year in which the average 10446,It is located in the southwest of the province 10447,A rainy day in the city is featured 10448,The components that are constantly interchangeable are in practice used in the national data exchange model 10449,In October 2013 opposition leaders from the Central Division of Syria claimed that he 10450,They are the best friends of each other 10451,Originally sending the attacker s MAC address with the IP address of another host 10452,There are areas where both countries provide stronger cultural and social benefits between the 10453,While a long-legged man was killed by a hospital clerk 10454,It is not part of the operating system but rather is implemented as a program 10455,Due to its preparation time ranges from a few minutes to more than 2 hours 10456,To deal with this problem natural selection has resulted in a small slitting of the 10457,Like killer whales killer whales hunt and hunt these two animals 10458,At the end of 1870 he returned to the United States and lived with his family in 10459,Due to his fame as Al-Mutawakkil he was given the title of 10460,Although Bristol-Vought was the first company to provide a service based on 10461,The news of the revolt reached Alexander came quickly 10462,He was born in a Jewish family in Germany in 1946 migrating to the United States 10463,The published literature describes the first sight of the island 300–400 or 10464,It was published in French in 2000 10465,Michael Jackson and Barbara Obama the American bride 10466,Social Innovation includes innovation processes such as open source methods and techniques as well as innovations that 10467,In response to the problem the government adopted the following actions: 10468,where R is the synthetic resistance of a material 10469,One of the oldest known species in Russia is apparently dead at the 10470,On 23 December Bozizé asked for help from the international community especially France and the 10471,One of the earliest drier species is Teilhardina asiatica a 10472,After being freed from prison and successfully fulfilling the building s 10473,In 1998 the first ANSI-ISO language was standardized under the ISO IEC 1488 10474,Japan reached a peak in this period 10475,When transmitting the device to a electronic steer the signals are transmitted 10476,During this time security forces invaded the city four times 10477,During the reign of Roosevelt two additional laws have been passed which 10478,In addition to the Fibonacci numbers other sequences created by the Hamiltonian 10479,There are numerous theaters that feature English and Spanish 10480,The eastern bridges from the two bridges one to the south and one to the 10481,The number of invertible sets is at most 1.7159n and all these sets can be 10482,Zahadri David Alexander Efron is an American actress and dancer 10483,It is the most important source of water and water resources in Afghanistan 10484,With the opposition s appeals to public protests and the new Parliament 10485,Sarbalai Salim is an Iranian professor of Persian language 10486,The effect of Augusta versions of the song became particularly liking between 10487,The album was released in November of that year which included changes in the band 10488,The organization began to publish and document cases of human rights violations by international 10489,Hobbes and Bonnieres have claimed that the book is only 15% of the 10490,The religion is rooted in ancient Sanskrit religion which originated in ancient India 10491,One of his early business interests was to buy and sell spear masqueray 10492,According to various scholars the martial art was developed by a woman 10493,Theodore II was succeeded by his father in November 1274 10494,The company is engaged in the construction and manufacturing of trucks buses diesel engines 10495,He returned to Iraq in 2003 and won the parliamentary elections in 2005 10496,It includes government income and government expenses 10497,It was broadcast every week on September 11 and is the only public program in the United States 10498,In this approach services are classified into four major groups including backup regulator creation and cultural 10499,In addition the Redwoods is a supporter of a project in which the long- 10500,In this case the function phi = mathcal R to mathcal L is the axiom 10501,On 14 June they defeated the Maginot Line and on three Saturdays several 10502,The film received positive reviews from critics 60% in the RTÉ trailer stating that 10503,The term Torossim was first used by the United Nations in 1937 10504,One of the most important works of Sophocles in the play is the entry of the 10505,On 10 February 1980 Bundy was sentenced to death by crossing the electrical 10506,His project was a series of photographs featuring Kiefer himself as a 10507,Chronic obsessive compulsive disorder is a form of obsessive compulsive disorder 10508,Farabi believed in the unity of philosophy and wrote numerous arguments and 10509,The Holy Romans of Gaul and the Holy Romans of Gaul were 10510,Frock is a device used to display dark and light-colored scenes and points 10511,The growing ovum is termed fetus during the first week of pregnancy 10512,Punching: To create resistance in the edges or to attach them to each 10513,It was first reported in Arabic in Arabic in Arabic in Arabic in 10514,From 1979 to 1984 he worked with the design and development of the programming language at IBM 10515,It was only after a fifteen-year military and military power struggle that 10516,It has a tensile strength and resistance to vibration compared to steel but 10517,In case of phylogenetic data the raw distance can be calculated simply by 10518,Researchers seek to connect gene mutations with PCOS. 10519,It was invented and patented in 1994 by Toyo Toyota Japan 10520,He was editor-in-chief of Le Charivari newspaper in 1848 10521,In 135 years and 104 years after the Second Battle of the Barbarians a small group of 10522,For their drawings the drawings were known because the drawings 10523,The hand wakes at the apex of the circle at the beginning of the 10524,Infertility also increases the growth of hormone follicles and luteinism 10525,In 1907 he joined the army until 1916 when he became the head of 10526,These state codes represent the server s success in request processing 10527,According to him it represents the mother of Belva who in his creation there are 10528,Since both the higher and lower levels assume the same type of purity 10529,In 1825 Jang-buek built a fishing farm and asked Emperor 10530,The firm was founded in 2010 by Neil Hoffmann a sculptor artist 10531,The name of the oak is from the Ural Mountains in Kazakhstan 10532,They look in badly behaved and if entered a silly cemeter 10533,However when energy efficiency is measured in the production of electricity more energy is 10534,The Volcano s Outlet Shop also known as The Buffalo-Z is a 10535,The king takes all leaves except the queen and king 10536,As of 2013 more than 250 million copies of the band have been sold in the United States 10537,The Tehran Roudaki Hall Opera House was established outside of Iran in Tehran prior to 10538,The most advantage of using blue-water plants is the lack of fuel 10539,In those with HPV other hazardous infections including kryptococci and 10540,It is widely available throughout the world 10541,The spoken language of Sogen and Tan Quan also known as Sogen is a 10542,ProPolice which is designed by Hiroaki Etoh is a plugin for J C 10543,John Williams was nominated for five Golden Globe Awards and four Golden Globe Awards 10544,Gentle exercises can be used including holding infants on their hips 10545,Ahmad Shamlou was born in Tehran in 1935 10546,There are several algorithms that compute strongly connected components in linear time 10547,The primary engine is a liquid carrier engine which turns the engine completely 10548,Two stories of Red Leopard and Blue Leaves by French writer and poet Charles P. 10549,According to the International Energy Agency ethanol s commercialization would allow ethanol 10550,The University of Strasbourg includes Herbert Marcuse Emanuel Levinas Charles Mulvey 10551,It is used for punching in various traditional karate styles 10552,The coffee bean can be boiled in a relatively low heat so that the coffee 10553,The operational mathematics approach is often used as a method to analyze 10554,This agent is used to describe the temperature of a heating or cooling material 10555,However newer models are able to detect any compression and are often capable 10556,Each juvenile tree contains annual cultivars of annual cultivars 10557,For the London Summer Olympics in 2012 she appeared in a short film about 10558,Thus Romulus developed the festival and established the festival among Rome s 10559,Only a year later at the age of seven Mohammad Reza Pahlavi became 10560,In the IDS Tower in Minneapolis the most mechanical flooring acts as a 10561,A few months later Sting s feud began with both Goldberg and Ort 10562,In early June 2010 the mystery was visible along the two faces of the 10563,Water needs to be collected from the water 10564,It is headquartered in New Delhi India and headquartered in Dubai 10565,For several years the couple s marriage and age was regarded as a 10566,In his interview Heidegger defended his conflict with the Nazi Party: he was forced to 10567,Mechapart dance is a traditional Armenian dance that takes place in the western 10568,Wirth reported that the first attempt to implement it in Fritz was unsuccessful due 10569,His elder brother was popular with the University of Princeton 10570,Then the rules are applied in each instruction to create a string which 10571,The pilots of the two Libyan Air Force fighters who had ordered the 10572,If they are afflicted or disturbed they use their breasts 10573,The show also ran on the first day of a show in Finland 10574,There are also signs and symptoms of this condition 10575,Another mathematical problem for regular languages is the problem of separate letters 10576,It is caused by a viral infection of the zoonotic family MERS- 10577,An iterative for the treatment of this problem is by defining an IP-based solution 10578,In physics the number of known quantum units is limited 10579,It is expected that most coal and natural gas plants are treated with carbon dioxide 10580,During the Peace and Conflict Conference the Supreme Council established the Committee s 10581,At the end of the episode Claire fighted with William Butler who had become 10582,Color expectation is the biological fact of physics 10583,The number of underground musicans increased from a hundred to fifty thousand 10584,A number of feminists knew of Ted Hughes s suicide 10585,During this time Judd s request for studying at the university rejected due 10586,Alberta Bonucci was an Italian actor and film director 10587,On 14 October 1956 to 19 May 1966 Smolensky served as the Soviet 10588,The House of Nesin is a traditional Potter s field where the priests 10589,After a few months Yuri sends him to rehab and continues alone 10590,The technology was introduced in 2003 and was one of the technologies used by the Panda to 10591,In addition to bone pain amfepramos and severe lung infection 10592,The study shows that the molecular penetration of a gas is proportional to the 10593,For example in the Northern Hemisphere a block cistern on the top is 10594,John Henry was an American American professor of psychology professor of electrical engineering and computer science at 10595,The goodput is the amount of useful information that when delivered to the application 10596,Shortly after further changes to the members of the group Wayne Ruffalo and Thomas 10597,He was the founder of the Zionist movement 10598,چاپ اول، دبی: سال انتشار ۲۰۰۵ میلادی Mohammed Kookher 10599,The ship s crew also painted a Baltic talcum with a standard 10600,The powder-behind the resin and alloys is removed so that the 10601,Other elements of the Holy Spirit are: the divine spirit of God the divine spirit 10602,In fact Iranian philosophy was concerned with the difficult and ill-fated situation 10603,In 2004 a team of five girls went to Europe to participate in the ninth 10604,Initially Hilbert is looking for a closed algorithm to claim that 10605,Development vendors can generate client-server service and server application applications 10606,The National Front was one of the parties that supported the absence of the European 10607,It is the name of a lower limb or lower shield 10608,The army would sometimes conduct attacks along with several troops in 10609,Using a pack of swords a sheet of paper or Feeder are mount 10610,In 1969 the People s Movement for the Liberation of Palestine declared a 10611,The film follows the traditional Iranian films of the Iran–Iraq War and the 10612,Sven Hersh is the founder and founder of Visual Entertainment Inc 10613,In 1327 the charges reached the U.S. Department of Justice that 10614,The existence of the word cult was essential not only for the sin of the sin but 10615,However acid-base titration is also useful in finding a compound 10616,It refers to the value of risk management in a given market to the cost of 10617,The School of Love: Heart s Story is a fiction set based on the novel 10618,The philosophy of copyleft includes many theoretical and philosophical issues related to 10619,The swimmer sits on the swimmer s abdomen while a person 10620,In the United States December 12 is National Mandela Day 10621,The Moulin-lood Festival is a festival organized in Germany to identify artists 10622,In this case the constraint evaluated at the end of the transactions not at the time 10623,In 2004 he signed a joint agreement to fight a civil war between 10624,He spent his whole-special effort investigating explosives particularly for safety and 10625,For example consider a four-bit enumerator of the model 10626,Once hitting the ball one of the players would be able to pass the 10627,From October to November 2006 they visited Paraguay to celebrate the 70th 10628,The number of copies of most of these books lost or sold by independent publishers 10629,Official and public libraries have struggled with increasing management over the property of 10630,Companies that do affected are reputable tools in Canada as long as the research rates 10631,The prosecutor s system is also established 10632,Coffee produced in Cuba since the mid-18th century 10633,Using the Kellyon return the Turing machine M where the zero input of the Tur 10634,The species is a semi-long-billed insect 10635,From the year two thousand women had to eat the same number of t-shirts to 10636,The largest transactions require no authenticity as some of them require authenticity using the 10637,In 1997 the Corel Paradox 8 entered the market 10638,The film was based on a novel by Andrew Tilletman 10639,After the defeat in World War II Italy defeated Ethiopia and other East African 10640,According to the project s founder Shadmi the project is carefully avoiding 10641,When this happened the singers stopped and felt compelled 10642,Additionally she was the first woman female political candidate from Afghanistan to serve as 10643,The Law of percentages in Internet culture states that only 1.1% of the users of 10644,In 1980 Robert Magubeg was elected Prime Minister of Iran 10645,The man s government also known as Politicus is a ballad of Plato and 10646,Due to the warm and dry climate of Easter Island the residents of Easter Island 10647,The book is a memoir by Mohammad Reza Pahlavi the last Shah of Iran 10648,After the Kanagawa Great earthquake in 1923 sailors from the city gathered 10649,In 1991 the Ministry of Education was appointed by President Mostow under the name of National 10650,During World War II the library was destroyed and only 200 000 of them survived 10651,After the attack on Mosul on 11 June the city of Terrut was occupied by 10652,His first novel Boys and Other Cannibals was published in September 2007 10653,In any case the symbiosis decreases hardness and decreases scretum 10654,As many of the principles adopted by the Union Conventions are part of the 10655,The Egyptian government also maintained a range of security measures to control its 10656,He appealed to the local police a day later 10657,School closures riots on housing estates and attacks on military personnel 10658,An example of such a language is the set of all strings containing the letters 10659,The ITIL service bundled-of-the-use system focuses on the client 10660,However researchers continued the study and did not give pen-sylvan permission to 10661,Eddison spent much of the time attempting to transfer his workshop to a more 10662,He was the head of the Ayatollah Khomeini Movement 10663,Prior to the series was also shown in 1978 a pre-release of the horror film 10664,Only two months later she was part of the German national football team 10665,To prevent malware it is necessary that WIPS is able to detect and automatically 10666,The prosecutors probably discovered that a good chance for embezzlement 10667,However Ebrahim Khan might think that Agha Mohammad Khan Qajar was another 10668,Professor of philosophy at the University of Edinburgh 10669,In men this action would be useful by increasing the time of decompression and 10670,The Cold War policies of the United States suffered from sanctions 10671,Reclaimed iron is converted to steel by adding a certain amount of 10672,Thirdly every non-limited variable is removed from the linear program 10673,Abu Sufyan ibn Hasan ibn Husayn ibn Ali ibn Abi Bakr 10674,Abu Talib died on 7 October during the month of Ramadan 10675,The two pioneers of the Sasanian aristocracy developed the name saroue 10676,The U.S. Food and Drug Administration classified castor oil as a preservative with 10677,This was named after Winston Churchill in 1942 10678,Record of Year: awarded to the singer and producer for a single song 10679,Edison was the first inventor to take on successful manufacturing of many of their 10680,The group is a supporter of the European Union based on the principle of cohe 10681,He was one of the founders of the Islamic Revolution 10682,In the year sixcient man who had been entangled by the dead man decided to 10683,The seventh nerve in the hepatic cortex is divided into six branches which 10684,Richard Louis Arouett is an American physicist 10685,She was able to protect Carol but when the mother s mother s plan was 10686,The leaves of maize are characteristically similar to the leaves of 10687,On meteorological maps the warm front is usually defined as a half- 10688,Current fossil evidence suggests that all species can be referenced to early 10689,Thus we add it to the list and we place it in the current node 10690,Blood cells are among the most important complications of radiation therapy 10691,This was when the first signs of new strategy appeared in France and Spain 10692,Fueling is essentially a vehicle that converts fuel and oxygen into 10693,If two or more cell sizes are formed by the thickness of the tissue it 10694,It is a situation where Michael Jackson and John Lennon mourn to not 10695,In contrast the Fama–French model uses three variables: 10696,The probability obtained from lambda.i is equal to scriptstyle lang psi| 10697,With little precision in equivalence classes the equiv. m set of integers 10698,In 2015 Jamie Huon played the role of a vampire-in-the 10699,He taught mathematics and philosophy at the University of Göttingen in 1954 and 10700,According to one study on the IgG s chromosome it is about 10% and 10701,The Bad Tour was the first Greatest World Tour by American singer-songwriter Michael Jackson 10702,The airport is named after the Marco Polo airport 10703,During their childhood he was mainly married to his grandmother and initially 10704,Prior to entering the acting career she was initially a guest artist and then 10705,Note that we need to have a wide range of G2 G3 domains be 10706,Van noted what is common saffron used during his time: The saffron 10707,The found bones of a number of these early beings indicate that 10708,Microsoft released a version of BASIC called AmigaBASIC although the 10709,In 1979 scientists found Dickinson and Audita s photographs 10710,Typically modules of a approximate size 1X2 meter or 2X4 10711,2008 - Scientists at the Argon National Laboratory finds a way to 10712,Although the theatre of St James was mostly known for serious playwrights 10713,It is used as a fertilizer and as a means of preventing 10714,When the drill bit is a piece of drill bit the drill bit is 10715,On 27 January 1967 the history of the fire of Apollo 1 R. R. R. 10716,F# is a very basic example of a language and a multi- 10717,However it is necessary to note that a lender is usually a 10718,Antenna always requires a hole in the hood 10719,At the time of Stalin s death he was the first to be almost entire 10720,Ron Arad is an Israeli industrialist architect and designer 10721,The independence of the Spanish Empire was declared in 1825 10722,This is probable to have the value of them as half which the raw materials are 10723,He received a PhD from the London School of Economics 10724,The first official prayer circle was established in Karbala in 1897 under the direction of 10725,At the beginning of 1967 the organization had educated between 1 to 3 000 choir 10726,A Caucus-Race and a Long Tale: A Caucus-Race and a 10727,PKI s activities are concentrated on the construction and manufacturing of residential units 10728,The effects of phototherapy were discovered in infant therapy in England 10729,For the determination of the environmental energy used a multiplier called wave length 10730,The band s members and members are given LaValle s nickname Legolas 10731,Then the small animal enters the orbit of the planet 10732,It begins two to four hours after his death 10733,However the elements that had similar properties were close to each other and none of the 10734,In the case of Chinese herbal tea uses the outer skin 10735,After this the Galerius successfully marched against Maximinus in 307 but retreated 10736,The duration of each period in which members are elected by elections are eight 10737,In 1755 an iconographer William Herschel discovered a low-emiss 10738,On May 19 2008 while living in his home he was found by one of his colleague 10739,Some foods may be prohibited at certain occasions or at certain stages of 10740,He taught Esperanto at the universities of San Francisco and elsewhere and is currently 10741,When S.S. Morea arrived at the port of Mars on 8 July 10742,He can communicate with the trees and are two animals: a sickle 10743,During the negotiations between West Germany and the Soviet Union it was agreed 10744,These flights were conducted at 650 metres and 15 000 metres in 1997 10745,James Rayett Fuller was an American photographer who worked for several periodicals 10746,There are only a few bearings per meter 10747,Light of the eyelids: Light from the head to the head 10748,Some collections also allows the addition of night vision models 10749,Bell System s first automatic system was launched by Bell System in 1962 which provided 10750,All videos released in Aparat are classified into categories 10751,The restrictions associated with personal hygiene and calligraphy are forcibly attribut 10752,In 1957 Shoghi Effendi died without a remission to him 10753,In general Turkish is the third largest ethnic group in Iraq 10754,Me to the Moon was a classic pop song produced by Bradley Howard in 1954 10755,In 1970 Russian mathematician Yuri Moses-Mettetsov demonstrated that the tenfold 10756,Probs must be deployed on each link which would result in additional 10757,Newer bots can automatically scan their environment and generate their weaker 10758,f: mathbb R n to mathbb R nThe surface area of the surface 10759,With these discoveries there was evidence that all elementary particles were discovered and 10760,The couple divorced in 1961 and divorced in 1976 10761,At the end of the second season the contestant who wants to be a millionaire 10762,During the 17th century women were thought to be not having enough intelligence to 10763,When they arrive at Nastenka s house the main character asks whether he 10764,Fort Scott Airport covers an area of which contains one asphalt paved 10765,1946 - Norway is the first United Nations Secretary-General 10766,The younger sister of Xochopetstu was a deity named Xocho Pic 10767,After his retirement at the age of seven Igris suffered a swollen 10768,Two teams from each country are not in group matches 10769,This day the bazaar and educational institutions were arrested and demonstrations were held in 10770,After a massive war in July the same year the Soviet Union resumed 10771,The construction of a gate channel is accomplished using the manifold effect: for 10772,However Batista escaped from Cuba on the first day of the year when he realiz 10773,He said I wanted to lead the nation to higher more powerful and more powerful 10774,These references were believed to provide a complete proof and several 10775,In the following year he was sentenced to nine years in jail for raping and 10776,In some cases this opposition has been set up in the legal form in several 10777,They used different styles from jazz and rock until the early nineteenth century 10778,Mitsubishi s MiG-21S MiG-21S equipped with a larger 10779,In some people this is exponentially and in some others 10780,In contrast to Islam and faith the doctrine of “peace” is the primary 10781,Jordan Butler argued a few months after Jackson s death 10782,It refers to the creation of a wild animal and alerts the belief that 10783,Pick a first bit of l with module p such that p–1 is a 10784,In 1999 her short film based on a fictional story of a car robbery 10785,In 2007 Greenwood released a new album titled Blood Too Late 10786,They are separated from each other and the lector moves to the right 10787,The main objective of the GNU project is to create a suite of software including 10788,Males move from their head to their lower limbs and using their 10789,1920 - The Royal Canadian Military Police begins 10790,In 1453 the ancient Byzantine Turkmen fled to Italy with Ottonian 10791,The United States remained the leadership of the U.S. government in Iraq 10792,These feminists say that the legalization of domestic violence ethics ethics 10793,One time with Neil Armstrong who has two children Rex and Chad 10794,Also in each reaction the sum of all increases in the oxidation number of 10795,The name of the settlement was Ladis which in Russian was referred to as 10796,The term epoxy refers to the classification of the refractive index towards zero 10797,The number of gold medals won by athletes in the country and the number of bronze 10798,transformer is a static device that converts alternating currents from one voltage 10799,A stone from Elyas brother of A.C.R.I.E.L 10800,On September 22 2001 Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates adopted the Taliban forces as 10801,After World War II a study of the poverty in England focused primarily on the 10802,An operating system such as the block layer in Linux would work as a 10803,They were killed during escape from prison 10804,The song was one of the few songs that were not revinided in the Queen 10805,Love Stories is a 2001 romantic drama film directed by Aditi Chupira 10806,Its crops have been found in the earlier periods of wheat wheat 10807,Even after heart bypass surgery there is no significant increase in the deaths of 10808,By the twentieth century there was a great number of tetragrammata 10809,The following year at the Helsinki Olympics he repeated his silver medal at the 10810,Other residues— plant or animal or air bubble or air bubble—are 10811,Given the nature of machine translation a method is introduced as a machine translation 10812,The first two groups returned to Mecca while the second group returned to Mecca 10813,The southern suburbs have very warm summers and cold winters especially 10814,The recovery is performed in two ways 10815,YouTube quickly removed the video and deleted it 10816,After this scandal Lacan urged Congress to attend the Berlinale Olympics 10817,The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Guardian of the Rights of Man 10818,The same week Nikki again defeated Hall again 10819,Robert s theorem states that any important question regarding Turing output is unproved 10820,In relation to the production function there are three fundamental concepts through which the physical 10821,Marlin had a constant contact with his daughter and he arranged a visit to Paris 10822,These effects can be observed in linear geometry such as the use of simple geometric 10823,The diagnosis with liver cancer depends on the presence of yellow eggs to brown 10824,Types of HPV that are associated with cervical cancer are also associated with 10825,It is the tenth day of the seventh month 10826,It consisted of three horizontal stripes with black atop and green atop and 10827,Anopheles is among the first to understand that the Moon is not visible and that 10828,As a Spanish citizen he was no longer required to fight against the Nazi 10829,It is spoken in the language of the people of Kartli 10830,In mathematics graph acquisition is defined as the graph G= V E with V 10831,In the human body there are two hypergoliths called hypergoliths 10832,According to his partner Jim Howell Mercury was diagnosed with illness 10833,Protecting the environment against harmful environmental activities can be guaranteed based on 10834,With the establishment of a peace agreement between Iran and Russia the city was again 10835,In contrast to a group of warriors called guardians the murder of 10836,In 2010 Emanuel began a major tour of Europe such as the UK Spain Germany Belgium 10837,Santa Fe is the largest state in the country 10838,A semi-finished path must remove a sufficient amount of material so that the tool 10839,This allows us to modify the written program during the program run without 10840,However his army was defeated and he was defeated by the army 10841,Gravity refers to the idea that species became so large that they 10842,Other unusual complications may include bacterial ulcers and lung swelling 10843,The total amount of crude oil and gas in the United States was estimated at 10844,For some graphs such as both classes of magnitude and topological property are significant 10845,He went to Scotland with his wife and son 10846,By the seventeenth and eleventh centuries the Persian and Ottoman wars were 10847,In 1996 Robertson Sanderson Simon and Thomas defined a four-coloring algorithm 10848,Campaigns to examine women s abuse of women began in 1975 10849,Created by Perise Dr. Lev Dr 10850,Kamal Akram was a Kurdish political activist who was killed in Mahabad 10851,With the discovery that the galaxy of the Andronicus galaxy is much larger 10852,In the symmetric key algorithm the same keys are used both for ciphering and 10853,His book The Legacy of the Kurds written in Persian is a historical 10854,When the ball hits the ball the ball hits the ball 10855,The short film from Burton s The Island was inspired by a story written 10856,Occasionally it may be possible that 70% of the donor liver is removed 10857,In 2008 the Turkish parliament voted to ban the law 10858,King Gogugwon of Goguryeo was the sixteenth king of Gogur 10859,S-34B is a superheavy combat personality and is one of the few 10860,American Humanist Association introduced him as 2004 Humanist of 2004 10861,Martin O Brien argued that we wanted to fully complete the sushi function until 10862,The album reached a peak in Japan and Germany 10863,In 1968 while taking a job as a film s secret service to the 10864,It is situated southwest of Sweden near Denmark 10865,Following the assassination of `Abdu l-Bahá Mirza s brother 10866,Accordingly in this principle the individual in a fallen elevator does not 10867,Michel says that cash donation is a crime that is not crime 10868,The sixth year refers to the year of the Roman Empire during which six 10869,Some of the larger domes are filled with volcanoes and several seas 10870,Work in Graphic Design involves workers performing task-related tasks such as graphic design 10871,In particular the Gates of Eden is the name granted by Michelangelo 10872,The Battle of the Andamans was a part of the Iran-Iraq War which 10873,Some of the greatest writers of this time are Leo Tolstoy Anton Chekhov and 10874,The United States remains a rigid nation in the world 10875,In this case both systems use a common disk supply and both use an array 10876,In the example above xy and other sentences in addition to xyz and xyzw the 10877,It is cultivated in Kerman Province in Kerman Province 10878,At present the faculty is chaired by Dr 10879,In addition when the calcium phosphate deficiency reduces the calcium phosphate 10880,There are sensors which are a combination of optics and optical 10881,The crop of bats consists of insects flowers nectar vertebrates and 10882,The case has been considered to be one of the most suitable documents in Australia and 10883,Gilgamesh s personal retirement and prominent focus in his work limited Gibbs 10884,In a match contested by Evan Owens the WWE Heavyweight Champion John 10885,At SummerSlam the Undertaker would defend his title against Barrett Howard but 10886,At this point the player has two pre-set choices and needs to distinguish one 10887,Eventually when Van Gogh in the summer of 1889 he decided to re- 10888,In the second case the path-to-recursive cipher adds bits to 10889,At the time of his death he became king of Persia 10890,Squash on-the-plan is a sport in which two or four players 10891,I Am a U.S. citizen was originally released in November 2010 but 10892,In Iran the primary natural predator is the rabbit 10893,Burcher was a U.S. citizen with an 18-year-old citizen 10894,In the same year he was inducted into the American Academy of Arts and Letters 10895,However the emperor s sister was still in the hands of the Viscounts 10896,The third is associated with a particular view on human conditions 10897,After a few weeks the disease is no longer feasible and the patient will 10898,He accepted the DGA invitation and began preparing paintings for the next 10899,As a result of the death the family became ill 10900,Construction of the Cathedral began in 643 under the guidance of the patriarch 10901,Until 202 BC Changsha was a prosperous city 10902,For example over a year before the bank sold foreign currencies and buying a 10903,A printed printing of centuries prior to Göttingen the ancient historians have 10904,1791 BC: The Miniature Patriacarani was conquered in this year 10905,A link-to-link protocol may be based on a network connection protocol but still 10906,Ivory Coast is a town in Al-Sanamayn District in Ivory Coast 10907,There is also an ON-the-go phone technology 10908,However extensive use of the language in a variety of computers and various hardware 10909,This causes a higher vision in the light but may result from interference 10910,Heavy crude oil is a crude oil that is highly decomposed and 10911,The experiments allowed him to prove the typical droplets of jet jet 10912,The facility which was originally private but later opened to the public 10913,At the age of 16 he became interested in rock and jazz and began to 10914,A fast way to test the correctness of the stator s performance is to 10915,Negative attacks include loss of muscle activity for more than a second 10916,For example every two weeks new teeth grow for the replacement of toothless te 10917,Teenage Jacques Beress improvised several letters to him 10918,For example to access the internal content of the module it is often used as a 10919,Because of the beauty of his younger beauty the mob usurped him from Hera 10920,The Middle Jurassic is the second epoch of the Jurassic period from 1662 to 10921,After this agreement Valjean was executed and executed 10922,The wavelength of a light that is absorbed is different for each element and is 10923,I and Roger Waters covered him until we got his cooperation 10924,Plasco s ambition of starting construction in the Commercial Facility in Rectoria in 10925,The power set of each set with symmetric differences forms an abelian group 10926,This classification is based on the classification that the Biryer class uses 10927,Alice had two sisters a three-year-old Levina a three-year 10928,The Canadian government operates a federal system with control over some of the administrative 10929,During the Norman reign most of his focus was on politics business and cultural development 10930,In response to protests in different parts of Iran including Tehran various protests were 10931,This concept occurs when a semantic unit can change without changing the meaning 10932,It can be obtained from a variety of food sources such as vegetables 10933,During the reign of the Communist regime in Afghanistan the Shah was appointed as the 10934,In the British School of Existential therapy these four divinities are considered as 10935,After a difficult and heavy battle both Cavendish and Fuler are killed and 10936,One way to prove its result is to find a phone separation from the graph 10937,1664: British forces left New Amsterdam and named it 10938,The Council participates in a broad range of environmental issues 10939,Later she appeared in a recurring role in the comedy-drama Kharkov 10940,Gyumri is renowned for its unique architecture 10941,In short the historian Mansour-Sattes pointed out in a short note that 10942,For instance in cases where one of the kidneys breaks out from the 10943,A common morphological term in the Python community is pythonic which can be 10944,They typically operate a relatively high volume of archival processing using 10945,Wood is the hardest and hardest part under the bark of a tree or other wood 10946,The Quran states that Muhammad is a god of Abraham and a sect of 10947,The Al-Dawl class is a class of warships built by the United States 10948,They had four children who had two sons and two daughters 10949,In static hydraulic systems a positive displacement pump is produced when the 10950,Fingal was translated into several European languages in 1772 10951,Sargon II continued the invasion of the Gulf of Aschaffenburg and entered 10952,The use of the term has been suggested that the person behind the applicant identifie 10953,It is found in Lantau Valley in eastern Zambia 10954,In 1941 he was nominated for five awards 10955,For You is the song by American singer Selena Gomez 10956,It may be easier to wait for transmission until the channel conditions are under improved 10957,The growth of the gross domestic product in 2006 was estimated at 11% 10958,Public relations requires firms to fulfill their enthusiasm for the better customer 10959,The house has two inner and outer aisles which are separated by the house 10960,It was discovered at the CELM rocket center in Biscarrosse 10961,Behavioral appearance including issuance of signatures authentication of speakers 10962,In October 2015 the upper section of the covering was replaced with the worst 10963,Initially the geometry of the robot is determined and describes the geometry 10964,He received his Bachelor of Arts degree from the Ministry of Culture and Arts and has 10965,The use of a shower with a hot soapy water for this purpose is 10966,Following the death of her husband Oedipus was reputed to be a 10967,Sustainable wood management for wood products is an efficient and beneficial part of a general 10968,This number is usually printed with the name of the holder of the cheque 10969,The first alloys were made of metals that were widely available to humans and 10970,Persian was a Persian nobleman who ruled in the 7th century as 10971,The Catholic bishops supported Christian II of Denmark but Gustav Vasa was defeated 10972,It was built for the central office of the Austrian company Energie AG in Linz Austria 10973,The file must be transferred between two personal computers 10974,As a result of the shock Han runs away from the island several times and 10975,It has mild weather conditions and soft groundwater that leads to frequent rain freezes 10976,On 3 March 1994 Cobain went to a Cello in Rome Italy where he 10977,These activities are performed by librarians arsonists and topical specialists as 10978,Frankland returned to England after his training in Germany 10979,The use of the aircraft has been banned in Iran since 2011 10980,Most of these phrases originated from one of the Persian Persian Italian and 10981,Nets communicate using a particular CD key at a time using a 10982,In general the first address of each subnet is the network s broadcast address and 10983,A sovereign nation with a permanent population and a means and ability to communicat 10984,He believed that art and crafts are the most suitable form of art but 10985,Instead of the Graham search the algorithm with O n log n is used 10986,A platoon designed to help grow trees in dry areas 10987,It was published in 1954 in the collection The Exploits of Sherlock Holmes by Sir 10988,Many times the majority of Mussorgsky s work was only available via modifications 10989,The libertarian approach states that the actions of the modern democratic government have resulted 10990,The rotation speed and acceleration of the Coriolis effect in this local coordinate system 10991,In addition most mistone is present in the middle of the sternum which is used 10992,During the Sassanid period trade relationships between the two countries developed into 10993,The process of knocking off a Mi source before any token is transmitted to 10994,The next morning Ibrahim sent Afra and Saad outside of his camp 10995,The family moved to Canada in 1980 10996,It was launched in 1920 and owns a network of operations across Japan Hong Kong 10997,The position X - column which is typically described by letters 1 2 3 10998,Thus the heart becomes disjointed and releases blood flow 10999,The abstract model of database model is a type of database model that determines how the data 11000,It affects a part of the awareness that involves food and sexual relationships 11001,They are available in different colors and color with which they are chosen to be 11002,This was changed after leaving the Little B7 flight 11003,In the beginning of the twentieth century David Hilbert developed a program to 11004,The dorsal fin is smaller than the dorsal fin 11005,He was later defeated at the Battle of Nahavand 11006,But if a matching is used it will take a lengthy amount of 11007,She married Suzannes and had their only child Sigurd 11008,Modern control has provided control over data structure that was not available in Forth 66 which 11009,These laws were followed by a national desire for software and hardware inside Brazil 11010,There is now a fair market value for a company and the company is expected to 11011,13 rockets were shot down leading to the death of a civilian soldier 11012,The most famous example is quantum database search which is solved using the Grove 11013,The meeting was the most important of these meetings held before the Bretton Woods Conference 11014,Most recently written script scripts for Boron shell are written without modifying 11015,She was the first Iranian woman to be crowned ambassador in Iran 11016,Furthermore generated construction displays can be squeezed up effectively for 11017,The absolute value of the d vertices is used in the real number set of real 11018,Upon the 1979 Iranian Revolution he was arrested and imprisoned 11019,Non-structural programming describes the concept of fundamental control flows such as loops 11020,Aaron Fonnin announced the transfer to XCB on April 9 2008 11021,Reagan stated that a 9 000-line suspension and large amount of 11022,She began her first acting career in Iron Man 11023,The address node is always a single address and the address of the sending 11024,In 1925 he returned to Athens and entered the ministry of foreign affairs 11025,La Boca donated this water to the sapphire as one of the most important 11026,They are also referred to as plutonium systems 11027,In June 2014 Erdoğan was elected as President of Turkey 11028,Chess and film set the international trends for actor and director 11029,Later he was appointed Archbishop of Geneva 11030,Reza Pahlavi began his political activities immediately after his father s death 11031,This guarantees the domains of confiscations and the quality of reported assets 11032,After this Bayern signed a professional contract with the club for the 2002–03 season and 11033,Although we weren t recorded joint ventures we weren t 11034,During these years he lectured in various cities in the United States Canada Australia 11035,A maximum amount for the luminous efficacy of an inert lamp is about 52 11036,The eastern bridges from the two bridges one to the south and one to the 11037,The time for a system to perform an ERP system depends on the scope of 11038,Iranian astronomer Abraham al Biruni suggested that the Milky Way was a collection 11039,She told the MTV that she wanted to cover her eighth floor which 11040,In her suicide exposure to his childhood friend and the reasons for the 11041,After the withdrawal of the Soviet Union a number of Mi-24 helicopters 11042,The article shows that Facebook has focused on the ideas of individuals even without 11043,Emperor Byzantine Emperor Vasilis II apparently lost his mastery of the 11044,The incidence of lung cancer in those susceptible to lung cancer is 15% 11045,In fact there will be no other notions 11046,It is said that Oedipus faced with Cloris during his trip to Hades 11047,In U-Sushi chains a type of topping is a type of topping 11048,The Budapest Bridge which is sometimes referred to as Budapest is a bridge in Budapest 11049,The next morning the next morning Ullmann leaves a mill carrying a 11050,This is followed by a list of cities in Canada based on the alphabet 11051,Louis IV had the nickname Transmarinus or d Outremer or the king of 11052,The term was first used by English writer George Hilly Oak in 1846 11053,For a graph with V vertices any graph with E edges will have E-V 11054,Snakes are a group of about 500 species of snakes in the 11055,He was killed in the Age of Liberation in 1937 11056,The holiday is celebrated before the writing of Esther 11057,The new Stark Tower was later constructed at the site of the same tower 11058,The book was translated into English by Parviz Basra 11059,On 13:45 at 1 December 1783 Jacques Charles and the Robert Brothers constructed a 11060,which is almost equivalent to the English word usury is a term used 11061,Because the ambiguous sequence e c is reduced by E → e 11062,If the ratio of the signal to our estimator is less than the ratio of the signal to 11063,The Moon falls on the Moon every year 11064,In philosophical matters there are a few tractates from him 11065,At the beginning of the meeting the Shah announced the advice of the Supreme Leader 11066,Biofuel synthesis has been approved in 31 countries nationwide and in 29 provinces 11067,It is used to describe Muslim slaves in India 11068,She was chosen as the Year s Girl of the Year in 1997 11069,Anxiety is often accompanied by disappointment or delight 11070,The handset is a small handheld device that gives a high pointed and 11071,He spent 22 years of marriage to his parents 11072,According to Al Jazeera reports the actions that began on 3rd Tir 11073,In general computer hardware and software application applications are viewed by creative practitioners as more effective 11074,The statue was discovered in 2005 and the Spanish experts claimed that there 11075,At the time it was still a subdivision of the northwestern climate zone the city 11076,He decided to select Spain as a location when under Franco-Prussian dictat 11077,Prices for these low-quality saffron bottles may be ten times 11078,It was later used as a test instrument to measure blood glucose 11079,The refrigerant is then refrigerant-plated and then transferred to a refrigerant 11080,When Friedana was a member of the faculty of philosophy at the University of 11081,In this case there is a reference frame that indicates that two events occur in a 11082,E1 reactions are compared to the reactance of a molecule because 11083,The fifth round was held in Poland on August September 2011 11084,Then with a brush drilled tungsten around the edges of the glass 11085,On 16 December 2014 FAB and FRIS have announced that their information was transmitted 11086,The company announced that the event would have been the most watched event in the history 11087,Cakes were originally made from post-harvest food or sponges to prevent 11088,During this war on the way from one side of the Christian government and from the otherwise 11089,The titanium is a serine cation of C6H5CH3 11090,Eventually he moved to Canada first in 1959 then in Montreal in 1963 then in 11091,This creates a balance between the edge and the ultraviolet radiation 11092,The people of Kufa quickly became acquainted with Muslim and even the moh 11093,The French government understood the possibility of the king s exploitation 11094,There is also a yellow coloring in the flower which is called safflower yellow 11095,These rules explain how to generate strings from the alphabet of the language 11096,The Swedish women s national football team represents Sweden in the women s competitions 11097,There are structures and functions of living organisms because they are able to 11098,He retired from teaching in 2008 and has now been a professional professor now a 11099,Snakes have been used since Renaissance times as a substitute for casting and 11100,Because of the persecution of the Byzantines the silk trade was difficult due to 11101,Furanocoumarin is a chemical substance that is found in grapefruit or 11102,Tractor Sazi won a silver medal at the 1958 Summer Olympics and a 11103,Standardization of the types of goods and products with adequate safety measures 11104,Khazchoff s outer report was a contradiction with him and was never 11105,Timeless lighting and natural light sensing sensors reduce the energy consumption 11106,In the 2007–08 season Máh returned to the Netherlands and signed a contract 11107,It is situated on the southern slope of the southern suburb of 11108,Early electronic computers were shown with lamps with lamps where the position of 11109,The National Park is named after the Komodo National Park to help protect the species 11110,The leap day begins with the month of Chatura and is the first day of the 11111,The architecture of ancient Egypt is generally divided according to the principles used 11112,With the growing GDP in the European states trade grew rapidly 11113,Contrasts from the HDE 226868 Cygnus X-1 transistors and active 11114,In addition some argue that the atmosphere of the Crimean Crisis should defend the 11115,In a post posted by Isakama in 2010 he said that the character Pixasp was 11116,The war began in Europe since the invasion of Poland on 1 September 1939 11117,In this case the benefits that arise by deleting u and v are represent 11118,One of his great achievements was that she performed for Queen Elizabeth I at the 11119,Scholars at Oxford University have examined 73 undergraduate studies 11120,I found what isn t as I have written what isn t what I 11121,The two hosts presented their own proposals to host games and saw themselves 11122,The group was formed as a British band in the United States through their 11123,Increased blood sugar levels during the day may also result in higher levels of 11124,He continued to fight against the Russians and took their troops and 11125,The artists worked for three years 11126,The word literally literally literally literally literally literally literally literally liter 11127,According to Krugman s early model both consumers demand different types of 11128,The clock with its n-type form dates back to the 15th century and 11129,Isaac uses a compact solar grid and a very efficient design to 11130,Their primary characteristic is the possibility of interfacing the databases between 11131,He had several sons and several daughters 11132,He has released three studio albums one of which is Jerry s albums 11133,In 1987 the company developed the Micro7 a system-based system working with a 11134,January 14 - After a month of violent protests in Tunisia against the 11135,He claimed that he spent no time with any national religion religion or philosophy and 11136,He was born in Algiers France and the French French provinces of Canada 11137,Thus G will have a vertex of degree 5 which is adjacent to 11138,However the bones in the giraffes in females seem to have been 11139,It was exhibited at the Louvre in Paris 11140,Roger Moses died in Boston on March 29 1951 11141,After the Declaration of Geneva the second general council of the World Association of Medical Doctor 11142,It was introduced at CES in CES 2009 11143,A year later they changed the name of the Independent Independent SICA to the Institute for 11144,Functional seizures begin in one of the nocturnal hemisphere when 11145,The temple was divided into three sections the inner and the outer worlds 11146,Newer and less-consumable technologies with DC-to-DC heat pumps can 11147,The tunnel is a tunnel which allows communication that uses various network protocols 11148,The majority of the Jews in Upper Slavonia were businessmen 11149,At the time of the collapse of Bronze Age the Assyrians sought to 11150,where w is a function of output y which is also a function of 11151,They also celebrate wild hunts and hunting 11152,The University of Music is a public university in Tehran Iran 11153,The majority of male-male marriages in Denmark are male-male and 11154,Users are given a complete dining room and a series of basic 11155,The attempt to avoid staphylococcal syndrome is not very beneficial 11156,Jackson wrote a song entitled Two de l Belgravia 11157,He was arrested and sentenced to three years in prison 11158,While rumors surrounding his club s departure were heard by him 11159,In the above definition only the transmitted motion is considered as a particle 11160,The next year the Turks gathered on the al-Qaidah tribe 11161,Niloofar Rohmani is Afghanistan s first woman pilot in Afghanistan 11162,However this revolt continued and the German invasions of the West and the 11163,In 2007 he organized the Syrian Conference and along with other reformist groups such as 11164,With Qt being released under the GNU General Public License the HARMONY project 11165,The Physical Education Faculty was founded in 1389 11166,Why this painting went from content? The question is that the traditional 11167,There are a large number of measures to try to prevent rape 11168,The road is located from Tehran to Zanjan and from Zanjan to Tabriz and 11169,Hydrothermal energy can be used with water or steam boilers in a similar process for 11170,The first commercial commercial television transmitters were developed in 1934 and later operated by the 11171,The beginning of Bronze Age in China is known as the Age of Bronze Age in China 11172,If a carbonyl starts at site 1 this molecule starts with a 11173,After these changes it was possible to study law and medicine in Bern 11174,In building design a heat chamber is somewhat of a building s heat 11175,In many modern operating systems the time-sliced value is calculated as dynamically and 11176,Thus when foreign capital flows in the country are under a financial development 11177,In 2005 ancient scientists discovered what became the world s most ancient 11178,It is one of the largest cities in Iran 11179,Sar crafts include carpets and carpets in the village 11180,Thus we have five vertices V.1 V.2 V.3 V.4 11181,John Cheon and Scarlett Damagee worked on the story of Rold Dahl 11182,It is also used as a dry gum for basketball players 11183,In a post-traumatic research period that lasted more than six decades Ruhr 11184,There is no legal restriction on women s participation in politics 11185,Its head office is based in Riyadh Saudi Arabia 11186,After directing several short films in the 1950s Yan Cho became increasingly interest 11187,The Information Systems Audit and Control Association is the world s most influential professional accounting and 11188,In the summer of 2010 the CAT became Wales s foundation 11189,After the Iranian Revolution and the execution of Habib al-Nafyan Diyinda 11190,For example at the voltage voltage kV 2781 to kV 669 kV 11191,The various forms of Marxism emphasized the division of society state and 11192,Based on spherical measurements it is possible to imagine that its diameter is 11193,There are three main types of worms and worms 11194,However the game was released with the game due to its limited loading speed and 11195,She began her pornography in 2002 and only one day after her eight-day age 11196,This sector plays a major role in climate change 11197,The bull shark is generally active in the marsh-to-side basin and 11198,November 8 - Pakistan as the only state still maintains ties with the Taliban 11199,In Australia the Information Quality Management Organization is also responsible for various aspects of information security 11200,In 1975 he joined the Canadian Army 11201,It is found in most of Europe Europe and parts of northern Africa 11202,Bruno Rocco de Rosaneda is a Brazilian volleyball coach 11203,These groups refer to studies that the tobacco industry causes either psychological 11204,Microsoft entered the market with the operating system in 1980 11205,In Malmö the Swedish soldiers began to commit stealing raping and 11206,His work has been closely associated with Joseph Stalin 11207,There are a large number of cities from 1927 to 2000 11208,The most common joints affected are the stomach arms arm arms and 11209,After six months Francis returned to Amherst and returned home 11210,Some of these jumpers are called simply jumpers such as the 11211,It is the largest bank in the United States 11212,The earthquake occurred in the 10 km x 10 km in the northeast of 11213,Initially she was a sponsor of the Mercedes-J-Klasse and in 2011 she 11214,It was founded in 1991 under the name of Shahid Lotfi Yazd 11215,The Soviet usage tour was short but between 1950 and 1960 the U.S. 11216,It is used to access the Internet and gain access to various services such as web or 11217,Currently there is a boom in the city 11218,B: I think you are almost certainly advocating collectivism 11219,After the Battle of Basrah and other actions by the Iraqi Armed Forces 11220,Treatment for jaundice is the use of a healthy diet rich in vitamin D and 11221,Four months later they married on June 16 1956 11222,In 1977 he wrote to a man who suffers from self-imposed weaknesses 11223,It is also used in industrial applications where accurate torque and torque control 11224,The stapes is a staped body that forms the skeletal muscle and 11225,These areas covered by the Marahar River tend towards the bottom of the 11226,He was succeeded to Abraham by his nephew Henry Hegemon who added Hugo Wolf 11227,It is bordered on the border between Iran and Turkey 11228,He has appeared in more than 100 films and has appeared in more than 150 11229,Louis s position in the general councils changed across time but in 1521 11230,His father is of Irish descent and his mother is of Irish descent 11231,The wires are composed of seven layers of wires 11232,He has appeared in more than 100 films and has appeared in more than 100 11233,His father was a religious composer and a religious songwriter 11234,Preventing from using predators helps to prevent new species development 11235,In 1990 inspired by the French explorer and ethnologist Jacques-Auverso 11236,The Secretariat of Congress is located on the Capitol Building and the Secretariat 11237,At the 2006 census its population was 13.4% 11238,The best known and most popular BMP badges are the BMP badges 11239,However sending INVITE packets is the most popular way to attack telephon 11240,EXP-TIME: Problems where the time required for their solution is as powerfully 11241,There is no specific name for these loans and are known only as floating loan 11242,This algorithm always selects the last active vertex and performs push operations until 11243,It is a group of irons that is strong and flexible and easy to pair with 11244,Eventually the Soviets and British armies joined each other on the 11245,The Roman chessboard which had a circular plate and had 16 vertebrae 11246,The narrative is a process in which the inner and the inner thoughts of 11247,After another clinical trial that had been conducted the authorities claimed that the 11248,Both have a belt and a belt 11249,It is currently less developed and less developed 11250,When he attempted to escape the city he took Philip s daughter Cle 11251,Amphitryon was the son of the Greek king Amphitryon in Argos and 11252,Sankara then attacked the Han Dynasty because of their friendship 11253,The first application of ACω resulted in a sequence of B n with elements 11254,The program believes that these types of loans result from increasing 11255,Only in this case you can be accounting for self-interested judgment about my 11256,Passive Passive EQUITY EQUITY EQUITY EQUITY EQUITY EQUITY 11257,The film featured Charles Bavaria Henry Fonda Jason Ruppert and Clive Caroline 11258,In total the initial Soviet forces had about 80 000 soldiers 1 800 tanks 11259,The environmental risk refers to the biological substance responsible for the life of living 11260,It was recognized as the best bank in Iran in 2010 11261,The relational equivalence codes are equal to zero in other words they do not 11262,It is still spoken in Westlands and Westlands and parts of the provinces of 11263,The reaction of conscientious protesters is quite unprofessional in connection with the recovery 11264,It is abundant in Iran and in the Caspian region living and living in the 11265,where the quality of communication between the corsair and the horse is measured 11266,In a very famous story two women come to Solomon and both claim that 11267,February 24 January19892A 14-year-old student shot and killed two students 11268,From here on to the disaster continued another form of disaster because no 11269,There are about 20 000 species of these species in the world 11270,The syntax of IMP72 is extended by the spread of the syntax 11271,This weight is based on the Greek coins and metric coins 11272,The parameters of the model s are wavelengths wavelengths and L is the 11273,This was the first method of geothermal energy use in La Pontina in 1904 11274,Pink Floyd was formed in 1965 by former students Syd Barrett Nick Mason Roger 11275,The remaining works of Pharaohs show that a large number of sports 11276,1681–1681: Northern Wars in Europe sets aside the status of Sweden as 11277,The first 50EX was launched on April 10 1996 11278,In the Middle Ages and Renaissance periods in Europe the eye was a symbol of 11279,Its destination is determined via a clearance array 11280,The fibrosis tends to be involuntary post-penetration upon the anus 11281,In contrast to light and heat anthocyanins are derived from silver to gray 11282,London Heathrow AirportHillingdon Greater London England United KingdomLHR EGLL40 239 11283,When the temperature increases the vapor pressure increases 11284,A few months later he moved to Los Angeles with his mother 11285,It was deployed to the U.S. Navy in late 2004 11286,He was elected to the state legislature in June 1965 although his political reaction 11287,Scotland was an independent country independent from England from 1603 11288,To minimize total energy consumption many passive daylighting techniques are the first way to 11289,Mohammad Esposito Khosrow was an Iranian-born mathematician professor of 11290,After spending a year in prison in 1593 King King states that he 11291,Even though we do not have SYRCU to carry the SYRCU it is still 11292,There are many energy categories that can be classified as a cycle of energy in 11293,Dafreshan is situated on the slopes of the mountain and has a population 11294,After the 2011 tsunami JYJ reported $200 000 in November 2011 to the Organization for 11295,All Baltic nations took part in the fighting 11296,For data transfer between different computers one can use a flash drive or a light disc 11297,The work of the Zeus temple of Agrippa was signed to Fellaes 11298,According to Bevat s natural sciences and by using the data used to 11299,By comparing these algorithms the choice of multiple algorithms for one problem and 11300,The five choreographers performed at the Radio Comedy Hall of Fame 11301,Leslie Mills is an American singer-songwriter and singer 11302,As a colleague of Alfred Adler he also worked on the discovery of 11303,Gymnastics are usually singing at a local time and are often 11304,The Pacific Ocean lies in the west and the Caribbean Sea in the east 11305,It is believed to be part of the Book of Ezra not as part of the 11306,iOS Beam: a device that uses NFC technology to transmit information such as web 11307,The road from the town of Regence was famous for the family riots and the 11308,The film was released two years after the death of James Dean 11309,His brother is a physician who works at the National AIDS Research Institute and his 11310,The rich bridges consisted of guards and shipping workers 11311,Most of the research done by Alan Darlington in the 1970s and 1980s has been 11312,Abdullah had six younger sisters 11313,On 24 June 1942 Coelho s wife Cewerba died of stomach 11314,Lenina Crowne from Vladimir Lenin of the Bolshevik Revolutionary Council 11315,He taught in Cairo until 1939 as a professor in Cairo until 11316,A heating battery which receives heat from a heat source such as a 11317,In some works it has been given the name of the Persian alphabet 11318,In other societies such as democracy political roles remain in place but different 11319,However in the early 1960s opposition to the monarchy became a center 11320,Robert I died at the age of 33 11321,The development of the Natega film began in March 2011 when Sam Walton Productions and 11322,It has a rotating arithmetic actuator that measures the standard velocity 11323,Around 75 years later in Krishnamurti s life I always said I always 11324,The name of the song is named after Roger Waters father Eric Waters who was 11325,In all graphs the glossary number provides a lower bound to color 11326,Khoy Airport was inaugurated in autumn 1983 11327,Two science instruments experimented with the Pathfinder Flight interferometer and a high-resolution 11328,The term dignity refers to a situation in which individuals are cleaned 11329,After reaching the flight mode the missile becomes ready for the cruise 11330,Players such as David Beckham for advertising contracts and Ronaldinho a much 11331,However the Babylonian power of sham-sheba-o-neck was limited 11332,During the siege the plague was poisoned in the town of Enda but 11333,The sizes vary depending on the season and the composition of the mother s blood 11334,The German eagle is actually a symbol of Germany s old stands on the 11335,Loads and Hornets are usually counted which can be either an independent 11336,It is believed that the game was invented in China in the 19th century and 11337,At this time Jack Hyeweed tells Ana that she has stolen Emma for two hours 11338,He tells the story of the war in which his soldiers are the mothers 11339,The style of architecture of the era was a mixture of Turkish-Turkish architecture and 11340,Google Mars is a Mars Space Flight Facility located at the University of Alaska 11341,Titi was Egypt s first pharaoh and founder of the sixth d 11342,His father was a successful German and Polish king 11343,The elongation of the liver may be accompanied by the elongation of the 11344,Karroubi Khosrow was an international scholar and researcher specializing in the 11345,He began his training in Japan and Mexico before returning to Stampede 11346,The set S of any subseteq X is a discrete uniform in the metric 11347,The increasing population of the Great Northern Hemisphere can also become a 11348,The anniversary of his marriage to Pepper was attacked by the police officer 11349,Digital health enable people to optimize management and improve family and community life 11350,The increasing urban outcome has been slowing during the latter two centur 11351,The United Nations report on the voluntary restrictions on religious movements and 11352,Other collaborations include working with Mike Harris at the 2008 Roarthorne Music Festival in 11353,It is the nearest extinct species 11354,In the mid-19th century the migration to Palestine began 11355,His works have survived and are very well known even today 11356,In the context of data compression Shannon–Hoffman coding which was named after 11357,In colder climates because of the short summer season and the relatively moderat 11358,The novel The Death of Artemio Cruz by Carlos Fuentes tells the story of three characters 11359,The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes are a collection of short stories by Sherlock 11360,Two months later he changed the function of Pegasos from a chartered airline 11361,It is however clear that he did not explicitly recognize the existence of 11362,A certain group such as a relatively wealthy or poor may be 11363,Elkann is a commune in the Pas-de-Calais department in 11364,This means that light at a vacuum is transmitted at least at a 11365,It has an electrical power of 160 hp and a torque of 270 amp 11366,The governmental advisory committee represents 111 countries Hong Kong Brunei Darussalam 11367,Thomas Hill Holder: liberal libertarian libertarian libertarian libertarian libertarian libertarian libertarian 11368,It is able to use tools because of the use of wooden pieces small 11369,Dmitry Ivanovich Djatkovich reigned as Tsar of Moscow from 1979 11370,The following season he was transferred to Manchester City 11371,In 2009 Sohani was confirmed to return to his role as Moses in the third 11372,In addition network technologies such as cable and DSL often do not get the same service 11373,The maximum maximum temperature increases in the summer of February to 1 ° 11374,He was married at the age of three and remained with approximately 40 11375,At the 2006 census its population was 58 in 3 families 11376,The definition of leaf graphs is immediately recognized in co-NP. 11377,She began her acting career in 2008 with Breaking one 11378,January 19 - The United Nations releases a hundred thousand dollars 11379,From the Greek gigeria of the birds may be from the Persian word for 11380,For complex compositions the artist may start primarily use pencils wood aggregates or 11381,Iran is the world s first producer of fruit in the Middle East and North Africa 11382,In June 2007 the European embassy of the EUPOL in Afghanistan played a major 11383,The largest producer of AIB is Taiwan where the latter has Palit and Hong 11384,Thus suppose that the player would have 2 r+s-1 different results 11385,The Tehran University Press is an Iranian publishing house based in Tehran Iran 11386,This led to the formation of the national team such as the 70s Taj and Persepolis 11387,Access to a page on the site may be exclusively for one or more groups 11388,It is revealed that it is a badly endemic tumor after which 11389,The sappanite is a species of green-colored microcolla found 11390,On October 30 2015 an interview by عادل فردوسيpour was conducted by Mohammad 11391,In 1909 Modigliani suffered from a broken lifestyle 11392,Plutarchen s arrival was much more reflective than the arrival of other groups 11393,Most of them were harvested from the farm and stored in certain urns 11394,During World War I he developed several new techniques for the development of artificial organs 11395,The campus s headquarters are also located on the campus 11396,Not entirely necessary it is not necessary to add the code to the separate 11397,Ferromagnetism is an essential mechanism by which either permanent magnetized forms of 11398,With the air filtration system the film is entirely flat at a moment of 11399,In English the name is known as anata 11400,After the series s success on May 15 1998 Fox ordered 13 episodes of the Family 11401,His parents were Ronald and Carol Huppert 11402,There are many methods used to measure the size distribution of grains in the soil 11403,He then appeared in the second episode of the War of the Stars 11404,At 45 minutes ahead of a competition water or a small fruit beer is imperative 11405,The loss of employment in economics refers to the loss of economic wealth often 11406,The bulb and the public spaces were developed by Francisco Gonzalez Pulido and used natural light 11407,In April 1995 the building was occupied due to the threat of a bomb like 11408,It is owned by Amazon Inc 11409,The film s remastered reality is the showing the famous box set and the 11410,This video uses the Prague-Chariot Church and the Prague-Chariot High School 11411,Two friends from Barcelona moved to Paris in 1901 11412,The process of excitation causes new excitations that can result from mutations in 11413,According to a scholar Majid Hegarty before Islam women had no legal rights 11414,Posthava planned to go back to college but decided to go to Paris where he 11415,According to the Muslim tradition Muhammad sent letters to various rulers from different countries 11416,He defined four types: Bonifatian friars eunuchs 11417,If G=Kn then there must be at least n colors for at least 11418,He was the eldest son of the Southern kingdom of Gondor and the brother of 11419,A configuration maps the rows and the C configuration is the set of all possible configurations 11420,His contract for three seasons was announced at $40 million 11421,The symbol of the divine spirit is used as a response to themes in modern modern 11422,The group s structure is inherited from the group based on the algebraic 11423,Many problems in finite pathwidth algorithms can be solved effectively by dynamic 11424,Green Globe systems are used in Canada and the United States 11425,This must be accomplished with a sufficient velocity because the defender 11426,This allows multiple stations to simultaneously share the same transmit capacity while the only 11427,It includes power control and freedom of existence 11428,The last one chosen in step 2 is presented as a standard for evaluating the 11429,TohichjiJP-09Depicting the morphemes of 栃 and 木 11430,He believes that the known and well-qualified instances of a 11431,At the meeting Mandela congratulated the leadership of Iran 11432,In the winter Ellie and Joel live in a remote mountain house 11433,Four kilometers and a capacity of carrying 2 to 3 000 passengers 11434,Each episode of the series explores personalities in contemporary Poland facing one or more 11435,Approximately 800 000 Nicaraguans live outside of the country mainly in the United 11436,January 23 is the eleventh day of the year 11437,The campaign started in 1978 and began in 1981 11438,The club achieved two UEFA Champions League titles and one European Championship titles 11439,An additional additional channel across the grid would cause two modems to 11440,She won a gold medal at the 1996 Atlanta Olympics and a silver medal at 11441,The earliest experimental methods developed during the 19th century reached 11442,Linkushaug Football Club is a football club based in Linpus Sweden 11443,The novel was first published in English in 1955 11444,Both youths were arrested and following a joint court hearing 11445,Despite this classification of finite simple groups it is assumed that the finite group 11446,The World Health Organization in association with the United Nations Environment Programme and the United Nations Environment 11447,Abdullah ibn Husayn the grandson of Husayn states that Hasan had 11448,Because this type of rope is very hard it is used in cases where 11449,It is one of the 15 districts of Herat 11450,Culture is the shared means of life thinking and human interaction in a 11451,I really don t like people to face sins 11452,When the water supply is less than 1 000 cubic meters per person per year 11453,The rapid changes of velocity and direction led to the swelling of the lower 11454,However the adhesion of single-nucleotide cells and the growth factor of 11455,The film is the first film in which Tarzon s famous saxophone 11456,Urmia is spoken in Azerbaijani Turkish language and the northern Iranian people 11457,His father was a dentist and his mother Karoline Leurberg was a 11458,In the UK it is estimated that 40% of the death and their mortality 11459,The crown of the crown of the crown of the crown of the crown 11460,It was one of a few Armenians to attempt to ascend the summit 11461,It was built four times during the period of Islam 11462,He was eventually dethroned by his younger brother Mikawa 11463,His last book was autobiography published in early summer 2012 11464,Donald Rumsfeld the twenty-first leading U.S. Defense Minister to 11465,Bal was born in 1924 and began working as a youth stripper at the 11466,His character is based on the character of Mrs 11467,In copper the speeds are generally decreased from at least 59C to 11468,After Barrett s dissolution the rapping bar and the continued creativity of the 11469,The interior design was designed by Adam and designed by Marie Swan 11470,Each English page requires several English translations pages 11471,Bell Labs has developed various versions of UNIX including CB UNIX and 11472,The increasing popularity of sushi throughout the world has had huge changes to 11473,At the end France won the 1988 World Cup final 11474,When the atom is bound to the base state the characteristic wavelength of the 11475,Another common dilemma is that general goods are goods supplied by the general sector 11476,I promise to practice bodily behavior and not pursue a living of a 11477,On August 4 2007 Aisha Jamy was found dead in his hometown of Warburg in 11478,He worked on the project for 37 years until his death in 1917 11479,They stated that they had been sent to hospital for a few days before 11480,It is in height at the entrance to the Banto caves which are 11481,There is evidence that subtropical and subtropical coastlines are caused by weather 11482,Males use their large hesel to defend the females and their children 11483,On 30 September 2005 the success of Muhammad s cartoons happened in Ullos 11484,His father was a doctor who taught children with secular politics rather than religion 11485,In 1998 Johnny Depp a former TV presenter and friend based on the 11486,Versions 6 and 9 are still available for design alternatives such as SIPP TP-XT 11487,It was completed in 2003 and completed in 2012 11488,It is bordered by Eritrea to the east Eritrea to the west and 11489,Historically the earliest and most widely known type of taxation was the 11490,Programmers write programs according to the specifications outlined primarily by senior programmer 11491,Like other object-oriented programming languages Smalltalk-80 has a central concept of object 11492,However it is not expected that the tcp should be 10 GB at this point 11493,The Alpha resurrects and takes the baby 11494,It was a Franciscan authority based on Gurdjieff s Fourth Way 11495,This clock uses a panel to declare the time 11496,At breakfast he meets with the rest of the family s uninhabited members: 11497,The FN often describes itself as a sacrifice or a self- 11498,During almost a year after Sam s arrival in Hell Sam reveal 11499,It is believed that the evolution of modern giraffes began with their 11500,There are numerous historical and historical monuments in the city of Coffs Harbour 11501,Short-term water diarrhea can be caused by an allergic reaction to the 11502,The government only declared a military government and killed some military officers 11503,This layer specifies which fan pump and chiller work with which speed or capacity 11504,Edward Herthazen was a Belgian chemist who played an important role during 11505,He was arrested and sentenced to 25 years imprisonment 11506,He was a member of the Army of the Guardians of the Islamic Revolution and 11507,Gluten s enteric enteric enteric enteric enteric 11508,In the context of a cultural revolution in which a cultural revolution occurred in the 11509,The 21st instance refers to the twenty-first century 11510,After successful collaborations with Blue he left the band and began pursuing solo 11511,As of 2015 Amazon is ranked fourth on the Amazon Video brand 11512,It was released in 1818 with the assistance of a solvent print machine 11513,It is situated in the middle of the Columbus field and is almost 10 11514,However Darwin has predicted that the accuracy and efficiency of the three- 11515,It is also known as the mother of the sea 11516,His book Erol and Civilization has been influential across the 1960s and 1960s 11517,Methodes such as benzimidazolethiol avoids the oxidation of the closed 11518,The immune system consists of white lymph nodes and lymph nodes which 11519,The relationship ended after one year and Kimmel received Academy Award nominations for Best 11520,Windows service is typically referred to as Windows Server 11521,The principles of soil mechanics are used in other disciplines such as geophysics 11522,Several of the most famous examples of scantilive art have been given 11523,The third ventricle is the third ventricle 11524,They have a close attitude toward their own world which may be too 11525,Marzullo s algorithm is efficient in space and time 11526,In 1938 he moved to New York City where he worked as a counsel 11527,While the guests are singing singing and singing the songs are broadcasting 11528,The reflection coefficient or reflection coefficient is postulated in physics and electrical 11529,The city was crowned in 1674 and it became a military and 11530,The Great Pyramid of Ae is from New Zealand the Great Titanohierax and the 11531,The database is looking for improved performance through the database to perform tasks such as loading 11532,JPG|Avalgar JPG|Avalgar JPG|Avalgar 11533,In this case the body reacts excessivamente against anti-inflammatory agents 11534,Mitsubishi Heavy Duty entered service in 2011 11535,They were nominated by the former Democratic General George McCarthy a campaigner 11536,The quote badge is used as a hook for the character strings 11537,This method is mainly for indoor walls having low resistance or without 11538,They are assembled into a group of constant module modules in the C standard library 11539,Parents continue to practice eating these squirrels even weeks after the 11540,It was also found in China as a mixture of potassium potassium 11541,In addition to various aspects of linguistics the study of the second language has 11542,In the main reception room was an Italian mercenary wrapped by Benito Mussolini to 11543,The character of the song was inspired by the song 11544,After playing in the Bourse Beckett squad in 2006 he joined Parma 11545,The separation pair has two characteristics: P.0 = F and C. 11546,In 1939 Karben was appointed to Istanbul and produced photographs of the Sırrah 11547,St Augustine who was sent by Pope Gregory I to England in 587 11548,After the war Hassan Rouhani along with a number of military commanders 11549,The Israelis are exempt from service but they can volunteer 11550,On 23 February 1981 Eta s expulsion from the Spanish House of Representatives 11551,Glycoic acid is connected to the material via a glycoside bond and 11552,According to ESA Hosea v 6 is the third of the seven ducts 11553,The spacecraft launched at the port of Rotterdam in the beginning of a two- 11554,In 2009 Gomez was named Cuba s Best Aviator in 2009 11555,John Robert Leonard is an American film director and film director 11556,The school is part of the University of Waterloo on the South Korean Peninsula and is 11557,After Darius s victory over Babylon Daniel was chosen as one of the major 11558,He was arrested by two taxi and police agents and delivered to a gendar 11559,It was finally released in October 1991 11560,It marks the day in which the French undertaker returns to Syria in 1946 11561,In total 460 participants from 51 countries have participated 11562,During the war almost a million and hundreds of thousands of 11563,In consumer theory a derivative is the derivative of the individual or family members to 11564,By developing suppose that label assignments to their institutions actually satisfy 11565,The film was released on February 1 2013 in the United Kingdom and on February 8 11566,However in the broadest concept environmental protection is the task of all people not just the 11567,On December 31 2011 the city s population was 1 654 000 11568,Under the building there are survivors of an old temple 11569,The airport is given as a loan from the City of Pittsburgh 11570,Radix radix radix radix radix radix radix radix radix radi 11571,The next step involves the diagnosis and determination of why some of the hazard 11572,The album was certified platinum by OutKast in 2003 11573,He was a member of the People s Republic of Congo in 1987 11574,In chemistry and physics the composition ratio is the ratio of a material to the total 11575,The thickness is from a few nanometers to a thousand micrometers and 11576,He is considered one of the greatest artists of the 20th century 11577,SMAP and colleagues were interested in such a variety of psychological practices 11578,This formula holds a numerical equality which is generally added to the 11579,There is debate regarding the origin of these forms 11580,Despite the inflation the success of some films in the 1960s and 1970s there are 11581,The climate of Afghanistan is temperate because of the rugged climate and the 11582,In a case from White it is revealed that a large and evil organization 11583,Modern Postmodernism also known as Postmodernism or Postmodernism is a 11584,He was born in Paris France and died five years before 11585,The WiFi and other computer venues with the direct access to the ProQuest library are 11586,1738–1738: A flood along the Beach – half of the Tucumán 11587,During the closed field of universities professors were asked to translate a 11588,Among these materials were the hydrochloric properties of tongs discovered in 11589,The main campus building in Venezuela designed by the famous architect Carlos R. Villanova and 11590,Abdullah Momeni was released from prison on February 22 2013 after suffering five 11591,The final text was the result of a draft draft consultation consultation and negotiations 11592,If you really know that you are a writer you have never worn their hair 11593,There are a variety of forms of memory system but the simplest and most common 11594,In 1971 he moved to Paris and London 11595,After joining the Roman army he became one of Dictinius s officer 11596,The contests have existed since the ancient times in many civilizations such as Ancient 11597,As a result bacteria and algae from the surface of the water which feed on 11598,In 1998 Qt was opened and published parallel to KYPE s and JPL 11599,A window system provides simultaneous running of multiple programs for the computer to the user 11600,He then decided to be a theater director but at the time the period theatre was 11601,False propaganda in mosques judges and neighborhoods was suppressed by the 11602,Then each of the top five authors have received a £5 000 prize 11603,It is believed that the soul of the inhabitants of the world is seen five 11604,During the Iran–Iraq War the missile was used to attack commercial vessels of 11605,The body then produces a certain antibody which has the duty to fight 11606,It is now observed that the water is boiled at this scale at 212 degrees 11607,He earned a bachelor s degree in business management in 1995 from the Western Red 11608,In total the album peaked at number 9 in the UK and was able to remain 11609,After the death of Sun in 1925 communal growth resulted in the growth of the 11610,The lake is located in the centre of the National Park of Tajikistan 11611,The behavior of the soil especially the capacity of the soil especially the small 11612,The mother spends a week with her daughter who has a known illness 11613,Karel Erne is a black metal band from the Netherlands 11614,Mark Rich has stated that he had given information to Mossad agents and had 11615,* Message C: consists of a TGT of a message B and ID of 11616,Although Naslund was in fact exhausted and later continued to deal with Charles 11617,The company is listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange and is a constituent of the Shanghai 11618,Some have mistakenly referred to it as magnetic eccentricity by 11619,He received a PhD in mathematics from Oxford University 11620,The library also maintained a number of national and historical records of the 11621,The paint is injected into a bloodstream and then spread throughout the body 11622,Many works were made by Stephanie Kolek in 1961 and the company first introduced a 11623,The Senegalese economic expansion plan resulted in an estimated growth rate of 11624,After a 3-year hiatus in Tehran Club Tehran it was claimed that 11625,Hydrogen is mixed with most elements and is found in water and most biophysical compositions 11626,XHTML 1.1 was released on May 31 2001 as a W3C recommendation 11627,He is considered the founder of modern utilitarianism 11628,The company is listed on the New York Stock Exchange and is a constituent of the 11629,It was the first major manufacturing center in India 11630,Both sides of the city have equal populations in this age although the 11631,The random variable X is usually displayed with Var or scriptstyle sigma. 11632,Tunneling protocols can use hidden data to transmit unsafe data over a public network 11633,His grandmother immigrated to the West Germany in the 1970s 11634,Since 1898 largely due to the enthusiasm of Emperor I Takeno the 11635,During the war between the Tatars and the Kingdom of Poland Krupnik commanded the 11636,Carlslehua was the centre of the Bell graphs of the Austro-Bend 11637,Jackson s 1993 child abuse case was a series of charges which were 11638,His poem “Travelling” was published in the second year of his Islamic Literature 11639,He was appointed as the Imam of major mosques in Boston and Harlem and 11640,For example in quantum chemistry the electron state is influenced by quantum theory 11641,In 2005 he received the National Medal of the United States from the U.S. 11642,Then add the java prefix: 11643,ethics is a branch of ethics that focuses on the relationship between 11644,Galápagos is a genus of the extinct species of the genus 11645,Some of these societies were far away from other societies and did not communicate with 11646,The Persian side of the contract was Mohammad Reza Kulâ and the Ottoman side 11647,The real story is a 2015 American horror film directed and directed by Rutt Gord 11648,However there was a simple form of democracy: for instance in the Battle of 11649,These observers are those who argue in special relativity observers for 11650,He was heavily influenced by his father especially when he was young 11651,Today the World Wide Web Platform has become a large platform for complex and invested applications 11652,Many of them are equipped with weapons for self-defense against enemy infant 11653,In 1980 his siblings sold the company to Sun Valley Corporation for $2.5 billion 11654,In 1920 he and his wife embarked on a poverty journey 11655,These sensors are used in applications that require at least limited signal loss such as 11656,Now we pump a more samples of the letter a than b because we add 11657,Rolling Stone is a 1973 commercially released film 11658,For example they are replaced by the transition factor 3 A with D D with G 11659,Proteins such as YopE YopT and YpA bind to a protein 11660,In velocity calculations arithmetic length step and similar calculations are 11661,Nolan stated that he was planning to make the series a variant of the story 11662,Ayatollah Ali Khamenei was elected president of Tehran s 4th parliament 11663,The novel Pleidology called Bloody Blood was published in 1819 and created 11664,It is found in the liver and then freed into plasma 11665,The spacecraft launched at Edwards Air Force Base on April 14 1981 at 10:00 local time 11666,It was discovered by a team of astronomers from the University of Hawaii led by Scott 11667,In addition to gold wood stone and iron the diamond is used as a currency 11668,He was captured in a cell full of gold which was forced to escape 11669,She is also a singer and songwriter 11670,The airport is a civilian and non-military airport with an asphalt paved 11671,The firm has over 1.1 million square meters of retail space in over 40 countries 11672,High density is the expansion of the concept of graph density from finite graphs 11673,When people who have active TB transmit a nausea or vomiting from the air 11674,During the age of adult the replacement of the teeth can usually 11675,He died in 1993 and was buried in a mausoleum 11676,As we suppose the two axis closed to which the filaments are 11677,For example it is possible to agree on a non-ordinary one 11678,These sets may also have a counterparts 11679,The broadcast time for each episode is one hour 11680,Important intellectual figures such as Francesco Titti states that they would 11681,The fruit is a green and very sour fruit that is often used as a 11682,The naturalists began to focus on the shifting of species focusing on the 11683,However the earliest use of the word is in the description of irreducible regions 11684,Iron and steel are slowly oxidized with the protons of water and the hydrogen 11685,Large stones are located on the opposite side of the shrine 11686,The population has several tens of thousands of households 11687,At the end of the show a fighter plane from one side of the scene crashed 11688,The accumulation of this gas in the atmosphere has been implicated in the evolution of 11689,In the early 1970s the city was a part of the city s largest 11690,By the seventh century the two women were reported to have reached the Sasanian 11691,Since the 1980s passive solar building design and passive house construction have shown an 11692,The financial accounting matrix is the macro-financial accounting that in addition to the 11693,For example in situations where there are inter-cellular events regular events or spacetime events 11694,She was accepted at the Gyllenhaal School of Music and Dramatic Arts in London with 11695,In 1896 he moved to the Moscow Theatre and Music Conservatory under the supervision of 11696,After changing changes in 1996 Henselberg along with some of his old colleagues 11697,After the majority of water went to the top of the bottom and the boiling 11698,It is the name of a street in French Spanish and other languages meaning a 11699,It was first published in 1955 in Paris by Overseas Press 11700,A swan is a species of swan that lives in the northern hemi 11701,He traveled to Iran in the winter of 2008 with Abd-Reshit and Mohammadi 11702,Most lifespans are spent under the soil during the Lavinian period and 11703,However this method has been used in all times however although this method has been 11704,It is the reflection of the sunlight from the Moon s surface to the Earth 11705,O Dan the agricultural area that developed around the Ruhr-sand factory was 11706,Another famous person was Samuel Oppenheimer who was in Vienna and Samuel Offenheimer 11707,It is responsible for the production of white glucose in the blood 11708,After a difficult and hard struggle the T-A.L. are successfully 11709,It is located in the city of Noor and started approximately 18 years after its 11710,Around 450 articles were delivered and 280 professors and researchers presented them 11711,Valens was the eldest son of Maxentius the eldest of the Roman Empire 11712,In 1989 Nauru complained about the extent of the country s jurisdiction especially 11713,ISIS militants warned the citizens of Islam to stay taxes or leave 11714,According to the planning until the end of 2012 production of the shaft of the 11715,Memberships that are property and memberships that are property they are legally 11716,The project resulted in the collaboration of hundreds of people from around the world 11717,Hans-Heinrich Schwarzkopf was a German historian and ethnologist 11718,These symfèges are usually called the true name of the soul and 11719,The depth of the well which is mostly reaching the eastern 11720,According to people of Dongguk the consumption of roasted eggs in the 11721,Kuhn learned six languages including English Russian and Persian 11722,The language has five rooted words: laso loje loje and laso loje 11723,Thus the day is regarded as a pleasant day for starting a travel 11724,In civilian action many police forces have been used to search and save for crime and crime 11725,When the fire was destroyed the fire was destroyed 11726,He served as President of the Senate 11727,Eventually following the independence of Mozambique on June 25 1975 Jommume was 11728,In all member states of the CIS the language is a semi-official language 11729,These two periods are named after the government of Hamer I and the government of 11730,With the grace of God the three Guru becomes the three Guru 11731,He moved to Hong Kong at the age of twice with his family and brother 11732,He is also frequently referred to as a poet 11733,In the 1980s and 1990s the Supreme Court played a role as a 11734,Error transitions for varepsilon.t are assumed to be random variables with 11735,The series consists of 10 unforgettable nights encompassing ten of the ten command 11736,The use of colors for this graph are still used in map coloring 11737,Thomas Edison was an American lighting designer engineer inventor and entrepreneur 11738,Over the next decade evolutionary scientists still use tree charts to represent evolution 11739,After the American Civil War the central government s impact on the people s life and the 11740,During the reign of the Sasanian dynasty in Iran traditional Iranian traditional 11741,According to the Western Intelligence sources Shahab 3-b has the current production of 75 11742,James Cook a white activist was so decapitated that the head of 50 brothel 11743,During the struggle between him and Adlibris and Adlibris accidentally Gandalf 11744,Given that the function f depends on the variable t some of this change will be 11745,The Financial disaster is an economic approach that when partitioning leads to 11746,The Jewish High Commissioner was composed of the twenty-three judges of 11747,الأدوار or الأدوار فی الموسوعات also translated into Turkish 11748,Thus Lord Erne suggested 10% of the rent to farmers 11749,For such systems the gas compression source provides a logic concern for a field use 11750,He was born in 1963 in Maschio a nearby town in Maschio a 11751,He remained in Najaf and in Najaf 11752,The first time Henz Berger used silver wire under the skulls of patients as electrodes 11753,However compared to other sectors of economy banks do not carry charges of 11754,Although he was a king of the Malaya Muslims he was accused of 11755,To see more information go to its own products see www 11756,NASA s Lockheed C-141 had provided an appearance called EL 300 11757,He moved to Germany in 2001 with his family 11758,The role of Khalilzad s role in the 1980s and early 1990s was 11759,By the twentieth century there was a great number of tetragrammata 11760,The main idea raised in the book is that if the capital is higher than the 11761,Whenever a command is written in the command line the Makefile program reads 11762,Although each episode of the story is independent most of the characters are told in 11763,The album reached a peak in the 1970s and reached a peak 11764,French architecture was unfamiliar to Germany and architects and builders became increasingly 11765,Meanwhile Virgil saw the appearance of post-World War I and the 1920s as 11766,During the pre-Islamic period Buddhism was the dominant religion of the Sasanian 11767,In November 2011 it was announced that Alan Silverstein would be a creator of 11768,With the flag of Jordan Palestine Palestine Egypt Egypt and the former flags of the 11769,The 1959–61 European Cup was the fifth season of the European Cup Europe s premier 11770,Their successes led to further revolts and revolts 11771,Some devices for simultaneous and independent enumeration of various information types use a 11772,There is a wide variety of strains which differ in the appearance of 11773,Currently the data for the languages of Aragonese Asturian Basque Berton Bulgarian 11774,In 1032 a new invasion of Smyrna took place in Smyrna 11775,After the execution Pope sent a letter to the Roman Senate stating that Caesar 11776,The witch is called the Grand Wizard Gurtel 11777,I love them and I love them all 11778,He describes four worlds of thought: the philosophical world of history the science and 11779,The three countries of Iran Pakistan and Turkey first founded the organisation in 1953 11780,In 2000 Juan Seguín replaced Niccolò de Núñez and remained 11781,The lens or lens is a light source of light passing through which the light 11782,The display of activities related to hunting and fishing in this rock exploration 11783,Currently Turkish is used as the official language in the Turkish community 11784,Occupation riots riots and finally support and support for the rebels 11785,Conducting to the CDC which is activated when both sensors are active 11786,Mike warns police that he has been a criminal since then 11787,The swan s snout is red with a white arachnoid 11788,The lower PEA means a higher acidity and higher concentration of 11789,The problem is a term used in Europe especially following the French Revolution in the 19 11790,Since UV radiation does not harm any of the Earth s surfaces this layer 11791,The title King of Kings or King of Kings or King of Kings or King of Kings or King 11792,Mobile network operators must present mobile phone operators using a banked network to pay 11793,This was started in the late 19th century and the newly established parties 11794,He remained silent until his death 11795,He was killed in the Battle of Jeolla in 637 11796,The house s primary room is the home s most luxurious room 11797,The weak isospin is usually written with symbols T or T3 11798,The growth and growth begins in spring and lasts a relatively slow 11799,A computer network often referred to as a network is a group of computers and 11800,The lack of polyhedral parameters such as water table size and weight various 11801,From this point on almost all parts go on the same axis 11802,The second season was released in October 2015 11803,In 1813 the Danish forces joined the armies of Napoleon and defeated 11804,It is located in the border between Turkey and Turkey 11805,Road 32 is a road in northwestern Iran 11806,After complete investigations of combat helicopters participating in Afghanistan and other areas of 11807,He is currently Chairman of the Energy Policy Program Center at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and 11808,At the 2006 census its population was 15 323 in 510 families 11809,Each number in each layer is a simple ratio of the total number of numbers 11810,Both the lymph nodes and the endocrine system affect the body 11811,The Italian sociologist Julius de Caesar was the first European to report the presence of 11812,Mar-Nächtig is a manufacturer of packaging and mould which is located 11813,It is native to Kazakhstan Mongolia Mongolia and northwestern Pakistan 11814,Over the years Sepahan s cement plant earned financial funding from Esteghlal 11815,During the negotiations held by the Ministry of War and as one of the most 11816,Steele and Aronson achieved this conclusion via the design of a complete word 11817,They were placed under torture and mental pressure 11818,Heat is a property of a system or object but is usually associated with 11819,It is about 40 kilometers from the city and about 8 kilometers from the city 11820,If a regular voltage-coupled power cable is used the aeration flow 11821,So if the laser beam passes through a particle the light will fail while 11822,NASA had decided that at any given a crew of at least one astronaut 11823,Thus it can be accepted that the Sassanid era was not used a week 11824,It is believed that the liver is responsible for about 500 separate functions 11825,This has been calculated that after the 1000s about 10 million threads in Rapa Nui 11826,Like other concepts of “forward” including open data and open content although 11827,The process uses oxygen as a substitute for oxygen 11828,The company also became a subsidiary of Renault 11829,Instead he encouraged his followers to allow their life to be a message of 11830,Lebanon s ambassador to the United States 11831,The getnameinfo function transforms a binary representation of an IP address which 11832,The ratio of signal to a large field field is achieved so scan quality can increase 11833,According to Gottanical theory statements on the Aristotelian theory of natural 11834,A recursive calculus is a sequence of inputs and sequences of recurs 11835,He was released from prison after a few days 11836,Her father was Julio José Cortiga Cortiga and her mother Maria Amalia Armandia 11837,However without proper control and careful of publishing his works should be granted at 11838,The situation was worse due to the Anglo-Hearrenian attacks and the Anglo- 11839,With the mother s being the mother they found a much larger relationship and 11840,In conventional English-speaking languages the word crank more likely to refer to black 11841,It is believed that India has been the oldest centre of coloring in the 11842,These currents aid in the equations of temperatures between winter and summer 11843,The capital of Basra was an important military center with a military base of 400 11844,A steady number of chronic illnesses are associated with alcohol abuse or 11845,It is used for the appearance of the keratosis a series of solvents 11846,The first law and the second law of thermodynamics was described in the 1850s by Ran 11847,Then he became acquainted and died in 1816 11848,In the event to improve access to the road access to the main road is provided by 11849,There is also a meeting room in Boston Massachusetts in 1824 which is a conference 11850,Touch of the thumb - fashion floral geographical distribution vegetation weighting and 11851,One of the famous pioneers of rock music of Turkish singer-songwriter 11852,Like his sister Éponine she falls in love with her 11853,The BBC claimed that their statements were recorded during the investigation period 11854,The food in Ecuador is very different in different areas with different agricultural conditions 11855,In a Euclidean space the separation between two points is measured 11856,At this time a large amount of attention in Japan attention became increasing in 11857,It is named after the big bang referring to the water-sourced dam of the 11858,It hopes to not only dispose of the waste but completely dispose of the 11859,The style came from the very dull folk stemming from punk s combination of 11860,The first division of the Caucasus between Ottoman and Ottoman Empire was the 11861,The best way to diagnosis a hypertensive retinopathy is to be diagnosed with 11862,Each data matrix consists of two adjacent L borders and two other 11863,As a result automotive lumber may be sought to improve their status as 11864,The opera was first recorded at the Venice Apparition House on March 11 1831 and 11865,They performed various rites and rituals along with various rituals 11866,After the fall of Islam another crime was added to it 11867,The phase diagram of carbon dioxide is a phase diagram of substances that is 11868,The successful coup was spearheaded by one of the Air Force Majors Isaac 11869,The first treatment for acute meningitis consists of antibiotics and sometimes antiviral drug 11870,Thus months after Mohammad Khatami s arrival as a candidate Khatami 11871,In 1992 he had the functions of the ANSI C-1989 and POSIX.1 11872,He served in the Armed Forces of Afghanistan and later trained in the Soviet 11873,The bifurcates of Q1b1 and Q1a3 were expected to 11874,According to the Shah Abbas I had to sign the treaty 11875,The word is derived from the word dogs and dogs 11876,Another theorem for which many proofs are introduced is the algebraic 11877,In a night vision cameras strike a retrograde Galileo Galilei and 11878,Together in recent years the United States Department of Energy has shown a variety of 11879,The Arab Senegalese Senegalese Senegalese Senegalese Senegalese Senegal 11880,Bahá u lláh u lláh u llá 11881,Human papilloma imaging is the study of human papilloma 11882,It requires little water and supplies its nutrients from plants 11883,She has also appeared in a number of films including Sherlock Holmes and 11884,Length deflection: Objects moving by a relatively short observer are 11885,The set of points in the set S is considered as points of solution for every point such 11886,For graphs of noisy which are not perfect the color number and the number of 11887,As the change occurs the internal forces between the molecule and the applied 11888,The city of Amsterdam also became a favorite of Jewish immigrants 11889,He and his brother were the first to understand differential calculus and induction 11890,The language is a set of protocol tokens that are used along a route to 11891,Some similar models were also developed by the firm and other companies 11892,Volkswagen AG is a subsidiary of the Volkswagen Group 11893,In 1865 abundant protests by John Alexandre Richard de Saint-Лодердеs were 11894,There are currently several adaptations of the story 11895,In 1962 they broadcast a radio program called Free Dioscope Free throughout the 11896,Benisiorum is a municipality in the comarca of Ribera Alta in the 11897,Bambole also known as Bambole or Bambole is a written Hebrew word 11898,The older sister of Alejandro s mother who lived in San Ġiamp 11899,As the Syrian Journal of Climate and Biostatistics reported that the small fraction of 11900,He joined Portland University from 1990 to 1995 11901,In 2009 the new constitution of the political parties in Afghanistan was established 11902,Therefore the use of photovoltaic instruments often serves as interior and exterior roof 11903,ISO 3166-2 alpha- 2 is used in many standards 11904,After the dissolution of the Soviet Union most of them immigrated to the United States 11905,It is a symbol of justice and peace 11906,After the gatherings of liberation local black leaders in Mississippi including Imeses 11907,This version also added to the Python schema as a Python module 11908,The majority of the population lives in the majority of Tokyo 11909,The concept of the pact was to sacrifice the privileges granted by Moses 11910,The object-oriented structure is a program in which a class is initialized 11911,In 1891 Ford worked as an engineer at Edison lighting agency 11912,The Solar System of the Solar System of the Solar System consists of the Solar System of the 11913,We talked to people who faced the problems of information security 11914,Dam Dam Dam Dam Dam Dam Dam Dam Dam Dam Dam Dam Dam Dam Dam Dam Dam Dam Dam 11915,Due to the incompleteness of the constitutional monarchy which had been adopted by 11916,The witch leaves to eat banana and leaves to eat raisins and 11917,Stephen Hawking described the concept of the Maoism time as a particle 11918,The distinction between Hindus and its followers is that various early beliefs are 11919,Note that if the first cipher is weaker then the second cipher may be pro 11920,ʿAlwānī style went beyond the borders of Khuzestan and 11921,Tokyo is a municipality in the Kantō region of Japan 11922,The first computer to be noted was a Wiable Virtual Machine since 1951 11923,A description of Hart s family s marriage was written by Karen Armstrong in 11924,For a matrix n×n sgn which sgn 11925,The National Park and Wildlife Reserve is one of the 11 Wildlife Reserves in Iran 11926,Accordingly God places some humans as a cause of other things and similar 11927,The feet and legs move in different ways 11928,In the late 19th century the most common liquid for sodium phosphate and water was 11929,In 1984 the California Standard announced the merger 11930,Currently kept in the Victoria and Albert Museum 11931,In some cases it is possible that a cough in the patient is not formed 11932,With less players in the market there will be a larger distance between the 11933,After the governments of the Safavids and Qajars the government of Kabul was 11934,Due to the zero amount of neutrino mass in the Standard Model of elementary particles 11935,The university was founded in 1737 and has received 44 grants 11936,It has been shown that the human type of FOXP2 gene is similar in the 11937,Beginning in 1827 American scientist Joseph Henry converted the electric hydrogen into a 11938,In implementations of JavaScript the @ pointer can be stacked as a 11939,In 1900 Boltzmann moved to Buenos Aires University with the invitation of Wilhelm Ost 11940,In the 2006 war almost 4 000 artillery rockets most of which 11941,Franklin Municipal Airport is a public transportation hub in the southwestern United States 11942,American researchers were able to make eggs based on plant materials 11943,It is resistant to chemical oxidation and is resistant to oxidation 11944,Control engineering describes the mathematical modelling of systems and their dynamics and 11945,In the summer of 2003 he embarked on a tour of Italy touring Italy for concert 11946,Brechtin was born and raised in Germany 11947,In 1954 the company was completely detached from the Nottinghamshire United Kingdom and was 11948,He first argued for the first time whether the government of a pure currency 11949,1636The Sakaguchi Constitutional Treaty was adopted in 1636 in order to 11950,On 19 January 1900 Bram and his wife killed their wife with a 11951,The cost of saffron is due to the difficulty of extracting a number of 11952,Large petrels are smaller and more massive 11953,The highlight of the tournament was the Italian Piazza del Plebiscito 11954,Note that the image is a very small and usually smaller than the object 11955,In 1485 the majority of today s Spanish was under the rule of the 11956,The TCDD operates passenger and ferry transportation management and control of railways 11957,The undirected double bond in this sense means I help you and anyone else 11958,Such a machine has a set of states and a set of transitions 11959,It is one of the few that is known as a carnivore and can 11960,The two paintings were sold at $585 000 and the previous number of paintings 11961,In 1987 the IBM PC began to grow rapidly and became the most-profitable 11962,As a simple example burning a kilo ton of coal will much more free energy than 11963,The green anoeon has been listed as the world s fastest growing 11964,The group of soldiers satraparista said that they were armed into a 11965,Upon the outbreak of World War I Dr 11966,Claude de Gregorio who was later a Confessor of Geneva intervened 11967,The tree language produced by G1 is a set of all partial lists of 11968,Alexander initially known as Alex was initially unfamiliar with the treatment method in newspaper 11969,In some stories the author explicitly regards everything and uses both angles of view 11970,With the death of Julius Caesar in 44 BC Labienus joined the Republican 11971,These gases are produced with high temperatures and pressures 11972,Benedict Cumberbatch in the film War Horse written and directed by Steven Spielberg 11973,The IEEE C37.2-2008 is the first version of the IEEE C37.2-2008 11974,Itzig was the head of the Jewish community from 1763 until his death in 11975,Shared requests are used by nodes to determine the link to the neighbor s 11976,Thus it then chooses a variable that will have the greatest change in the 11977,Given a given example which can also mean what we call a personification 11978,The director has built a number of non-chronological elements such as a film 11979,The best treatment for herpes is to identify a suspected agent and avoid 11980,As drummer Beck Wahn s drummer became increasingly interested in music 11981,In its early report The New York Times reported that over 2 000 people in the village 11982,The white zone close to stalls where flight control is easier to control and the 11983,The state of tension is caused by the applied load which reduces the length 11984,From the 7th through the 19th century the province was divided into three districts 11985,But it can involve multiple classes with less public access 11986,After the use of toilets the remaining water is referred to as black water 11987,The Unix War was a strike between the vendors and vendors 11988,Most of the work was done by the Afghan Army during the reign of Abdul Na 11989,The company is listed on the Cyprus Stock Exchange and is a constituent of the 11990,When the client receives messages A and B it gives the encryption of 11991,The day of Bahá u lláh is the day of Bahá u 11992,Watson is usually given the first economist to increase the theory of 11993,A large number of pulses are mounted which usually have a medium response 11994,His early works often involve meditations on death and loss in the form of 11995,The album was first released by Coleman in 1988 11996,Jacques Lacan tries to rewrite Freud s theory of psychoanalysis using 11997,It was the best-selling novel of the time 11998,São Jacinto is one of the primary sections of the Space Station which 11999,Treatment of infectious diarrhea includes: Hygiene clean drinking water and washing 12000,Euler s theorem: Let G be a nonempty graph that has no area 12001,Pascal s simple data types include real integer character Boolean enumeration 12002,Throughout history the two areas of philosophy and religion have expressed the most of 12003,SAP fights in the enterprise resource planning software engineering management and marketing with multiple competitors 12004,The Iranian army at the time consisted of thousands of thousands of 12005,As another example a German sniper named Paul enters the 2010 World Cup 12006,It is located in the northeastern part of Tehran 12007,The standard is much easier to find in the NATO Zone 2 zone where the 12008,According to King in 2010 more than 80 percent of newspapers and publications will be 12009,In the third season the mother dies and Brock leaves Christiana 12010,The body s immune system is a complex and ultimately accurate system that 12011,Process improvement will only improve the entire system 12012,In the beginning of the 20th century Japan became industrialized at the beginning of 12013,Most of the fossils are usually known to be very well-known 12014,In 2013 Emirates ranked Emirates as the largest airline in the Middle East 12015,He was educated at the American School of Jewish Religion at Harvard University and then attend 12016,By the end of the day a hundred stories are told 12017,It is shown that explained floating point search in the term coherent speeds 12018,The mosque was built on the same day as the mosque 12019,Febei was a golden flower in Greek mythology 12020,This 16-bit field specifies the entire packet including header + data in bytes 12021,While searching for aid the lodge belongs to the Three Sisters 12022,There are many theaters and theater halls 12023,Later the Federal Government sent a warship in which 20 passengers were killed 12024,Open addressing or closed hash is a solution for a solution 12025,The steel is sometimes tempered to a temperature slower than the desired temperature 12026,And you will pray with Allah and pray with God 12027,His most famous achievement was the rescue of three skeletons in the Mountain 12028,He graduated from Graues kloster in Berlin Hebrew University and Oxford University 12029,He was released from prison after eleven years 12030,The player is the first player to move a piece of L to a new position 12031,He was a revolutionary who developed a new style of architecture based on 12032,The International Eco-Cities Initiative has recently identified significant eco-cities throughout 12033,Mobud falls on the other side of the lodge and starts the ritual by 12034,All IP networking protocols perform the task of taking data packets from the source 12035,The fuel cost of the plant is funded by the United Nations 12036,At the age of 18 a vampire enters Gordon s house and steal 12037,You can use different techniques of swimming to stimulate different kinds of muscles 12038,The MiG-1 was one of the Soviet fighters during the Second World War 12039,This version is the most basic version of Windows 7 and is mostly installed in Net 12040,The Mi-24 Flotilla of Afghanistan such as the Army of the North was gradually 12041,However if a person was a sick kind medical evacuation could 12042,He was married to Diane Fennsworth in 1989 12043,Emperor became popular in Europe in 2009 in Europe and in 2010 in Japan 12044,If the human brain is a type of computer then they could be both a 12045,The last day of dawn was on 4 January and the next day was on Thursday 5 12046,In October 1942 and during the middle of the Second World War Karajan married with 12047,The song Blue Day was recorded at the club s UEFA Cup in 1997 12048,He currently lives with his co-star in The Amazing Spider-Man Andrew Garfield 12049,While the cruise missiles use jet engines rather than jet engines 12050,This process is called night exhaustion or night air exhaust 12051,Jalalius first described the term Neurosis and Neurotic 12052,On the other hand in the continental eastern nations in the early centuries 12053,The most common version of circular buffering is the 8-bit element 12054,Although these instruments were designed for exploring the Mars for several months the 12055,With VLIW the task of floating-point dependency is removed by the hardware 12056,Wallpaper was often made in stage flower patterns with original colours 12057,It is located on both the equator and the equator 12058,This was popularized until when dinosaurs were introduced as cold blood vessels 12059,The disk dealer indicates that the person after the hour is given a minimum amount 12060,In the 1960s he entered the major leagues of Las Vegas 12061,After the French Revolution the remains of Voltaire were transferred to Paris in 1791 12062,Turner Dorothy Brooks is a fictional author and screenwriter 12063,Teresa Kimberly Peter and Mark carry on to the train 12064,He advocates the freedom of writing and the freedom of writing through writing 12065,The result is steel with greater strength than steel 12066,The duration of the siege is two years which is doubtful about its valid 12067,He was a member of the Constitutional Assembly of Iran and a member of the 12068,It has cold winters and cold winters 12069,The radius of the Earth s orbit around the Sun is approximately 400 times 12070,In plants the phytochrome movements surrounding the viscous vats are 12071,It is typically used in the context of sound mixers to identify it from a 12072,Human rights are based on the principle that man has the right to live and that 12073,Historical texts of the Babylonian civilization have had similarities with the existenti 12074,Michael Cadman was an American poet and novelist 12075,Other variations are completed after and quite completed 12076,He attended Harvard University in 1939 and graduated in 1939 12077,In 1929 Peru and Chile signed a final peace treaty the Treaty of Antioch 12078,Another aspect of the Council is to establish a coordination among the organization 12079,For example a Japanese is a dialect of a nation or a community 12080,This equation was the earliest and its solutions resulted in a lack 12081,The incidence of AIDS in children under 14 years of age is estimated 12082,The reason for this was the people s arrival in the cities and the industrialization 12083,A domestic inquiry is often used in circumstances where prison spending 12084,The role of a balanced strategy in strategic planning is the creation of 12085,At that time the building priced 120 million dollars 12086,To classify fine grains feldspar aggregates use sand from approximately 12087,If we have a set of m symbols s.m then the set of vertic 12088,For example the terms libre and gratis are used to display distinctions between free software and 12089,By the invention of a steam machine this limit had a significant effect on the 12090,February is the tenth and final month of the year 12091,George Johnson was an American screenwriter and film director 12092,He was Prime Minister of Tajikistan from December 1 2006 to 2013 12093,The direct consequences of the invasion were the removal of almost complete English 12094,A subspecies of Italian cap called the Pashto Pashto is called the Persian 12095,The painting depicts a man with a round round hat which seems 12096,Fear amongst the people was so great that his body was buried in a 12097,In a 2009 study by GSDA and researchers at Calson High School in Kerala 12098,In a response to the question of whether or not if the government freed hip hop 12099,Saudi ambassador to the United States based in Saudi Arabia 12100,For CBC and CFB a reboot releases some information about the first plain 12101,It was translated and published in 1815 by a team of French scientists 12102,Lectures in the House of Lords were representatives of the House of Lords 12103,As a science without the method of maintaining viewing in sequences and 12104,This means that an unidentified user or an application enters but is not allowed 12105,The Three Worlds of Wu refers to the first world as the First World 12106,In 1929 Aderrin came to see from the city and changed its name to Libertarian 12107,The book was translated into six or more languages 12108,The song was recorded on April 11 1966 one month before the rest of the album 12109,Following the breakup of power in the autumn 1996 the State Department stopped all government 12110,During the take-off tour of Take Me Home the band went to Australia where 12111,The modern technique places maize in rows that are relatively young even when 12112,It is calculated to be calculated in the first and second three months and accuracy 12113,Architects of the building included Miller Fullenwide and Dowling from Chicago 12114,As organized markets for housing services in many countries the IRR value can be calculat 12115,There are several genes that control sexual behavior 12116,Over the next two days he was displayed in 29 countries 12117,Although the French Navy participated in Operation Desert Storm in 1991 and Operation Desert Storm in 1999 12118,After a few years of deliberation and misogynism he decided to sell 12119,When banks ensure that their deposits are secure it is more likely that 12120,He is sentenced to life imprisonment and torture 12121,The film tells the story of two people living in Istanbul 12122,During his tenure as a law professor at Kabul University in 1991–90 he 12123,The symphonic aspect of this effect was discovered in 1972 by Zel’s dovich and 12124,His father was a son of the family 12125,This process is private and involuntary and is legally implemented 12126,The legislature of a federal constitutional authority is usually elected directly 12127,A simple example of a state machine with two provinces and two mixed inputs 12128,Partly of his childhood Dr 12129,He was the author of six influential books that have been translated into fourteen languages 12130,1898: After the Spanish–American War the U.S. gained control of Cuba 12131,This book marked the creation of a movement in France and became the best-selling 12132,Under the rule of weak current Edwards under pressure on the north and west provided 12133,He then moved to London and then to Paris 12134,There were 30 000 Jews sent to the ghettos of Dagoo Gogugcheon 12135,On 17 June she faced WWE Divas Champion AJ Lee 12136,Grum had a lengthy relationship with the Los Angeles radio presenter Rall Gar 12137,In the 20th century and Ireland many of the most important literary works of the English language 12138,Microsoft s operating framework includes a set of best practices processes and 12139,Then he went to a man s farm outside of Medina where he 12140,A simple way of identifying motion by fixed cameras is to compare the image with 12141,The name Tasmanian Devil derives its English equivalent from the Tasmanian Devil 12142,In most cases the understanding of these simple tactics helps chess 12143,On 23 November Sir Alex Ferguson manager of Manchester United s Manchester United announced in 12144,In the evening eleven rockets were hit by Israel 12145,Before carpeting the quality of the wool in Iran was very famous 12146,These flushes are formed near the compressible object and have a time scale 12147,A Komodo dragon with wind aid and ability to locate the head from one side to 12148,He won two European Cups two European Cups two European Cups two European Cups and 12149,John Stanley Amundsen identified the connection between plague and water poisoning 12150,While insertion sort typically takes a smaller number of comparison sorts 12151,Each chromosome consists of two serotypes 12152,Numerous amphibious aircraft have been built in various countries including 12153,From the fourth century onwards it influenced many Christian thinkers 12154,After returning from England he went to teach the war to Jews 12155,The Halebrook Civic Center is a civic building located in the central part of 12156,Instead Sam Wood describes Cooper s abilities as a true hero 12157,In 1948 Britain began a partition of Palestine and the United Nations 12158,A similar problem is the effect of depositing on aggregates needing to be cleaned 12159,It lasted 7 days and 9 hours and 31 seconds and took a maximum 12160,The words and subjects that are selected to be chosen for the research have a 12161,Zob Ahan Basketball Club is an Iranian professional basketball club based in Isfahan 12162,Johnson s legend of metaphysicians suggests that he can break down the liver 12163,This is where the story first revolves around the reader 12164,Various social theory was developed by Russian opponents such as Alexander Herthason and 12165,In many cases the consumer in many cases does not even know which legality 12166,The Earth s orbit is represented by two space dimensions x and a time 12167,Anderson was born in London England to a psychiatrist named Regina and a 12168,The cause of the disease is: squeezing the supportive tissue of the 12169,When the network administrator displayed the percentages of each router to be 12170,Other influential philosophers including Jaḥak who was pioneering the conception and 12171,This is equivalent to the event of E if the probability of occurrence is zero 12172,A sample of the NUI phrase was shown at the 2010 Cannes Film Festival 12173,According to some of theologians the earlier notions of Hadeo 12174,This is based on the prophecy that the destruction of Jerusalem continues for seventy 12175,Helen Clarke was a member of the Socialist Party of the United States and in se 12176,Then the user leaves existing translator s memory and phrases in 12177,The following year after signing a contract with Warner Bros 12178,In an article published in the Dr Dobb s Journal Dobb s compilers 12179,In eukaryotes and renal vertebrae the sperm is transported through a 12180,50 percent of the population are English and 32 French 12181,Because of his gratitude for the poor people by Jacques in Paris Javert did not 12182,The receiver combines a combination of associated information giving each one 12183,In 1999 one of the 100 Most Important Books in the 20th century was selected by 12184,At the Tirgan initiative Iranian artists who purify the Iranian culture and art 12185,In the east and west there was a symbolic influence of the eastern art and 12186,In this stage the trader purchases part of the company according to the terms of the 12187,Lucas Johan Cruyff was a German Renaissance artist 12188,However he is defeated and his name has not been mentioned in any given 12189,It was first published in Swedish in 1976 12190,Initially they praised Castaneda s work 12191,This point is the center of p r and f with weights 2 and 1 12192,Hamlu ibn Ali Boroujerdi governor of Bandar Abbas and governor of Banu 12193,While some of these films are in development the history of their release date is not 12194,A glucose leak is often observed without warning and is often 12195,Lorentz has two equally implied but related equivalents: 12196,It is one of the names that are in our heaven and earth 12197,The fossa which takes the blood from the fossa of the kidney 12198,Perek s father who had been volunteering in the French Army volunteered 12199,These incubates are often emerging in a manner similar and can result in 12200,Hasan Enami was born in Tabriz to a middle-class family on March 15 1967 12201,Milton Miller was born in Boston and grew up in New York City and Philadelphia 12202,JLG s autobiography was published in December 1994 12203,It is defined linearly if and only if every variable is at most once apparent 12204,Interpretation is also defined in the fourth section of the narrator s sylvata 12205,Greenwater is not suitable for everyday use but is used for other applications in the 12206,During the American Civil War there was a spectral anomaly in the structure of the 12207,It is one of the earliest evidence of the Bahá í doctrine 12208,During the reign of Artaxerxes II of Armenia Artaxer 12209,Then all the edges are specified in the image first 12210,This ideology originated from a form of epistemology which proposed a 12211,Johann Gregor Mendeleyev is an Austrian priest known as the father of modern genetic 12212,Zeus returned to the cave at night to fight with Mia 12213,The ethics of information technology is widely investigating issues relating to property access privacy 12214,According to the laws passed in Uganda in 2012 suicide was also a 12215,He had seven children one of whom was Armenian 12216,The WiFi and other computer venues with the direct access to the ProQuest library are 12217,The main advantages of gate arrays are gate array density and performance vary 12218,It was written in prison and published between 1949 and 1953 12219,He stayed in the palace inside the Xuen-lu Park in Shanghai 12220,When Lolita is in a summer camp Charlotte tries to marry and leave 12221,The largest villages are in Bethel near the Piazze del Plebiscito near 12222,Asura Brow chakra – Ajna – third eye – Bindu which lies 12223,While some studies have supported this outcome among lower-on-the 12224,However a few vowels may be equivalent to vovik 12225,Information sensitive and value-added require stronger access control mechanisms 12226,Two songs Ledger and Mortiz were recorded at the same time 12227,The device is closed and the person controls orgasm 12228,In the beginning of the film Munn is diagnosed with a zoonotic condition 12229,Before the arrival of India Blavatsky tried to fly through Nepal to Tibet but 12230,The spreadsheet usually consists of a number of supply functions such 12231,Ground source heat pump or ground source heat pump is a ground source heat pump that transfers 12232,The successor of the British government after the Duke of Duke of Burgundy was 12233,Such a change of state happens when an electron is transferred from a 12234,Using recycled wood can give rewards in favour of taking a Lead 12235,He also met several senior military officers such as Mikhail Tikhaylov and 12236,This article compared the results of 12 studies in different countries 12237,The third teams will compete in the fourth round 12238,It is now kept at Auschwitz Museum in Oxford 12239,Iraq is one of the few provinces in Iraq 12240,Khosrow sends Shirin to Armenia to send the message of his loyalty to 12241,After his death the legacy of excellence came to an end 12242,Each time the entire message checks and counts the number of consecutive 12243,Currently there are 288 students in various medical courses in the university 12244,The invasion of Uganda ended the eight years of Amin s reign while 12245,Green are the Green Party political parties Islamist and Republican Party parties 12246,The ecological design is defined by Sim Van der Ryn and Stuart Cowan 12247,The Mishnah states that for the reclaim of water from the children born and raised 12248,Acaril amide is a chemical compound with the formula C3H5 12249,Bella Terr was born in the Budapest metropolitan area but grew up in Budapest 12250,The appearance of the plant is similar to that of humans 12251,The species is larger and more productive 12252,In another example two clients may remain simultaneously when there is a 12253,Establish name addresses DNS certificates and other safety standards 12254,It is associated with the strep throat and is characterized by the presence of parasit 12255,For example in the world of today dextrom is much fewer than that of dark 12256,The Château de Plescaut is located in southern France 12257,During the Napoleonic Wars Magdeburg became the Kingdom of Westphalia under French control 12258,He is best known for his role as McMahon in 24 and as Duke C 12259,In 1965 he became president of the Emanuel College and in 1965 he became president of 12260,Mickey a younger brother of Gerard - with a length of three 12261,Until the 9th century the Scandinavian people lived in small Germanic kingdom 12262,Between May and June 2000 Anders Karlsson Anders Jacobsson and Johann Ericson worked together 12263,When a man is sexually stimulated the circulating blood pressure in the body 12264,The choice of a given antibiotic is the basis for the choice of a given 12265,The majority of the population lives in Mongolia China and Russia 12266,Only the CP M console line printer and disk devices were available 12267,Every lunar day takes an average of 17.3 Earth days 12268,Each circular flow from a conductor causes a magnetic field in 12269,Brownett McNally of the D.L. The Daily Telegraph praised the album 12270,Typically the grating period is the same size as the Bragg wavelength 12271,The war of sophistication and Polish ambition took place for eight years 12272,The region is covered with semi-tropical forests deciduous land and some types of 12273,InertPetroleum is an American oil and gas company primarily involved in oil and gas 12274,I expected someone like him to make the script even better 12275,In 2010 Jamie selected Liam as the best singer of all time 12276,The film was released in February 2011 12277,He received a master s degree from Johns Hopkins University and earned 12278,A victim takes the opportunity to humiliate others or to kill others 12279,His name is mentioned in the treatise to the Hebrews in the New Testament as 12280,The climate is dry and has hot summers and cold winters 12281,She is also the first woman female lecturer at the University of Tehran 12282,The other part of the army was its flotilla which was originally used during 12283,Zangla Minnat is a former German female football player 12284,However the king s forces fled from the Siege of Princeton and burn 12285,In 1986 Jonathan kills two men for his own defense 12286,The tower uses a traditional three-dimensional skyscraper form of skyscrap 12287,It seems to have been the last piece of poetry 12288,Their slogans All men and women are created by men and women and they 12289,He claimed that no station of rock or classical music was present—all the 12290,He studied Korean language and literature at the University of South Korea 12291,The priority queue can be referred to the hospital s severity which is 12292,Due to the lack of trace across the entire circuit the contact with the orbit 12293,The application of lime mortar in stone and masonry buildings is commonly used as 12294,The song was recorded as the one month of December at Buckingham Palace 12295,He was encouraged to develop the GNU operating system as an open-source software 12296,In 1986 he enrolled at Azerbaijan’s Ministry of Education 12297,During these years Vasilevsky made friends between higher commanders and party members 12298,This computer-like pattern provides both the depth and time of the bed to compute 12299,This is a joint between the staph bone and the abdomen of the 12300,The members of the IMF were frequently exchanged with U.S. Treasury 12301,It was discovered from the settlement of the Fassa Valley in Italy 12302,The DC units take the point E and know this point on the circle of the 12303,Friedrich Hayek argued that central planning is inefficient because they do not 12304,Soon there was an attempt at the assassination of President Pascal Uwerk Roub 12305,Unlike Marlowe s theory of climb to a higher level is 12306,Al-Nadir returns to the prison with both hopes for a future and 12307,C language consists of a wide variety of functions for data reading 12308,It was published in 1989 as the beginning of underground music 12309,Here the genus was evolved and entered Africa about 7 million years ago 12310,Despite the Great Depression Vought continued to design and manufacture aircraft with increas 12311,In 1807 at the time of his return from this trip he left his relatives to 12312,While the Soviet leaders did not show more attention to the actions of Armenians 12313,It earned him an annual salary of $35 a week 12314,The film stars Jamie Dornan with Sarah Godsmack and Aaron Paul 12315,OW Prolog has been created to answer the lack of Prolog in order to 12316,In developing countries these types of foods hold all nutrition 12317,The Arabs successfully captured the port of Carnot and spent several years 12318,In 1982 a series of sequels of Puellu which garnered two Emm 12319,These characteristics are very accurate and important in economic traits 12320,It was also the first time he began to record songs with a 4-track record producer 12321,In medieval Europe the holidays of March 25 and December 25 were celebrated from January 12322,When he retired he was a three-time bouncer in the NBA but 12323,Recent data shows that in 2012 there will be nearly a quarter of a 12324,William Porter Pierce was an American physicist 12325,Chronic hemorrhagic symptoms typically show their shorter outcomes a 12326,Firstly a harvest can be harvested when almost half of the 12327,He received the WWE MVP award only two months after the match 12328,Martin s specialized fields are philosophy of religion although he also worked 12329,The Ain Sinai Dam is a dam in Egypt built with a large plan to 12330,To successful attack the attacker must control the input of the hash function 12331,The following is a list of compounds that may exist where: 12332,Following the introduction of the English printing industry to the United Kingdom in 1376 by 12333,They had an important and prominent role in the Sasanian political affairs and 12334,In 2011 a F-14 crashed in Iran 12335,In the third and third rounds the top and runners-up teams will 12336,The song received mixed reviews from critics and critics 12337,Some of the seats and fittings were brought to the Wealdsjø Hotel in 12338,theoretical physicist Kip Thorne is one of the founding executive producers and 12339,Additionally the face of the statue stands to the left while the left hand 12340,This is a property that has been recognized as non-rivalry and non- 12341,Tekken is a project in the Linux Foundation founded by Samsung and Intel in April 2014 12342,However Stevens would never be able to admit the complexity of the flaws that 12343,The boundary and boundary of those smaller pages can be classified as: 12344,In the chronic lymph node the bone marrow is almost completely 12345,It was originally planned to be in the Prattgar section but since CCG was 12346,Together with the University of Southern Massachusetts the University of St 12347,The smith then carefully gauges the temperature by viewing the tempering colors of the 12348,Bahá u lláh also went to the Queen s Alley 12349,The album s third single After All This Time was released in February 2006 but 12350,The esophageal secretions of females have 59% proprotein and 28% 12351,Völt-Cáslav and Sandy Mitchell enter the Hotel Delenna with 12352,The algorithm uses statistical methods to find the best length for objects the number 12353,At the time of Stalin s assassination hundreds of thousands of Jews 12354,The local match of the query sequence with the database using the gapped Smith- 12355,The pain of the joint causes acute inflammation of the joint which 12356,With the help of these techniques machine translation as a tool for assisting translators 12357,From 1949 to 1952 he studied at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaig 12358,Musculopathy - The inability of a man to keep or maintain a 12359,The album was released on July 30 2002 12360,These types of asbestos are known as asbestos 12361,In 1984 Lockwood released his first solo album The New Age and since then has released 12362,The selection finding NP-complete set was one of the 21 NP-complete set NP- 12363,The stadium was named after Ali Akbar Yarvoudi a military air force 12364,Passive radiant cooling - a heat transfer fluid removes heat from the 12365,The king of Spain resigned for his brother Joseph 12366,He earned his bachelor s and master s degrees in electrical engineering from 12367,When he played with Daniel Kay the brothers of Nickelodeon and the comedy 12368,In 1896 he entered the German military 12369,For example the same machine language jumping instruction can be generated by a assembly code 12370,This distance searches the inner boundary and the inner boundary 12371,The film was released in theaters in the same year 12372,He displayed this problem using the Rush program 12373,Queen Victoria died in 1901 and was succeeded by his son Edward VII of Saxon- 12374,If we find a random sample for cities with sizes 10 20 and 30 then we 12375,The album was recorded in 1987 and was recorded during a Bad World Tour in 12376,One of Edmond s friends said he was one of the victims of Edmond was 12377,A day before the departure the aircraft and their passengers were forced to 12378,In 1996 23rd July General Assembly of the European Meteorological Commission issued a resolution 12379,In 1989 he was re-elected to Lockheed and worked entirely at Lockheed 12380,The operation of these modems is that they are attached to city-urban 12381,The Sassanids were very interested in agriculture and know that there was extensive 12382,In other words one can be governing a city and society that is just and good 12383,After choosing and executing measures energy savings is reached using the 12384,After a brief period of negotiations between the Soviet Union and the 12385,In 1911 the government of Greece hired French experts for the Greek aviation service 12386,In the United States he was widely cited as one of the pioneers of the 12387,Many of these concepts were adopted through contact with the Spanish and the Latin translation 12388,The primary cause is the spinal cord and spinal cord vertebrae which 12389,It is called respiratory hearing and may be heard using a natural phone 12390,The eggs are slaked and attached to river bed or aquatic plants 12391,An important feature is that a researcher or a person in the middle would not 12392,Other important examples of early albums are The Life of Plants by American recording 12393,These include headache nausea and vomiting 12394,622: The introduction of the Meddle of Medina by Muhammad 12395,The approximate argument used as fuzzy logic can be used 12396,One of the greatest cities was Niênիա and Cilicia 12397,The word literally means literally a plural 12398,Although he had little strength and power from his brother he was able to create powers 12399,The name of the king s tree was the inscription of the king s 12400,Two-sided federalism states that central government and state government are equal and equal 12401,After their first successful album written by Gessle Gessle released 12402,The Thomson Institute was purchased and formerly known as the Thomson Scientific 12403,The player from the circle of the circle follows the left-hand line with 12404,The goddess is also used in many of the rituals and rituals of the Buddha 12405,The most common sites of spread include the brain bone liver liver pancreas and 12406,It is first broken and then combined with other substances 12407,They are common symbols of foxes without foxes 12408,In the example above if M is only a function of x and N is only 12409,The battle also paid tribute to Harold s army 12410,Its transportation is based on the standard of the European Union three international airports the 12411,In Aztec mythology Shylmut was associated with the thunder and the thunder 12412,They also argued that the gold standard also reduces the ability of governments to 12413,More than a dozen people expressed their respect and respect in the feast 12414,The source code of many open source software especially those of Jestvism or with 12415,Assume this simulation will eventually return to a solution 12416,Jackson explains that she was consuming these children as gifts because she was 12417,Except for the season 8–09 and a number of matches from the previous season 12418,It is sensitive to hormonal changes which occur after a period of menopaus 12419,The crew had tried to manually repair and eventually repaired the splay 12420,In 1936 the Olympic was held in Berlin in Germany 12421,The series premiered at the 1st and the 20th centuries 12422,For example a function will perform behavior A whereas a function will perform behavior B 12423,Al-Jaish Football Club is a football club based in Doha Qatar 12424,There are currently 10 000 species of birds in the group 12425,The British returned to the war without more clothes and participated in the Second 12426,On 18 May 1804 the Senate gave him the title of Emperor 12427,This result was later generally explicitly explained by Russell s theory 12428,On October 16 1848 William Thomas Green Morton a surgeon at the Massachusetts 12429,Until the mid-14th century the power of the Mongols was restored and the major 12430,There are various types of obsessive compulsive disorder but all of them all have 12431,In 1966 C.M. Coltrane of Alabama who was nominated for voting 12432,Urenacium is an English language squirrel invented and developed by D 12433,In choral music of the Renaissance the operating lines that are built only and 12434,In a few years later Scottish leadership became a political and social 12435,Bradluigi wrote that the girl could persuade his father or a woman to accept 12436,In 1862 the school became the state s ordinary school and graduated with 12437,After killing the king with the abundant oppressed son of Farideh he 12438,Fredgéand or Fredgéda was the wife of King Sigis I of Franche 12439,The current tension took place for a period of seven-year terms and within this 12440,The sport continued to flourish in Iran after the revolution 12441,William Smith editor of the encyclopedia received 200 papers when he was 28 years old 12442,ActewAGL is a joint venture between ACTEW and the Australian 12443,On the other hand Monte Carlo methods are computational algorithms that are based on 12444,Accordingly the natural selection problem solves this problem because it requires a small 12445,If u= gcd we say using u ud | a b c but 12446,It is the second producer and exporter of meat and wool 12447,It was among the most important writers and critics of the period among which 12448,On 3 June 2013 UNESCO s Human Knowledge and Consciousness Award was presented to the 12449,His mother died when he was 10 years old 12450,However these rights are also accompanied by publishing without boundaries of 12451,In 2010 a portion of the study conducted to control the disease and the choice of 12452,Given that more than 50% of the budget-programed budget the majority of the country 12453,The political speech of Governor George Canningham on 23 September 1942 calling for 12454,It is proved that fermions and bosons follow a few statistical laws 12455,Salted sodium acetate is used with simple sugars or as a 12456,Antibiotic resistance is a major turning point in tuberculosis 12457,The company continued to develop its products and introduced a switchgear in 1962 introducing 12458,He also said that the possibility of creating an entire GSM router for open source components 12459,The Treaty of Versailles which ended World War I ended 12460,The meridian 91° west of the meridian reached a few hundred 12461,She became a reporter for the Israeli TV network in 1982 12462,He also believed that the only heir of the Islamic Republic of Iran was the 12463,He exhibited his works in later exhibitions in the 1880s and 1881 and 12464,It has been suggested that the substance is used as a fuel fuel to 12465,PINO had three older sisters: Michelle Cullen Cullen and Perla C 12466,The first known Chinese phrase literally literally literally literally literally literally 12467,At the Battle of Nishapur Lotfollah was plagued 12468,Information may be dynamically represented by a paper or paper lining access to certain 12469,A congruent sequence of infinite length is strictly static and the 12470,Includes policy and procedures ensuring a person’s exposure to 12471,He worked as a photographer for 35 years until he retired in 1981 12472,The Coses that led him to Donner s standpoint was the discussion of the 12473,Bell s remastered version was released in 2009 for the 20th anniversary of 12474,However all senators from all of his supporters rejected this and demanded 12475,These reports are encrypted with gametext software such as seeTTV seeT 12476,In the early era of the Achaemenians most of the Iranian army 12477,The annual variation of the yearly index can be used as a measure of 12478,The time-scheduled time-divisional model - In hiberology there are se 12479,Nonetheless the high costs of the nuclear weapons program along with 12480,It is proved that by having field field positions in Cfree the probability of 12481,To create a comfortable fit in the stadium the roof was designed to maximize 12482,He published seven novels in Kurdish language 12483,These vuvuzelas helped restore the Third World especially the Latin America 12484,In CGNU s C library a set of programming interfaces there exists 12485,From 1950 to 1850 more sophisticated tools were developed by Neanderthals and 12486,Another scholar Robert Ammann wrote many books on information ethics in the library and 12487,Plesiadapiforms were likely to belong to a number of species that 12488,In addition the film achieved the highest cumulative ticket sales record of $50 million and 12489,In August 2009 a research paper by Social Science Research Network showed that the 50% of websites 12490,The beginning of modern library use dates back to the 15th century when some 12491,Jon Dost is a Kurdish Kurdish poet and writer 12492,The main building on the main trade center was a 47-story residential building designed 12493,It is classified as a protein in which two or three HS chains correspond to the 12494,Symptoms must be extremely severe enough to reduce the normal life of a 12495,Alfred his friend s best friend was kind and eccentric 12496,A referee may advise a team to warn a team about technical error before 12497,After the defeat in the war Yeghishe knew the life of the king and 12498,He remained Vice President from 1990 to 2006 12499,As Mayers explained that globalization can cause damages such as in the 12500,This distinction had led to the establishment of the Parliament of Israel since the 1960s 12501,Native languages include tens of separate languages as well as isolated languages 12502,In the Veil of the Women of the Sabine 1799 women of the Sabine sect 12503,It was founded in 1958 at Dr 12504,In addition to the cards which have a vivid and vivid color the T 12505,In the 7th century ʿUyī governed the Iraqi province of 12506,The effect is displayed at his original location in the Church of St Barthélemy in 12507,The outer surface of the bread is tart and soft 12508,After seeing a positive view Stevens reveals that human flesh is the key to 12509,The species A: requires a combination effect but can convert a potential energy 12510,According to Plutarch Scales he negotiated with pirates in Sicily to bring 12511,His father George Washington was Esfand and his mother Maria was Esfand 12512,This method involves glare hallucinations illusions illusions heat sensation 12513,He later converted to Christianity and became Christian 12514,It has a very high diversity and is found in various colors including 12515,Accelerometers are used to measure the motion and vibration of a building which 12516,They explicitly describe the subject and Marlowe notices that when 12517,Finally compressed carbon dioxide which is compacted and solidified with small or large 12518,Human consumption may also be caused by the consumption of broiler meat 12519,It is still widely recognized in Japan since it is still recognized in Japan 12520,He studied law and political science at the universities of Frankfurt and Munich and in 12521,In other words spiritual heritage consists of a portion of our spiritual culture which 12522,In the film Anderson used the role of Alice as Alice 12523,Parviz Karimi is an Iranian goalscorer who plays for Iranian football club 12524,During the French Revolution the book covers the human skin 12525,Like a preset time setting that a visitor spends on a web page 12526,After Harvey s death in 1991 the group s leader was Jacques Rondonians 12527,Viryides are another group of pathogens but they do not code no protein nor 12528,The price of silver in the early 1970s was less than two dollars for each 12529,In Portugal the name means saffron 12530,They want education without religious or party affiliations 12531,With the help of Ali who slept in his bed and strangled those who were 12532,For a machine from top down to bottom t is acceptable if there exists 12533,Between 05:00 and 6:30 the Bypasses of Bismarck attempted to 12534,1979 - Mother Teresa wins the Nobel Peace Prize 12535,The psychiatric swine was diagnosed and transferred to the Milwaukee State 12536,It is one of the most common causes of iron deficiency 12537,In 2010 it consisted of over 18 million passengers 12538,It is a type of internal combustion engine where the intake cycle is used 12539,Other freedoms and rights in the Islamic rights system have been recognized 12540,He also sent hundreds of cavalry to reverse and ordered the cavalry to 12541,In the first version we eliminate only those that are strictly critical 12542,There are several schools named after him: for example the two elementary schools 12543,It is widely used as a fuel for cooking cosmetics medicine and soap 12544,1761: Slavery on Bohemia causes hundreds of thousands of 12545,Turkish is a dialect of Turkic a Turkic language spoken in 12546,After contacting a British journalist who wrote the paper contacted Dr 12547,For infrared photography a infrared filter is needed 12548,PETRONAS which is a subsidiary of PETRONAS is a subsidiary of PETR 12549,The meridian 153° east of Greenwich is a line of longitude that extends 12550,The web site WoWWiki was opened on November 24 2004 as a source of information 12551,The control of Mac s guitars has been manufactured by the company 12552,During the formation of the Nuremberg laws much of the researchers believed that 12553,Alice provides an identity property as part of a basic language through the use of 12554,Rande described several things that managers from developed countries have migrated to 12555,He worked for André Viogue a French photographer filmmaker and sculptor 12556,Because of the size they are divided into two types: a miniature 12557,White states that if Donald had wanted to think about the Iraq War he would 12558,He has recorded in various locations such as Los Angeles New York City and his town 12559,This is represented by shifting the position from the point line of China to the MP 12560,He was a member of the Al-Shabab and later returned to Esteghlal 12561,He is buried in Mount Olympus 12562,In the earliest known site the Egyptian glyph furnace with a 12563,The name of Mount Ersili comes from the Henry Moore Erskine who discovered the 12564,Only three of these strikes are interesting 12565,Then a recognizing x is a list of how much each individual 12566,The Duke of Orléans believed that the Duke of Orléans had 12567,Political prisoner Peter Carlson wrote that the emperor would leave the 12568,The British Educational Communications and Technology Agency-BCTA developed an ITIL-based 12569,The technology has been directed since the 1990s and replaced standards such as the FDDI 12570,In allusion to Plato s philosophy of thought is that thinking should be 12571,He was a popular bear in the zoo 12572,In 1929 they registered their first appointment as the Schlumberger Surveyor Company 12573,He was one of the greatest warriors of all time 12574,She has appeared in numerous films and television appearances 12575,These works blurred the marked boundary between painting and sculpture and 12576,Invasion was cast in Season 2 3 and 4 Prison Break from 2006 to 2009 12577,Five years later Hardy returned to Dorset where he decided to write his life 12578,The film was written and directed by Sebastián Coriagud and directed by John 12579,The fourth studio album Strange Life: A Real Living A Clockwork Orange was released 12580,The two main groups of collagen are glycosides and amphibians 12581,1941 - World War II: An earthquake of an Armenian hospital near Moscow 12582,He was Professor of physics from 1971 to 1984 and was honorary member of the College of 12583,The building includes a ground parking garage on the 3rd floor which connects the 12584,The first known species of syncyticity is syncyticity secretion of 12585,Between January 1938 and March 1938 a 70-year-old who was often 12586,In 1955 he published his first collection of poetry in Hebrew 12587,Lu Xun s work also received attention outside of China 12588,He joined the Rhine Army as one of the Chieftains of the Reagan 12589,It was released in 1947 and was re-released in 1947 12590,During this period he began to become a regular journalist in England 12591,Chocolate is a mixture of sugar and sugar mixed with sugar 12592,Contemporary attempts by Abraham Maslow Kurt W. Mullie Maxwell David McCarthy 12593,Richard Abraham is an American researcher translator author and essayist 12594,The developed form was used as a roof brick roof sweeping gases 12595,There is always M.x and its value is 1 12596,They were severely tortured by the Jewish community and were severely tortured by 12597,In 1936 Horta Hulubei and his French friend Yvette Cauchese invented the 12598,Pizarros was a Soviet publishing house founded in Moscow in 1931 12599,Subterranean seawater seawater seawater seawater seawater se 12600,At least 80 to 90 percent of covalent chromosomes occur due to mutations 12601,In the third season he returns to Sutherland Prison 12602,In 1987 all 12 volumes were re-published in a book and until September 2008 12603,In February 1988 the FSF announced the glibc library as having nearly all 12604,In 1989 the Groupe Mobile Telephone Committee from Vodafone was transferred from the European Union 12605,Film locations are filmed in London England 12606,He was succeeded by President François Bozizé in 2003 12607,Laser-based surgical on soft tissue causes surface leaks of liquids 12608,The wall insulation for a board with two or more layers can be welded 12609,Other factors that cannot impede the mapping of the need for sounding motor pole 12610,In September 1918 Yesenin founded his own publishing house the Трудовая Артель Худо 12611,In 1996 there were around 350 families with native and common languages 12612,He was elected to the WWE Tag Team Championship at number 3 12613,Argherd was a name coined in Britain and the surrounding areas 12614,He played as a goalkeeper for the Wolfsburg and German women s team 12615,It can also be used as a blade or fishing gear 12616,It was not completed until the 1970s when South Korea s economic treaties 12617,Also used recycled rubber pads for foundation walls which resulted in 12618,The railway was completed at an average rate of about 12619,Thomas Vinterberg was educated at the National Film School of Denmark in 1993 12620,The black women were also involved in this movement and a large part of the movement was 12621,Very little of the pigment is mixed with a large amount of white light but 12622,In 1930 he founded the architecture and design department at the New York Museum of Modern Art 12623,When the third ventricle is added to the fourth ventricle the third 12624,While the term maximum gain is often used when the term maximum gain is 12625,Donald Robbins member of the South Downs History Society decides that a burial was 12626,The most important gas in the study of microhemerism was discovered in Japan in 1959 12627,The two small whales were able to remain stable for nearly 400 years 12628,The acknowledgement of Dalhousie s policy of colonialism led to the 12629,The region declared its independence in 1990 because of its majority Russian-speaking population 12630,In the next phase which is the refractive index of the light which is 12631,Only those operating as root users are able to change their IDs to 12632,It consists of five openings in the rear and one openings in the rear 12633,Blood cells includes blood cells bone marrow and lymph drainage 12634,The reason for this was partly due to Jackson s lack of promotion Jackson s 12635,The column on the left of the leaf and the column on the right of the leaf 12636,The Hebrew Bible was originally translated into the Hebrew Bible 12637,From 1940 he became a professor of mathematics at the University of Rome 12638,It is situated at an altitude of 8 500 metres above sea level 12639,Only the word Parman I called for the capture of Georgian soldiers from 12640,سرخوشsarhoş esrik *drunkThe Turkish word literally means head 12641,A salt barmer or salt barmer or salt barmer or salt barmer or salt bar 12642,In flight the back and back of the wing it appears to be a 12643,It was essentially a non-residential pedestrian zone until in 1899 a 12644,After the announcement of the decree Saddam complained to his citizens about his 12645,It is bordered by the thighs and the hip 12646,In 1979 the Congo acquired a non-military government led by President Daniel Sosa 12647,They want to live from philosophy and even want to eat women and children from this way 12648,The feminist theory ultimately aims to understanding gender equality and focuses on 12649,Other important examples are food production drinking and drug production 12650,Muhammad s marriage with her daughter Hafsah Safi was a symbol of the excellence 12651,Roger Beck chooses to interpret Kaivots to be moving north in the spring and 12652,His father Frank was a Scottish-Irish male and his mother was a Norwegian 12653,The tires are usually returned to the sporting areas such as the 12654,The government of India held a special ceremony for her mother s efforts for her 12655,The town of Bezdreau is located in 126 km northwest of the city of 12656,The bombings helped Frederick July Core and Earl July-Corei discover 12657,Because many of the law e sciences belief and beliefs are based on 12658,From 1511 onwards he also worked as a clerk architect and a 12659,Also UNIFIL plays an important role in collecting mining mines providing 12660,F is a subset of the newest version of the FORTRAN which is the 12661,On August 12 2010 Staller opened Victoria s first official retail store in Canada at West 12662,The ceremony was the first and is mostly performed by Marie after her surgery and 12663,In the second round the Utah Jazz were able to eliminate the Utah Jazz 4 12664,The political system of England became a constitutional monarchy 12665,Digital architecture refers to the use of computer modeling programming simulation and simulation to 12666,According to experiences made in the twentieth century the access to the cave has been 12667,In 1971 he joined the Islamic community of Afghanistan led by Burhanuddin Rabbani but 12668,It travels a zero-on-hour at less than three seconds and runs 12669,He was one of the best martyrs in Iran 12670,He was forced to leave Venezuela for 13 years 12671,Four of the nine songs in the album were written by Michael Jackson 12672,It is typically small because the matter is made from atom and atoms are equal 12673,Instead of using a SARIMA model with a degree AR or a 12674,The protocol encrypts the data that must be sent along with all of the side- 12675,Some areas of property and composite materials are rich in density tensile strength and 12676,This sequence stabilizes by adding the element to the left of the stack and 12677,For example P Q is a proposition if and only if P is a proposition 12678,He was crowned on 8 December 1877 but upon his death in 878.1 12679,The main mosque consists of two chambers for the prayer and a three 12680,In 1971 the government of the State of Sikonium was added to the city of Sikonium 12681,Mir-Abbas Abbas Aglou was the Soviet communist leader of Azerbaijan between 12682,During this time he was confidant in Arya Jirga who contributed greatly 12683,It has been argued that the success of machine translation pre-all requires the solution of 12684,The main feature of the Euclidean division is that defines r. i 12685,Important factors have been endangered including the widespread use of wood in the 12686,Jin becomes a hunter after eleven months of rehabilitation and re-e 12687,where R.k is the set of points in the space of displaystyle X 12688,He won four gold medals at the 1952 Summer Olympics and two gold medals at 12689,At that time the Macedonian authorities announced that they had traveled from Pakistan to 12690,Before the entry of the Spanish into South America the state now called Santa Fe was 12691,In the latest report which was completed in 2006 it was revealed that the 12692,Throughout history women are always recognized as norms 12693,Social movements cannot be appreciated as a form of association or co-operation 12694,It is important to know whether it is cultivated and how and how whether and how 12695,The first four matches are held on the first day and three later matches are held on 12696,In the region which is now Tunisia he founded the town of Afrasiab and 12697,The material is a bulk of hydrostatic membrane of proteins mostly associated 12698,The tomb was opened in 1906 and was recognized as a staunch as 12699,The first of which was the feast was a feast feast feast fe 12700,In the same year she married drummer Neda McCausland 12701,Google has claimed that the results he had obtained by using a search engine 12702,Because it is in the course of transformation there will be something else which will eventually 12703,He asked Chief Secretary of the UN General Coordinator Kofi Annan for help 12704,In the south it was referred to all land areas between Dunland in the west 12705,Later clubs such as soccer and ice hockey began to emerge using the same 12706,Element in the primary refrigeration cycle that absorbs and adds heat to the system 12707,Since postmodern dance was a direct and negative reaction to modern dance the contemporary dance 12708,However when he is forced to care for his guidance to save Dean 12709,He died of stomach cancer on 16 May 1943 at the age of 76 12710,These paintings are made using black and white jewels made of walnut wood 12711,Pure value added is the sum of a fixed capital from a fixed value 12712,Rogers also explained that the weight of 136 pounds for a person weighing 12713,He entered Cambridge from 1912 to 1920 12714,The name of the language comes from the Portuguese word lua meaning month 12715,In the early 19th century and early 20th century western physicians used the 12716,Mel says “Listen to the tree of God that it wasn t loved me 12717,About two thirds of people with Down syndrome have been diagnosed with Down syndrome 12718,Karl the Third and Fourth of 1859 was king of Norway and Norway 12719,The merging complexity of merging is worst in the worst case while the 12720,However various ancient regional dialects continued to evolve as sibling 12721,The Metamorphic database includes more than 1 million songs recorded by more than 16 000 12722,It is also the set of data representing problems with its solutions and its related experiences 12723,It is the first kind of English literature to be understandable for its readers and listeners 12724,He reprised his role in the third season 12725,With the opening of the Panama Canal in 1914 the Vancouver Harbour was able to compete 12726,The left cosilla to the left is for strings ABAB BABA ABBA which 12727,The stomach is part of the thigh which is attached to the lower 12728,Players include Owens Moore and Maj Balmain 12729,His most recent collection of poetry was published by Professor Thomas Johnson in 1955 12730,Copper is used by human cells including brain cells whereas copper is 12731,The difference between female and female males is that in males the female is less 12732,She was a musician music director for the life of Israel s Philharmonic and the 12733,When one of the nodes is reduced they can hide the input and go 12734,The embargo occurred exactly during the growing oil and gas embargo 12735,It appears that Grumman has lost all the information about the Moon but there are 12736,Cash lending was soon used by hundreds of secondary schools in the world and 12737,The experience did not last much: Dickinson never formally declared Arians Arian 12738,In modern English Flora refers to flowers and plants in a particular area or period 12739,The curve is centered between the midsadic line and is covered with 12740,The first mutual savings bank in Boston was the Provident Institution for Savings 12741,Tolos Shah died while he was distraught by the conspiracy 12742,The electron donor is a chemical substance that exchanges electrons into other 12743,With the age of 60 it can also use a combination of active and passive 12744,During the 1960s efforts to recognize the fish as a Olympic sport 12745,where f.p and mathbf f.p are private keys and h.p 12746,When large amounts of sediment is stored in a zone the excess weight 12747,At that time he was interested in modern dance classical ballet and piano 12748,It was not designed for this language to be exactly similar to that of FORTRAN. 12749,Up to that time Congress wanted Congress to announce a committee that would be 12750,In the early 20th century Renaissance dance troupes travelled from Buenos Aires 12751,A Geostationary Information System the Geostationary Information System or JVS is a information 12752,At the 2006 census its population was 8 in 4 families 12753,One year later in 1298 he resigned to the new Cabinet of Ministers and 12754,One of the most common words of the time at the time was the introduction of the word 12755,A fifteen-year after the reign of the Iron Fist of Iron Man 2 the 12756,Around half of the final energy consumption consumed in England is heat which is 12757,Kurdi who attended a Catholic school in Tehran at the age of four 12758,The production of Sun was stopped by the company s own company but research was made to 12759,The apple was often eaten by the Ethiopian goddess Idon and was 12760,However after rejection of the treaty in France and the Netherlands in February 2006 Oxford 12761,A logic a must hold the control of reality until it escapes from the dark 12762,He writes funny stories about the work he had done in India and what they had 12763,He served as Iran s assistant coach in the 1984 World Cup and was elected 12764,He was forced to commit suicide following Gaius Calpurnius Piso s 12765,Another documentary on Al Jazeera is Al Jazeera s documentary Al 12766,Initially the Diffie-Hellman key exchange was proposed with the aim to solve 12767,Whisky-making whiskies are always written in the form of whisky and 12768,Several of the villages of Partirrahm in the province of Qazvin 12769,It Without Me is a 2010 film directed by Bahram Tovsi starring 12770,It also included a documentary about the two albums Deliverance and Damnation recorded 12771,His father was in the United States Army Signal Corps 12772,In this category subset 1 and indicates button compression 12773,The sentence was reduced to 16 years in the Court of Justice 12774,The first Nobel Prize in Chemistry in Chemistry was awarded in 1901 to the 12775,He spent his childhood in Wales Sardinia and Durazzo 12776,The name does not appear in English or in English 12777,Since the end of the sixth season of Ano Bis depicts a planet near 12778,Since an energy savings of this system is 100% its efficiency is 100% because 12779,A language that has only ambiguous grammars is called inherently ambigu 12780,The installation of a V5 unit to optimize all resources creates a higher 12781,In March 2004 the United Nations reported that the government s genocide squad 12782,Turkey is bordered in the north by Iran Armenia and Turkey in the south 12783,Important folikulae in Lesotho are the sea and the sunflower 12784,The list of Soviet Air Forces and the Union of the Soviet Union includes all 12785,The two classrooms on the sea side of the building have no artificial lighting 12786,They find themselves trapped together in a throne escape away from their 12787,The garden of Fire is the place where famous Persian governor of Iran killed 12788,The main task was in committees or groups 12789,He was married to Harriet Taylor in 1851 12790,The award ceremony is usually held at the Royal Palace of Amsterdam and is sponsored 12791,One of these stairsteps is located in the garden and it has two tall wind 12792,Ziz is the largest master of the Song Dynasty of Song and Wang Yang but there 12793,In the story of King Paolo Superman the king tells the story of two stone 12794,Examples of these are found in Morocco Britain France and Germany 12795,The border crossed the border between Pakistan and China 12796,In developing countries where women may not be able to receive medical care they may 12797,This FSC maintains that the forest certification is a very good approach to 12798,The first Pascal compiler written in North America was written at the University of Illinois 12799,This great jumping of version numbers gave the feeling that a version with a number 12800,The film was first screened in Europe and later in the United States 12801,It is situated at an elevation of 1 010 meters above sea level 12802,He was one of the descendants of Muhammad from his family 12803,The disease was first discovered by René Lancel in 1819 12804,The doctrine which he provided for his followers granted him the permission to 12805,In 1990 Miller received the Nobel Prize in Economics with Harry Markowitz and William Sha 12806,In 2000 the organization was re-established and Abu Ali Mustafa succeeded him 12807,Ravens suggested that they form a nucleus as an international community-speciality 12808,The wet season or wet season is a time of the year in which the average 12809,He married in 329 BC and had a son named Alexander 12810,He was defeated and defended his title 12811,The king of Laressa was killed where his father died 12812,In 1930 he became a prominent writer through the rigorous realism style he 12813,Lake Water Plant is a plant that uses seawater and solar energy to grow 12814,Finland is the family of languages of the Finnish group 12815,This tree rootes the roots of the seed and when cut it is removed it 12816,These individuals are therefore happy to have remained in this scheme and 12817,The company was dismantled during the French occupation during the Second World War 12818,Harry Potter and the Philosopher s Stone: Harry Potter and the Philosopher s Stone 12819,The following year the England team played four friendly games 12820,The creation of random average in SDE is a simple version of cointelation 12821,After the clash with one of the soldiers he was asked to quit the college 12822,Aqueouso-acoustic is a branch of physics that explores the interaction 12823,One example of a social robot project is the Challenger project developed by the University of 12824,The year is known as the Year of the Year 12825,In 1920 he became a professor at Harvard University 12826,A report on cycling and walking which evaluates the safety of clothing and equipment 12827,The album was released in the United States in January 1968 12828,In these engines the air is pumped like a strong pressure shield then the 12829,According to the Turkish historian Bahram Chíbibi managed to defeat the 12830,Lisp and Forth programming languages are examples of predecessor languages that are 12831,The band s first performance was with Slipknot in 1997 12832,Herbert L. Adolphus Holmes - one of the most influential 20th 12833,The company has more than 4 000 subsidiaries worldwide 12834,He won the Women s World Cup in 2004 and won the Women s World Cup in 12835,In addition to the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film for Two Women a Golden Globe 12836,One example of a social robot project is the Challenger project developed by the University of 12837,Francis Watson Arenstein is an American scientist and engineer 12838,The Critics Choice website reported that Tense has been critically acclaimed 12839,In 1975 Mendeleev-Bishop invented the term more aerodynamically than had the 12840,Christian populations in Asia and Africa share the highest growth rate with 2.6% and 2. 12841,It is therefore necessary that the Shias s piety from father to daughter 12842,In his introduction to the Book of Thorists Sohrabi describes these 12843,While arithmetics are the final cover while arithmetics are 12844,The Left was led by Antonio Gramsci and Pablo Balugina of the Socialist 12845,However it is probable that the soil freezes before reaching 12846,On January 14 it was announced at St James s Palace that the baby would 12847,The term was first used in The Austin American Statesman magazine on February 10 1966 12848,Following a general obligation period the Auditor-General Agency is responsible for 12849,He was one of the founding members of the Association for Women in Mathematics in 1971 12850,The term comes from Greek ὕδωρανία the pain on one side of the head 12851,Drummond Flat in English means swinging 12852,The CPD includes the CPD nbsp 9 nbsp and the PGS 3 12853,At constant pressure and pressure the volume of a gas with direct number of molecules is 12854,They were not released until the end of the war in 1945 12855,To open the OTC price adjustment should have a supply and demand curve 12856,P: To build all subdirectory subdirectorys that have been released to the mkdir 12857,Different species of bacteria such as Thermomonospora and Thermoactinomyces are s 12858,A number of commodities have both characteristics for example: operating systems and mobile 12859,According to Raz Safra 1997 showed that if P = NP then no algorithm 12860,In addition independent design became part of the group related to the communications industry 12861,The Egyptian Prime Minister Gamal Abdel Nasser was appointed as Deputy Prime Minister 12862,It is the official language of the Jewish public records of the twelfth century and 12863,Allan Sobel is an American philosopher and author of several books on ethics 12864,Rajya Sabha is the permanent body and does not deviate 12865,This depends on the amount of progress of cancer and whether all cancer has not been 12866,He was the second captain of the Dutch national football league 12867,The increasing wages of `Abdu l-Bahá would be 12868,The excess consumption of iron and copper interferes with the sodium a 12869,The Egyptian portrait presumably insists on similarity at least until the 12870,During the 2010–11 season Athletic took part in the tournament 12871,png|Flag to Singapore on charges of evasion of illegal drugs 12872,Unlike metallic hardness and softness there is no distinction between hardness and 12873,The MiG-1 was one of the Soviet fighters during the Second World War 12874,The sum of all the values of w.i is smaller than q 12875,In 1968 McMahon graduated with a degree in business from East Carolina University 12876,When plants are not found to be suitable for humans and animals it 12877,In the summer of 2003 he founded the Iranian Cultural Association and became the young 12878,In 1807 Proudjian began using crude tablets in 1807 using 12879,His father was a military officer who was killed by the Khazars and 12880,Forster s friendship with fellow poet Edward Carpenter is the inspiration of the book 12881,The next day several men entered the Shirvan burial house 12882,The new Houghton was completed for one and a half years 12883,Thus individuals are found to focus on the focus of wealth 12884,Modigliani was known for his very high intellect 12885,The first version was a promotional version released by Serjical Strike Reprise Records 12886,For items like nightlife clubs soccer clubs bars and restaurants are accompanied by music 12887,It can be used only between two sequences at a time but is theoreti 12888,Coffee produced in Cuba since the mid-18th century 12889,It can also be filled with basic ingredients such as sponges chicken 12890,It is noteworthy that at each point of the active set there is a independent set 12891,The Book of the God Delusion was written by Isaac Newton 12892,As a result the two companies merged and the new company was named the Citroën 12893,Its flavor is tart and is usually mixed with sugar 12894,There are eight provinces of the area having a higher biodiversity than the 12895,This is the most commonly used technology employed for the general purposes of pressure measurement 12896,Part of his armies rebelled against him 12897,This component has a higher Coriolis effect and a higher Coriolis 12898,The U.S. Department of Defense stated that we are in war against 12899,Physic is one of the oldest fields in science and astronomy 12900,She began her acting career alongside her mother and on local plays 12901,After the failure of the PLO in the 1982 Lebanon s War of Attr 12902,He hoped to withdraw from the Soviet Union 12903,Radio astronomy is similar to radio astronomy but in astronomy radio astronomy radio astronomy 12904,For example gyrcashrubs found in Europe and several gyrcashrubs found 12905,Ancy-le-Faisons is a commune in the Franche-Comté 12906,A white shell is usually used to clean 12907,For this reason a unbiased Fermi gas unlike Fermi gas can be de 12908,Efficient manufacturing of computers allows many designers to quickly and more detailed 12909,Eventually the Manchu s kingdom won the final defeat of the Takeda 12910,JMW Turner developed around 300 sketchbooks and around 30 000 designs and watercolours 12911,A new constitution was established on 24 August 1919 and the name of the country was changed 12912,In 1995 he was inducted into the American Society for Computing Machinery 12913,He completed his education at the Anglo-Israeli Jewish School 12914,Two new airports are being constructed one in the west and the other in the east 12915,The remaining remains fall in the same year that Christopher Columbus arrived in 12916,Food poisoning occurs in developing countries in 2013 12917,When the particle sizes reach a few atoms the plasmon definition 12918,With a salary of $300 000 until the end of the season the club was 12919,The public key is used only for encryption and the private key is used only for 12920,In December 2004 it was announced that Coelho s son received a patent from 12921,If the guess is true it can be only because there is an intermediate number that 12922,Programmers work varies widely depending on the type of business for which they 12923,Laws and statutes the principles and norms and the concept of property and 12924,In 1985 he appeared in the U.S. Military Defense Film franchise and 12925,These teeth may be used for nutrition show-off and representation 12926,Advocates of color society have developed theories of Affirmative Action or positive 12927,The early period of his work was inspired by the Norse mythology and legends 12928,Corrugated titanium rays are used as a substitute for a 12929,During treatment always consult the physician for its own sake 12930,Another means to be a virgin or a person who doesn t 12931,Since the victory of the Islamic revolution in 1979 Reza Pahlavi was forced 12932,The first kingdoms of Baal that came from the northern states of Baal 12933,It was the same year that Hiffernon and Syracuse had reported early 12934,With indigenous corruption in Naples being organized the mafia s influence 12935,Similar examples were made in Europe and North America these cities were constructed to 12936,Both groups have one group in addition to a shareholder 12937,effort to support green packaging in the sustainability society however these are 12938,The feudalism developed at the stage of the Middle Ages which replaced the 12939,In computer science a linear alignment is a finite form of the Turing 12940,Producer Eric Kripke stated that his death had been done at the behest because 12941,The feminine name is from French Roxane Latin and Roxane Latin 12942,It originated in Afghanistan and Pakistan in the early 19th century 12943,In some contexts instead of writing the answer in the oracle tape there are two special 12944,Essentially each phase has a common central head: three wires for each 12945,He emigrated to Rome in 1752 where he was the pupil of Anton Raphael 12946,The Tekken 4 is a fighting game video game developed by Tekken 12947,Upon completing her PhD she attended the Department of Children’s Health Center in 12948,After the Babylonian conquest of Judah and the Jewish conquest of Judah 12949,While the state seems to remain faithful to the resolution but does not 12950,If only two parties besieged although there are two political parties that 12951,The most common method is the search of a sequence similar to a protein or gene 12952,A function using the keyword other in its parameters list can be defined with a 12953,x and y are the integers that are chosen to be collisions 12954,A graph is ideal if and only if its complement is equivalent 12955,The award was first presented in 2001 by the Federation of Prague F.C. of Prague 12956,Aiken returned to Norway in 1891 12957,Recent improvements in the treatment and radiation therapy have led to the development of 12958,Starting from early religious pages in the form of letters from the Middle Ages 12959,In 2009 the band s former members Joey Lin Trance Bobby Rondinelli and 12960,These equations explain how the geometry of space and time forms the core of 12961,In the next few months Muhammad led three actions against the three united tribes 12962,It was headquartered in the Dutch Park in Gloucestershire and headquartered 12963,During the siege Peter being referred to as a fingerprint was sent by 12964,He also claimed that these scientists believed that Cuba s 12965,His father is the daughter of famous scholars of Isfahan and his mother is the daughter 12966,Willem Fougel Ssang specializes in the history and cultures of Iran Iran and Afghanistan 12967,The second temple contains many of the golden treasures of the First Temple which 12968,When the Witch reveals that the witch is looking for keys Charlie 12969,His father was a wealthy copper trader and a businessman from 12970,According to Kant the ethical principle is Nietzsche s 12971,Some of the white dwarfs that have been discovered are bicameral although 12972,Examples include some primitive versions of IPFilter embedded in Direct3D and 12973,It has a very low abdominal fissure and is just below the dipht 12974,The frequency of sending is limited and the angular speeds are provided to 12975,The Gesperides box allows the storage of existing wastewater as well as the 12976,GnuPG is part of the software project of the German Free Software Foundation and has received 12977,Member democracies particularly since the concept of the European sphere adopted by Jean Todt 12978,Some of these machines are simple and complicated 12979,In the development of SDL Collide he played a plugin for the stealth 12980,It is made with soy flour and sugar 12981,In the early 20th century Renaissance dance troupes travelled from Buenos Aires 12982,The Treaty of Implementation of the European Constitution often called the European Constitution 12983,The distance to Osaka on the western border is about two hours 12984,Six gangs were taken to a hospital where there were two men and four w 12985,: went out of service in 2009 12986,The group had a partner Brett Márquez who later became a friend and colleague 12987,Two years after his death he returned to teaching and painting 12988,In Memphis the City Beautiful Group officially established by the City Council on 1 July 12989,Her body is now in the University of London 12990,In 1999 they would play eight times at the Arab Cup in Syria and night in 12991,If acetic acid is exposed to a temperature above and low then carbon dioxide and 12992,In this case each site p k is a simple point for which the vertici 12993,The automaton consists of a Q-set of states a Σ-set 12994,The residents of the area also use bicycles bicycles and bicycles to 12995,She was born in Gwangju South Korea on 10 October 1994 12996,From the age of six he became interested in wrestling at the age of 12997,Their lower husband was John Christie the then-adviser to the police and 12998,This matching of virtual addresses is done to the actual addresses in objects called 12999,The node q is called the root node 13000,Outside of Ousele s book Ousele a young woman named Greta Mc 13001,It has a black throat and a black head 13002,The vertebrae are attached to the vertebrae while the vertebrae are 13003,The Babylonian doctrine of Babylonia and Israel was probably a 13004,But gold reserves have been stored by a number of countries as a means 13005,Four LEP detectors were known by the names ALF Deltafi Opole and 13006,The problem is known as the time table problem and can be solved entirely 13007,Although the term has not been adopted as a formal way of categorizing plants 13008,The theme or theme refers to the concepts and concepts in which the film 13009,The style of a sculptural style is abstract and it uses itself to 13010,The Armenian language is also spoken in the region 13011,People with dark skin may consider wearing color in areas within their throats 13012,The policy of protectionism was particularly common in the 1930s between the economic collapse 13013,The Battle of Amesa was a war fought between Roman and Persian force 13014,Bond who had become tired of the death of a love-struck man who 13015,The hip joint also known as the hip joint or hip joint is a 13016,The thousands of computers worked in business government and the creation of a research 13017,According to a report by General General General in 2005 and 2006 Giorgio Cruz was 13018,At the same time Alexander s troops revolted against Alexander s 13019,It was first published in the United States in 2007 13020,Blood failure is a situation in which the number of red blood cells or the 13021,The most commonly used algorithms are the partitioning and sorting algorithms 13022,Agnes-le-Démemanche is a commune in the Pas-de- 13023,The type analytic algorithms are examples based on identical analysis 13024,He returned to Lisbon in 1906 to pursue a career in Literature but 13025,He lived with his family in the United States for 18 years 13026,The great fluctuations of the next day was similar to what was occurring in the 13027,At the time of his exile in Oryol he joined the Bolsheviks in 1915 13028,The thermal mass and natural ventilation strategy can be used if there is no heat store 13029,Their fifth album Made in A.M was released on November 13 2015 13030,He successfully escaped from India in the summer of 1919 and returned to Japan 13031,Chile s Armed Forces are vested by the Ministry of Defence through the 13032,He was born on September 1 1951 in Norwood Pennsylvania 13033,Finally in the third season he arrests the brothers and waits for a 13034,We read a text that the subject is as simple as we cannot escape it 13035,Turkish Armenia and Turkey have the largest immigrant population in Iran since 2010 13036,With the increasing production of agriculture human welfare grew more and thus 13037,In November 1988 the Palestine National Assembly declared the independence of the Arab-Israeli 13038,During the preparations of the palaces and palaces by Darius I 13039,According to the contract of 1933 Iran and the United Kingdom signed a treaty of 13040,The average air speed in the tunnel was about 5 ms 13041,While each edge in the diagram corresponds exactly to two adjacent pairs there 13042,The Battle to the Dome is a samurai opera in three acts by Mihr 13043,It was founded in Paris in 1909 by the French chemist Eugène Schwener 13044,He is buried in the city of Hamedan 13045,After Panama Nicaragua has the highest black population among Central American states 13046,He studied physics at the beginning of the Second World War 13047,In 1942 he was arrested along with his wife 13048,Outside of rooted trees there is often a hint of a root 13049,He was known for his ability to score with both legs and his speed 13050,The problem was relatively solved by November of that year but now requires a 13051,The fighting quickly became a total war in 2004 13052,He directed all Disney films after Walt Disney s death until his retirement 13053,Valjean leaves the convent and leaves three houses in different venues 13054,The first king of Hungary was King I of Hungary 13055,In Pharaoh s Army is a memoir by Tobias Wolff 13056,He was the first to recognize him 13057,In the image dragons are depicted as giant figures 13058,The function of this is achieved even in very cold climates but it requires 13059,It began in Italy and spread throughout Europe within three decades 13060,The time at a higher level of soft handedness can vary depending on the 13061,In particular threads share their instructions and text together 13062,The constitution was adopted in 2001 with the fall of the Taliban and the return to peace 13063,Inflation has been predicted to be controllable and in recent years the economy has grow 13064,Following the outbreak of the Second World War in 1939 he successfully went to 13065,If its density is less than that of a critical density the negative 13066,While in the Middle Ages secular philosophers were active under the Holy Roman 13067,The Duke won the match and went on to win the match 13068,These stones are graded with another system not just the presence of color but 13069,It has a wooden dome covered with wood fibers and a cemetery 13070,In the United States PID has been estimated to affect roughly one million people 13071,In 1971 Iraq was looking for a way to end the war 13072,Atheism was the first Persian philosopher to lecture at the Congress of Philosophy and 13073,Farnabaz was forced to deal with many revolts in his own territory and 13074,The most changes are in the rules relating the distance bounce rate and the type 13075,His mother formerly known as Maria Magdalena was a school teacher 13076,After one year and a half of his military service he moved to Paris where 13077,After the end of the Middle Ages France became one of the greatest powers in 13078,He created not only a revolution in the Americas and Americas but also a 13079,Once in a interview Bachyn argued that for someone who tries to understand 13080,During protests political organizations and opponents of political oppression Khudai Khi 13081,More than half of these cases is ectoderm in children under the age 13082,The Mars family is an American entrepreneur who owns the majority of the company Mars Company 13083,To add first we simply insertAfter lists 13084,The facility consists of a playing room for the orchestra space to hold music 13085,The album was successfully successful which was a huge unexpected failure 13086,At the beginning of the 16th century Azerbaijan invaded the area and initiated 13087,Software developer uses a server to add dynamic content to the web server using the 13088,In addition each remaining computation is a subresultant polynomial 13089,The bus was originally intended for the German Army 13090,Hard working and quickly demonstrated his talent 13091,In August 2000 Microsoft Hewlett-Packard Hewlett-Packard and Hewlett-Pack 13092,Paul Scholes is an English retired footballer who played for Manchester United s Manchester 13093,Khadija was a wealthy Arab woman who was a loyal supporter of the 13094,In the seventh year of the seventh year Muhammad went to Mecca and wore 13095,In 2010 the computer industry began to expand from 16:9 to 16:9 because the 16: 13096,At the time of the bombing a few members of the Supreme Council of Afghanistan 13097,Iran is the world s first producer of fruit in the Middle East and North Africa 13098,Michael C. Hall as Dexter Morgan is the lead role in the show 13099,Snakes are often involved in mining mines lead lead zinc lead gold 13100,In most cases the use of a few spherical markers is often 13101,The story revolves around the story of the island of Athens which had been heard by 13102,The BTR 90 is a slimmer and more stable than the BTR 80 13103,The most famous examples are the M M and M models 13104,It was known as the Renaissance period 13105,In DSP engineers typically study digital signaling in one of the given areas 13106,In hallucinatory cases the outcome of some communities in places like the 13107,Shiraz is situated in the central part of the province at an elevation of above 13108,The Pelican Islands are located between the two islands: the Hawaiian Islands the 13109,The words still used alongside their Turkish counterparts are still used 13110,The album was released in August 2001 13111,Achaemenid died after almost 10 years when Cassandra s 13112,1533 - King Henry VIII marries King Henry VIII s second wife Anne Bole 13113,Constant I was King of Germany from October 946 to October 1911 13114,It is made of red and brown sandstone and with white marble 13115,Since the knurulation is a parameter object a user could select which 13116,In the book Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets when Jestin was a 13117,The Imam Hussain Metro Station is a station in Tehran Metro Line 2 13118,Magnus was Roman Emperor from October 253 to June 253 13119,He managed to fire three fires until the explosion of a gunshot 13120,The highest flow is when snow falls in the spring 13121,The term freeze-in-water refers to a very hot water cycle 13122,The Nationalist Communist Party of Germany or Nazi Germany was founded in 1920 including the 13123,He is Professor of Marine Science in Syracuse New York 13124,The United Nations Security Council is one of the Secretaries of the United Nations that 13125,The album was recorded in the UK between April and December 1976 13126,If the therapy did not reach enough accuracy or was a chronic 13127,Shahin’s eyes appeared as Jonathan appearing as Jonathan s 13128,However when he resigned from the head of the Central Military Commission in September 2004 13129,The name of the instrument is derived from the name of the holder 13130,No antiviral drugs have been prescribed for certain other viral pneumonia including 13131,Free Campaign Party is an Islamic Islamist party in Turkey 13132,Bundy Shirō was a military commander Usher to love alcohol tobacco 13133,His father was a wealthy lawyer and so the whole family was forced to 13134,The design was originally spearheaded by De Havilnoord and a large 13135,Note that if the set s bound is not taboo for instance the dialect 13136,A century later king Darius ordered the removal of the bones of the 13137,The Count deliberately beats the Count s face and asks him to pay a 13138,Professor Emily Kurtt of history of the Middle East has hinted at the existence of 13139,He was born in Nairobi in 1556 13140,Common diseases are diseases which are thought to be caused by rising wealth 13141,Attendees were reading hymns and later one of the priests began to 13142,Mahmoud Yazdanan is an Iranian composer and pianist 13143,French word entered into English and the roots of French words rather than altruism 13144,Then firms like Carfax use this information to help buyers find whether the 13145,The arc induces the electrical current flowing from the drained drained drupe to 13146,The shape is proportional to the number of times the wheel rotates 13147,Severo Ochoa won the 1959 Nobel Prize in Medicine after he discovered an en 13148,The meridian 153° east of Greenwich is a line of longitude that extends 13149,More than one goal per game per game 13150,His heart s tumor was successfully surgery but he died on November 24 1991 13151,Jason Kouchak recorded five music albums two of which were recorded at 13152,With the launching of a campaign against the Communist Party of Azerbaijan 24 leaders 13153,Denmark Lithuania Poland Russia and Germany 13154,With the reign of `Abdu l-Bahá or ‘Abdu l 13155,L Enfermed du ChristThe children s children s books Elijah and St Paul 13156,Between 1875 and 1896 prices dropped in 1.7% in the United States and 0.8% in 13157,By filling the tube with a gas other than air it could compute the speed 13158,In 1947 Copereira de Perón de Perón was elected President of Argentina Juan Per 13159,When the company produced the legend s T Ford Motor Power Plant it became the 13160,The United States gave the film the title of Grade X in its original release 13161,The general relativity predicts that the reverse of these two clocks should be 13162,Since Universal Studios did not renew the copyright of the film in 1953 it is now free 13163,For example a attack may have 256 plaintexts which contain 8 bits of 13164,In 2230H the official hour of the Philippines the vessel struck the Tablas 13165,Cultural processes include the way in which people are able to perform certain tasks 13166,He went to Basra where his father signed a contract with his father 13167,At the beginning of the theatre and the theatres were under the supervision of 13168,Thomas Gustav Tranströmer was a Swedish writer poet and writer 13169,There is a Nash equilibrium path that gives a unique Nash equilibrium 13170,According to Telman s deputies 7.5% of the people expected to receive 13171,The Pelican blocks were reused by a tabarrow on the left side of the 13172,For example using the keyword public based on the analysis of the source code of actual 13173,The term Schrödinger s equation refers to both a general equation 13174,Patrick Bach is a German actor and boxer 13175,The measurement is then repeated using the samples obtained from the first stage 13176,Sargon II of Assyria was able to reconcile with King Kimiran in 13177,For encrypting a text by El Fassi two elements g y and h 13178,Computer simulations are used to study selectivity of bond values by mechanical chemistry 13179,Cœp-Cœp-Cœp-Cœp-Cœp 13180,In a RC oscillator circuit the voltage supplied from resistors and capacitors 13181,We suppose that the cube is completely full of a circle and 13182,During the Second World War the manufacture of pulsed electrical units electric motors and 13183,In 1997 Professor Anastasios Melis discovered that the elimination of sulfur would 13184,In classical techniques oils are usually added after drying a given 13185,EEV compared the resulting six months of SolaRoad s testing of three solar 13186,According to evidence it seems that the child belonged to the goddess 13187,Then the map forms a way that connects two indexes P and Q 13188,There are at least three different types of human transcripts 13189,After the procedure the donor s hand was removed allowing the stomach to 13190,The ability of speaking in human anatomy has been found in his anatomy which 13191,The first six months of the year are thirteen 13192,In general there are seven types of business companies 13193,The chances of success was that central banks were hard to become responsible and responsible 13194,In early classes when the programmer s code is large they are e 13195,According to the fact that Paris was a constitutional democracy his collaboration was 13196,Ahmad Zirakzadeh was one of the founders of the National Front of Iran 13197,He was appointed as the first Mayor of Ardabil until 1996 13198,In the episode after and before the serial broadcasts the digital clock is shown to 13199,In Great Britain Germany and Switzerland are used in hunting 13200,The difference between pressure and stress is important here 13201,In this position he and Shapurnikov had the responsibility of designing the winter war and 13202,When the animal reaches puberty the fur is black until at the end of 13203,Galileo formulated several of his experiments in dynamics including the Third Law 13204,In 1814 the occupation ended and between 1816 and 1824 Frederick William 13205,These trends and trends continue with fashion automation and broad global communication 13206,What is common among these three common means is that they seek full re 13207,Acherous whale is an extinct animal who often flies to the surface 13208,Mansour was born in Cairo in 1969 13209,To show the separation of minimum bound intervals we use this result when the 13210,The W3C developed a comprehensive test which added full-key features 13211,The layers close to the top are logical to the user application and the layers close 13212,FernandoJosé Torres Santos is a Spanish professional football player 13213,The sqrt x is a rational number if and only if x is a 13214,In the episode later Bobby enters the soul shape with a negative response to Sam 13215,He was a senior officer of the 6th Infantry Regiment of British India 13216,Vivien Leigh was an English actress who was nominated for the Academy Award for Best 13217,In January 2012 Faucher sold its U.S. music brand including guitar and 13218,While these skills are often offered in the hands of students and their back 13219,They re-planned to sell the company to European investors 13220,According to this paradox John s life of divine being is believed to 13221,Both Hulse and Taylor won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1993 13222,A higher angle such as 90 degrees are suited for many soft plastics and 13223,It was later heard that some of the young Armenians who had been killed or 13224,It was released in two different versions 13225,The couple had two sons and two daughters 13226,The eastern Ethiopian churches in La Chapelle Saint Georges is a 13227,In addition global debate concerning climate changes along with regional geopolitical neutrality 13228,After obtaining equations which are now known as Einstein s equations he gave 13229,In the early 19th century tomato sauce was mixed with fresh tomatoes 13230,The Hartmann Battle was explored in over 14 400 missions in four phases: 13231,The Peace of Verona was a peace treaty signed between Italy France and England 13232,Producer Kevin Feige said We have decided to reprise Edward Norton as the 13233,DROP: Removal of the chosen object in the database 13234,Because of the evaporation part of the necessary water prior to the phase 13235,The Williams tube capacity was a few hundred bits faster and more 13236,For example the Telegraph University attempts to produce food for students to the students 13237,It was founded in northern Italy in the late 16th and early 17th centur 13238,He was born in 1958 in Tehran 13239,Various ancient findings in different areas of Iran signify the presence and 13240,However the phase change from solid to liquid is more suitable than the pcm 13241,Craig s father has referred to the city as an endangered country on the west 13242,الكوخردى ، محمد ، بن يوسف، الطبعة الثالثة 13243,It is based in Tokyo Japan 13244,Campaigning with the Bantu Arab tribes of Bosnia Herzegovina Assyrian Tatars 13245,The UK financial crisis in 1818 sharply reduced the rate of loans 13246,Shortly after World War II his family moved from Kabul to Tehran 13247,Of those with brain tumors approximately 30% are diagnosed with epilepsy 13248,The lymphatic tubules are divided into two main types: B and T 13249,These attacks brought instability and chaos to the kingdom 13250,Blowdowns of dynamic modes such as convex parameters or virtual parameters are built 13251,At the inside of the building the gas passes through a pressure coil through a 13252,However the nuclear reactor at the McAfee station closed and the idea was 13253,This leads to Neptune passing through Uranus and returning to the orbit of Co 13254,Very high levels that would increase the risk of pancreatitis are cured 13255,Further the whole concept of competition conditions is defined based on operations order according to 13256,Early writers may use the third person third-person third-person 13257,After playing the last part of the game Show Down occurs when more than one person 13258,At the added time the bubble velocity is reduced by the fluid 13259,In February 1897 he clashed with Jean Lorrain 13260,A group of people may travel to the North Pacific 13261,In other popular models the elements are involved as highly weighted or as coroutines 13262,At the same time clubs such as Evaneora Danken Mod Allen and Louis Fuller 13263,During World War II the United States paid about 45 million dollars for Iran s 13264,The name of the star was published in 1613 by John Forrest 13265,According to some sources there are two types of timbre 13266,Many of the degrees design and development of university campuses curricula and many of 13267,If a massive and constant change in the amount of a given organism 13268,He signed a series of economic contracts with Sudan 13269,Akbar Mohammadi was one of the student activists who was arrested prison 13270,He studied Arabic under his supervision as a political analyst at the University 13271,They depict wild animals such as squid spiders and spiders 13272,Here we could be said that we were in a wrongseed but before we 13273,The three-stage approach is used by a number of software simulation packages but from 13274,Finland is one of the official languages of Finland 13275,He moved to Paris in 1914 with his family 13276,He promoted the work by attracting new members mostly from the working class encouraging 13277,In the late 18th century three rulers brought the name of the qadi to 13278,Later in 1986 Gower Gower S.H.I.E.L.D. 13279,His father was a German architect and founder of the town of Raugar and his mother 13280,When these attempts were launched on the American Embassy in Tehran on 13281,The very resistant body is made of stainless steel and a polypropylene 13282,He owns two individual jets a racing boat a fishing farm 13283,It is usually referred to as a turboscalar 13284,This theory is inspired by ideology which emerged during the First World War 13285,Neil Reed was an American feminist and Marxist activist 13286,If the disease is not treated it can lead to death 13287,After Mecca and Mecca Najaf and Karbala are among the cities of the 13288,The age of consuming tobacco in each region and province is different but 13289,Thus the Armenians realized that property confiscated in the seventh century was 13290,She killing her all students destroyed the class except being killed by a 13291,In 1590 Sweden would have to annex Yugoslavia to Russia and Sigismund 13292,When they arrived at each other they would throw the phrase 13293,In general there are four methods to evaporate moisture from compressed air: 13294,During the Persian Gulf War captains of the U.S. Navy and 13295,From 1959 to 1961 he continued working similarly on the III-V at the RCA 13296,The people of Naini are Muslim and Shia Muslim 13297,The B annex introduces three versions of the matrix to convert 13298,The new EP Society Open Society was released in September 2010 13299,In life science a special technique called fluid density density density density de 13300,His father Karl Schmidt was a businessman and a political activist 13301,Approximately 8 000 tons of sfs are produced mostly as 13302,For example rock music is often associated with electric guitar and choral music using drum 13303,The English language means a short-tailed canvas such as short-tailed 13304,I don t know the cause of this and I do not know the consequences of 13305,It is bordered by Portugal to the west Morocco to the north Morocco to the 13306,The basic bijection problem provides a basic solution to the basic bijection 13307,The tibia is the bone marrow in which the three bones usually 13308,It was usually enough for 10 to 12 hours to yield the wet surface 13309,Both victims were beaten and both were strangled 13310,Although L. Warren insisted strongly that L. Warren would continue to 13311,In theoretical computer science especially in formal language theory the Thompson Building Algorithm convert 13312,In most cases the various techniques and techniques of lighting are grouped into: 13313,The remote control arm embedded in the fuselage can deploy satellites in 13314,At the end of the reign of King Æthesp 13315,He was appointed as the head of the Board of Directors 13316,Until the 7th century Ghazni was one of the central centres of Central Asia 13317,Tchebyshev s name is Tchebych 13318,The sound wave gains a refractive index in the material and this network is 13319,By 2003 the airport s vessels were traded between the civilian airport and 13320,After the fall of the Taliban Kabul became the capital of Kabul 13321,He received a PhD in philosophy from New York City and a PhD 13322,When he was less than sixteen years old he married Seyyede Sultan daughter of 13323,He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1935 13324,In Jordan s letter Jordan stated that she had committed suicide 13325,Trompe le Monde is a 2010 French Canadian drama film directed by Dr 13326,Trousseau was born in France and grew up in Buenos Aires Buenos Aires 13327,Bram visits a 19-year-old Belgian son of Belgium who helps her mother 13328,In 1861 along with her sister Welch attended a private school called St 13329,However when the oil price plunged rapidly in the 1970s the oil 13330,After a period of representation the Iranian government accused him of plotting the Shah 13331,In an interview with N.A.R.A. in 1974 Pierog stated that 13332,Other artists include Viola Parker and Madonna 13333,In 1973 he joined the U.S. Department of State and served in Algeria 13334,Lampson and Redell published one of the first articles to address the difficulty of defini 13335,A leaf node is a leaf node from which the value is 13336,Each story is dependent on a supernatural character e 13337,These concerns led to standards across the world to protect users against incorrect medical 13338,I don t think there is a very interesting story about the bodies and 13339,In order to distribute the language a compiler was built in Zurich which 13340,Paul Reukel received a PhD in philosophy and a PhD in 13341,Bismarck was equipped with three radar search units located in the forward rear 13342,These operations are more efficient and more potentially more efficient because there is no 13343,He graduated from the University of Pisa 13344,French journalist writer and poet received the 1952 Nobel Prize in Literature 13345,His brain is similar to that of the rest of his life 13346,Then description-based searches are being implemented to modify a network 13347,Ma is a 21-page novel by Eugene Zambin 13348,In the 1990s the U.S. intelligence agency in Afghanistan seeking to 13349,In the 1930s only a small number of students were converted to religious parents and 13350,It opened to the Great Bazaar of Isfahan 13351,It is equal to that in each string of the ordered elements the length of 13352,The difference in the delay of diffusion delay is the major cause of failure 13353,He left IBM in 1983 and independently published books on the relational model 13354,The earliest centuries followed by the expansion of Christianity when Teuzion 13355,Every two years a third of the candidates are elected 13356,Many prominent surgeons in hair care generally use these two methods based on what 13357,It is ranked 21st on Modern Library 13358,It is not recommended for use in cryptographic protocols 13359,A cesspool is a subset of a cesspool consisting of fec 13360,The USB B-IF recognizes the devices and provides licenses for specific marketing 13361,He went on to persuade the Royal Spammer who destroyed the Avengers and 13362,Currently the government has adopted the Anti-Demchoming policy and has been 13363,Balachas was one of the administrative districts of Iran during the Sassanid 13364,This string along with 300 m freestyle guns are the only strings they have 13365,The metric tensor allows to specify and calculate the length of the 13366,This is called the rate of change of the rotor which describes the 13367,For instance = i G if the graph G is a Claw-free 13368,Since the beginning of 2012 Honda has continued to offer their own mobile phones 13369,A similar battalion within the naval patrol force can be identified as 13370,It is also interesting that it can combine with its own and many other elements 13371,However Sam followed up with Sam s servant and in a trip to the 13372,Noam Chomsky noted that this phrase is used to refer to the United States and 13373,According to the International Agency for Renewable Energy renewable fossil fuels 13374,Beginning in the late 1990s leading bands like Linkin Park and Linkin Park 13375,Performing technical recordings from Tehran Conservatory of Music Tehran Philharmonic Orchestra 13376,She died of a heart disease in France on 4 September 1954 13377,In the 19th century Napoleon invaded Egypt and became one of the first Muslim nations 13378,After Jerusalem was liberated by Jews control of the city was given to Neemia 13379,Through the help of social capital as the main research tool for research conducted in Hong Kong 13380,The ASHRAE 55 standard specifies boundaries between different surfaces 13381,Krishnamurti was born on May 5 1813 in Karlsruhe Germany 13382,The first city to have been occupied by the Soviet troops in Afghanistan was 13383,Since 1990 the Leopard 1 tanks have been pursued in most armies 13384,The city s history became known as the Government-Civita-Cur 13385,Because programmers are less limited to the complexity of the computer they can perform 13386,Through identifying and identifying such principles and traditions philosophers identify such 13387,The book is one of the 700 books presented at the festival 13388,In 1998 Peru was honored with his collaboration with the American Center for Classical Music and 13389,Rouhanna had previously been a member of the Grand Dungeon which was exiled 13390,Pumps in each category of mechanical flooring act as a priority to the 13391,It is situated on the Canadian Highway deck of the City of Winnipeg Canada 13392,He then went to Islamic countries and visited Mecca where he died in 13393,It begins at Iega Burikko Station in Toshima and ends at Ishikaku 13394,The city s economy is largely dependent on the old Silk Road which is 13395,The soldiers were able to enter the summer sheltered British Embassy 13396,The city s population is different in seasons 13397,Galilea was the daughter of Emperor Diocletian and Pessina 13398,A modern sense of laws and mathematical tools have been used to calculate the 13399,AFI ranked No. 1 of the top 100 films of the world by Empire magazine 13400,Researchers discovered that the cause of undead syndrome is a gene mutation 13401,The devil leaves him three times in front of the cage which hints 13402,The technique is easily learned by individual or group either individually or individually 13403,If the total annual wage level is increased per year then the total annual 13404,English and Portuguese are the official languages of the country 13405,•Keeping the intelligence of the practitioner based on the use of anticoagulants 13406,According to this concept the introduction of educational technology as a visual or artistic 13407,It is currently written in Iran and Iraq 13408,Epilepsy may occur due to a variety of diseases including stroke 13409,The party s current National Secretariat Daniel Glose received less than half a 13410,All the songs available in the film were recorded by Michael – playing a much more 13411,D. in mathematics from Oxford University in 1969 13412,It reached number one in all European countries and reached number 1 in Germany for 13413,However at the beginning of the conception of a theory of structuralism 13414,In these areas water or vapor may be transferred from the natural water shelter 13415,Following this victory the Georgian territory expanded from northwest to southern 13416,These licenses are awarded freely to users 13417,In 2012 leukemia was created in 352 000 people worldwide and resulted in 265 000 13418,In 2008 the Hungarian economy was under a strong debt burden and a 13419,In some fruits especially unpleasant fruits which are produced from a 13420,He knew that his family were Jewish even thinking of returning to Judaism 13421,where 1 using the principle of responsibility as a frame the decision to be 13422,He was elected as a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Sciences 13423,In a Nash strategy Nash equilibrium the increase in N players will result 13424,This specification allows the user to use a specified proxy server sometimes 13425,These devices use radio waves or infrared signals as a transmission medium 13426,In the January 13 episode of Raw Randy Orton reunited with John Cena in 13427,During World War I he served as a prison officer in the Hungarian 13428,During this period both the government and the government have become increasingly dependent on 13429,Although Mobón de Fron chose his son as heir after his death in 53 13430,The airport resides at an elevation of above sea level 13431,In the early 19th century tomato sauce was mixed with fresh tomatoes 13432,However theories on the existence of bicameralism can be traced back to 13433,It is used as a measuring unit in the building 13434,900: A new beer was established in the south of Korea 13435,The first system to use blogging was the b2 cafelog system 13436,The first two festivals were held in odd places but from 1990 to early ones 13437,Árpád Bridge is a bridge in the southern part of Buda 13438,From 1976 to 1985 Jack Smart was professor of philosophy at the Department of Social Sciences where 13439,There must be a person with either jurisdiction with jurisdiction with jurisdiction with jurisdi 13440,In general under the influence of others it requires sufficient knowledge and responsibility 13441,In 1974 he joined the electrical engineering faculty of Aryamehr University for ten years 13442,Sezgin was the only athlete at the Tajik Olympics in 2002 and 2006 13443,Harach Maguind Airport is a military airport based in Harach County Massachusetts United 13444,Diesel jet jet jet jet jet jet jet jet jet 13445,The name is Greek and means New Zealand 13446,He later returns and confesses to his mother who has suffered a mourning 13447,If accurately adjust to the back level of one of these disks one can 13448,In addition to four divisions three five and eight divisions are the most common divisions in 13449,The Egyptian throne was introduced by the short-handed crown of Djer 13450,One of the elements of the array is chosen as the primary element for instance the 13451,The higher the amount of shock exceeds the maximum without energy recovery 13452,When the English dynasties acquitted the Palace of the Empire of China in 13453,This will continue while Ana has not signed the contract 13454,PostScript is the best known language for indexing pages in electronic fields and 13455,It is the third country on the Democratic Republic of the Congo 13456,The language was also extended under the reign of Bahmanī and later known as 13457,Culturally the culture is a complex set of knowledge abilities rules norms norm 13458,The original version of the album which was released as Pink Floyd s Best Album 13459,He was a political philosopher and mystic 13460,All over a hundred thousand troops volunteered to sheltered 13461,For Jewish Jews circumcision is a major aspect of God s command of Abraham 13462,Although the Yuezhi school is a branch of religion it is hardly recogniz 13463,According to Ashley Leish Burns was always the only one 13464,This led to the growth of the public intellectual growth in the printing industry and 13465,Al-Baghstan was the first state legislative body to prohibit the participation of 13466,The second line was constructed by the Soviet Union which extended 15 kilometers of 13467,It is revealed that Miranda is a سریالی serial killer who had 13468,The F-92E is a U.S. Air-to-air missile 13469,However in recent years it has been eaten in many countries because of the boom in 13470,He spoke of the speed of population growth and two new attitudes – the 13471,Texas was ultimately a member of the United States in 1845 and in 1845 13472,On 7 April NWA broke feud with AJ Lee for the first time 13473,In the late 1990s and early 1990s Turkish and Turkish economy became 13474,Programming which doesn t wish to implement a specified algorithm specific 13475,Then Greek football was developed in the form of rugby 13476,G does not have a simple circuit and n − 1 edges 13477,Bertrand Tavernier is a French film director screenwriter actor and producer 13478,It was founded in 2013 and has received considerable attention to the problems and dangers 13479,The largest shareholder is the Swedish state of Norway 13480,In 2003 a Recycled Wood Association was formed but in January 2008 it was 13481,The level of priority is greater or equal to 0 13482,The majority of its power is limited in the sense that they are invisible to 13483,At the end of the lifetime wood is used as a fuel 13484,It is most commonly resistant to many antibiotics such as penicillin ampicillin and 13485,Like other fighting games the player chooses a character and a fight will take 13486,The summer 2009 retired at the age of 38 13487,Father and mother lived separately from divorced in 1921 13488,The death has been reported in Japan 0.03% in the United States and < 10.1% 13489,It is revealed that Samuel a 150-year-old s anonymous 13490,It is sometimes referred to as a gestational age 13491,Sixteen years later he returned to hunting and fishing 13492,As of 2006 four million and seventy-four thousand copies of the album have been 13493,The 20th century also provided a way to create likes and like expressions 13494,In addition there are two quite brilliant points from the poems of Amir Khosrow 13495,In this example D = 3 5 is a dominating set of vertices for G 13496,My.addr refers to a syntag hash structure in which the address 13497,In 2000 newspapers reported the sale of educational dolphins to Soviet 13498,He was nominated for a Golden Globe Award for Best Actor in Thriller and Best 13499,They are rarely seen because of their remote and remote territory 13500,At the end of the year a campaign from the Reverend Radio reported that we have 13501,Its eggs and eggs are used to treat rheumatism and related rheumatism 13502,At the same time a type of East-Persian language influenced by Akkadian was 13503,The country was joined by the European Union in 1973 and joined the European Union in 1973 13504,Because of errors in the war it was introduced in 1946 by English and American 13505,However IPv6 does use 128-bit addressing scheme which allows 13506,They live in the province of Kermanshah and in the Iraqi Kurdistan and 13507,The sphere is a bidimensional space representing the states of the pure qubit 13508,Each user in a CDMA system uses a different code in signal modeling 13509,It is one of the most beautiful flowers in the autumn 13510,They are responsible for bus services to Cheney and out of the city 13511,The bank was widely regarded as a representation of the British Empire and 13512,Olímpico is located about 1150 meters above sea level 13513,It is also known as black pepper or green pepper 13514,The group recorded the Japanese live album from the band Pixp Records in 2007 13515,Early immigrants in the United States used the dried powder to repel insect 13516,The language traversal in Svalirah 2 is theoretically turned off as the 13517,It is usually made of a young stick which has a combination of 13518,However in most cases the explanation does not imply detail 13519,During the meeting the government educational and educational centers of Tehran were declared 13520,At that stage they had only seven sessions and were not written by other band members 13521,The film was based on the novel of the same name by Iranian writer Shahnid 13522,These dialects are depicting a variety of aramian dialect 13523,The band s sixth studio album Paradise Lost was released in June 2003 13524,These three friends were pulling down from the stairs just down the stairs 13525,As a conductor or source of electromagnetic waves it acts as a source 13526,The Hebrew word is used in the Hebrew Bible 13527,The first phase of the plant will be fully opened until the end of 90 13528,Each vertex in metric is limited to a point and for every edge 13529,The amount of goods produced by artisans and services did not price however 13530,The creator of the series is Natsume Sachi who has written several books 13531,It is located in the city of Kabul 13532,The language of Abkhazian is divided into two dialects: Abkhazian and 13533,It was named Edo after the middle of the 19th century 13534,In 1920 he became a professor at Moscow University 13535,There are three cities A and B and C respectively 1 million industrialist 2 million 13536,Humanism is concerned with art creativity and self-esteem and recognizes the 13537,The series chronicles the murder of Betty Gordon in Woodrow Wilson Texas on June 13538,7Haviphaddúre three crew and 36 passengers disappeared 13539,With the minimum Hamming distance d can derive from d-1 13540,In 1996 TARPS systems were being developed with digital cameras 13541,In computer architecture ox is a type of instruction set developed by Digital Equipment Corporation in 13542,Shiraz is one of the largest cities in Iran 13543,In the case of playing a role in Orton s character Cheadle said 13544,Various scientific and cultural activities are organized throughout the year 13545,His second studio album Basic Instinct was released in some ways 13546,Many of the Dawkins critics consider the notion of a single selection gene to be 13547,Murphy began his career in music at the age of 12 and continued to play 13548,The F-14 is a type of air-to-air missile 13549,It follows that the greatest common divisor a=r.0 b=r 13550,John Cena also participated in the Eliminating Chamber match 13551,Homo erectus also known as Homo erectus is a genus of extinct 13552,Atheism which was supposed to be wrong with understanding was a tendenc 13553,It is situated in the vicinity of Bombay University 13554,He is regarded as one of the greatest kings who maintained the independence 13555,The language is a historical and or mythological idea that all people of the world 13556,The frequency f is equal to the speed of v a wave divided by the 13557,A control mechanism which can be performed in a finite number of states and 13558,It is often used both for confectionery and for flavoring 13559,In certain cases the uterus may form due to a swelling due 13560,Achinelier is a highly interactive software developed and published in 2007 by 13561,The Einstein field equations have a nonlinear field and this problem is difficult to solve and 13562,Nelson Mandela was a prominent member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of 13563,He was sentenced to three years imprisonment by the Supreme Court 13564,The lack of drinking water is an important issue for the people of Babolsas 13565,The meat must be removed before eating 13566,Sam sends a fake call to 911 to Dean 13567,Birds usually fly in three to eight hectopascal but migrate to groups 13568,France is also an associate member of other international groups such as Group 8 Group BTP NATO 13569,In the same month Iraq invaded Kuwait and the Saddam Hussein s plan 13570,To eliminate this problem in IPv6 RFC 4193 makes a unique universal 13571,Nicaragua is home to Honduras and Costa Rica 13572,Some theoreticians consider it to be the earlier language of all human people or 13573,The Great Purge under the Cheek refers to a cult in the Iranian 13574,He spent much of his life as a mathematician and philologist while his 13575,The existence of the word cult was essential not only for the sin of the sin but 13576,Residents were allowed to continue to study with Gurdjieff in order to continue to 13577,According to the legend Goyella lived inside the Temple of the Dead one of the 13578,Although English today is the second language of the majority of Iranian writers are 13579,The plant has a length of approximately 1 meter 13580,The Center for the Arts and Entertainment in Oakland California is the annual annual series of 13581,As a result he was arrested and held under martial law 13582,Many Armenians immigrated to the village in Lebanon 13583,Baldwinus was Roman Emperor from April 22 to 29 July 2398 13584,The climate is temperate because the climate is temperate 13585,where omega is the frequency k is the wavenumber and i = 13586,In 1884 there were 30 000 Jews one quarter of the Jewish population of Baghdad 13587,As a self-employed he worked for a large insurance company where he 13588,He travelled to the south in 1945 and based on existing data he was the first 13589,At this time Munch was still very faithful to the women and she began 13590,and is currently implemented in many computational algebra systems 13591,In an article in 1755 Emanuel Cantor suggested that the Milky Way might 13592,They faced a spectral line in which they believed that the 13593,Since the focal length of the lens is dependent on the refractive index 13594,In 1929 and the first 10 months of 1930 774 American banks were bankrupt 13595,The video was filmed in Los Angeles California in the 20th century 13596,Edward Robbins of Armstrong s Laboratory National Laboratory in Berkeley has stated 13597,While many considered him one of the greatest leaders of the history the people of India 13598,In 2005 the World Trade Center was transformed into a leading research centre for the Swiss 13599,It has been translated into a number of languages 13600,The absorption spectrum includes a spectral method to measure the absorption 13601,Hamas claimed that during this feat Hamas killed 10 soldiers and 13602,The winners are announced within a week and the final candidates are 13603,The police believed that Cleo had been dead for 24 hours when the body was 13604,The main difference between the first and second generations is the use of a microchannel 13605,The tournaments have been held annually in October or November in the Philippines and 13606,The director Gordon Verbois has said that the character is similar to that of Johnny Rott 13607,Lopez and Gaga did not work on the song together in person 13608,On the other hand SMPS provides a point-to-point mechanical communications 13609,The tradition includes arguments and statements that have been attributed to Muhammad as well as 13610,Wood bits can be categorized into 5 different sizes 13611,In 2003 he screened the main role in the film 13612,It can be implemented on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud and Amazon Simple Storage Service 13613,The leaves are usually very short and the leaves are very 13614,Islam is the majority of religion among Chum and Mau Lavan provinces and 13615,This concept is most commonly used in the conversion of a counter-intuitive form 13616,Adonai tells him that he can save his sins but no God nor a 13617,After graduation from the University of Budapest in 1944 he graduated from the University of Budapest 13618,The capacity of seats was also a problem the athletics authorities reported 13619,The other pairs of aortic py also form a poly-py-py 13620,He was believed to be the father of the true God 13621,In this equation mathbf f j rightarrow i int is the force 13622,Christian Macchinetti who is the Swiss Olympic basketball superhero superhero said 13623,The International Court of Human Rights Inc 13624,A privileged case in OTC transactions involves the management of landlords and its 13625,The album was produced by the band and was released in the summer of 1996 13626,The film was registered by the Library of Congress in 2006 13627,He was appointed to the new government of Amir Abbas Hoya in 1953 13628,Soon after the advent of solar calculators which worked with an axial layer 13629,She is married and has two young girls 13630,It has been suggested that the Baltic language family is an inhabited family with two 13631,The country s largest food program was World Food Programme in 2006 in Sudan 13632,It is commonly used in herbal medicine 13633,In 1984 a research institute in the ministry was established in the ministry of 13634,In the Quran after chosen Judah as the first King of Israel and rejected 13635,During the day the heat increases from the building s occupant of the building 13636,Since the focus of recent research on disk encryption each sensitive data stored 13637,Language theory is the study and evaluation of language 13638,Later they were much more sophisticated with more details than modern modern air guns 13639,Internet advocacy is the creation and use of Internet in the form of their common 13640,The band s publishers 4AD and RCA Numbers were publishing their 13641,They evade them and Gilgamesh breaks up with three strikes and 13642,Darius presented a detailed history of the 1st century with respect to the 13643,Rice grown from eastern Asia to southern Asia 13644,If the search engine gives a response that does not refer to the link-linked 13645,The first line of this style was introduced by the 19th century renowned for his 13646,He used minerals and chemical compositions in medicine including gold lead zinc zinc 13647,In 1994 he recorded his first symphony recording with Schuselic and Peruffe 13648,Although it has been developed by and using elements such as ballet ballet modern dance and 13649,The Udu harp also known as Udu harp is a harp in 13650,British Foreign Minister William H. Gibeon congratulated the people of Venezuela 13651,The government of India held a special ceremony for her mother s efforts for her 13652,Intensive blood transfusion over the lifetime leads to excessive accumulation of iron 13653,He later became the father of the Israeli nuclear program 13654,Until 2006 APL had used Visual Basic as its only language 13655,Modern technology adds a new flavor to the list: saffron saffron 13656,In 1944 he served in the military 13657,Then the first digit of the cipher all symbols are assigned to those symbol 13658,The population escaped from the political chaos in southern Iraq particularly after the 13659,These are the things that my husband would have done and I just want to run 13660,Sophan and colleagues in his article “Beyond Social capital social capital for children” e 13661,This was followed by many criticisms when children were forced to go to school 13662,The tour spanned eighteen dates which began on February 16 2008 13663,The Prince of Iran is a game of the U.B. Intercontinental published by 13664,During the Six Day War of Israel and Israel in 1967 anti-Jewish sentiments b 13665,His father William and his mother were Greek immigrants 13666,The mitral valve is a valve located between the left ventricle and the left 13667,Although simple it can occur when no symptoms of a disease exists it is 13668,Michelangelo insists at the center to find a solution for the cyclothymoid 13669,It is the first officially recognized sport in Iran 13670,At the 2006 census its population was 155 in 19 families 13671,It sometimes includes family and business and is considered the third sector of society 13672,Then the Kid gets the skates from both sides and bonds with him 13673,One of the species Ephedra pachyclada is a well-known 13674,However the lack of a sequence or initialization of its initializations is 13675,The center was built in more than three blocks of the city 13676,The cloud of clouds is cirrocumulus or cylindrical clouds 13677,A Greek historian describes the siege of the town of Omaga in his 13678,He appeared in the 1951 film Two Weeks of Love 13679,The main signs of the building are to the north and south which simultaneously reduce 13680,They had a son Abdul Ghaffar Khan who became a prominent artist and 13681,By the age of 40 these teeth are replaced with older Asian teeth 13682,The company s flights to the Caribbean Coast started in June 1990 with Singapore Airlines 13683,The traps are produced in different coefficients 1 4 2 3 and 4 13684,The first novel of the novel was published in May 2003 13685,Unlike books and films they often doesn t imply any historical 13686,This energy can be provided from the movement of water behind a dam or from the 13687,Holocaust denial asserts that the genocide is a theoretical unit 13688,The tour manager Richard Cole who played a major role in the tour of the North American 13689,Bahá u lláh u lláh u llá 13690,William James Millington was an American philosopher historian and author 13691,He was an active campaign until the Turkish constitution of 1908 13692,They pioneered the techniques of producing and working styles used throughout the 20 13693,The ancient Kingdom of ancient Egypt is a period of ancient Egyptian expansion 13694,The magazine was founded in 1920 by Walter Bansson a German football accelerator in 13695,Kuwait has a small and limited economy which is openly dependent on 13696,In Iran the name of Johanna Flahshey was translated in the late 40th century 13697,Gezen also studied at Dil ve Tarih-Coğrafy Fakültesi between 1967 13698,Scientific treaties in 1858 after the death of Hersles the remains of 13699,During the tournament India was selected for the SAARC and Uzbekistan was selected for the 13700,Each category had 12 entries: two belonging to the king and the other 13701,However Margaret appointed an army on the throne on 30 December 1460 at Win 13702,Static cements wood and body tissues as well as metals at high temperatures 13703,Cornelius interrupts torture and wakes to Somerton 13704,Haydar s son was married to Catherine daughter of King Solomon of Georgia and 13705,Punk began to expand upon other styles including the New Wave and the punk movement 13706,Khan s father is a famous Indian-American singer 13707,In addition to the United States McKesson has offices and branches throughout North America 13708,The blink ends on the left and the blink ends on the right 13709,After watching the short film Tim Burton and Jeremy Bentoff were attracted to the 13710,A dynamic logic can support a recursive logic as it supports a timing logic 13711,A carpet or carpet is a twig made from cotton wool and 13712,It is used to provide information retrieval and store content in a file 13713,Programming in C programs usually use a series of pre-packaged codes 13714,Iranian Metro Station is a station in Tehran Metro Line 5 13715,Use of suitable coatings and coatings for these lamps is 13716,It uses a BSD installation called BSD Installer which has a 13717,In the film Marlon Brando Al Pacino Robert Duvall Diana Kinoise and James 13718,Giberti was born in Buenos Aires and under his father Barberoqui who was 13719,The amount of cultivable territory in Kamfiruz is 12 000 hectares of 13720,In 1983 he recorded No Rules From Rock N Roll 13721,It is bordered by Chile to the north Chile to the south and Chile to the south 13722,His first professional career was in social services and was the centre of reform and education 13723,The thermal mass is ideally placed inside a building such that it can still be 13724,He was also the first to clearly accurately clean the electrical and electrical 13725,In this case the synchronous frequency between the data source and the backup storage 13726,The difference in the computation method does not imply differences in the results but 13727,This remains a traditional part of native residential architecture in many countries 13728,In 1982 Cole married a non-commissioned woman 13729,In addition to the timeframe of capital management in the circulation it differs from the 13730,In the 1930s the world markets had become increasingly susceptible to 13731,A large number of Java desserts North America North America and West America are native to Japan 13732,The exposure to various substances such as escapes will increase the risk 13733,Because of the fact that the Moon has no lumens there is no air molecul 13734,Before 1066 there were Jews in England 13735,HARDWARE - The data describes the hardware description that the Windows XP does 13736,The HERS 100 Index indicates the American Standard Building s Passive Energy Rating and 13737,He was followed by two other pro-eminent writers Krzysztof Nakhistens 13738,The recording cost was $1100 and the whole recording was paid for a three- 13739,The Norwegian Centre for Computing in Outer Space operated in August 1963 under a 13740,The meridian 153° east of Greenwich is a line of longitude that extends 13741,He was the fourth Emperor of the Ming Dynasty from September 1425 until his 13742,Mohammad Reza Shajarian served as Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs 13743,A healthy diet helps to restore and improve overall health of the body 13744,Andromeda s face is characteristically seen as a girl in a 13745,He also announced that 10 months would be working on 24 13746,During this period trade progressed towards the end of the 20th century 13747,The wall which was made of a very large stone foundation was no longer 13748,A language may take more time than a programmer another may use more lines and others 13749,After the Persian Gulf War Kuwait s economy changed 13750,The video dedicated to Abu Bakr al- Baghdadi leader of the Islamic State of 13751,The film ends with the Miniard and the escapes of three brothers with the 13752,During the next few years between 30 000 and 100 000 people were killed in 13753,He was the son of Phoenicians and Cassiopeia 13754,Consider a chain of rules where B is continually decreased and responds to 13755,In January 2006 the amount dropped to 1.5 million barrels per day in December 13756,Abaza is a national beef crustacean and a sausage substitute 13757,: They were removed from service after 2003 and replaced by the F-16. 13758,Defenders of the rights of people against the citizens and the borrowing of 13759,The Brothers soon feuded and decided to finish the tour 13760,Although it was only in the summer that she was able to make the song she 13761,Since the mid-1990s with the increasing use of laptops and wireless 13762,According to Time magazine the disaster is considered to be the most serious e 13763,Various testing aids such as digital cockpit control electronic circuitry artificial intelligence and 13764,James Page argues that the five principles should be essential pillars of 13765,In 1956 Cohen enrolled at the University of California at Berkeley and started teaching 13766,Many of the genes associated with diabetes are involved in the function of the β- 13767,The rotor loses both air flow and air control levels 13768,She was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Actor 13769,The catalog includes each possible path from various routers the start positions and 13770,Caracas s main source of water is the Guayas River which flows through 13771,Economics is a science that deals with the relationship between human nature and economic growth 13772,Alexander launched a nectar into the heavens and stating that he accepted 13773,The couple eventually became engaged but on the WWE standpoint Triple H appear 13774,Poorly weathered saffron sand sources are capable of producing groundwater 13775,The 13th annual Neal Short Film Festival will be held in June 2015 under the 13776,Verberg first appeared in Munich in 1798 13777,A deep ground heating chamber was used for floral heating in Britain in 1926 13778,She was born in Mazandaran and was named after her 13779,Based on the general general uncertainty theory proposed by solving a 13780,Following the end of the war Guevara led a new cruiser to attack Havana 13781,In other words the set of vertices that are connected simultaneously must be a 13782,Muhammad ibn Abd Allah ibn Ali ibn Ali ibn Ali ibn Ali ibn 13783,When the prisoners entered their prisons they let their personal 13784,The voltage at which the voltage was used was higher than the voltage in 13785,The theory of this problem and the relationship between the velocity of a particle 13786,The direct road has a longitudinal longitudinal range of 50 m long and 900 13787,He previously played in the basketball team of California State University in Brighton for two 13788,Through partitioning our abilities increase and we become less hesitant to 13789,He went on to serve the Miami Heat team and instead Mel Horde Bryant 13790,In the Internet the development of a primary extension of six public-level public domains 13791,The relationship between religion and culture is based on the relationship between question and answer or 13792,The list of letters can also be extended using queues such as abcde 13793,Bertrand Russell was regarded as the greatest English philosopher of the 20th century 13794,org submitted a new set of file headers and media kinds to 13795,The ship was connected to 12 wheels to allow divers to pump their fuel from 13796,The Caribbean Sea catches ice between January and March 13797,Many of these paintings sculptures and sculptures today can provide valuable 13798,He received a bachelor s degree in English and philosophy from the University of 13799,As a consequence of this the process of kinetic energy and momentum in the light 13800,It is also used in Azerbaijani Albanian and Macedonian languages 13801,Most people and women with these infections are aware of this as they do 13802,The Fantom data type system is very basic 13803,At the age of 71 at the age of 71 he was killed in a 13804,Advocates may use their own role to encourage parties to achieve a solution 13805,He was responsible for the creation of the first Anglo-Israeli armed forces 13806,They were the best players in the season 13807,He played the lead role in the 2008 film Elektra 13808,1610: Hans Lewis discovered the first revelatory telescope 13809,T is the time for a perfect oscillation of the wave 13810,He entered the world at the age of eight with his father s supporting debut 13811,Catchface is a song written and performed by the Detroit D Rock band Pix 13812,The company began exploration and production of crude oil and related products such as 13813,ICANN’s efforts to this policy were briefly recognized as the 13814,King Hassan II of Tunisia was succeeded by King Hassan II of Tunisia in 13815,In 1882 a request from this group was presented to the German government requesting 13816,In 2001 and on the 10th anniversary of its printing the third volume which 13817,A zero-order equation is simply the Schrödinger equation for the 13818,Additional energy-efficiency improvements combine energy efficiency measures such as airification 13819,If the loss of a Muslim man with a non-Muslim woman is necessary and 13820,Electrons originate from the first generation of the class of leptons and are generally 13821,At the 2006 census its population was 293 in 188 families 13822,From this point Niko entered a marine fleet to escape Bulgaria 13823,It is a medical association with the diagnosis treatment and rehabilitation of disorders that affect 13824,Many languages of the ALKY are under international standard and therefore they are similar 13825,In packet switching mode packet flow or network flow is a sequence of 13826,It was released on third November 1997 as the first single from Whole Lotta Love 13827,Valjean goes to the rescue of Valjean 13828,In the Caucasus Armenian region of Nakhchivan which is part of 13829,1942 - World War II: The Allies are defeated at the Battle of Mala 13830,Since at least two-thirds of voting on the sixth IOs 13831,The shape of the shape which has at least discerned is a phenomeno 13832,In modern medicine the meaning of the element in medicine differs from the meaning of the element in 13833,Tokugawa Ieyasu was born in the Akasaka Castle in Mikawa on the 13834,It is home to seventy-eight species of birds twenty-eight 13835,Then Hansel and Gretel turn off all children while the Hansel and Gretel 13836,Their lower husband was John Christie the then-adviser to the police and 13837,During the Russian occupation many of the Baltic states migrated to China and Afghanistan 13838,Qazvin led the country of Oman which was hard-to-represented and 13839,Some compare this speech to the popular speech of Martin Luther King 13840,The following year she was invited by the other band member who won the Royal Rumble 13841,French is a chemical element with symbol Fr and atomic number 87 13842,In North America and Europe most of African eagles migrate to the tropics in 13843,In the same year he joined Kenny Brackish and briefly recorded the 13844,The head of Edward F. Flanders FRS was one of the greatest chemists 13845,I Want to Hear You is the 50th Anniversary of the American Highway Patrol 13846,By the early 19th century prices were still believed to be effective as a 13847,This poetry is not a pseudonym and often referred to it as a 13848,He was born in Nuremberg Virginia and studied archaeology during World War II 13849,Philip eventually chose Aristotle and the Necropolis at Meša was the site of the 13850,Tolkien was strangled because of his long-hair and appearance and this led to 13851,They notice what is indeed a process of communication and argue that it is 13852,Psoriasis is more common in developing countries 13853,There were several international tournaments including the Iran national football match against Kuwait 13854,Gres Hashez is a visual programming language developed by contributors to the 13855,The most common GPRS and EDGE ciphers were developed in 2011 and evidence 13856,The structure of all possible transmittments made of strings in free bandwidth is a 13857,After Barnes joining each other they recruited Tracy Galla whom Galla 13858,org: a chemical building analyzer and web search engine 13859,Each shrine has three wings and before a few days before the 13860,The company is headquartered in Seoul South Korea 13861,Rick Carnes US rapper and Coley Hudgins founder of Arts+Labs 13862,Cloetilt Rosh was released after the departure of former President of 13863,The principle which was closed to the attention of these filmmakers was gradually 13864,These antibiotics are used with Genthoprim to treat serious infections such as 13865,The series has sold over 21 million copies worldwide until June 2015 13866,This transfer of genetic structures between different species attracted the attention of scientist 13867,A telephone line is a part of a communications circuit 13868,Because of the vibration of the body absorption of glucose in the 13869,Unlike C++ templates these types instead of compiling can be compiled 13870,The book Why I Am Not Alone is a 1927 lecture by Bertrand Russell 13871,It is common in engineering applications that build non-linear rotor forces 13872,Cecil B. DeMille s The Squaw Man was the first film to be 13873,The ability to release its own while dance is a technique that does not exist 13874,Vasilevsky Joseph Joseph Stalin was the founder of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union 13875,He fled to Isfahan in September 1846 13876,Each of these companies is responsible for the development and use of lines in 13877,She was sent to school at the age of five 13878,The Shahnameh also known as Shahnameh is a widely known 13879,He began sailing around the 1160 of Couragoya and went to France to 13880,Some data can be swayed so that according to the content they are 13881,According to the Iranian photojournalist Mohammad-Baayr Tabatabah 13882,He lives in Sarajevo with his wife and five children 13883,A number of other new technologies are capable of generating energy from waste and other 13884,GSM and JPN both allow 8-bit tokens at any time of the day 13885,The three famous sushi restaurants are in Auckland Auckland New Zealand and Auckland New Zealand 13886,The song was written by D. R. R. Baz Luhrmann for The Big 13887,He received his PhD in Law and theology in 1592 13888,Pestistes are found in the division of the lymph nodes in the lymph 13889,Examples include the portrait of Eugène Boch and the portrait of Paul-Eu 13890,This depends on the number of species of species of both males and females 13891,Giraffes feed young trees unless they are too long to grow 13892,Using the formula explained in the above we calcule d and appendice 13893,She starred in a television series along with fellow executives in a 13894,The C-tron cycle contrary to the P-proton cycle is a 13895,The resulting process is divided into two phases: 1 computer-produced music 13896,Mannotra was attracted by showbusiness and became a model 13897,According to the rabbinic poet Virgil he was a legendary king 13898,In 1989 version 2.0 of the ++C language was released 13899,The analog limitations of electrical systems with wired and wired systems will ultimately 13900,The union which was symbolized in Snegin was no longer a greater than 13901,In 1949 he joined a fashion photographer in Vogue where he remained 13902,It is found in southern Britain and Europe 13903,The history of the world is a collection of events happening over time for humans on 13904,In general the bodies are examined in both static and static forms 13905,He used this period to study and illustrate and at this time considered the Scandinavian 13906,In some countries until the late 20th century if a man with a woman not 13907,The modes of CFB OFB and CTR are not suitable for working with 13908,The United Nations was established after World War II with the aim of restoring and provid 13909,Bird and his group were the main recipients of the Grand Prize Grand Prix in 13910,Following his execution John Christie confessed to the murder of Mrs Christie 13911,Features include the very large size of the image and the high resolution of the image 13912,In Prolog this function is determined by the symbol equality = but when introduc 13913,This stage is a stage of a multithreading process that removes and removes 13914,In April 2012 Dropbox announced that new features would allow users to automatically upload photos 13915,The first official analysis of the issue was conducted in 1960 by Kenneth Urm 13916,Currently the city is divided into three school districts: the elementary school and the 13917,Chaitin s theory states that for any theory that could be presented 13918,In 1962 he was appointed to the Commander-in-Chief of the Arab National Guard 13919,Ferdinand was king of Aragon at the time of his reign 13920,D. in astronomy from the University of Toronto in 1962 13921,Thus acting a fundamental force is the exchange of bosons between particles 13922,It acts as a ligament and minimizes the force created by the 13923,The Netherlands was in the east influenced by Lüherth and in the west was influenced 13924,India is one of the most suffering countries in the world 13925,The army of Abu Muhammad al-Al-Jawzr in defense of Basra 13926,During the Cold War the well-being of the anti-tank amphibians 13927,It was later announced by fans that he had recorded a double piece for his album 13928,The differences in languages are directly related to the difference in the classification of 13929,Each female gets a greater blood pressure and may also lose their 13930,It provides a very simple model that represents the strength of quantum com 13931,It can also be used in sheep s poop 13932,He was invited by Peter I to Saint Petersburg in recognition for his contributions to the 13933,Mahle s speech at the UN s Secretariat of the United Nations 13934,The trial claimed that the novels The Ninthest Virtue and The Hundred 13935,A total of 641 participants from 92 countries have participated 13936,He converted with his family to Christianity in 1505 13937,However after the publication of his first paper on October 4 1932 the people began 13938,This is due to the historical fact that some states have been accused of a 13939,After the establishment of the Soviet Union in World War II communism began to expand 13940,It was translated into 17 languages and sold more than 500 000 copies 13941,The amount of ΔE from the kT which is the kinetic energy of the 13942,Following the video U.S. President George W. Bush and Pakistan Secretary of State 13943,In the years of a major kingdom of Korea it established its capital Seoul which 13944,The advantage of this system is that instead of using a large amount of 13945,At the same time in 1926 Barcelona took the first place 13946,Both words were used in the biological industry because both the word was used in the 13947,He received his PhD in chemical engineering from the University of Rochester in Zurich 13948,However in many cases historical or geographical considerations a particular group is 13949,In 1988 he married his first wife Margaret 13950,The first two are a noun and the second two are adjectives and they general 13951,While many professional programmers do not explicitly approve the use of BASIC VB 13952,After a divorce Bertrand married with a documentary called Bill Dee 13953,During Heidegger s struggle to gain understanding of Heidegger s work 13954,Tin played the role alongside JYJ Chan and Same Vung 13955,The Duke observed both arms resting each other separately from the water 13956,LPIC-3 is the only one test for the LPIC-3 core role 13957,John Stanley Cupole travelled to London in 1774 with Brock Boone and later 13958,It is one of the most common causes of hyperbaric pneumonia 13959,Also because of the rising ceiling of the stadium it was necessary to 13960,With the breakup of slavery cultivation and exports grew and the island economy 13961,The largest cities in the region were Arbela Golan and Abadan 13962,The area extends from the Pacific Ocean to the Pacific Ocean 13963,The Free Knowledge Institute promotes the free usage of knowledge in all social contexts 13964,and consists of two models described above 13965,Bahram first participated in the 800-metre men s and 1500-metre men 13966,When installing a green roof and green wall they must inform the amount 13967,In 2004 the main island and a long bus stop built in the Bismarck National 13968,The charge can be measured by a variety of instruments a new instrument for 13969,Because wheel strokes bicycles and bicycles are under pressure they are 13970,Protecting the environment is influenced by three factors: environmental laws moral and education 13971,Iraq s extensive use of surgical gasses and associated blood gas 13972,The Church of San Pietro was one of the Church of St 13973,In New Zealand EIA is usually referred to as the Environmental Impact 13974,It is used to describe the end of the 597-year-old Roman Empire 13975,The Han dynasty established Lee Seung as the governor of the Changsha dynasty 13976,In November 1961 the United Nations Security Council decided to prevent demonstrations of guerrilla 13977,In 1922 he went to Beijing to attend the WSCFC conference 13978,The first group of Turks arrived in the Netherlands in the beginning of the 1960s 13979,For the circulation of a mathematical predicate as theorem a line of 13980,The height of the Indus Valley line which is called the Indus Valley line 13981,Jews constitute just 2% of the total population of the United States 13982,Unlike animal cells all plant cells are surrounded by polysaccharides 13983,The painting inspired by the apparent invasion of a shark in Havana 13984,He and Sparta commanded the upper and eastern departments of the Tigris and 13985,When Babur died Babur was succeeded by Aisha Khan s nephew 13986,Light levels are levels in which the intensity of the sunlight and the 13987,Factors that he considered include: willingness to invest money willingness to grow 13988,He signed a two-year contract with Esteghlal and a two-year 13989,Also in remote operating systems if the photovoltaic serves as part of a 13990,To control engine control a primary combustion system was a secondary combustion system 13991,The primary headache is migraine headache and daily headache 13992,In those cultures where the transgender is only bisexual the bisexual is 13993,When Ne0roscopic neuroplastics begin to influence heliotherapy the Hale informs 13994,Since three-address code is generated by a compiler it is not common to 13995,At the beginning of her career she worked for the RCA subsidiaries and later with 13996,They released their first album Up All Night in 2011 and their second Take Me 13997,Except for a few fossil remains discovered in the Great Lakes 13998,These devices are usually used to study the surface structure or near the surface of the 13999,The giraffe s diameter is 19 mm in diameter plate with a grain 14000,He believed that according to astronomy all the motion that we saw in the sky 14001,Reza Kianian is an Iranian film and television actor 14002,The United Nations General Assembly was established on 24 October 1945 and the United Nations 14003,For example the sequence Schumacher–Levi 9 was the ninth-second sequence 14004,Other tools that support F# include: Mono MonoDevelop SharpDevelop and WebSharper 14005,Many devices are controlled by a Low Activated Injection Mode which specifies that 14006,However the use of Blowfish has not reached its widespread use of the Blow 14007,There are other places in Sweden where granite treasures have been found which 14008,From 1957 until 1966 My Wife appeared in a film directed by My 14009,He graduated from Warsaw Theater School in 1977 14010,Maizewood: a right grain usually suffered from scratches and 14011,which sends the message + to controller 3 with expectation 4 14012,There is no official reported on the journeys to the Cape of Oman 14013,This increases color and resolution but the reflection of lights and windows is very 14014,After smothering gas neutralized through a barley pipe attached to the penis 14015,The focus of this school was on art ethics and society 14016,An economic embargo began in 1967 and ended in 1970 with bank withdrawals 14017,These areas are under the Environmental Protection of Iran 14018,After the death of Kamal-al-Molk in 1319 the school was abandoned for 14019,In June 2006 TIMERUBEN accompanied with Kalou Stalin and Ze Luis Nados at the 14020,The religion is a dominant religion in the former Soviet-era Soviet-era 14021,In molecular biology and bioendokinetics the equation is the most abundan 14022,Outside of Chechen are various groups that relate to various political economic or 14023,There are variations such as vitamins minerals and medications 14024,He quickly separated from the band and gained Maryse as a wife 14025,The third Faculty of Medicine was founded in 2001 in the University of Missouri 14026,The X-Lite is a command line command line cipher for the Deltora encrypt 14027,According to the Standard Model where the number of elementary particles is 3 it is 14028,The name is derived from the word ice which means great progress 14029,Frank Fenilly appeared in the role of Jean Valjean and Michael Nyperborough as 14030,After the release of the album the band toured Europe and made their debut for the first 14031,Elijah Garley Flynn was an American activist and a founding member of the 14032,Winter seasons in the Northern Hemisphere are relatively warm and dry summers 14033,Mithrina s influence in the early years of Heraclius s reign 14034,At the time their work stations provided a GUI capable of the language NeWS 14035,The spacecraft served as the Year of the Year in 1968 14036,For the surface of light in the day the luminosity function has the best approximation 14037,Other authors such as those provided by Microsoft s 4+Shift+Ctrl 14038,This version has been criticized as one of the most important U.S. Jewish incident 14039,Granada was the capital city of the Kingdom of Castilian until the reign of Abbas 14040,The working period or task cycle in electrical engines is usually less than 100% 14041,The government of Chile formed a secondary army and attacked the Pro-B 14042,For example Herbert Howells wrote the copper copper in the Mid Dynasty which 14043,Historically the governors of Milan were mainly a working class and members of trade 14044,The skin made from artificial materials was invented by F. Bruche a MIT research 14045,They encode their own language and use it to communicate with their individuals 14046,The Iraqi policymakers rejected the idea of a massive invasion 14047,The 4:3 display holds 16 inches in and a height of 211 inches 14048,This process also includes synthetic phase compounds and compounds which 14049,He emigrated to Germany in 1961 and became a visiting professor at the Frankfurt University 14050,Both Pakistan and India participated in the project 14051,Examples include boiled beef or cooked beans cooked with apples in 14052,He served as a professor in the field of natural philosophy 14053,The next 15 years Rufus provides information about Bel-Tathbit 14054,Let D = t.1 t.2 ldots t.m 14055,He served in World War I at the end of the war 14056,He studied theater and acting at the age of sixteen 14057,The calf is usually beheaded and the knees are cut from the knee 14058,However it was discovered in various colors in different colors 14059,In the modern world architecture art and discipline art and discipline created the creation of real 14060,The large tombs of the remaining pharaohs in Upper Abuz 14061,The TAC currently covers seven continents and 80 countries 14062,چاپ اول، دبی: سال انتشار 2003 میلادی ، میلادی Mohammed 14063,Based on observations from the Global Wildlife Society in September 2005 the gorillas now have 14064,In 1922 Dalí moved to a student shelter in Madrid where he studie 14065,Whereas p-adic languages are merely a set of real numbers 14066,Short-size rooms carpets rugs and shingles hide a house and 14067,Many of the Armenian homes of the city were burnt and burnt 14068,With Malcolm s supporters Johnson announced the first public statement to support Salvador s 14069,Vaëlfar died of a sneezing on 14 January 2004 at Fager 14070,It has been suggested that Microsoft still doesn t consider Visual Basic as a 14071,Because Heidegger s argument on ontology is rooted in the existence of 14072,Four years after the events of the Rocky Island and the Union of Andromeda in 14073,In other words both the basic and general version of the pumping lemma give a 14074,After only a year in postal service he was called to Washington to serve as Vice President 14075,In the second season Oliver abandons his father s office and is not known as 14076,He added that the very large energy that has been operating during his lifetime 14077,Griffe Roste as a black accountant who takes him like a father 14078,White has a lighter color and a lighter black color 14079,After the initial study its construction began in 1975 and the first flight was conducted in 1985 14080,However Zaisser was dethroned and was later regarded as a threat to 14081,ERP can also cover a variety of applications in the fields of financial management 14082,In cosmology it is possible to define R as a function of the computation time 14083,The group became increasingly social atheism which helped the band to 14084,The subleases are marked by the quantum numbers l 14085,These current-slip Bragg traces ionising magnetic fields which 14086,In replying to Foko and Dwaawe in which they are not 14087,The Revolution in the Kunsthistorisches Revolution in Vienna began in the early 20th century 14088,In 1954 he married pornographic actress Robert Singer but they divorced four years later 14089,The Soviet Union would annex the eastern parts of Poland Lithuania and Lithuania and 14090,In March 2012 a group of French wave technicians announced in March 2012 that their 14091,Consumer goods provide a very important example of a market failure which 14092,The linear cryptanalysis one of two attacks is widely used in block cipher 14093,Respect means making things good is one of the three pillars of Islam: 14094,A journalist says that the percentage of attendees is important because the Kremlin 14095,Finally one can conclude that proprietary competition markets lacks all of the 14096,The Dutch Air A 37 starts in Twisted 14097,If a user accepts another password a password it is stored once and 14098,Generally all countries use a central bank to control the production of money 14099,As a senior priest of the Church of St 14100,He was retired in 1992 and became head of the National Academy of Sciences in 1999 14101,These peptides can be used to create anti-inflammatory anti-inflammatory anti 14102,The Roman Empire then became difficult and difficult until the conquest of Buenos 14103,After the execution of the petition Sodom sent his final letter of pardon to So 14104,It is also accurate that inhalation of empty air can also weaken the skin 14105,He was born in the Netherlands Dutch household on 25 December 1976 14106,The story was published in Germany in 1979 14107,They assume that the cause of a compromise between these two solutions 14108,It is used as a background music video on Symphony 14109,It was the world s largest exporter of more than 200 million tons of 14110,Argentina and Uruguay are the other countries with 2 titles 14111,Binary search - run at O time 14112,The two were murdered and Muhammad rejected it 14113,The giraffe eliminates most of the damage caused by damage to their skin 14114,It was founded in the 6th century in northern India 14115,The Iranian government signed a resolution immediately following a sharp 14116,He advocated an architecture that allows all services to run on IP and connected to 14117,If the user attempts to amend the then the system continues to make the best 14118,I wanted to pursue a further potential potential followed by more cautious 14119,Four years before he opened the bookmaker Avril Montillet was among the first women 14120,After a dinner party with George Wilson in 2009 DiBiase committed suicide and 14121,On October 27 2001 a 16-year-old student hit a bullet while 14122,Later that same month the Colorado authorities accused Bundy of being murdered by 14123,Anti-Azerbaijani sentiments in Armenia are often referred to as sentiments in 14124,He said in a mockumentary UK I enjoy drinking water and the greatest 14125,Cables and piping inside this space should be classified according to a variety of 14126,The windows that are directed by the root window are called the top-level window 14127,In 1971 he joined the Department of Electrical and Computer Science of the University of California B 14128,He received a Grammy Award from Harvard in honor of the influential observer 14129,Thus a uniformly distributed distribution of matter is inherently unstable and 14130,AMPS is used in all networks and its use on 31 May 2007 14131,Prior to me Miz returned to the mockumentary 14132,In other words the assumption as multi-path amplification causes at least one 14133,There is no reference to the exact date of his birth and death 14134,Particular elements of technopunk and punk music are clearly seen in the concept of Gothic 14135,Each of the three petals on the opposite side of the building has three 14136,Epithelium is the body of a corpse of vision and of the muscle 14137,The next year when he was in a theater with a wife and a 14138,MAT: 2-D thickness 2D. Above: Kaiser Permanente hospital and building 14139,If the slots are not matched then A takes a coin from player B then 14140,In spite of his fame White asserted that he was disgruntled and 14141,The company currently operates in 21 African and Middle East countries 14142,But while the wife s wife is tempted by a prostitute 14143,It was translated into English by Paul Sprachman the director of the Center for Middle Eastern 14144,On August 7 a vessel carrying 34 people from Shell seeking to help 14145,The former Manchester United club Manchester United described him as a powerful skilled and 14146,He swears women s clothing and uses hormones and sometimes kisses 14147,He was awarded a two-and-a-half-billion-dollar 14148,Initially with minimal government support the shifting form of the statement Sanwar the 14149,There is also a possibility that John is killed in the last failed Egyptian 14150,Beethoven is also a fellow musician of science and sells himself a 14151,Designers of printed circuit board often use heavy copper when the design and 14152,In 1944 after a few years as a model and singer she moved to 14153,Some clocks of John Harris are still working after hundreds of years because the 14154,This is because several friends together can form a group and choose one person as 14155,which initially used 7.62X21 Crusader guns since 1900 became 14156,1623: Máto Barbossian becomes Pope Urban VIII at the Papaw 14157,North American F-100 was a supersonic jet fighter who served as a 14158,Any system must define a class defined as root with a one of the ways 14159,Agricultural scientists from the three countries of Peru Argentina and Brazil have called for international 14160,All networks belonging to a subnet are given a common bit-group 14161,Display screens are the largest in the economic class and are 34 inches long 14162,He explained in a 1985 interview I am dissatisfied with whether a thing 14163,The view of a transparent corner was the interpretation of the concept of space from 14164,In autumn of the same year a team of 2 500 students attended a school 14165,In the oceans the direction and velocity of these changes changes depends on 14166,After Valjean escapes again from Valjean Jacques s attempts to arrest 14167,The interview with Liv had a great deal of mixed reviews 14168,He was told that he had lost the knowledge of his life 14169,The Earth s atmosphere plays an important role in decreasing the amount of UV 14170,Radio Free Europe s Radio received its funding from Congress and until 1971 its staff 14171,In computer science Simulation of Evolution s use of evolutionary algorithms and artificial selection 14172,The internal surface of the alkyl halide is covered with a thin layer of liquid 14173,God kills you and he kills you 14174,Additionally it was announced that he had signed a contract with Sony BMG 14175,He was briefly a professor at the University of Brussels as well as a 14176,At the end of their efficiency they are a reliable and reliable source 14177,It is usually connected to the skulls or to the vertebrae in 14178,On the day of Marius s marriage to Cosette she orders Valjean to 14179,The cause was the production of penicillinase by bacteria that secreted penicillin 14180,One of the most common methods of producing metal pieces is sanding in the form of 14181,He initially wanted to be like his brother but when he was seven years old he 14182,It is usually served with sweet yogurt rather than sweet yogurt 14183,On February 21 1848 Karl Marx and Frederick Olds published a declaration 14184,In Sanskrit the chastity of sex and in Hebrew and Moravia the chast 14185,After moving to India he moved to the United States in 1996 14186,The first Olympic Games was held in 1896 and boxing was held in 1904 14187,For this group a remarkable tour of the ships was followed by Hitel 14188,Physical exercise also helps improved mental health restore a positive sense of 14189,Two days later Berg s family reported her death 14190,A file comparison tool which provides a comparison tool where the output 14191,Voice over television broadcasts in the United States from Canada 14192,Then in Roman civilization mediation is a common practice 14193,The giraffe eliminates most of the damage caused by damage to their skin 14194,The National Stadium of Lakhs is a multi-purpose stadium in Lakhs in 14195,In total 440 participants from 42 countries have participated 14196,But it may be possible to include multiple physical Ethernet with packet switches or network bridge 14197,Heath Ledger wanted to make a comeback in the field of acting which 14198,In a joint interview with the Swedish Broadcasting Company about Dürer s 14199,Ferdinand was published in 1937 by the French company Presse-Illustrations-Bureau 14200,Instead of using the traditional methods of making face-to-faced face 14201,The first book to be dedicated to Jesus in Talmud was published in 1699 14202,The number of gold medals won by athletes in the country and the number of bronze 14203,He graduated from the University of Tehran with a degree in private law in 14204,In 1931 he wrote the book Trabzon as a credible literary figure and had a 14205,During the reign of the Imperial Empire in Europe a large number of Jews 14206,It is said that the barbershop enthusiast has been encouraged to make 14207,The ethical policy requires that all business accounts be monitored at the time of startup 14208,The availability of smaller more powerful and less expensive computing devices enabled small 14209,According to research conducted at the soil and soil levels 40 mg per gram 14210,The number of زائرs entered the Karbala region within 10 days 14211,This model is where people still do not meet their needs 14212,These medications can help improve the swelling of the stomach or 14213,Certain kinds of cable used in antennas for home televisions and televisions are 14214,Paul Andrews s first film in which he was a writer and director was the 14215,The events of this series happen in the main suburb of Frankfurtштаp where the 14216,Before the surgery and after the surgery there is a wide variety of 14217,The Communist Party of China in 1949 began a campaign against prostitution in China 14218,SRCU uses a number of food boxes on the inside and outside of Syria 14219,The newspaper Daily Telegraph reported four stars out of five 14220,For example in modem communications where typically the power is measured in the interface 14221,Women broke up with friends and family when they joined the Calgary group 14222,B: aircraft that use ground-water as well as conventional flights can also use 14223,Preventing hazardous situations is a useful method of self-defense 14224,Comic-Mojo comic books Big Man and Voloria are written for Marvel s Marvel 14225,A limited rationality is a concept that is based on the existence of rational 14226,The Book of Ezra is a Hebrew Bible written by Ezra 14227,Women of Athens knew women alone as a means of retaining homes and children 14228,However Stephen usually has a crown of martyrdom 14229,Appearance is the union of all Firsts B which is every non-intersecンシャル 14230,He is a professor emeritus at the University of Amir Kabir University of Tehran 14231,The service for women is voluntary but equally equal to the service for men 14232,The second round will be held on 21 April 2015 14233,This was one of the Persian reference phpBB website which was officially developed 14234,YIG s logarithmic rotations will reach up to 30 dB 14235,Jackson s breakthrough album was given to Benjamin Hammerserson a 15-year- 14236,Lee Song also received the Digital Single Bonsang for the second time in the twenty- 14237,Later in 1999 he received a postdoctoral fellowship in Middle East studies from 14238,In addition to nuts eggs and sugar it is also mentioned in the Encyclopa 14239,Some thought that the body was a Jewish girl who had been buried eight days before 14240,In 2009 the event has been expanded to other cities including New York Essex and 14241,His wife died three days before his suicide 14242,Abdullah Al-Abbas Saudi Arabian ambassador to Seoul donated 500 000 dollars 14243,The first computation machine to work with logic logic was a wood computation machine 14244,If the atom in the excited state discard a photon in the random direction then 14245,This and other issues intensified the struggle of people in different areas of the Islamic 14246,After the full defeat of the Taliban regime by the People s Democratic People 14247,Since the beginning of the 2006–07 season their predictions were that the 14248,The use of tcl was replaced by the object-oriented programming t 14249,For example if the elevator source is cut the program is halted 14250,The Sun sunrises from the west to the west and the sunset from the west to 14251,It has a concentration of about 200 million km2 which is estimated to 14252,According to the Encyclopædia Britannica Pyotr Antony Leo Tolstoy was 14253,There are only a few cases specific to the X-Ray officer mentioned 14254,All artificial hydrocarbons are generally produced at 200–300 °C and are 14255,One of the most important materials used to circumvent the sanctuary is mulch 14256,Like the part of the film which was shot in the Lake of Bonton Lake and the 14257,The term mediator refers to any case in which a third of a 14258,They are usually transferred into and out of governments as previously in the 14259,Additionally in the case of a conventional injecting engine or user-engine engine 14260,These parameters are the amount of information released on the web access and the 14261,His brother Ralph is six years old and as his brother Ralph has a Formula One 14262,JScript is sometimes referred to as classic JScript or Active Scripting JScript to 14263,Soltan was active among Jews and was a member of the Jewish Holocaust 14264,Ramesses VI was the fifth king of the 20th dynasty of ancient Egypt 14265,She is regarded as one of the most influential women poets in contemporary poetry 14266,Over the past few decades Cope2 has been very brief in the development of 14267,Then BOOTP was deployed at standard IP routing and so the central 14268,However in the Book of Exercises by King James the Christians were advised to 14269,Dahl and Hudson argue that this is quite important but there should be much time to 14270,With the influence of Turkish nations and the spread of the Turkic language the 14271,For the afternoon of the sixtieth and sixth it was supposed to 14272,However in 1980 Abrams entered military service but did not participate in any real 14273,The power source can be supplied from the electrical grid or after the beginning of 14274,Further activities include honey bee production and textile industries 14275,Most of the imports were from the ports of pears the Netherlands and the United Kingdom 14276,His most important works during this era are the annual annual poetry of André 14277,In the late 1990s there were increasing desire for mathematical models and 14278,The molar teeth during their lifetime are constantly replaced 14279,It was first depicted in 1967 by Peter Warren 14280,The Parliament along with the European Council is responsible for budgeting 14281,Energy economics focuses on the following areas: 14282,He had two sons Peter and Jan Bruegel 14283,Symptoms usually occur after giving birth 14284,Construction engineering was developed by the KPFF consulting engineers and the services engineering was 14285,The removal of additional groundwater from a structure or from a given area 14286,In contemporary computers a unit of computation and logic are gathered together with 14287,King Abbas III who ruled from 1011 to 1214 was succeeded by King Abdullah 14288,The band went on to become famous when the band performed on Ozz 14289,This philosophy refers to activities in which leaders strenuous aspects of the market 14290,According to the Talmud God speaks of the two cherubim on the Ark 14291,His most important property is his reign 14292,In the second case the phase change of the liquid to gas is not necessarily due to 14293,She is the eldest daughter of Lord Edward s second daughter and the eldest son of 14294,Four days after the attack the police reported the attack victims 14295,The first book of thermodynamics was published by William Randwin who was a professor of 14296,Thus theorem is the only way to escape from this weakness to use only 14297,which was one of the best martial artillery in Germany 14298,Networks using this system can connect to the network without the risk of a network 14299,The conference was attended by more than 800 students and academics from Zanjan University 14300,However they are struck by Sam and Dean who are destroyed by 14301,The match was held between September and October 14302,Over the years of his service in railways Moore became interested in mechanical theory 14303,Unlike traditional methods that tried to sort a sequence with the least possible 14304,At least 230 people were killed in the blast 14305,In 1611 King Leopold II married Maximilian who had become the most powerful 14306,Pilots and crew worked on the spacecraft 14307,Following the success of the single Nasman signed with Levels Entertainment 14308,In Tongues he is a person who is always ready to sacrifice his life 14309,Because they are only attached to the medium the circular line line is dependent 14310,At the age of nineteen his father was killed in a duel and under the 14311,With the assistance of both Banner and Arrow the governors of the Persian Gulf 14312,This discovery can significantly increase the population known to be double although 14313,The third power is 1 3 6 10 15 21 14314,She then attacked Triple H and then slapped Triple H from behind 14315,After the war he was defeated at the Battle of Karbala 14316,In this Declaration Baba declared himself a Detruthful Source of Anyting and 14317,For example in the 64-bit system and big-endian systems the size.t is eight 14318,The remaining 80 MPB was used by Bob ريя in Alaska 14319,It is estimated that in Afghanistan 400 types of mangoes and mining mines 14320,The electric charge of a body is equal to the sum of the electric charges of 14321,After the death of the Greeks the Assyrian alliance and the Greek government 14322,In 1583 John D befriended Albert a Polish-born Polish-born 14323,Malcolm McDowell is an English actor 14324,He saw Antwerp as a powerful reflection on the European market 14325,between ten and thirty percent of those with stable seizures usually 14326,A rotating atmospheric system with speeds u= 10 m s which 14327,On the night after the defeat of Heavyweight Champion Alberto Del Rio advanced to 14328,A common element in all types of cochlear implants is the central mechanism of 14329,In 1988 White better served as President of the American AIDS Commission 14330,Between the ends of the 19th century and early 20th century many of the 14331,It was founded in Italy and the French Alps of Switzerland in the late 19th century 14332,The parameters-string args is a string array consisting of all the arguments 14333,He coached various Italian clubs including Milan and Rome 14334,In 1999 after playing in the men s World Championships in Las Vegas she became 14335,The only U.S. coal mines in Rio Tinto are in Rio Tinto with 14336,The third season consists of the third season and the third season consists of 14337,Hunting poisoning and chemical poisoning in the bottom of the food chain 14338,William Rabuanis was born in Sussex and Gertrud Jacques both of whom 14339,The book was criticized by militant groups in Islam the scholar and Kara and the 14340,Portrait photography has various types but in all of them focuses on the figures 14341,Males reach sexual maturity at the age of five and females 14342,Bruce Schneier and Niels Foil two methods both: solving a 14343,Hollywood s visit to Hollywood is a television news coverage aimed at celebrity people 14344,The advent of Islam that was both based on the Quran and its followers Muhammad s 14345,The production of electricity from nuclear energy and natural gas the home heating by natural gas 14346,In the winter of 1929 he accepted the chair of the Technical University in Vienna 14347,During analog channels the power is defined entirely by modulation the ratio of 14348,Later Pierre and Marie Curie discovered radioactive elements of radioactive elements 14349,He served as the head of SAVAK in Tehran 14350,At the age of twenty a.m 14351,In computing mmap is a Unix system binding which maps files and 14352,After returning to Iran he became one of the major supporters of the Zionist movement 14353,Three decades later Peter went back to the new hometown of St Petersburg 14354,Richard Fry focuses on a large part of gulf Iraq Afghanistan Pakistan and Central Asia 14355,But before the product is released a standard the managers of the supplier must ensure 14356,On 16 January 2398 six days after the Israelites were taken under the command of 14357,This simple algorithm is based on the idea that if a point moves from 14358,Yazid was a Saudi Arabian who went from Yemen to Mecca where 14359,In China and Egypt more than 4 000 years ago wood chips were used 14360,It is believed that the bathroom is filled with the water of the urea 14361,This was the act of a cryptographically applied scheme to identify each 14362,Because of the active activity of the amphibian squirrels from dawn 14363,Due to the thermal properties the glazing and glazing dimensions and the dimensions of 14364,During this period comedy has fewer interest in the story of young foxes 14365,The lines produced by Schmid included Shieks and Ramses 14366,Because saturated fatty acids have single bonds each carbon atom in the chain 14367,The record and song Bunsen to Dig is considered one of the most important recognized 14368,The night when Rumors find a night out of her husband s wife 14369,Most of the stones that form after the creation of the cave are called brick 14370,In Egypt the sun was the largest god and known as the goddess 14371,Transfer of funds from each resource and from any other way allows the participation of 14372,It remained intact until at least hundred years after the death of Francis 14373,Oryl da Costas also known as Aprilia Acesa or Aprilia Aces 14374,He has been teaching at the university since 1967 14375,Bili-Robin is a zoonotic embryo that originates from the 14376,In some eastern languages unpleasant smells and ambiguous phrase 14377,France has borders with Belgium Luxembourg Germany Italy Monaco Spain and Andorra 14378,Key-agreement protocol a protocol for the creation of a key in which both 14379,This is illustrated in units of oxygen volume 14380,Her mother inherits her mother and then kills her 14381,The activity of the hunter-gatherer like the rest of the sailors is 14382,It is the largest and most elevated waterfall in the world 14383,who is referring to the biometrics techniques 14384,When Rostam Ali and Hafez Baba Jan went to Qazvin he took 14385,The set cover problem is a well-known NP-hard problem 14386,The party is member and represented in 24 provinces 14387,The Parkes Observatory in Australia was said to be the first communications hub on the 14388,The United States Army sent two helicopters equipped with sternocleidomastoid 14389,The principle of prediction: Suppose that the insight that we have made of our 14390,John M. Kiness was an influential classical economist who published his influential 14391,In South Korea the Korean financial advisory association monitors the issuance of 14392,The phosphorylation of all of the known vitamins including the caffeine 14393,Therefore the orders above were issued more than a century ago 14394,Airborne jet aircraft are widely used for carrying load and other special 14395,Since the life of a animal in his blood no one is allowed to eat the 14396,Kevin Sutherland as Stuart Boyle: A store where Sheldon Hall and Leonard 14397,According to the details stated in the figures above Fresco was buried in the 14398,In 2009 Boaz played the first role in a film called Yüreğim Sensi 14399,Cellulose respiration is a process by which the stored energy stored in 14400,He led the expedition of the South Pole between 1910 and 1912 and was the first to 14401,Aside from the followers of the New Ages the Messiah provides a connection to 14402,Khaled ibn ‘Alī son of ‘Alī son of ‘Alī son of 14403,The complete path between two terminals which may be a walking path or 14404,This is the ratio of the speed of alignment v to the speed of alignment 14405,In 1953 the German engineer Georg Klein claimed that the VZ-9-AV Avrocar 14406,The bulk of the bombs fired by the Soviet Army during this battle 14407,She has two sisters: their older sisters Jennifer and their younger 14408,Some open source projects put the changelog file in high-level directory of project source code 14409,It lasts almost a half hours before the Moon is completely entering the 14410,In January 1937 Helena Clare traveled to the Akita Prefecture of Japan 14411,Stanley Chu Claude Cohen and William Claude Phillip received the 1997 Nobel Prize 14412,The Congress adopted a resolution on 10 May proposed by John Adams and Richard Henry Lee 14413,This can result in additional failures in electricity generation that can lead to network 14414,The media cover eventually became a big story in May 2006 14415,In some research both of these medications are more effective than triglyceride including 14416,But Lady Gaga lied enthusiastically but Lady Gaga reluctantly spoke to 14417,However some believe that the pre-consumption of tea in Iran reaches the seven 14418,In one of his catalogues Hemingway tells the story of everyday life and 14419,The Solar One is the only office building in New York 14420,In 1976 he joined the Japanese composer and costume composer Sumo Yamamoto 14421,For example if the test has 12 questions every 10 answer value the test team must answer only 10 14422,For example if the power is equal to 70 megabytes per second in an Ethernet connection the 14423,In 1919 two years after his death The Hôtel Biron became the Musée Rodin 14424,Crocket missiles can be classified according to their size speed and their 14425,This type of curriculum is now also available in many schools 14426,In 1904 he moved to Paris where he published his poetry 14427,On 2 December 2012 Iraqi authorities claimed that they had been arrested 14428,According to the U.S. Recording Industry Association PBS has the best-selling 14429,At the end of the match the Undertaker s hand became a symbol of respect 14430,In the spring of the year Burton s relationship with the Communist Party becomes 14431,The choice of antibiotics depends upon the characteristics of the person s infection 14432,The most important factors are the sun earth earth minerals and water 14433,After the capture of several whites which had been sexually assaulting 14434,In developing countries children under two years of age frequently develop serious tract infection 14435,ASM for Intel s Intel 8080 processor codes 14436,At the time of `Abdu l-Bahá however `Abdu l 14437,About 75% of the known genes have a recognizable immunity to the 14438,The Life with Michael Jackson was an English documentary broadcast on February 3 2003 in the 14439,The Jewish gnosticism was rooted in a Christian gnosticism but it was 14440,He became Vice-President of the Egyptian Supreme Court at the end of 1992 14441,He was subsequently arrested by Amin s soldiers and was murdered 14442,He was the Emir of Qatar from June 27 1995 to 2013 14443,Heating systems may involve gas boilers or use infrared electrical heating elements 14444,He was also editor-in-chief and editor-in-chief and editor-in- 14445,The book was presented at the Los Angeles Museum of Art from 29 May to 31 October 14446,South Africa has eleven official languages: one of the indigenous languages of the 14447,Species protection status: Currently not required special protection measures 14448,It was first released in France by Dreyfus Records in December 1976 14449,Any new card may be placed in one of the stacks in which the card 14450,Although they were officially independent of the Soviet Union the extent of this 14451,Jung invented the concept of a commune rather than a personal omniscient 14452,The United States is bordered by Canada to the north Canada to the south Mexico to the 14453,In July 734 the commander of the Muslim army of Abd al-Mul 14454,High speed photography is currently a standardized method for laboratory research on the phenomeno 14455,Bones are composed of soft tissue called connective tissue 14456,He was the owner of Frank Davis and Felix Gutt 14457,Very young Fesses are black while wearing maturity 14458,Vence Vincent van Gogh was a Dutch Post-Impressionist painter who 14459,Nouveau réalisme became a dominant culture in the 20th century 14460,He founded the Peter B. B. Bennett s PTR to promote future 14461,The modern language of Tabriz people is Azerbaijani Azerbaijani Azerbaijani and 14462,In the wake of Pertinax s capture and advancing to the throne 14463,The model was originally presented in sketches of industrial art at the Théâtre du 14464,He died in Tehran in 1290 and was buried in the same city 14465,Friedman worked for the University of Chicago 30 years later 14466,The removal of large farming units for plant growth causes massive 14467,In his interview Heidegger defended his conflict with the Nazi Party: he was forced to 14468,In January 2006 former President of Baku s Azerbaijani Petroleum Corporation and 14469,In the percentage rate the ability to operate the network s wireless rates 14470,The first part of the book is about the first year of the Kingdom of Kushim and the 14471,In time specified you visit the physician and perform a blood test 14472,These reports were repeatedly repeated which told the Caliph to 14473,Microsoft s document uses RC4 encryption 14474,The tokens in this class automatically transmit information authentication information to the client s computer 14475,Often a narrow circle is used to fill the screen with a message 14476,Then they were asked if they accepted God s book as a 14477,This prayer is four rakats followed by four rakats followed by four 14478,The Adventures of Surrealism is a 1993 film directed by Emir Kaslington 14479,The Renaissance also refers to the middle cultural movement of the 19th century which origin 14480,One of the men who were saved by the British were wounded a day later 14481,Removing the contents of the line which comes after the location symbol and copying 14482,This is the cost of a trading stock 14483,By knowing the specific fluid s enthalpy and the pressure outside of the pressure test 14484,Based on this translation a computer software that helps a compiler to predict the 14485,Efficient exploitation - Because structures can be completed simultaneously with 14486,The war also led to the withdrawal of Egypt from the Soviet Union where the 14487,The Armenian nation was destroyed and decapitated by the outbreak of the war 14488,While referring to her friend a French girl called Carolin she told her 14489,In mathematics Cantor set is a set of points that are integrated into the 14490,The 1973–74 season saw Johan Cruyff s signing up for a world 14491,Shōda-ji directed of the school was chosen to work as a 14492,The novel was published by William Somerset in 1944 14493,This includes the glands and other hormones producing hormones 14494,To protect the identity Stevens maintains a continuous inner and outer identity 14495,In December of that year he married Wilmaea Carolin granddaughter of Vincent van 14496,From mathematical view the distortion is usually modeled as modified functions 14497,Now UNIFIL is deployed along the Red Sea line which separates Israel and 14498,This implies that HDE 226868 Cygnus X-1 and this OB series may form 14499,Douglas Mylokov a U.S. inventor proposed a design called sky 14500,Since the reign of Mir-Hossein Mousavi was during the Iran-Iraq 14501,Prior to its low accuracy and solvent is used in printing printing presses 14502,It was released on September 7 2004 in Europe and on August 30 2004 in Europe 14503,Malar Sankranti describes a period of inquiry peace prosperity and 14504,In the third South American Conference held on 8 December 2004 in Universidad de Quito Peru 14505,To eliminate this problem portable bombs are often equipped with spoilers to 14506,Along with the development of industry in the past centuries the use of high-pressure steam 14507,UNDP plays a significant role in the activities of the organization in the context of 14508,The marriage of daughters before 13 years of age and sons before 15 years of 14509,Ferguson rejected a bijection of the sentence by understanding the logic of 14510,The T-80 was the first Russian to use a laser sounding system and a 14511,According to the investigation conducted by the CDC in 2004 30 000 people were comp 14512,In September 1918 10 000 additional amounts were sent by the Iranian diaspora 14513,Similar to the placement of a character in the picture frame the use of shadow 14514,In the end he is married to Noel Longbeem and becomes the owner 14515,At the end of the war a large portion of the Achaemenid 14516,He worked as counseling on the humanities of humanitarian programs in Southeast Asia 14517,A cohabitation is a type of marriage in which two same-sex couple 14518,The leaves of the flowering leaves have a pale hue and a 14519,Faisal Khan was a Bollywood actor and film director 14520,1914 - World War I: The First Air War 14521,This section is one of the most important censored texts circulated in the Talmud 14522,The seventh son of the seventh son disappears at the birthday of his wife 14523,Males have two triangular teeth in the middle of their ovary 14524,During this period Christianity became popular in Japan 14525,He then entered the anti-Polish League of Poland in 1578 14526,The company was engaged in oil exploration and production 14527,She steals Boron and plays with her brain 14528,He is Professor Emeritus at the University of Glasgow 14529,His last work was watching Iranian filmmaker Sohrab a Iranian filmmaker who 14530,These types of disease can cause tumors in the heart muscles lungs 14531,The father and mother chose the name of thinking that he could change it later but 14532,Aurang Khan was born in 1976 in Jalalabad Afghanistan 14533,Durkheim believed that by developing the communities of today s societies 14534,At the time of the first twenty-twentied tenets of the twenti 14535,This allows any C# IDE in C# and other extension tools to find each 14536,It is estimated that by October 1046 only approximately 5% of the 14537,In 1958 a chess program defeated a man for the first time 14538,In 2004 DPD made the first video pornographic video in terms of a high resolution video 14539,These efforts led to the creation of the Continental Congress declaring independence the 14540,The resulting earthquakes included 47 earthquakes 9 earthquakes and 14541,His works during this period were mainly flamenco and ephetropism 14542,The first film to be known as the Bretton-Peat was the 1991 film The 14543,In the earlier example we define the elements of Alpha mainly by the letters p 14544,In this case each path is traveled exactly twice each times in 14545,In the 1970s scientist John of Holland introduced the idea of using genetic 14546,The construction of the bridge was completed in 1964 14547,In 1911 he resigned from the International Society for Psychoanalysis 14548,In 1902 the first city bank was opened 14549,A gold jumper which was adorned with the shapes of the Cherubim 14550,Priya Braid is a television serial broadcast on Channel 8 on MBC s 14551,Beta radiation can tolerate significant amounts of X-rays and gamma radiation 14552,The asteroid 5 was transferred to the Tropic of Thunder after a brief period 14553,The duration of this period is approximately 40 weeks 14554,From 1965 to 1971 he was a practicing judge 14555,The two brothers always sacrifice themselves for each other 14556,Since mating and rehydration occurs among the newly born female 14557,He married and has five children 14558,It is more common among people living in poverty and believed that it is transmit 14559,He told the band not to sleep when you were not a famous world ever 14560,After the two lubricating leaves are filled with soy sauce or other 14561,He wrote that the United States is related to the development of banking equivalent to the 14562,In plasma physics the motion of charged particles is known as a bi- 14563,The second phase was completed from August 2010 to June 2011 14564,The film was screened in New York City with a budget of $30 million 14565,The VHF band uses FM at the MHz 160–160 MHz for the base 14566,It was published four years after his publication 14567,It is named after the Canadian astronomer John A. Platslig 14568,At this time the people of your time will eat whatever remains kept by the 14569,It is often referred to as the golden age of Spain 14570,It is listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange and is a constituent of the Nikkei 14571,The southern 40th Century has an assessment site in Castiglioncello Veneto and 14572,He is the grandfather of Aliva first lady of the Republic of Azerbaijan 14573,Elena Gilmour is the principal homosexual character in The Vampire Diaries 14574,It has a long lifespan compared to high-speed steel bits 14575,It is noteworthy to note that the properties of material in all five subgroups has a 14576,They are often considered a major source of coal crude oil and groundwater 14577,Christensen and John Shors also released a version of the song in their 14578,In fact several broad categories of probabilistic interpretations have been proposed by 14579,The railway is the second railway from Ankara to Istanbul 14580,Four years later Walter defeated the German team at the World Cup in Sweden 14581,During the reign of the Achaemenid Achaemenid dynasty 14582,The government s request to be armed was done by tribes 14583,The data structure of the pyramid should not be confused with the concept of heap 14584,It is necessary to play numbers and symbols in different mathematical representations 14585,Compilers for computer programs written in Eiffel are offering broad optimization techniques 14586,The Tehran Roudaki Hall Opera House was established outside of Iran in Tehran prior to 14587,In 1911 Timothy Piaget s son George Piaget took up family affairs 14588,On the eve of the revolution in Iran along with other political prisoners was 14589,His mother persuaded one of the close friends to elect Gustav Klimt to write 14590,The mosque was officially completed in June 2008 14591,In music where two or more choirs participate they are usually members 14592,We assume that the point A initially would be on the axis of Xs 14593,His parents Helen Shabaam and Edward Lee Hadelim divorced in 1936 when Edward was 14594,He received a PhD in philosophy from the University of Oxford 14595,This reduction will not last for fifteen years 14596,Research in July 2009 by the University of Cambridge and the University of Birmingham in England showed 14597,The Afghan government also accused Pakistan of supporting the Taliban 14598,In 2005 it became Russia s second largest producer of crude oil and gas 14599,Giuseppe Trianti is an Italian historian and professor of Roman history at the Sorbonne Paris 14600,Extending to a height of 263 feet the building was designed by Robert 14601,In the Iron Age this technique is also used to create protection structures such as the Eke 14602,Al-Azmrin announces the entry of a strangely known 14603,The prison conditions were strictly worse than other major prisons of Iran but 14604,Tmapets is an American newspaper published in St 14605,Today in the village of Oğuz the castle is located 14606,The fourth strategy to overcome stereotype threat has been to increase the 14607,The Treaty of 1851 with Spain resulted in the discovery of the eastern 14608,After the end of the Panic Dagger s last glacial period the weather started 14609,SolaRoad is the first bicycle route built from solar panels in the world and the 14610,In addition to Russia firms in Germany the USA Australia Japan and Taiwan produce small species of 14611,Germany is one of the most populous countries in the European Union 14612,Rodge escaped from the eastern wizardry of Orthanc and helped 14613,Figlia Mio padre Daughter My father s father 14614,In these years he had been influenced by indigo and his innovations in poetry 14615,Friendliness is a equivalence relation and thus involves division of integers into 14616,He began working with children and worked as a child s nurse at the 14617,Some threads are called threads threads threads threads threads threads 14618,Mining began at the beginning of the 20th century including a large number 14619,The size of a sensor node varies depending on the size of the packing 14620,The polar coordinate system is a two-dimensional coordinate system in which each 14621,During the war most military personnel and equipment of the Republic of Armenia remained 14622,On 30 November 2010 Bby Shabazz was chosen as a new drummer for 14623,The Olympic Games consists of 18 tournaments each winning gold silver and bronze 14624,Depeche Mode is an English electronic electronic band founded in 1980 14625,Similar hearings were also reported on 5 February 3 March 10 and April 10 14626,One of the most interesting challenges in animated production was that the animation team had 14627,It is one of the newspapers of Afghanistan 14628,Nevertheless the city is a traditional tourist attraction and a traditional cultural 14629,The word literally comes from the Latin word Messiah derived from the Latin word Messi 14630,The plot was repeated after the divorce by Madonna 14631,Monophonic cards diffuse sound from a source that is called mono or a 14632,Meherful works as a lawyer journalist and social activist for human rights women 14633,Even in within the European Union accommodation is restricted to some countries 14634,However many types of SRAM ROMs are still random access memory 14635,On the other hand the relative humidity is very high and from December to June 14636,On the Monday morning 24 July 2006 a bullet struck a UNIFIL 14637,Anthems are enzymes that can be read and described as a software that 14638,European universities in Spain Switzerland and Germany were ranked 34 in QS in 2014 14639,This means that when the pairs 1 and 1 are paired then the pairs 14640,The hormone releases growth hormone in plants with relatively low concentration 14641,The hot and dry summers and rainy winters are the characteristics of the climate 14642,From a historical point of view the real meaning of the concept of civil society has 14643,The following year the party and the party led by Barzani returned to the United States 14644,If we are ready for reviving the Zoroastrian goddess of the day 14645,In 2005 Michael Dixon and colleagues assisted with a rapid camera shot of a 14646,In the 2012 budget it was agreed to a reserve rate of $121 where the 14647,Instead such people are resistant to ofloxacin 14648,The bird s feet are green and their size is not greater than that of 14649,The City Cellular Network is a large computer network which is usually spread 14650,Ali ibn Moussa al-Rafi is the eighth Shi`an of the 14651,Initially java script is a starting language and such programs run without compilation 14652,During its growth it has grown 30–200 cm in length and has 14653,He was the only son of Yevgeny and Seth Rogge who emigrated to 14654,Although the Song Dynasty was an ally of the Mongols the Mongol troops 14655,The magazine Time listed them as the 100 most influential people in the world in 2008 14656,They are all of the solvents that are placed in the di-del 14657,In 1973 when he was only 19 he exhibited his paintings in several 14658,He was also the lead conductor of a number of pop bands including Nasser 14659,Australian gemstones include a number of gemstones of 25 million years ago equal to 14660,When the Dart crew was responsible for designing and managing the main engines 14661,It is one of the earliest known languages in history 14662,Using an automatic timer which automatically discharges the injectable current which is 14663,The work of James M. Wells and Henryk H. Mozart in the late 19th 14664,A well-developed CLTs do not focus on a specific project located on 14665,Benedict Cumberbatch appeared in Shakespeare s play Shakespeare in Shakespeare s play 14666,In Europe it is mostly known as the 1914 year of the beginning of the First 14667,A children s hospital and mental ahar a psychiatry school in Gaza and se 14668,One study found that 60% of men and women were engaged in sexual fantasies 14669,On the arrival of the Pharaoh Joseph summoned Sapphocène 14670,From 1998 until 2001 Khomeini served as a visiting scholar at the 14671,The knee joint is surrounded by a clavicle the clavicle 14672,After studying a traditional language grammar he entered the Black cherry School of 14673,On 18 May 2009 the first flight with Boeing 707.705 was delivered from Doha 14674,Since the year 2009 de ranked as the Year of the year with more than half 14675,The Voyager then took the opportunity to move his way to Saturn 14676,The award was given to the ability to display scientific and technical documents in the 14677,T-cell cells have the ability to identify and spread directly to 14678,In 1962 his mother died at the age of 43 14679,Natural eyeglasses and face-toe face-toe cameras are made with lenses 14680,In the temperate regions small plants are harvested in wintertime 14681,Sheffield Football Club is a football club formed by two of Nairobi s 14682,They eventually went on to live performances at X Factor but the beginning of 14683,Although Barcelona started playing their own season in the 2007–08 season he 14684,The Pont-Saint-Esprit Bridge is a bridge in Paris famous for the Russo 14685,TNO provides energy that can be used for road lighting guides and road signs 14686,In 2001 Gary R. R. Martin and Richard J. J. Anderson published 14687,As a second child he grew up in the city and at the age of 14 14688,Markus Augustus was a Roman Emperor from 253 to 253 14689,The river is a tributary of the Byco Lake and is one of the important 14690,It is resistant to scratches and chemicals and is suitable for 14691,However Tolkien did not explicitly describe the world geographic relation between Hobb 14692,It displays a program in C which reads a text from the input 14693,The question is answered by a brief flight record device and a summary of 14694,In 1962–63 he served as Chairman of the Information and Education Information Section and the 14695,The death of dark skin in humans reached a peak of 1.2 million years ago 14696,In 1999 the company was valued at US$43 billion 14697,It is estimated that two-thirds of his poems were written before this 14698,But since nowadays the stadium has been improved 14699,VXA support tape is originally created by Ecrix and is now owned by 14700,In 1983 she inaugurated the Cambridge Research Centre in Cambridge England 14701,Fauchitis died of heart failure at the hospital 14702,During this time he began to learn modern Hebrew and coined the name Sigo 14703,China s main objective was to increase GDP over the last three decades with 14704,After this dance Gerard and other artists leave the house 14705,The building finished 40th floor in early 2009 but construction was greatly curtailed 14706,Evaporation is a phenomenon which occurs at extremely low temperatures 14707,The current government s linguistic policy is almost appalled and accused of 14708,The Zoroastrian voyage is a Jewish writing of the Middle Ages written in 14709,The fourth book of Prometitus which has been published shortly after 16 BC 14710,Adams and Hapkisson received the 1929 Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine in 1929 14711,When the representatives assembled in the Continental Congress in Philadelphia in 1776 the 14712,In 2005 40% of the population of Georgia was employed in the agriculture sector 14713,It has a relatively short lifespan along the lengthy period of fertil 14714,Cipher also used superimpose to solve serial numbers 14715,According to the biblical bible after the liberation of the Jews from Babylon 14716,The philosophy of the City Beautiful architectural reform and urban planning movement in North America 14717,Socrates considers the teaching of philosophy to be a teaching thing that God 14718,The 1964 European Cup Winners Cup Final was a football match between Barcelona and Madrid 14719,The regional dialogue emphasizes agreement between countries and it aims to 14720,Mirza was the fifth son of Abbas Mirza 14721,A variables are extraneous only when it is postulated to be influential to 14722,Advocates and developers of Plan 9 argue that problems that hindered Plan 9 14723,Lymphangiomas are small lymphangiomas and are identified in the epidermal 14724,This is a list of airports in the state of Alaska grouped by type and 14725,It breeds in various parts of Asia from the Middle East to South Africa and from 14726,According to the Constitution of Malaysia the king is one of the nine Sultans of 14727,At the same time he worked at Béla Balázs Film Studios 14728,The U.S. embassy young clerk Mark Miller is supposed to 14729,It has channeled numerous channels in addition to news channel 14730,Thus there are at most 18 non-monochromatic triangles 14731,By employing the Big Rules this method represents 1 sqrt N. 14732,However this image will appear as far back as seen on the right side of the screen 14733,However this allows for in-homogeneous networks where some of the devices are 14734,The maze was opened on March 29 1986 by a white army of the 14735,The name of the bishop is derived from the name of the legendary Greek 14736,Human structural components are understood from several different ways 14737,AppleScript performs elementary computation and complex text processing and these can be expand 14738,Thus green building practices in order to reduce prices are generating day-to-day 14739,Northwest Iranian languages are spoken in the north east and southwest 14740,The 2009-2010–2010 WTO reported that companies that produce or commercialize forest products 14741,The first of these three acts was released on June 20 2012 14742,The Leaf of the Law of Hammurabi was discovered during the early 1901 14743,D. in Civil Law and Law from University of Bologna 14744,With the beginning of the Cold War the accusations against the Turkishs were 14745,If P is the probability of having at least 2 people in a room with 14746,The road is not too short to cross your doorstep and I don t think that you 14747,In discussions Hume s personalities argue about a few of the 14748,As a veterinarian she arrives in her home at her 14749,Prior to 1998 the SIM cards were mostly 5 volt before 1998 14750,Numeric simulations show that electrodynamics of electrodes is important in the intersection of 14751,The stone tombs are related to the Roman Neolithic period 14752,Unlike the ladder seat which has two wheels in front and two wheels in 14753,Together with other UN agencies a high-level list of volunteer organizations 14754,Global tenant-backed securities practices in markets such as the UK Australia and 14755,The last Soviet Tupolev Tu-22 flights were conducted by the main user of the 14756,In the late 1990s she appeared in several Hollywood films 14757,At the same time the Kurdish leader Gamaliel Barzani rebelled against the central government 14758,The process of industrialization began after the First World War with the establishment of tractor 14759,In general rice is a type of rice that is more durable than conventional 14760,His current career began in the Hollywood Bowl when he was auditioning for the 14761,After seeing Erwin s power and the possibility of sheltering the wall 14762,Then in the 2000 and 2004 European Championships hosted two nations 14763,The most common type of sorting acts on a list where the inputs 14764,The meridian 153° east of Greenwich is a line of longitude that extends 14765,She ends her letter by predicting a huge death 14766,He can voluntarily voluntarily voluntarily apply patents or patents to other individuals 14767,In 1998 he was elected to the British Academy and in 2007 was elected to the 14768,Typically vagoys occur in discrete time and are associated with natural numbers 14769,Although both Princeton University and the University of St 14770,She attended the University of Las Vegas and Nevada studying breastfeeding 14771,Typically each programming language has a software environment to enter the program s text 14772,At the time of the diaphragm s diaphragm s diaphr 14773,This is even given to the soldiers arrested that the only way to fight 14774,This resulted in the loss of any other good that was expected to be weaker 14775,The same example would be to see the influence of Dr 14776,The most common side effects of acute encephalopathy include low blood pressure and abdominal pressure 14777,She is the second wife of Saddam Hussein former president of Iraq and the 14778,On the other hand the CRT monitors have more response time capability and there is no 14779,Anti-Aphtheria worms are very effective to protect against UVA 14780,Emerging nations have distinct characteristics structures and institutions that are weakened to 14781,He believed that the growth of Western civilization in Europe was based on 14782,Because clouds are highly efficient they are only used by large organizations to 14783,Every weekly weekly weekly weekly weekly weekly weekly weekly weekly 14784,The magazine was published in 1923 by Edward Hadded and Henry Leach as the first American 14785,His best known book is the Structure of Scientific Revolution in which he provides 14786,In 1563 John von Risbeck became a representative of the East India Company of 14787,The prison officer Raymond Louhan is prepared to return to his home 14788,The second edition of the book was published in Spring 2537 14789,However one of the major criticisms that is a lack of quality compared 14790,Qué la Qué la Qué es un Qué la Qué? is a 14791,The two brothers left the company until 1995 when they were forced to 14792,A 50 kg zebra needed about four to four thousand pounds of energy per day and 14793,More than tens of thousands of protesters protested against the deaths of three 14794,Mount Yumetsu is a mountain in the Hokkaidō Prefecture of Japan 14795,Strauss also deeply concerns about the safety of the workers but ultimate 14796,Wood to steel: They are usually used as a guide to connecting wood 14797,Initially all political circles thought that F. von Pauch von Pauch 14798,The book has been translated into several languages 14799,Starting at high aerial descent the aircraft bounced to the left and 14800,The symbol represents God as the creator to respond to the cultural debate 14801,Approximately 1.5 million Polish citizens including 200 000 war agents were deported 14802,The throne of Persia was crowned as King of Persia 14803,It also explores the interaction between the construction environment and the living environment 14804,In 2008 he was one of the candidates for the list of reformist candidates 14805,Administratively Ladakh is a part of the province of Jammu and Kashmir 14806,In the Third Army who had been forced to join a military coup the 14807,He published several books on religion and politics in India 14808,In addition to the aforementioned messages which are less than 180 days they 14809,Airmen and individuals exposed to radiation have experienced similar phenomena 14810,Like many other families in the Soviet Union the Gagarin family faced many difficulties 14811,In 2012 he moved to Germany for treatment 14812,In the 1980s Saddam launched the Iraqi nuclear reculturation plan with 14813,He received a copy of the book along with a plaque of honor of 14814,The individual cannot accept any of these types of blood except H H or Bombay 14815,The homes located in Lebanon and Syria were a center for his visits with 14816,The organization s influence has grown gradually until the International Court of Appeals 14817,He was the only half-brother of Bahram Shah who managed to escape and 14818,There are also manual appliances that allow convection control and control of temperature 14819,Later in the Middle Ages even houses libraries which provided the ability to 14820,In 1954 he moved permanently to Paris 14821,Gretel then Hansel and Hansel burst out of sleep 14822,In this model of information are connected by the pointers defined by the user and 14823,China located in the northeast of the Fraser River to the east of the Fraser 14824,NASA was founded in 1958 and used the facilities of Kept Canario in the early 14825,For each face point assign a edge to each face point 14826,Most IT management programs are designed to teach and implement managers responsible for planning design 14827,She was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Actor 14828,In an attempt to transfer Iran’s oil into international markets the U.S. 14829,Khaled ibn Abdallah Qajar was appointed as a councillor of the 14830,Season 92 includes a table of stars and astronomical computations 14831,It affects glucose fuel in all types of cells except for the 14832,People s art pop art or pop art was an art movement that originated in England and 14833,In January 2008 along with her father volunteered to secede the country s 14834,Thus for this element the boiling point is not defined and the boiling point is 14835,In partial tidal period buildings must have a shallow and shallow 14836,However Abdullah went back to the Egyptians and asked why they were 14837,Only those context-free grammars that do not create the empty string can be 14838,Through this practice two artists feel in mechanics pressure and severity of the body 14839,According to Shia tradition it is believed that all of the fathers of the 14840,In 2007 it was the first time that Italy had held only two caps and in 2011 also 14841,In total Warner Bros 14842,The speed of data transmission in the internal segment varies from 47.5 MiB per second to 14843,Daniel Varova is a Czech writer and director of video games 14844,The city was founded in 1938 for the exploitation of the copper mines of the 14845,He moved to England and began building the Villa in England 14846,Only files that are directly or indirectly related to the changed changes are 14847,In 1787 Alexander Hamilton wrote: The science of political science like many other sciences has 14848,Some sets are not open nor closed for example the closed set is a closed 14849,On January 25 2008 one of the Church of Scientology s speakers referred to 14850,In English there are various verbs which are changed in pronunciation but without 14851,The company s first employees were the Massachusetts Institute of Technology 14852,After the fall of the Ottoman Empire the term was adopted 14853,The country is the country s most abundant exporter of crops and food 14854,She escaped to the Persian border but was subsequently arrested 14855,Marriage is a form of married married married married married married 14856,He became the National Secretary of the Communist Party of the United States in 1961 14857,Robert M. Perish Professor of anthropological criticism at the Council on Post-War 14858,The capital Liuyang was captured in 351 and the emperor Hu was captured and 14859,The script was written by John Huston and Richard Brooks 14860,Many of his works were destroyed because of their weakness many of his 14861,Norman Jading was an FBG officer who was sent to assist the police in the 14862,Later Tor Middleditch and independent Melkman provided a more sophisticated approach 14863,It was originally planned to launch in 2007 but not until February 2013 14864,The foreign direct investment ended in a dangerously dangerous rate simultaneously 14865,With the beginning of World War I a new era began when he was accus 14866,Breaking Hwoa chased the show after broadcasting a season 14867,The BMP-1D was developed in Afghanistan in 1982 for the Russian invasion unit in 14868,Since 1993 the tree has been unsuccessfully recognized by local authorities and 14869,This means that the algorithm exists that halts immediately but if theorem 14870,In engineering if the combustion chamber pressure is less than 30 times the use of turboc 14871,The album was written by the band s drummer Dan Gilmour 14872,Pressure sensors pressure sensors pressure sensors pressure sensors pressure sensors pulse sensor 14873,Dae Jun was a Chinese painter and a founder of the Ji Ma school 14874,She was nominated for the Grammy Award for Best Female Rock 14875,The flower is classified as a complete or two genders and a species 14876,However a number of conferences and seminars have been held in many Western universities 14877,For this reason and according to the large population of the surrounding cities the area 14878,After the beginning of the 21st century Scorsese used younger actor Leonardo DiCapri 14879,By reviving its style and making changes in which it was known the 14880,There are 72 AM-mounted AM-mounted AM-mounted anti-tank 14881,The TCP IP model was developed by DARPA in 1970 14882,It is believed that four large spiral arms each starting from the center of 14883,This malware will typically install modules which would cause the computer to be 14884,They are rare in humans and in most cases without clinical symptoms 14885,A decision using O of memory cannot use more than O of time so L is 14886,Joseph Fernand Henri Heur-le-Roof was a French painter sculptor 14887,Detecting a flash point of contact is provided by the ASTM D3828 14888,The algorithm removes all node lengths from its stack and takes all 14889,Later Philip gave birth to his daughter Cleopatra 14890,MAPI Simple Microsoft Outlook Express Outlook Express Outlook Express etc 14891,Instead of using a high-down model for selling products they are 14892,It is estimated to have occurred 25 million years ago or less than 5 million years 14893,The restructuring of the public financial and public assets linked to the principles 14894,Using the data taken before and after the collapse of the 2004 U.S. 14895,In 1983 RREEF purchased the building for $3.5 million 14896,In 1957 the Shah concluded that the internal situation of Iran reached a sufficient 14897,The novel was published in Egypt in early 2006 14898,Cardemus was a province of the Roman Empire in northern Mesopotamia 14899,Because Scandinavian sources were not written until the 11th century the 14900,The term Defender of Human Rights has been criticized by some 14901,At the same time Bohemian Rhapsody s Bohemian Rhapsody 14902,There was extensive contact with the Neolithic which had played an important role in 14903,The park is particularly suitable for the overcrowded marsupial especially 14904,In the autumn of 2012 Delani played the lead role in the sixth season and 14905,Another way of measuring torque measurement is by using a photoll 14906,Telebit introduced its pioneering modem in 1984 in which a large number of 14907,Another group called the two other sons of Imam Abdullah ibn Jafar 14908,The majority of the people were kept in the work camps in the Upper Austria 14909,In the introduction of ICANN s words ICANN refers to a 14910,He moved to Cairo in 1986 to study architecture engineering 14911,Giuseppe Asclepi – astronomer and physician manager of the Collegio Collegi 14912,She was born and raised in the West End of Hungary in 1913 14913,He played in the first half of the first half of 1994-95 14914,The tiger usually breeds a long distance away from the other species 14915,OpenShift is a cloud product developed from Oracle Corporation 14916,The group s other members have appeared as soldiers apparently survived 14917,Each of the ten orifices connects the water to a few meters 14918,On October 13 2003 the Boeing Commercial Air Service announced that a long-range 14919,After the seventh order Ismār burns the water below him 14920,It is heated or cooled by electrical equipment through the circulation of liquid or vapor 14921,In March 2005 it was named Mithi one of the three major corals in the 14922,The first version of the software was released in 1981 and many major corporations such as 14923,According to the Independent Election Commission a hundred more than a hundred 14924,Thus charged particles can only fill particles with discrete energy values which 14925,The Iranian Ministry of Media and Propaganda of Mohammad-Hossein Mousavi declar 14926,The size of the diesel generator is critical to prevent loads or loss of power and this 14927,Humbert Humbert an influential literary researcher describes the unconscious death of 14928,Ghazrayid Khan was a Kurdish poet and writer and Khan Mahmud Khan 14929,George Arthur Erving is an American economist and professor of economics at the University of California 14930,Agriculture and water resources higher energy prices and climate changes have shown that food 14931,The ship went to Bucharest on October 12 and returned to New York in November 14932,Punch: Punch is heard by dribbling by another object such as wood 14933,For two months the band worked on various songs 14934,The rapid development of agriculture began after reforms in villages in 1978 14935,Early cubes are similar to wood and wood in which the squirrel is 14936,The service method can send requests to the methods doGet doPost doPut doDelete and 14937,After six months of peace reconciliation with Poland in Uppsala on August 5 tical 14938,He is a Deputy Spokesman and Deputy Spokesman of the 14939,Attending bullion and eating blankets: This ceremony was accompanied by 14940,Because for cats these are places that can produce their own hosts and 14941,According to the Byzantine emperors the yellow petals were made to 14942,Argentina Brazil Australia India and Mexico are also governed by federalism 14943,General relativity can be understood by comparing its similarities and differences with classical 14944,Ctlm-Clark s algorithm in computer graphics is a 14945,He studied English literature at the University of Zanjan 14946,The Bellman–Held-Karpet algorithm was created in 1962 independently by 14947,His first national football match was in 1994 against the United States which was the second 14948,But in 1956 because of problems such as the conditions in the Soviet Union and the 14949,For each song the parties in each country chose their own songs 14950,The end of the chromosomes is associated with pter and qter and thus 14951,The Kenneth McDowell algorithm was created to efficiently compute Boolean 14952,At the time of Ptolemy s return to Egypt Ptolemy returned to Egypt 14953,After the revolution he lived in exile in Iran 14954,In 1978 the International Association for Near-Death Studies Association founded the International Association for 14955,It is found in many Babaji dialects in India 14956,NETBAL TROTTINA was written in 1998 by Swedish programmer Cerd Fredrik 14957,A client using this scheme can be connected to a server using a 14958,Dissertatio of the Russian chemists was the first to claim a particle 14959,There is a consensus that there is no way of promoting a polygamist 14960,It plays a central role in the 3-manifold problem 14961,The saffron is a small and occasionally a few annuals of 14962,Examples of implementing this approach are PGP and GnuPG. 14963,The protection of the environment is essentially a boundary problem and it has led 14964,Contrary to cancer which attacks adjacent tissues amolda tends to 14965,The term chief in English refers to two terms: 1 14966,Although Yuri s anger intensified and he was forced to resign believing 14967,One of the most important features of the St 14968,In general February is the same day of the week that begins in March and November and 14969,In September 2011 Morse replaced Carl Barstel and was temporarily CEO of Yahoo 14970,At the time of the Constitutional Revolution in 1906 he formally appointed his father as 14971,At the start of the Palestinian uprising in 1987 Gaza became the centre of 14972,He had two sons Sambata II and Gachet I of Iberia 14973,Many of the types of colorectal cancers are created because of the factors 14974,Paul responded to the Tea Party speech to the American President Barack Obama 14975,There is a semi-arid climate which occurs in the southern quarter 14976,With the assistance of the United Nations a peace treaty was signed between 14977,In particular the accepted language for this automaton with the probability of a starting 14978,Sharifi made additional soundtracks for a number of films including Rogers 14979,Shane Connors was born in Edinburgh in 1982 14980,While Bryan tried to garner attention from AJ Lee AJ turned out to have 14981,Abu Bakr ibn Abdullah ibn Mohammad was a Saudi Arabian writer and 14982,After returning to the throne the king returned to the throne 14983,In 2006 the drama music by Rodney Joday won an Academy Award for outstanding music 14984,Seventeen to seven-year-old women who were raped and murdered were 14985,Also in the soul order from the omnipotence to the omnipotence of the omni 14986,The use of people to use saffron as a botanical remedy myth 14987,Linux is installed on the operating system installed on which Windows is installed and 14988,The European Union s foreign policy spokesman said that a resolution on the 14989,Taylor s theorem is a basic and fundamental tool in mathematics 14990,In addition Shinon doesn t believe that the spiritual force that requires an 14991,Unlike his professional fame which is highly maintained Dietrich s personal 14992,Both chicks feed faster than eggs and another chicks feed on 14993,1659: Christiaan Huygens observed for the first time detailing the Babylon 14994,Adobe could also upload high quality audio files from Audition to Adobe Premiere and 14995,A technical designer works with a team of designers and manufacturing outside of the country 14996,Created by writer Stan Lee and director Don Heck he appeared as a gang- 14997,Shortly after the Battle of Mecca a few Muslims were killed and the 14998,On September 24 2015 The British announced that the series would be continued under the 14999,Nonlinear control is a field of control control concerned with a nonlinear system or 15000,Kharag Selm is a village in Lebanon located in the vicinity of the 15001,The Peace of Peace in France was developed and developed by Francis Meilland during the 15002,which had enormous importance in algebraic expansion and largely influenced 15003,It has also been suggested that the island s exposure to the Spanish 15004,In his book Civilian culture the first systematic studies and studies the role of political culture 15005,Since the 1990s Danish filmmakers have gained international attention and Carl Theodor Dürer 15006,The evolution of flowers has continued until the present day today today today flowers have 15007,In the year Motoyasu defeated Imagawa and defeated the Imagawa tribe 15008,The city s population grew from 10 000 in 1600 in 1600 15009,In water microbiology microangulations and their activities in natural waters such as 15010,Rosenberg designed a plan until the end of August and co-financed with 15011,The airport resides at an elevation of above sea level 15012,During the Iran–Iraq War his refusal to conduct classical military tactics 15013,Each series is sum. n=0 infty a.n x n 15014,He taught at the University of Minnesota where he received his B.S. 15015,Hannah Mack Gilles was a film critic and former leading Bollywood celebrity 15016,Other synthetic isotopes have less than three-day longer life cycles 15017,One of the appeals was the creation of celebrating 70 females every 7 15018,Ramin Mehman Sabradnasiri the Iranian Foreign Affairs spokesman for 15019,The bombings resulted in hundreds of thousands of civilian deaths and 15020,The ceremony is held in November in Venice Italy 15021,Horse racing existed in England from at least 1174 when the 4th 15022,Control and expressive feelings are motivated to reduce behavioral problems ultimately led to 15023,To become a plugged into a television with producers and finally 15024,Joseph M. Modigliani Baron I was a British banker businessman businessman 15025,They were photographed in 1999 at a convention and since then Camilla was regarded 15026,Deldejan Stanković is a Serbian football player 15027,A reported study found that a Down syndrome triggers a third of 15028,He grew up in Tehran and was raised in India from the age of four 15029,Thus it can be used with a suitable timing at any time of the 15030,Some may be intended as part of a course of language training in which they 15031,The use of this method is to measure the thickness and the detection of faults 15032,A compendium of food begins at the beginning of the days and if there is 15033,Alanine chemistry is used as a catalyst after re-inhibition 15034,The Sun and subsequently the Solar System are found in the populated zone of the Milk 15035,Air is cooled through the air which is cooled by the radiator and cools the 15036,The Fourth Way focuses on the conscious ability to perform consciously and 15037,He graduated from the University of Tehran in Architecture 15038,In the early part of the 20th century a large number of tourists and 15039,Glycerol is in antibacterial action and ethanol is in the action of bacteria 15040,February and February were the last two months to belong to the Roman epoch 15041,He also appeared in several television and radio films 15042,In the first Hansel was transferred to the Judeum unit in December where Theobald 15043,At the age of 13 he attended Wakasa High School at the age of 15044,In 2010 he was named the best model of Turkey 15045,Henry Ian Cox and his wife Anne are the parents of three sons Elias Lucas 15046,I will win your victory in your war and I will kill you 15047,He was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Actor 15048,The use of the Maginot Line was undisguised and unsatisfying in the 1960 15049,It is used in many governmental and non-governmental schools in Iowa State and 15050,Endoscopy after a seizure allows a doctor to perform a direct 15051,The first job of a database planner is to develop a concept of a concept 15052,He was buried in a nearby cemetery 15053,A slinky closed loop is longer than a closed loop for the 15054,The use of the names of cities and villages as family names was common amongst 15055,The act of finding the smallest possible now is too significant because we assume 15056,After the death of Diana Charles along with sisters and sisters traveled to Paris 15057,An effector in the behavior of an electron or receptor is determined by the concepts of 15058,The problem of the unitary word is for groups and semi-group groups 15059,71% of the world s natural gas reserves 40% of the world s natural gas 15060,The name is given to a number of Egyptian kings in the Palermo Stone 15061,In the same year he was one of the author of a paper on high voltage 15062,In October 2000 in London he gave birth to a daughter Mia Heyne 15063,It is the goal of developing and utilising resources and materials to access goods or services 15064,In his paintings he drew attention to the human style of paintings landscape 15065,The Armenians are the second largest vassals in the city and the 15066,In spite of his previous opposition to the creation of a multi-party system 15067,In addition financial markets are usually subjected to gambling 15068,There are a large number of old stone carvings 15069,Victor Hugo married Adèle Fouché in 1822 15070,The film was released in October 2011 at the box office in Albuquerque New Mexico 15071,During World War I Pied Piott became the main offensive line of the Italians 15072,He treated Japanese prisoners with prostitutes and mental illnesses to cytoses 15073,In 2015 he was appointed as a professor of mathematics and computer science at the 15074,He published structural languages in 1965 and established the structural languages department at 15075,According to the Ukrainian Ministry of Culture and Ministry of Culture and Ministry of 15076,The first women s national football team was established in 1976 before the 1979 Iranian Revolution 15077,Later Abbasi became a suspicious of the young idol and decided to let him 15078,I am the creator of seven tablets and I am the creator of seven tablets 15079,In the system of singly-molybdenum units the u-shaped 15080,The Battle of Helvéton was a two-way war fought between the 15081,The thermal mass may also be used for a collection of water machine machines or units 15082,For example the fleshy leaves are found in a cuckoo and a 15083,However during the match DiBiase was successful 15084,His daughter Aadama married famous theatre actor Karchowska in 2011 15085,Currents: The section lists news of game manufacturers as well as rumors 15086,British Foreign Minister Sheikh Zechariah Ansaryi was quoted as saying 15087,Their predecessors are from Australia and New Zealand 15088,At the conclusion of the match Jimmy Hate scored 103 per cent and scored 15089,The university was based on a collection of independent schools each of which had 15090,In other words the first condition says that the machine starts with q0 15091,com claimed it had received 44% of the pay for 12 consecutive 15092,On November 24 2008 Presidents of the U.S. Congress Raymond Carver wrote to 15093,The other major influence of Plato is Plato s Theosophy 15094,The β-skeleton-based edge can be used in imaging for the shape of 15095,The combination of a laser-acrylic coatings to induce sunlight to 15096,A rufo s message was transmitted on 16 November 1974 in Porto Rico a 15097,The purpose of these changes is to compare the speed with the required space to reduce the 15098,The narrative was relatively eccentric compared to the previous two 15099,On 24 November 2002 HHMWA officially resigned to a new organization led by Ha 15100,Turkish tribes such as Khafra and Pashtuns have lived in the 6th 15101,Berners-Lee used HTML as a tool for SGML 15102,In chemistry this technique is used to determine the concentration of a particular element in 15103,On 16 June 1995 a statute was filed by George Schultz to establish the 15104,In contrast blood vessels fall below the legs and are under great pressure 15105,Akira often presents her husband in a wide range of official events in Japan 15106,This view has led to the purifying scope of education research and the solving of 15107,This method uses stochastic weights to combine multiple goals with a 15108,Arbitrage is a type of trade strategy in which goods or services are 15109,He was elected president of the American Mathematical Society in 1936 15110,In late 2004 Kiyosaki signed a contract with Japan s Japanese label Ozz 15111,In the United States low-till farming techniques are usually used 15112,For example Article 158 of Iraq s Military Intelligence published on May 6 1980 15113,In his work on sacred diseases he said that epilepsy is not a divin 15114,Some investigators were also arrested and sentenced to death 15115,The Undertaker placed Ambrose on the Bravo 12-off where Ambrose 15116,The Bourne Ultimatum is the first series of Bourne Ultimatum games to be released 15117,There is only one color in the orangutan genus 15118,The powerful merchants of Mecca asked him not to allow him to enter the 15119,Initially the campus of Lloydy Wilson was chosen but as a result of 15120,EMS is an American metalcore band from Orlando Florida 15121,It uses three Pelamis energy sources to convert the waves of the ocean surface into 15122,Individual activities are programmed not only in order to reduce the amount of carbon emissions but 15123,Railways were planned and at least one was built but they are now 15124,However however stations are not planned in parts more than 4% such as the 15125,Growth of the leaf: Because the short wavelength of the red vessels 15126,The history of the Persian emperor is unknown but it is known that 15127,The model comparison refers to the comparison of activities levels of business and national 15128,Because his mother was unable to control him Steve sent him back to Sader 15129,They are also known as social animals 15130,The two companies ultimately merged together to promote the Central European oil industry 15131,Since the economies are a open system the three major processes are all being 15132,Environmental protection started in Norway during the German occupation of East Africa which 15133,In Smalltalk it is possible to create a temporary and anonymous logging class such 15134,pkgsrc now contains more than 1 000 free and open source software 15135,The average length of the chapter is 150 to 250 and the average length 15136,The second-cycle elections are scheduled in two rounds 15137,The Single Transferable Vote was presented by Carl Andrae in Denmark in 1855 15138,Adam 4 died before the fall as the Greek philosopher s view of father and 15139,It was originally found in Singapore but has been extinct in this area 15140,The team s head coach Siegenie Nath was awarded the honour of the Federal 15141,The catch is relatively shallow and in several layers and cannot 15142,Both known types of graphite alpha and beta are physically different in crystal 15143,Newspapers electronic news websites and educational institutes all use content management 15144,However if the corresponding query is now well-trivial it can often use 15145,Individuals with seizures associated with fever and seizures associated with drug 15146,After a few years of recruiting in radio and television he became a 15147,After a few years of acting she became a star because of her 15148,They can be graphic designers creative director animator and interior artist 15149,Typically the continents are large and unified land that are separated by sea 15150,A high-speed steel is a steel that has a high resistance to air 15151,At the 2006 census its population was 226 in 241 families 15152,Now if we choose rule 2 then the string aababb is replaced and the 15153,Many of the slums of the Oman Desert were formed in the form of 15154,Much less than two centuries later the prince of Hagia Ruth the fourth son of 15155,The resource allocation is built in the Communication Control section by the CAC and this allocation 15156,Charlie promises to make him a star and invites Johnny to become a 15157,Dylan Winther a former lawyer and the last one accused of having 15158,Two years later the people of Scytheen rebelled against the Arabs but the 15159,Protection of depositors can help conserve trust although it may not be reliable and 15160,where c is the speed of light in the vacuum f is the frequency and 15161,As an example a number of U.S. states have created licenses for 15162,Denmark is one of the few countries whose highest levels of national income 15163,This document focuses on a specific boundary of the system and proposes replacement 15164,The majority of Mosuo is in the Yiyu River region at above sea level 15165,The DFA can be constructed with the help of electrical buildings 15166,In 1533 he proposed to establish a general council consisting of the 15167,It is spoken in Afghanistan and Pakistan 15168,The amount of moisture can also be adjusted through the transfer of water 15169,For compounds that are molecules the formula for a molecule is show 15170,When the album was released Hendrix travelled throughout the UK and some of Europe 15171,Originally Hobbs began working on the story with the name Office in 2009 15172,Joel along with Tess are smuggling into a locked-in area in 15173,This protocol is used to transmit data in early booting stages such as BOOTP 15174,In CLI users must learn a way to use a keypad and a collection of 15175,The wave was originally proposed by Max Brún 15176,The band initially called the Metal Magic drummer Pantera s Metal Magic drummer 15177,National Oil Company of Iran is a subsidiary of the National Oil Company of Iran 15178,The museum is located in the city of Kashan in Iran 15179,Beginning in the late twentieth century this theory was challenged to several 15180,In the process Octavius completed 10 additional summits on a range of 15181,A pressurized compressor has the ability to lower the volume of the gas or 15182,Leontios was Byzantine Emperor from 695 to 695 15183,Anthropogenics believed that the various elements of various organisms are different 15184,These mountains pass from the north to the south 15185,The Haällz newspaper is published in two Hebrew and English languages 15186,and is destroyed by insects and fungi 15187,Mining of these rocks takes place from a few thousand years ago 15188,The name of the bull is derived from the Hebrew Bible 15189,They were asked to run a healthy regime consisting of rest physical and 15190,It appears that the procedure was done very early than it was performed by 15191,Due to Mikhail s age three of the royal heirs one of whom 15192,The AR model is based on the order P of order P 15193,It was signed by President Barack Obama on April 18 2014 15194,Three species of the dolphin are recommended: 15195,The bubble continued in 2000 until its value plunged into a small 15196,Primary dysmenorrhea is a term used by the American Psychiatric Association to 15197,The two species are Tibetans and the Red Sheep 15198,Saari Saari s Aurora model is the only model to be modified with 15199,Some of the industries which typically use these laboratory furnaces are the 15200,This disorder is characterized by increasing the range of muscle movements tendinitis 15201,October 29 - Parviz Meshkatian is an Iranian composer pianist and 15202,This leads to the logic of a complex instruction that attempts to guess and 15203,The capsule is formed from hydrochloric acid and acts as a barrier 15204,The Cwa climate forms a large part of the Central and eastern 15205,The project which many scholars believed to be one of the greatest critics 15206,The average length of the head and body of females is 15207,In the absence of T. amphoteric bacteria the T. amphot 15208,Their head and breast were retracted by a few plates and the rest 15209,In 1817 each location was 25 dollar and in 1825 every location was 100 15210,La Bohème is an opera in four acts by Giacomo Puccini 15211,All of the four models use the same variables that are written by a change in 15212,Critical crises that are likely to be considered are: critical data 15213,On the last night of June 10 2014 the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant 15214,The program is started in a processor and executes it in parallel states which 15215,The difficulty in measuring the center of the center of pressure was that the body s 15216,These sections were imported from the Achaemenid Empire after the 15217,He was the founder of the Moscow Theatre School and died in the same year 15218,Furthermore countries that are in an international system are faced with internal and external crise 15219,It is here here the right of the nation 15220,Each of the results of each computation of each of the computation 15221,In 1998 Trewlequa and his team at R D France Télécom with the composition of 15222,A thin savory soup made from roasted wheat potatoes served in 15223,The most expensive model with a screen width of $30 was sold at an e 15224,Each resulting error involving branch characters which may result in a disturbance 15225,The heat transfer of heat from the heat source to the heat source 15226,It is composed of 48 members from across Asia and the Pacific Ocean and 19 members from 15227,The result is that the metal on the time of Margafar s discovery by Anton von 15228,Cavs and Azzy Osbourne were both the band s main band 15229,Many books audio video and computer data are now printed mainly by online retailers 15230,Testing of the structure and function of thyroid glands using the amount of 15231,It is especially useful in Never Knows and I m Only Sleeping and Rainbow I 15232,In Vienna café culture continued to grow and continues to grow 15233,After three years it is now on the island of 1977 15234,Coccilus is a traditional Georgian Christmas tree which is made up of 15235,However two years later two years later when they lived in a small apartment 15236,The title of Buhari nin Kaynaklari shows that unlike the earlier 15237,Treatment for the post-basilar type is treated with drugs such as botulinum 15238,Even the language cannot represent any one s relationship with oneself 15239,The U.S. filmmaker Michael Moore said Chapeau was the one who declared the 15240,The use of Free Sources of Image is not allowed in the Catalogue of 15241,Various varieties of edible foods contained in the Arabian and Middle East cuisine 15242,Prior to this novel was not published in Persian 15243,In 1825 chemist Michael Faraday named benzene from the free partridge of 15244,The black apple is characterized by spreading throughout the fruit growing branches on 15245,The name of the Prime Minister of Italy Benito Mussolini they left after the fall of 15246,The wings of the lateral arms of Brachiopatagium: from the fourth 15247,In fact the income of a given corporation that holds securities or 15248,Wacho explained We rewrote the videos again we rewrote all things we 15249,Many factors have to be reduced from the influence of the right to vote 15250,From the 2009 tournaments Kazakhstan and Kuwait were eliminated 15251,The parties debate the right to extend voting rights 15252,PCBs are used in all electronic products 15253,The air and fuel mix in a jet engine should be a proper proportion to 15254,Reclaimed thermal insulation is a theoretical approach to building design construction and 15255,John William Coltrane was an American jazz saxophonist and composer 15256,The city is home to a large number of industries including food processing and food 15257,In the mosque the sunlight is visible from the northeast side to the southeast 15258,After this the Israelis limited their attacks to civilian purposes 15259,She was staying in London and Chicago 15260,The largest moons are the Galilean moons discovered by Galileo 15261,Necrocephalus is a genus of amphibians that includes all of 15262,The difference between a Cell router and a Wireless modem is that a Cell router 15263,Davoud is a street in Tehran Iran 15264,A special style related to Teotihuacan is known as the Teotihua 15265,In 1985 the first Nokia dealership was opened in Beijing 15266,The early church probably would have been a sanctuary with four 15267,In 1964 Gema produced The Woman of Mariée which according to her own research 15268,He concluded that the site could not be used as a gas room 15269,Early in this period there was no change in influence inherited from the Chinese calli 15270,This name refers to a computer program that would be stacked to a 15271,His first significant film which premiered as a television act was José Mourinho 15272,To ensure that each process has a fair share of resources both run for a 15273,where Nk is the number of oscillations per year per year and Nm is 15274,It also allows it to substitute directly in a computer-program computer with the 15275,He gave him a gold medal and a gold medal 15276,The company is listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange and on the London Stock Exchange 15277,Thus there is a law in nature that is based on the right and truth 15278,In abscesses around the abdomen a CT scan is required to determine the 15279,1675: Charles II succeeds Charles II as the Holy Roman Emperor 15280,They live in the happiest part of the body 15281,Worldwide this causes 44 to 86 000 females during the age of 15282,Spider-Man is a fictional character in Marvel s comic books published by Marvel 15283,The use of cheese is usually cheese but there is also a variety such as 15284,The three lines of water and fire are directly related to the elements of the fire 15285,The movement of the tail or seizure is supported by the flexion of the 15286,The duration between the third and fourth infant liver vaccine should not be 15287,In 1965 Bertrand s family emigrated from Chicago to Beverly Hills California where she 15288,This is similar to how the recording of waves is a film where the 15289,COP 3 means that the heat pump generates 3 units of thermal energy per 15290,Abdullah served as Deputy Prime Minister in 1975 15291,Wood in interior and external decorations as one of the most beautiful natural materials helps the 15292,The lyrics were written and edited by Dr 15293,Self is a declarative programming language based on the concept of the Proto-A 15294,Until mid 2005 the program was released under the GNU GPL license but since version 15295,The criticism of his accomplishments led his mind to: in all the five letters 15296,The governor of the city Sa‘abah ibn Ibrahim al-Dawlay 15297,After the Civil War broke out in 1865 he moved to New York City 15298,Unlike the earlier historians who claimed that the stalls could 15299,When bathing herself she escaped from her home in Arcadia 15300,We can accurately choose one of these parameters: 15301,In 1878 he discovered a nerve that became his own 15302,It is also an efficient form of proof of theorems 15303,As a proof in April 1956 in Seattle a few witnesses claimed 15304,During the runway approaching 20 the aircraft began to climb up to the 15305,In World War II he joined the United States Army 15306,wealthy and powerful women in ancient Egypt wearing lanterns as a 15307,Frankland died in Norway in 1899 15308,In 2004 the band released a new album called Bam Thwok exclusively via 15309,He asked us whether we wanted to participate and we told us 15310,Pascal was the first high-level language used for Apple Lisa and in the early years 15311,The monetary pressure which had been applied by the Napoleonic Wars and the Panic 15312,By discovering the oscillation of neutrons the only observed particle is the photo 15313,After the release of the album The Lord of the Rings the band seriously decided to 15314,Bahá u lláh u lláh u llá 15315,The narrator can be a warrior or a person who faults the 15316,Aele d rocco is a municipality in the comarca of Vall d Alba 15317,The funeral was held 12 years after his death in August ofમૂળly in 1813 15318,Bécaille Lombard was a French writer who made romantic relationships with Jean-Paul Sar 15319,The agreement establishes a fair agreement between the eight Mandaeans and 15320,According to some rumors Canary was asked by a Polish-born 15321,For example in a metro map which is considered to guide passengers a 15322,Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince 15323,His father Dr Ernest von Karajan was a famous surgeon in Salzburg and 15324,For atoms of one atom the principle says that the four quantum atoms are 15325,Bolivia - When the number of volunteers in the country is less than the 15326,His relationship with the East India Company and the English-Indian Esperantists at the University of Oxford 15327,He began his career as a critical acknowledgment critic in the pre-