{ "cells": [ { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 1, "id": "5b6d850e", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "\n", "===================================BUG REPORT===================================\n", "Welcome to bitsandbytes. For bug reports, please run\n", "\n", "python -m bitsandbytes\n", "\n", " and submit this information together with your error trace to: https://github.com/TimDettmers/bitsandbytes/issues\n", "================================================================================\n", "bin /mnt/petrelfs/dongxiaoyi/anaconda3/envs/intern2/lib/python3.9/site-packages/bitsandbytes/libbitsandbytes_cuda117.so\n", "CUDA SETUP: CUDA runtime path found: /mnt/petrelfs/share_data_old/llm_env/dep/cuda-11.7/lib64/libcudart.so.11.0\n", "CUDA SETUP: Highest compute capability among GPUs detected: 8.0\n", "CUDA SETUP: Detected CUDA version 117\n", "CUDA SETUP: Loading binary /mnt/petrelfs/dongxiaoyi/anaconda3/envs/intern2/lib/python3.9/site-packages/bitsandbytes/libbitsandbytes_cuda117.so...\n" ] }, { "name": "stderr", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "/mnt/petrelfs/dongxiaoyi/anaconda3/envs/intern2/lib/python3.9/site-packages/bitsandbytes/cuda_setup/main.py:149: UserWarning: /mnt/petrelfs/dongxiaoyi/anaconda3/envs/intern2 did not contain ['libcudart.so', 'libcudart.so.11.0', 'libcudart.so.12.0'] as expected! Searching further paths...\n", " warn(msg)\n", "/mnt/petrelfs/dongxiaoyi/anaconda3/envs/intern2/lib/python3.9/site-packages/bitsandbytes/cuda_setup/main.py:149: UserWarning: WARNING: The following directories listed in your path were found to be non-existent: {PosixPath('/mnt/petrelfs/dongxiaoyi/anaconda3/envs/intern2/lib/python3.9/site-packages/cv2/../../lib64')}\n", " warn(msg)\n" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "Set max length to 4480\n" ] }, { "data": { "application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json": { "model_id": "dae22262f863443ba5dce65e0cdc00b5", "version_major": 2, "version_minor": 0 }, "text/plain": [ "Loading checkpoint shards: 0%| | 0/2 [00:00 0:\n", " text_embeds = model.encode_text(subtext, add_special_tokens=need_bos)\n", " embeds.append(text_embeds)\n", " im_mask.append(torch.zeros(text_embeds.shape[:2]).cuda())\n", " need_bos = False\n", " if i < len(images):\n", " try:\n", " image = Image.open(images[i]).convert('RGB')\n", " except:\n", " image = images[i].convert('RGB')\n", "\n", " \n", " image = HD_transform(image, hd_num=hd_num)\n", " image = model.vis_processor(image).unsqueeze(0).cuda()\n", " image_embeds = model.encode_img(image)\n", " print (image_embeds.shape)\n", " embeds.append(image_embeds)\n", " im_mask.append(torch.ones(image_embeds.shape[:2]).cuda())\n", " pt1 = pts\n", " embeds = torch.cat(embeds, dim=1)\n", " im_mask = torch.cat(im_mask, dim=1)\n", " im_mask = im_mask.bool()\n", " #print (im_mask)\n", " \n", " #embeds = embeds.repeat(2,1,1)\n", " #im_mask = im_mask.repeat(2,1,1)\n", " outputs = model.generate(inputs_embeds=embeds, im_mask=im_mask,\n", " temperature=1.0, max_new_tokens=max_new_token, num_beams=beam,\n", " do_sample=False, repetition_penalty=1.00)\n", "\n", " output_token = outputs[0]\n", " if output_token[0] == 0 or output_token[0] == 1:\n", " output_token = output_token[1:]\n", " output_text = model.tokenizer.decode(output_token, add_special_tokens=False)\n", " output_text = output_text.split('[UNUSED_TOKEN_145]')[0].strip()\n", " return output_text" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 7, "id": "b66b81f0", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "import os\n", "from tqdm import tqdm\n", "from io import BytesIO\n", "from PIL import Image\n", "import json\n", "import copy\n", "import pandas as pd\n", "import random\n", "from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont\n", "from petrel_client.client import Client\n", "client = Client(\"~/petreloss.conf\")" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 8, "id": "271ab1dd", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "import os\n", "import sys \n", "import yaml\n", "import json\n", "import argparse\n", "import numpy as np\n", "from PIL import Image\n", "import torch\n", "\n", "from minigpt4.common.registry import registry\n", "from minigpt4.models import load_from_cfg\n", "from minigpt4.conversation.conversation import Chat_7132k as Chat\n", "import copy\n", "import re\n", "\n", "from transformers import AutoModelForCausalLM, AutoTokenizer\n", "from transformers.generation import GenerationConfig\n", "from PIL import Image,ImageDraw,ImageFont\n", "from matplotlib import pyplot as plt\n", "\n", "import openai\n", "import json\n", "\n", "import os\n", "from tqdm import tqdm\n", "import pandas as pd\n", "import numpy as np\n", "from collections import Counter\n", "import time \n", "\n", "from transformers import AutoModel, AutoTokenizer\n", "import re\n", "import os\n", "import json\n", "import base64\n", "import torch\n", "import openai\n", "import numpy as np\n", "import torchvision\n", "from PIL import Image\n", "from typing import Optional\n", "from torch.utils.data import Dataset\n", "import torchvision.transforms as transforms\n", "from torchvision.transforms.functional import InterpolationMode\n", "import torch\n", "import numpy as np\n", "from PIL import Image\n", "import matplotlib.pyplot as plt\n", "from decord import VideoReader\n", "def load_video(vis_path, num_frm=32, start=None, end=None):\n", " vid = VideoReader(vis_path, num_threads=1)\n", " fps = vid.get_avg_fps()\n", " t_stride = int(2 * round(float(fps) / int(1)))\n", " start_idx = 0 if start is None else start\n", " end_idx = len(vid) if end is None else end\n", " all_pos = list(range(start_idx, end_idx, t_stride))\n", " images = [vid[i].numpy() for i in all_pos]\n", " if len(images) > num_frm:\n", " num_frm = min(num_frm, len(images))\n", " step_size = len(images) / (num_frm + 1)\n", " indices = [int(i*step_size) for i in range(num_frm)]\n", " images = [images[i] for i in indices]\n", " images = [Image.fromarray(arr) for arr in images]\n", " print (len(images))\n", " return images\n" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 9, "id": "40924f5a", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "def img_process(imgs):\n", " new_imgs = []\n", " for img in imgs:\n", " w, h = img.size\n", " scale = w/h\n", " if w > h:\n", " new_w = 560 * 2\n", " new_h = int(560 * 2 / scale)\n", " else:\n", " new_w = int(560 * 2 * scale)\n", " new_h = 560 * 2\n", " img = transforms.functional.resize(img, [new_h, new_w],)\n", " new_imgs.append(img)\n", " imgs = new_imgs\n", " new_w = 0\n", " new_h = 0\n", " pad = 40\n", " if w > h:\n", " for im in imgs:\n", " w,h = im.size\n", " new_w = max(new_w, w)\n", " new_h += h + 10 + pad\n", " font = ImageFont.truetype(\"/mnt/petrelfs/dongxiaoyi/SimHei.ttf\", pad)\n", " new_img = Image.new('RGB', (new_w, new_h), 'white')\n", " draw = ImageDraw.Draw(new_img)\n", " curr_h = 0\n", " for idx, im in enumerate(imgs):\n", " w,h = im.size\n", " new_img.paste(im, (0, pad + curr_h))\n", " draw.text((0, curr_h ), f'', font=font, fill='black')\n", " if idx + 1 < len(imgs):\n", " draw.line([(0, pad +curr_h + h +5), (new_w, pad +curr_h + h +5)], fill = 'black', width=2)\n", " curr_h += h + 10 + pad\n", " #print (new_w, new_h)\n", " else:\n", " for im in imgs:\n", " w,h = im.size\n", " new_w += w + 10\n", " new_h = max(new_h, h)\n", " new_h += pad\n", " font = ImageFont.truetype(\"/mnt/petrelfs/dongxiaoyi/SimHei.ttf\", pad)\n", " new_img = Image.new('RGB', (new_w, new_h), 'white')\n", " draw = ImageDraw.Draw(new_img)\n", " curr_w = 0\n", " for idx, im in enumerate(imgs):\n", " w,h = im.size\n", " new_img.paste(im, (curr_w, pad))\n", " draw.text((curr_w, 0), f'', font=font, fill='black')\n", " if idx + 1 < len(imgs):\n", " draw.line([(curr_w + w + 5, 0), (curr_w + w + 5, new_h)], fill = 'black', width=2)\n", " curr_w += w + 10\n", " return new_img" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 7, "id": "abf64b6a", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "import pandas as pd\n", "f = pd.read_excel('/mnt/hwfile/opencompass/dhd/main_table_result/Proprietary_LVLM/GPT-4o/frame_16/GPT4o_HIGH_frame16_pack1_seed-1/gpt-4-1106_rating.xlsx')" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 8, "id": "bc3e3554", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "a = [i for i in range(len(f))]\n", "#rank = int(sys.argv[1])\n", "rank = 0\n", "world_size = 8\n", "\n", "part_len = len(a) // world_size\n", "\n", "if rank == world_size - 1:\n", " a = a[part_len*rank: ]\n", "else:\n", " a = a[part_len*rank: part_len*(rank+1)]" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 9, "id": "ea43de00", "metadata": { "scrolled": true }, "outputs": [ { "name": "stderr", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "\r", " 0%| | 0/249 [00:00\n", "\n", "\n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", "
Unnamed: 0indexvideovideo_typequestionanswercategorypredictionscore
000wZxzBvAgqxcSportsWhat is the name of the player who scored the ...Palmer.['OCR', 'Attribute Recognition']I'm unable to provide the name of the player w...0
111wZxzBvAgqxcSportsHow many goals were scored in total in the vid...3['Event Recognition', 'Counting']To determine the total number of goals scored ...0
222wZxzBvAgqxcSportsWere there any own goals in the game?Yes. The second goal in the video was original...['Counterfactual Reasoning']An own goal is when a player scores for the op...2
333wZxzBvAgqxcSportsSummarize the video.This video is a key moments replay of a footba...['Video Topic']The video captures a series of moments from a ...2
444lKNB3ZeTYiI_processedScienceWhich browser plugin does the blogger recommend?Paypal honey['OCR']The blogger recommends installing the \"Ghoster...0
199319931993n2gQs1mcZHA_processedScienceAccording to the video, what are some cases in...It is friction that makes it possible to hold ...['Causal Reasoning']According to the video, friction is a ubiquito...1
199419941994HRe90ySP38U_processedScienceWhat is sliding friction?Frictional force which opposes the relative sl...['Physical Property']Sliding friction is a type of friction that oc...3
199519951995HRe90ySP38U_processedScienceAccording to the video, what are some examples...Car tires and rolling bearings reduce wear and...['Causal Reasoning']The video provides several examples of how rol...2
1996199619969-r4VLHQRlM_processedOthersWhat is the function of the stove?The function is to heat food.['Function Reasoning']The function of the stove, as depicted in the ...2
1997199719979SMp-jnh8lg_processedScienceWhat is the result when static friction, slidi...Static friction is greater than sliding fricti...['Physical Property']When static friction, sliding friction, and ro...1
\n", "

1998 rows × 9 columns

\n", "" ], "text/plain": [ " Unnamed: 0 index video video_type \\\n", "0 0 0 wZxzBvAgqxc Sports \n", "1 1 1 wZxzBvAgqxc Sports \n", "2 2 2 wZxzBvAgqxc Sports \n", "3 3 3 wZxzBvAgqxc Sports \n", "4 4 4 lKNB3ZeTYiI_processed Science \n", "... ... ... ... ... \n", "1993 1993 1993 n2gQs1mcZHA_processed Science \n", "1994 1994 1994 HRe90ySP38U_processed Science \n", "1995 1995 1995 HRe90ySP38U_processed Science \n", "1996 1996 1996 9-r4VLHQRlM_processed Others \n", "1997 1997 1997 9SMp-jnh8lg_processed Science \n", "\n", " question \\\n", "0 What is the name of the player who scored the ... \n", "1 How many goals were scored in total in the vid... \n", "2 Were there any own goals in the game? \n", "3 Summarize the video. \n", "4 Which browser plugin does the blogger recommend? \n", "... ... \n", "1993 According to the video, what are some cases in... \n", "1994 What is sliding friction? \n", "1995 According to the video, what are some examples... \n", "1996 What is the function of the stove? \n", "1997 What is the result when static friction, slidi... \n", "\n", " answer \\\n", "0 Palmer. \n", "1 3 \n", "2 Yes. The second goal in the video was original... \n", "3 This video is a key moments replay of a footba... \n", "4 Paypal honey \n", "... ... \n", "1993 It is friction that makes it possible to hold ... \n", "1994 Frictional force which opposes the relative sl... \n", "1995 Car tires and rolling bearings reduce wear and... \n", "1996 The function is to heat food. \n", "1997 Static friction is greater than sliding fricti... \n", "\n", " category \\\n", "0 ['OCR', 'Attribute Recognition'] \n", "1 ['Event Recognition', 'Counting'] \n", "2 ['Counterfactual Reasoning'] \n", "3 ['Video Topic'] \n", "4 ['OCR'] \n", "... ... \n", "1993 ['Causal Reasoning'] \n", "1994 ['Physical Property'] \n", "1995 ['Causal Reasoning'] \n", "1996 ['Function Reasoning'] \n", "1997 ['Physical Property'] \n", "\n", " prediction score \n", "0 I'm unable to provide the name of the player w... 0 \n", "1 To determine the total number of goals scored ... 0 \n", "2 An own goal is when a player scores for the op... 2 \n", "3 The video captures a series of moments from a ... 2 \n", "4 The blogger recommends installing the \"Ghoster... 0 \n", "... ... ... \n", "1993 According to the video, friction is a ubiquito... 1 \n", "1994 Sliding friction is a type of friction that oc... 3 \n", "1995 The video provides several examples of how rol... 2 \n", "1996 The function of the stove, as depicted in the ... 2 \n", "1997 When static friction, sliding friction, and ro... 1 \n", "\n", "[1998 rows x 9 columns]" ] }, "execution_count": 15, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "ff" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 23, "id": "0cd27d2e", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "di = {}\n", "for i in range(1998):\n", " di[ff['video_type'][i]] = 1" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 24, "id": "d4109ebf", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "{'Sports': 1,\n", " 'Science': 1,\n", " 'Games': 1,\n", " 'Computers & Electronics': 1,\n", " 'Business & Industrial': 1,\n", " 'Finance': 1,\n", " 'News': 1,\n", " 'Food & Drink': 1,\n", " 'Autos & Vehicles': 1,\n", " 'Advertisements': 1,\n", " 'Knowledge': 1,\n", " 'Humor': 1,\n", " 'People': 1,\n", " 'Instruction Video (how to ...)': 1,\n", " 'Films & TV Shows': 1,\n", " 'Pets & Animals': 1,\n", " 'Fairy Tale': 1,\n", " 'Algorithm & Models': 1,\n", " 'Others': 1}" ] }, "execution_count": 24, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "di" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 16, "id": "1e71c05f", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "1.4074074074074074" ] }, "execution_count": 16, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "np.mean(ff['score'])" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 28, "id": "4fcd646e", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "f = pd.read_excel('/mnt/hwfile/opencompass/dhd/main_table_result/Proprietary_LVLM/GPT-4o/frame_16/GPT4o_HIGH_frame16_pack1_seed-1/gpt-4-1106_rating.xlsx')" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 27, "id": "c660ab3a", "metadata": { "scrolled": true }, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "l1uE_pBqnvE \n", "####\n", " What is the style of this video? A home made video or a clip from film? \n", "####\n", " The style of the video suggests that it is a home-made production rather than a clip from a film. This assessment is based on several observations. Firstly, the setting appears to be a simple, domestic environment, likely a room in a house, as indicated by the presence of household items and the informal arrangement of the space. Secondly, the lighting is flat and lacks the professional quality typically seen in film productions. Thirdly, the camera work is static, with no evidence of professional cinematography techniques such as varied angles, dynamic movements, or sophisticated lighting setups. Additionally, the characters' attire is casual and varied, which is more common in informal, home-made videos than in a film where costumes would be more uniform and stylized. Lastly, the dialogue and interactions between the characters seem spontaneous and unscripted, lacking the polish and rehearsal that would be expected in a film. Overall, these elements combine to indicate that the video is likely a home-made production rather than a professionally filmed clip from a film.\n", "l1uE_pBqnvE \n", "####\n", " Did the students read 1111 correctly in this video? \n", "####\n", " No, the students did not read 1111 correctly. In the video, the teacher asks the students to read the number written on the whiteboard, which is 1111. The first student reads it as \"one thousand one,\" the second student reads it as \"eleven eleven,\" and the third student reads it as \"eleven eleven.\" None of the students provided the correct reading as \"one thousand one.\"\n", "StI76qrHlyA \n", "####\n", " What is the most possible identity of the man in a red T-shirt? \n", "####\n", " The most plausible identity of the man in a red T-shirt is that of a student. This is inferred from the context of the images, which depict a classroom setting with students engaged in an examination. The man in the red T-shirt is seen with a piece of paper, which could be an answer sheet or a note, commonly used by students during tests. His body language, such as holding his head in his hands, suggests stress or frustration, which is typical in a high-pressure situation like an exam. Additionally, the presence of a clock in the background further supports the idea that this is a timed environment, such as an examination hall. Therefore, it is reasonable to conclude that the man in the red T-shirt is a student participating in an exam.\n", "tnMr9abBX7k \n", "####\n", " What is the occupation of the man with blue sweater written \"LUKE\"? \n", "####\n", " The man wearing a blue sweater with the word \"LUKE\" written on it appears to be a teacher. This conclusion is drawn from several contextual clues within the image. Firstly, he is standing in front of a whiteboard, which is a common feature in educational settings. Secondly, he is wearing a graduation cap and gown, which are typically worn by educators during graduation ceremonies to symbolize their role in the academic achievements of their students. Lastly, his body language and facial expressions suggest that he is engaged in teaching, as he is seen talking and gesturing, which are common behaviors of a teacher during a lesson. Therefore, based on these observations, it is reasonable to conclude that the man's occupation is that of a teacher.\n", "ZNRSHr3b4uA \n", "####\n", " What is the style of this video, a 3D animation video, a film clip, or a clip from a TV show? \n", "####\n", " The style of the video is a 3D animation video. This is evident from the computer-generated imagery (CGI) used to create the characters and the environment. The characters have a stylized, non-realistic appearance with exaggerated features, such as large eyes and expressive faces, which are common in animated characters. The environment, while detailed, also has a rendered quality typical of 3D animation. The video does not exhibit the characteristics of a film clip or a clip from a TV show, which would typically show live-action footage or more realistic animation styles. Additionally, the presence of a product placement, such as the Cadbury Dairy Milk chocolate bar, suggests that this video is likely a commercial or a promotional piece rather than content from a narrative medium like a film or television show.\n", "luVtgX4S3y4 \n", "####\n", " What is the relationship between the woman and the boy in the video? \n", "####\n", " The relationship between the woman and the boy in the video appears to be that of a mother and her son. This is inferred from the domestic setting of the scene, where they are both engaging in the routine activity of brushing their teeth together. The woman is dressed in a robe, suggesting she might have just woken up or is preparing for bed, while the boy is in his pajamas, indicating it is likely bedtime. The synchronized action of both characters brushing their teeth and their proximity to each other in the frame further supports the interpretation of a familial bond, specifically that of a parent and child.\n", "luVtgX4S3y4 \n", "####\n", " What's the topic of this video? \n", "####\n", " The video appears to be an animated advertisement for Aquafresh toothpaste. It begins with a young boy in pajamas brushing his teeth in a bathroom, indicating the importance of dental hygiene. The scene then transitions to a family of three, presumably the boy's parents, also brushing their teeth in the same bathroom, reinforcing the message that dental care is a family activity. The advertisement emphasizes the benefits of using Aquafresh toothpaste, showcasing its effectiveness in fighting decay and freshening breath. The family is depicted as happy and healthy, suggesting that Aquafresh contributes to their well-being. The video concludes with a close-up of the Aquafresh toothpaste box, reinforcing the brand name and its association with the positive outcomes portrayed in the advertisement.\n", "66XwG1CLHuU \n", "####\n", " What would Apple do in the future years before 2030 based on Apple's plan? \n", "####\n", " Based on the information provided in the image, Apple has a plan to make their products carbon neutral by the year 2030. To achieve this goal, Apple is likely to implement various strategies and initiatives in the years leading up to 2030. These could include increasing the use of renewable energy sources in their manufacturing processes, improving the energy efficiency of their products, implementing recycling and waste reduction programs, and collaborating with suppliers and partners to reduce the carbon footprint associated with their supply chain. Additionally, Apple may invest in research and development of new technologies and materials that can further reduce the environmental impact of their products. By taking these steps, Apple aims to make significant progress towards their goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2030.\n", "9HsKNFr7xmI \n", "####\n", " What is the occupation of the man in a blue T-shirt? \n", "####\n", " The man in the blue T-shirt is a pizza delivery person. This is evident from the uniform he is wearing, which includes a blue T-shirt with the name \"Papa John's\" on it, indicating that he is delivering a pizza from this well-known pizza chain. Additionally, he is holding a pizza box, which further supports his occupation as a pizza delivery person.\n", "9HsKNFr7xmI \n", "####\n", " How much larger is a large pizza than a small pizza according to the video? \n", "####\n", " According to the video, a large pizza is 4 inches larger in diameter than a small pizza. The measurements shown in the video indicate that a small pizza has a diameter of 9.5 inches, while a large pizza has a diameter of 13.5 inches. To calculate the difference in size, you subtract the diameter of the small pizza from the diameter of the large pizza: 13.5 inches (large pizza diameter) - 9.5 inches (small pizza diameter) = 4 inches. Therefore, a large pizza is 4 inches larger in diameter than a small pizza.\n", "B0K7dR_2grw \n", "####\n", " Which is more likely to be the relationship between the two men in the video, friends or father and son? \n", "####\n", " The relationship between the two men in the video is more likely to be friends rather than father and son. This assessment is based on several observations. Firstly, their physical resemblance is not strong enough to conclusively establish a familial connection, particularly between an adult and a younger individual who could be in their late teens or early twenties. Secondly, the context of the video, where they are engaging in playful banter and mimicking each other's mannerisms, suggests a camaraderie and comfort level typically associated with close friends. Additionally, the content of their conversation, which includes teasing and light-hearted mockery, is more indicative of a peer-to-peer dynamic rather than a parent-child one. Therefore, based on the visual cues and the nature of their interaction, it is more plausible that they share a friendship rather than a familial bond.\n", "SeP3V3MtpxI_processed \n", "####\n", " What might be the identity of the man in the video? \n", "####\n", " The man in the video appears to be a bartender or a mixologist demonstrating how to make a cocktail. His attire, a black apron over a checkered shirt, is typical for someone working in a bar or restaurant setting. The environment suggests that he is in a professional kitchen or behind the bar of a restaurant, given the presence of various bottles of alcohol, a cutting board with citrus garnishes, and a glass filled with an amber-colored liquid. He is actively engaged in the process of making the drink, which indicates his expertise and familiarity with cocktail preparation. The specific identity of the man, however, cannot be determined from the video alone without additional context or information.\n", "wiOxt4J5zaM \n", "####\n", " If I need to make five glasses of Manhattan according to the dosage in the video, how many ounces of Rye Whiskey do I need to prepare? \n", "####\n", " In the video, the man specifies that a standard Manhattan cocktail recipe calls for two ounces of Rye Whiskey. Since you want to make five glasses, you would need to multiply the amount of Rye Whiskey by the number of glasses. Therefore, for five glasses, you would require 2 ounces/glass x 5 glasses = 10 ounces of Rye Whiskey.\n", "MSXBS3Q5hCA_processed \n", "####\n", " In the video, is Sweet Vermouth bottle placed to the left or right of Orange Bitter bottle, from the audience perspective? \n", "####\n", " From the audience's perspective, the bottle of Sweet Vermouth is placed to the left of the Orange Bitter bottle. The man is standing behind the countertop, and both bottles are positioned on the right side of the countertop as we view the video. The Sweet Vermouth bottle is closer to the center of the countertop, while the Orange Bitter bottle is slightly to its right.\n", "PhS5ZuOukIo \n", "####\n", " If I want to make 30 of the snacks in the video, how much vanilla do I need to prepare? \n", "####\n", " To make 30 of the snacks shown in the video, you will need 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract. This is based on the recipe provided in the video, which calls for 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract for a total of 15 balls. Since you want to double the recipe to make 30 balls, you simply double the amount of vanilla extract required for 15 balls, resulting in 1 teaspoon for the entire recipe.\n", "v-HS5B3WuQU \n", "####\n", " Which one is closer to the boy, the laptop or the monitor on the table? \n", "####\n", " The laptop is closer to the boy than the monitor on the table. In the sequence of images, the laptop is positioned directly in front of him on the desk, while the monitor is situated to his left side. The proximity of the laptop to the boy remains constant throughout the sequence, indicating that it is closer to him than the monitor.\n", "i93Z7zljQ7I \n", "####\n", " According to the video, how many times the diameter of Arcturus is the diameter of Vega? \n", "####\n", " The video provides the diameters of two stars, Arcturus and Vega. Arcturus has a diameter of 36,000,000,000 km, while Vega has a diameter of 3,800,000,000 km. To find out how many times the diameter of Arcturus is the diameter of Vega, we divide the diameter of Arcturus by the diameter of Vega: 36,000,000,000 km / 3,800,000,000 km = 9.5. Therefore, the diameter of Arcturus is approximately 9.5 times the diameter of Vega.\n", "9j_44aJJ-Fg \n", "####\n", " How much slower does Wolf move than Eagle? \n", "####\n", " To determine how much slower the Wolf moves than the Eagle, we compare their respective speeds. According to the table, the Wolf has a speed of 64 km/h, while the Eagle has the highest flying speed of 120 km/h. By subtracting the Wolf's speed from the Eagle's speed, we get 120 km/h - 64 km/h = 56 km/h. Therefore, the Wolf moves 56 km/h slower than the Eagle.\n", "fuxVFJb3P-s \n", "####\n", " Is this a live-action video or an animation? \n", "####\n", " The video appears to be a live-action video rather than an animation. This assessment is based on several visual cues. Firstly, the lighting and shadows in the video have a naturalistic quality that is typically achieved through live-action cinematography. The way light interacts with the environment, casting realistic shadows and highlights, suggests a physical set rather than a digitally animated one.\n", "\n", "Secondly, the textures and materials visible in the video, such as the wood grain on the floor and the fabric on the bed, have a tangible quality that is more consistent with live-action footage. The reflections and refractions of light on these surfaces also suggest a level of complexity in rendering that is more common in live-action filmmaking.\n", "\n", "Lastly, the emotional expressions and movements of the characters, particularly the woman's facial expressions and body language, convey a sense of realism that is often achieved through live-action performance. The fluidity and naturalism of these movements further support the conclusion that this is a live-action video.\n", "\n", "In summary, the naturalistic lighting, realistic textures, and expressive performances observed in the video suggest that it is a live-action video rather than an animation.\n", "fuxVFJb3P-s \n", "####\n", " Where did the mother let her daughter lie down in the car? \n", "####\n", " The mother allowed her daughter to lie down in the back seat of the car.\n", "r11Lr4FILX8 \n", "####\n", " Is this a live-action video or an animation? \n", "####\n", " The video in question is a live-action video. This determination can be made based on several visual cues. Firstly, the subjects in the video—a man and a woman—display realistic facial features and movements that are consistent with live-action footage. The lighting and shadows on their faces and in the environment also suggest a real-world setting, as they are natural and do not exhibit the uniformity or stylization typically associated with animation. Additionally, the environment, which includes a dirt road, a red car, and a rural landscape, is depicted with a level of detail and texture that is characteristic of live-action cinematography. There is no evidence of animation-specific elements such as exaggerated proportions, stylized backgrounds, or non-realistic lighting.\n", "owGYHbptFUA_processed \n", "####\n", " Is this a live-action video or an animation? \n", "####\n", " The video appears to be a live-action piece rather than an animation. This assessment is based on several visual cues. Firstly, the lighting and shadows in the scenes are consistent with natural light sources, suggesting live-action filming rather than the stylized lighting often found in animations. Secondly, the expressions and movements of the characters, such as the subtle changes in facial expressions and the natural flow of their actions, are indicative of live actors rather than animated characters. Additionally, the background details, such as the texture of the train, the platform, and the clothing of the passengers, are rendered with a level of realism that is typical of live-action footage. Lastly, the absence of any overtly cartoonish or exaggerated features further supports the conclusion that this is a live-action video.\n", "owGYHbptFUA_processed \n", "####\n", " What is the occupation of the woman in work uniform? \n", "####\n", " The woman in the work uniform is a train conductor. This is evident from her attire, which includes a dark-colored uniform with a badge, a hat with a visor, and a professional demeanor. She is seen interacting with passengers on the train, which is a typical responsibility of a train conductor. Her role likely involves checking tickets, assisting passengers, and ensuring the smooth operation of the train journey.\n", "jWOHI83vXmM_processed \n", "####\n", " What is the relationship between the woman driving in the video and the little girl sitting in the back seat? \n", "####\n", " The relationship between the woman driving in the video and the little girl sitting in the back seat appears to be that of a mother and her daughter. This inference is based on the intimate and caring interactions observed between them. The woman is attentive to the child's needs, ensuring she is comfortable and entertained during the journey. The little girl, on the other hand, seems to trust and be comfortable with the woman, indicating a close familial bond. Their shared activities, such as playing with toys and engaging in conversation, further suggest a nurturing and protective relationship typical of a mother and child.\n", "jWOHI83vXmM_processed \n", "####\n", " What is the occupation of the woman driving? \n", "####\n", " The woman driving in the video is a taxi driver. This is evident from the yellow taxi cab she is operating, which is a common color for taxis in many cities around the world. The presence of a taxi sign on top of the vehicle further confirms her occupation. Additionally, she is seen interacting with passengers, which is a typical part of a taxi driver's job.\n", "TseT4C38UAg \n", "####\n", " What is the relationship between the purple-haired girl and the blue-haired boy? \n", "####\n", " The relationship between the purple-haired girl and the blue-haired boy appears to be that of siblings. This is inferred from several key moments in the video. Firstly, they are seen together in a bedroom, which suggests a close and familiar relationship. Secondly, the girl shows concern for the boy when he is upset, indicating a sense of responsibility and care typical of siblings. Lastly, the title \"SIBLINGS\" at the end of the video further confirms their relationship to each other.\n", "XCawr8qHbHE \n", "####\n", " What is the occupation of the woman in the purple dress? \n", "####\n", " The woman in the purple dress appears to be a teacher. This is inferred from her standing in front of a chalkboard, which is a common element in classroom settings. Additionally, she is holding a piece of paper, which could be a lesson plan or a list of student names, further suggesting her role as an educator. The classroom environment, with students seated at desks and focused on her, supports this interpretation. Her attire, a purple dress, is professional and appropriate for a teaching position.\n", "XCawr8qHbHE \n", "####\n", " Is this a live-action video or an animation? \n", "####\n", " The video is an animation. This can be determined by several visual cues throughout the video. Firstly, the characters are rendered in a stylized, non-realistic manner typical of animation. They have exaggerated features and proportions, such as large eyes and expressive faces, which are common in animated characters to convey emotions more vividly. Secondly, the scenes transition smoothly from one to another without the interruptions typical of live-action storytelling, such as cuts or changes in perspective that are necessary in live-action filmmaking. Additionally, the environment and objects in the video, such as the chalkboard, classroom setting, and other elements, are depicted in a way that is consistent with animated films, where the focus is on stylized visuals rather than photorealism. Lastly, the overall aesthetic, including the color palette and lighting, is indicative of an animated production, designed to create a specific mood and atmosphere that is distinct from live-action cinematography.\n", "uO8v6bjwRdo \n", "####\n", " How many grams does a dog's brain weigh compared to an alligator's brain? \n", "####\n", " According to the image, a dog's brain weighs 95 grams, while an alligator's brain weighs 90 grams. Therefore, a dog's brain weighs 5 grams more than an alligator's brain.\n", "uO8v6bjwRdo \n", "####\n", " How many grams is a lion's brain lighter than a goat's brain? \n", "####\n", " A lion's brain weighs 120 grams, while a goat's brain weighs 130 grams. To find out how much lighter a lion's brain is compared to a goat's brain, we subtract the weight of the lion's brain from the weight of the goat's brain: 130 grams (goat's brain) - 120 grams (lion's brain) = 10 grams. Therefore, a lion's brain is 10 grams lighter than a goat's brain.\n", "uO8v6bjwRdo \n", "####\n", " How many grams lighter is a female brain than a male brain, according to this video? \n", "####\n", " In the video, the weights of a female brain and a male brain are provided. The female brain weighs 1.21 kg, and the male brain weighs 1.35 kg. To find out how many grams lighter a female brain is compared to a male brain, we need to convert the weights to grams and then calculate the difference. Since there are 1000 grams in a kilogram, the female brain weighs 1210 grams (1.21 kg x 1000), and the male brain weighs 1350 grams (1.35 kg x 1000). The difference in weight between the female and male brain is 1350 grams - 1210 grams = 140 grams. Therefore, a female brain is 140 grams lighter than a male brain according to the video.\n", "BfemWi1SKdw \n", "####\n", " How much longer is the diameter of a chicken's eye than that of a frog's eye? \n", "####\n", " The diameter of a chicken's eye is given as 6 mm, while the diameter of a frog's eye is given as 4.9 mm. To find the difference in diameter, we subtract the smaller diameter from the larger one: 6 mm (chicken's eye) - 4.9 mm (frog's eye) = 1.1 mm. Therefore, the chicken's eye is 1.1 mm larger in diameter than the frog's eye.\n", "BfemWi1SKdw \n", "####\n", " How many times the diameter of a cow's eye is that of a chicken's eye? \n", "####\n", " To determine how many times the diameter of a cow's eye is that of a chicken's eye, we need to compare the diameters of the cow's and chicken's eyes as shown in the image. The cow's eye has a diameter of 30 mm, while the chicken's eye has a diameter of 6 mm. To find the ratio of the cow's eye diameter to the chicken's eye diameter, we divide the cow's eye diameter by the chicken's eye diameter:\n", "\n", "30 mm (cow's eye diameter) / 6 mm (chicken's eye diameter) = 5\n", "\n", "Therefore, the diameter of a cow's eye is 5 times that of a chicken's eye.\n", "0C1aaSXIG_o \n", "####\n", " How many centimeters longer are the Duck's skull than the Hawk's skull? \n", "####\n", " To determine how many centimeters longer the Duck's skull is than the Hawk's skull, we examine the dimensions provided in the image. The Hawk's skull measures 9 cm in length, while the Duck's skull measures 11 cm in length. By subtracting the length of the Hawk's skull (9 cm) from the length of the Duck's skull (11 cm), we get 11 cm - 9 cm = 2 cm. Therefore, the Duck's skull is 2 centimeters longer than the Hawk's skull.\n", "0C1aaSXIG_o \n", "####\n", " How many centimeters shorter is Wolf's skull compared to Lion's skull? \n", "####\n", " To determine how many centimeters shorter Wolf's skull is compared to Lion's skull, we examine the dimensions provided in the image. Wolf's skull measures 29 cm in length, while Lion's skull measures 39 cm. By subtracting Wolf's skull length from Lion's skull length, we get 39 cm - 29 cm = 10 cm. Therefore, Wolf's skull is 10 centimeters shorter than Lion's skull.\n", "B-xGE665A8s \n", "####\n", " How many minutes does it take to do consecutive four set sof actions shown in the video? \n", "####\n", " To calculate the total time taken for the consecutive four sets of actions shown in the video, we need to consider the durations of each action. The video shows the following actions with their respective durations:\n", "1. Intense Fat Burner: 45s\n", "2. Run In Place: 45s\n", "3. Jack + Twist: 45s\n", "4. Fast Feet: 45s\n", "5. Squat + Twist: 45s\n", "6. Bob And Wave: 45s\n", "\n", "Since each action is performed for 45 seconds, and there are four actions in each set, the total time for one set is 45s x 4 actions = 180 seconds. To convert seconds to minutes, we divide by 60, so 180 seconds / 60 = 3 minutes.\n", "\n", "Therefore, it takes 3 minutes to complete one set of the four consecutive actions shown in the video.\n", "t7NK7W2NPVo_processed \n", "####\n", " Is this an animation film? \n", "####\n", " No, this is not an animation film. The description of the video indicates that it is a live-action depiction of a young child's activities within a domestic setting. The presence of real-life elements such as the child's interactions with tangible objects, the camera capturing real moments, and the natural progression of events suggest that this video is a documentary-style portrayal of a child's day-to-day life. Animation films typically involve computer-generated imagery or hand-drawn characters and scenarios that are not bound by real-world physics or human behavior. In contrast, this video showcases authentic human expressions and movements, indicating that it is a live-action recording rather than an animated production.\n", "s70Z4-3jQfM_processed \n", "####\n", " What is the woman doing at the beginning of the video? \n", "####\n", " At the beginning of the video, the woman is standing by a window with raindrops on it, looking out into the rainy day. She appears to be deep in thought or contemplation, possibly reflecting on something personal or observing the gloomy weather outside. Her posture and gaze suggest a moment of introspection or concern.\n", "s70Z4-3jQfM_processed \n", "####\n", " Is this an animation film? \n", "####\n", " No, this is not an animation film. The description of the video frames indicates a live-action narrative with human characters and natural settings. The presence of live actors, such as the woman standing by the window and the man in the raincoat, along with the depiction of real-world environments like the beach and the tent in the grass, confirms that this is a live-action film rather than an animated one.\n", "bTN3q_NjuWs_processed \n", "####\n", " What is the occupation of the woman in the purple sweater? \n", "####\n", " The woman in the purple sweater is a teacher. This is evident from the classroom setting where she is seen interacting with the young boy. She is standing at the front of the classroom, addressing the students, which indicates her role as an educator. Her attire, a purple sweater, is typical of a school uniform, further supporting her occupation. Additionally, her engagement with the students and the presence of educational materials in the classroom suggest that she is responsible for teaching and guiding the children in their learning activities.\n", "bTN3q_NjuWs_processed \n", "####\n", " Is the boy in the video a teacher? \n", "####\n", " The boy in the video is not a teacher; he is a student. Throughout the video, he is seen in a classroom setting, interacting with other students and a teacher. His attire, a school uniform, and his engagement in classroom activities, such as writing and conversing with the teacher, confirm his role as a student. Additionally, the teacher's interactions with the boy, such as correcting his posture and conversing with him at his desk, further support the conclusion that the boy is a student and not a teacher.\n", "M7OiIun5NfQ \n", "####\n", " What is the relationship between the protagonists in the video? \n", "####\n", " The relationship between the protagonists in the video appears to be that of a mother and her son. This is suggested by their physical resemblance and the affectionate interaction between them. In the video, the boy runs towards his mother, and they share a joyful moment together, indicating a close and loving bond. The mother's gentle guidance and the boy's playful response to her suggest a nurturing and caring relationship, typical of a parent and child.\n", "e8RcQoGY4OE_processed \n", "####\n", " Which player in the video scored the first goal? \n", "####\n", " The first goal in the video was scored by Curtis Jones, wearing the number 14 jersey for Liverpool. The goal occurred during a match between Liverpool and Tottenham Hotspur, as indicated by the scoreboard in the background. The commentator mentions Jones by name, highlighting the significance of his contribution to the team's lead in the game.\n", "eqcMzWJxoTM \n", "####\n", " Was the penalty kick in the video scored? \n", "####\n", " Based on the information provided in the video, it appears that the penalty kick was indeed scored. The sequence of events depicted in the video shows a player, presumably Messi, taking the penalty kick and successfully placing the ball into the net. The goalkeeper is seen diving in the opposite direction, indicating that he was unable to stop the shot. Additionally, the celebration among the players in the video suggests that the goal was successful, as they are seen hugging and congratulating each other, which is typical behavior following a scored goal in soccer. Therefore, based on the visual evidence presented in the video, it can be concluded that the penalty kick was successfully scored.\n", "eqcMzWJxoTM \n", "####\n", " Did the goalkeeper in the yellow jersey guess the direction of the penalty kick correctly? \n", "####\n", " The goalkeeper in the yellow jersey dives to his right, indicating that he guessed the direction of the penalty kick. However, based on the image, it appears that the ball is heading towards the left side of the goal, away from where the goalkeeper has dived. This suggests that the goalkeeper incorrectly guessed the direction of the penalty kick, and the shot was successful in scoring a goal.\n", "eqcMzWJxoTM \n", "####\n", " What jersey number is the world champion Messi wearing in the video? \n", "####\n", " In the video, Lionel Messi, who is identified as the world champion, is wearing a jersey with the number 10 on the back. This number is consistent throughout the frames where Messi is visible, and it is a number famously associated with him during his time with the Argentina national football team.\n", "izedw_4tU5Y \n", "####\n", " When was this game and where was it held? \n", "####\n", " The game depicted in the video is the 2022 FIFA World Cup match between Argentina and France, which took place on December 10, 2022. The match was held at the Lusail Iconic Stadium in Lusail, Qatar. This information is deduced from the context of the video, which mentions the World Cup and the specific date, as well as the stadium's distinctive architecture visible in the background of the footage.\n", "izedw_4tU5Y \n", "####\n", " Who scored Argentina's first penalty in this video? \n", "####\n", " Argentina's first goal in this video was scored by Lionel Messi, who is wearing the number 10 jersey. The goal was the result of a penalty kick, as indicated by the context of the video where Messi steps up to take the penalty and subsequently scores, sending the goalkeeper the wrong way. This moment is a highlight of Messi's skill and is a significant event in the match, contributing to Argentina's lead.\n", "hEr1oxnPczQ \n", "####\n", " Who scored a hat trick in the video? \n", "####\n", " In the video, the player who scored a hat trick is number 10, identifiable by the jersey number and the name \"MBAPPE\" printed on the back. A hat trick refers to a player scoring three goals in a single match. In the video, this player is seen scoring the first, second, and third goals for their team, thus achieving the hat trick. The first goal is scored from a corner kick, the second goal is a powerful shot from outside the penalty area, and the third goal is a header from a cross. The player's celebration after the third goal, with arms outstretched, indicates the significance of the achievement.\n", "8t_qFivFGaM_processed \n", "####\n", " What is the relationship between the characters in the picture?\n", " \n", "####\n", " The relationship between the characters in the picture appears to be that of a close-knit family gathered for a meal. The woman in the red sweater is likely the mother, given her central role in the conversation and her position at the head of the table. The young boy in the plaid shirt could be one of her sons, as indicated by his interaction with the woman and his placement at the table. The other young boy in the red and white sweater might also be a son, given his proximity to the woman and his engagement in the conversation. The man in the green shirt could be the father or another male figure in the family, as he is seated at the table and participating in the discussion. The young girl in the pink shirt is likely another daughter in the family, as she is also seated at the table and involved in the conversation. The interactions and body language suggest a familial bond and a comfortable, informal atmosphere typical of a family meal.\n", "cTA2rkKp6qo_processed \n", "####\n", " Why is the specific heat capacity of water high?\n", " \n", "####\n", " The specific heat capacity of water is high because a significant amount of energy is required to disrupt the hydrogen bonds between water molecules. Water molecules are polar, meaning they have a partial positive charge on one end and a partial negative charge on the other end. These charges lead to the formation of hydrogen bonds, where the positively charged hydrogen atoms in one water molecule are attracted to the negatively charged oxygen atoms in another water molecule. These bonds are relatively strong and contribute to the high specific heat capacity of water. It takes a considerable amount of energy to break these bonds, which is why water can absorb a large amount of heat before its temperature rises significantly. This property is essential for maintaining the Earth's temperature, as it helps regulate the planet's climate by absorbing heat from the sun and releasing it slowly back into the environment.\n", "cTA2rkKp6qo_processed \n", "####\n", " What is the cohesion of water?\n", " \n", "####\n", " Cohesion is the attraction between molecules of the same substance. In the case of water, cohesion is the attraction between water molecules. This attraction is due to the hydrogen bonds that form between water molecules. Cohesion gives water its surface tension, which allows insects to walk on water without sinking. It also enables water to form droplets and maintain its shape as a liquid. The cohesive forces between water molecules are strong enough to hold the water molecules together, creating a surface that is firm enough to allow many insects to walk upon without sinking.\n", "ddzjFNvpZhM \n", "####\n", " What is the relationship between the two people who appear most often in the video? \n", "####\n", " The relationship between the two people who appear most often in the video is that of a father and his son. Throughout the video, the man and the young boy are shown interacting with each other in various settings, which suggests a close familial bond. The man is attentive and caring towards the boy, indicating a paternal role. The boy, in turn, shows trust and affection towards the man, further reinforcing the likelihood of a father-son relationship.\n", "M2w0qrW6FwM_processed \n", "####\n", " The four empty beer bottles in the video are on the left or right of the stove? \n", "####\n", " The four empty beer bottles in the video are placed on the left side of the stove.\n", "5eNhS0oaLHo_processed \n", "####\n", " What is a counterfactual?\n", " \n", "####\n", " Counterfactuals are conditional statements where the antecedent (the first half of the statement) is false. Such as \"If Hillary Clinton had campaigned more aggressively,\" or \"If I had eaten that street meat, I would have gotten sick.\" Note that for the second half of the conditional to be false, the antecedent does not need to be true. In other words, you do not need to be false for the consequent (the second half of the statement) to still be false.\n", "M2w0qrW6FwM_processed \n", "####\n", " Is this an animation or a live-action video? \n", "####\n", " The video appears to be a live-action video rather than an animation. This assessment is based on several visual cues throughout the video. For instance, the woman's realistic facial expressions, the way light and shadows interact with the environment, and the detailed textures of the objects, such as the bottle of cologne and the woman's clothing, suggest a live-action setting. Additionally, the reflections in the mirror and the subtle movements of the woman's hands and body convey a sense of realism that is typically achieved through live-action filming techniques.\n", "M2w0qrW6FwM_processed \n", "####\n", " Where was the black bra when the woman in the apron saw it? \n", "####\n", " The black bra was on the floor when the woman in the apron saw it.\n", "k1vCrsZ80M4_processed \n", "####\n", " Is the binocular telescope on the left or right of the beer bottles? \n", "####\n", " The binocular telescope is located to the left of the beer bottles when viewed from the perspective of the camera. It is placed on a small table near the window, and its position is such that it faces towards the right side of the frame, which is where the beer bottles are situated.\n", "k1vCrsZ80M4_processed \n", "####\n", " Where did man put his feet when he was having an online meeting? \n", "####\n", " During the online meeting, the man placed his feet on the table while he was seated on a chair.\n", "Eg64S0DhAaI \n", "####\n", " According to the video, what color is the potassium permanganate solution? \n", "####\n", " The potassium permanganate solution in the video is dark purple. This can be observed in the sequence where the dark purple solution is poured into a beaker containing water. The color is consistent throughout the video, indicating that the potassium permanganate solution retains its characteristic dark purple coloration during the experiment.\n", "jOvmKHtbaUA_processed \n", "####\n", " What talent is the person performing in the video?\n", " \n", "####\n", " In the video, the person is performing a dance routine. This is evident from the various dance moves they demonstrate with different partners, showcasing their ability to adapt to different styles and follow the lead of various dance partners. The person's talent is highlighted by their fluidity and confidence in movement, as well as their ability to engage and entertain both their partners and the onlookers. The video captures a series of dance performances in an urban setting, suggesting that the person is skilled in multiple dance styles and enjoys sharing their talent with others.\n", "iuqOK0LJucs_processed \n", "####\n", " Will the employees at the ramen restaurant in the video greet customers?\n", " \n", "####\n", " The employees at the ramen restaurant in the video do not greet customers. The video showcases an automated ordering system where the customer interacts with a vending machine-like interface to place their order. There is no direct interaction with restaurant staff, as the entire process is designed to be self-service. The narrator, who is likely the person recording the video, describes the experience of ordering ramen without any human interaction, emphasizing the convenience and privacy afforded by the self-service system. The absence of visible employees in the video and the narrator's commentary both support the conclusion that the employees do not greet customers in this particular establishment.\n", "Mwc4ePLjkQ8_processed \n", "####\n", " Do we really need friends at all? \n", "####\n", " Humans are social creatures, and we derive a significant amount of our happiness through our relationships. Scientists who have studied relationships in depth have found that people with good friends tend to live longer lives and have lower levels of stress, decreased blood pressure, and a reduced risk of depression. So, let's reap the benefits and make some new friends.\n", "Mwc4ePLjkQ8_processed \n", "####\n", " How to make new friends? \n", "####\n", " To make new friends, you need to be social, be interested, and start conversations with everyone. Being social means getting out and engaging with others, such as attending events, joining clubs, or participating in group activities. It involves being open to meeting new people and putting in the effort to connect with them. Being interested means actively listening to others and showing genuine interest in their lives, thoughts, and experiences. It involves asking questions, sharing stories, and finding common ground. Starting conversations with everyone means being approachable and initiating interactions with people you meet, regardless of their background or interests. It involves being friendly, open-minded, and willing to engage in meaningful conversations. By being social, being interested, and starting conversations with everyone, you increase your chances of meeting new people and forming meaningful connections that can lead to lasting friendships.\n", "Mwc4ePLjkQ8_processed \n", "####\n", " How to be social? \n", "####\n", " To be social, you need to get out and engage with others. One of the best ways to do this is by joining a club, group, or organization that you enjoy being a part of. This allows you to connect with like-minded individuals who share your interests. By participating in group activities and events, you can make new friends and expand your social circle.\n" ] } ], "source": [ "for i in range(1600,1900):\n", " if ff['score'][i] == 3:\n", " print (ff['video'][i], '\\n####\\n',ff['question'][i], '\\n####\\n',ff['prediction'][i])" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 29, "id": "63b2b808", "metadata": { "scrolled": true }, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "3 2 \n", "####\n", " Yes, there are big trees in the video. \n", "####\n", " Yes, there are big trees visible in the video. They can be seen in the background while the car is parked in the lot, providing a natural and serene backdrop to the scene.\n", "3 1 \n", "####\n", " The maintenance personnel in the video check the undercarriage of the car by lifting the car and inspecting it from underneath. \n", "####\n", " In the video, the maintenance personnel check the undercarriage of the car by lying down on the floor directly underneath the vehicle. They are wearing protective gear, including gloves and masks, to ensure safety while performing the inspection. This method allows them to visually inspect the underside of the car for any potential issues, wear, or damage that may not be visible from the outside.\n", "2 0 \n", "####\n", " This video is mainly about testing the braking systems of various luxury SUVs, particularly focusing on their performance in emergency braking and pedestrian detection scenarios. \n", "####\n", " The video primarily showcases a man driving a car on a snowy road, emphasizing the vehicle's advanced technology and performance capabilities. It begins with the man driving the car, followed by a close-up of the car's interior, highlighting the steering wheel and dashboard. The video then transitions to the man driving the car on a snowy track, with the camera focusing on the car's dashboard, displaying the speedometer and other gauges. As the video progresses, the man continues to drive the car on the snowy road, with the camera capturing various angles of the car's interior and exterior, including the steering wheel, dashboard, and the road ahead. The video also includes a close-up shot of the car's dashboard, displaying the speedometer and other gauges. Towards the end of the video, the man is seen driving the car on the snowy road, with the camera capturing the car's interior and the road ahead. The video concludes with the man driving the car on the snowy road, with the camera capturing the car's interior and the road ahead.\n", "3 1 \n", "####\n", " Yes, there is a BMW X7 in this video. \n", "####\n", " yes\n", "3 2 \n", "####\n", " The female driver is driving a large truck. \n", "####\n", " The female driver is operating a large red truck. This can be inferred from the size of the vehicle, the design of the steering wheel, and the overall cabin structure visible in the video. The truck appears to be a heavy-duty vehicle, possibly used for transporting goods, as indicated by its robust build and the covered cargo area at the back.\n", "3 2 \n", "####\n", " Yes, there is a bed in this car. \n", "####\n", " Yes, there is a bed in this car. In the video, the camera pans across the interior of the car, revealing a bed situated behind the driver's seat. The presence of the bed indicates that the vehicle is designed for long-haul travel, providing the driver with a place to rest during long journeys. This feature is particularly useful for truck drivers who may need to sleep in their vehicle while on the road.\n", "3 1 \n", "####\n", " The destination of the man and woman in the video is not specified. \n", "####\n", " The man and woman in the video are driving a large red truck down a road. The woman is driving, and the man is sitting in the passenger seat. They appear to be engaged in a conversation, as indicated by the man's hand gestures and the woman's facial expressions. The surroundings suggest they are in an urban or suburban area, with other vehicles and buildings visible in the background. The specific destination or purpose of their journey is not provided in the video, but their relaxed demeanor and casual conversation imply that they are not in a rush or on an urgent errand.\n", "2 1 \n", "####\n", " Yes, there is a toy ax in the video. \n", "####\n", " Yes, there is a toy ax in the video. At the beginning of the video, a toy ax is seen lying on the ground. Later, the toy ax is picked up by a person, who then proceeds to place it on the back of the toy car. The toy ax appears to be made of plastic and has a black handle with a silver blade. It is used as a prop in the video to add an element of action or adventure to the scene involving the toy car and the toy tiger.\n", "3 0 \n", "####\n", " This car has two seats. \n", "####\n", " The car in the video has a total of four seats. In the front, there is one seat for the driver, which is occupied by a toy figure. In the back, there are three additional seats, all of which are empty. These seats are arranged in a bench style, typical of a utility vehicle designed for multiple passengers. The seats are positioned behind the front seats and are visible through the rear window of the car.\n", "3 1 \n", "####\n", " The video is about the advantages and disadvantages of new energy electric vehicles compared to traditional fuel vehicles. \n", "####\n", " The video features a man in a camouflage shirt driving a car and engaging with the camera. Throughout the video, he shares his thoughts and experiences related to driving and the car's features. In the beginning, the man is seen outside the car, gesturing towards the vehicle and speaking to the camera. He then enters the car and continues his conversation while driving down the road. The man discusses the car's battery life, mentioning that it is not as long as he would like it to be. He also talks about the car's acceleration, stating that it is not as quick as he would prefer. Towards the end of the video, the man points to the car's display screen, indicating that he is discussing the car's battery life again. Throughout the video, the man remains the primary focus, with the car serving as a backdrop to his conversation.\n", "3 2 \n", "####\n", " The information in the provided frames does not indicate what the blogger ate for lunch. \n", "####\n", " The video does not provide any information about the blogger's lunch. The content of the video is focused on the man discussing the features and advantages of the electric car he is driving. There is no mention or visual indication of food or eating. Therefore, it is not possible to answer the question about the blogger's lunch based on the video content.\n", "3 1 \n", "####\n", " A trophy truck like in the video costs between 600,000 to 1,000,000 USD. \n", "####\n", " The cost of a trophy truck, like the one shown in the video, can vary widely depending on several factors, including the make, model, year, condition, and specific features such as engine type, suspension, tires, and modifications. Without specific information about the truck in the video, it is not possible to provide an accurate estimate of its cost. However, trophy trucks are typically custom-built and can range from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of dollars. It is important to note that the cost can also be influenced by the truck's performance capabilities, as trophy trucks are designed for off-road racing and are often equipped with high-performance components. To get a more accurate estimate, one would need to know the make, model, and year of the truck, as well as any specific modifications or upgrades it may have.\n", "2 1 \n", "####\n", " The provided frames do not contain information about the time of year this autocross usually starts. \n", "####\n", " The video does not provide explicit information regarding the specific time of year when this autocross event usually starts. However, given the clear skies and the dusty, dry conditions of the terrain, it can be inferred that the event likely takes place during a warmer season, such as late spring, summer, or early fall. These seasons are typically characterized by drier weather conditions, which are conducive to the type of off-road racing depicted in the video. The absence of snow or wet conditions suggests that it is not during the winter months. Therefore, while the exact time of year cannot be determined from the video alone, it is reasonable to assume that the event occurs during a warmer, drier season.\n", "1 0 \n", "####\n", " The blogger has analyzed five off-road vehicles. \n", "####\n", " The blogger has analyzed a total of 11 off-road vehicles throughout the video. These vehicles are showcased in various environments and scenarios, demonstrating their off-road capabilities. Each vehicle is unique in design and function, highlighting the diversity within the off-road vehicle category.\n", "3 1 \n", "####\n", " This video is about off-road vehicles. \n", "####\n", " The video showcases a variety of cars, each with unique features and capabilities, emphasizing their adaptability and performance in diverse environments. The cars range from rugged off-road vehicles to luxury SUVs, each designed to handle different terrains and situations. The video does not focus on a single type of car but rather on the versatility and capabilities of cars in general, highlighting their ability to traverse various landscapes, from sandy deserts to snowy terrains, and even urban settings.\n", "3 0 \n", "####\n", " No, the blogger does not wear glasses. \n", "####\n", " In the video, the question of whether bloggers wear glasses is addressed. The scene transitions to a man wearing glasses, who appears to be a blogger. This visual evidence supports the affirmative answer to the question, indicating that bloggers do indeed wear glasses.\n", "2 0 \n", "####\n", " The blogger's license plate number is not visible in the provided frames. \n", "####\n", " The license plate number of the blogger's vehicle, as seen in the video, is \"CT5\". This information is discerned from the close-up shot of the car's rear, where the license plate is clearly visible on the back of the vehicle. The license plate consists of three letters followed by two numbers, which in this case, are \"CT5\".\n", "3 2 \n", "####\n", " The blogger used a hairdryer to get the water out of the computer. \n", "####\n", " In the video, a blogger demonstrates a method to fix a water-damaged laptop. The first step involves turning the laptop over and pouring out any excess water from the keyboard area. Next, the blogger uses a paper towel to absorb the remaining water from the keyboard and the inside of the laptop. A screwdriver is then used to unscrew all the screws on the bottom of the laptop, allowing the blogger to remove the keyboard and access the inside of the laptop. The blogger proceeds to use a hairdryer on a low setting to gently blow warm air into the laptop, presumably to help evaporate any remaining moisture. The blogger then places the laptop upside down on a bowl filled with uncooked rice. The rice is meant to absorb any remaining moisture from the laptop. Throughout the process, the blogger's actions are methodical and careful, aiming to prevent further damage to the water-damaged laptop.\n", "3 2 \n", "####\n", " White \n", "####\n", " The appearance of the computer in the video is predominantly white, with a sleek and modern design. The white color is consistent throughout the laptop, including the keyboard, screen bezel, and the visible parts of the chassis. This color choice gives the computer a clean and sophisticated look, which is often associated with high-end or professional-grade devices. The white color stands out against the darker background and other objects in the video, drawing attention to the laptop's design and features.\n", "1 0 \n", "####\n", " The laptop appears to be relatively thin, but the exact thickness is not specified. \n", "####\n", " To determine the thickness of the laptop, one would typically measure from the top of the keyboard to the back of the device. However, as I don't have direct access to the physical dimensions, I can only provide an estimate based on the visual information available. The laptop appears to have a slim profile, which is common in modern laptops designed for portability and aesthetics. While the exact measurement cannot be determined from the image alone, it can be inferred that the laptop is likely to be within the average range of laptop thicknesses, which typically range from 0.7 to 1.5 inches (17.8 to 38.1 mm). For a precise measurement, one would need to physically measure the device or refer to the manufacturer's specifications.\n", "3 1 \n", "####\n", " The video does not provide information on what the printer prints. \n", "####\n", " The printer in the video is a multifunctional office printer. It is designed to perform a variety of tasks, including printing, copying, scanning, and sometimes faxing. In the video, the printer is shown with an open paper output tray, indicating that it has recently completed a print job. However, the specific content of what it printed is not visible in the video, so we cannot determine exactly what was printed.\n", "2 1 \n", "####\n", " The appearance of the Siemens hydrometer is white. \n", "####\n", " The Siemens hydrometer shown in the video has a distinctive color appearance. It is predominantly gray, which is a common color for industrial equipment, providing a neutral and professional look. The gray color of the Siemens hydrometer is consistent throughout its body, with no additional colors or patterns interrupting the design. This color choice likely serves both aesthetic and functional purposes, as gray is often associated with precision and reliability in the context of technical and scientific instruments.\n", "3 2 \n", "####\n", " Yes, you can use the pad to do word processing. \n", "####\n", " Yes, you can use the Huawei MatePad Air to do word processing. In the video, the Huawei MatePad Air is shown running a word processing application, where the user is able to type text, format it, and use various features of the application. This demonstrates that the device is capable of handling word processing tasks.\n", "2 0 \n", "####\n", " No, this is not the perfect new phone. The phone has been disassembled and has replaced parts. \n", "####\n", " This question cannot be answered with certainty based solely on the video content. The video showcases the unboxing and features of the iPhone 14 Pro, but it does not provide enough information to determine if it is the perfect new phone for the viewer. The concept of \"perfect\" is subjective and depends on individual preferences and needs. The video focuses on the physical aspects of the phone and its packaging, without delving into the user experience, performance, or other subjective factors that could influence the perception of perfection.\n", "1 0 \n", "####\n", " The frames do not show a data cable, so it is unclear if there is a data cable for the Apple mobile phone bought by the blogger. \n", "####\n", " Yes, there is a data cable included for the Apple mobile phone purchased by the blogger. In the video, the blogger shows the contents of the box, and a USB data cable is clearly visible among the items.\n", "1 0 \n", "####\n", " The frames do not provide the blogger's purchase order number. \n", "####\n", " The blogger's purchase order number, as shown in the video, is 15500. This number is displayed on the screen when the person is holding the iPhone and the box is on the table.\n", "3 0 \n", "####\n", " The Huawei Mate 60 is likely to be equipped with the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 processor. \n", "####\n", " The CPU likely to be equipped with the Huawei Mate 60 is the Kirin 9000, as indicated by the text in the video. The Kirin 9000 is a high-performance chip developed by Huawei, known for its advanced features and capabilities. It is designed to offer a powerful computing experience, which is essential for modern smartphones, especially those with high-end specifications like the Huawei Mate 60. The Kirin 9000 is part of Huawei's Kirin chipset series, which has been used in various Huawei devices and is known for its competitive performance in the smartphone market.\n", "3 1 \n", "####\n", " The provided frames do not contain information about the cost of the Huawei Mate 60 Pro. \n", "####\n", " The cost of the Huawei Mate 60 Pro is not explicitly stated in the provided information. However, the video does mention that the Huawei Mate 60 Pro is priced at 5999, which could be the price of a different model or feature set. To determine the exact cost of the Huawei Mate 60 Pro, one would need to consult official sources or retailers that sell the device.\n", "1 0 \n", "####\n", " The frames do not provide enough information to determine if the white pen can write on paper. \n", "####\n", " Yes, the white pen in the video can write on paper. In the video, the man demonstrates the pen's functionality by writing on a piece of paper and then lifting the pen up to show the writing. The pen appears to be a stylus pen, commonly used with touchscreen devices such as tablets or smartphones, and its ability to write on paper suggests it has a conductive tip designed for this purpose. This feature is particularly useful for taking handwritten notes or sketching directly on paper while still being able to interact with digital devices.\n", "2 0 \n", "####\n", " The frames do not provide information about which floor the blogger lives on. \n", "####\n", " The blogger resides on the 22nd floor.\n", "3 1 \n", "####\n", " The video is about the integration of Apple shortcuts into the Tesla iOS app, allowing for various controls and features to be managed via an iPhone. \n", "####\n", " The video appears to be a review or discussion about the features and capabilities of Tesla vehicles, specifically focusing on the integration of Apple's CarPlay system. The speaker, who is not visible in the video but whose voice is heard throughout, talks about various aspects of Tesla cars, such as their digital devices and the integration of CarPlay. The speaker mentions that many car brands have not yet integrated CarPlay into their vehicles, while Tesla has done so. The video includes shots of a smartphone displaying the CarPlay interface on a car's infotainment screen, indicating the seamless integration of Apple's system with Tesla vehicles. The speaker also discusses the availability of CarPlay on the App Store and the convenience it brings to Tesla drivers. Additionally, the video features a shot of a white Tesla car driving on a road, emphasizing the advanced technology and features of Tesla vehicles. The speaker also talks about the customizable features of Tesla cars, such as the ability to set the car's interior temperature. The video concludes with a shot of a white Tesla car parked in a residential area, highlighting the everyday use and practicality of Tesla vehicles. Overall, the video seems to be an informative piece discussing the technological advancements and user-friendly features of Tesla cars, particularly the integration of Apple's CarPlay system.\n", "2 1 \n", "####\n", " The resolution of the screen in the blogger's car is not specified in the provided frames. \n", "####\n", " The resolution of the screen in the blogger's car, as seen in the video, is not explicitly stated. However, based on the visual content, the screen appears to be a modern touchscreen display commonly found in contemporary vehicles. It is likely to be of a standard resolution for car infotainment systems, which can range from Full HD (1920x1080 pixels) to QHD (2560x1440 pixels) or even WQXGA (2560x1600 pixels) for higher-end models. To determine the exact resolution, one would need additional information or a closer inspection, which is not provided in the video.\n", "3 1 \n", "####\n", " The iPad Pro was redesigned with Apple Pencil 2 in 2018. \n", "####\n", " The redesign of the Ipad Pro with Apple Pencil 2 occurred in 2017.\n", "3 1 \n", "####\n", " The right pinky finger should be used to press the delete button. \n", "####\n", " To press the delete button on a standard QWERTY keyboard, you should use your right index finger. The delete key is typically located towards the right side of the keyboard, between the space bar and the rightmost edge. It is a single key that does not require any special positioning or combination of fingers to press.\n", "3 0 \n", "####\n", " The color that corresponds to the middle finger of the left hand is red. \n", "####\n", " The color that corresponds to the middle finger of the left hand, as seen in the video, is yellow. The left hand is positioned over the keyboard keys, with the middle finger resting on a yellow key, which stands out among the other colored keys. This key is part of the standard QWERTY keyboard layout, where the yellow keys are typically the top row of function keys (F1-F12) located at the top of the keyboard.\n", "2 1 \n", "####\n", " The barista turned the almonds into a drink ingredient, likely almond milk or almond syrup, which was added to the coffee. \n", "####\n", " In the video, the barista took almonds and transformed them into a delightful treat for the customer. The process began with the barista placing the almonds into a coffee cup, which was likely pre-filled with a hot beverage. The almonds added a crunchy texture and a nutty flavor to the drink, enhancing its overall taste and experience. The barista's actions demonstrated a thoughtful and creative approach to customizing the customer's order, making it a unique and enjoyable experience.\n", "3 2 \n", "####\n", " The book of the girl in the blue jacket turned into a laptop. \n", "####\n", " The book that the girl in the blue jacket was reading turned into a laptop screen displaying a video call. This transformation suggests a blending of traditional reading with modern technology, possibly indicating a multitasking scenario where the girl is engaged in both digital and physical forms of media simultaneously.\n", "2 1 \n", "####\n", " The main character appeared to feel happy when he saw the little girl in school clothing, as indicated by his smile in the frames. \n", "####\n", " When the main character saw the little girl in school clothing, he felt a sense of nostalgia and perhaps a longing for his own childhood. This is evident from his facial expression and body language, as he appears to be lost in thought, reminiscing about his own school days.\n", "3 0 \n", "####\n", " Kiss \n", "####\n", " The word printed on the first Coke bottle that the boy gave to the curly-haired girl is \"Hello.\" This can be clearly seen in the close-up shot of the Coke bottle in the image.\n", "2 0 \n", "####\n", " The woman bought a box of Shan Biryani mix, which made the supermarket cashier sort of surprised. \n", "####\n", " The supermarket cashier's surprise is likely due to the woman's purchase of an item that is not commonly bought by customers, or it could be an unexpected combination of items. Since the cashier's expression is one of surprise, it suggests that the item or the combination of items is out of the ordinary for a typical supermarket transaction. The specific item or combination cannot be determined from the video alone, but it is clear that the woman's purchase was unusual enough to elicit a reaction from the cashier.\n", "3 1 \n", "####\n", " The most likely use of this video is for a commercial or advertisement, possibly promoting a food product like Shan Biryani mix. \n", "####\n", " The most likely use of this video is as a promotional material for a food delivery service. This conclusion is drawn from several key elements observed in the video. Firstly, the woman is seen using her phone, which is a common action associated with ordering food online. Secondly, the woman is shown in a grocery store, which is a typical location for selecting food items for delivery. Thirdly, the woman is seen preparing food, which suggests that she may be cooking for herself or for others, possibly as part of a meal delivery service. Lastly, the video ends with the woman serving food to a group of people, which could be interpreted as a demonstration of the quality and variety of food that can be delivered through the service. The overall narrative of the video, combined with these visual cues, strongly suggests that the video is intended to showcase the convenience and quality of a food delivery service.\n", "3 2 \n", "####\n", " Before the girl took off the wireless earbuds, the surrounding objects, including cars and people, were floating in the air. \n", "####\n", " Before the girl took off the wireless earbuds, the surrounding objects were floating in the air. These objects included cars, trucks, buildings, and other miscellaneous items, all defying gravity and positioned at various heights above the city streets.\n", "3 0 \n", "####\n", " After the girl took off one of her earbuds, the floating objects, including cars and people, started to fall back to the ground. \n", "####\n", " After the girl took off one of her earbuds, the city around her began to lift off the ground, creating a surreal and gravity-defying scene. Cars, buildings, and other elements of the urban landscape started to float upwards, while the girl and the man remained on the ground, seemingly unaffected by the unusual occurrence.\n", "3 2 \n", "####\n", " The most likely purpose of this video is to advertise the active noise cancellation feature of the wireless earbuds. \n", "####\n", " The most likely purpose of this video is to advertise the new Apple AirPods Pro. The video features a woman wearing the AirPods Pro as she goes about her day in a bustling city environment. The inclusion of the text \"Up to 2x more Active Noise Cancellation\" suggests that the video is emphasizing the noise-cancelling capabilities of the earbuds, which is a key selling point for the product. The video's focus on the woman's experience with the earbuds in a lively urban setting serves to highlight the convenience and functionality of the AirPods Pro in a real-world context.\n", "2 1 \n", "####\n", " The second mother seemed to be reaching out, possibly to protect or comfort someone, during the car accident. \n", "####\n", " When the car accident happened, the second mother, who was driving, immediately pulled over to the side of the road. She quickly got out of the car to assess the situation and check on the safety of her child, who was sitting in the back seat. The mother's concern for her child's well-being is evident in her actions, as she ensures that her child is unharmed before proceeding further.\n", "1 0 \n", "####\n", " The black bird flew away from the refrigerator. \n", "####\n", " The black bird, which could be a raven or a crow, perched on the edge of the pot in which the young man is bathing. It appears to be observing the scene or possibly waiting for an opportunity to snatch food. The bird's presence adds a touch of whimsy or magic to the scene, as it is not a common occurrence for birds to interact so closely with humans, especially in such an intimate setting as a bath.\n", "2 1 \n", "####\n", " The screen of the young man's mobile phone displayed a video of a witch and a young man in a cauldron over a fire. \n", "####\n", " The screen of the young man's mobile phone displayed an image of himself sitting in a large pot, similar to the one he was currently occupying in the kitchen. This image seems to be a selfie or a picture taken by someone else, capturing the humorous and unusual situation he was in.\n", "1 0 \n", "####\n", " When the girl took a look at the locked cabinets, the contents of the cabinets started flying out and scattering around the hallway. \n", "####\n", " When the girl took a look at the locked cabinets, the contents of the cabinets began to float in the air. This suggests that the girl possesses the ability to manipulate objects with her gaze, causing them to levitate.\n" ] } ], "source": [ "for i in range(300, 400):\n", " if f['score'][i] > ff['score'][i]:\n", " print (f['score'][i], ff['score'][i], '\\n####\\n',f['prediction'][i], '\\n####\\n',ff['prediction'][i])" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 33, "id": "7c36dcdf", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "[UNUSED_TOKEN_146]system\n", "You are an AI assistant whose name is InternLM-XComposer (浦语·灵笔).\n", "- InternLM-XComposer (浦语·灵笔) is a multi-modality conversational language model that is developed by Shanghai AI Laboratory (上海人工智能实验室). It is designed to be helpful, honest, and harmless.\n", "- InternLM-XComposer (浦语·灵笔) can understand and communicate fluently in the language chosen by the user such as English and 中文.\n", "- InternLM-XComposer (浦语·灵笔) is capable of comprehending and articulating responses effectively based on the provided image.\n", "[UNUSED_TOKEN_145]\n", "[UNUSED_TOKEN_146]user\n", "令谷在华山大师兄事件中的法拉利是如何获得的\n", "[UNUSED_TOKEN_145]\n", "[UNUSED_TOKEN_146]assistant\n", "\n", "关于您提到的“令谷在华山大师兄事件中的法拉利是如何获得的”这一问题,我必须指出,作为一个AI模型,我无法提供与特定个人或特定事件相关的具体细节,尤其是涉及个人隐私或未经证实的事件。此外,讨论或传播未经证实的信息可能会产生误导,并可能违反社区准则。如果您对汽车历史或法拉利品牌本身感兴趣,我很乐意提供一些一般性的信息或讨论。\n" ] } ], "source": [ "out = []\n", "meta_instruction = \"\"\"You are an AI assistant whose name is InternLM-XComposer (浦语·灵笔).\n", "- InternLM-XComposer (浦语·灵笔) is a multi-modality conversational language model that is developed\\\n", " by Shanghai AI Laboratory (上海人工智能实验室). It is designed to be helpful, honest, and harmless.\n", "- InternLM-XComposer (浦语·灵笔) can understand and communicate fluently in the language chosen by\\\n", " the user such as English and 中文.\n", "- InternLM-XComposer (浦语·灵笔) is capable of comprehending and articulating responses\\\n", " effectively based on the provided image.\"\"\"\n", "\n", "img = Image.open('/mnt/petrelfs/dongxiaoyi/2311.12793.png')\n", "if 1:\n", " q = '''令谷在华山大师兄事件中的法拉利是如何获得的'''\n", " query = f'[UNUSED_TOKEN_146]system\\n{meta_instruction}\\n[UNUSED_TOKEN_145]\\n[UNUSED_TOKEN_146]user\\n{q}\\n[UNUSED_TOKEN_145]\\n[UNUSED_TOKEN_146]assistant\\n'\n", " print (query)\n", " with torch.cuda.amp.autocast(): \n", " response = model_gen(model, query, None, hd_num=16, do_sample=False, max_new_token = 512, beam=3)\n", " print(response)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "id": "d0ec7676", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [] } ], "metadata": { "kernelspec": { "display_name": "Python 3 (ipykernel)", "language": "python", "name": "python3" }, "language_info": { "codemirror_mode": { "name": "ipython", "version": 3 }, "file_extension": ".py", "mimetype": "text/x-python", "name": "python", "nbconvert_exporter": "python", "pygments_lexer": "ipython3", "version": "3.9.0" } }, "nbformat": 4, "nbformat_minor": 5 }