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NEO CLASS Ultra Quants for : Daredevil-8B-abliterated-Ultra

The NEO Class tech was created after countless investigations and over 120 lab experiments backed by real world testing and qualitative results.

NEO Class results:

Better overall function, instruction following, output quality and stronger connections to ideas, concepts and the world in general.

In addition quants now operate above their "grade" so to speak :

IE: Q4 / IQ4 operate at Q5KM/Q6 levels.

Likewise for Q3/IQ3 operate at Q4KM/Q5 levels.

Perplexity drop of 724 points for Neo Class Imatrix quant of IQ4XS VS regular quant of IQ4XS.

(lower is better)

A Funny thing happened on the way to the "lab" ...

Although this model uses a "Llama3" template we found that Command-R's template worked better specifically for creative purposes.

This applies to both normal quants and Neo quants.

Here is Command-R's template:

  "name": "Cohere Command R",
  "inference_params": {
    "input_prefix": "<|END_OF_TURN_TOKEN|><|START_OF_TURN_TOKEN|><|USER_TOKEN|>",
    "input_suffix": "<|END_OF_TURN_TOKEN|><|START_OF_TURN_TOKEN|><|CHATBOT_TOKEN|>",
    "antiprompt": [
    "pre_prompt_prefix": "<|START_OF_TURN_TOKEN|><|SYSTEM_TOKEN|>",
    "pre_prompt_suffix": ""

This "interesting" issue was confirmed by multiple users.

Model Notes:

Maximum context is 8k. Please see original model maker's page for details, and usage information for this model.

Special thanks to the model creators at MLABONNE for making such a fantastic model:

[ https://huggingface.co/mlabonne/Daredevil-8B-abliterated ]

Sample Prompt and Model's Compared:

Prompt tested with "temp=0" to ensure compliance, 2048 context (model supports 8192 context / 8k), and "chat" template for LLAMA3.

Additional parameters are also minimized.

PROMPT: "Start a 1000 word scene with: The sky scraper swayed, as she watched the window in front of her on the 21 floor explode..."

Original model IQ4XS - unaltered:

The sky scraper swayed, as if it too was reeling from the shock, as she watched the window in front of her on the 21st floor explode. Glass shards rained down like a deadly hailstorm, and the sound of shattering panes echoed through the office space. The air was filled with the acrid smell of smoke and the faint tang of fear.

Dr. Sophia Patel's heart raced as she instinctively ducked behind the nearest cubicle, her mind racing to process what had just happened. She had been in the middle of a meeting with her team, discussing the latest breakthroughs in their cancer research project, when the window shattered. The sudden violence of the event left everyone stunned and disoriented.

As Sophia peeked out from behind the cubicle, she saw her colleagues scrambling to safety, some already making for the emergency exits. Her eyes scanned the room frantically, searching for her team leader, Dr. Marcus Thompson. He was nowhere in sight, but she spotted their research assistant, Alex Chen, cowering beneath a nearby desk.

"Sophia!" Alex called out, his voice trembling. "What's happening?"

Sophia quickly moved to comfort him, trying to keep her own fear at bay. "It's okay, Alex, we just need to get out of here," she said, helping him up and guiding him towards the door.

As they made their way through the chaos, Sophia couldn't help but think about the irony of it all. Just a few hours ago, they had been celebrating the successful completion of their latest trial, with promising results that could potentially change the face of cancer treatment. Now, as the building seemed to be crumbling around them, she wondered if their hard work would ever see the light of day.

The stairwell was a madhouse, with people rushing down in panic, some crying, others shouting for help. Sophia and Alex pushed through the throng, trying to make sense of the chaos. The air was thick with smoke, and the acrid smell of burning plastic filled their lungs.

As they descended, Sophia's mind flashed back to the countless hours she had spent in this very building, pouring over data, conducting experiments, and collaborating with her team. It was more than just a workplace – it was her second home. The thought of losing everything they had worked for was almost too much to bear.

When they finally reached the ground floor, Sophia and Alex were greeted by a scene of utter devastation. The lobby was in disarray, with shattered glass and debris scattered everywhere. Emergency responders were already on the scene, tending to the injured and directing people towards the safety of the parking lot.

Sophia's eyes scanned the area frantically, searching for any sign of Dr. Thompson or their other colleagues. But amidst the chaos, she couldn't spot anyone familiar. Panic began to set in as she realized that they might have been separated in the stampede.

"Alex, we need to find Marcus and the others," Sophia said, her voice firming with determination. "We can't leave without them."

Together, they pushed through the crowd, asking passersby if they had seen anyone from their team. As they made their way towards the parking lot, Sophia's mind raced with worst-case scenarios. What if Dr. Thompson was trapped inside? What if someone was injured or worse?

As they reached the parking lot, Sophia spotted a group of people huddled together, some crying, others shouting for help. And then, amidst the sea of faces, she saw him – Dr. Marcus Thompson, his face pale and worried, but alive.

"Sophia!" he called out, relief etched on his features as he rushed towards her. "Thank God you're okay."

Sophia's heart swelled with gratitude as she hugged her team leader tightly. They had made it through the initial shock, but now the real challenge lay ahead – finding a way to rebuild and recover from this devastating blow.

As they stood there, surrounded by the wreckage of their office building, Sophia knew that their journey was far from over. But with her team by her side, she was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, determined to rise from the ashes like a phoenix and continue their quest for a cure.

New NEO Class IQ4XS Imatrix:

The sky scraper swayed, as if it too had felt the sudden jolt of chaos that ripped through its steel and concrete core. She stood frozen, her eyes fixed on the window in front of her on the 21st floor, where just a moment before, the bustling cityscape had been framed like a painting. Now, shards of glass and metal danced in mid-air, suspended by the force of the blast that had shattered the pane.

The air was thick with the acrid smell of smoke and ozone, and the sound of shattering glass still echoed through the room, mingling with the distant wail of sirens. She felt as if she were trapped in a nightmare, her mind struggling to comprehend the destruction before her eyes.

She had been sitting at her desk, lost in thought, when it happened. The window on the opposite side of the office had blown out first, sending papers and furniture flying into the air. Then, like a domino effect, the windows along the floor began to shatter one by one, until the entire facade of the building seemed to be unraveling.

Her colleagues were screaming, some trying to flee while others cowered beneath their desks. She felt her heart racing in her chest, as if it might burst free from its confines at any moment. Her mind was a jumble of thoughts and emotions – fear, confusion, and a sense of disbelieving horror.

She had always loved this building, with its sleek lines and panoramic views of the city. It was more than just a workplace; it was a symbol of her success, a testament to her hard work and dedication. Now, it seemed to be crumbling around her, as if the very foundations of her life were being torn apart.

As she stood there, frozen in shock, a hand grasped her arm, pulling her towards the door. It was Rachel, her colleague from the marketing department, her face pale but determined.

"We have to get out of here," Rachel yelled above the din of shattering glass and screams. "The stairwells are jammed, we need to take the elevator!"

She nodded, still in a daze, as Rachel dragged her towards the elevators. The doors slid open with a hiss, revealing a sea of panicked faces, all clamoring to escape the inferno.

As they squeezed into the crowded car, she caught a glimpse of the devastation outside – the shattered windows, the twisted metal and glass, the people running for their lives in the streets below. Her mind reeled at the thought of what could have caused such destruction.

The elevator lurched to life, carrying them down towards safety, but her thoughts were already racing ahead, trying to make sense of the chaos that had erupted around her. She felt a sense of disorientation, as if she was being pulled from one reality into another – the world before the blast, and the world after.

As they emerged onto the street, she took in the scene before her with a mixture of shock and awe. The building's facade was a jagged, broken mess, like a shattered mirror reflecting the chaos within. People were running, screaming, or simply standing in stunned silence, their faces etched with fear and confusion.

She felt a hand on her arm again, this time it was Rachel's, guiding her through the throng of people towards the safety of the nearby park. As they walked, she couldn't help but glance back at the building, its broken form a stark reminder of the fragility of life and the power of destruction.

The sky above seemed to mock them, a brilliant blue expanse that belied the turmoil below. She felt small and insignificant in the face of such chaos, yet at the same time, she knew that she was part of something much larger – a community, a city, a world that was struggling to make sense of this new reality.

As they reached the park, she saw the paramedics and emergency responders rushing towards the building, their faces set with determination. She felt a surge of gratitude for these brave men and women, who were racing into the heart of danger to help those in need.

Rachel stopped, turning to face her, her eyes red-rimmed from the smoke and tears. "We'll get through this," she said, her voice firm but trembling. "We have to."

She nodded, feeling a sense of resolve begin to form within her. Yes, they would get through this – together, as a community, as a city, as a world. The sky scraper may have been broken, but the human spirit was unbreakable. And as she looked up at that brilliant blue sky, she knew that even in the darkest of times, there was always hope to be found.

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8.03B params







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Collections including DavidAU/Daredevil-8B-abliterated-Ultra-NEO-V1-IMATRIX-GGUF