,predicted 0,"zo, zo, zo." 1,and nothing can save you. 2,there are things on my sight. 3,and something very different:. 4,"within two minutes, she will see what she wants " 5,i hate her when she does. 6,"hey, i need to talk to valys security " 7,i make a mistake. 8,and something will manifest within those thoughts. 9,"no, thank you, not now." 10,you have to accept it as it is. 11,maybe we should just kiss each other. 12,and you will sail for eternity. 13,you can complete them in a second. 14,"come on, mr. nebbercracker." 15,i let him out and then we escaped. 16,a brother of another mother. 17,we have to lift you up. 18,were going to find out. 19,why always you. 20,hes gonna ask a very passionate question 21,"okay, man, im sure hes gonna love" 22,prepare to enter the hive. 23,"man, i need a hot bath after all." 24,the sisters started liking you. 25,your bullets are out. yeah. 26,the holy spirit. 27,i expected you to disgust me. 28,what do you think of the cleaners. 29,and thats the last time i saw him. 30,a control device. 31,how could that happen. 32,officers all over the place. 33,"yelley, theyre getting worse " 34,my guess is. 35,and this is a disaster. 36,a little girl yes. 37,we were a little united. 38,"right oh, yes." 39,i say who dies or who dies. 40,"ah, all right." 41,"thats right, you said meier." 42,or maybe you focus on your problem. 43,hes coming back. 44,just do it now. 45,im a savellian. 46,now do it. 47,nice engine. 48,i used star 75. she called me. 49,theres too many of them. 50,how you doing take your medication. 51,how can i go where can i go. 52,you must have someone you love. 53,do you swear to say the truth. 54,what about then. 55,i have to take a crocodile from my girlfriend 56,and my bed was a lie. 57,and they went to kill me to save. 58,"about a few days, youll see." 59,but how about jane how about her illness. 60,to fight. 61,"hey, why dont we visit the man you grew" 62,"yeah, yeah, the fight goes on " 63,"oh, jamal. youre done." 64,all of brembos bullets are here. 65,"andrews, be patient." 66,and of course the most important thing:. 67,trace the route. 68,that will stop me. 69,"when your father dies, who wants to take care of" 70,they drink blood:. 71,tell me what the evening count. 72,what. 73,i wont die here today. no. 74,"a terrible time for the sorcerers, harry" 75,your children arent shy. 76,your grandmothers okay. 77,"jesus come on, dement." 78,but its a very interesting subject. 79,because hes real. 80,read the lines of the guests. 81,arent you talking. 82,but i got you today. 83,so i need a bride. 84,"you ok yeah, im fine." 85,can you excuse me a minute. 86,"look, i have a few days here," 87,he just came into matrix to save your life. 88,you know why they take you here. 89,we live in an icy world. 90,youve brought the danger to my family. 91,briony. 92,what are you gonna do what i dont want. 93,since youre asleep. 94,michael kaufman loved you. yes. 95,"oh, god." 96,here you go. here you go. 97,"yes, honey, lets go." 98,i have decided that in the next year. 99,"please, believe us." 100,"sorry, im too late." 101,fluctuations and increases. 102,exactly. 103,he has to kill himself. 104,wipe everything out. 105,to me. 106,whos gonna shoot. 107,you never went to the archives. 108,"come on, sir." 109,"feel, dont use your charm." 110,but they can still kill a son. 111,four of you tried to kiii me. one of 112,detective. 113,its a creation. 114,i always put on and put on the candles 115,you were a thief. 116,finish their work. 117,this is a little bit. 118,ill come back to you again. 119,it was like a beautiful bird that jumped out of the 120,i wish everybody the best. 121,its all blue in it. 122,we ride out of the car. 123,i dont bet he knows what he does. 124,"you can wait, they work hard for this film." 125,but absolutely. 126,about us. 127,"daddy, thats all you care about." 128,making my intelligence. 129,the family is looking for a new maid. 130,give me your hand. well. 131,"zo, what do you think youre gonna do first " 132,and taking off his pencil. 133,have you jumped up and down. 134,he escaped from the holy land and came to france. 135,"karen, throw these nipples in front of the " 136,they said they were on the way. 137,im not sure. 138,second scheme. 139,"dad, did you say." 140,gandalf said that you were from the river side. 141,two versions of each three in charge. 142,how long have you lived here. 143,slow and nice. now let it go. 144,i want you to contact a bridal suite. 145,now get your fuck out of here. 146,"uh, mr jamesson, i think" 147,they kill us. 148,"dont lie, poor west." 149,all that matters is that. 150,you dont know about that house. 151,"wait, wait, wait." 152,"right, little bastards." 153,"thats what you like, miss conig." 154,its a legal child. 155,theyre coming through here. 156,i realized that i was happy to live with a 157,i have to adjust. 158,jack had become a nervous but not a wise 159,"when he wanted to help the girl weasley," 160,this is italian. 161,all out of this department. 162,of course. take the forum. 163,no. i want to help you. 164,"haxo, the corn stinks." 165,you should be a big guy. i dont know 166,what other than going to acapulco no. 167,who told you about me. 168,we eat with our fingers. you can hear it. 169,this is the third spirit. 170,youve never made a mistake. 171,aphelion. 172,theres been others among us. 173,نعمe. 174,"what did you find, max." 175,you know that anatoli is looking for pain. 176,"no, i work for i.rs." 177,"when the world started, there was a ball " 178,is anyone in here. 179,we cant go home to get him out. 180,hail mary the graves. 181,"hey, your chamber doesnt work here." 182,where have you been ive been working with you all the day 183,get up here. help them. 184,through the circulation of a kiss or a pulse 185,and he went and took our tickets. 186,"no, no, no." 187,"look, forget it." 188,im coming for help. 189,tell your employees you win twice. 190,"mr. potter, dear." 191,you dont believe anything else. 192,it smells bad. 193,how do you expect to explain this invasion. 194,"this woman has abilities more than that,." 195,careful that the beards are dry. 196,"harry, its just a short gate." 197,wait till brooks dies. 198,you are too young to understand. 199,wait. 200,youve been in prison all your life. 201,i treated her like shes mine. 202,in suddenly arriving in england. 203,and a very good flavor. 204,she wont let the keymaker go. what does she 205,this isnt the match. 206,its a joke. 207,she told me many things. she. 208,where are we going. 209,we cant see it. 210,"oh, peter, youve convinced me." 211,your stay was long. 212,you must have seen her. 213,we work together like a game of luck. 214,"come on, please." 215,this gives me peace. 216,"no, i dont like you." 217,dont touch her. she didnt. 218,on the last count of the beam. 219,did you defeat him did you defeat him. 220,i believe in two things:. 221,"theres an emergency exit on the roof, okay" 222,how long have they been. 223,"no, no, i want you to put them in" 224,whats she doing. 225,food is ready. 226,"yes, i heard." 227,the dr. ross captured. 228,"if i hadnt had this whole,." 229,hi yes. 230,"take a break, little chef. have a little" 231,"you know, i dont know." 232,can you help little. 233,something that wasnt the last time. 234,thats a cat what do you expect. 235,ill take you. ill take you. 236,go get her. quick. 237,or jesus carol. 238,what we learned at work. 239,thank you so much for the lunch. 240,and here it comes skywalker. 241,you gave this to sir te. 242,"with 4,000 miies working,." 243,he looked up as a young brother to you. 244,and go to bed with brimstone before it gets too late 245,and you can teach me. 246,rohan must be defenseless. 247,"usually, you know. youre serious " 248,iran. 249,why is the green destiny yours. 250,he ate me a piece of cake and he gave me 251,"just the planning, the planning." 252,why do you know the answer to all these questions. 253,he called the buck we have to help him. 254,a man youve been looking for all these years 255,"so, how did they arrive." 256,why didnt you mention it today. 257,maybe i didnt. 258,it was my first night i lived in the street. 259,we cant take your dad here hes not my dad. 260,certain. who knows. 261,how long will they meet. 262,"yes, consider the circumstances." 263,"come here, stupid voice." 264,like warren is in here. 265,come on. its for my mother. 266,and i saw him again today. 267,"nelson, something." 268,"you dont want anything, maam. thank you " 269,"jack, i can help you, if you do " 270,enough will happen when we die. 271,i love andrei. 272,"if you smoke, yes." 273,on purpose. 274,"your fate is mutating,." 275,"and shaun shaun, look at me." 276,you are far away from here. 277,"funny, funny, funny, funny" 278,weve almost ten years of hunger. thats 279,he tried to follow us towards johnson. 280,i never saw such a system. 281,"well, were fine." 282,and drowned her in the well. 283,shes niloufar. 284,mrs. monkey robin. 285,no. dont hurt her. 286,a nervous breakdown. 287,its all right. i cant do it. 288,"no, no, no, no, no " 289,thats a terrible night. 290,what does that mean fish month. 291,i have no idea. 292,so no harm has occurred. 293,the stupid gen. 294,everybody up on the floor. 295,a rejection yes. 296,"i dont want to hurt you, okay." 297,can you tell her. 298,we can open the flap and enter. 299,dumbledore refused to leave you without a 300,all the major city rocks for him. 301,you want me to do what i do. 302,yeah. come to the office. 303,stay back. make your mouth up. 304,i still want you to come. 305,did he tell me what this is. 306,i have an idea. 307,i think it was my mother. 308,still killing. 309,make a good life for you and danielle. 310,okay. well use arrow. 311,the babys mine. 312,"okay, i want to be a member too " 313,"we are stationed here, but you are not." 314,we need a bomb. 315,i just want to know. 316,london three weeks ago. 317,"yes, natural." 318,"i wish you wouldnt regret it, but you" 319,she gave her talent for you. 320,"aubrey, be brave." 321,which motherfucker has raped him. 322,so thats why you are gathering. 323,how is that possible. 324,jack frost. 325,before it becomes a night. 326,breathe. 327,now hurry up. 328,if thats what you say. 329,these have been a few weeks. 330,so this is it. then say no. 331,i wanted to go and thank you for the job. 332,rat. rat. get rat. 333,what kind of thing. 334,read it later when you feel like it. 335,"would you mind me, please." 336,they arrested niloufar. i have to get 337,no one speaks directly to me. do you understand 338,"mistress, sorry. the elevator is closed" 339,i think you should go home and say dont. 340,till we get a chance to find springfield. 341,youll have me. 342,"my cigarette, cody." 343,jesus christ. 344,its cold. 345,"ricky, you can stop her." 346,"baby, pork, pork." 347,nice fire. 348,"this is me, scott c. the wise and" 349,we move from one place to another. 350,how old are you 20 20 17. 351,what you got in your life. 352,she took me. 353,youve been thinking about us while brothers. 354,"oh, come on. lets start." 355,"no, of course not." 356,"oh, yorish." 357,the doors arent open. 358,i got suspended. 359,i cloned everyone. 360,and maybe you couldnt. 361,maybe the only one. 362,attitudes towards certain things. 363,"when you travel to afrika, you dont think it" 364,somebody i know is dead. 365,you cant take her to the woods alone. 366,i just heard. 367,whos gonna answer. 368,there we go. its not beautiful. 369,dont stop. 370,but strah the captain. 371,they say a certainty is the best part of 372,"if you have any messages, i will call you in" 373,get out of there. 374,"i got you, sir." 375,youre easily. 376,you are the reason they fired me. 377,brendan hume is our golden boy. 378,"yeah, its not funny." 379,"chris. chris, come here." 380,give them a shout. 381,"i say, everybody. everybody " 382,or to die because of your obsession. 383,were a woman. 384,or the bible or the bible. 385,i try. 386,its at the tipping point. 387,ill get johnson for you yeah. 388,we intend to get to the south of town. 389,im in a program. good. 390,ive never been home before. 391,you have no friends what did you say. 392,"if they call, i have to know." 393,i see you suffer so much for your sister. 394,look at the scans on the scene. 395,not much dramatic. 396,what the hell happened here. 397,"careful, daddy." 398,"because, well, because you." 399,"you never heard of paroucher, arent you." 400,make our fate right. 401,ross. 402,i guess the time will come to their homes. 403,marjane doher daughter. 404,dont find me love playing cards. 405,mr. lovelace. 406,"dont count yourself, billy." 407,"i cant read, you can." 408,"no, no, no." 409,all the religious books give it to us. 410,"our thoughts, our emotions." 411,up. 412,guess if you guys want me. 413,who the fuck did you play play. 414,i better get the seventh and eighth spirits. 415,why dont we let her go now. 416,it cant be a miracle. 417,until the body transforms into a powder. 418,lets put a straight shot in his head. 419,what are you talking about. 420,"fire her, come on." 421,come and help me. 422,dont kill her if she sleeps deep. 423,and let me see your hands. let me see your hands 424,"thank you, good night. good night." 425,finish what the ambassador said. 426,its us. 427,"oh, no, thank you." 428,but he loses us from the pod. 429,she was the most beautiful thing i ever saw. 430,my daughter too makes money. 431,"we are ashore, you cant get away." 432,you want me separate from harry. 433,so you encouraged the insects. 434,maybe i should carry you. 435,earlier than six years. 436,dont be harsh. 437,"everyone, come over here." 438,tell me. 439,"honey, let me find the kindest man ive ever met" 440,3000 soldiers have died. 441,"well, i try to enter your mind." 442,what are you blaspheming about. 443,and sit next to your father. 444,look at the gun. tell me if you see you. 445,"but god killed ramine,." 446,"whoever brought the fucking ass yeah, a" 447,take your keys. 448,three ordered salads are coming in. 449,somethings not right. 450,last dna test went back. 451,i didnt want to go out. 452,i didnt know you were french. 453,ove your parents. 454,i never defeated. 455,what do you think they do. 456,dakota moss. 457,i dont know how to do that. 458,"whatever i went to do, i could" 459,this is not a shit. 460,now turn on the motorcycles. 461,good night. 462,you cant die for that. 463,please. 464,"sam, no." 465,what will you tell me soon. 466,"oh, god, i cant believe what you mean" 467,all our attempts are based on a setup 468,goddamn what this is. 469,it burns the air. it burns like a 470,tell me where my son is. 471,"lts gonna kill me, lts gonna" 472,so you are bagging out of hogwarts school. 473,i cant go on. 474,even with 20 shots of pollen. 475,talismans talismans. 476,a fight against the fight. 477,liz is nothing to worry about. 478,i told my sister about my suffering. 479,arent you ashamed dont you have a sister 480,when was the last time you switched against the record for 481,that they disappeared. 482,the cutting of the blade was complete. 483,lets go. lets go. 484,humans and their weaponry. 485,you are brave. 486,maggie maggie. 487,"hey, maybe you can." 488,"im sorry. yes, im sorry." 489,captain. 490,"youve familiar with fordias, miss bennet." 491,you dont have to tell me. 492,"the one in the mirror is yours, sweetheart." 493,will die. 494,shes fine now. 495,nick calabrese. 496,i cant get out of here anymore. 497,what are you doing with that. 498,anatomical tissues or something. 499,"what makes us, jim." 500,what are you doing. 501,explain what are you doing with your boys. 502,i cant shake with a guy i love. 503,you have to get off my throne. 504,my research changes everything. 505,what are you doing let him go. 506,not today. all right. 507,"listen, honey. we have to take sharon to " 508,we must believe in god. 509,"a few minutes ago, he took the knife" 510,i looked in the house and i screamed 511,thats a piece. 512,we have to get to work. 513,but i still love jodie. 514,hes okay. 515,i recorded our meeting. 516,they are coming for a fight. tristan 517,13 of these 13 men. 518,i will kill him. 519,"until i arrived at the ground, dr." 520,"i love you, scoggins. i really" 521,i dont care if he wants to see me. 522,i cant ask anyone. 523,i cant get a hippogriff. i cant 524,i miss him. 525,what does he have to say about his earnings. 526,we have confirmed that ten officers escaped from azka 527,do you know what i thought. 528,it cant be. it cant be. 529,this is true jim. 530,turn your head back. 531,"sir, you need to save him." 532,youve always wondered where the next coming from 533,first. 534,the headquarters will control all the computers. 535,"i mean, whos gonna kill me." 536,that monk and his legends are wrong. 537,we set a route for you. 538,"yes, i hope so." 539,"i know you are scared, but believe that we" 540,"in this sleep, you were the victim." 541,something ciose. 542,she just came. 543,now hes in a state of woe. 544,im just trying to prove. 545,girl. 546,interesting how youve become a gangster. 547,let me know. sure. 548,what happened in the past three days. 549,from the middle of the way. 550,"i want, but i cant." 551,i told her to minimize. 552,"you know what, go wait for the car." 553,"jack, you must go now." 554,but it was too late. 555,carter wait till the director. 556,you make me. you make all of us. 557,and that money doesnt come from the tree. 558,we are 55 miles away from the earth. 559,"but if you werent here, she really dies." 560,this is the safe place we could find. 561,it doesnt matter what happens. 562,he can even kill all your badges. 563,"you know, i think the first time i saw you" 564,i thought id try my high school diploma. 565,"what kind of place is it not, honey." 566,jack. 567,the interior wiped out. 568,"okay, we change to number 3." 569,the white pumpkin. 570,"oh, cody." 571,i burn here. 572,no offense. 573,we should have done this years ago. 574,"honestly, if i tell you the truth," 575,you fall in a row and you take everything with you 576,what did you do. 577,"of course, abel rosenberg." 578,capa is a lunaty ship or not. 579,"when hes ready, we must be ready " 580,"well, if it werent for him, you would" 581,anyone has always got a choice. 582,if anyone touches a rat. 583,this was the new government that announced the execution of the general 584,get off me get off me. 585,the trains operate at 10:00 in the afternoon. 586,my husband didnt know i put my money in a 587,they were killed by two bullets. 588,"kenji, you want to die." 589,theres only chocolate and beans in there. 590,but its okay. 591,you know the buildings we used. 592,that food slowed your down. 593,"well, here we go." 594,"mom, he was, but he didnt kill him now" 595,"no, nothing." 596,hello. bella. 597,the damaged wall. 598,the real name. 599,nobody stays. 600,theyre coming to san francisco this evening. 601,theres no offense for anyone here. 602,she never said that to me. 603,ive seen him with some pinkertons. 604,which had seven crenzas. 605,nathan. 606,"sir, the asset is on the move." 607,refueling. 608,i miss him too. 609,get in the car. 610,i cant believe you say such a stupid thing. 611,then why dont you continue. 612,in unborn universe. 613,what is this all about. 614,no one loses it. 615,i know you are above all this. 616,we need something to use. 617,"general, do you think that ross is a " 618,you are looking for your book. 619,for heaven and for hell. 620,to remove the attention from the sale. 621,"father, are you ok." 622,i dont believe it. its not gonna be 623,he wanted to attack this boy. 624,what is he gonna do with these. 625,what happens in the next 24 hours. what. 626,hes from new orleans. 627,you stopped the line. 628,"this is a bog, isnt it yeah." 629,go right up to los angeles. 630,we should talk to reid tonight. 631,i could understand others. 632,i hope you do. 633,"come on, come on, peter." 634,"oh, my god." 635,we couldnt have had stress because we knew. 636,i dont know if you look at me. 637,i dont think anyones in the house. 638,its brown. 639,stop talking. 640,cancel it. 641,its a pagan day. its a holiday. 642,"write a few lines, mr darcy " 643,thats the evil he saw. 644,leave your mother to stay here tonight. 645,"hey, honey hey, mom." 646,only thats not funny. 647,"yeah, i want you to take the count." 648,ive spent my entire life in a bed. 649,"when we know what happened, they sent us" 650,so dont waste our time. 651,how do i know it is true. 652,wheres the dj wheres the dj okay. 653,breathe. 654,"no, stay here." 655,94 percent of shield in full sunlight. 656,"marjorie, mexican food in gueros restaurant " 657,we need some peanutbutter. 658,"mary, sit down immediately. mary." 659,what is that. 660,there are many ways of starve. 661,the day she fell ill. 662,a big box for you. 663,i enjoy my own privacy. 664,dont force it. 665,which means that the airlock is broken. 666,im simon ross. 667,they want you to do it. i want you to 668,whats your lengthiest count. 669,why do the old ones push up their pants 670,give her the name you want. 671,im just the maker and the maker. 672,no way to know where he is. 673,i was expecting a nest. 674,"you know how the future looks like, bragnae " 675,all your time with her. 676,make it do this. 677,they dont see each other this way. 678,"i mean, nobodys ready for this trip " 679,are you serious. 680,"thats what your name was, didnt you." 681,only for that reason. 682,"you know, she was younger than you." 683,theres no need to tell me what to do. 684,"anyway, dolores." 685,first i went to a bar. then i 686,you see the beauty. 687,flight our tall friend. 688,the table i gotta go. 689,"they live for this, but we what." 690,hes sitting over there next to his brother gino. 691,"yeah, i suppose so, but " 692,the toolbox. sounds familiar. 693,dirty shit. 694,"mr. gartender, do you like fish." 695,we all want a car. 696,i liked her. 697,lydi. lydy. 698,im not sure. 699,this is the hour. 700,we shall try again. 701,you look weak and ill. 702,now its over. 703,shut up i dont want to see you. 704,dont tell me your car doesnt have a seat 705,you see the future. 706,you are scaring me. 707,im not the one you want to worry about. 708,lll be happy with this. 709,did you tell him you were called captain. 710,"get her, get her, get her." 711,i said that too. 712,i appreciate you not talking to the children. 713,what you know about the end. 714,"yes, thats all theory." 715,shes got your chances. 716,i suggest this sword. 717,you are talking about marilyn. 718,"and you, anders." 719,"you better cure, kid." 720,"i have no parents, ron." 721,they recreated the castle in cornwall. 722,they threw a grenade. taher could 723,because god has put the miracles in our hands. 724,it must be earlier than this. 725,"anna, why does your boyfriend not come in" 726,"this is a dangerous situation, your highness." 727,your hands touch her. 728,go now and never come back. 729,im so sorry. 730,listen to me. shut your mouth. 731,"neil, lucai and laura must be here " 732,this is not proof of our religious orientation. 733,i guess our visitors have been busy. 734,"okay, come on. shit." 735,i prefer to live as little guys. 736,"wait, wait were still in the city." 737,you must have your examinations. 738,"wait, wait hey, come on. come on " 739,"sandman, what are you doing." 740,please sit down. 741,hes gaia. hes here. 742,i was on the runoff. 743,"uncle, will mommy die soon." 744,you want a body. 745,i want to meet three women in a week. 746,"i pay you a penny, remember." 747,you dont like cookies. 748,the situation is very bad. 749,i enjoy the beauty. 750,can i help you. 751,what was that. 752,because i know what your answers are. 753,the police called a cop ded. 754,the railroad is coming through your lawn. youll 755,the only reason. 756,"three days without bread, nothing." 757,dont you think so. 758,"this helps. yes, we do." 759,no. rats are not gonna release. 760,this is your guess. 761,my fathers callos at the corner. 762,theyre pretty guys. 763,i try to understand how i feel. 764,"hes brilliant, like a gorgeous princess" 765,revenge is not good. believe it. 766,please. help me today. 767,im the one. 768,"be strong, man." 769,even if its done with a sword or with a 770,"your daughters lucky to be safe, but shes not" 771,theyre here. 772,"ask me no question, sithandra." 773,come on get him out. 774,"okay, then move and rest." 775,youre really being selfish. 776,"a long time ago, when we first came here " 777,think they dont believe us. 778,and you can have it. 779,surprise. 780,he was a fool. get your fuck out of here 781,he has nothing to do with the deal. 782,i lay down a fool. 783,i dont know who i am. 784,and we found a small place under a tree. 785,even if he didnt do anything. 786,wait what are you saying. 787,"cary, look." 788,the test of magic. 789,maybe thats what ladies should be waiting for. 790,"live, you are free." 791,but actually. 792,dirty little villages. 793,i told your wife you have a great boy 794,"i am so sorry, anna. i" 795,"maggie, here." 796,"oh, fuck." 797,looks like it was formed by the runes. 798,i cant do this. 799,i got my best chance today. 800,"no, they want to do it quickly, so" 801,"you mean, the parents of these children could be dead" 802,"thank you, p.s." 803,enough for absorption. 804,like a wild bear. 805,"mom, she was kind enough. if you know " 806,lady. 807,"if he wanted to get pregnant, he wouldnt" 808,somethings happening in our building. really. 809,you are insane. 810,"lets go, kidney. they have a " 811,you know what your problem is. 812,from above. 813,what do you think about a dog. 814,legendary myths. 815,we head back to the dining hall. 816,people read marvelous stories. 817,you feel much better. 818,you work for someone. 819,you can do it with only two impulses. 820,whered the hell gone. 821,"go, abner go." 822,hes in charge of fudge. 823,"show me, mother fucker." 824,somethings on your head. 825,"well, i have a contract with the winchester inn" 826,"in this eternal world,." 827,youre gonna kill yourself. 828,i can do anything. 829,ill take care of this. ill take care of this 830,"no fun, no cooking." 831,done the cleaning of the hole. 832,theres three zones on the ground for life. 833,not to just talk. 834,"unfortunately, i didnt." 835,but the other wonders wont happen. 836,only the chosen one can open the door. 837,the worst dwarves of the world. 838,let me out of here. 839,"jean, can you stop talking." 840,it was gina. 841,"no, were doing our job." 842,everybodys innocent. you know that. 843,so maybe i do. 844,thank you for a lovely night and day. 845,come in and sit down. 846,happy birthday. happy birthday. 847,"well, i always kept my mouth open." 848,because i am no longer your master. 849,breathe. 850,both. 851,"dont die, dont die, dont die " 852,i didnt know when he was. 853,alone in the dark unnoticed. 854,im really sorry. 855,"yes, but who." 856,the cops out. we better get out. 857,"you know, it looks like a wholesome place " 858,sorry about your mother. 859,particularly you mary. 860,lets see youre not gonna love you. 861,you should have your grand prize. 862,i prefer to offer a stiff punishment until 863,probably goes to nickys. 864,are you. 865,i cant be your chancellor. 866,its me. 867,wheres ashley turner now. 868,"dont even say it, i dont have time " 869,lets go do something. 870,a survivor. 871,"yeah, of course. you need a visitor" 872,they said a baby was born on the planet furyan 873,who is this new guy. 874,hes eating wigs. 875,"i lost this, i lost this." 876,shes gonna be ok. 877,"secondary, her sickness was a cancer." 878,he knows that were here. 879,"you know, i mean, lay your fucking" 880,who imports into the f.b.i. 881,we start with the treatment. 882,max is here. 883,but you must be grateful. 884,come on. 885,choose what you want. 886,"touch, smell, not feeling." 887,"has anyone seen anyone last night, this is" 888,this isnt you. this is me. 889,i always knew how much she liked me. 890,i dont need you anymore. 891,hes gonna kill the man. 892,what do you care about me and you. 893,you think its easy to kill a guy like me. 894,i wanna beat your feathers in the cellar 895,"no, he said something about cats and something else." 896,how did you learn da v zakone. 897,i was so stupid. 898,could be retrieved. 899,will live forever. 900,well have. 901,around the city. 902,we thought he had a panic attack. 903,"ive never been in a bar, or in a" 904,and no food for breakfast tomorrow. 905,mcclane bowman. 906,mister darcy i forgot. 907,"yes, rogue." 908,where are you two. 909,i wont be happy. 910,anyway. 911,"jackie, i have just been told that your mother" 912,and برد threw it in the toads. 913,you should be rich. 914,she died in the sleep. 915,the regime of goodchild offers us maximum tranquility 916,the federation has struglocked this time. 917,what is happening here. 918,quickly. 919,which never change. 920,according to coma. 921,a small increase on the price of the item. 922,"no, im fine. its cold out here." 923,i didnt expect to be a believer. 924,they think you can cook. 925,it makes you feel safe. 926,trinity. im fine. 927,and the lamp always says one thing. 928,mcclane. 929,thank you for asking. 930,"no problem, we are looking for the source." 931,she got hair on her face like a bitch. 932,first we must seal the pool. 933,you come with us. 934,i brought them when i was hungry 935,and your loyalty. 936,ronald marke. 937,i had a joke with alice young. 938,its hard to accept when i first heard it. 939,"mr. butterfield, your tobacco has " 940,it could be. 941,we killed him all and then. 942,thats wondrous. 943,when i come to your sight. 944,"i came to hear about it, miss bennet." 945,assault on a flagstaff. 946,"come back where you were, molina." 947,"you didnt come here to talk about the oil, arent" 948,i just look at you. 949,thats ridiculous. 950,"mrs. forster, honey." 951,"okay, class. if gons north left," 952,number 27. 953,"cut your hair, mace. yes." 954,take them back. 955,"yeah, i think." 956,we were in india together. 957,i said five shouts to him. 958,i think you are the only one who believes it 959,"obviously, we fly." 960,"only you, brother, you have to." 961,she achieved her perfection the last days. 962,i just did it because of the dementors. 963,"well, that." 964,hes always waiting for me. 965,shell kill april. 966,look at the woman. 967,"i dont care what it does to me, but" 968,i didnt see that mrs. omura 969,not anymore. 970,i know the address. 971,when this happens. 972,we are elected voluntary. 973,god bless. 974,its better than a hole on the wall. 975,ill call an ambulance. 976,"god, please." 977,i didnt eat today. 978,"hey angels, come on." 979,they sealed this part of the city. 980,shell send us to charlie. 981,shu lien said to show you this. 982,thats right. how could you. 983,leon is very good. 984,theres nothing at stake at the rear of the 985,"hey, im dj, dj." 986,and she revealed this to me. 987,no such thing. 988,tell me that we dont risk ourselves with this. 989,with each other. 990,he could die on his way to the hospital. 991,or a dirty airway out there. 992,climb up. 993,there are no concrete reasons. 994,and always points to the past. 995,it helps me keep it right. 996,i vote for the survival. 997,one more of these. 998,"good, guys." 999,"if youre counting my ass, i shouldnt have" 1000,of course its a joke. it cant be serious 1001,"yes, yes, i think it was a " 1002,you didnt tell your relatives of christ. 1003,my blood will change his trajectory. 1004,check the transmission codes. 1005,"give me your hand, okay let me sleep." 1006,probably the children took them. 1007,it could reboot this place. 1008,you play with the rocks. 1009,$ 10. 1010,i cant. 1011,"yes hi, simeor." 1012,behind. 1013,"okay, thats good." 1014,im a member of the securitate bureau. 1015,thank you. 1016,"only for moments, abel." 1017,i believe quigons not gonna risk your son. 1018,mr. calabrese. 1019,almost three months since i was quite well. 1020,you know. 1021,"okay, marge, i do." 1022,or is it just fear. 1023,okay. what do i see. 1024,now its over. 1025,so this is johnny farrell. i told you 1026,smuggling or anything else. 1027,because the director. 1028,thorpe shot his wife and killed him. 1029,okay. the kid. 1030,so that mr turner wants to kiii him 1031,"a woman cant be crazy, you know." 1032,"to prove only one thing,." 1033,lm sure they are. lm sure the 1034,who. 1035,california plate number:. 1036,"well, well, hermione, youre the" 1037,die. 1038,"the afternoon of this afternoon, your uncle" 1039,"what about this, mate." 1040,thats pressing on the monkey. 1041,the leaders and those who know the secret. 1042,what else are we gonna do. 1043,you want me to call anyone. 1044,i can tell you that the powers gonna rise from your 1045,i guess i could come. 1046,they. 1047,where exactly are the kites. 1048,these are the transmissions of alpha and beta. 1049,you say you let everything go. 1050,something they make of lambs milk. 1051,because they are among us. 1052,"oh, lucky, the phones are dead." 1053,it may have been christmas. 1054,for a dance. 1055,look around you. theyre charming. 1056,"of course, tea." 1057,hes in the 113th. hes in baltimore 1058,all of these are the reason i belong. 1059,but we dont have the defense. just do it 1060,we must kill him before he attacks again. 1061,whats your relationship to him. 1062,"if it does, it makes me lose my job" 1063,thats the law. 1064,they killed a tanker in spring. 1065,"a little crazy, honey." 1066,"well, its not safe for us." 1067,blue ribbons for winners. 1068,dont kill me. 1069,its warm. 1070,"you are meeting. well, no." 1071,this might be better. 1072,i dont know how to do that. just do it 1073,"go for it, and kill him anywhere." 1074,well. 1075,are you aware of your position captain søren. 1076,when the fire burns away. 1077,specially sent. 1078,"why dont you go home oh, no." 1079,"captain søren from lieutenant lieutenant," 1080,"grandma, you think hes dying." 1081,"yes, so somebodys okay." 1082,theres someone in there. 1083,its my dog. 1084,"it wants to make him feel good, please." 1085,welcome in the name of god. 1086,objection. i cant do that. 1087,just do what we say. 1088,"the batterys on, but i cant stop it." 1089,"we feel vulnerable, and whatsoever." 1090,theres no need for this. 1091,she also realized that she had a twin. 1092,"you guys, thats a problem. dont" 1093,and you begin to understand. 1094,"sorry, doctor richards, but it seems" 1095,now i understand myself. 1096,i put you in the ring. 1097,lm gonna make some hot coffee. 1098,giang hu contacts. 1099,"oh, god get out get out." 1100,listen to me. 1101,and first at the front of the road. 1102,go on horseback and go home. 1103,you can see that im killing her. 1104,to settlement narcotics. 1105,i studied about them. they were a 1106,aki i dont think but you see. 1107,lets talk about something apart. 1108,dont talk like that about my dog. where are you 1109,what happened to your face. 1110,claire is the new head of the joint. 1111,"if you put a pen under your tits,." 1112,the last planet in this system. 1113,i spoke to the woman. she told me all 1114,lets see what were doing. 1115,"i saw the light, youre okay." 1116,i dont risk it for a few stories. 1117,youll be honored with your life. 1118,and he knew that the fight would not last untii the 1119,no. its my mistake. 1120,"okay, sit up with a few of us" 1121,we have a administrative problem. 1122,hes a garbage boy. 1123,ride the white whale. 1124,i will pay you. 1125,i cant do this. 1126,"are you ok, harry, we dont know " 1127,its like a far sight. 1128,just like the days ago. 1129,why you just stay far from me. 1130,i believe you can. 1131,"so, herr rosenberg, its important." 1132,they were afraid of you. 1133,in my behind. 1134,she already has the horses. 1135,because im not the one to drink. 1136,i saw something. 1137,"forgive me, calypso." 1138,"goodbye, my friend." 1139,really good. great. 1140,"here you go, mister." 1141,"when you are responsible for someone,." 1142,i know you need to work. 1143,they want to come with us. 1144,something falls in love with it. 1145,"the words are beautiful, but not incredible." 1146,kill her. 1147,i missed you. 1148,seeing girls looking like models. 1149,"i saw it first, bitch." 1150,its fear of the unknown. 1151,"lenny, im looking for you." 1152,"but if you do it, they want you to rub " 1153,"i repeat, a sick officer." 1154,"fighting the cold, right." 1155,this is my parents house. 1156,didnt mention the priory of sion. 1157,"did you get my clothes, prada, anything" 1158,cover the behind. 1159,sue i cant sleep. 1160,"i dont remember why, but i " 1161,"hey, caleb." 1162,"come on, brother." 1163,come up. 1164,i remember. 1165,ladies and gentlemen. 1166,baby the powers up. you dont mind. 1167,start firing. 1168,this is my tree. 1169,what a stupid cunt are you. 1170,but youre mine now. 1171,we are the people who put our bodies on the ground. 1172,and i believe that guy had a fucking ass 1173,"yes, ready your betrothed." 1174,except helping you. 1175,ill kill our enemies. 1176,you have no idea of what i did. 1177,its easy for you. 1178,maybe you should focus on kagan. 1179,that was the last time i saw him. 1180,what happened out there. 1181,thats not it. 1182,and actually knew russia. 1183,jackson. eye. 1184,"your son, ricky, you dont know what" 1185,what is happening. 1186,and what did you do was make me look stupid. 1187,"you know, one of our students lost his life." 1188,hello why do you want a republic. 1189,all men wanted to marry him. 1190,we dont kill our brother. 1191,"okay, you want to eat." 1192,"what are you taking care of, riddick." 1193,the hate of alasa grew greater. 1194,youve lost your mind. 1195,whats your name dolores. 1196,we will come back. 1197,you are leaving us. 1198,what makes us think you dont. 1199,theres only you who leaves his room. 1200,or stars. 1201,"buddy, this is the holy sorcerer." 1202,this is about the dirty little mcqueens and his escap 1203,and i want this memory to be firm. 1204,"so help me, help me." 1205,we have a chance to live with you. 1206,careful with the dead. 1207,im checking the garden. 1208,"my problem is what, you jealous." 1209,"ive got two daughters, but." 1210,and you cant focus on what you dont want. 1211,"harry, thats not your boy." 1212,"this is the last one, marshall, this is the" 1213,twentytwo guns. 1214,youve been a phantom again. 1215,my husband has three cardiac attacks. 1216,theres no way out of there. 1217,"hey, come on lets go out." 1218,"mom, wake up." 1219,anything you need. we are ready. 1220,how much is your line not much. 1221,i tell you something. dont be shy. 1222,harold said that we dont have enough o2 1223,i give my heroes the golden hammer. 1224,"its ours, lets go." 1225,he was a thief. 1226,i would be happy. 1227,shut your mouth malfoy. 1228,let me just take a gandy look at her. 1229,honey why the police. 1230,"i am keeping this in the garage. oh," 1231,what do you care about you. 1232,or kill the fucking fox. 1233,more and more of them. 1234,i think theres a warning a few miles 1235,i hate her so much. 1236,its okay. 1237,its getting better. 1238,and you shot terrible. 1239,youve given up your life. 1240,i live on the street. 1241,"entering a swamp, the head of the " 1242,outside of here you always fight for your survival. 1243,when the ropes are gone. 1244,i dont give him any food. 1245,i know what happened. 1246,first before they come back. 1247,"i mean, the jury watching it." 1248,you want to say we return the time. yeah. 1249,"in new york, i slept with someone " 1250,the red line from south to south. 1251,"look, because in my day, theres nothing" 1252,"hold on, baby. hold on." 1253,"anyway, what am i gonna do." 1254,ive never seen this. 1255,dont do this again. said three. 1256,because its a real building. 1257,id better go to maren and inger small. 1258,none near your moms feet. 1259,and consider his wife before himself. 1260,the doors. 1261,can you tell me what youve done. 1262,look at the way youre talking. 1263,actually. 1264,i thought you knew more about me. 1265,"you know, none like them." 1266,lovers of the world. 1267,you know the man who lives at the lake house. 1268,"thats what this means,." 1269,what the hell. 1270,"oh, lizzie, how could you have " 1271,"leclaire, what did she say." 1272,"ln a grand and powerful borgen, " 1273,"you like to learn, i remember." 1274,theres no time. 1275,what are we gonna do now. 1276,the witch who dreamt of being human. 1277,im going to lift the beam. 1278,i had a son. 1279,"hes coming back, isnt he." 1280,"thats right, binguero." 1281,so we have a few hours to go. 1282,the heart of davy jones is protected. 1283,like what brooks got. 1284,"we find a shrine, you shot me." 1285,now shut the lamp. 1286,i made a mistake what. 1287,"goodnight, my great son." 1288,what are we talking about ourselves. 1289,"get quiet, vernon." 1290,we have a meeting. 1291,i was at home in dallas 15 years. 1292,everything is so romantic. 1293,firsthanded. 1294,its almost like a morning. 1295,you should be electric. 1296,there is no reason to worry. 1297,i spoke to agent bauer. 1298,"no, no." 1299,john beckett. 1300,and you want to go to bed with him. 1301,"i love you, i love you, mahalik" 1302,and your face is a black smear. 1303,"maybe not, sir." 1304,are you sorry about the diet. 1305,"well, you like danielle yeah, yeah " 1306,"hey, congratulations, george." 1307,"no murders, no atrocities." 1308,why is it like this. 1309,outside when i got out of the store. 1310,hey hey you drunk. 1311,"what about my mom, judge." 1312,what about you. 1313,i made a mistake. good. 1314,"yes, yes, thats right." 1315,"no. no, im not." 1316,how did you find this number. 1317,"with your money, the entire campus." 1318,"as a fighter, the hell out of his sight" 1319,can you change that john forster. 1320,hold on. 1321,"anyway, shes." 1322,"a bar, a bit of yakuza," 1323,i am the king. 1324,whats in my rear. 1325,how much time do you need very little. 1326,you are my best friend and i cant lose it. 1327,"in paris, the ration rate has grown to be 50%" 1328,what are you doing here. 1329,"capa, targets payload." 1330,but if you are interested in dementors. 1331,and thats not what you think. i dont trust 1332,how lovely. 1333,even to fathom. 1334,"but if you still do that,." 1335,you want to use this on the motel. 1336,officer mcclane. 1337,and thats not what you want. 1338,just try to stay far from us. 1339,"well, its more likely to be safe." 1340,how could he know. 1341,"wait, i didnt change." 1342,"theres a man, kagan." 1343,so let your life be excited. 1344,ive tried all the languages but i dont understand 1345,"we go home, right." 1346,the children today are very complex. 1347,my lord is brilliant. 1348,"yeah, he was looking for him." 1349,arent you. 1350,"shed somewhere, almost a thousand dollar" 1351,"whatever they are, theyre too young." 1352,only you need to do something. 1353,we kept your fathers seat for free. 1354,we lost. 1355,you hurt her. you hurt her. 1356,"what are you gonna do, george." 1357,it was all because of your passion. 1358,you know what this building is. 1359,"tell danielle ill come to him. no, you" 1360,"listen, im so tired." 1361,i cant lose your mind. 1362,who wants me to teach. 1363,"mr. salinger, what are you." 1364,evil conjured. 1365,to make things worse. 1366,"i just called, man." 1367,"goodbye, tom." 1368,how can that be. 1369,imaginings. 1370,but its the flesh that must be with him. 1371,"well, i just called him." 1372,for this you have the best mother. 1373,"no, dont go, dont go." 1374,this will slow down our velocity. 1375,"the nose is shot, the left is shot." 1376,everybody go to bed and rest. 1377,"well, first." 1378,what does she do want to talk to me. 1379,he was a fool. 1380,but i changed. 1381,"three, were staying at the dells." 1382,i saved my life. 1383,because i knew with my passing. 1384,its been a long wait for you. 1385,dragon move. 1386,do you think he works. 1387,this is how you got your year. 1388,are you gonna fuck those boys please briony 1389,the numbers need time. 1390,i want you to hear the evidence. 1391,but for 10 years. 1392,if you have a visitor. 1393,probably the metro. 1394,have you ever been to the lake helena. 1395,the night before he died. 1396,thats right down there. 1397,"good sleep, ani." 1398,theyre beautiful. 1399,you have to wear these extra gloves. 1400,im determined to return to naboo. 1401,"oh, great. you got a comb " 1402,back off back off. 1403,"this one, its kind of cute." 1404,tell this to reid. 1405,"no, thats not funny." 1406,"yes, i know, a minute." 1407,now go to bed and sleep. 1408,what a marvelous picture. 1409,i told my mom where i worked. 1410,"he was running out of breaths,." 1411,lets go shopping a dress. 1412,i cant believe how fast this life goes. 1413,i think its important. yes. 1414,"oh, yes." 1415,none of them were legally unique. 1416,"great, hurry." 1417,so thats it. yes. 1418,im a monk. 1419,but shes not yet a grownup. 1420,a young warrior is a fool. 1421,of course i could make a statement about my marriage 1422,this is my friend marke. 1423,"wait a minute, wait up." 1424,and nothing can be forgotten. 1425,"this is a fool, losers." 1426,"lieutenant governor, only one." 1427,i was in there with no pigs. 1428,"turn right, now." 1429,thats why i picked up. 1430,if you can just quiet and do what i say. 1431,the glove was worn. 1432,"youre not a man, are you." 1433,it wasnt real. 1434,armouring is still under investigation. 1435,doesnt melt. 1436,dont kill your boys anymore. 1437,how about sending a message to him. 1438,i still got no name. 1439,have you heard about it. 1440,i mean. 1441,whats the difference. 1442,what do the guys choose from us. 1443,in one of my specialty uses. 1444,they dont survive. my family is my family 1445,"i have to do this again, im afraid." 1446,we dont have orders. 1447,when we enter these monsters. 1448,enough. 1449,"i mean, we should not renounce the ship." 1450,this secret shall remain between you and me. 1451,"whatever i try, hes gonna die." 1452,you know what the odds are. 1453,"hey, edgar, whats the stuntman" 1454,"if i dont kill you, hes gonna kill" 1455,and youre one of them. 1456,i have no parents. 1457,i think its a family business. 1458,"karen, remember to send a couple of grapes to" 1459,the person too. 1460,hospital said that his heads are dead. 1461,i dont know about it. 1462,"i threw a lot of things at you, " 1463,we dont dare talk about politics anymore. 1464,i need a knife. 1465,"why should i trust you, bingo." 1466,god bless brasileiro. come here. 1467,"lm sorry about lucy, man." 1468,i was a gangster and i was afraid. 1469,but the last christmas story. 1470,can you see this. 1471,against the virus. 1472,you want to have the baby together. 1473,the one i took you out. i wasnt 1474,hey. 1475,"why dont you look at me, tony." 1476,i slept in another car. 1477,"hello, mate. hello." 1478,"good evening, captain algren." 1479,looks like youve lost your destiny. 1480,you cant pray. 1481,"tonight, i want fortune." 1482,amazing. 1483,but the house with no heart. 1484,what are you doing here. 1485,boamy. 1486,a strange place called andrews. 1487,this is a tragedy. 1488,"ill find you, you little bastard." 1489,that the king may have the daughter. 1490,ive been doing this for years. 1491,this chair is one of those. 1492,the evil one. 1493,nights i have a problem sleep. 1494,whats your name yhunkihong. 1495,"now yes, now." 1496,"i assure you, professor." 1497,i saw someone. 1498,because you can go to bed yet. 1499,"bourne is almost there, and we have too little" 1500,youre just activating your mind. 1501,the only thing she missed. 1502,you still live in this house. nobody cares. 1503,proof of it. 1504,"ladies and gentlemen, there has been a lot" 1505,sorry to bother you. 1506,from both of you. 1507,she doesnt know it was a cure. 1508,"i think you should be resting, okay." 1509,who sent this no one knows. 1510,i dont understand them. 1511,you have a dress i could wear. 1512,what do you mean let me guess. 1513,shan just came over here. 1514,"yeah, listen." 1515,i want you to bring this back to your mother. 1516,she grew flowers every morning. 1517,you think im crazy. 1518,theyre just the birds of the world. 1519,you dont know how it feels. 1520,i think you should wait a minute. 1521,little marji. 1522,why do i have to trust you. 1523,im writing the foundations. thats all. 1524,i do what i can do. 1525,he doesnt watch me anymore. 1526,she wanted a diary. 1527,there are cases where i cannot do anything 1528,a hammer. 1529,lets get those eyes. 1530,"okay, lets get out of here. okay " 1531,how can you be sure how can you be. 1532,goddess maximad. 1533,"i have flours, vegetables, oils" 1534,"no, its a common mistake." 1535,"about a year ago,." 1536,sounds like youre doing. 1537,why are you buying these magazines for your advertising 1538,"hey, good morning." 1539,we killed every day. 1540,ive never met grandma. 1541,"anyway, i just put it in my pocket." 1542,and only you can stop them. 1543,i dont care. 1544,take your fuckin hands up. 1545,you remember what i said. 1546,hes a spirit. 1547,"so, dont waste your time." 1548,harold would put a crucifix instead of a 1549,aubrey. 1550,you think hes using the morphine to kiii 1551,"what is that, maxima." 1552,where are you taking me. 1553,this is a setup for rigg. 1554,its cruel. 1555,so how do we want to get out of there because i 1556,make it good. 1557,i know you packed your stuff. 1558,you really should be sitting in my seat. 1559,thousands have died. 1560,but it wasnt what we wanted. 1561,coming back in time. 1562,i just entered in honesty. i dont 1563,"youre crazy, daddy." 1564,searching for the truth. 1565,another nine millie. 1566,"ladies and gentlemen, thank you." 1567,or half the middle. 1568,we cant be nice to you. 1569,lts not fair to be with james and lily 1570,"from then on, there was no progress." 1571,harold saw himself surrounded. 1572,your powers stronger than anyone. 1573,let anne up with your aunt. 1574,"oh, please, no." 1575,a little harsh. i cant even get my mail 1576,there are so many of them. 1577,it helps memory and thats what you need. 1578,"professor hilbert, i absolutely fell in love with" 1579,further ahead of the exhibition. 1580,i dont think i can stay here. 1581,"you are the kind of a baby, jean." 1582,its gonna be difficult because there are hundreds of 1583,can you give me a kiss. 1584,theres something moving around. 1585,"go, go, go, go." 1586,"excuse me, can you talk plain, please" 1587,well do more than that. 1588,"when i say three, dont worry about the" 1589,he says that it was him. 1590,watch your past. 1591,i dont want to hurt you. 1592,those werent jigsaws. 1593,i dont possess emotion. 1594,you dont ask me whats going on. 1595,you talked too much about somebody. 1596,but i thought you liked. 1597,thats what makes you. 1598,everything stops. no. 1599,one time. 1600,i dont even know. 1601,like this 6foot eagle on the other side. 1602,because even though god has sent a message for us 1603,no one. 1604,"thats right, thats all." 1605,"dear charter, thank you for your name." 1606,my god kale. 1607,"i dont spend time with losers, tommy " 1608,"not through your eyes, but through your eyes." 1609,"finally, they separated me." 1610,we have a win for you. 1611,we all have to pay some bucks. 1612,this is very valuable. 1613,"kirill, come on." 1614,why let us have the two of us. 1615,i have come as a murderer. 1616,take me home and come back. 1617,umbridge wont get away. 1618,and located the connections and taken the tape. 1619,where are we. 1620,"its genius, isnt it." 1621,i told them everything. 1622,but his son was 10 times worse. 1623,"nice to meet you, eva." 1624,"morten, morten, dont say that." 1625,then we must lower our velocity. 1626,now what is it. 1627,"careful, old man. you wanna kill yourself " 1628,we all belong to each other. 1629,"okay, ill call him." 1630,wait till we come back. 1631,"hermione good morning, mr. weasley" 1632,how could you come from the dead. 1633,almost. 1634,"i admit, it was a little tough." 1635,fudge is coming. 1636,im not naked anymore. 1637,a little code breaks the world. 1638,"i dont believe in god, i believe" 1639,the flying department has just arrived. 1640,no way. where are you going. 1641,but fixing it takes time. 1642,hows your brother doing. 1643,by all means. 1644,a man who loves you so much. 1645,i knew i needed to protect you. 1646,how about swimming up to the top. 1647,i cant believe that. 1648,i felt a lot of different things in my life. 1649,but i still have the strength to remain. 1650,im thinking. 1651,"yes no, wait." 1652,"okay, im sorry." 1653,you think it could be avoided by a naked 1654,this is yours. 1655,anyway. 1656,let me tell you something. 1657,"to naboo, through cor." 1658,that happened to you. 1659,in existence. 1660,"ridikulous, come on." 1661,which you must remember. 1662,i want you to come to the store and get some liquor 1663,the hostiles are absolutely awful. 1664,did you feel anything i felt. 1665,the primary object of the attack was to find something. 1666,"i dont listen to you. no, youre" 1667,he tried to help. 1668,hes okay. 1669,and now that girl is gone. 1670,6:30. 1671,"for a while, my life isnt." 1672,"callo, change your face." 1673,give me your weapon. 1674,she finds a good friend. 1675,need food. 1676,let me go. 1677,jack is dead. 1678,im rachel. 1679,he tried to deceive me. 1680,you want the name billy bob alive. 1681,i waited 60 years for a hot bath. 1682,tristan no. 1683,and that guy in there. 1684,"okay, now open the door:." 1685,your brother is not ok. 1686,youve lost your mind. you were going to kill 1687,"im sorry janie, not only for this, but" 1688,what is it then. 1689,but you can protect yourself. 1690,"ill call the dr. leper. no," 1691,often vampires. no interest in it. 1692,the police department. 1693,he was a good man. 1694,"hey, hold on. i know." 1695,maybe tomorrow we naked. 1696,"what oh, god." 1697,o2 went loose. 1698,before friday or monday. 1699,and then you have to pay for it. 1700,i dont sleep with my patients. 1701,good luck. 1702,threatened to tear me down. 1703,why dont you bet the system. 1704,you have no talent for your own creation. 1705,"grandma, we went to the caspian sea with" 1706,thats right. eat her. 1707,the escape clause will kill you. 1708,"for me, it doesnt seem like it was yesterday " 1709,maybe hes hungry in 10 years. 1710,"jackie dinorscio, she made me acquainted" 1711,very good for savages. 1712,where do you think theyre filled. 1713,"they didnt get you. no, i did" 1714,what were we were playing upstairs. 1715,"kim, ill get the blocks." 1716,but why why come here. so fast. 1717,they sent me to a single vampire. 1718,im not gonna kill you. 1719,"jack, i want you to picture me with this." 1720,irs not gonna hit a standard. 1721,now you can enjoy it. 1722,one of our most famous. 1723,cause my first spirit was my. 1724,you kidding. 1725,i dont believe what ive seen. 1726,and free supper and bath. 1727,"13, paragraph." 1728,you found a million dollar stolen from you. 1729,hiding. 1730,you see the candle. 1731,i dont know whats going on. you know 1732,the washington breaking news program. 1733,i dont remember the day he told me. 1734,"yeah, but if you look closely." 1735,"if you threaten me, it will happen." 1736,fache. 1737,i have to hurry. 1738,"fudge, who fudge wanted." 1739,until then. 1740,beautiful day. lets walk. 1741,doesnt mean theyve always killed humans 1742,i want you to put something in there. you know 1743,"youll see, everything will be all right." 1744,"come on, you go first." 1745,this is mr. simeon graham. the 1746,i should have heard this. 1747,and more money for a map of this. 1748,"coming, captain." 1749,"lm in trouble with johnson, l want to" 1750,what does that mean. 1751,wheres the record. 1752,"i mean, all of them. of course." 1753,disasters. 1754,"aries, do you remember going on with julia" 1755,what do you want. 1756,i didnt know. 1757,its gonna ruin it. 1758,marji found some lipstick on her face. 1759,maybe we were wrong. 1760,"you should be nuts, too much, too much " 1761,"i mean, each of you will have a " 1762,thats probably when they went into a 1763,and you have to move your car and get home. 1764,"three, two, one." 1765,this is great for you. 1766,not despite nick calabrese sitting up. no 1767,tsai. 1768,elektra dies. 1769,we are getting out of the way. 1770,"you didnt see a car, huh." 1771,"all right, red lndians are savages." 1772,a jury of defendants. 1773,no one believed. 1774,"i danced with him for 10 minutes, and then " 1775,"ricky, listen to me." 1776,they said he was spirited. 1777,the pumpkin has attacked her. 1778,the wealth of mr darcy is not his. 1779,i read on metal. 1780,the high court promised to put him in jail forever. 1781,raise your heart for me. 1782,"maybe its music no, okay." 1783,does anyone care what i want. 1784,your dads here. 1785,the difference between fear and hope. 1786,the damage was great. 1787,if their shields are clean. 1788,"look, im not a doctor." 1789,"this is my shame, but it cost you more." 1790,they do the first thing in the boat and then they do 1791,"carter, speak, you hear me." 1792,"yes. words, words, thats all youve" 1793,which makes me much worse. 1794,very interesting. 1795,"come on, i remember you." 1796,lost in the marketplace. 1797,my moms smoked. she died in the hospital 1798,"well, thats not enough." 1799,she was in death the last minute. 1800,mr andrews. 1801,who. 1802,i didnt think my actions needed explanation. 1803,i got the picture. 1804,you see the aquarium there. 1805,"okay, if you touch it, the judge will" 1806,its a fucking car. 1807,you just arrived. 1808,"look, the legend of their creation." 1809,"how you doing, mom." 1810,there is no truth about this film. 1811,"detective conners, come to us. we " 1812,"no, no, it wont happen." 1813,i can only tell you about your work. 1814,"the u.s. papers, youre right" 1815,ive never felt very comfortable in my whole life. 1816,you know none of these serials. 1817,if your friends cared more. 1818,you stole the testimony and hidden the evidence. 1819,"guys, were starting." 1820,you scared me. 1821,"i took a cigarette once, but she" 1822,still crying. 1823,what will happen to them who dont want to believe. 1824,or something. 1825,the fear of death is a good thing. 1826,our month is over. 1827,i wanted you to kill me. 1828,what do you want to hear. 1829,what we cant spend our time here. 1830,my bones work now. 1831,and others worse. 1832,hes a stuntman. 1833,above your heart. 1834,i dont think thats the right thing. 1835,but i prefer this one. 1836,all our research. 1837,"you have more, you know." 1838,"i was furious. hey, i know how" 1839,"mom, dont look down, okay." 1840,and now we have a common destiny. 1841,lets see whos coming for the car. 1842,"be careful, johnny." 1843,sorry. you dont. 1844,so i want you to go home. 1845,i dont count on it. 1846,it was our assignment. 1847,i promise you. 1848,people and aliens work together. 1849,you can go now. 1850,"you are wrong, karin." 1851,return to the source. 1852,it tells you what to do. 1853,last night i gave it to you. 1854,"first, never let them see you." 1855,"no, no, no, no no, no" 1856,i want to see them. 1857,i saw the sun from observation room. 1858,"oh, and now it gets worse,." 1859,little angelica. 1860,"little girl, good part." 1861,come here. 1862,"yes, maybe we should inform." 1863,"if tomorrow is a wednesday, i know" 1864,you are right there. 1865,"help, please." 1866,"look at me, aidan. look at me " 1867,but a single word from you will make me feel. 1868,i tell you i dont think so. 1869,what do you want to tell him. 1870,"no, im gonna die first, inger." 1871,"actually, we never had a good idea." 1872,please leave a message after the boom. 1873,this is the way to go. 1874,but words lose their credibility. 1875,this is almost the same time. 1876,can you open this handkerchief. 1877,dont fire those pieces are bioetheric. 1878,"oh, mesa doesnt look better." 1879,winning the lottery ticket in my life. 1880,you want to cure your father and mom. 1881,growth to the end. 1882,"but in real life, it doesnt look like a" 1883,"the strategy was yours, captain, not me" 1884,why are you so busy. 1885,its new. 1886,this was a risk we could face. 1887,"i would, in fact, if you wanted" 1888,how do you expect to get murdered. 1889,"oh, yes. you want to break my great mind " 1890,"no. i wanted to say yes, but " 1891,wictred of glastonbury is at the forefront of 1892,"if i fell in the pants, i would" 1893,take a lot of dreams. 1894,i have a bag and i want to put a 1895,what mr. dexter want. 1896,"as a drug and a thug, youve put" 1897,weve been here for hours. 1898,th oden will not linger in his stomach. 1899,"for a shot at rogue,." 1900,"now, harry, come and join the big boys" 1901,you are the mikland of your life. 1902,"yeah, maybe two feet down, bucky" 1903,we thought you should see this. 1904,the dance of death. 1905,even in your shades. 1906,you want something to win. 1907,"hey, i got no girlfriend." 1908,"no, i promise. the music makes me" 1909,youve slipped with my cellphone. 1910,"i say again, quiet." 1911,"but one day, one of the others wanted to come " 1912,only recently. 1913,andy did something small for him two weeks. 1914,"if i were you, i wouldnt choose" 1915,"you think he can see us no, he cant see " 1916,thats why my boyfriends trying to hurt him 1917,"for lee good luck, okay." 1918,"i didnt create a hole in the earth, but" 1919,because i only believe in science. 1920,who makes you a plan. 1921,"you know, its a real thing." 1922,nothing more than that. 1923,whats your problem. 1924,for our new partner. 1925,"where do i know this whole case, right." 1926,youll soon need it. 1927,"if jane dies, we are looking for mr bingley" 1928,"lieutenant, stay back." 1929,turn left. 1930,he told us to stay alive. 1931,"neo. fuck you, morpheus." 1932,so this is the house of the girl. 1933,i can make a good relationship with her. 1934,"were together. yes, were together." 1935,"if youll excuse us, i want to" 1936,"get him to go, boys." 1937,i know you understand. 1938,yes. all right. 1939,"i mean, this is a mistaken view " 1940,"i think we know each other, arent we " 1941,and when you find it. 1942,what are you saying. 1943,its absolutely marvelous. 1944,because years of negligence. 1945,i hate her. 1946,did you find this. 1947,"well, ronnie, this is it. " 1948,this road wont get them to the winchester. 1949,"good evening, boys." 1950,pretty weak points. 1951,when she falls in love with herself. 1952,"how is she, doc." 1953,i was sitting on that wall. 1954,they are to the left of cleaners. they 1955,"kira, you take 16." 1956,"good night, gentlemen." 1957,why dont we just talk about this. 1958,the secret place in the world. 1959,its going to bring it into your life. 1960,the others will be quiet. 1961,because i know how to use the secret. 1962,the word you call it warrior. 1963,but tonight. 1964,sister. 1965,we all count on you. 1966,great jury never minded them. 1967,months i mean. 1968,"a, a, sirius, are you" 1969,you want to listen to it. 1970,give this to mrs. wu. shes go 1971,"oh, god, its not one of them." 1972,you know. 1973,five is so high. 1974,back of that van on tuesday. 1975,this is my daughter. 1976,i admire you. 1977,"but whered she go, furyan." 1978,this is one of the advantages of working at the hospital 1979,i wish you had a survivor. 1980,"look, your fathers a dick, but its not" 1981,"aidan, do you read me." 1982,worth 500 dollars. 1983,dont resist. 1984,we can all sign. 1985,estupefa a. 1986,"after that, everything went cold." 1987,your feelings. 1988,"carter, look." 1989,what does she say. 1990,to send a soldier out of calypsa. 1991,"cody, ive told you that your mother." 1992,the patterns have shown that antarctica was void of 1993,you cant talk to him. its dangerous. 1994,how did you take my phone. 1995,fuckin son of a bitch. 1996,"the thing thats important, the child." 1997,"perfect, perfect." 1998,objection. 1999,what can i do with you. 2000,the killer is covering the bullets. 2001,against the pain they suffered. 2002,"great, great." 2003,in a hospital with alzheimers. 2004,then increase our velocity. 2005,nobody. good. 2006,"you see, i dont know." 2007,you travel too long. 2008,thats why you cant say no. 2009,theres nothing wrong here. 2010,"yeah, they say the city will be crowded " 2011,"they attack on the sorcerers, of course." 2012,bring in the توپs. 2013,tell her im hyped. 2014,we have bottles. its with me. 2015,she was at my front door. 2016,"if anyone see you outside of the castle, you" 2017,i didnt blow my ass. 2018,maybe your daughter escaped. 2019,particularly bogs. 2020,"yeah, i came to see you." 2021,i got you two sandwiches. 2022,"if you see your room, call me." 2023,and an unsinkable vampire. 2024,"yes, i have something for you." 2025,"the men are fags, but with this insignificance" 2026,"the same euphemism, but in a different" 2027,"no, dont worry." 2028,a lawyer. 2029,did you think you were a cop. 2030,"you, punk." 2031,this is like a hunt in america. 2032,are you okay. 2033,"captain, we are looking for a vehicle," 2034,vanishing point. 2035,now its time for fear. 2036,thank mary for your money. 2037,how do you remember mojdeh. 2038,let them go to his wedding. 2039,i was once politically challenged. 2040,you sure this needs williams. 2041,"what have you come about, bella." 2042,bet you. thank you. 2043,"if i had the red tshirt, i would" 2044,"one hour, probably two hours." 2045,how shall i damn it what. 2046,all of us. 2047,"hang on, but calm down." 2048,your curse. 2049,"what do we do, my god." 2050,ive always known about it. 2051,theres a few chances of the u.s 2052,just trust me. 2053,the doctors say theyre gonna hit him. 2054,at patronage of hollywood. 2055,hard attempts to run away. 2056,did my father ask for a turn around. 2057,randomly shed himself in the kitchen. 2058,"oh, god you dont know what youre missing " 2059,but his divorce ended tomas. 2060,"hello, noble." 2061,thats where i got to make it. 2062,"hes here, on the fourth floor." 2063,jack sauni was his grandfather. 2064,and i still say. 2065,"if sue knows, you will suffer." 2066,i paid for that. 2067,the universe loves speed. 2068,"somebody came to help, right." 2069,i said something funny. 2070,"everything will be all right, jack." 2071,"yeah, thats what a stifler must be" 2072,so you can tell about the tape. 2073,my life is fun. 2074,"you see, i did it." 2075,you enjoy your time. 2076,"miss christmas, christ." 2077,"when i was with the vladetti, they were" 2078,what exactly is this. 2079,i see. come on. 2080,speaking ukraine. 2081,and you better stay alive. 2082,stop right out of the middle. 2083,we should just guess. 2084,"yeah, i understand the subject." 2085,lexicon. 2086,we find a way to do this. 2087,a way to love ourselves. 2088,how much are you. 2089,good luck professor shumton. 2090,im glad my favorite sister. 2091,it was your concern. 2092,and in our hands. 2093,this is for the baby. ill be right back. 2094,"for gods sake, the man just got hit." 2095,congratulations. 2096,"jack, you owe me something." 2097,mr. sherman. 2098,then i learned what to do. 2099,come back to the station. 2100,"thats my age yeah, i mean," 2101,millions of people do. 2102,sirius black this day. 2103,to deny their faith and succeed. 2104,thats okay. 2105,a 21. 2106,but with all of them. 2107,how much do they have to live together. 2108,and only because i cant. 2109,help me. 2110,absolutely. 2111,if not. 2112,and you fought with him. 2113,i feel good because my german is not good. 2114,you are 21 for me. you are 21 for me. 2115,hows my lord going. 2116,i should have guessed that you two would be 2117,"doesnt matter if youre in lndia," 2118,its not for you to decide. 2119,theres only a little missing. 2120,when robert came to kill renard. 2121,"when you fall, your brow grew." 2122,annie attic. 2123,not me. 2124,"nice to meet you, sweetie. too." 2125,a massive forest. 2126,he actually worth the trip. 2127,"when you fall in, go back to where you " 2128,take that away ramon. 2129,they hit the shield generator. 2130,im tired anakin sleeps. 2131,go to hell. 2132,if i could study. 2133,why are you looking at me because you have to do 2134,are you the son of the village. 2135,may i see your evidence. 2136,i dont fly on the ground. 2137,this is one of my worst luck. 2138,andy always put things in her. 2139,rachel loves you more. 2140,you have a pizza. 2141,my mother is dead. are you okay. 2142,"yeah, captain, can we just walk." 2143,"if they dont match us anymore, they" 2144,nine months ago. 2145,hold on. im ready. 2146,"hey, you re late." 2147,its late. 2148,you love it. 2149,"oh, yes, no." 2150,and now its a little stranger. 2151,let the grandmothers go. 2152,usually i dont like foreign food. 2153,i was buried under a tree. 2154,actually yes. 2155,"you did it, congratulations." 2156,thats what he do with me. 2157,"a id, please yeah." 2158,ill take care of you in a couple of weeks 2159,and the redemption of the world. 2160,at school in the middle of the week. 2161,you mean this. 2162,its chaos everywhere. 2163,"gods silence, god doesnt speak." 2164,he couldnt go back to me. 2165,"good evening, sister." 2166,"all right, lets go." 2167,"caroline, come here and help me." 2168,she wasnt crazy. 2169,caleb and reid were almost there tonight. 2170,"now, thats a good wine." 2171,you might be angry about what happened to you. 2172,i cant believe what makes you come. 2173,the numbers counting everyone. 2174,from their childhood. 2175,it was almost time to end. 2176,"oh, oh." 2177,your mother cut your nipples. 2178,ive always wanted to kill anyone who was 2179,wait a minute. 2180,i saw a fairy. look at your shoes 2181,you stink. 2182,you know i tried to stop him. 2183,what do you think. 2184,iraq iran. 2185,look at this. 2186,trust yourself. 2187,"mr. smith, you dont wanna know" 2188,product rotation. 2189,"damn, orenz, orenz," 2190,in the middle. good. 2191,my exhusband loved other women. 2192,what are you doing. 2193,"okay, thank you for coming." 2194,hes looking for daniels. 2195,shh. shh. 2196,captain toal. 2197,theres something from ksa. 2198,four broken arm wound. 2199,hes gonna close his blood. okay. 2200,and so were thinking the resources are running out. 2201,you have to drink some red wine. 2202,gonna goodwin pope. 2203,look at the front of the door. theres a magic 2204,dont shut em up. 2205,come on. lets go. 2206,i was a little behind. 2207,"yes, on the street, in the house." 2208,you know what average french girl gets. 2209,would you open the door for your old partner. 2210,leave their arm with a leader. 2211,you tell us what it takes. 2212,"karen, come on." 2213,you seem uneasy. 2214,shes taken my papers and money. 2215,whats up. 2216,if you have any real heroes. 2217,"excuse us, maam, this can happen " 2218,please dont touch me. 2219,very exciting. 2220,your stomachs healed too bad. 2221,would look like rich. 2222,in the past of you. 2223,like in the ecstasy of space. 2224,and rent 20%. 2225,colonel tories. why. 2226,sometimes i think hes guilty. 2227,let us be together. 2228,mom sorry. mum really sorry. 2229,i promise i will. 2230,"a defeating jack, a member of the " 2231,please dont do this. 2232,so you go otherwise. 2233,"get up, martin. you sleep so much." 2234,killed him because he was pregnant. 2235,"maybe you believe in miracles, reverend " 2236,how did you know that. 2237,janie kate is here to get you a present. 2238,i thought you were gone. 2239,what you got. 2240,fivefoot long. 2241,the convoy is abandoned. 2242,"yes, you must." 2243,this man lived good lives. 2244,one feels good and one feels bad. 2245,you two are fighting like a old wife and husband 2246,"oh, yes, i do." 2247,if you got you dont know me. 2248,fucking knickers. 2249,youre gonna suffer. 2250,you think i dont know. 2251,thats a movie. 2252,"i cant, i cant do what you want," 2253,i do. all right. 2254,or jesus christ its not incredible. 2255,briony. 2256,i think a man can do anything. 2257,thats right. 2258,"hes not just finding the potters, but " 2259,the old world will burn. 2260,"your eyes, green, green, chocolate. oh" 2261,the shape change could be painful. 2262,let it be reeded. 2263,what do we have to do with it. 2264,theres someone i want to meet. 2265,"she had nothing to put the tape in, but." 2266,just stay alive. 2267,you look furious. 2268,that makes you feel better. 2269,you are far away. i understand. 2270,give me something. 2271,"sweet rose, come on, come on." 2272,"you know about part 1, ben." 2273,let me see if i can get a plan here. 2274,i know you. youve been to the street. 2275,"just watch, boys." 2276,"look around, kid." 2277,dont talk about weaponry. 2278,this will cost eight pieces. 2279,"three, four." 2280,and then died. 2281,were moving in. 2282,that little guy out of your mind. 2283,without seeing me. 2284,my feeling says. 2285,"booze, thats a sin." 2286,you knew all the doors were locked. 2287,something to be accepted captain. 2288,too bad. 2289,"somethings wrong, george." 2290,we have a place where you can sleep. 2291,would you mind taking it. 2292,"when you are public, you ladies know it." 2293,whats wrong with his picture. 2294,"welcome, miss welcome to titanic." 2295,reveals that jesus has been relieved. 2296,while his parents worked all day. 2297,no one except amanda young. 2298,and hammer the ropes. 2299,"thou have mercy, madam. mercy " 2300,we sing and die together. 2301,its limitless. 2302,"where is he, caroline." 2303,say. 2304,they were sent into the fire. 2305,he thinks jedirach flu or something. 2306,"oh, no, no, i dont know" 2307,and i want him to stop this. 2308,"from 3000 prisoners during the shah, we now have" 2309,mr. carls loyal to black. 2310,"okay, heres a good show." 2311,what why are you asking. 2312,its destiny. 2313,thank you for the train. 2314,again those night nightmare come back. 2315,mind it. 2316,when it happens. 2317,im going home. 2318,they just eat the other sharks. 2319,isolde. 2320,"again, again." 2321,"you cant do what youve done, jason." 2322,have you noticed they only take the females 2323,"he said, my sons got better. hes " 2324,she cursed kate. 2325,"mrs. tuck, theres nothing we" 2326,and in every ventuality. 2327,they will come back. 2328,theyre evil creatures. 2329,what are you doing here. 2330,"professor, are you all right go to almalai." 2331,"mr collins, you have your directors." 2332,asked me a little rope. 2333,sometimes precisely. 2334,fear you dont know me yet. 2335,my precious mother. 2336,its all right. 2337,very nice. 2338,"he went into a few houses, the children" 2339,do one of those british pubs have a. 2340,it cant be the end. 2341,go to derek. 2342,tommy just called dr. leper. 2343,"protein, pork." 2344,"a vertical shaft, very good." 2345,my shield my shield. 2346,you did the job great. 2347,her name is maria storms. i dont know 2348,i said open it up. 2349,this shot forces her to destroy the computer. 2350,youre boring too. 2351,welcome to the scholarship. 2352,we are both warriors. 2353,"when i was a child, i went" 2354,with conviction. 2355,"eat now, thats fantastic." 2356,"youre infected, but i dont want you to" 2357,you save yourself. 2358,i was alone. 2359,thats a few of them. 2360,"five, give me a quarter." 2361,"i was just doing my job, dear." 2362,"for ourselves, please stop." 2363,theres empty one in here. 2364,we must be able to defend ourselves. 2365,everything really depends on you. 2366,dont worry about me. 2367,a mexican assault on me. 2368,the aquatics research has moved in. 2369,this was an assault. 2370,"you can spell english, nick nicky." 2371,youve never considered. 2372,amys blood on your head lets go. 2373,"how old are you, mom." 2374,just look in your heart. youll find the answer. 2375,but maybe they hate you too. 2376,the virus mutates. 2377,what do you like. 2378,me and kostya. 2379,only to protect the secrets. 2380,lovelace. lovelace. 2381,wait for him to come. 2382,brothers. brothers. 2383,"okay, follow me." 2384,theres no choice. 2385,who are these people why are these things. 2386,"now, i have to do all this." 2387,just picture her clothes. all of a sudden 2388,"what the hell are we doing here, harry." 2389,the fight is close. 2390,"my face became big, my right eye became big " 2391,"youre a good friend, klitz. i" 2392,it was tomorrow. 2393,ah. 2394,dani good. 2395,aki were lazy. 2396,"apparently, they wont get up. go" 2397,they can do that. 2398,what is it that makes us. 2399,we want to get away from her how far is she. 2400,kirill did the right thing. 2401,how much have you been hiding all these years. 2402,"here, its just my job to be in the police." 2403,ignacio. 2404,she asked me to be with her. 2405,"i tell you, this must solve it." 2406,"second row, traffic and suffering. what do you" 2407,i read it carefully. 2408,she just got a mom she never met. 2409,"yes, we are on the move to." 2410,im expecting a good film about me. 2411,go to my office. shelley finds a place 2412,tommy has saved spain. 2413,"no, thank you." 2414,never. 2415,i said your work hours were 8:00 a.m. 2416,maybe someone wants to admire her. 2417,"and when we were alone, he gave us " 2418,what about them here. 2419,"you, mr." 2420,looks like youre almost there. 2421,i told him to wait for me. 2422,how could that be. 2423,"its cold, isnt it yeah, master boo" 2424,and i parked in there because i always park 2425,my results will rise above us. 2426,"i lied, i believed in what he" 2427,this is more than enough. 2428,"even if necessary, without the approval of the" 2429,if he doesnt send us to something like desire 2430,ha come on. 2431,the demon lords. 2432,i told him to know his life. 2433,or maybe you should wear pants and slacks when 2434,get frankie. 2435,kobeians i dont know. 2436,i know you can do this. theres no choice 2437,who are you how did you get in. 2438,"so, when are you gonna start." 2439,this is the truth. 2440,i dont need them. 2441,you do what i say. 2442,we want you to get somewhere. 2443,its a problem. 2444,warned you. 2445,you wanna go and get it. 2446,and believe that. 2447,"general hein, calm down." 2448,"no, thank you." 2449,i thought the police are smarter than this. 2450,i know what your mother does. 2451,"bart, youre eating whisky. i" 2452,its 3 years since hes here. 2453,no. i want them to know that im not afraid 2454,to complete those we have to complete. 2455,"faster, the next question." 2456,what exactly happens to you. 2457,legilimens pose. 2458,so i rejected the proposal. 2459,we had an accident. 2460,im almost insane. 2461,"no problem, i know who kiiied me " 2462,by number three. 2463,parker. 2464,its almost done. 2465,of course it was stolen. 2466,"no, its quite a good." 2467,could you change the seats. 2468,"everybody, attention." 2469,both. 2470,im after someone. 2471,youll be scared. 2472,and i was telling him how to print. 2473,"marjane, are you here." 2474,tell me what youve done to find him. 2475,but she never did. 2476,and fear for the same pain. 2477,"he was once a man, the king of his" 2478,"whatever it was, the only thing they had." 2479,"and manuela, ask himself." 2480,a little thing they call it. 2481,"your mother, a muslim. they have tattoos " 2482,if you want to do something great. 2483,yellow halo. 2484,"oh, look." 2485,kayako kept this diary. 2486,mr.delis. 2487,we have a religion for three months. 2488,"yes, you want to." 2489,computer technology was medical and health products. 2490,"well, i believe it wont help us " 2491,no. no calls. 2492,you thought you were found in private. 2493,"come on, hold on. i cant." 2494,"hey, khosrow, you." 2495,"when i first got pregnant, he fucked me" 2496,silence. you want me to cut a blade and 2497,i cant help. 2498,"hi, martin." 2499,but things change. 2500,"yeah, kill her. i dont want her" 2501,i know you are here. 2502,i am the king of my land. 2503,this is the best. very nice. 2504,you must know that youre the only way to the future. 2505,it can happen. 2506,its from 1961. chateau lator. 2507,"well, i dare say that this car has fulfilled your" 2508,to preserve the greatest secret of history. 2509,"lf your daughter is dead, it wont help." 2510,turn around the river. 2511,why dont we steal things from the kitchen. 2512,"i mean, some of my sons." 2513,"im telling you, youll be hungry." 2514,each moment becomes stronger. 2515,there is hope for her. 2516,surely you like me too. 2517,we intend to perform it for you now. 2518,i know why you didnt show up that night. 2519,"yes, i see it, thank you." 2520,the pain comes a little later. 2521,"oh, i think you can do that. youre" 2522,you can only tell each moment. 2523,excuse me. come on. 2524,"when you were at the bottom of that pond, " 2525,and all of them die. 2526,theres no feeling in my hands. 2527,she still blamed herself. 2528,"the problem is, you know, were so miserable " 2529,im scared. 2530,"come on, kate. lets go somewhere else." 2531,"i hope thats mr bafford, right." 2532,"this too, sweetheart." 2533,the sisters can write to me because they dont have 2534,whats the use of max. 2535,im a woman. 2536,shoot me. goddamn it. 2537,this is ours and ourselves alone. 2538,i am the one who can send his people to andrews 2539,so i just came here to let you know. 2540,"oh, come on. you must be kidding." 2541,"gentlemanly james, perfectly tolerable." 2542,"instead, your father james." 2543,come on come on. 2544,thats not enough shaun. 2545,he was a guilty man. 2546,youve really grownup. 2547,and theres no trace of her. 2548,or someone who needs your help. 2549,you cant see alice. you cant see her. 2550,and this war is started. 2551,"r2d2, good to see you." 2552,"so, what time is it." 2553,how does it feel to be a father. 2554,and today we are talking. 2555,youre coming with us. 2556,do you know which tribes have been famous for their 2557,october is over. 2558,if anyone defeats. 2559,she reads your books too. 2560,a mccoy should not have a slow wedding 2561,open it up now open it up. 2562,we are not catholics. 2563,then what do i tell the captain. 2564,"you know what, mr. compagna." 2565,and the thumbprint was a strange ring. 2566,what happened to you. 2567,no. 2568,here you go. 2569,i took me and threw me in da morpheus 2570,he betrayed all of us. 2571,"yeah, i show you. this is a" 2572,its too late to see the comet again. 2573,"i must go, im late." 2574,you see that. 2575,"now, what is the possibility." 2576,looking for jade fox. 2577,i dont like what dumbledore said. 2578,"wait, sir." 2579,ill call you. 2580,go get williams. we have to get him out of 2581,looks like we were in a trap. 2582,youre right. lets just go out. 2583,thats what i suggested. 2584,donovan is ready for life proof. 2585,what are you doing here. 2586,open this. 2587,"well, as you see, it was an accident." 2588,give us the day and forgive our sins. 2589,"mr. gorjar, thinks hes gonna" 2590,"my fellow strangers, we should be together." 2591,and my knights on the floor say so. 2592,although it might sound disturbing. 2593,"whatever happens, youre guilty." 2594,"collect your shield, or ill come and touch you " 2595,thats what i detect. 2596,of course. everyone called me that. 2597,have you seen j ns we have to move. 2598,the longest sentence ive ever faced. 2599,"no, dr arkov. theres only a " 2600,doesnt matter. 2601,"very bad, doc." 2602,"my dear ceciliai, i beg you for " 2603,the locker. 2604,i know them more than i know. 2605,its over. 2606,"leon, get something and get it." 2607,a present from my dad. 2608,we were swimming in the sunshine. 2609,you come with my family to paris. 2610,"okay, what happened what." 2611,"i got you, come on up." 2612,i came from your headquarters. 2613,"well, i guess we have to do our job " 2614,living in languity lands. 2615,geek. 2616,i had no choice. 2617,45 seconds left. 2618,"listen, mathilda, you better be careful." 2619,very welcome. 2620,hey. quiet. 2621,"okay, i better let you go." 2622,i think callo was. 2623,ill tell them. 2624,hang on. 2625,to make you happy. 2626,powers in your life. 2627,"ramine, come on, let go let go." 2628,and what happened last year. 2629,and all of these fights only increase them. 2630,on page 57. 2631,what is insanity and where do you think. 2632,religion. 2633,you think so. 2634,where are you going. 2635,hold your mind for your duty. 2636,could you come with me a minute. 2637,this man was there. 2638,thats why i dont talk to you. 2639,to find out why it doesnt look like your books 2640,i must inform the guard. 2641,"you can kill yourself five, six, seven without " 2642,"makes a smaller drop, not two." 2643,its logical. 2644,the man in your pants. 2645,"yes, he could try williams, but he" 2646,"damn, i think i left the milk in the" 2647,that does cost us five dollars. 2648,thats bad for a man to be full of women. 2649,"just a few months ago, i got a" 2650,for you. 2651,biyolina is one of the worlds closest states 2652,dont push me out. come on. come on 2653,im the artist. 2654,i can read them themselves. 2655,if you succeed tonight. 2656,because you probably need it soon. 2657,"oh, god. all right." 2658,you think of them. 2659,but i dont want you to drive around. 2660,okay. all right. thats a funny 2661,the knife is twisted. 2662,your hand to do this. 2663,for gods sake. i heard you said three. 2664,where am i supposed to fax you. 2665,i wish you all the success. 2666,dont do what might happen to the plot. 2667,you have to trust me to take this company out. 2668,i wont be surprised. 2669,death is the path to the leader. 2670,aeon. 2671,i know you never think of this. 2672,i think he must be resting. 2673,"aliver 7, rigle 3, uga 6" 2674,this is your car. 2675,knows that anna loves her. 2676,"he says john, its a nightmare." 2677,"okay, come on. ill take a look" 2678,you should have the money you need to do this. 2679,"who is that, eiektra king." 2680,and you are the only client. 2681,"oh, you mean when the cops came." 2682,christabella protects us. 2683,"witchcraft, the source of gods power on earth." 2684,but if you. 2685,the other side. 2686,grandma zombies have my grandma. 2687,i said then youd help your sister. 2688,"gregine no, father or bloodthirsty." 2689,thank you for your point of view. 2690,youve ruined everyone. 2691,come on. we have to form an army. 2692,you better make your face nice. 2693,ive been drinking tea all day. 2694,"oh, god. oh, god." 2695,it should be out at some point. 2696,we have 13 authors who must be good. 2697,how could a dead man sleep. 2698,"miss pascal, i was a freak and " 2699,thank you. lets go. 2700,"all right, my daughter." 2701,"four variables, one after that." 2702,"no, nothing before the train." 2703,"in prison, hes a portland banker " 2704,your father gave you the rumor. 2705,french means sandrys. 2706,you want to dance yeah. 2707,because he was killed in october 1940. 2708,we cant spend our money. 2709,how exactly do we do that. 2710,"well, you have to take care of it." 2711,experience the witchcraft experience. 2712,forgive us. 2713,i thought i loved the shah. 2714,tell me later. 2715,because we want to have fun. 2716,i was going to fall. 2717,right here. 2718,most of the tasks are mindboggling. 2719,and im sorry. 2720,she told me that she had beaten you. 2721,you have to strike at him. 2722,"anna, where are you going." 2723,tell me about udre belikov. 2724,you eat something. 2725,lets go home and tell mr bennet. 2726,its a winner. 2727,then. 2728,the voice said you read my diary. 2729,my good friend nelson and his good friend nelson. 2730,what the fuck are you doing here. 2731,you have to get back and ride that horse. 2732,which becomes brighter. 2733,kenji says to me it is a great honour 2734,got him to give something good. 2735,theres no such thing as aliens. 2736,i hate i hate i hate i hate i 2737,this is a heist. 2738,trick or treat. 2739,i want you to know what youre doing. 2740,like we meet again. 2741,dry dust. 2742,it talks. 2743,"you are the best, not the most stupid one." 2744,and reveal the source. 2745,have you spoken to this in the bank. 2746,you dont care about that. 2747,"whatever it was,." 2748,they stole from us. 2749,"no, we lost the witness." 2750,"province by province, town by town." 2751,almost 20 times. 2752,the fact that you dont. 2753,looks like your plans are on the water. 2754,dont give up. 2755,"grandma, come on." 2756,i found a lot of people and i was a 2757,then you do something. 2758,easy and good. 2759,sorry. it was traffic. 2760,"yes, all contacts taken." 2761,against iraq and iran. 2762,what a beautiful day. 2763,what are we doing here. 2764,"however, and a day in the future." 2765,you forgot to turn on the alarm. 2766,part of the crew. 2767,whats your request. 2768,"wait, look at this." 2769,"all right, i think our stomachs are " 2770,hes shot. the other one shot him. 2771,its like kerry. 2772,its not here. you cant see it. 2773,"hey, wait where are you going. what are" 2774,a threefoot wide hatch and a halffoot east 2775,"boogie, ive just made it." 2776,i love you. 2777,i need a call from john forster to lydia do 2778,because he is busy performing the task. 2779,"eat, drink, be cherish." 2780,thats not gonna happen. 2781,very nice. 2782,hes gonna pick your pick. 2783,theres a chance that this ghost does. 2784,she needs water. 2785,by the officers. 2786,this is about. 2787,arthritis getting worse. 2788,im sure ill see you again. 2789,uh. 2790,"well, thats our whole story." 2791,"dr. gramm, lynn johnson." 2792,the thing is why he died. 2793,"you need your medicine, man." 2794,from all of you. 2795,"i made a plan to return to the ships," 2796,"no, why not." 2797,my ring. 2798,we gonna kill them once and for all. 2799,save us. 2800,"yes, i want." 2801,"alright, we gotta go. yeah." 2802,i warn your body. 2803,i thought it was early. 2804,who are we talking about. 2805,i have no proof for both cases. 2806,"yeah, i think you understand." 2807,no danger. 2808,did you never call me this phone. 2809,now you dont have to do it tonight. no 2810,you are wrong about this. 2811,you found the evidence room. 2812,"for you, for him." 2813,please. please put that away. 2814,"on one night, the lies that united our kind." 2815,jack sauni was my grandfather. 2816,you are no longer. 2817,"yeah, youre right. i yield" 2818,damaged almost seven thousand tons. 2819,tell him that his mom is insane. 2820,"please, its my birthday." 2821,we must all be together. 2822,right on the door. 2823,i hope you dont do this to a few 2824,ill get you. 2825,send a picture for the f.b.i. 2826,stop being silly. 2827,and youre still sleeping. 2828,i cant imagine your shame. 2829,will this be your first visit to our facility. 2830,"well, after the characters played,." 2831,"daddy, can i come back." 2832,when you choose your favorite things. 2833,i might introduce myself. im dr. 2834,and your clothes are stinking. 2835,no one starts to joke. 2836,so now they talk to you. 2837,maybe i should wait in the bar. 2838,this is a reward. 2839,"listen to yourself, who never lived in your room." 2840,he answers everything. 2841,how disappointing. allow me. 2842,while you can live with your husband. 2843,i see the troubles. i feel them. 2844,no. we just need a ride. 2845,because the batteries have been erased. 2846,im just worried. 2847,"well, the police havent revealed a single information" 2848,it happens when the executions over. 2849,you earn a little but you still have it. 2850,uncle aguinday too. 2851,then the doctors here. how about. 2852,check it out. 2853,no one ever spoke of it. 2854,he spent some time. 2855,"thats it, council." 2856,who are you im a scoundrel. 2857,where have you been. 2858,"scott, stop it. give it to me." 2859,jack sparrow. 2860,you all finished your assignments in time. 2861,and i wanted to choose a goal that i 2862,"well done, harry, well done buckbeak" 2863,hes a resistance. 2864,"right against you, ladies and gentlemen." 2865,were trapped. 2866,"dj, jackie." 2867,what does it do more than that. 2868,you actually read the bible. 2869,we have time. 2870,"a real liar, right." 2871,"alright, its not." 2872,look who the burglar. 2873,her twin sister. 2874,"okay, tiago okay, tiago," 2875,dark and empty. 2876,this is the old chapel. 2877,"okay, i got this new job, the night" 2878,"im sorry to lose your precious time, maam " 2879,"left, left, right." 2880,"fiftytwoyearold, white,." 2881,soccer. 2882,"viktor, he must not be ill." 2883,and youre here with the cops. 2884,"for inger, itll be all right." 2885,that you wanna marry mr darcy. 2886,you put a load on it. its okay. 2887,"god, if forster could see your face." 2888,"mardis awad, st. sid." 2889,but im scared. 2890,you try to make a difference. 2891,im not sure. 2892,"therefore nothing to worry about,." 2893,raise your troops. 2894,thats why she went to do the girls time. 2895,"your move, general." 2896,they dont believe in sorceries. 2897,good boy. 2898,we have your brother. 2899,im not sure this hammer is fully firm. 2900,"oh, you are on your way." 2901,put him down. 2902,its all the italians. 2903,lets go take your pills. 2904,trains 171 on the subway. 2905,"this is a serious proposion, frank." 2906,is there anything you dont understand. 2907,i was bitten by a dementor last night 2908,"okay, i got a call saying i" 2909,i told you i was a cop. 2910,we just have them. yeah. 2911,"mr and mrs max, im sorry." 2912,"mr. president, the country has been invaded " 2913,kirillenok. 2914,why do you think so. 2915,get out of my room. 2916,you like his tone. 2917,dont worry. 2918,i dont trust her. 2919,its obvious that i am. 2920,father. 2921,can i take your time. 2922,you have 36 hours now. 2923,i love the little circuit breaker. 2924,you can change it so easily. 2925,you must have heard it once. 2926,hes just writing tragedy. 2927,nonsense. 2928,"hermione, this is not a good idea." 2929,the human body contains a magic spell. 2930,what is it we can see them. 2931,"carol, what happened carol." 2932,"no, i cant." 2933,"the worst, the worst." 2934,and you can always find them. 2935,how you doing. 2936,so sm agol did her good. the master said. 2937,he damaged his master. 2938,he disappeared from the house to turn east. 2939,even if its a word. 2940,"hey, hey." 2941,you dont really want to come with me. 2942,"okay, okay, look who he is." 2943,and now its time for coffee. 2944,very often. 2945,your phone call. 2946,how was your relationship with mrs barbarie cornet. 2947,before i fainted. 2948,and dale is to be questioned. 2949,theyre not themselves. 2950,titanic will strike. 2951,im sorry. what did you say. 2952,we dont go anywhere near you. 2953,i love you. 2954,you may know mary swanson. 2955,he had a gun. 2956,"and if i cant do it, man, he " 2957,would you have fun. 2958,but the most important thing here is the name. 2959,and his children will be here soon. 2960,"oh, little." 2961,"hey, botti. hello, pettigrew " 2962,"sirius, when i." 2963,you think its over because im dead. 2964,"mcclane, mcclane. youre gonna" 2965,"willy, put a line in my office." 2966,get off me. 2967,"when i took those chickens out," 2968,the sale doesnt matter. 2969,"yes, maam. good." 2970,so we can see where you live. 2971,call me every time you call me. 2972,you know that. 2973,come on. 2974,"no need, thank you." 2975,even your cousin did. 2976,because we all want. 2977,"oh, no, no, wait im a " 2978,"harry, we got to go with them." 2979,my tax files. 2980,"oh, the leaky cauldron. make sure" 2981,my pleasure. 2982,you can do this in a few minutes. 2983,the name of jesus blessed. 2984,they made a skull and a skull keys 2985,"coffee, sir. soup on the stove." 2986,i have to change my clothes and put my clothes on 2987,i wish youd stay with us. 2988,lovelace. 2989,this is the conversion link. 2990,a coma. 2991,the trade federation has no presence there. 2992,"from last two years, until last night." 2993,"i need a winning contract, thats all " 2994,"together, we decide." 2995,but you failed to do that. 2996,just like. 2997,i help. i just got a little bit 2998,in that special case. 2999,i dont need to say what you say. 3000,whats going on hows going on. 3001,send the ship to the caspian sea. 3002,he put your grandfather in prison. 3003,"frank, dont point the gun at me." 3004,go back to japan. 3005,"not with a cop, brother." 3006,"you, you were in sweden,." 3007,"i didnt, daughter." 3008,"yes, its the seat." 3009,lawyers have become more discreet. 3010,love you. 3011,"of course, they dont like to tell them master " 3012,"okay, whos ready." 3013,what are you gonna do after this. 3014,and you mock me. 3015,because you werent lying to me. tyler too 3016,you think christmas sons. 3017,90. 3018,"doesnt mean that we dont win this prize," 3019,"he just said danger. oh, yes, danger " 3020,i didnt come from death until. 3021,go and call the infirmary. 3022,like what like what. 3023,"you go, its me." 3024,"look, i have all the thumbprint." 3025,our supplies are limited. 3026,if inger dies. 3027,what did you tell me. 3028,and pee pee. 3029,youve made a mistake holding your father off. 3030,and with those who denied their fate. 3031,"inger, you must be jumped, because time" 3032,paul loves mom. 3033,theres only blood on this boy. 3034,everybody must do something good. 3035,i dont work this way. its not professional. 3036,because we all see what he wants. 3037,somebody used his power. 3038,hes contained. contained. 3039,you got the money. 3040,"i dont have a 100,000 marks. how " 3041,so started with the newest christian traditions. 3042,she said she had enough brioche bars. 3043,what if you wouldnt ruin it. 3044,then he must have been drowned. 3045,let me show you the way. 3046,i know you dont want to stay here forever. 3047,this is the feeling that we must have. 3048,its full of dust. 3049,what did you say and what do i do. 3050,those are your new books. i sent someone 3051,i believe her heart faltered. 3052,"its not personal, jack." 3053,good food. 3054,my lord hes missing. 3055,to destroy the country. 3056,nothing. 3057,where are you headed. 3058,captain memphis. 3059,"after they bought it, we bought a sub" 3060,it needs to be fixed soon. 3061,"oh, look, its one of those." 3062,"okay, thank you." 3063,we could make a chess board together. 3064,and i disappeared. 3065,all i want is three bottles of beer. 3066,that last one is not the smallest. 3067,dont touch me. 3068,"the flight out of antarctica, a bird flew in" 3069,and maybe you can afford to die. 3070,we can go into the city. 3071,"in this room,." 3072,from the supper of hampton to the supper 3073,plunge yourself in. 3074,calypso is in the cellar. 3075,but no one was getting close to him. 3076,captain captain. 3077,can i talk to you of course. 3078,im here. 3079,he doesnt know about it. 3080,listen to me to stay far from these boys. 3081,the duck came back. 3082,like writing for me. better. 3083,sarahs designs come on. sara. 3084,how do we know if were infected. 3085,"a month before the armistice, irak bombed" 3086,theyre the coldest people youve ever met. 3087,no offense. 3088,you must be the same. 3089,my father was a great man. your father was a 3090,enough to come back to bed and rest. 3091,dont be shy. come here and get your winning 3092,somebodys looking for information. 3093,the twins are looking for morpheus and trinity 3094,but that wont put a lot of pressure on the girls 3095,im your chiefagent. 3096,i didnt have his heart. 3097,did you see it. 3098,"yes, goodnight. hope they get better." 3099,"forget it, you heard." 3100,"this, this. great." 3101,kaplan. 3102,dont you think bad. 3103,bingo bingo. 3104,my sister anakin. 3105,what is it. 3106,what about piutonium no. 3107,"someone starts all this, and i want to find" 3108,"all right, those are your bonds." 3109,nothing. 3110,where are those stairs supposed to be an 3111,how dare you lie. 3112,"okay, kiko. oh, come on " 3113,give him a shot. 3114,who cares. 3115,"goodbye, thomas." 3116,because i know where they are waiting. 3117,"checking these pieces,." 3118,theres a silver winger with a license plate. 3119,half that hes fighting with. 3120,the burglar. 3121,"there is no magic, nobody." 3122,i want you both to come in. 3123,"i mean, he doesnt believe what happens" 3124,"and i know this country, why not." 3125,we have an ugly inside you. 3126,mumble mumble. 3127,"ofelia, come out." 3128,"i dont want her to hurt you, but i" 3129,i got one more. 3130,has anyone left this here. 3131,they say. 3132,"the first time i saw you, harry, " 3133,you want to keep. 3134,wait a minute. 3135,wait a minute. wait a minute. 3136,"well, im dead." 3137,"your supper on tonight, boys." 3138,impossible no living thing in these pipes. 3139,thats a good choice. 3140,"are you ok yeah, im fine." 3141,i shout every time. 3142,they hurt the pipeiine. 3143,you wont. 3144,it doesnt make you wonder. 3145,i want you to leave. and back. 3146,"i told you, i dont know." 3147,"hey, caleb. kira." 3148,how do you. 3149,whats she holding. 3150,one in a million. 3151,the feet are clean. 3152,so i need 10 and 1 hey. 3153,i admire the power of poems. 3154,and trevor is trying to cure us. thats 3155,this is the temple. 3156,to harness the dark magic energy. 3157,"tristan, king of ireland, wants to" 3158,this makes a great price. 3159,i just heard her voice. okay. 3160,shes under arrest now. 3161,"according to the maps located at the government station," 3162,"without god, without a kingdom, " 3163,step right. we can do something. 3164,or blow him away. 3165,you drink too much. 3166,i know what im saying. 3167,but now theyre everywhere. 3168,one of my many questions. 3169,"go on, son." 3170,father of all of us. 3171,ill lead you to a police officer now. 3172,"well, its amazing, harold." 3173,i need her to come back. 3174,i hope you enjoy your trip abroad. 3175,cheers cheers. 3176,"we talked about him now, he cant kill anyone" 3177,unless you have something to do. 3178,i quickly become a member of the troupe 3179,i guess he doesnt like cold tea. 3180,"yeah, this room has no colour." 3181,we are here waiting for you. 3182,where his place resides. 3183,last partner. 3184,crematoria young jack. 3185,"professor r.j.luppin, you know everything " 3186,theres probably something between these. 3187,how much time do you have to live i dont know 3188,"if the demons kill you, it works." 3189,and the sea samurai often trust themselves. 3190,the real mother disappeared. 3191,i opened your bottom. 3192,they drive from the entrance to the entrance. 3193,"you got 20,000, five warriors, not more " 3194,i cant help anyone who need my help. 3195,you shouldnt have stayed. 3196,and i look a little like him. 3197,what is that its a picture. 3198,"yes, you may prefer something else." 3199,"hey, lloyd. they want to ride the" 3200,leave my place to do my job. 3201,wheres your boyfriend from. 3202,i dont know who you are. 3203,"my uncle,." 3204,why dont you notice i dont understand. 3205,i dont know his name. 3206,flock is surrounding. 3207,my powers stronger than you. no. 3208,maybe i can come with you to the north pole. 3209,nice to meet you all over the place. 3210,you feel better yeah. 3211,take whatever you want. 3212,"hey, dr. creo antonio is coming back" 3213,tell them to go away. 3214,"look, looks good." 3215,sao feng invades us. 3216,"yes, you have a murder in your film." 3217,get this salt out of your right. 3218,i cant leave him. 3219,"he cant make it to school,." 3220,hes fine. hes gonna see you. 3221,but i hope you dont come up here. 3222,trust and deceit. 3223,fighting as you are. 3224,use emergency frequency. 3225,"the debt is growing, i know." 3226,she doesnt measure the amount of alcohol in her blood 3227,i dont know. you watch tv too. 3228,"after that, i lived with eight of them." 3229,maybe you dont know what youre saying. 3230,then you called me to get out. 3231,whos sick put your hands up. 3232,and then the first dark forces created. 3233,"hey, hey, whats up." 3234,i woke up and i was here. 3235,isols. 3236,ramses is the one. 3237,"its hard to say, please." 3238,"after a few weeks, she says shes" 3239,"yeah, niko, did you come to the laundry" 3240,"come to bed, karin." 3241,the horse was my cousin. 3242,the climate and the time being unpredictable. 3243,"what is it, doc." 3244,theyre mine. its easier for you. 3245,"dj, what are you doing come on." 3246,charmer. 3247,"you wanted to say something, right." 3248,no suggestions for the final line. 3249,i am his brother. 3250,ignacio. 3251,it goes north. here. 3252,"when i was a little girl, i had" 3253,"i do love you, daddy." 3254,shut the airlock. 3255,"yes, sir. sure." 3256,you said youre gonna go first. 3257,gina claims she knows no bank robbery. 3258,"you are not lying, are you." 3259,"sorry, buddy. take it." 3260,jungle falls. 3261,live or die. 3262,"rose, get on the boat." 3263,youve been too late. 3264,what the hell are you doing here. 3265,"jimmy, i need a jacket with cheese." 3266,youve become a top criminal now. 3267,absolutely not. 3268,"like me, they lose those pictures." 3269,the fifth democratic freedom is near. 3270,i see you at my office at 11:45. 3271,ladies. 3272,it wasnt a mystery book. 3273,i couldnt kill you because you worked for me 3274,then tell them. 3275,everything is ready. 3276,hope is the most haunted thoughts of humans. 3277,shut the fuck up. 3278,whats going on. 3279,beta my love beta. 3280,its closed. 3281,or have a picture of him. 3282,for my own purpose. 3283,i cant get myself out. 3284,"senator, your battlegrounds are here." 3285,"kaneda, capa to the airlock. now " 3286,hes like the chief of justice sha xing. 3287,"oh, sweet boy." 3288,i will not live. 3289,and his disciples for her death. 3290,instead of the hat and the door. 3291,whyd he take your blood and cut my hair. 3292,their visitors are always the same. 3293,you dont want to know the cause of your pneumonia 3294,come on. 3295,how would they know it. 3296,but youre not gonna do anything. 3297,let us check the membrane. 3298,they killed my brother. 3299,come on. theyre waiting for you. 3300,"until the matter doesnt get out, all of them" 3301,if you close your eyes and count to ten. 3302,i dont want to. 3303,and the ship is fully damaged. 3304,"shes so excited, and her daughter." 3305,our night is indicated by our graduation. 3306,i got through the woods a few hours. 3307,you hear this is a special situation. 3308,"all right, im ashamed." 3309,how do you know them. 3310,"dude, i am hemorrhaging." 3311,or almost. 3312,she was a 19yearold girl. 3313,"captain, keep moving." 3314,the coating did move. 3315,it happened as one of them spoke to. 3316,"hey, santa." 3317,i cant focus. 3318,when you find out youre passing through the gates of 3319,i called and i came back here in 10 seconds 3320,mom. 3321,very easily prohibited. 3322,sirius said that voldemort was looking for something. 3323,the anthrax that killed frank cadillac. 3324,a supposed creation of this wave is a 3325,good. just relax. 3326,it was the seat. 3327,"shoot me, i have to." 3328,"whered you find christine, bitch." 3329,this time of year cant be long in the sea. 3330,you say he grew up and you dont talk to each 3331,and our innocent citizens mock us. 3332,i admire what the poor people say. 3333,theres only 400 thousand dollars. 3334,so were going. 3335,"gray, come on." 3336,we need more ideas. 3337,"why would you have to come here, aubrey " 3338,"theyve led me, riddick." 3339,theres a chemical factory in this town. 3340,absolutely ordering. 3341,we are surrounded. 3342,"in that case, you dont invite your family." 3343,this is a place where we are talking about people 3344,add it to my list. 3345,"yes, it was." 3346,ill be back in a minute. 3347,"no, no, really. forget what " 3348,thank you very much. 3349,and force them to suffer. 3350,tonight we could rest easy. 3351,you have her address now. 3352,nebuchadnezzar is near you. 3353,"stay here, ben. dont move." 3354,you are not the worst. 3355,"i regret it. thank you, kim." 3356,just tell me what you want. 3357,thats it. stop me. 3358,i insulted my friends. 3359,im not leaving it. 3360,what happens when you cross the door. 3361,looks like im gonna call the police. 3362,there are a lot of ways to get out of here 3363,"i dont look very good, believe me " 3364,real fact. real fact. 3365,youre insane again. 3366,raul tommy answer. 3367,but do you know that theres only one witness. 3368,lets go lets go. 3369,but why seems uncertain. 3370,and it is important for me to get there. 3371,what are you doing here. 3372,did your guys leave you. we never had a 3373,go and dance with her. 3374,it doesnt have to be. 3375,like a fish in the river. 3376,something terrible happened in that house. 3377,we are not here because we are not free. 3378,you have something to show you no. 3379,and then it comes to the teams. 3380,i want you to put the money away. 3381,"its your turn, its great." 3382,"corys, wait. if you want to tell me" 3383,you are merciless. 3384,"and of course, chairman, nick calabrese " 3385,"and weve been fighting for years,." 3386,you jumped in for the survival of a boy. 3387,what do you think captain. 3388,spend your time with izzi. 3389,i am the best the company has. 3390,its really you. 3391,you dont tell her what i said. 3392,this is my confession. did you hear what i said 3393,your phone. yes. 3394,thats not good enough. 3395,"sit down, please." 3396,why are you putting it down. 3397,we can clearly see that the attack is coming. 3398,i lost you in a stroke and you couldnt 3399,this is the theory i was doing. 3400,the helicopters killing you. 3401,thank you for food and the money. 3402,"i mean, isnt it true." 3403,you recognize the other parts of the food. 3404,"god, are you wet and eating." 3405,and why do i have to know. 3406,this english thing does everything with books. 3407,the four black ones what. 3408,keep your mouth shut. 3409,and stay still. 3410,"good luck next time, ecla." 3411,you think thats probably another girl. 3412,i only have one request. one. 3413,to do what you think we want. 3414,looks good. 3415,"you know, jarjar is a little weird." 3416,what do you know about the service. 3417,theres a door to the supermarket. 3418,"let me help you, you did enough." 3419,okay. sounds good. 3420,"you were distracted, miss aubrey." 3421,"three kings, sing it and cry it." 3422,"you got what i said. yes, mom." 3423,you just give me a quarter. what are you doing 3424,"you know, one half with one half." 3425,maybe hes heading for his own vendetta. 3426,conspiracy. 3427,professor lupin where are you. 3428,ive never been a tradition. 3429,"well, thats it." 3430,i am an educated man. 3431,"youll be all right, logan. i want" 3432,i honour you. 3433,"anna, were trapped in the church." 3434,today something happened in the east room. 3435,if you see something in here. 3436,"captain, where is anakin." 3437,absolutely. 3438,what about the bulletproof blade. 3439,"my god, it hurts." 3440,open your legs. 3441,"thank you, thank you." 3442,"and as you see,." 3443,lee will kill you when we get down. 3444,and really enjoy it. 3445,why are you coming. 3446,"neo, if you are there, help us." 3447,its one of the hunters. 3448,burn her burn her. 3449,we must stay out of sight. 3450,"logan goes to bigsby, boss." 3451,what is it i dont know anyone here. 3452,just remember when you dont wear it. 3453,i saw a corpse like you did last night 3454,i want to have the brethren court. 3455,i just got out of the window. thats all 3456,"well, a guy in a blue bag is that " 3457,if they have a behavior or something. 3458,how do i look. 3459,"when you want to stop, you have to pay." 3460,"no, no, you cant take a fish out of" 3461,as it turned out. yes. 3462,its getting tired. 3463,dolly me. 3464,if something else happens. 3465,hes moving out of the darkness. 3466,i can take this far for my own good. 3467,unless. 3468,i promise everything will be all right. 3469,you make me very angry. 3470,i thought so until he said:. 3471,"no, thats a terrible thing." 3472,i wasnt. 3473,let me help you out here. 3474,you too bad bob. 3475,this is not good. 3476,mister officers. 3477,poetry for her eyes. 3478,i make this country the most modern of all time. 3479,"maybe, the local authorities dont work." 3480,our thoughts are very open. 3481,me too. me too. 3482,i see something funny about this boy. 3483,"no more, not less." 3484,"you look so much like them now, harry." 3485,"you might have changed your clothes, honey." 3486,"sorry, chancellor." 3487,it seems to be good to see you. 3488,you said you wanted to read and. 3489,"hey, baby. hey, honey." 3490,about 300 meters to the ground. 3491,"if you can count to three without lipstick, you can" 3492,im a christmas. 3493,my fishing boat. 3494,theres only strength ma. 3495,but i didnt. i brought you here 3496,weve got a great teacher here. 3497,youll see that anders will be retiring soon. 3498,"and, from now on, no grandmother will be " 3499,whatever ive done. 3500,what more do you want. 3501,"when i get to georgia, she makes me" 3502,you dont need anything. 3503,"clearly, some people dont understand." 3504,get her back to work. 3505,"i see, circus has come to our town." 3506,i knew. 3507,"so when i tell you, listen to me." 3508,"if they cut the operation, all of them will be use" 3509,noah vosen. 3510,"what are you doing, bianca enough." 3511,im sorry. 3512,"lucky you, lucky you." 3513,"wow, you guys are very insightful." 3514,but from now on. 3515,what is insanity. 3516,"well, its time to see each other again." 3517,"okay, but i didnt do something big for you" 3518,there is still hope. 3519,he knows where to strike. right. 3520,"i mean, youve been educated, arent" 3521,easy. 3522,lets go in. 3523,old wealth. 3524,not even your mother. 3525,i dont approve of your speeches. 3526,"and then, the little boy becomes a scary" 3527,this shit you didnt get it. 3528,remember that night when we talked about our issues. 3529,"i know i said we would,." 3530,"good morning, boys." 3531,it cant produce anything. 3532,but wait. 3533,i am more inclined to follow. 3534,i dont know everything. 3535,"sex, alcohol, price." 3536,red band red band. 3537,you are the judge of your life. 3538,i have. 3539,mrs. mrs. hanson mr 3540,we kill anyone who crosses our paths. 3541,no relation to satan. 3542,one on a sunday night is the best time for a 3543,"i dont know if its okay. bad," 3544,and that the boy from bakou. 3545,"dr. sid, please. thank you." 3546,mr. robert. 3547,i dont want to be one of those. 3548,the truth is that the dead didnt lose their prima 3549,theres a lot of anger in the heart. 3550,you shouldnt have smoked so much. 3551,when i heard a whistle in my e 3552,you didnt answer any questions. 3553,i want to do something for you. 3554,they dont know who is. 3555,youll never see us again. 3556,just wait. 3557,im coming over now. 3558,everyday life would come. 3559,because he escaped from the locker. 3560,wheres robert the engines working. 3561,you are a good guy. 3562,with all due respect. 3563,theres no device that might shut my eyes. 3564,"cee, please, let me see you." 3565,"no, no, no, hes right." 3566,you cant get the keys to the house tomorrow. 3567,shifting from the black to the black. 3568,god knows thats what you need. 3569,"for a long time, i thought you were the future" 3570,"im tired, petunia." 3571,you know why you stopped when you were protecting the 3572,see what sm ago finds. 3573,i know he put himself under great stress. 3574,and listen to the song of the elephants. 3575,renard. 3576,are you in it. 3577,i went to langor. 3578,they might force a vampire to reign in the 3579,you should be ashamed of yourself. 3580,"yes, hi. its for you." 3581,i have to get in. shut this up. 3582,baker bohanen. 3583,lets go kill them all. 3584,interesting stories. 3585,probably some memory loss. 3586,"gloria. please, i love you." 3587,you want me to do something. 3588,next time its better. 3589,"i mean, two eggs." 3590,what this is very good. 3591,who fights to silence the government. 3592,enough lives to save them. 3593,while shes still out there. 3594,mom whats the food. 3595,she led me to a happily married couple. 3596,joseph campbell says to follow the gospel. 3597,i will find you. 3598,"hey, good evening." 3599,you know this with my pictures. 3600,you have no army. 3601,its not for personal use. 3602,and i was sick for two days. 3603,come on. its your mommy. 3604,"dont be sorry, brooks." 3605,and id like to have another year. 3606,a lot of our boys have families. 3607,in return i sent him edinburgh. 3608,"they were almost morizios, gorras," 3609,your dad is ok hes not my dad. 3610,mina escaped from the country. it was a terrible 3611,"oh, another brook." 3612,"lizzie, i want you to drop this." 3613,send it to hell where it belongs. 3614,"weve been looking for you all this time, mister " 3615,"theres something in this world, captain niobe " 3616,why these should be interesting to me. 3617,"nicky, im noah vosen. how did you" 3618,"trust me, let him go." 3619,how are you saying without counting. 3620,which your team used in that room. yes. 3621,you think the general wants it. 3622,last visit with the skies. 3623,im pregnant. 3624,"now that we have enough, try to get some meat " 3625,"twelve august, 1 87 6." 3626,"no, no." 3627,"father sir, whats the matter." 3628,all the greatest sorcerers of history. 3629,"captain, this one is still alive." 3630,fish die in the sea. 3631,"dan, tell your son that its over." 3632,i guess until 10:00. 3633,"i mean, jack, please." 3634,"when the money was stolen, i was there " 3635,stolen in 60 seconds. oh. 3636,"this is the answer yes, sir." 3637,you see how easy it is. 3638,i always wanted to make our lives better. 3639,"no, not me." 3640,"you know how much i love you, girls." 3641,"anyway, we had to attend these courses." 3642,you guys i was in an accident. 3643,"i dont know. okay, i got" 3644,take us away from the temptation. 3645,"let me do this, please." 3646,in saint annas clinic. 3647,billy doesnt care me. 3648,what are you talking about. 3649,hes afraid we assemble a new evil army 3650,"come on, jackie. were not nuts." 3651,you dont want to talk about anything. 3652,we dont pack. you dont pack. 3653,"hey, girl." 3654,and. 3655,ive got a surprise for you. 3656,eat a cookie. 3657,son of a bitch never stops. 3658,did you see me. 3659,hes coming home. 3660,they think about five millions. 3661,i left my university to help my friends. 3662,this is the story that happened yesterday. 3663,what a strange light. 3664,what room is that you never saw. 3665,what kind of idiocy. 3666,"come on, get up." 3667,dont move. 3668,"thank you. thank you, mr. mc" 3669,she had taken pills and she was very sad. 3670,thats what we all want. no. 3671,this almost got you. 3672,james norrinton is immune to death. 3673,aloharos. 3674,i trust trevor. 3675,where are the scavengers. 3676,get out of the gloom. 3677,aware of your disintegration:. 3678,by putting your hands on the holy book. 3679,a fish. 3680,demon. 3681,no way out of here. 3682,"well, come on in." 3683,"come on, i want to show you something." 3684,thats what he said. 3685,before he goes to bed. 3686,"lee, by the way, respected you." 3687,i probably got blood from them. 3688,are you ok im alive. 3689,except sirius black. 3690,he couldnt possibly imagine it naked. 3691,its a wise way. 3692,what did you do to him. 3693,im not what you think. 3694,"thank you, honey." 3695,then we move. 3696,come on. all the other places are full. 3697,death makes everything worse. 3698,you need a little more time. 3699,"no, not here no." 3700,love is the most haunted world. 3701,let me finish this. 3702,it was very easily when we could consider it 3703,to preserve time. 3704,"tell me, have you ever been in love." 3705,dont worry. 3706,you are crazy. 3707,"after the wedding, i deny isolde." 3708,they are looking for me and the eye. 3709,you know how many times. 3710,in the middle of the tests. 3711,you see the picture. 3712,something. 3713,kill her. theyre not on her books. 3714,its been shut for a week. 3715,i have a emergency order from the president. 3716,so she came to me. 3717,two presidents argued hard and then resigned. 3718,aidan mrs. clark. 3719,no ring. 3720,why dont you show this to her. 3721,hes fascinating. 3722,"according to educational decree number 23, minister." 3723,hes a spiderpig. 3724,so youre a russian. your name too. 3725,your actions are remarkable. 3726,its an old ladys diary. 3727,i just ran for jimmy reid. guess 3728,"me, you have to wake up, jennifer." 3729,i dont want to leave you alone. 3730,i feel so alone most of the time. 3731,how can we stand together with victor i dont know 3732,"now, you can go. hey." 3733,what kind of a teacher. 3734,i need to do other experiments. 3735,"i asked myself, what should i do " 3736,"morten borgen, anders borgen." 3737,keys. sir. 3738,either way. 3739,youre lucky tonight. 3740,and i want you to be true to everything. 3741,hurry someone call 911. 3742,he was found three hours ago in istanbul. 3743,all special units are sent to program five. 3744,he paid my husbands money. 3745,she said she was gonna kill me. 3746,"if a mother tries to kiii me, " 3747,we dont register them. 3748,"oh, mumble." 3749,its not here. 3750,i dont remember exactly. 3751,"come on, show me what you got." 3752,"ill take you, constance. no." 3753,a shadowy soldier. 3754,"danielle danielle hi, hugo." 3755,"only a bit, a bit of infection." 3756,build the most powerful memory. 3757,"next, a smoke and a cigarette." 3758,but what were doing here. 3759,thanks for trying to take care of my sister. 3760,"yes, boss. dont worry." 3761,dont look at me like that. 3762,dont touch her. 3763,and no other place for them. 3764,"i lost all balrog, i couldnt sleep" 3765,mrs. stracean. 3766,for my friends. 3767,the kid is not okay. him too. 3768,ill stay here with you. 3769,the children laughed at him. 3770,i dont know new york. 3771,the assailant ran away from the car. 3772,hey. hi. 3773,anyone else turn it back. 3774,no calls today. 3775,ive never felt good about the past. 3776,shiro knows that his next day comes. 3777,daniels knows what. 3778,and now youre chaining it. 3779,"yeah, i read greek." 3780,"shes got a husband, and shes gonna" 3781,come on. i want to see your dress. 3782,the boys coming up today. 3783,he was the seventh man in the military last year. 3784,but none of them werent samurai. they 3785,and all drivers wear a rolex watch. 3786,answer to question. 3787,captain in costume. 3788,i dont know what happened. god. 3789,"and this one is small, and probably one hour " 3790,dont. 3791,ready to go yes. 3792,when i was kidnapped. 3793,how do you compare them. 3794,"gina lucas, 28, has two kids." 3795,i didnt see my dad. i was. 3796,you gonna lose you more. 3797,but the trajectory of the sword to the sun. 3798,"wait, i look good." 3799,"at the end of summer, my sister and i werent" 3800,hold your lessons for you. 3801,we get a little loan from this briefcase. 3802,we need all the satellites and all the satellites 3803,"oh, hey, thats the last blockbuster to" 3804,"well, theres no other sweden to talk about." 3805,so im not crazy. 3806,welcome. 3807,i love you so much. 3808,i want to practice. 3809,i played a little with a guy from your part 3810,"so, you have to eat to grow up." 3811,"sir cindy, help me. cody." 3812,"elena, i love this name." 3813,you hear that music is ancient. 3814,until there is no good thing for the person. 3815,the government has already known jackie dinorscio. 3816,youre a fool. 3817,"i see you, lee." 3818,anyone named jack. 3819,ive become a freak. 3820,he kept shouting all the time. 3821,i was scared. 3822,"well, let me see." 3823,strong and dangerous. 3824,think like myself. 3825,"yeah, just one." 3826,they say you were with the demon. 3827,"where are we going, wade." 3828,you cant hurt me. 3829,it was a privilege. 3830,i dont have. 3831,i remember what i said. 3832,but how do we expect to do this. 3833,now its scabbers. 3834,a wholesome experience. 3835,not a bad example. 3836,the only thing they couldnt make. 3837,of course not. 3838,"maybe i should forget this one, abner " 3839,the things you said werent true. 3840,a fool exists. 3841,"good morning, sir." 3842,but i know a place where we can go. 3843,"people are scared, yes." 3844,whered you get it from the toy store. 3845,"or better still, the young was very old." 3846,through 태국 and vietnam. 3847,"the voice of the man. three, four." 3848,helion prime is in four. 3849,we dont have any products for sale today. 3850,because millions of dead. 3851,you have to ask me this question. 3852,"all the books about them, they kill them." 3853,come with me. 3854,a picture youre looking at. 3855,you dont. 3856,"mr. mccoy, do you hear that" 3857,your spirits like the edge of the books. 3858,killing the fucking car. 3859,"no, i promise." 3860,and empty the stairs. 3861,about me. 3862,some shootings. 3863,very similar to their father. 3864,i found a country divided. 3865,"making them worthy of social services,." 3866,what are you a pig. 3867,that. 3868,what bad. 3869,i dont try to lose the blade. 3870,theyre just releasing the issue. 3871,we didnt put it right in front of it. 3872,"okay, lloyd." 3873,the blood is coagulated. 3874,"in over 100 countries, and." 3875,"thank you, katie." 3876,"tea, need a drink." 3877,sounds like some kind of magic. 3878,"carol, where are you." 3879,"and call the danger,." 3880,"come on, let this go." 3881,i have to get the money back. no. 3882,you liked it. 3883,probably. 3884,rohan is weak and prepared to fall. 3885,goodbye. 3886,and trained a few life assurance units. 3887,"relax, nelson. he smells like a" 3888,and tell your secrets. 3889,or if your feelings changed. 3890,take a look in that room too. 3891,"gentlemen, bright and sharp." 3892,you want to hire me. 3893,come on. come on. 3894,its a disaster for kagan. 3895,"oh, poor bunny." 3896,get the fuck out of here. 3897,whats wrong with you too. 3898,dolores umbridge instead of dr. dumbledore 3899,"i know her, and i dont trust her " 3900,"sometimes, bumpy johnson was a great man" 3901,effective will. 3902,then ill let him live. 3903,who are they supposed to kill him. 3904,go on. 3905,go. they dont want you. 3906,brendan hume now wins the mvp awards. 3907,the light was shining in the face of them. they 3908,my men removed the queen. 3909,"at seventh floor, as fast as you can." 3910,ill be happy to answer you. 3911,we dont have enough time. why. 3912,i was having sex 3 years ago. 3913,and then ask which one is your favourite. 3914,you could enter without a warning. 3915,ive come here all week. 3916,"to be real, when he does." 3917,shes got a soft lips and a soft fingers 3918,"the miracles happen,." 3919,you are the name of the u.s. 3920,you sure you did. 3921,"still in love, arent you." 3922,to fight the phantoms. 3923,"thank you, gene." 3924,a crew must be here in a minute. 3925,she thought that a footpath would stop them. 3926,"well, damn it, but damn it." 3927,i never wanted to be possessed. 3928,the average. 3929,if hes afraid then he has weak points. 3930,absolutely not quite. 3931,stand still. 3932,what the hell is this all about. 3933,"we are the circus artist, stop." 3934,"youve never met anyone you like, mr bond" 3935,did you see the madonnas board. 3936,maybe. 3937,"abernathy, come here." 3938,"lee, were ready for tonight. there are" 3939,the child i was born to is her daughter. 3940,immediately die. 3941,george george youre listening. 3942,where are you going the whole subsoil. 3943,she was lauren. 3944,im not aubrey. 3945,ricky. somebody help. 3946,"oh, look at you, honey." 3947,frodo is nothing. 3948,"oh, dad." 3949,our fate depends on you. 3950,"are you very passionate, mr darcy " 3951,then they dont look at your ceiling. 3952,i know someone who can help you. 3953,wheres the original ring. 3954,"no, i have something to do first." 3955,"come on, brenda. wheres the helicopter" 3956,you better take a extra towel. 3957,"only women, men and women." 3958,how to say. 3959,you see what the dark lord wants. 3960,tell her name. 3961,ill write you a biography. 3962,you lose. 3963,it would sound good. 3964,hes here now. hes gone. 3965,youve been gone a while. 3966,what does that look look like you live in europe. 3967,its not fair. it is. 3968,thats what they say. 3969,"well come with us, sweetie." 3970,they escaped. 3971,"when i finish class 6, i must have " 3972,we are coming from the other way. go. 3973,you see five in hell. 3974,deliver me. 3975,its over. 3976,how extraordinary. 3977,she makes 35 thousand for me. 3978,"i couldnt say nothing, my heart." 3979,she will grow up and die. 3980,who do you think i am. 3981,come on. 3982,"you can call wicket, and i want you to" 3983,what do you think youre doing up there. 3984,and all of them. 3985,"i dont want to lose the money, i" 3986,because nothing worse than evil and revenge. 3987,"if i had decided to stop, i would" 3988,time took my time. 3989,take a look in the mirror. i promise 3990,"sirius, when i." 3991,three deposits tonight. 3992,go go go go. 3993,tell that the russians are still moving. 3994,and my father helped him to do his expertise. 3995,its another disaster. 3996,because of the problems in the pacific. right. 3997,go and give her a damn. 3998,for their own good. 3999,"see you, lovelace." 4000,theres also a command centre for the invisible corpse 4001,you have something they dont have. 4002,"which are very compatible,." 4003,who is that. 4004,what are you talking about john. 4005,"hey, beautiful. well be back later." 4006,jump. stupid french. 4007,two years of best. 4008,i wanna see you again. 4009,the entire caspian block is destroyed. eight 4010,by a remarkable move. 4011,the ability to kill. 4012,i cant tell you how much i love you. 4013,i want to be with you. 4014,you really think they will trust us. 4015,whered you go today. 4016,jim and i developed a brain. 4017,give us a bid. 4018,"95%, i swear. i did" 4019,at 10:00 in the middle of the street. 4020,all of those defenses protect you. 4021,theres nothing. 4022,prepare to go deep. 4023,and thats a good food. 4024,its almost all. 4025,"oh, great job." 4026,can you give me something that says something. 4027,all this land is bloodshed. 4028,but we dont know when the surface arrives. 4029,"you and your famiiy, you and your fami" 4030,when it was 2:00. 4031,"oh, jesus." 4032,not 9 but i tell you what i have. 4033,you guys who found me. 4034,who wants lunch. 4035,mr murdoch mr hockley. 4036,"no, no, no, no, no " 4037,theres something you want to see. 4038,gusteau had something unexpected. 4039,if youre here. 4040,since your sister went into this house. 4041,"ln a 13yearold, you gave a" 4042,i will train anakin. 4043,thats the thing. 4044,i dont want trouble. 4045,its bellatric lestrange. 4046,"even though wudan accepts it, his husband is " 4047,my feelings and wishes have changed. 4048,no dont shoot. 4049,0. 4050,i care about humanity or something. 4051,and second contact with body. 4052,but you do. 4053,i dont like seeing a single movie. 4054,im trying to find eiro. 4055,these arent the monsters you know. 4056,i want to do something different today. 4057,"first, i have to end this." 4058,its a chip. 4059,my income averages about 20 percent. 4060,the dementores are under the control of the ministry. 4061,ive been in prison for so long. 4062,"oh, baby." 4063,hes so sweet. 4064,"my nephew, matthews, governor cornwall" 4065,thats the proof of love. 4066,you want to dance. 4067,so what about me would you call them. 4068,fascinating. 4069,"two weeks after africa, a message from him." 4070,get lost or anybody in your back. 4071,we will be there. 4072,i have to lift the aster. 4073,"my god, pinbacker." 4074,hundreds of hours of my search. 4075,the ship carries a new target. 4076,stop it. dont touch them. 4077,when the man forgets his appearance. 4078,we have a young lady with her ex. 4079,not even the secrets. 4080,she wants to fight. 4081,ill be quick. 4082,my knowledge will be the best in the world. 4083,"its coming, zo. its coming." 4084,hes a great student. 4085,calm down. get up. 4086,its the world of these monsters. 4087,"what are you doing here, colodie." 4088,"oh, god. are you all right." 4089,whats this all about. 4090,"yes, you hear that you hear that." 4091,i tell you what to do now. 4092,"theres only one wish, before we find out." 4093,theres no blood out there. 4094,"hey, what happened to you." 4095,"if you have a chance, kerry cleanse me " 4096,what whats going on. 4097,and he doesnt want to know what hes done. 4098,they probably heard us. 4099,whos the first one. 4100,"i know what i see, johnny." 4101,you cant be interested in aidan. 4102,"and say, baby." 4103,the meaning of the stories. 4104,weve been very distracted. margie was 4105,i feel sorry. 4106,"well, i wanted to tell you something, but" 4107,how the hell are you. 4108,you can do this. its not difficult. 4109,"well, sorry to say that, but its enough" 4110,"ha, sit next to the swamp." 4111,i have to put the camera down a second. 4112,before the chief takes it. 4113,for almost two years. 4114,"yeah, good. see you." 4115,"yearly, are you ok." 4116,lets get the women and children on the boats. 4117,"oh, god knows your fate." 4118,and everyone knows this is crazy. 4119,and because i am the one. 4120,what are we gonna do. 4121,where have i been. 4122,what was that. 4123,hes not gonna come here. 4124,i am sorry he came with mr darcy. 4125,if your parents find out about this. 4126,"mccoys in the other place, and youre" 4127,jim left this world. a very good man. 4128,how long have you stayed in berlin. 4129,and took her to her mother. 4130,reed. sorry. 4131,i thought we dont have the right to drink. 4132,looks a little freak like this. 4133,i dont like that part. 4134,trerick. 4135,after midnight. 4136,and i dont think it is harvey. 4137,i realized i love her. 4138,"no problem, we are here to help." 4139,brooks aint gonna hurt anyone. 4140,siamak hes back. 4141,you are the best father. 4142,but and if we dont. 4143,"you know, youre really fun when you kill " 4144,or in a friendly way. 4145,the only thing that makes this nights meaningless. 4146,we burn the witch. we defeat the demon. 4147,what i have other plans. 4148,"i love her letters, i dont." 4149,marvelous. 4150,i dont know. the trajectory. 4151,what are you doing. 4152,and hes gone. 4153,"okay, i promise you." 4154,"talking to them is politics, not to talk to them " 4155,i just want you to come with my students. 4156,tatianasuki. 4157,look at his hair. 4158,"you know nothing about this, mr denvers," 4159,but the baby takes him away from the real father. 4160,"thank you, but my pleasure." 4161,its close to a month. 4162,and they dont like the experience. 4163,"okay, if no one knows what the question is " 4164,a hearing of the senate will be more difficult. 4165,making an opening to the roof of this building. 4166,the murder includes it. 4167,who the hell is that. 4168,then what will happen to mother. 4169,"oh, shes sweet." 4170,"a lot, lot of years ago,." 4171,and the prophecy. 4172,this woman has been attacked. 4173,no matter what people say or do. 4174,this is a dream. 4175,close your eyes. why. 4176,unless you missed your time at theatre. 4177,"hey, bobby hey." 4178,a lot of what you create. 4179,these houses are connected to a central computer. 4180,"oh, if we go to the judge, a" 4181,you can feel it. 4182,the second in family was luke who. 4183,we didnt mean to start the night watch. 4184,and he has enough time to kill you. 4185,its okay. 4186,bodies disappearance. 4187,you crossed the old petersburg street. 4188,"goodnight, my sweet dear." 4189,"how did he just fall in i dont know, but" 4190,and laugh like men. 4191,thats not the guy with the big hips. look at 4192,"really stupid, maam. dont worry." 4193,"good, come on, honey. dont you see" 4194,"come on, come on dont be shy." 4195,she never met me before. 4196,"yes, 15 years old." 4197,arsenal. 4198,"i know where, under the rose in saintsulpice" 4199,nobody leaves me. 4200,"yeah, a little." 4201,one day someones interested in you. 4202,here you go. 4203,there were women like you who. 4204,your exhusband. 4205,"maybe not, but." 4206,twenty years. 4207,they lose their hands. aggressively. 4208,its an essential element. 4209,the money must be in the basement. 4210,kiss her kiss her. 4211,"philip, dont you need to explain." 4212,how do you expect to convince him hes not the problem 4213,"sometimes, we can see their underwears." 4214,i trust that my wishes will come. 4215,a tobacco brand. 4216,so we took our time. 4217,"okay, what are you reading." 4218,for jesse vialo. 4219,she lives with you. 4220,"yeah, that was my highest sentence. let" 4221,"sirius black, what brought him here." 4222,500 what can i do. 4223,"how many flowers, fleurs, flowers in" 4224,just go to the lab. 4225,i know i can use it to help you. 4226,"its like you did, but we didnt." 4227,or tell me what i want. 4228,its like hes alone. 4229,"mr collins, im very serious. you" 4230,steady. 4231,i want to reshape the entire area. 4232,you think he leaves us. 4233,do you think these are funny. 4234,maybe cause i dont have much passion. 4235,you just see what the dark lord wishes to see. 4236,"kiko, when is it hey." 4237,youve failed me. 4238,you are the professor hilbert. 4239,"hmm, dilep saved them too." 4240,call the police at las vegas. 4241,"well, let me just say that." 4242,because of your son jesus christ. 4243,"okay, thanks for this." 4244,or by what kind. 4245,"im searching for it, ok." 4246,and this makes me love you. 4247,i said leave her alone. 4248,"now, drive it. all right." 4249,let this guy go. 4250,to send these damn fish to the sea. 4251,"maybe whatever we do, we must be careful " 4252,like the boxes in the attic. 4253,"everybody, stay put." 4254,this is about the f.b.i. issue. 4255,your fingers sounded good. 4256,jesus ate her. 4257,which produces milk for our soldiers. 4258,so you feel better. 4259,this is like something buried in the air. 4260,i realized that the answer wouldnt work for me 4261,"okay, christian simonson will be there." 4262,look back when i drank. 4263,whos gonna bet more. 4264,know that the spirits never run out of this house. 4265,theyre gonna force them. i knew the 4266,she went to the main bank of maine. 4267,"of course, a lot of waiting." 4268,i dont count three times. 4269,this is your present. 4270,"if necessary, we follow them all." 4271,come on. nice to meet you. 4272,"where she lives, worm keeps." 4273,"for many christians, his transformation was changed." 4274,if you experience it the first day of your lives. 4275,what if nothing happens. 4276,leave them to me quickly. 4277,thats not what we do. 4278,"if they are not yours, then, isnt" 4279,"i assure you, dont you. i" 4280,ill see you next week. 4281,you think youre religious. 4282,we should stay here. no. 4283,not the little pictures he poses. 4284,he made it. 4285,by the warning of mrs. stevens 4286,i am the captain of the f.b.i 4287,"we go home, nothing happened." 4288,counsellor of the rovo household. hi 4289,the judge did it. 4290,"yes, its okay." 4291,my friend and source of the goodies. 4292,hes a boy. 4293,i guess its time for a little party. 4294,you know the rules. 4295,"what are we doing today, son." 4296,did you speak to him. 4297,is it stupid to lose a man from torture. 4298,and ive come to bring back the students. 4299,arsenal feud. 4300,i am starving. 4301,i saw that my imagination isnt useless. 4302,the original is 1801. what is it. 4303,get away from her. 4304,"the post office, answer me." 4305,let her do what you want. 4306,yes. one in particular. 4307,thats the way to live. 4308,its not a set of bets. 4309,youre serious why arent you. 4310,"and if i die, you die." 4311,"and if theres weak points, vaako." 4312,kept him alive until they saved him. 4313,brilliant how did you get it from filchs office. 4314,they can do things that they can do. 4315,a stroke from the trunk. when he 4316,you want to kill her faster. 4317,or something long. 4318,you didnt die. 4319,but i think that. 4320,and ive been practicing for weeks. 4321,we have to find andrei. 4322,we always watching each other. 4323,so you should have four dollars and. 4324,have you heard of will. 4325,we have to put up. split up. 4326,sweet. 4327,"now, how did she know about blackbriar." 4328,you want to know who he came from. 4329,"we love automobile, of course." 4330,jack sparrow has nine pieces of eight. 4331,its a cold day. 4332,a tragedy has almost happened. 4333,in the jacket. 4334,"trevor, tea, madam." 4335,and the codes. 4336,i just learned youre scared of fear. 4337,"and finally, we master each other." 4338,"anyway, it aint gonna be worse than" 4339,"as you know, the numbers have grown." 4340,without considering how old you are. 4341,so this is impossible. yes. 4342,"after our departure, they tried to find us" 4343,making them strong. 4344,these words make a good sense. 4345,pray now to god. 4346,"gabriel, tommy, come and help us " 4347,you say adacher from velarchi. 4348,"mom, i dont understand. hes dead with" 4349,"yes, and we want more." 4350,you dont care. 4351,"to fire, three, two, one." 4352,they come to us each moment. 4353,have you already interviewed him. 4354,"marji, when i read it,." 4355,"you found my weak points, astonishing." 4356,poor kid ed. 4357,check the delivery position. 4358,but probably the only thing you want is a mother 4359,she doesnt want to be with her husband. she 4360,sauni re made something for me. 4361,those who have been chosen since birth. 4362,the senate has no rules. 4363,can i help you. 4364,"father hasnt found her, mom." 4365,you dont want to tell me to get dressed. 4366,can i talk to you. 4367,i love killing people. 4368,and then im scared. 4369,"i dont listen to you, man." 4370,youre stupid. 4371,"if the government doesnt have anything against you," 4372,i dont think anyone will believe. 4373,but somethings not so good. 4374,we cant leave the open ones. 4375,"hey, hey, hey, hey, hey " 4376,"why did you try me because, i was " 4377,now bourne is looking for us. 4378,this is the little girl who saved my cat springfield. 4379,they absolutely love jack craw. 4380,"no, the scholarships are on the way." 4381,"what does it taste like from you, but a little" 4382,"come on, buster." 4383,bobby was at our place. 4384,the antirevolutionaries of the shah. 4385,you are so scared get in my pants. 4386,you almost awaited no. 4387,aw. 4388,75 percent of the damage to the living room. 4389,"no, chancho. i will never leave you" 4390,you had the chance. why were you dead. 4391,you found someone. 4392,"just a few seconds, stay with me." 4393,i actually got my leg better. 4394,how is he hes normal now. 4395,preserve these marvels. 4396,i didnt think youd be here. 4397,im doing this. 4398,according to the u.s.. 4399,we cant stand demonstrations. 4400,we must go. 4401,youre guilty of rejection. 4402,courage changes what i can. 4403,and the interesting thing about mind is that. 4404,why isnt it possible. 4405,and eats alone. 4406,right on the beach. 4407,"hes coming through the elections, michael belikov " 4408,youre saying that i have to choose between death 4409,"oh, kowloon." 4410,thats a great way to die. 4411,theyre so alone. 4412,youre a fool thats not funny. 4413,so i can tell you where the danger is. 4414,you know what this could be. 4415,"if i feel like losing your mouth, i " 4416,i dont know why they left ninfælde 4417,but i cant. 4418,"the rest stops, honey." 4419,"ive heard all about women, but ive never slep" 4420,"if you insist, briony." 4421,reflections have grown in both sides. 4422,"im not here, earl, and." 4423,i dont know about it. 4424,i want what you want. 4425,fathers taught them how to be a man. 4426,you know. a big news in austin. 4427,what does this smell like. 4428,actually enough cognac and some white wine. 4429,"im sorry, edwiges." 4430,"nothing, just wait where the ships are." 4431,someone who works in the free air feels better. 4432,ive been killing vampires since. 4433,"now i want to dance with him, okay." 4434,"oh, i should have told them last night." 4435,ive been working six months. 4436,theres no one in the area. 4437,"no, youve drowned us." 4438,no. hurry up hurry up. 4439,you feel so safe. 4440,a price i can only pay to exist. 4441,we are what we promise. 4442,we laughed a lot together after that. 4443,just without taking your foot out. 4444,"mom, i dont know what happened to you " 4445,by considering what happens to you. 4446,but you cant stay. 4447,"oh, shit. shit." 4448,"be patient, brother." 4449,looks like they will see our death. 4450,"no, no." 4451,god what a miracle. 4452,"i think if he wanted to hurt us, he" 4453,"carol, where are you carol." 4454,until the end of time. 4455,against possible damage. 4456,like i put a cup of coffee in the kitchen. 4457,you always do. right. 4458,"bea, honey, it is 3:30 in the morning" 4459,"now he will lose points, isnt he." 4460,go go go. 4461,"trick or treat. now, now." 4462,the metals in the planet. 4463,"here, here you wait." 4464,the pictures cant be contained. 4465,id better go and look at the leaves. 4466,"its almost that, mr. simms" 4467,yes all your books. theyre upstairs. 4468,"actually, what i always forgotten." 4469,im okay. people are coming to their business 4470,youre saying that andy is innocent. 4471,hi aeon. 4472,let him go give me the code. 4473,i drove a car. 4474,the armada is destroyed. come on. 4475,its okay. 4476,did she belong to the woman he invented. 4477,show them all night. 4478,writing. 4479,see if you want something to do. 4480,i think these epidermis were watching us 4481,for the unusual circumstances. 4482,you should eat more. im not so tall. 4483,you shot me. 4484,"please, leave me alone." 4485,fuckin around me. fuckin around me. 4486,mr. ross is a surprise. 4487,almost anything that exists. 4488,why are you crying. 4489,the religion of our lives. 4490,but i didnt listen to it because i was 4491,thats what you want. 4492,vegas is the best choice. 4493,"three, four. no, im wrong." 4494,from out there and lights out. 4495,what the hell happened. 4496,we could talk tomorrow. 4497,i was the one who forgotten the noms of the 4498,shes a goddamned dead. 4499,this is my favourite song. 4500,"well done, harry well done." 4501,buy a new cartridge or anything. 4502,did you ever think about walking like that. 4503,i dont care. but i know. 4504,"we did it, helen." 4505,"youve been chatted, youre afraid of the dark" 4506,"theres a table for two, piease." 4507,"mordor, the only place where we dont want to" 4508,"even if you lose your hands, you cannot escape" 4509,he killed my son. 4510,"you have beautiful lips, thats all." 4511,so how did he do that. 4512,but one thing is always stable. 4513,i never like to ruin those moments. 4514,the idea was to empty the bank and kill the motorcycles 4515,who are you a witch. 4516,and we will teach ramine our ways. 4517,"joeh, devon." 4518,"yeah, sort of. except that i." 4519,"look, what are you doing back." 4520,"so we need the machines, council." 4521,i want to know how to fight them. 4522,you are a dirty asshole. 4523,its time for you to join us. 4524,"good night, guys. good night." 4525,and the moons almost perfected. 4526,"thats not true. yes, it is." 4527,let me win you a wife. 4528,i was a fool last night. why did 4529,"aubrey didnt mean to do that, did she." 4530,so she came to make it big.Other. 4531,"probably they were from borgens farm, " 4532,i dreamt of a worm with a lot of 4533,"come on, pogue." 4534,we have to get out of here. fuck you. 4535,"these are not the signatures, harry." 4536,i think we got it. 4537,hes got the shields. 4538,"come on, pearl." 4539,"sorry, but what do you want me to do." 4540,siamak. 4541,i think i would be happier doing what 4542,what about hive. 4543,problem. 4544,"yeah, quite different." 4545,contention. okay. 4546,i created all of this. 4547,i love them. i love them. 4548,leave me. 4549,"next time, mrs. president." 4550,i love guys. 4551,"thank you, tomas." 4552,what the shootings for. 4553,theres another sin. 4554,what news about the service. 4555,manni manni kay. 4556,tanisity. r2. 4557,you want to ki somebody. 4558,put this in your head. 4559,were trapped. 4560,we arrested a thieves. 4561,its closed. allow me. 4562,you are all over there. 4563,"okay, two heavy kicks at the front door " 4564,"all right, you know." 4565,shut your mouth and sing your latin bell. 4566,"i mean, what." 4567,"son, look at this. what." 4568,wow dont be kidding. 4569,"good evening, sir." 4570,"homer i dont want to bother you, but" 4571,subjects on the move. 4572,we will come back. 4573,matthew i cant talk to you about it. 4574,i have no idea. you didnt answer the question 4575,good boys. 4576,be cool. 4577,the secret department. 4578,hes got a hole. 4579,always stay with me. 4580,im tired. 4581,"you want me to stop, honey." 4582,instead of thinking. 4583,"no, i didnt." 4584,our novel is called omen. 4585,one for a hundred marks. 4586,"marge, how much do we have." 4587,you remember what she died for. 4588,i believe the ambassadors are jedi. 4589,this is not a good idea. he must know the way 4590,this is the doctor who takes out his car. 4591,ascension marshal. 4592,its a curse. 4593,it must have damaged the first circuit. 4594,trains from washington to baltimore. 4595,"i dont like talking to you, byron " 4596,they met someone who didnt expect it. 4597,"i dont know, was strong." 4598,thats the greatest memory ive ever had. 4599,youre lucky. 4600,so you want to know about the hostages. 4601,why isnt there a man who believes. 4602,the oars will be fated. 4603,fly with us on the ocean. 4604,just in the head. 4605,anything alive. 4606,my change. 4607,but i feel like i still say everything right. 4608,i think hes gonna be ok. 4609,rayne. 4610,then the greens. 4611,youve analyzed me. 4612,its not like a book. 4613,why am i attracting to stupid people. 4614,theyve seen the tape before. 4615,"yes, inger, and now we have to sleep " 4616,no. i have to decide what i want. 4617,he has come for inger. 4618,okay. they have a radio stop on the 750 4619,how dare you talk to me like that. 4620,"no. he gave you pills, okay." 4621,i do this for good reason. 4622,everybody could be my girlfriend. 4623,looking for certainty. 4624,"fuck him. yeah, i want him." 4625,you cant do it i cant. 4626,"well, the law of attraction is that you have to get" 4627,"dr. gramm, you know i will do this " 4628,"capa, go back to airlock." 4629,please call again. i need your help. 4630,four of them. 4631,"you can go home, check out the door." 4632,we have peace. 4633,a piece of shit. 4634,"ready. no, i gotta get a" 4635,"f, dawlo, the burglar stood" 4636,i made a mistake. i let you go 4637,we need immediate assistance. 4638,"we are the most lucky sons of the world, " 4639,"yes, i will, captain." 4640,i expanded the scanning. 4641,as the ones who have sinned us. 4642,"hey, remy, you think we should." 4643,a dark age. 4644,and i destroyed her. so i could 4645,"the waters rising up. elena, go in" 4646,i act like somethings happening. 4647,"yes, once." 4648,to do your work here. 4649,so ill see you at 8:00 in the gate. 4650,she just scares me. 4651,you havent been with them in a very long time 4652,dont bother the axe gang. 4653,what was that magic thing. 4654,"icarus, try to stabilize the shield." 4655,lets go get something to eat. okay. 4656,government of the internal and external threats. 4657,we dont have too many of them. 4658,a good boy and unusual. 4659,for some people. 4660,"thank you, brother thank you." 4661,"harry, they arrested sirius." 4662,watch your arms in the front. 4663,they should be careful with davy jones. 4664,i believe you have come to the gathering. 4665,your life will change forever. 4666,"according to your say, the soldiers are savages" 4667,so thats true. iranians dont know 4668,yeah. yeah. 4669,they will find out the secret. 4670,"two seconds. hi, noodal." 4671,but i dont want to add to your life. 4672,i dont care about walks. were going to 4673,i felt you dont have a good spirit. 4674,its about expecting. 4675,good. good. 4676,yes. were coming home. 4677,lets go get together. 4678,"because the lack of a thing, is a" 4679,its a little uncivilized. 4680,"he says sorry for you, but your brother is " 4681,get in. 4682,whatever you feel better. 4683,"karen, karen, for us." 4684,i command troops against katsumoto. 4685,"when you were born, oh, my god." 4686,what should i say. 4687,"im looking at you, sergeant." 4688,im looking for john piers. 4689,im not sure. 4690,come here and say goodbye. 4691,it could take a few hours. if it 4692,"excuse me, captain. station." 4693,alessa was alone alone. 4694,where are you when you need you. 4695,but i thank god im not alone. 4696,"father no, claire gims." 4697,"george, its okay." 4698,but we successfully contained the patient. 4699,how was their fate. 4700,"you asked for me, wicket." 4701,somethings on the roof. 4702,mistake. its just a mistake anyway. 4703,good thing youre not the only policeman in this city. 4704,if we find that some of them are still alive. 4705,you fell apart. 4706,but dont lift them. 4707,"professor hilbert, this is a gift." 4708,hes a dead one. 4709,"well, lets go." 4710,"they couldnt see the dementores, they" 4711,"thats not the case, gale." 4712,where do you think. 4713,why dont you do anything. 4714,because the transmission goes off. 4715,and kept the virus for themselves. 4716,"no problem, mr. brooks." 4717,"i thank you, harry. christmas." 4718,pretty soon they will show up. 4719,you mean shoot them. 4720,somewhere. 4721,"you work for willy oh, no." 4722,and the last known survivor. 4723,this place is near yakusa. you have to learn 4724,"sorry, sir." 4725,i have to vote for you yes. 4726,"furthermore, the world belongs to two kinds of" 4727,john gave john to me. 4728,"em, tell them youre ok." 4729,what if the lads hurt you. 4730,"they thought id lose, but id lose" 4731,my father doesnt kill anyone. 4732,you werent meeting no one. 4733,"please, fellas." 4734,what does he say. 4735,first i grew 18 cm. then my face changed 4736,i need ramses. 4737,"oh, mr collins." 4738,if you dont help us. 4739,id rather have you secured. 4740,this means theres no pill in there. 4741,a piece of tea in my head. 4742,what about woodlan. 4743,and why do you think i need protection. 4744,hey. why dont you come before us. 4745,registered that you wanted to die. 4746,dont tell me if you say another word. 4747,you chose to be a guy and die like one. 4748,it wont hurt you anymore. 4749,i. 4750,"get her get her, mr. frodo." 4751,theres no point here. 4752,i didnt do anything wrong. 4753,"if hes like duckduckduck, hes probabl" 4754,they sacrificed their lives for freedom. 4755,"but you are wrong, im still alive." 4756,"jack, i invite you to the challenge." 4757,complete torture. 4758,"we have bathed in blood,." 4759,ten minutes. 4760,"worth talking about, please." 4761,it shall be a lovely sight. 4762,"in animal law, when they look at each other" 4763,kill all agents. 4764,"well, let us know." 4765,so you want to kill me. 4766,it protects you. 4767,that means what he wants. 4768,"our friends from america hey, how you doing." 4769,detective tracy atwood. 4770,but ive got enough of this now. 4771,the world aint enough. 4772,he scared what he scared. 4773,great. bring her in. 4774,"dont be scared, beautiful lady." 4775,hands up. stop. stop. 4776,"dont worry, uncle anouche. i" 4777,i cant go anywhere. 4778,"i dont allow, you know, rose." 4779,"okay, i promise, ill call you" 4780,between. 4781,good. used here before. 4782,call the guerillas. 4783,i had no other choice. 4784,"no, why did you change the book." 4785,ive been living in tokyo three years. 4786,and then they come to you. 4787,i was in your command. 4788,nobody knows where you are. 4789,this place where i buy the chips every day. 4790,"warren, thats a better life." 4791,"i assure you, sir." 4792,thoughts of a healthier nature would only result in 4793,but no fuss. 4794,my mom will kill me because. 4795,and thats why we never done it. 4796,they decided their apartment was small and small for me 4797,hes not my boyfriend. 4798,member of test 7b. 4799,"ignacio, i was in the kitchen." 4800,"look, i cant." 4801,a splendid luck. 4802,did you prove anything else. 4803,"youre hurt, it does." 4804,you put the chesspieces on. 4805,but what i cant stand is idiocy. 4806,hurry come on. 4807,"maren, little inger." 4808,a little before we strike. 4809,"unfortunately, as you said, this is my business" 4810,"yes, i have." 4811,hard to walk. very tough. 4812,"if the police find anything, we go to jail " 4813,produce o2 would be sufficient. 4814,its not a threat. it has never been. 4815,"officer for the springfield school in washington, new jersey" 4816,"yes, and you let me live." 4817,did you see that. 4818,"good morning, mr. wyler." 4819,im gonna do my best every week. 4820,"yeah, do you have a personal arms." 4821,get out. 4822,"i think theres justice there, huh." 4823,remember that day. you didnt be happy. 4824,until a person can get away from them. 4825,"they were wrong, raccoon was the only start." 4826,"it wasnt a car, it was a car " 4827,are you asking me. 4828,"well, one of those greats is on the move " 4829,enough long for you to understand. 4830,"once again, sir teary." 4831,theres only one way out of there. 4832,so what are we always asking. 4833,you play the dolls. 4834,she didnt have a dad. thats what they 4835,"a little later, man." 4836,all poisons are collected. 4837,are you in the fourth floor. 4838,longer and happier. 4839,"very close, very close." 4840,"cindy, this stinks my room." 4841,fucking thief give me my spin. 4842,he let the nurse to act. 4843,ill take the money. 4844,i dont advise running. 4845,stay with him. 4846,and thats what this is. 4847,it could create a 6 inch hole in your father. 4848,you dont think this map would work. 4849,without explanation. 4850,but lizzie never wants to confess. 4851,sirius black is at the top of the castle. 4852,"chris, i had to find another species " 4853,"a crypt, like it was real." 4854,which tends to attract aggression. 4855,"yes, i was with the doc." 4856,this guy was all hairdressers. 4857,"no, no, no." 4858,and the heart of the little chef dead. 4859,mr. reynard. 4860,sixteen years i live here and teach. 4861,the commercial carries. they want the submarine. 4862,why are you saying this for my purpose. 4863,is it the spirit of our lives. 4864,when you are a man. 4865,"first, hes gonna fall. i want you" 4866,four check. 4867,okay. about mr. dinorscio. 4868,"erik, glad to see you again. yeah " 4869,where were you when aubrey went to the game 4870,to separat the clergy from the serial killers. 4871,and my meditations got stronger. 4872,he said i never used the glass. 4873,but hes the man i love. 4874,"now, will the religion protect us." 4875,weve brought a pod. see how much money we 4876,control your nerves. hold on. 4877,gps coordinates. m. 4878,no. this is our parents house. 4879,we are in circles with them. 4880,love is a common sentiment. 4881,why is she living in me. 4882,looking for your friends. 4883,"no, no, no." 4884,"my friend, he knew me." 4885,"no, thank you, man." 4886,a thousand eyes. a lifesentence. 4887,i told you that. 4888,i like to drink. its so much. 4889,why do i like to learn. 4890,i look at you. 4891,call the police come back. 4892,or throw that thing away. 4893,dont look at me. i wont. 4894,"if we believe this, others can believe it." 4895,i dont watch. i think. 4896,welcome to our merciless home. 4897,"look, its disappearing." 4898,wait. its a little too small for you. 4899,the people who escaped from the desert. 4900,"im gonna fuck you, doc. doc." 4901,the situation is changing. 4902,the lord of the darkness is gathering all armies 4903,"what is this, lenin marco." 4904,"my god nelson, come on." 4905,"in fact, for four reasons." 4906,"theres nothing, theres nothing." 4907,broaden your minds. 4908,i just transferred. i probably havent 4909,"joey, kill this father and mother." 4910,"but if they arent here, we can do a" 4911,"if you prayed to her, she would know." 4912,i want to know what he knows. okay 4913,because of your relationship with him. 4914,"in them, they give us a real ride " 4915,come on. 4916,"kill me, then ill thank you." 4917,"if you see yourself, you dont think youre crazy " 4918,where did the thumbprint go. 4919,"if we wanted to shut the fire, we would have" 4920,they want to live. 4921,what do you think of hell. 4922,"oh, please." 4923,"you look beautiful for me, honey." 4924,and martin. 4925,why is it so dark. 4926,"thats the spirit weve been looking for, doc " 4927,agent. 4928,sharon. baby. 4929,this is a vial no response. 4930,we have access to the whole system. 4931,"so im just, uh, talking to liv " 4932,"detective, you cant get away from me." 4933,ask him. 4934,"all of them,." 4935,"what about my friend, huh all right." 4936,i hope youd come to me last night. 4937,always looking for a peaceful evening. 4938,"yeah, just tell me where to sign." 4939,shut it down. 4940,taking the entire day. 4941,what time do you want to have dinner with us. 4942,until four. 4943,"i can take your eyes, like this." 4944,you dont take me out. 4945,this was mr. compagna. at the 4946,"no, i dont." 4947,calm down. tell me what happens. 4948,"on the night of december 18th, 1944." 4949,what a room full of beautiful things. 4950,unless the world finds balance. 4951,"i have no choice, i have." 4952,"ten seconds, you have all your money." 4953,which will kill the earth in the next 24 hours. 4954,"so now, i can." 4955,and the fish was rejoicing in free air. 4956,"hey, kent. good night, sweetie." 4957,almost everyone works. 4958,"a minute, ill be right back." 4959,"here you go, fellas." 4960,then we must try to defeat pee. 4961,im georgian. 4962,he said i dont understand her. 4963,for her own good. 4964,i need a fucking count. 4965,bitch. 4966,"if i remember correctly, you had a little" 4967,its a tachyon booster. hold me stead 4968,his twelve years old. he was tall. 4969,stop it. 4970,he comes to the conclusion. 4971,which was deliberately resolved. 4972,"oh, youre funny." 4973,you know. 4974,you need it. 4975,dont stab the heart. dont stab the heart. 4976,"i mean, find ebi." 4977,i believe you are very great. 4978,"i mean, she lives inside a world where she" 4979,offer is enough to persuade me. 4980,"i think she loves her, but my sister loves" 4981,theres another way up. 4982,lets go find a little doll. 4983,"dont touch them, okay. i know what" 4984,from the sickness and the death of ebi. 4985,"for today, you must pack your books." 4986,what of you. 4987,youve offended me in any way. 4988,"no, not at all." 4989,"however, make a decision." 4990,"when the time is up, shell us out." 4991,"okay, we got the money for portland." 4992,"yeah, we make a few more bucks " 4993,and all the moneys gone. 4994,"all right, david, lets seal the window." 4995,the river white river and the destination of st. amambo 4996,forget it. 4997,you are in a corner of the glass. 4998,dont go now. dont talk to me. 4999,"captain, if my dad s saying so," 5000,"daley took a little, and she thought." 5001,i had a great conversation with mr. mascarpone 5002,"what well, ive told you before." 5003,his children put him in the garden and created xibalba 5004,you bring a complication for those who dont 5005,and to anyone who hasnt grown up to be 5006,kitty. 5007,kids guns. 5008,"oh, im sure i did." 5009,"all we need is a couple of coats, mr" 5010,"okay, but you want to marry me." 5011,"police, okay. i got this kid." 5012,well see the last few pieces. 5013,harold frantically was thinking. 5014,it wasnt. 5015,"so go on, aidan. come on." 5016,"anyway, theres 25000 to go." 5017,harold took the horrible hell out of him without 5018,sorry for what i did. 5019,"you re wondering again, mr andrews." 5020,we have no choice but to follow your orders. 5021,these are all controlled by him. 5022,"pietr, you have come here." 5023,"nothing more tonight, caroline. good night " 5024,new cells are produced. 5025,the hunters month. 5026,what happened to me. 5027,probably soon. 5028,"come on, who is that." 5029,because he doesnt think he does. 5030,lm beginning to investigate the hidden mysteries 5031,"trinity, link hi." 5032,hurry buck okay. 5033,we didnt do anything wrong. 5034,"captain, you must not travel long." 5035,you got this. 5036,how about man. 5037,and now i let myself be bound. 5038,"look at me, edgar." 5039,theyre 2 miles round the corner. 5040,hes a warrior. 5041,wait a minute. how did you know. 5042,turn the darkness. feed her. 5043,"all of your dreams, circus needs you." 5044,domenico spoke to katarin. 5045,"oh, its like them." 5046,a new song for tristan. 5047,the o2 ducts are open. 5048,you crazy why did you do that. 5049,"yes, it was." 5050,nine in the five before. 5051,"as you see, the ashes are running away." 5052,to kill the woman and child. 5053,how you doing. 5054,what the hell are you looking at general hager. 5055,"thats what this is, mr. frodo " 5056,no matter what happens. 5057,and me too. 5058,what are you gonna do now. 5059,merry christmas. thank you. 5060,"no, its not." 5061,"oh, god. im so sorry." 5062,called her name and take her to the police station. 5063,the curse they taught their parents. 5064,whats she doing trying to kill your dreams. 5065,i cant imagine what he looks like. 5066,i dont know what youre doing. 5067,i always felt like a woman. 5068,"shielding panels, full." 5069,i had more of a fight. 5070,jack frost. 5071,i was clear. we must know the truth. 5072,i told david you may become ill again. 5073,i will be your wife. 5074,why are you being rude at night. 5075,"mom, i dont know where i am " 5076,"beautiful ship, isnt it." 5077,youre not the one with a crowbar. 5078,"you know as well as i do, we dont want" 5079,"oh, i seen this in my uvula." 5080,lower. 5081,carlo i think or carlo. 5082,they screamed at me in church. no one was 5083,a game of the proletariat. 5084,a remarkable progress on test 7b. 5085,"when i lose him, when i los" 5086,i am leaving. 5087,"professor, what do you mean by these funds." 5088,no. well. 5089,its getting better. good. 5090,you know youre my sister. 5091,okay. okay. i got it. 5092,he cant go away without this. 5093,can you do that yeah. all right. 5094,if anything new comes to mind. 5095,this must be. 5096,"yeah, but hagrid doesnt have to be " 5097,this was my fathers fainted one morning. 5098,and now it is time for gifts. 5099,take off the horses. take off the horses. 5100,what the bloody hell. 5101,"without the viceroy, they will lose their" 5102,"because i love you, even when we were kids" 5103,you dont worry about that anymore. 5104,theres a screw on your face wait. 5105,"yes, i too." 5106,what was your little name ivan. 5107,donovan is ready for his martyrs. hes 5108,your lawyer. 5109,here. who is this. 5110,hold the left right right. 5111,"14 years ago, he killed a lot of people " 5112,which sequence. 5113,labs. 5114,every day. 5115,come here. lets see about you. 5116,what happened to him. 5117,theres only one way to get the oil. 5118,we are running a surveillance on your part. 5119,a twig. 5120,and i always do. 5121,"yeah, its guy." 5122,our american growth. 5123,you hear that now a few days. 5124,your prayers to god. 5125,"no, its not him." 5126,on your life. 5127,the grandfather was in prison. 5128,"negative, mission in danger." 5129,i love allison. 5130,whats going on ricky escaped. 5131,"yes, actually." 5132,theyre still alive we dont know. 5133,reprogramming again. 5134,you promise i promise. 5135,theres no reason im here. 5136,"no, we cant lose her." 5137,dont cry. 5138,but some call you the slayer. 5139,"no, wait." 5140,at least your turn. 5141,i just want you to know. 5142,the fat lady escaped. 5143,"excuse me, herr rosenberg." 5144,the rights. 5145,i didnt fear nothing. the future was bright and 5146,only now. 5147,shut up dont you dare. 5148,you want to see the inspection tapes. 5149,shes saved her land. 5150,whats not happening. 5151,the flowers from our martyrs. 5152,we use this gun as bait to increase our lives. 5153,it always happens. 5154,what could that be. 5155,now turn around. okay. 5156,"if you meet a cosmetician, it would pay" 5157,"from herself, herself." 5158,the phone is connected to the power lines. 5159,ready. 5160,youre the witch of the jungle. 5161,"relax, relax. whats going on." 5162,he knows why his family are killed. 5163,i want you to help me. 5164,no matter what they say. 5165,you came to see the fucking show. 5166,this must be interesting. 5167,you knew that in all of england. 5168,not a good guy. 5169,"no one knows. why, someone knows" 5170,i cant stand more. 5171,and thats what i put in. 5172,"im so sorry, filep." 5173,who are you. 5174,why not. 5175,in paris master. 5176,"calm down, minus." 5177,and killed him in front of me. 5178,they came into the bank and they stole no money. 5179,if we lose him. 5180,find me somewhere fresh in the morning. 5181,markus was a great writer. 5182,your family will never accept you again. 5183,"great, lets go one. one." 5184,wait a few hours to get the girls to school. 5185,thats why youre doing this. 5186,"sues teacher, brenda." 5187,all the workers are dead. 5188,what do you know about the tvirus. 5189,can you give me a address. 5190,fuck god fuck you. 5191,keep your peace. 5192,the dementors are created to rot. 5193,"always trailing after black, i remember." 5194,guys like me cant. 5195,we need to buy a new dress. 5196,"cindy, titan." 5197,"yeah, he sent sang le to the ambassador last week" 5198,"people arent one day, and tomorrow. thats" 5199,i understand your concern. 5200,some think its not a clock. 5201,and youre still here. 5202,"help me, please, maam. did you see this" 5203,we will arrive in a few hours. 5204,and then ten years. 5205,theyre from turin county. 5206,ying king. 5207,shiro. 5208,"as i told them, they were going to" 5209,theres an assault here. 5210,"and only through that window, the door will open." 5211,my mind changed. 5212,raise her up. breathe. 5213,whats a cop here doing. 5214,douglas norquist. 5215,"so, we are going to take off the eagle " 5216,you lowered the head of the cargo. 5217,jimmy. 5218,"well, youre coming. yes." 5219,he has been elected. 5220,"if god wants, it must be okay." 5221,you cant see andrews. 5222,you stay with the doctor. 5223,but then brendas sister will be. 5224,"trevor, im sorry. let me help you " 5225,you know what 89 percent say. 5226,usually they hate heroes. 5227,like prisoners. its not life. 5228,"well, dont bother." 5229,the phones are dead. 5230,the girl who died in the flat. 5231,my body is weak but my spirit is strong. 5232,the door to the house where i was. 5233,the future must be in the hands of a man. 5234,so what do we care. 5235,i work for the british government. 5236,his name is cambodia. 5237,"anyway, you havent seen two stellar charts " 5238,get away from me. 5239,dement john. 5240,"when my husband was sick, mr darcy" 5241,his name was ecstasy. 5242,"axe gang, my ass." 5243,"we have to answer the mccoys, but this." 5244,"yeah, im running out of time." 5245,can you please. 5246,feeling good about it. 5247,paul leaving. come on. 5248,by the name of god. 5249,i just. someone just made me weep. 5250,and you do something simple. 5251,you sure this is a good idea. 5252,"oh, my god." 5253,youve had a whole city to visit me. 5254,i want you to be expelled. 5255,lets do it. but theres something. 5256,"nikki, this is a terrible news." 5257,"so, the white man took control." 5258,get her in the helicopter. 5259,you never heard of the music. 5260,bop. 5261,how did you learn from our grandfather. 5262,"officer, lets go." 5263,can i help you. 5264,or mine. 5265,"everybody, attention." 5266,oren. 5267,im just like a free bird. 5268,its a technical phrase. 5269,hes sad about you. 5270,let me see this monster. 5271,sorry we were late. 5272,michael. 5273,this is a prisoner. 5274,"you doing your job tonight, okay." 5275,that wont happen because hes a liar. 5276,we must inform mommy and call. 5277,"you fool, little shark." 5278,theres no safe place out there. 5279,"i put dei in here, quiet." 5280,those who dont beiieve your faith. 5281,"well, im in titanium." 5282,"yes, thats what i like." 5283,why is that crazy. 5284,thats why i asked you. 5285,my little sister went to school this morning. 5286,or it becomes a sacred place. 5287,"two cuts, then one. right." 5288,i am a registered psychiatrist of the f.b 5289,come on. 5290,whatever they think. 5291,you must think im a monster. 5292,a long life for a rat. 5293,what happened. 5294,"you went to the world, mr bafford." 5295,"yes, sir andy was a fair worker." 5296,he did. 5297,youre right. you cant steal fish. 5298,"not impossible, mate." 5299,"and i would tell myself, why does" 5300,ive always been looking for a apprentice 5301,nobody lives there. 5302,you love baress. 5303,one day the templars stopped the search. 5304,what about me tomorrow. 5305,if i could do something today. 5306,"jill, im in trouble." 5307,where are you from. 5308,dont try them. 5309,prison this month. 5310,shes a pretty girl. 5311,"yeah, yeah, dont hit him." 5312,you want to talk about it. 5313,"look, frankie." 5314,whats the worst thing that could happen. 5315,he didnt send sophie neveu headquarters. 5316,how dare you talk to james. 5317,she never walked away like this. 5318,did you see ramon schneider. 5319,you cant do nothing. 5320,how about me. 5321,im sorry im late. 5322,"look, jackie, youre another prisoner" 5323,youre not my captain. 5324,because were almost the same. 5325,on one side of the body the other. 5326,i study at oxford. 5327,or. 5328,you know you have to find the victim. 5329,a little. yeah. 5330,what are you doing down on the hill. 5331,because thats what we do. 5332,or a female surgeon in the stars. 5333,"its hard to trust a boy, isnt it." 5334,and who do i touch. 5335,maybe they injected the morphine. 5336,cut and uncluttered. 5337,theres a murder here. 5338,"good morning, ben. 55 oh." 5339,he killed the professor. 5340,i took an appeal to hear your situation. 5341,"no, sir." 5342,"yeah, i got some." 5343,from downstairs. 5344,we mustnt always think of something. 5345,what is happening jack i dont know. 5346,he was a fool. 5347,so you see. very specific. 5348,he wants to have rigg. 5349,watch yoursef. 5350,"good pace. yeah, good." 5351,and aggression. 5352,you made it yourself. 5353,"evil masters,." 5354,ujio will win in a few moves. 5355,who knows where we are. 5356,"listen to me. yes, i lied to you" 5357,"i dont know how to kill harold crick," 5358,"oh, thats a funny trick." 5359,cleaner. 5360,"if you do, you can." 5361,"no, michael." 5362,andrei. 5363,"hey, its me." 5364,and you drank too late. 5365,we can figure out the problem. 5366,you lied to me dan. 5367,i am the king. 5368,i just want to pay the rent. 5369,"listen, miss." 5370,look carefully. 5371,this is dianne. 5372,that worked for joseph k.. 5373,"hey, jarjar get out of that energy." 5374,i just got it. all right. 5375,miss catherine eiffel ive served 11 years as 5376,"sooner or later, they will take you to peking" 5377,i dont want to be sad. 5378,that your little brother is not here. 5379,and if you boys mock him. 5380,after eiektra king was kidnapped. 5381,"yeah, well, no. i mean " 5382,give me my gun. i want to try again. 5383,"okay, now you must go up to the main entrance" 5384,thats why i could identify. 5385,you can kneel and pray in your hands. 5386,furious. 5387,none other than you. 5388,"yeah, i didnt mean to lose all my" 5389,what do you want to say pam. 5390,"my wallet, my money, my money." 5391,hes paying his bail on the railroad. 5392,the best we have ever had. 5393,"if you have time to kill a slayer, you" 5394,"faster now, before my iegen dies." 5395,i saw it in my mind. lets go. 5396,look good come on. 5397,bring in the third team. 5398,someone who has experience in the invisible arts. 5399,"first, let us explain." 5400,things went wrong with a man. 5401,the young mary is gone. 5402,he once told me about a place where people 5403,and live happily ever after. 5404,"i will do this, but first you have to help me" 5405,and your reward. 5406,"yes, because we can preserve it." 5407,take this animal to jail. 5408,ive seen the rubber stamp. 5409,im not that girl. 5410,"in the name of father, son." 5411,"okay, i will. just to see what this" 5412,because we are trying to lose them. 5413,check the airlock. 5414,and death is the end of a life. 5415,you sleep rachel. 5416,two teams. 5417,"we have to go. yeah, honey." 5418,then you will come back. 5419,all men lay on the shore. this might sound 5420,the trade federation has called in immediately. 5421,maybe you shouldnt touch nothing. 5422,which you have in your minds. 5423,"no, look." 5424,"dont worry, i always do." 5425,so you get what you remember. 5426,without my attitude. 5427,ltll be all fixed. 5428,or not. 5429,i killed sirius black. 5430,you kill anyone. no one. 5431,"well, you know my dad, arent you." 5432,sorry homer. 5433,we stand in the same bond. 5434,"if he knows half of what i know, he will" 5435,former agent jason bourne. 5436,"we must, we must strike against russia." 5437,its almost over. 5438,"go, son." 5439,i saw him coming through the midst of the sea 5440,"edgar price, huh." 5441,but this fish toast isnt bad. 5442,what was in my sandwich. fishnet. 5443,"hey, dad dont wait for him." 5444,seven bucks in every store. 5445,its starting again. 5446,and these sharks. 5447,"lizzie, dont look at me like that." 5448,im not sure it works. 5449,the bullets are on the ropes. 5450,"oh, thats what happens." 5451,i believe he has never tasted meat. 5452,i never forget the first time i walked through 5453,"mr darcy, whats he up to." 5454,something that was my fathers. 5455,my younger brother is taller than you. 5456,"come on, edgar, show me what you got" 5457,hold this. ill go find a bathroom. 5458,they wanted to join me. 5459,we were worried two months ago. 5460,get the witches away. 5461,"captain, with all due respect." 5462,you mean shoot their brains. 5463,or we are too vulnerable. 5464,your ring. 5465,"no, its funny." 5466,"oh, yes, right." 5467,i wonder what her feeling is. 5468,why are they still working. 5469,dont get bullshit. 5470,"miyuki, youre." 5471,sometimes called ramine hamlet. 5472,how is things going. 5473,"come on, esculetto." 5474,"im not a smoker, but." 5475,"its too dark, he looks like a pyramid " 5476,"i cant do this myself, okay." 5477,i think we should have a little on your hands. 5478,but you got something involved. 5479,before they come to germany. 5480,the emergency services are losing lives. 5481,riddick. 5482,"god, everything will be all right." 5483,"god, why did you make me so miserable." 5484,not even master yoda does. 5485,"i knew that if i were alone, " 5486,the guys in japan dont help. 5487,why not everyone is closed this day. 5488,and make myself stronger. 5489,jack dawson. 5490,shut the fuck up you invited me. 5491,"wait, wait." 5492,they dont kill us. were at war. 5493,"yeah, i wanted you to take a gand" 5494,"i love you, sweetheart." 5495,"its an odd coincidence, isnt it." 5496,nothing close to toton. 5497,refused. 5498,how long does she have to sleep for a few hours 5499,shelley. 5500,his wife helped us. 5501,youre going to win mathilda. 5502,if we lived somewhere without a challenge. 5503,a myth. call me. 5504,we are leaving now. 5505,the owls fly out with their purple eyes. 5506,i didnt know how to find the last spirit. 5507,where is this warrior now. 5508,"or jesus, look, i give you seven days" 5509,"i just wanted to let you know, professor," 5510,i dont really know how to say. 5511,and kill the corpses. 5512,good luck. 5513,"all right, sweetie." 5514,you have brothers. 5515,affirmative. good picture. 5516,"unfortunately, hes killed this afternoon " 5517,fahal has been sacked. 5518,guys like me. yeah. 5519,just stay there. 5520,captain panaka will begin ascension. 5521,"john, stay here." 5522,i will take care of your son. 5523,"damn you, ill take that 50 percent." 5524,human body is weak. body. 5525,come on. lets go. 5526,we have dinners in 20 families. 5527,because youre a mother. 5528,fuckin torture. 5529,come on. 5530,he never dreamt it would happen to him. 5531,aubrey. aubrey. 5532,i see my ship. 5533,why time for myself. 5534,name kowchik marjane. 5535,you think you can slip past the world. 5536,how much is your childhood. 5537,"im not weak, okay." 5538,no one can fight you. 5539,"armour, two of them so grand." 5540,some earthquakes will happen. 5541,so he must prove more concrete. 5542,i said move it. im sorry. 5543,gray. Aluminum. 5544,"i want you out of here, now." 5545,"theyre from the ocean, we are from the planet " 5546,"look at this book, my brother hasnt looked at it" 5547,"well, dad, you had a heart attack." 5548,"did you cry, mom no." 5549,"wait a minute, wheres the remy." 5550,"oh, thats a bad weather." 5551,"well, theyre migrants,." 5552,and if you raise your children as far as you wish. 5553,to the expansion of the u.s. 5554,mr. brecht. 5555,they were the last generations to control. 5556,one band or. 5557,what is it are you a virgin or not. 5558,it forces the mainframe to shut down for 30 seconds 5559,"ed, give me a wave." 5560,and now youre getting married at 21 years old. 5561,i think you are remarkable. 5562,dont do this because of your faith. 5563,thats what they called protecting us. 5564,"samnang, whats going on, son." 5565,you and my men have a deal. 5566,but you can still go. 5567,im just trying to breathe a couple of seconds and 5568,"remy, youre stealing." 5569,"they defeated, anyway." 5570,"this is good. he lives next door, huh." 5571,i guess i just got a bit of a 5572,id rather die. 5573,arent you here. 5574,check the inside. we have it. 5575,dont do this. 5576,"but for harold, these moments remained un" 5577,"forgive me, though." 5578,theres a safe choice right there. 5579,"gentlemen, i dont mean that i " 5580,aunt has always helped her. 5581,"mom marji, my little marji." 5582,"dr. gramm, i want you to listen very" 5583,all i see is a horrible future. 5584,pru. hi. nice to meet you. 5585,"oh, george, im so happy." 5586,"you know better. when the truck is trapped," 5587,when the card is over. 5588,why not. i dont know about you. 5589,"no, i cant do this." 5590,to drink my money. 5591,landlocked states. 5592,i dont know much about dancing. 5593,"okay, the first time." 5594,youll stay in the hallway. 5595,"well, zo." 5596,you depend on your blood. you need food. 5597,"we just read our fears, ed harley." 5598,second address. 5599,did you find anything to be useful. 5600,a week ago. 5601,they are the cause of the hell. they take 5602,come on. hey. 5603,they have something with themselves. 5604,"you are here, mr collins." 5605,"i got the tickets, big." 5606,dont believe what he said. 5607,trust me. we have to see warlock. 5608,"come on, lets go." 5609,"chowder, come on." 5610,someone wants to kill me. just stay on the line 5611,a fool invented the upper deck. 5612,"if i come to bed in the middle of the night," 5613,"we have africa and india, right." 5614,"someone told me to do this. oh, that" 5615,is that here where. 5616,how did gabriel find out. 5617,i do. lets kill him. 5618,"hes the new friend, hermione." 5619,"they were almost in love, but not in time" 5620,where is my daughter. 5621,its like no strangers. 5622,in a hail and sadness. 5623,guess were running around. how. 5624,"i used to see you at home, not in the " 5625,hes a fucking dementor. 5626,not all of them. 5627,your strength. 5628,crocio. 5629,and the guy will walk freely. 5630,"dad, there are these names for a week." 5631,"i feel so fast, harry." 5632,"your choice, honey." 5633,you just debate. i agree. 5634,"apparently, this is my only job." 5635,get to saigon with me. 5636,did you do this in a second. 5637,i am always the witch. 5638,what arent you happy about not seeing us. 5639,you hurt you hurt. 5640,"my majesty, it wont be long." 5641,why dont you tell the police. 5642,"honey, i feel like love you." 5643,im not listening to you. 5644,what happened. 5645,and he concentrated all his thought. 5646,"well, its not a joke, bravo." 5647,arrests and executions have grown. 5648,my client is in a state of emergency. no 5649,"a month work, just for this stamp." 5650,now we have no reason to leave. 5651,our sun is dying. 5652,daddy i love her. 5653,"and if you know me already, tell me." 5654,bad cat. 5655,adjust the trajectory of the valve. 5656,why are things so interesting. 5657,i cant believe theyre gonna kill buck 5658,"excuse me, sir. wheres professor lupin " 5659,i strictly forbid you to smoke. 5660,when i fell. 5661,but he doesnt think hes gonna live. 5662,miss weasley. 5663,we went to every little town in this six months. 5664,i wont be long. 5665,and he said lets swim over the jungle. 5666,mildly amiable. 5667,"listen, i cant do this. theres nobody" 5668,"portuguese, the lord of the sea." 5669,we have a problem. 5670,then we must think of something twoman. 5671,"it wasnt too easy, but i got you a" 5672,i just cant be. 5673,your brother is unpredictable. 5674,which finds his salvation in his mind. 5675,"ill hold you, honey." 5676,"i cant shoot you, jodie. please," 5677,you use your power to pick the dark or light. 5678,yeah. 5679,but i still dont know what you are. 5680,tell me what it means. 5681,we have to give jack a chance. 5682,the entire area must be cut down. 5683,we dont want to embarrass you. 5684,we must move. 5685,"yeah, we need something new." 5686,the phantoms of the swamp. 5687,"oh, we are not allergic." 5688,"oh, this pisses me." 5689,get away from her in the sleep. 5690,i always knew what the moon was. 5691,"if they werent you, then no one." 5692,"actually, the memory." 5693,this was the fate of victor. 5694,they order that this is your house. 5695,"none of those charges have been proved, though" 5696,but everyone knew he was smart. 5697,you decided to help the police. 5698,theres a power station. 5699,"after vacation, were gathering again." 5700,he went after you. 5701,who opened it up hes selfish. 5702,ive always wanted to. 5703,we were somewhere like here. 5704,the lines are dead. 5705,nothing. 5706,"dj, look at that." 5707,welcome captain. 5708,its like religious rituals. 5709,you want to get out of here. 5710,and she started getting her own business three years ago. 5711,take her over. come on. 5712,piece by piece. 5713,"rose, come on. you cant do this." 5714,shall reward young people. 5715,it sounds good. hold on. 5716,hes starting again. 5717,to give you the experience that you want. 5718,not so fast. whats this. 5719,thats why you gave me coffee. 5720,theyre compatible. 5721,you dont even know im here to help you or what. 5722,thats empty what. 5723,this kind of killer. 5724,"okay, mom yeah." 5725,the execution of the christians. 5726,that depends. no. 5727,"get back to them, honey." 5728,completely. 5729,it looks like a lie. 5730,theres no two. 5731,"all right, ladies, get out." 5732,i am so excited about you. 5733,"and help me, but the old friend, sirius black" 5734,i need a refuge tonight. 5735,"can i just oh, good." 5736,teach him in a week. 5737,now for the power of half the emperors. 5738,"come back, come back to me." 5739,thats me. 5740,we cook this. 5741,"all of the calls, messages." 5742,and i really do. 5743,you think so. 5744,what is happening. 5745,where are you going every day. 5746,"you have decided, mister." 5747,then why is it not clear. 5748,and the dead never sleep. 5749,shes not ready. 5750,fuck my feet and be the last prophet. 5751,im a colleague of your debt. 5752,break the door. 5753,it might make a man crazy. 5754,you are in the national comms where millions of 5755,you too different from me too. 5756,you need your people to be here. 5757,"monday, 1300." 5758,i dont like to grow up. 5759,im just worried about the next thing. 5760,hes on the move. 5761,you dont want that far. 5762,this is ben wade. 5763,ive spent half my life in prison. 5764,she was not jealous. she was crazy. 5765,i love you. i dont know her. 5766,theyre safe. they know us. 5767,no god. 5768,when i saw the mr. weasley attack 5769,no one can stop that woman. 5770,did something happen wendy. 5771,"i know, i was on this." 5772,hands on the table where i can see them. 5773,he says you both make a big mistake. 5774,where are you from. 5775,she sleeps like asleep all the time. 5776,i want to forget you. 5777,yes. i think thats better. 5778,im starving. 5779,"ah, all right, j.j. im" 5780,but im still inside you. 5781,has anyone seen how it goes. 5782,"so, what do you say." 5783,it was the most amazing gift you ever gave me. 5784,can you tell us scott. 5785,"the moneys in there, dog and sleigh bed " 5786,"yes, we dont usually like talking about her" 5787,your eyes are scared. 5788,i need you to ask a few questions for the 5789,who was it i dont know. 5790,youre gonna lose your best years. 5791,you can do as you can. 5792,when the time comes. 5793,i dont want the book. 5794,"the view is very, very, gray " 5795,"come on, sweetie. well do more experiments " 5796,there must not be visitors. 5797,theres wealth out there waiting for us. 5798,this is harolds room with his oldest adoration 5799,bomb. 5800,good morning. you were all asleep. 5801,"you tell me, kid." 5802,"yes, i am a very good chesskeeper" 5803,im gonna rule it. 5804,he mourns. 5805,i dont want to puncture your face. 5806,i dont like it. ive heard it all 5807,"look, look. we cant go anywhere, yellow" 5808,but thats not something you should remember. 5809,i love sandy. 5810,"phone, gas, electricity." 5811,ive never met venus. 5812,how does your decision affect them. 5813,charles. 5814,where the hell are the fleas. 5815,anyone has consequences. 5816,then i lived in the attic. after that 5817,"dude, you dont like it. joe and" 5818,theres a fool who challenges me. 5819,i have seen the diary. i know you can 5820,i didnt attract this particular customer. 5821,"they have a headshot, sir. and the" 5822,they broke the bonds. 5823,you know why i won every winning case. 5824,"city, i know what makes a good picture " 5825,thats right. 5826,the source in the ministry is absolutely convincing. 5827,its a good girl. 5828,"she wants to kill me, mom." 5829,"i am agent pierez, this is agent pierez " 5830,blood loss can happen before this is done. 5831,he treated us like he loved us. 5832,i will give up my heart. 5833,you have to get rid of the garbage. 5834,you cant trust me to care. 5835,"great, marvelous." 5836,why cant i learn anything. 5837,he was only 7 years old and ready to die. 5838,wheres the best. 5839,where are they i dont know. 5840,"well, were gonna do something." 5841,my precious. 5842,for goodness sake us. 5843,so what about pru. 5844,i think we can get you somewhere. 5845,"here, on my heart." 5846,its great to have anyone. 5847,"yes, jack." 5848,whats the lps thing. 5849,so this place attacked. 5850,three to six inches around the circle. 5851,god. 5852,sometimes you want to do something good. 5853,they control the brain. 5854,she said she was a student advisor. 5855,did you see what i did. 5856,theres absolutely no disaster. 5857,or am i curious. 5858,but what if its too late. 5859,you said this was whose. 5860,and i dont know when to eat again. 5861,its red. shes leaving the house. 5862,a little help. 5863,what are you doing down there. 5864,you live here. 5865,professor moody. 5866,what do you mean is disappointing. 5867,"hey, i just need you to talk to scott " 5868,you look at me a little. 5869,the sightings of the sea. 5870,"harry, you dont go for black." 5871,but we dont even know. 5872,this place is filled with golden nobles. you think your 5873,from the last few weeks. 5874,these men died for their country. 5875,next minute. 5876,"i mean, he hurts me." 5877,youll find the feeling. 5878,i leave you three. you know. 5879,maybe you shouldnt brag about that bottle. 5880,"as the chinese say, all great actions have failed" 5881,what about them. 5882,does not split up. 5883,you cant feel it. 5884,im looking for my wife. she must be here 5885,only sick enough to leave the country. 5886,this is a lie. 5887,i gave you my best room. 5888,"well, that was a long time ago." 5889,but the cleaners cant. 5890,and took me with him to that show. 5891,i just used it to get to you. 5892,"years ago, they say kagan was looking for " 5893,absolutely. you didnt say a word. 5894,and it could be expressed in a few words: 5895,jill cod. 5896,"for instance, we walk together." 5897,she didnt come. i waited about an hour 5898,they destroy what we have. 5899,"where the u.s. went, it" 5900,we were ready for the house. 5901,we should be at 6 oclock. 5902,"you know, you can sleep in a bed. " 5903,"i hate it, okay." 5904,how did you find me. 5905,"stop it, stop it." 5906,i call the security. what are they doing 5907,while we lived. 5908,ive never been outside. 5909,the navy is still here. 5910,"well, what about you." 5911,of course i didnt. 5912,lma and louis only worked out alone. 5913,negatively. 5914,remember this foolery put them away. 5915,did you answer i dont answer. 5916,but i came from the other side of the brig. 5917,who is this newspaper man. 5918,we all have similarities. 5919,you have to stop the game. 5920,i never paid for this. 5921,he can rest here and sit next to us. 5922,you gave me a fuckin word. 5923,hows your move coming. 5924,so the lost daughter is a porn star. 5925,my son is here. my town is here. 5926,i cant see anything. 5927,my doctor. i have to say something like that. 5928,the neighbor is almost home to buy and school. 5929,do we understand each other. 5930,but a new friend who wants to see you first. 5931,you have no prayers. 5932,remove this. 5933,when shes shy. 5934,"no, but what if our lives end here." 5935,"please, be patient with me." 5936,"well, i want you to write a detailed " 5937,"your threat. oh, god, no." 5938,thats crazy. 5939,shut your mouth. 5940,"jackie. im so sorry, jackie." 5941,why is it that long im trying. 5942,your food here. 5943,he told me that if he couldnt live a normal 5944,you were right. how could i do that. 5945,with absolutely clear nose. 5946,"jesus elizabeth, 1678." 5947,my son will stay here while i live in borgen 5948,wheres the 3:10 to yuma. 5949,nothing had changed. 5950,congratulations. but without me. 5951,i want to ask him about god. 5952,theres only one station. 5953,"last one, remember violet." 5954,the guardians didnt forget to bring in their 5955,"they must marry, put their faith in the" 5956,they take form. wait. 5957,lts the magnetic field that surrounded her. 5958,not the mind. 5959,leavent you. 5960,maybe its time for the laundry. 5961,"come on, go go." 5962,"when this city was created, a lot of " 5963,where dumbledore found his name. 5964,"mr. president, what are you doing here " 5965,but stuntman. 5966,thats what theyve become. 5967,right there. 5968,we have a threeman deal one night. 5969,if you went out. 5970,okay. 5971,fuck it. 5972,therell be different. 5973,from being surrounded. 5974,we dont care what we do. 5975,john. 5976,the ship will explode. 5977,"sorry, beautiful gloria." 5978,i dont see them. 5979,mr. dinor. 5980,thats what i learnt. 5981,did you see whats my problem here. 5982,it was a pleasure meeting you two. 5983,"yes, my lord. as you wish." 5984,take pity on us. 5985,hes a pretty looking. 5986,she calls on my phone. 5987,"come on, come on hurry up, hurry up" 5988,the voice of the خر خر. 5989,we have to isolate him. 5990,she wants only a mother. thats all. 5991,and not brighter than the earth. okay. 5992,"i think its just a cut, okay." 5993,i brought your tickets. 5994,we are the ones in the icarus. 5995,and here. 5996,we thank you. 5997,unless i never said that. 5998,freedom always has a price. 5999,"actually, ive been drinking a very bad" 6000,if i had a gun pointed at you. 6001,she doesnt know you are a murderer. 6002,you chatter. get him out. 6003,how do you prove that. 6004,down lower. 6005,"well, maam, we are seeing youre using" 6006,"when i think of a pretty lady, " 6007,she thinks youre a fool. 6008,"oh, so many things i like to say." 6009,"oh, one rope." 6010,everybodys red. 6011,hancher m captain. 6012,or destroy anyone else because of our pain. 6013,"my mother, of course." 6014,well die. 6015,they told us to explore the outside world. 6016,bazo. 6017,one with the aliens. 6018,"when i was scared, my mom did it " 6019,tonight we shall have toast. 6020,we never go because youre fat. 6021,americans. 6022,redirecting the transmission. 6023,how do you feel my pain is worse than my hands. 6024,the zodiac speaks. 6025,right or wrong. 6026,"how are things, marvin." 6027,verheiden verheiden. 6028,mr. galloway. 6029,ill talk to your son. 6030,"yes, but, please, noble." 6031,somebodys gonna enjoy. yeah. 6032,"yes, honey, im fine." 6033,i will eat a ball with these boys. 6034,i dont think so. not much. 6035,who is john pierrot i dont know. 6036,"and you think im a bad guy,." 6037,fishing a good fish. 6038,i got to talk to you at 1 oclock. 6039,they use music to help us out. 6040,"come on, dad. hes gonna be ok " 6041,hes gonna finish all the work tonight. 6042,"enough katarin, kagan enough." 6043,a few years ago. 6044,"coming soon, youre ready, and youre" 6045,come on come on. 6046,who swims in a river full of shit. 6047,im tired. i put my clothes on my 6048,youre not thirsty. 6049,i am watching stars. 6050,you want to walk with the baby now. you must be 6051,okay. our situation is ballistic. 6052,im not much older. a prisoner. 6053,if you want to rule. 6054,miss storm will meet you soon. 6055,"you challenged me, captain beckett." 6056,all of your hands. 6057,"what do we do, klitz." 6058,i remember all. 6059,i have always been with you. 6060,you interview with this woman wait a minute. 6061,"my daughter jane is unique, isnt it." 6062,whos coming home. 6063,after what you did to icarus. 6064,"im sorry, miss dale, but i " 6065,this is a giant. our friends are trying to 6066,"you know yeah, absolutely." 6067,wait the contract wait. 6068,"okay, lets go." 6069,"one minute, please." 6070,"a few years ago, i arrested him " 6071,whats that smell. 6072,and hes using it to defeat me. 6073,thank you. no offense. 6074,good. 6075,you want me to stay. 6076,"jill, get this fuck out of me." 6077,"you see someone,." 6078,she should not have it. she shouldnt have it. 6079,"no, i dont." 6080,and now hes getting a volvo and moving to 6081,"come on, megan, im coming." 6082,"you heard the news, maam. mr bingley" 6083,"when they defeat a man, they de" 6084,damn what do we see. 6085,giorgia giorgia. 6086,"im nacho, a lucad." 6087,i have all legal conditions. 6088,he never made a mistake. he just got up and 6089,its not tied to you. 6090,"sacrifice jean, no jean." 6091,in the end. 6092,truth is that what i told you. 6093,they come from school now. 6094,32 women and children. 6095,welcome to the evil spirit. 6096,i promise to stop the fear. 6097,watching you. 6098,there you are. 6099,"if thats what he wants, then do it." 6100,my favorite pastime. 6101,no one captain can go. 6102,i made a favour for tomorrow. 6103,he went out with his scythe. 6104,"it wont work, and your auntie will lose" 6105,this is the locks. hes got the locks 6106,dont blame me that you have to leave. 6107,"no, but thats it." 6108,so this is very easy. 6109,what nature wants. 6110,and a black suit. 6111,you took my baby. 6112,his name iskatsumoto morizio. hes formerly 6113,"when the virgin comes back, it will be a" 6114,"i dont know, mom, more than mr" 6115,you. you go first. 6116,"if my father wants to kill you, hes got " 6117,dumbledore obviously asked us to do this. 6118,faith. 6119,samples from altitude of a degree. 6120,who is froid its a passenger. 6121,they got a sumptuous party this time. 6122,the first surprise was that he couldnt find compagna 6123,"well, let me see some old books for jack." 6124,"hey, marilyn. you changed your house." 6125,my client was trying to kiii me in a 6126,"truthfully, i want you to come back." 6127,dumb kid. 6128,i really appreciate you. 6129,i dont really know what im doing. 6130,i heard that. 6131,"his fucking name, farrell and son." 6132,"sit down, please." 6133,not the last part of the lexicon. 6134,which means that what you think. 6135,"you save my life today, carter." 6136,she works for someone else. thats all. 6137,if your idea is 5050. 6138,we finally knew that they needed food. 6139,the trade federation will force you to sign the treaty. 6140,"karen eiffel, professor hilbert, i know" 6141,sorry for your mother. 6142,come with us to peak the peak. 6143,ill make a deal with you. 6144,"harry sorry, something very important has happened " 6145,somethings wrong i just got one. thats all 6146,"hey, boys, six." 6147,"i just wanted to make you feel safe, thats" 6148,you did the job. 6149,death is like injecting blood. 6150,"no, but it wont be too late to see it " 6151,no. we can go faster. 6152,i know that i will never be coming back. 6153,i cant stand the racket. 6154,"when you know, lift up." 6155,"no, i just spoke to you because i" 6156,to hidden places. 6157,you know what this would do to you. 6158,or they pay you a sentence. 6159,it wasnt yours. 6160,you ruined my goddamn hand. 6161,and thats what they want to believe. 6162,"if one of our men is leading you, ill tell" 6163,you cant change the rules. 6164,lts a shame l leave you. 6165,but you have to have three. 6166,its late. gym. gym. 6167,"professor moody, what are you doing here." 6168,you swear. 6169,which means that your body isnt easy. 6170,you have a trick or something. 6171,its a foolproof way to stop us. 6172,you have to write a cooking book. 6173,my faith brings me to the end. 6174,open the door. welcome home. 6175,what do you want. 6176,"if you were honest, i killed two people last night" 6177,"kate, wake up. kate, wake up." 6178,look ah. 6179,andy came here today to feed. 6180,"frank, ill be in the spring building." 6181,thats your coming up. 6182,"dont move, dont move." 6183,go over here go over there. 6184,im sure no one of the drills helped sirius black 6185,i walked with all speed. 6186,"no, wait, no, no, no " 6187,we are his parents now. 6188,god bless our hearts. 6189,i dont know the reasons. 6190,of course until next month. its 101 years old. 6191,belt. 6192,maybe theyre still alive. 6193,"or a story for me, its my life." 6194,dont lose your son. 6195,kids need a real hero. 6196,"go, go, go move it." 6197,you want to say that you dont know. 6198,hes right. its the only way. 6199,ill kill matt and your daughter. 6200,you are one of those hatfields. 6201,you know. its a little in the air. 6202,"you drive with him yeah, he was on that street " 6203,"why, you can die." 6204,very nice to have you back. thank you. 6205,have you forgotten your people. 6206,"well done, professor." 6207,which i dont have any. 6208,its time you went. 6209,i love her. good. 6210,we stay with him or stay in the car. 6211,"no, no, no." 6212,"well, go for work." 6213,prepare to move. 6214,i have to get back to the office. 6215,"its okay no, its not okay." 6216,you cant talk. 6217,you brought the truth with you. 6218,thats all we want from you. 6219,this is real. were here. 6220,rendezvous. 6221,i dont want to be one of them. 6222,"thats where youre going, man. that" 6223,"all of it, i can talk to you." 6224,you can take bowman for me. yeah. 6225,i said not now. 6226,ive been out of range. 6227,cut. 6228,only me and miyuki can do this. 6229,why dont you work outside the factory he got a divorc 6230,they were open. 6231,the world is pulsing every day. 6232,come on. 6233,you spoke to udre. you spoke to me 6234,something about this thing. 6235,im waiting here. 6236,till no one enters the dorms. 6237,and all i could do in my entire life was 6238,when do we start. 6239,you make me laugh. 6240,how do you know that. 6241,"you are the beginning, colodie." 6242,i was your wife. 6243,theres more to talk about. 6244,"but you know, he can be my man." 6245,you better get to the point. 6246,all they come with a brace. 6247,they cure themselves. 6248,why not why not. 6249,just asking me to marry again. 6250,dogs. 6251,and she didnt even listen to her watch. 6252,i cant find it. 6253,"lm talking to him, but l have to" 6254,when i get him sorry. 6255,a pain and suffer if you use it. 6256,"yeah, you dont feel he needs our patience" 6257,"no, you cant be." 6258,we have emergency communication from the national emergency services. 6259,where mr compagna has borrow money from mr 6260,you probably heard something about it. 6261,from bens johnsons research. 6262,"when you open them, you will see it." 6263,"what does life like inside the dome,." 6264,for a woman like you. 6265,but it gives me the opportunity to do all my best 6266,thanks. i blamed the title. 6267,but you cant hurt me like this. 6268,nice to meet you. 6269,they say its the perfect place to start:. 6270,failed bullshit. nothing. 6271,you dont understand what weve done here. 6272,and killed him last year. 6273,100 bucks a test. 6274,youve sacrificed for me. youve sacrificed something 6275,it was english. 6276,"sometimes, we lose ourselves." 6277,whatever he spends. 6278,four years ago. 6279,tell my son. 6280,"icarus, continue the recipe." 6281,not a fucking boy. 6282,i went out to buy cigarettes. 6283,you got a money yeah. 6284,"i mean, okay." 6285,i cant go out. 6286,and a man in front of us. 6287,"and, obviously, its unlawful." 6288,"you fucking did this no, jigsaw is trying you" 6289,"i mean, sir." 6290,"all of them realized, the secret." 6291,please tell me the truth. 6292,you still work on the dirty net. 6293,"thank you, but perry and i were just a" 6294,"hey, boys." 6295,where any crisis. 6296,thats why the dreams are safe. sorry 6297,i see you. 6298,what sorry. he was a very brave 6299,i dont like repeating. 6300,"if we do it together, well do it." 6301,"then, if i dont find her, she can" 6302,"now, get your test labs safe." 6303,this wizard grows up. 6304,lithium. he was on. 6305,where are your changes. 6306,on the roof of the river. 6307,you got one more fight. breathe. 6308,i kill him if he likes it. 6309,we dont use magic. 6310,something youre not gonna do. 6311,"after that, no problem for the naboo queen." 6312,you have to put me through all your writings. 6313,come on. 6314,"thats what the great rachel said, but the great ra" 6315,they have to get the fourth of the bids. 6316,reed gave you the briefcase. 6317,"i want you to have it, barbara, sean" 6318,he gave you a gun and made you pay for it. 6319,you are lucky to marry a famiiy 6320,"no, no, i do." 6321,you have no value for me. 6322,why did you help us. 6323,i believe we can be good friends. 6324,he copied it for me. 6325,"oh, you know what i dont have time for this" 6326,"can i talk to you, your honor." 6327,you wanted to go to the school. 6328,you were never honest. 6329,some of them. 6330,hes a zombie. 6331,along with the proletarians. 6332,"10, 9, 8." 6333,"today, i give you the power to control your life " 6334,a program involving massive americans. 6335,yes. what is it what do you want. 6336,"yeah, this is better." 6337,no stay far from me. 6338,"lets go, right now." 6339,"you gonna be serious. yeah, i" 6340,this food of the day is very funny. 6341,a tactic of a good potter. 6342,bye to your mother. 6343,the only thing he had. he still got me. 6344,get that money back. 6345,if you have a problem. 6346,im jacques sauniere. 6347,it looks good. yeah. 6348,get a fight. 6349,hes lashed with the electric wire cable. 6350,"come on, help me." 6351,donnchadh is moving away from us. 6352,"dad, can you lift it hes a liar " 6353,i want you to focus on me. 6354,great. like racing. 6355,what sprung up. 6356,real vampires. 6357,but it doesnt matter anymore. 6358,"well, while the others laughed." 6359,can you throw a monkey in there. 6360,"ronnie, listen to me, okay turner" 6361,"oh, pop it again." 6362,we need you. 6363,you dont have any weapons. 6364,"general, the system goes down." 6365,this is a latin slogan. 6366,"when you put your foot on the roof, they" 6367,one time someone talks. 6368,i cant leave it. 6369,two years from tomorrow. 6370,sheriff said she loved her. 6371,can you control your time. 6372,whats this all about. 6373,"if you lose your weapons, you wont be" 6374,these arent looking for a family. 6375,its an old vampire to protect the talismans. 6376,"you know the rules, miss granger." 6377,ill see you in the ring. 6378,you know what i think. 6379,he was murdered. 6380,i have to do this. 6381,my ship is huge. 6382,im sorry about the world. its not like before. 6383,just tell me three wait for me. 6384,i have this problem too. 6385,she says shes 15 years old. 6386,so it all worked out. 6387,sis says he counts our family. 6388,the human thing comes to mind. 6389,i stand in front of my own family. 6390,now you want to check on all the girls. 6391,and to make sure no one elses out. 6392,something out of me. 6393,answer my asking questions. 6394,i want the republics money. 6395,happy tea. 6396,mark and addie say you are dramatic. 6397,i look forward to the past. 6398,"okay, what do we have in the bag." 6399,your father means pietro. 6400,good evening. 6401,wow. faster. 6402,those who have always fought me. 6403,think about your clothes. 6404,you cant see that its a footstool. 6405,the last race for the venus. 6406,leave the wrong place. 6407,"you wanted to be a nurse, but now you" 6408,you know what i do when i am not a 6409,no offense. 6410,"if we go out now, we can do our job." 6411,you cant use it. what can i say. 6412,to those who have nothing. 6413,i could have someone else. 6414,the real reason i didnt leave you. 6415,cleaning the shafts. 6416,dont talk to me. youll die. 6417,why death. 6418,she needs to learn more. 6419,hold on. 6420,great. thank you. 6421,soon you will be suspended. 6422,because youre not a bad one. 6423,why should i do this. 6424,find the others. 6425,"professor hilbert, i am a director of the " 6426,then i picked one. 6427,im not so afraid. 6428,"yes, i mean, to lose the phantom" 6429,why dont you climb up and get dressed. 6430,the point is that we have no choice. 6431,thats not good for us. 6432,you know he was a polishman. 6433,her husband. 6434,hes right. 6435,i never met a foreign friend before. 6436,i had no education in my life. 6437,but im not quite sure how he got it. but 6438,"sir, we are headed to the hive." 6439,how you doing. 6440,you know better. 6441,ive just signed the advice. 6442,every way he walks. 6443,jack yes. 6444,hes a gay man. right. 6445,we passed it. 6446,i must think of it. 6447,this guy thinks hes nuts. 6448,"what can i get for you a left, charlie" 6449,but its my favorite game ever since. 6450,and they injected their egg whites. 6451,you know what my brother said. 6452,look at that. 6453,i remember. 6454,"you lie to me, but you dont." 6455,maybe thats why we like bonds. 6456,but i really need you to stay. 6457,make something that he never forgets. 6458,"look at me, what if i find a device " 6459,and shapes like flesh and scalp. 6460,sometimes a brave penguin makes the path to death 6461,i dont think anyone believe the dementores 6462,"oh, no." 6463,these are the signs when a corpse 6464,to have more workable opportunities. 6465,mr. lee. 6466,"a christmas, he asked me to raise " 6467,we got a problem. 6468,"then, i quit. what did you do." 6469,"johannes, go to bed." 6470,hey martyrs. 6471,i said you might want to do something. 6472,who and why i dont know. 6473,if you were the only one with the code. 6474,prepare your mind. 6475,there was a vortex on his head. 6476,you sing no. 6477,we have to burn this baby. 6478,i knew you would look at him. no 6479,"she was a clever girl, right up to the time" 6480,how do i do that. 6481,yeah. well be great tonight. 6482,you want to hit me. 6483,but what edgar did. 6484,help anybody hear me. 6485,thats what you want. 6486,we are headed for. 6487,you know how you used to work in a newspaper. 6488,"dude, lm telling you this girl wont" 6489,it was your idea. 6490,"you really are, arent you." 6491,mark hurry marke. 6492,jump jump jump. 6493,i took your pills all my life. 6494,"look, thats not why were here." 6495,we swore not to reveal our mission. 6496,scabbers told me that. 6497,you want to marry me. 6498,"well, lets take a look." 6499,"but, okay." 6500,how did you do that this is a new show. 6501,theres no need for the tail. 6502,theyll be all right when they treat me. 6503,"hey, let go let go." 6504,tell me what the roast is. 6505,we have a similar. 6506,i know that people know you. 6507,get the national director. 6508,"the road is wide, but the gate is circular." 6509,and you tell them everything they need to know. 6510,hold them here. okay. 6511,"stifler, i grew up with 625 pigs" 6512,and try again. 6513,its okay. 6514,shes good. shes lost her memory. 6515,when i hate you. 6516,"i mean, did nothing wrong." 6517,im shopping. 6518,i just wanted to say i swear it 6519,a mystic being. 6520,"before i kill her, catch her." 6521,and we are far away from here. 6522,"jump right in, buddy." 6523,the team for aah. 6524,i need to finish this project. 6525,im detective carter and my partner lee. 6526,theres a colossus here. 6527,who ride taxi in boogie. 6528,please dont leave me. 6529,tomorrow youll pay 20 grand. 6530,you know how to pick things up. 6531,just smirking me. 6532,assassination. 6533,you did what you had to do. 6534,"good luck, professor." 6535,ive never met him before. 6536,you robbed the government. 6537,not good for the first one. no. 6538,"my cousin, jackie dinorscio." 6539,"excuse me, honey." 6540,not as long as were here. 6541,"dumbledore, the great man." 6542,"around nikki, put your ass in your pants " 6543,"oh, my god, thats gone." 6544,holding your hands up. 6545,thats how you learned this year. 6546,go find your mother. 6547,"now that you say, i heard." 6548,you see that. 6549,will turner. 6550,that role will be my growth. 6551,no. mi. mi. 6552,what did you come with yourself up here. 6553,"and it comes from inside your sport, professional." 6554,"god, its time." 6555,"im sarah, and i gotta thank you." 6556,she had guns. listen. 6557,he said he fell. 6558,we have a dinghy on our floor. 6559,you say what if people like them. 6560,that son of a bitch no longer protected me. 6561,or youre running slowly. 6562,"where are kim, boys." 6563,nobody else. 6564,i dispatched 3 teams. we are investigating 6565,we dont know you like a clergyman. 6566,i can take you to the police. 6567,touch her. 6568,your boss is expecting us. 6569,not for the lord of the darkness. 6570,"hey, wait in vietnam." 6571,ive lived my own 43 years. 6572,can you just come here yeah. 6573,but i doubt he does. 6574,just this one chance. 6575,rescue me from the dry dust. 6576,"this time, you cant empty your balls when you" 6577,and now you want me to. 6578,"before this, when i went to the lake " 6579,like wild dogs. 6580,theres a child. 6581,its okay. 6582,i know youre losing your mind. 6583,he wrote a letter to you. 6584,please answer. 6585,"damn, im fine." 6586,i knew i should never trust you. 6587,"god, the whole blood is here." 6588,hes sneaking on us calm down. 6589,we have to get out of here. relax. 6590,you made him feel a little boring. 6591,"ah, now, drop it." 6592,"lucy mcclane, my fianc." 6593,"according to the lexicon, we are the images of" 6594,but to hold them. 6595,i never heard of her before. 6596,be careful. ill see you. 6597,we could screw whenever we like. 6598,"hey, pete. you saw rogue gone." 6599,zihuatanejo. 6600,my mom is dead. 6601,"now, come and stay here." 6602,who do you want to kill. 6603,bullshit bullshit. 6604,the order will be reconsidered. 6605,what happened to me. 6606,the cutting of the gen 1. 6607,you asked me about my sister. 6608,we discuss it. 6609,all those tears for a simple divorce. 6610,only a few weeks to hunt. 6611,mr. weasley and i are moving 6612,"now, pay attention to this." 6613,but i lost my famiy. 6614,no no no. 6615,it cant be lost. 6616,dont go. 6617,i want everything from ross. 6618,"sorry, but you must stay here. how." 6619,open the door. 6620,sandman. 6621,"who did that, kim." 6622,"you see, theyre preparing the elections." 6623,i wont make it. 6624,when anyones faulty. 6625,wheres the paper clip. 6626,get the names of all the women working for forster. 6627,blood and swill a gray dog. 6628,you should not allow them to do this to you. 6629,i believe captain swann. 6630,i checked the records. 6631,"yeah, where was the bus, tallis tall" 6632,down theres five floors. you need to clean up 6633,they left their pieces of paper when they were 6634,zoran and miro. 6635,he loves you. 6636,i just got a message from mike stempt 6637,all you have to do is do nothing. 6638,"yes, man. no." 6639,mina left the country. she thinks its too dangerous 6640,"yeah, lm sick. theyre" 6641,you want to protect them. 6642,shes strong enough to exist. 6643,"cocoacchinos, cassie." 6644,but she wrote a beautiful song. 6645,every little penguin has a comb. 6646,i dont want to walk without spirits. 6647,you dont have something to do. 6648,can you please. 6649,i know kirill. 6650,squad density 92 percent. 6651,but its still a while to be happy. 6652,i dont want to talk about this. the fact is 6653,if you would measure around. 6654,"you want a lift, miss." 6655,are you losing your mind. 6656,my grandfather gave me a train. 6657,be cool. okay. 6658,suspects of neveus and longdistance. 6659,"just do it, i cant." 6660,dont be disappointed. 6661,you want some strawberries. 6662,the man is selling good women. 6663,"my doctors say you dont care, mr." 6664,"its nothing, i know." 6665,poor professor lupin. 6666,"gentlemen, ill show you this." 6667,i had something for my brother. 6668,only two. 6669,its all in control. you ready. 6670,"anyway, i can tell what i said," 6671,"we must dress, put out the nets." 6672,which comes from this church. 6673,this shit. 6674,"george, bring him down." 6675,there are a few of these. 6676,you go. 6677,its gonna get warmer too. 6678,if i dont take it to a body and dont 6679,they called the ambulance and then they ran 6680,let someone in this city know what happened. 6681,jack. 6682,the way to the end of the pipe. 6683,which one. 6684,"go in and find the baby, and kill him." 6685,open them to the snake. 6686,"i mean, you can get away from the walls " 6687,"well, i suggest that." 6688,you put him in prison. 6689,youre crazy. 6690,what the hell did you do there. 6691,and they say hes cursed. 6692,they come to you from all sources. 6693,imagine what you can do with 1000 dollars dan. 6694,i need to record this. 6695,what happened i thought you were brazilian. 6696,im tired. 6697,calm down. thats an order. 6698,ill do it in the morning. 6699,"oh, god you scared me." 6700,you need a gunman. i cant see. 6701,the ship will put us in the water. 6702,i guess everyone should admire her now. 6703,its like i made rogue. 6704,i feel like hes shot me 30 times. 6705,i dont want to swear. i 6706,why did you come back. 6707,"watch your future, young lady." 6708,god forgive me. 6709,wait and carry on. 6710,send the droids. 6711,"come on, tell me." 6712,he was very close to us. 6713,and find someone else. 6714,and now i live in this area. 6715,while youre vulnerable. 6716,and keep an eye on it. 6717,admirer. 6718,we live far away from god. 6719,nurses. the crew at your service. 6720,look. them. 6721,emotions are the greatest gift we have. 6722,lets take a room. 6723,"just a minute, come on." 6724,this is a trait of rivalry. 6725,i am learning something. 6726,this is my shade. 6727,our purpose is a british. simeon ros 6728,"why dont he tell me whats going on," 6729,"a corruption discussion, i know." 6730,let me serve you as a current applicant. 6731,"its hellish, isnt it." 6732,this is a terrible time. we must move into our 6733,im burning. 6734,youll be happy. 6735,this is our hope. 6736,how long how long. 6737,"you are in trouble, man." 6738,it cant. it just wants revenge. 6739,what happened. 6740,when the time comes. 6741,her sister. 6742,i like this plan. 6743,they talk about why were here. 6744,morlock will be held. 6745,"no, you should have." 6746,"of course, everything is ready for sale." 6747,we are happy to have anyone in this audience. 6748,your mom and i loved each other. 6749,you like heroin. 6750,try to get through the door. 6751,i know whos taking the fish. 6752,i walk backwards and i laugh. 6753,dont talk like that to my mother. 6754,"mom, come quickly." 6755,come on. 6756,you dont hear anything. 6757,you fooled me. 6758,"rose, rose, come back." 6759,romantic. 6760,the only way to get out of here. 6761,"keys, mat." 6762,then youre a professional. 6763,"obviously, director." 6764,"very, very, very, very" 6765,we feel like somethings wrong with us. 6766,and we will not fall. 6767,not everyone. apparently. 6768,how does she smell. 6769,ill do my work in 20 minutes. 6770,"lucky, huh." 6771,"yes, i think we need it." 6772,why did this restaurant be famous. 6773,the witches of this city were witches. 6774,why is it there. 6775,she wont let me in. 6776,i can tell my friends of all kinds. 6777,we are a great family. 6778,"i want you to tell me the code, okay " 6779,and turn us into a bunch of peaches. 6780,my dear cecilia. 6781,"a few lives in oars,." 6782,or la la. 6783,a symbol that goes too long. 6784,we have to get out of this city. 6785,mama. 6786,i tell you where. 6787,somethings moving. 6788,my life is very normal. nothing special. 6789,a cure. 6790,"inside, buckbeak." 6791,"oh, wait. theres another try. jump" 6792,you should see it yourself. 6793,what are you doing in this plane. 6794,get rid of your arm for serious injury. 6795,i told you that all of the last three days i 6796,i put it in my room. do it. 6797,Gilberto delpiane. 6798,this camera flashed the first time. 6799,are you sure yes. 6800,"now, not much, i know. but only" 6801,"puerto borgen, st. petersburg." 6802,now you can go up to the ship and check it out. 6803,i brought you the address you wanted. 6804,"bones, i told you to leave him " 6805,the mardin lucas no. 6806,only two. 6807,and the hammer i dont like the hammer. 6808,"if i didnt, nothing happened." 6809,"i licensed her, mother." 6810,why are you angry why are you angry. 6811,thats how youre eating. 6812,"im doing it, emma, of course." 6813,"harold, listen to me." 6814,"no, we cant." 6815,"you want a big bang, the banker." 6816,"the streets, honey." 6817,i think jesus had a lot of physical pain 6818,"his hair, his clothes." 6819,"im not sure, sir." 6820,lost in the store. 6821,she asked you to burn alessa gillespie. 6822,but for what do you want the sword. 6823,lets move down to the downstairs room. 6824,my help makes the world stronger. 6825,why dont you think i put a bullet in 6826,take a look at the project. 6827,"of course, because youre not wearing a " 6828,the boy was almost to make a world event. 6829,thats what i meant. 6830,i want this life. 6831,"hey, mom. i missed you, " 6832,"when you see christ,." 6833,we have no money to eat. 6834,cut your ass. 6835,i want you to speak clearly. 6836,"and you sign it for us, obviously." 6837,i dont have the heat. 6838,"aeon, anna." 6839,the dutchman must always have a captain. 6840,twigs and lashes. 6841,that was it. 6842,"where are they, i know where they" 6843,its a good question. 6844,the evening. two hours. 6845,"this is your money, like the bank." 6846,"i said, what do you want." 6847,we are looking for two defendants. 6848,"hermione, look if a christmas toast " 6849,"theres a shadow. no, no," 6850,i suggest you leave before you believe. 6851,how does he know where were going. 6852,and start using this secret. 6853,bride over forster. 6854,and what happened to miss swann. 6855,wesa has a great army. 6856,she wasnt my mom. 6857,that person has never existed. 6858,he protected the emperor. 6859,first we escaped but then they stopped us. 6860,"and well go for some candy, huh." 6861,how much sick. 6862,"along the way back, she had a hemorrhage" 6863,i know a lot of things in this judgement 6864,"i know, just relax." 6865,"madam, why are you running." 6866,"did you twist no, i did." 6867,this ship is a warrant and a method. 6868,my wife and daughter. 6869,the heart rate is down. 6870,ive just tracked five transmissions. 6871,how could i be stupid. 6872,"you should come with us. sorry, maam " 6873,but modern church has its independence. 6874,so its not yours. 6875,and now its seven days old. 6876,"sharon, sharon, look at me." 6877,"papa, what are you doing." 6878,whatever you are. 6879,"come on, pop. get out." 6880,anyone who really knows the secret. 6881,you drink too much wine. 6882,"okay, maam." 6883,what do you think hes not in your head. 6884,"whose names, miss snape." 6885,"your majesty, now is the best time." 6886,please do it. 6887,"he knew that if markus was killed, he " 6888,"hey, i thought you wouldnt come out." 6889,thats what you wanted. 6890,dont tell me youve never heard of sirius black 6891,what the fuck have you seen. 6892,"hey, listen." 6893,not till we have a terrible death. 6894,"oh, god. its too painful." 6895,"good news, ben. how about." 6896,"youre coming storm, ani." 6897,she has the green eyes. 6898,it took me a lot of time to get it. 6899,nothing about you. 6900,"sorry, can we just wait a minute." 6901,these are just real stories. 6902,then i came to a lake house. 6903,"theres still no trace of them,." 6904,start. 6905,here. heres the last book he wrote. 6906,speak. whats going on. 6907,i tried out and i couldnt stand. 6908,i suggested what. 6909,welcome to teheran. 6910,normal food can kill. 6911,what ain doesn t feel like. 6912,the satellite lost it near the border. 6913,dont bother coming through the wall. 6914,kids are leaving soon. 6915,i want to live my rest of my life. 6916,how do you feel. 6917,whatever i wish. 6918,they really liked her. 6919,they are gonna be killed. 6920,marge. 6921,i dont care. 6922,impossible. 6923,"hey, dj, i brought you some chocolate " 6924,"hey, im talking about pork, pizza," 6925,you okay. 6926,"all of you, bye." 6927,we are on the move. 6928,"fache said wait, so i wait too." 6929,but it is impossible to be pros. 6930,join us. 6931,the rules can always change. 6932,and a handsome law of attraction. 6933,how great. 6934,your car is outside the park. 6935,not worse than that. much worse. 6936,then one day left. 6937,"look here, kunigunda." 6938,"are you okay, man its just a joke." 6939,"bye, my little lizzie." 6940,miller. 6941,get the shield. 6942,"hey, man, i am confused." 6943,when his uncle was facing his destiny. 6944,look at all this. 6945,dr hank mccoy. 6946,and took us out of the pyramid. 6947,come back again. 6948,"look at this place, our son." 6949,you are free and you can marry the woman who killed you 6950,"they say, if i want protection, i" 6951,"if this project fails, master." 6952,what happened if we could. 6953,wait a minute. you think this is a good idea 6954,"oh, maybe i better wait." 6955,its a pleasure meeting you. 6956,youre serious. 6957,i heard something. 6958,i think we must be a collective. 6959,you know why i dont. 6960,what is it. 6961,we lost a body with a crowbar. 6962,that the transmission of the envelope was part of it. 6963,"i dont know, perhaps its diane." 6964,i dont know why. 6965,غار come over there. 6966,to st. brutus. is the best place. 6967,"ten seconds were bright, harold." 6968,she slept in my fingers. 6969,"im almost there, my sister." 6970,"for all, and one day." 6971,i was better than this. 6972,the leaves leave themselves. 6973,while they calm down. 6974,youre so smart. 6975,"you dont have to be harsh on this one, ver" 6976,you gave her the money you gave her to get to her goal 6977,the holidays are absolutely nothing. 6978,theyre gonna need it. 6979,what do you think. 6980,"are you, do you." 6981,how do you know we are still alive. 6982,this is horrible. you cant go back home. 6983,were ill. 6984,you see what happens to her. 6985,holding a very heavy ring. 6986,"look at you, dani." 6987,i feel different. 6988,theres a little laundromat here. 6989,this is about malky. hes dead. 6990,we find these people. 6991,i saw him in europe six months ago. 6992,she was not rich. 6993,to sit down. 6994,we have a transport hatch here. 6995,"anyway, excuse me." 6996,"need help no, im fine." 6997,im bobby. hi. 6998,let him through the sea. 6999,watch the picture. 7000,"bullets, how long have you been." 7001,five killed immediately. 7002,my friends were telling me everything. 7003,im here to save more lives. 7004,just look for a cat named joe. 7005,tristy missed your death. 7006,listen to me. 7007,it must be a great surprise. 7008,open it up. 7009,his husband has newton and da vinci. 7010,white paint from ching. 7011,who ought to be known. 7012,"23 hours ago, when i was doing a" 7013,theres only one thing. 7014,the horsemen of rohan. 7015,it hasnt shown. 7016,a man holds a tricycle all life. 7017,nothing. fuck. 7018,"oh, yes." 7019,emergency landings have begun. 7020,my ribs dont move anymore. why. 7021,i just know i am doing this. 7022,whatever you want. 7023,im sorry. 7024,today was our first shot. 7025,a statue youre making. 7026,it could use a variation. you dont 7027,my wife says shes coming to the publisher and 7028,his blood lost soon. 7029,fuckin. 7030,my wife is not a free artist. 7031,"she looks furious. yes, she looks f" 7032,i never sleep. i always. 7033,"when i got arrested, you were still a" 7034,this is about the propagation. 7035,well managed. 7036,what did your ass do was not good. 7037,hes our best agent. 7038,its time to put our differences together. wait. 7039,youd better have gone with your boys. 7040,and in their trees. 7041,did you learn to love no more words. 7042,this is a surprise. 7043,i am the one with a 600 square head. 7044,come on. somethings different. 7045,i think you do. 7046,"yes, i love you, bye." 7047,i dont take order from post. 7048,kill her. 7049,"wait a minute, what." 7050,his life isnt in danger anymore. 7051,"no, no, he was a fool," 7052,very weak. 7053,"no, its a world record." 7054,"okay, thats it. thats it." 7055,thats what you are. thats what you want. 7056,"ronnie, come on, mule, im" 7057,"sit down, go to your work." 7058,were taking it. 7059,"matthew kidman, i always remembers how" 7060,"sleep, cut your toe." 7061,"you cant be in the same sequence, caleb." 7062,"jesus christ, i dont know." 7063,you hungry you must be hungry. 7064,you betrayed her i dont know. 7065,while they pay the price of the dollar. 7066,whats in the bottle cap. what. 7067,"oh, hmm. yeah." 7068,how long do you have to stay with him. 7069,its like a poem. 7070,wheres he to shut him up. 7071,become a hero. 7072,and he does it according to the law. 7073,the sons of bitches took my camera. 7074,then he burnt the bitch. 7075,surveillance plans and errands. 7076,"i am mr. norton, your director " 7077,its all right. he was lying. 7078,the crisis is contained. 7079,i went to 1620 north racine and there was 7080,just something to give you peace. 7081,im not even a psychiatrist. 7082,but you no. 7083,i dont sing like a bird. 7084,wait here. 7085,"revealed, and thus." 7086,"theres a shortage, theres not enough " 7087,you have to move. 7088,you want to see. 7089,the war intensified. 7090,"he was seen in naples, borgen and moscow" 7091,but what we say to the officials is:. 7092,"just say goodbye. no, no, no" 7093,nicky. 7094,area heroes. 7095,"all right, let it." 7096,sometimes its like a forest. 7097,not so fast. 7098,how did mr. sauni re do. 7099,and thats why you hated your son. 7100,i think i have a little i. 7101,and what makes you so happy growing up. 7102,i guess its for the jedi. 7103,i ran on the road. 7104,nacho nacho. 7105,the gate of entry. 7106,"yes, honey. im fine." 7107,i guess you forgot. everyone wants to be 7108,"hey, jason." 7109,dont go for the light. 7110,pam. 7111,step 2 on the second side. 7112,bullshit professor gugalba. 7113,"and the winchester is right behind these charts," 7114,"she said she wasnt sure, but you." 7115,shes beginning. 7116,you people gonna go stay with me. 7117,"alcohol, sausage, dogs." 7118,the thunderstorms and the solar waves. 7119,we will have a busy ride. 7120,this is your caddy. 7121,of course i know. 7122,"if you love your heart, you must lose it." 7123,"right, left." 7124,i dont even want it. 7125,tell me something. 7126,this is matthew. 7127,in happines and griemes. 7128,"chairman bowman, mischiets." 7129,i know everything about constance. 7130,did you think you found your money. 7131,come and calm down my breasts. 7132,what do you mean by cheating on him. 7133,logan enough. 7134,i cant do it myself. 7135,"a valuable item, plus i need it " 7136,"dont worry, mr collins. ill" 7137,call for klandurs request. 7138,"thats not true, caleb." 7139,i need your patience. you ruined it. 7140,tell them that im on my own. 7141,the witch of reid. 7142,"you sure you ok yeah, yeah." 7143,start the car. 7144,good. whats good. 7145,"first, i must kill her." 7146,does it hurt no. 7147,no harm done. 7148,theyre seen taking a cab. 7149,what do you need. 7150,"to kill all of us, father." 7151,we can still get out of here. 7152,dont leave me here. 7153,the laundry will crack when they finish. 7154,what do you want. 7155,can you hear me listen to me. 7156,"you mean, captain." 7157,my wife said it would be difficult to know. 7158,were close. 7159,i dont know what to do. 7160,"theyre true. yes, samara was taken" 7161,i want you to inform the guardian of the freedom 7162,and cleanse your memories. 7163,you listen. 7164,"anne, are you coming back." 7165,to sleep in the same room. 7166,i want this and then we can be together. 7167,you dont have a big billboard outside big dinorscio 7168,shell kill belikov. 7169,"yes, but what will the father say." 7170,"i have to put it in the house, but i" 7171,"i think its yours, mr wickham " 7172,this is not logical. 7173,its like shes born. 7174,"oh, my god. shut it down." 7175,when she had a famiiy and a 7176,all of this is still true. 7177,ive been living together for a while. 7178,all this evil created the evil. 7179,"actually i have a pet, a fish " 7180,and the captain waiting for me. 7181,"of course, except the warriors." 7182,i dont like telling the truth. 7183,thats why we should go and get it back. 7184,mrs battery is decorating his dance floor. 7185,some of them are in madrid. 7186,you like that. 7187,the last fight against the world. 7188,i dont smoke. 7189,maybe not one. 7190,"its not old for you, isnt it old for you " 7191,we are in charge of this kind of operation. 7192,the truth is that this is our collective memory. 7193,dont move or ill ruin you. 7194,007. 7195,what if the prophecy is true what if the prophecy is true 7196,come on. wait. wait. 7197,catholic evidence was finally published. 7198,there was no middle ground. 7199,it was a very hot day. the sun would 7200,i have to get 14 hours on the plane. 7201,"a little a little, our corporation lost." 7202,"where is this love, qui." 7203,this is a case. what are we doing here 7204,to four breathe. 7205,"you were the best, louis." 7206,you know who you are. 7207,"okay, ladies." 7208,another dr.jim wald lock. 7209,i cant wait any longer. 7210,"i know, this night would last a week " 7211,shut your tight mouth. 7212,"im glad, dad." 7213,and our precious ally wants to be back. 7214,"buying, selling, all of this is a" 7215,now just fill them out. 7216,my impatience is killing me. 7217,you know what to do. 7218,scientists say this was the cause of the virus. 7219,you finally said something. 7220,"i stand between them, and i sometimes " 7221,you said they spent nine hours. 7222,how old are you. 7223,get your head down get him down here. 7224,fries like pizza. 7225,do you remember when morten borgen came. 7226,i know you didnt. 7227,my experts said that it was a straw. 7228,the post of the order. 7229,"what do you want from the brethren court, arent you" 7230,transport. 7231,to complete your secret mission in london. 7232,just not taped in. 7233,only survivos. 7234,put your foot up and get in the car. 7235,you think i can understand. 7236,dont be sorry to be saved. 7237,"come on, lets go." 7238,"products, will sell out." 7239,i never walk away from revenge. 7240,i too. 7241,but in the end it went good. 7242,j or g for gym. 7243,"wait, just relax." 7244,machiavellis. where have we come from 7245,"i know, i understand." 7246,i am not the attorney as you know. 7247,thank you. thank you. 7248,benny fucks me. 7249,"we still have our house, but i never will." 7250,sick and tired of being separated. 7251,somebody gave birth to fish. 7252,my foot doesnt look like a foot anymore. 7253,the original location. cut it. 7254,unfortunately. 7255,"homer, hes in his voice." 7256,"near the sunset, where she was expecting me " 7257,"yes, you heard, maam." 7258,i still have no clue. 7259,its the habit. 7260,"come on, guys, we just predict this." 7261,how fast are they. 7262,"okay, homie, im smart." 7263,where are you. 7264,there was only one that night. 7265,"a gorgeous woman in the past, youve been" 7266,sure. whats the matter. 7267,youre a light bulb. 7268,"hey, dj. kim." 7269,but i dont even scare your sister. 7270,she didnt come back. 7271,"ill take it. okay, i promise" 7272,"what about his child, but and i will help him " 7273,thats where the trade started. 7274,i had to. 7275,lisa has a boyfriend who wont be seen anymore 7276,the headquarters of neveu. 7277,please calm down and stop. 7278,are you here with any chances. 7279,"i want more, but daddy, no." 7280,"i know what youre thinking, mom." 7281,i wrote something i like in the bank. 7282,its just like a game of luck. 7283,i guess he does. 7284,but all the sensors in there were burnt. 7285,and he was sick and he. 7286,have you met feelings of a nun. 7287,my wife was in trouble. 7288,it was tommy. 7289,temporarily. 7290,apparently there are a lot of fluctuations 7291,city light company. 7292,hes gonna lose people. thats all. 7293,lm taller danielle. 7294,how do you know all this shit. 7295,we can even see the steam from the trains. 7296,the guys are coming. the guys. 7297,prepare to be cool. 7298,you think they know what we dont know. 7299,hes to be responsible for the matches. 7300,when you died in a sack. 7301,"what do we do, oliver." 7302,"but if it does exist, it means that you are" 7303,whooow. 7304,tristis. 7305,"daniel, i know what youve done." 7306,come in. thank you. 7307,"i told you she was number 14, but you did" 7308,resident at stratopath strasse 10. 7309,you let an asshole go. 7310,"mr. ricco, can you take your client" 7311,ok welcome to us. 7312,give me your six hands. 7313,you want a drink. 7314,commanders station are ready. 7315,i still want to surprise you. 7316,the lady hofer has been questioned. 7317,defensive tactics. 7318,"hey, come back here." 7319,is it an academy thing or something. 7320,almost 10 hours left. 10 hours. 7321,its the queen of the queens. 7322,the death shield. 7323,help me up. 7324,when the germans attacked. 7325,this is my second question. 7326,but your voice is better. you sing it after dinner 7327,and then i think. 7328,"yes, honey. im good." 7329,"white wine, please." 7330,hes late. 7331,i saw you selling. you were in trouble. 7332,harry what did you do you attacked a teacher. 7333,"you said she went into my car, but she did it" 7334,the only way. 7335,about you. 7336,now breathe out. 7337,"whatever i repeated, i couldnt" 7338,divided. 7339,"hey, you heard me." 7340,"if you close the airlock, it goes straight through the" 7341,so you know what he does. 7342,"as i promised, dan." 7343,"but thats not like, right." 7344,that the infection didnt go away. 7345,just tell me who can help. damn. 7346,"hey, aidan. i am dr." 7347,it wont be defeated. 7348,i want to be sure. 7349,hes here. 7350,"hey, boss." 7351,maybe they pick me up. 7352,stop me. 7353,shut the fuck up. 7354,hes a dupiquito dress. 7355,"you have kids yeah, two." 7356,whats between your crop and that videotape. 7357,you have to give me a chance. 7358,my father defeated a 700foot peak. 7359,you have a lawyer. 7360,you failed yourself to do anything. 7361,get out of the way. 7362,were approaching the living thing. 7363,i intend to drive. 7364,i dont think it was our intention to be here. 7365,"you cant. its ridiculous, you know." 7366,but if you believe in something. 7367,hes a missionary who tries to kill you. 7368,he buys a gun. 7369,i hope i am okay. 7370,"when we are scared, he stands still." 7371,i looked in the room of the girl who never came out 7372,be nice to him. 7373,"no, dad. i am on my own." 7374,"girls, wouldnt they see me." 7375,"oh, god what happened to me." 7376,other than today. 7377,"youre so young, but youre so young." 7378,what do you say you dont know what to say. 7379,who we have never been. 7380,"if you want it, shes got a complete s" 7381,"well, ive been offering you a few " 7382,how you doing yourself. 7383,its nothing. you can tell me. 7384,sirius black is born. 7385,number 7:. 7386,harold crick was not a myth. 7387,"alright, so you dont want to be here." 7388,shouldnt say anything like that. 7389,these are the sisters of the killed john forster 7390,your honor. he cant sit still. 7391,homer simpsons. 7392,you can do as you say. 7393,i was born again. 7394,"but dumbledore, dumbledore, too much for" 7395,i can see ben from the system. 7396,you really expect me. 7397,that was me. 7398,not even if a monkey was killed. 7399,you are married. 7400,i like this hammer. 7401,maybe theres a fire. 7402,i said that the roof is cracking. 7403,"yeah, we just have to marry." 7404,"he doesnt know a little. yes, he" 7405,and then bring them back to me. 7406,you need a piece of soapstone. 7407,shit. lets go. 7408,so you say that i got this chance. 7409,whos in trouble with you. 7410,but it was so warm you dont live on that planet. 7411,"okay, lift off this little boy." 7412,we could be lovers again. 7413,"well, you came in." 7414,come on. 7415,can you tell us how they all came from. 7416,i imagined. 7417,alcohol is just a tranquilizer. 7418,you feel her touching her. 7419,"stay back, zita ziza." 7420,i cant stay still. 7421,and now were getting closer. 7422,where do you know this is the guy who killed you 7423,there was a storm that wasnt happening. 7424,the system of the circulation and the bodies. 7425,more often that your face is a myth. 7426,i cant. why not. 7427,a little something for you. 7428,"flipperton, son of a bitch." 7429,susan johnny hi. 7430,okay. 7431,"strangely enough, ben apache." 7432,you can be sure. 7433,first screen first. 7434,tell me your last name. 7435,theres something poisonous in there. 7436,this is our secret. 7437,not good. 7438,wheres he from peter parker. 7439,thats okay. you see. 7440,"you know, john, we are having a little" 7441,how about be like my wife. 7442,"yeah, man, this party is filled." 7443,youre aware of federal surveillance. 7444,"okay, four walls build a home." 7445,why does he say we walk this way. 7446,what is it about i dont know. 7447,my name is gray dale. 7448,kept what do you mean. 7449,no longer. 7450,dont do this anymore. why. 7451,the data indicate a technical malfunction. 7452,just like petunia. 7453,has signed this morning. 7454,my mother didnt want me to come this year. 7455,im fine. 7456,"come on, ben." 7457,what about band what. 7458,no problem. well count for 10 months. 7459,something dangerous. 7460,"and when you find it, okay." 7461,im the architect. 7462,aggressive isnt it i just stupid. 7463,and your famiiy. 7464,but ive been a couple of years. 7465,a woman with two locks behind you. whats 7466,we know that the trousers are out now. 7467,kill her. 7468,and change your outlook. 7469,"then what, how did this message arrive." 7470,i hate you. 7471,"i read that in most southern america,." 7472,thank you. come with me. 7473,i found this in a secret room. 7474,i think this way will keep you out of prison. 7475,"yes, i will." 7476,just like you do. 7477,we want to speak in the priory of sion. 7478,cheerio. 7479,so youre still the boy. 7480,"in the airport, you made a big mistake." 7481,sorry. stop it. 7482,and you know what this means to you. 7483,"yeah, im glad to see you." 7484,tristan tristan. we got something. 7485,they work from your men. 7486,"and dog, dog dead." 7487,theres no way up to the top. 7488,twentyseven blocks. 7489,to kill him you dont know. 7490,you didnt come out. 7491,why do you have to do this. 7492,petunia. 7493,but i have to warn you. 7494,thats what we know today. 7495,ill stay with you till the end. 7496,drinking piss. 7497,can i read it. 7498,i didnt take them from anyone. they 7499,"looks like i took it a little, " 7500,"whatever it is, we are not ready." 7501,wait a minute. 7502,and i blame the grandpa. 7503,"another time, yegor." 7504,franks and my father. 7505,thats right on your arm. 7506,who actually was that. 7507,thats better than having her here on the floor. 7508,go for the taxi. what. 7509,you have the entire body. 7510,maybe its an accident. 7511,im waiting for you. 7512,just look at him. 7513,we should be there before this time. 7514,"thank you, lloyd." 7515,now she dies again. 7516,i have to go to work. 7517,maybe later. 7518,"captain, if you may say something." 7519,now if you forgive me. 7520,you can figure out how many men are in there. 7521,the frequencies of the fanchids are the same. 7522,i heard people want something. 7523,"but for me, martin." 7524,"lee, im glad youre here." 7525,why dont you let her go no. 7526,"dont you hear it. exercise, exercise " 7527,if you dont get out of sight. 7528,you guys are hungry this. 7529,"oh, baby i think i should dance." 7530,i can believe you. 7531,bravo. 7532,you talk about my faith. 7533,im trying. i dont know how to do that 7534,my father. 7535,would you like to flirt with us. 7536,go take a look. 7537,okay where are you going. 7538,"crazy old man, his head was broken." 7539,i wasnt doing this. 7540,you dont see the clouds. 7541,the queen amidala is coming home. 7542,"my lord, the offensive is in order." 7543,dragons revenge is besteaten food. 7544,minister yes. 7545,"i tell you, gentlemen, you guys" 7546,anyone else around. 7547,"because she was a communist, she was prison" 7548,how did it go. 7549,the lie has been told. 7550,and then they went crazy. yes. 7551,theres no fire here. 7552,"chris, get out of hell." 7553,"well, well, there are clouds up there." 7554,why is the secret police in this. 7555,what the only way to maintain the common unity. 7556,in bed. 7557,you cant deal with this. 7558,but it was something. 7559,lets do something quickly. 7560,i like ice cream. 7561,this must be father. 7562,the offer. you sure it was a offer. 7563,"hold on, detective. hold on." 7564,the lake springfield has the highest circulation. 7565,tell me why would a psychiatrist have to get your 7566,this isnt a meeting. 7567,"morgan, what the fuck are you doing." 7568,the only system i could find that uses the same 7569,why are you shooting we found a man alive 7570,or maybe i dont want to. 7571,i know it doesnt matter. 7572,"negotiations over, and." 7573,this is the cell phone i called. 7574,the governor of bossilien has divided it. 7575,at midnight. i may be vulnerable. 7576,i didnt read a lot. 7577,doesnt matter how he came. 7578,that means short life. 7579,be a quiet girl. 7580,and betrayed them. 7581,i work harder. thats better. 7582,"honey,." 7583,andy built a library. 7584,a vampire girl. 7585,"i have something special, a code." 7586,"when he came, he was filled with holes in" 7587,"go to hell, bitch. oh." 7588,i believe you have everything you need. 7589,and thats why shes laughing all the year 7590,bang whats taking you for a second. 7591,to make a quick trade. 7592,and a piece of shit. 7593,thats the start. they started quarantinning 7594,"he wants to make him feel good, please." 7595,my real home is somewhere else. 7596,what did they teach them to cook. 7597,if youre having a disease and youre focussing 7598,god himself gave himself. 7599,"jimmy, we need that phone call." 7600,when i knew it was too late. 7601,"harry, this man. i know what he did" 7602,the entire area will be wiped out. 7603,"and dude, youre lying." 7604,i know you are upset. 7605,and i put that rock in my pocket. 7606,you stay here. 7607,didnt mean to hurt me. 7608,were penguins. little penguins. 7609,you dont have any lessons. 7610,you were so smart to think of this. 7611,she went up to the roof. 7612,i have to go to the auction. 7613,"great, ron." 7614,special request. 7615,look at this. hes coming. 7616,what are you gonna fix all this. 7617,you know. 7618,this fucking radiation. 7619,you want a job. 7620,what are we doing what are we doing. 7621,"father ofelia always made umbrellas,." 7622,"i dont really need to do this, but " 7623,i didnt see the dementores. 7624,you should see. 7625,i know it was all for you. 7626,what about this bones. 7627,and i want you. 7628,youre your nephew or your mother. 7629,they refused her calls. 7630,"well, we need a place where umbridge wont" 7631,i never saw her. 7632,you dont think youd have to warn him. 7633,"no, goddamn it." 7634,"where is she, arrested." 7635,im sorry about that. 7636,mind if hes there. 7637,izzi izzi. 7638,"at 2:00, we can have dinner together." 7639,"now, which of you can explain." 7640,the death toll is shrinking. 7641,where are your fucking keys. 7642,"okay, come on, come on." 7643,which kiiied him and his wife. 7644,"at the end of the mission, eiektra escaped " 7645,"well, you know it doesnt matter." 7646,your hands are broken. 7647,using the beam technology. 7648,of course what are you doing. 7649,yeah. did you tell me. 7650,anyone else. 7651,okay. get him. 7652,you may even kill someone. 7653,his bullets are out. 7654,"i dropped this money out, in a real world" 7655,"tell me, jackie, which is safer " 7656,its a philosophy. 7657,in life nothing can be found. 7658,cut the power. 7659,so what do you mean. 7660,you could have betrayed me. 7661,so you want to find a place next to the shore 7662,"no, no, they will." 7663,ill be a doctor. 7664,"your journey to the top, okay." 7665,you sure are okay. 7666,what did you say. 7667,we need a bit of lamb and a bit of peanut 7668,and into the wall. 7669,its a suicide. 7670,wait. 7671,and a few inches away. 7672,the security department let me out of here. 7673,you know what a kid in prison looks like. 7674,"everybody, get to the kitchen. just." 7675,maybe we should try something else. 7676,"you can drive, of course." 7677,"okay, you got the hammer." 7678,"yes, you can. yes, i know you" 7679,bond is alive. 7680,let some time. 7681,"if you wanna see, we have a picture." 7682,of course it does. 7683,look what i did. 7684,and she was showing the evidence of the affirmative 7685,then under the feet of god. 7686,"good, god knows what hes gonna do." 7687,"cherry, moron." 7688,you need food and medicine. 7689,he gets a hot dog. 7690,excuse me. 7691,hotel remember. 7692,so i did something that encouraged me. 7693,"look at that, senator palpatine is expecting " 7694,hes not charming. 7695,"thank you, lauren." 7696,or weak to fail. 7697,dreams and wishes blossom. 7698,"yes, very good." 7699,may i ask you to accompany cybil. 7700,get in your room okay. 7701,we walk 10 hours in the forest. how do we get back 7702,"ladies and boys in iran,." 7703,are you coming. 7704,let me introduce the chancellor valorum. 7705,you should have some food with us sometimes. 7706,"everybody, come on, come on." 7707,now you know what happened. 7708,you cant say you shot a girl. 7709,you couldnt have killed me. 7710,"thats our burden, girls." 7711,becomes a rite of witness amongst the 7712,your coming makes us happy. 7713,im not the one. 7714,i dont hear his voice. 7715,maybe hes a biy. 7716,looks like only a piece of skin. 7717,gorgeous gran copper. 7718,my father wouldnt walk away with pride. not me 7719,slow and slow. slow and slow. 7720,"and in some of the cellular cellular waves, the" 7721,the real reason i took you out. 7722,"stop looking up, dont bother me." 7723,if you lose your hands. 7724,everything is the same. 7725,but he thinks somethings wrong with him. 7726,get my card. 7727,breaking the rules. 7728,"i love evelyn. yeah, shes" 7729,great what. 7730,"kale, you will die if you use a baker " 7731,welcome to actogia. 7732,what are they doing down there. 7733,come on say something. 7734,"he s famous with a lot of names, my" 7735,her husband found her in. 7736,we lost the picture in a barrel. 7737,nacho nacho nacho nacho nacho nacho nacho nacho nacho nach 7738,dont worry about that. 7739,and now shes escaped from azkaban. 7740,you and father should speak alone. 7741,humans a phantom being. 7742,"i got it once, honey. let me be" 7743,but what do you say about miracles. 7744,you have nobody. 7745,you tell us exactly where my husband is. 7746,"someones coming, im afraid i cant help" 7747,mom. you have no mother. 7748,the event today took place in the pagan tradition. 7749,thats terrible. 7750,"i cant go in, im sorry." 7751,we must move quickly. 7752,"ronnie, i did a little research on turn" 7753,"i want to marry on a saturday, " 7754,thats right. theyre coming together. 7755,lets keep moving forward. 7756,and a big scabber on my nose. 7757,but its from years ago. 7758,yeah. i had a little problem where 7759,"nice to meet you, frank." 7760,"ron, thats a hippogriff." 7761,your phone. 7762,only because da vinci painted it. 7763,"i see daddys car is still here, so " 7764,"okay, okay, okay, little miss" 7765,theres only one brimstone left. 7766,i listen to your mind. 7767,we are checking the risk. 7768,she wants you to be on her own. 7769,i got him from cabo. 7770,you dont like to be here. you do. 7771,i dont remember skinny girls. 7772,i didnt know more. 7773,"my god, talk to me, sargent." 7774,"if you believe that i was your enemy, you" 7775,prepare your position and get back here. 7776,why want me to die. 7777,"i mean, you will realize our success when we" 7778,kim. 7779,una flux. 7780,he cant help me. 7781,nothing more important. 7782,because its so sweet. 7783,i need to get behind him. 7784,"sorry. no, come on, i need" 7785,"i recommend that, but he didnt." 7786,you must not stay here. its dangerous. 7787,"come on, man." 7788,"no, im trying to become a good story " 7789,dont deny it. 7790,"okay, but give me a minute." 7791,ill get the guys ready. 7792,i guess you dont come back today. 7793,you are ruined. 7794,"dont go near the window, william." 7795,samnang. 7796,youre okay. come on. 7797,good. lets see more. 7798,curtis is your boss and i want the same. 7799,you know what time they have. 7800,they only work when you bite them. 7801,we found daniels. 7802,"you know, the first time for a girl is very" 7803,"now, what do you want." 7804,why is it a murder sir. 7805,maybe his shield will be his. 7806,jim jim get out of the car. 7807,theres no way out of here. 7808,the genius wanted to take a picture of me. 7809,"your parents started at the beginning. you know," 7810,"weve had seven assault squads, they" 7811,ill see you on tuesday. 7812,"hey, gene." 7813,dont forget the invisible dragon. 7814,its not about finding a guitar. 7815,the scenario could be reversed. 7816,always clean and happy. 7817,who are you matt farrell. 7818,its called kerry. 7819,more and more people have come to our study groups. 7820,"yes, sure." 7821,"you know, we can do this." 7822,but i dont feel like you. 7823,because i dont want you to go. 7824,"come on, lets go." 7825,"i mean, your intimity with a woman you " 7826,why 88 minutes. 7827,because the brakes and motorcycle. 7828,because you like dogs. 7829,just let me put on my clothes. 7830,shes the girl. 7831,he says yes. 7832,wheres foot. 7833,since then i never came out of this city. 7834,no. i gave no respect to your sister. 7835,and buckyow. 7836,"just to help. you know, i dont want" 7837,"Karate, sumo, samurai." 7838,say hello to buck. 7839,"son, son." 7840,i am calling you in the morning. whats 7841,"go on, go on." 7842,its not 10:00. not yet. 7843,im jack dawson. its lovely. 7844,i have a warning for you. 7845,"dont, maam. they must have a reason" 7846,forgive me for protecting myself. 7847,quite healthy. 7848,boring place. 7849,"anyway, you are our new best friend." 7850,you spilled your blood in your own blood. 7851,why are you always signing from me. 7852,"so far as i know, you have this baby." 7853,"we have to put your nose up, rachel. " 7854,i dont want to go home. everybody 7855,"i hope you dont lie, leon." 7856,along with the eldest miss lola quinsley. 7857,"elena, you must go up and help him." 7858,"and i cant die here. yes, i do" 7859,youre just doing the same thing. 7860,its yours. 7861,and your rhythm. 7862,like faith and love. 7863,"thats right, crazy." 7864,good to see you. 7865,ill tell her to buy a new weapon. 7866,you dont cry anymore. 7867,she wants to help. 7868,hes in the house. 7869,you hear a voice now. 7870,you dont want to know about this. 7871,you dont answer my calls. 7872,his ankle is almost torn. 7873,i know you do. 7874,so the captains table is good. 7875,we need more people to find a clue. 7876,take the hammer and put a picture in your room. 7877,"mrs nassrine, the cleaning lady," 7878,the car is going to die. 7879,with that car. 7880,"youre okay. come on. elena," 7881,theres nothing to prove you. 7882,the last word he said you heard. 7883,the diners are waiting. 7884,its not a problem. look. 7885,he didnt mention the lives i got. 7886,finally you came. 7887,then you better use the last few minutes. 7888,they probably wanted to eat my milk. 7889,first thought of magic. 7890,"nothing, i just checked the air." 7891,return to manual control. 7892,a killer running free. 7893,"no, no. yes, she saw me." 7894,"its for the bright of christ, mace." 7895,"man, make sure they can play. yes," 7896,i do all the necessary things. 7897,very smart. 7898,and the doctor of the two candidates. 7899,this is it. this is it. 7900,prep the shield. 7901,"i have to get to my country, its too far " 7902,can you feel my love with you. 7903,anna pascal is much older. 7904,they are led by the captain husaegawa. 7905,you fool. 7906,if anyone had any intentions. 7907,"if we dont decide together, then dont try." 7908,what was done what happened. 7909,i died when i was 15. 7910,you think im defenseless. 7911,are you ready for this program. 7912,dont even think about it. 7913,but what i wanted to say was that. 7914,"okay, eat first." 7915,i dont know. we have all his records 7916,ben. 7917,strangely different keys. 7918,what was the craziest thing youve done lately. 7919,i can talk to you. 7920,why did you stop i dont know. 7921,nobody asked me to save my life. 7922,"now, neo ok, you should see neo." 7923,its not a problem. i just talk to him 7924,"wait, lucy lucy." 7925,hes the professor lanna. 7926,next shift is coming. 7927,do you even listen to me. 7928,hes from out of town. hes with us 7929,god bless you. 7930,disaster. 7931,remember how they died. 7932,mr. weyland. 7933,"hey, brothers. wake up." 7934,"mr turner yes, i can help you." 7935,andy did what she said. 7936,"you helped a cop, harry." 7937,"i am suffering, dont you see." 7938,can you go. of course. 7939,they can eat better and live better. 7940,you love her. 7941,"its my body, and i will do whatever i" 7942,"open it, clear it." 7943,what a lovely home. 7944,"come on, come back." 7945,i was your counselor. 7946,nina. 7947,a man i can never meet. 7948,"in the fucking alien, let it go." 7949,then he spoke to snape. 7950,you are alive in the days of our loan. 7951,ancient runes. 7952,weve reached the dark hall. 7953,"hey, bob." 7954,but before they can see buck. 7955,and suspected behaviors. 7956,you want me to call the police. 7957,in lydia. 7958,are you waking up. 7959,and i thank him. 7960,"we can, we can only try." 7961,and he shot a bullet in his head. 7962,dont shoot none of them. 7963,it was mine. it was mine. 7964,"no, you no." 7965,its nothing. iz all right. 7966,then you gave him a bite. 7967,where are you from ukraine. 7968,only when i get excited. 7969,come closer to us. 7970,i dont know what happened. 7971,get home and stay in the room. 7972,"i want communications, transport." 7973,black on you. 7974,its rita hayworth. 7975,we all see things. 7976,"well, i." 7977,and i think thats because when shes dead 7978,"when i met god, i just looked at" 7979,stretch out and rest. 7980,"oh, god oh, oh." 7981,you were still a little. 7982,and put the bag on the table. 7983,"oh, nelson, this is so terrible." 7984,"freya, go and find my 7b notes." 7985,im dr. norman. would you tell me what 7986,"hey, jim jim, lets go." 7987,the lord is ready. 7988,"you stood against us, you stood" 7989,shoot. 7990,you know the country. 7991,"niobe, captain niobe." 7992,whos his father. 7993,what are we doing here i have to deliver a letter 7994,i needed a fresh air. 7995,just a little louder. 7996,"gray, please." 7997,you want to do this. 7998,"ill have your money tonight, buddy." 7999,"we cant put this here, merry." 8000,"i came, in a few moments," 8001,give anton. 8002,take a few hot dog. 8003,i knew you that instant. 8004,"yes, because after her death, youre gonna" 8005,you are some kind of a government force. 8006,so i thought it would. 8007,it looks like youre hurt. 8008,all charges taken. 8009,"look, i dont want to thank you all," 8010,"oh, god." 8011,i believe this. 8012,on a fixed point. try again. 8013,try to focus on what was. 8014,"we have three world zones. here, here and here" 8015,each holds 26 letters. 8016,no. i didnt. but it wasnt like 8017,kidney. 8018,so what do you think. 8019,its a remake of the same film. 8020,and my mom. 8021,"leons captain, watch the front." 8022,i believe you dont understand. but youre the 8023,dont touch these two. 8024,i have to get out. 8025,why are you spending time with this. 8026,all right. come with me. 8027,we are happy to have you. 8028,what are we selling here. 8029,i used to conjure images. 8030,weve got her names and address. 8031,give me a safe line. put the second team right there 8032,this is the greatest case ive ever had in my life 8033,"sit down, girl. bad dog. im so " 8034,i didnt find anyone. i didnt 8035,a very tight corner. 8036,"madam, your papers." 8037,you told me he wanted to go. 8038,they recognize good people. 8039,"i got here, judge." 8040,"mr. roberts, check it out." 8041,"yes, but we all know that the most important thing." 8042,"after two years, our everyday life changed." 8043,"a fool, yes." 8044,she was speaking a foreign language and. 8045,"13adam, 13adam. come on line." 8046,its over. 8047,excuse me. your name is astray. 8048,theyre going to be fated. 8049,and i dont want to leave because i 8050,then you better get back to your place. 8051,we are the creators of our own universe. 8052,told us to tear out all the royalty pictures 8053,"yes, yes, thank you." 8054,what do you say between you and kim. 8055,what i didnt do anything. 8056,"kids, how much do your parents love you." 8057,so youre sitting here with my bride. 8058,i think hes dying. i need your help 8059,so whats the plan. 8060,the marshal had one of them. 8061,"if it was me, i would assure you " 8062,why do you want your money. 8063,"its a bad day, isnt it." 8064,we dont have enough time. 8065,he was very sad if the hatfields catched him 8066,we have our own abilities. 8067,"wait, wait, wait." 8068,"you have to stop, okay kale." 8069,you fight in north or south. 8070,where do they leave. 8071,lets see and take a look inside. 8072,"yeah, forget it." 8073,i think youre a blonde. 8074,separate him from this case. 8075,have you ever considered. 8076,a weapons bureaucrat. 8077,very disturbing. 8078,and now he returned to the earth. 8079,"oh, maybe."