Text Generation
Inference Endpoints

Extremely slow inference

by TZ20 - opened

Hi, I'm loading this model using 4 bit quantization from huggingface. Im using 4 T4 gpus:

model = LlamaForCausalLM.from_pretrained(
    load_in_4bit = True,
    torch_dtype = torch.float16,
    device_map= 'auto')

However, when I do model.generate, it is extremely slow compared to the base LLama-2-13b-chat model. E.g. where the original llama 2 model might take 2 min, this one takes 30 min.
Any reason for this?

OpenOrca org

Try replacing your current configs with the updated config.json and generation_config.json. Looks like the cache was disabled, which usually leads to extreme slowdowns.

Thanks, seemed to do the trick

TZ20 changed discussion status to closed

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